Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 17, 1914, Page 14, Image 14
14 j Such Good Suits at Half F'rice Will Appeal to Hustlers and Live-Wires $25.00 Suits From Regular Stock j CA Reduced to- «Pl It's high time to clean up our Men's Clothing Section of all broken sizes. Inventory comes at the close of this month, and good stock-keeping demands the speedy dismissal of all odd sizes. Accordingly we went through our line of $25.00 suits—made by the best clothing makers in America—and we have assembled them for a sale to-morrow at sl2.so—just half price. Awaiting your selection are the finest two and English sacks in such favored patterns as these: Grey Scotch Mixtures. Black and White Check Cassimeres. Tan Scotch Mixtures. ✓ Brown Check Worsteds. Plain Grey Cassimeres. Plain Grey Worsteds Black and White Check Worsteds. Fancy Stripe Grey Cassimeres. White Stripe Grey Worsteds. Special Sale of Men 's Dress and Outing Trousers $5.00 Trousers Q $3.50 Trousers CTO O£T I $2.95 Trousers (£1 QC $2.50 Trousers (tl Reduced to . . j Reduced to . . ! Reduced to . . Reduced to . . Every pair from regular stock. There are several hundred trousers in the lot in a great variety of neat stripe patterns. Grey Flannels. Tafi and Brown Diagonals. Dark Brown Worsteds. Fancy Grey Flannels. Pin Stripe Blue Cassimeres. c , , . Stripe Grey Worsteds. Fancy Stripe Grey Worsteds. Fancy Scotch Mixtures. Plain Grey Cassimeres. Fancy Stripe Grey Cassimeres. Dark Shadow Stripe Grey Worsteds. Men's Clothing, Second Floor Rear, Three Elevators—Stairway Direct From Men's Wear Section t \ TIRES |i I EXTRA SPECIAL SS or QD #21.00 SS or QD .... #21.60 37x5 QD only $24.25 UNITED STATES 28x3 Non-Skids Automobile Tires for Motorcycles, $8.25 |i FORD SPECIALS Double Cured—-Wrapped Tread 30x3 *7.RO 1 30x3V4 #io.as I Over Stic .11x3% »10.S0 | 31x4 $14.5$ Other Slw* 32x3% *ll.lß 31x3% #12.72 33x4 915.73 j Double Cured—Wrapped Trend 34x4 9141.33 1 35x4 *18.87 3«x4 919.45 ELECTRIC HORNS Another lot of SIO.OO Electric Horns, brass or nickel, at $2.08 J. A. PLANK 1017 MARKET ST. Xeit to Keystone .Motor Company ! PHONE 3350 L Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In Effect May 24, 1914. TRAINS leave Harrisburg— For Winchester and Martlnsburc at 6:03. *7:50 a. m., '3:40 p. m. For Hagerstown, Chamber-burg, Car. lisle, Mecnanicsburg and Intermediate etatlons at 6:03, *7:50, *11:63 a. m. •3:40, 5:32. *7:40, *11:00 p. m. Additional trains for Carlisle and Mechanicsburg at 9:48 a. m.. 2:18, 3:27 6:30, 9:30 a. m. For Dlllsburg at 6:03, »7:60 and •11:63 a. m„ 2:18, *6:40, 6:32 and 6:30 p. m. •Dslly. All other trains dally except Sunday. H. A_ RIDDLE JTH TONGE. Q. P. A. TSAM SS ~~1 ntsan Why be nnatlpetH irkfi Retrain does the work. Caa be lul at all drug atorea. — FRIDAY EVENING, HARRI6BURG TELEGRAPH JULY 17, 1914. AT PAXTANG PARK I If you wish to see one of the most [thrilling feats that man has ever at | tempted you will have a chance to see it to-day. Out at Paxtang Park King | Kelly will make an extra high balloon , ascension and try to use six different ; parachutes in his drop earthward. I Many so-called perilous feats pcr j formed in shows are either trickery or j lakes, hut when a man cuts himself loose from a balloon and trusts to his : parachute to open successfully, then I repeats the trick by cutting himself j loose from the first parachute, and so on, until he has opened six 'chutes in a drop of a mile or more, he is taking jsome chances, and even the most skep itioal spectator must acknowledge the man's intrepidity. Parachute jumping Is becoming a rarer form of sport every Coal For Preserving Housewives are busy preserv ing and the kitchen range is fill ed with bubbling kettles. It all depends upon the coal whether the work is progressing satisfactorily. If you burn K el ley's coal you will have all the heat necessary to boil th: jejlies to the right consistency. All pea or pea and nut sizes mixed any way you want it. Just phone your order. H. M. KELLEY & CO. 1 N. Third St.—loth & State Sts. educational j Speed in Stenography DI KING JUNK ANI) JULY. ENROLL ANY MONDAY. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 15 S. MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG. PA. j Harrisburg Business College' Day and Night. Business, j Shorthand and Civil Service. In-1 dividual Instruction. 28th year. 1 329 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. year. It was one of the primitive methods used by man in his attempt to conquer the air, but the courage it , takes to perform the feat will never fail to excite admiration. There is nothing else like it or anything half so spectacular. King Kelly will make two ascensions at the park to-day, one at 4 and one at 8 p. m.—Advertise ment. GOOD THINGS AT THE COLONIAL 1 In addition to a new reel of films made in Harrisburg, and showing a company of actors going through the various scenes of a comedy playlet in the streets of this city, there are many things on the bill at the Colonial Theater for the latter three days of the present week that are worthy of attention of the theatergoer. The local film, entitled "Where's My Cook ?" shows many scenes and hun dreds of people easily recognized by I Harrisburgers, and yesterday's audi ences enjoyed it immensely. There i are three exceptionally good acts on the vaudeville program, and to-night i the usual weekly country store feature will be added, with plenty of ginger top make it thoroughly enjoyable.—Ad vertisement. - . I Superfluous Hair Killed Without Electricity BY A SPECIALIST "I have the greatest trouble with : correspondents who Insist on using common, worthless depilatories or want the torturing barbarous electrical needle applied for killing their super fluous hair," says Mme. Chamlnade in Milady's Boudoir. "More mental and l physical suffering is caused by these I abominable methods than you can Im agine 1 have carefully investlgated', and tried a new and simple method 1 that never fails to remove all signs of I hair completely and painlessly and j 1 without injury to the skin or complex- . ion. In a surprisingly large number I of cases It has destroyed all trace of i I hair so that it has never returned, in I I fact 1 must caution my readers that It' must not be applied to hair that they do not wish totally destroyed. It is called "Mrs. Osgood's Wonder," being i named for a well known woman who' arranged for It to be put on the mar- ! ket after It had succeeded in entirely i eradicating all trace of her own very 1 (distressing growth of hair on >chin, lip , land arms, which everything else had | failed to touch. i Mrs. Osgood's Wonder Is quite lnex- 1 ! pensive; you can obtain it from Ken- > | nedy's Medicine Store, or any up-to date druggist or department store, on ' I the guarantee of your money back, if I, llt falls. Ask for it by name. "Mrs. ! 'Osgood's Wonder": a signed guarantee comes with every package.—Advertise ment. t 540.000 DAMAGE IN YORK COUNTY FLOOD Houses and Mills Wrecked, Live stock Drowned and Crops Ruined by Cloudburst Special to The Telegraph York, Pa., July 17. —In a flood which swept the town of Bull Run, near Long Level, this county, last night, property damage estimated at j $40,000 resulted and a number of per- j sons nearly lost lives. Twenty I I houses were moved from their founda- j j tlons and others were swept Into the | (Susquehanna river. Cigar factories: j were destroyed and mills collapsed and livestock perished. | A cloudburst occurred on that sec j tion of the east slope of Uiver Hills drained by Bull Run. The village stretches out In a hollow along the road between the Long Level turnpike and Craleyvllle and the stream, hardly more than a rivulet under ordinary conditions, follows the road for some distance. Ninety cases of cigars boxed ready for shipment and $2,000 worth of leaf tobacco were reported to have - been swept Into the river. Most of the loss, It Is said, will fall on the I. Lewis Cigar company, of Red Lion. The mill of A. B. Frey was destroyw and also the cigar factory of John Wallace. The entire surface was cut from the roads by the torrent and they will have to be rebuilt. Crops were j destroyed in the fields, which were j buried from ten to fifteen feet under water. Bridges were washed away. Among those who suffered most ! damage were Frank Neff, David Rltz, I Harrison Havener, Ruddy Blouse, Sarah Delllnger, Ollle Frey, Joe Kelly, Amos Kupp and Frank Evans. Marble Man Places Stone on Wrong Grave in Cemetery Special to The Telegraph ColeriUne, Pa., July 17.—A Coleraine township marble man made a strange mistake in the Union Cemetery re cently. Frank A. Patterson, adminis trator of the estate of the late Eliz abeth Burnlte, engaged the artisan to place a stone on the grave. Before paying the bill he visited the plot to see that everything was all right, when to his surprise he found no gravestone. Further, he found the tombstone on the grave of th« lata Levi Barnett. A Sale of Men's Shirts at 95c Fine mercerized fabrics that have the sheen of silk lend distinction to these I shirts at They were made to sell at $1.50 and higher. Sizes to 18. Another lot of those good-looking, cool Ducetine negligee shirts (we've sold hundreds of them this season) on sale to-morrow at ..690 Silk Shirts at $1.9 8 —silk sewed button holes and center pleat to end of shirt. $4.00 tub silk shirts in sizes to 17 in a dozen nifty styles at .*f52.98 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Men's Wear Section, Street Floor. = j EXTRA TALESMEN FOR RUPP MURDER TRIAL Harrisburg Man Charged With > Murder of Farmer to Be Tried at Carlisle Carlisle, Pa., July 17.—Extra tales men were drawn to-day preparatory J for the first murder trial which this c county has had on its hands In a de- t cade. At the September session of s criminal court Max Morganan, alias { Morganthal, alias Bent, alias Stone, 5 charged with the murder of John 1 Rupp at his home near Mechanics burg early In May, will make a fight for his life, and for this reason extra . jurymen have been secured. J Feeling over the shooting of Rupp, r which was at fever height for a time, a but which has died down, ts expected t to revive as the time for the trialaa- t proaches. It Is expected that Mor- g ganan's plea will be self-defense. How- [ ever. It Is said, that relatives of the i dead man will be content with noth- i Ing short of a first degree murder verdict. District Attorney Jasper Alexander I will be aslsted by W. A. Kramer, a former district attorney and leading f criminal lawyer, while Morganan will 4 he represented by two of the younger r members of the bar, W. A. Zerby and 1 E. E. Barnltz, both having extensive 1 practice both here and In the Dauphin 1 courts. i POSTMASTERS NOMINATED Washington. July 17. —Pennsylvania postmasters nominated to-day In cluded: George N. Coryell, Darby, succeed ing Benjamin F. Magnin. Frank M. Longatreth, Lansdowne, succeeding Isaac P. Garrett. William H. Weigel, Elizabeth, suc ceeding George W. Wright. Edward C. Peeling, York, succeed ing Samuel S. Lewis. Business Locals FOUR-CYLINDERS CUT All Abbott-Detroit four-cylinder 1914 models have been reduced in price, which gives you an opportunity of securing a high-grade motor car at the price you would pay for a second grade machine. Come in at once and see the blpgest bargain of your life. Abbott Motor Car Com pany, 106-108 South Second street. REST PLACE TO EAT It a place where you may obtain good food, clean, palatable, and at a very reasonable cost. Menger's restaurant answers all these requirements as we buy only the best and prepare it under the personal supervision of Mrs. Men ger and serve It In a refined quiet din ing room on the cleanest nappery. F-jr the best 35-cent dinner, Menger's, 110 North Second street. CHOICE OF HATS, 45c to »s<) Our entire stock of untrlmmed shapes Is subject to your choice at 4 6 cents to 95 cents each. Nothing reserved. Everything must be sold before the season is over. Trlmm. d hats 95 cents to $5, values up to sl6. Flowers and all trimmings reduced. M*ry C. Glass, ISO 6 Market street, Business Locals , IS YOUR NAME OF VALUE ? Did you ever see the business or professional man who neglects to have his name or the nature of his business stand out prominently as a guide to those who are seeking him or his mer chandise? Your sign Is a beacon of commerce. Let us repaint the old or design a new one. Gohl & Bruaw, 310 Strawberry street. THE TIME TO EAT may be Important from the standpoint of dietlcs, but what you eat and where you eat Is worthy of equal considera tion. If you have not tried the meals or quick lunch at the Busy Bee res taurant, we would suggest an occa sional meal there so as to become fa miliar with the quality and service. 9 North Fourth street. WHEN WE FIT THEM The ladles' pumps will hug the heel and fit like a glove. We have a spe cial value in a low-heeled pump In gun metal with silk bow that Is ex ceptional value at $2.50. Just the thing to make a shapely, trim-looking foot that will look dressy to conform with your dainty summer apparel. Delchler, Thirteenth and Market streets. MAKES YOUR MOUTH WATER B. B. D. Coffee has that delicious taste and delightful aroma that Is un equalled. Careful blending and roast ing after selecting the choicest berries makes this possible. The proof of its quaMty Is In the fact that It Is our "best seller." People keep right on using It year after year. Phone ua for a trial order. B. B. Drum. 110 X tforth Sixth street