► Store Closed at 12 O'clock Friday Accouit of Friday Ha.f Holiday ~—; ; I\eWS ■ $1.25 Tea 98c and $1.25 Men s and Boys' Hats • Excavating was begun yesterday for the new Electric Kettles £f JnT German China _ For VdCHtiOil WcdT ► Elevators which are to be installed within the next few Nickel plated copper tea kot- j fw: SMBII Jmy Decorated German china—sal- 50c White Duck Hats, Friday 29# ► weeks. This is but the beginning of many new improvements jj 1 ||||k 3& anTSpo"' » Men > sl ' 2s and $1.50 Straw' Hats 85* ► which the firm have in mind for the betterment of the store *' c A i»WJr^l | lll«li l> ' < ' ! ' w J » i * Mill ffliili aiilitk clal Mens and Boys 15c Sunshade Straw Hats 8? serv ice. BOWMAN'S—Basement, iflj p^jfljjfyjj BOWMAN'S—Basement. . . Thlrd FIoor—BOWMAN'S The failure of the firm of H. B. Claflin & Company, of ffli&llaaa. l ;flflFrT r 7tf*y tl CO ft|; M IN. \l7:_ J_... New York is the talk of the commercial world and the Re- LOWEST ivl * " In ® ow ceivers' Sale, Monday morning, Julv 13th, had only to be /-yip ft 18 71 96 J-00i\ Dishes Screens \ ™ noun «<* to attract buyers from aU parts of the country. OF THE , #TAf/ffff>l FOR THE dIeST rfiX'y Bargain* i 6 "- A number of our buyers were on the ground and secured some WFFK rnrrki rir> o ► splendid bargains, which we will place on sale as fast as WLLIY -dr GREEN SIGNS BOWMANS— Basement. BOWMAN'S-Basement. ► they arrive. While on this trip Miss Krause, buyer for JMp" ————— —.____ ► ribbons, laces and embroideries, secured some of the snap- gQ c Galvanized \lMffilltil ll i iMIMIKr ,r i 1( » Fruit Far* 7Q- M««. , piest bargains of the season which we place on sale to-dav ® . uaivan,zea Jlfflll Iliißf 15c and 1»C rrillt Jars /9c Mops ~ ... TliKc \JMWiWi® «L> ■ - lIH lijW I Iwill : INIIHF .1- r? n I I .> 11 jars, one quart Self wringing; mops, attached ► Our Miss Musgrove, buyer for White Goods and Lin- UDS >!PvV™"JPV Hji !pi fiiaK Watering Pots Friday Bargain Price, do«. to handle. KrlJay Bargain Price ► ens has bought some phenomenal bargains in the new wood handles, wringer attach- || jf ||||u |l Ipr BOWMAN S— Ba«me n t' > * BOWMAN'S-Basement. Pleated Silk Crepes, Oxford Cloths for skirts and suits; ment, red band painted. Friday ; M JwNillffll|*Spl|ffl{Made of tin, painted red. Frl ► Shadow Flounces, Bordered Crepes and many beautiful sheer 4J)e I i MgIIII day Bargain price, each materials for summer wear. You must see them. BOWMAN'S— Basement. BOWMAN'S— Basement. $1.50 Cut Glass 25c Pails . I— _____ a . nd , 7, ea " 1 .2? t9 - v imited 10 a " d 12 l u » r t galvanized ► | 1 ■ quantitj to sell at this palls. Friday Bargain Price All linen cluny laces and insertions, retailed at 1214 c f PITTA XXn BOWMAN S— Basement. BOWMAN'S— Basement.* 5^ and 15c yard. Special, yard f W U XXUIICLx WvL W UIX6 " ~~ K <, Shadow^ Laces, 15 and 18 inches wide. Regular 25c value. tV I For tllG Boy 3,t ► Swiss Flouncing, 27 inches wide. Regular 'sOc' and 75c ? f Greatly RedUCed PriCeS \ values. Special, yard 35ik , / WXIXX WW „ , P I ( NkgOy / Boys $.i.00 Cassimere and Homespun Norfolk Suits, in r RTBBOTfS Sm# / l\/r a D I Ci I l -1 O grays, tans and mixtures. Some have 2 pair of knickerbock [ AU desirable wid^"l,"'™SL Most Popular Styles For Summer Wear er S special ...... ... r T nt n i r.iAr«>= r n Cl • -p. • . bovs Cassimere Norfolk Suits, sizes 6to 10 years. Gray F.^^lh^^UTrnd S^ P rrl m £2SO $3 00 and <ll* 4no only. Forme, values w r eg^and MS , ? . Special ..51.50 r inches wide. V alues from 75c to 89c. Special, at, yard, 45t *pO»\J\J dllil | UK V 50 pieces Satin Ribbon .all shades 5 and 6 inches wide. <*4- 15c Fruit $1.25 to $3.00 f Sells regularly at 25c. Special, yard 17? 1|1«P DJiirLS <il p Lace Curtain, L Main Floor—bowman's. Lace turtams y 7 ~~ ■ Alade of the finest quality of ratine, with long tunic and press or potato masher. Friday One h pa'rTola e on"y. laC pal < r! rtalnS ' ►ci i 5^ alni 2 r o * o sfoc 5 f oc Dr ? SS LinenS big PCarl bUtt ° nS - All Waist measures from 23 to 29. BOWMANS-Basement. BOWMAN'S-sitth°Ffol; 50 L Salp nt Nntinne .. End » of natural color dress wdmMmh ► k ' a,c U1 "Uiiuus linen, yard wide, yard _ 121/d> ————■ """""""Mm $3.50 Extra Size tf-i QQ 15c Window SI.OO Table ► SB Skirts, Friday Only nPJ-• ► BDools P linen flnlsh thread, . Friday Bargain prioe, yd., 19(» SK&BSgSNtjffl , , . 100 of patterns to select from. Fri . Fioor.' BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. deep timiCS, big pearl buttons. Made of imported BOWMAN'S—Basement. day ..., * ratine —— Mall > FIoor—BOWMAN'S. »• 39c Ratines 50c Ramie Linen Second Remnanh of ► Yard-wide, light hlue. tan and 4« inches wide, lilac only. Fri- —— ClirtaUl Materials 15c Cushion ► cadet - Frid *>' Bargain Price, yd. «»>' Bargain price, yard. .. 25( , Men's $1 00 , "f Swiss, scrim and TftrJ. 9 y 2 $ BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. T* • J „ TJ , . S <P*»WW lace in useful lengths From LOrdS ► BOWMAN"B Main Floor. 1? Tld-dy JJargaillS 111 GIOVCS Pajamas uitr asc to"SOc 'qu\ 1 Fties* Yajd". colo'rs. 0 ►CA C-l. Da- 50 and 59c S " k .f ,OVeS ' black andWW e - w^, n BOWMAN'S-Fourth F100r. 90 Bc Ta " ela f ° r CU " hl0 «» -'lO 50c Silk Ratines n C x Regular sl.2d and S-.00 values. Friday, pair 7i)o BOWMAN's —Fourth Floor. ►, Yard wide, aii silk, pink, tan. Dlireaii ocarfs 23-inch Silk Gloves in black and white; regular SI.OO Ma 'n FIoor— BOWMANS. ' f . cn ja«nno y rose, brown and lilac, yard _ Lace trimmed. embroidered values. Pair 69<" ————« #«.DU and ► BOWMAN's —Main Floor' >( " ""bowmln' . ,J£ button len ?^ h Lisle Gloves in tan and pongee; regu- Men's 50r Net Curtains Women's 25c „ lar value. Friday, pair 19* iWen 8 «™C small io« of ecru net c.rt.m. \r. ► I or r* I • t 2-clasp Milanese Silk Gloves, assorted colors, all sizes. Underwear Two* c""- women's „ hl(e , . „ 50c Crepe De Chines 25c Cushion Tops Regular /re value Pair 50e Gray mixed underwear— most- talnS ' Pa 'Vt in I «Rr da Ck ' slcevele "' Seconds.FrN Printed crepe de chines dark „ and oblong, made of 2-clasp Silk Gloves—odds and ends of 75c and SI.OO ly Bhirts ' Seconds. Friday, each, riWWKS "">«■ W , Bow lu . M ,,n„. .ow»»w«« Lawa and Porch Furniture 'eo r f 28c Tickinir „ n ~?. C Men's and Boys' Special Bargains for the Half Day ► 59c Corset Covers s Wall Paper Plisse Crepe 50c Shirts §?. 98 Lawn Swings, 4 passenger, Friday bargain price, $.>.89 " mlngs 6 of flrfe" lace,' emhroideTy inf® Vlue*" and* 1 S"hU. P l^H f e tlck " From 6to 10 rolls in a lot forfln^fnrtXrwL\ hin f Made of percales and madras, $3-48 Lawn Swings, 2-paSSenger, Friday bargain price, $4.69 ► bon Trawn sreciai be . a . d ' n . g 47 h c «tripe. yard Igi u f Bomo iot_s for sm_aii i 1(. Frwa'y. c W.oO Green Uwn Benches, with arms, Friday .... «8.69 ► BOWMAN-S-Second Floor. BOWMAN'S Main Floor. Fourth Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. Main FIoor— BOWMAN'ST 52.98 Green Lawn Henches Friday bargain price .... $2.48 . ————— —— ©-.Vo Army Lots, just the bed for campers $1.98 ————— __ . ————— Camp Stools. 10? and 25?; with back 39«k „ 50c Bungalow 16c Bleached R«„.» ic 25c White Men's $1.50 .98 Black Enameled Babv Coach sl3 98 ! Aprons Muslin « oys 15c Corduroy Shirts ' ** ''"Sl^ Made of light and dark per- 4t Inches wide. By seaming 1 llinkS - Just the material for summer t c ' ua ]J t y " f madras; soft so c rronupf Sets fnnr halle anri „„n„tc " cales, bound in contrasting col- *lll make fine sheets. Yard suits and dresses. 36 inches French cuffs. Friday Bargraln croquet oets, lOlir nails and mallets 69? ► ors. Special Trunks or bathing shirts. Fri- <vide ' Vard 13? prlce $1.19 sl-50 large Dolls, Friday bargain price 85* BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Flo6r. day Bargain price, each ...10? Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S —— ■ BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. —————— ————— 29c White Aprons 8 q Sh . , 4g q . Men's 50c 3 * oo Summer Curtains Boys' 19c Hose Round and square, lace and „ , l/jSier ICII ® ** WC For arch or door drapery, col- Plain black, double heeln , embroidery trimmed. Special Made of Mohawk muslin, size OJJ la/ ll7L*a !• Nlffht Qln'rtc ors are red and green. Also toes; fine ribbed; all sizes psi. 19? S ecial Slightly soiled. Udd Lot 01 White Linen Wlgni tSniriS pretty cottage curtains. Pair, slz ® B p'j ' Second Floor BOWMAN'S. vet. a 57? f , v . rv nrAt »,. _,,, ._ . With or without collar. Made $1.50 BOWMAN'S M i BOWMAN'S-Maln Floor. White Goods Russian cheS of good quality of mualin. Fri- BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor Main Floor. # wide. Friday, yard ••••371/e 39? —> Children's "™ S on £ ,8t i n § of madras, lawns Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.' 2 BOWMAN'S-Maln Floor. ——— Table Oil Cloth Wash Hats ' co?o?ed MM Pi,, ow Cases Apron Gingham 15c Toweling .n Al ro,o^ 1 a 0 ?e to wK^ th b e ,u p i » ' SpeClal 79? 4Scinch of .iil° ha, F t rld 1 a U y l, Bar 4 l,?: BOWMAN'S-Maln Floor. . Best quality of apron gingham Play° W " FHdfy'"f. Bo ". ed BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor. ' Second Floor BOWMAN'S. -. g- BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor . ' ————— BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. , BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.' 2 ———— Japanese $1.39 to $1.69 « 9 ' Red . SI.OO and $1.25 Lantern. White Dresses Joc fillow Table Covers 75c Tumblers 5c Face Curtain Strips Frftly. ttn' . t0 BeJect rS?cioths W s w^w...^r.s; . Sizes 2 to 6 years." J cases. 45-inch ,i,e. Special Main Floor-BOWMAN'S, BOWMAN'S—Basement Second Floor BOWMAVI BOWMAN'S-Maln Floor 2 f ° F 3? Rubber Stair Pads -e.ond FIoor—BOWMAN S. _ ___ _ Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. ... , , A hze 6xlß inches lle „ SHOES SHOES Women s 10c Vests igS lift &%%* 32c and 28c 28c and 30c w 7 ' - w nm a.'. s,e B eV e e a s Ched FrX 8 ' BOWMAN'S-Fourth Floor! Sheeting Awning Strioe Friday Until 12 O'clock o C 0In ® n s each 5? jsS S 3 t ° 'M 1 «2TVJvr ® ummc f . r footw 7 w h hen * ou need i 4 most - »L „ B ,e. double heel. Women's A 2scfait R 6 ' 9B GrasS ' , - Frld ay. 3 pairs. s«c. Women S LOC l\Mt KugS BOWMAN'S Main Floor. BOWMAN'S-Maln Floor. Only. Also boys' fine Sample siloes in high and low stvles. * 'bowmak-sIIm V- Pants ft Ja^ a " e « rasa rugs, size 9x12 _. . Sizes 3to 4Yi. \ alues $2.00 to 53.00. Fridav, pair ..Si.OO an °° r ' or tight knees, light $2.98 Friday Bargains in Parasols c . u ;? / men 'i |p w u ? nd hi^ shoes - tan and b ' ,ack and white - p {h bowmans-Koum M oor. You will want one nf tV>«c A • j S t0 o g ra( le shoes worth $2.50 to $3.50 pair. Women's 25c Hose BOWMAN'S-Main Floor. ' YOU Win Wcint one o f these during your vacation. Fridav, pair #1 no n«"«eu swi note 71/,,* iol / sols l 1 embroidered and scalloped edge para- '-'Buster Brown" shoes for misses' and' 'children 'and b£ weffi Women's 39c and Wll P sols regular $4.30 value. Friday $2.25 girls. Sizes up to size 5/, women's. Values $1.75 to $2 50 Seconds Fr,day palr 13? JL 0 ®® 11 » and Wall Papers 1 lain silk with deep Persian and fancy borders. Reeu- Friday, pair wi BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. 50c Vests Kitchen papers and bedroom lar ? ri 23 J° Y alues : Frida y $.3.75 Women's white nubuck and canvas high and low shoes, yokes " and 00l fS! 1 J" v"th"match"bo"d r^Sr^.^S^^Fri^.^.*'r!. b SE£S slightly soiled. ™ ~ e„, E C C 0 S D #nal ' No "Changes or refunds and no goods "n't, .MW Uwn , 10c BatUte. Main Floor ROWVAva Sent C. (J. L). silk boots; lisle garter tops; LtBWnS Print.ri k.i . .< PP "" b,aCk ' and - Co,or '-'' - F1 29? day'bargain M < ■ tk A -. - AA a. aa. A.A.A.A.AAA a. . A ... .. . BOWMAN'S Main Floor BOWMAN'S-Maln Floor. 2 BOWMAN'S-Maln Floor ' General "Shutdown" in Stove Plant Denied Special to The Telegraph Reading, Pa., July lfi.—H. E. Camp bell, of the Reading; Stove Works, de nies that there has been any general "shutdown" in his plant, as Indicated In a recent news dispatch. Mr. Campbell explains that follow ing the general custom of the stove business for the month of July, tome of the departments hare been closed for the purpose of making: necessary repairs preparatory to the rush season which takes place in the Fajl. Several departments of the Read ing Stove Works are running, al though the molding room is tem porarily Idle, for the reason set forth. THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JULY 16, 1914. LOCAL PICTLRES AT CtJLO.MAL , m . v TODAY My, Cook?" Is the title of a new motion picture comedy that will ».R, r .l"J n . t f d at i he Colonial for there three days of the week. This picture was made In Harrlsburir by a th^flrl'Z.r, 0 - 1 i t «? lrty " flve Payers and In J? ® liferent scenes at least 250 are seen so plainly that *}~ ™ B "ybe recognized. This film is exceedingly funny from start to nrJfi?' ?? d V" Bcen ® B will at once make i S ct that the picture was Uf ™.!h 8 111 er# at ho ™ e - A new bill or vaudeville comes along to-day for th« balance of the week, ft Is made up ™ three acts direct from the Keith Circuit.—Advertisement. START THE VICTROLA AND DANCE All the newest one-steps, hesitations and tangos*. Special dance outfits, $25 up. J. H. Troup Music House, 15 South Market Square.—Advertisement. Results of College Exams Announced at Academy Reports of the results of examina tions conducted several weeks ago at the Harrisburg Academy were received yesterday by Headmaster Brown. Six of the entrants passed in all subjects attempted and five In all subjects "but one. Recommendations and subjects taken by the students are as follows: Rpoommendied to Princeton George Jeffers: Algebra 1, Latin A. John C. Kunkel, Jr.: Latin A, Latin B. Latin C, English A, English B, English History, Algebra 1, Alge bra 11, Plane Geometry, French B and German A. David R. Shotwell: English B, Al- gebra 1, Plane Geometry, Solid Geom etry, Latin A, Latin B, Latin C, French A and German A. W. A. Smiley: English B, Ancient History, English History, Algebra 1, Algebra 11, Plane Geometry, Latin A, Latin B. Craig Smith: Algebra 2, Plane Geometry, Latin B, Latin C, Greek A and Greek B. James H. Stewart: Plane Geom erty, Latin A. Latin B, Latin C, Ger man B. Recommended to Yale Edwin J. Baum: Algebra 2, Plane Geometry, Bolld Geometry and Ger man A. Alfred W. Clemson: Algebra 2, Solid Geometry and Plane Trigonom- i etry. Edward N. Cooper: Ancient Hi*- i Tory, Algebra 2, Plane Geometry, and German B. James Wlckersham: English A, Ancient History, English History, Al gebra 1, Algebra 2, Virgil, Latin Com position and French A. George Bailey: Algebra 1. William S. Bailey: Algebra 1. Robert W. Seltz: English B, Plane Geometry, German A, Cicero and Latin Composition. George 8. Bennethum: English B, English History, Algebra 1, Advanced Algebra, Solid Geometry and Trigo nometry. Albert H. Stackpole: English A, English B and German A. Recommenced College Entrance Board—Robert V. F)na«gr; Algebra 1, Plane Geometry, Solid Geometry and German B. John W. Oenslager: Caeser, Alge bra 2, Elementary German, Latin Prose Composition. Mercer B. Tate: English A, Latin Grammar, Latin Prose Composition and Algebra 2. SHAMROCK IV READY TO SAIL Gosport, England. July 16.—Every thing is ready for the departure on July 18 for the United States of Sham rock IV, Sir Thomas Lipton's chal lenger for the America's cup. Her compasses have been adjusted, her ketch rig fitted and the steam yacht Erin, also belonging to Sir Thomas Llpton, is waiting to convoy her across the Atlantic, Business Locals WHERE SHALL I GO ? To the Victoria, of course! When you are strolling around aimlessly and have no particular place to go and nothing of importance that needs im mediate attention, step into the Vic toria Theater and see the humor, drama or scenic attractions of the world. The new Alms first and always the best at the Victoria. Harrisburg Carpet Co. 32 North Second Street 3
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