Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 16, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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The Store Closes at Noon Tomorrow
Calamity howling never improved conditions anywhere at any time,
so let us all get together and work in the interest of better times.
No Friday Morning
Specials sent C. O.
D., or Mail or Tele
phone orders filled.
Men's Trousers
$2 and $2.50 Quality,sl.4s
Men's $2.00 and $2.50 trousers,
in plain grey, tan, grey stripe, dark
stripe worsted and cassimeres; sizes
32 to 42 waist. Extra special Fri
day morning only $1.45
50c and 75c Office
Coats, 39c
Black, black and white stripe and
tan office coats; sizes 32 to 48
stouts and sizes for boys 14 to 18
years. Extra special Friday morn
ing only 39#
Boys' Wash Suits, 95c
Regular $3.50 and $5.00 suits, of
white pique and white galatea; Nor
folk style, in sizes 8, 9, 10 and 14
years. Extra special Friday morn
ing only 950
Boys' Wash Suits
Regular $5.00 value, in tan linen
Norfolk style, regular stock; sizes
16 and 17 years. Extra special Fri
day morning only $1.95
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor.
15c White Crepe, 9c
15c white plisse crepe for under
wear, 29 inches wide; good quality
and desirable lengths. Extra spe
cial Friday morning only 90
15c Checks, 8c
Pajama checks, in assorted white
patterns; regularly 15c a yard; 36
inches wide. Extra special Friday
morning only 80
Dimity Checks, 6^c
IZyic white dimity checks; 27
inches wide. Extra special Friday
morning only 6'40
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor.
Hotel Conewngo—On Lake Cone
wago; mod. convs. Apply to Samuel
Lewis, Manager, Mount Gretna, Pa.
For hotel norom. or four over battle
field, wile or nee llnrry W. I,one. Spec-
Inl Tourlts liiililc, 1111 Chambernburg
atreet. Gettysburg, Pa,
Beat Located Popular Price Family
Hotel In Atlantic City, N. J.
New York Avenue, 50« yards from
Boardwalk. Overlooking Lawn and
Ocean, capacity 400. Elevator, private
baths, running water.
New Features LAWN TENNIS
Bathing from hotel, free shower baths.
RATES: $9, $lO, $12.50, sls, $17.50
weekly. $2 up dally. AMERICAN PLAN,
Write for free booklet and points of
Interest in Atlantic City.
Kentucky Ave., near the Beach. Near
all churches, piers and depots. Excel
lent table, private baths, new metal
beds. Bathing from hotel. Elevator.
$1.50 day up, $9 to sls weekly..
Leading; High-emus Moderate Rate
AI RFMARI F V,rK,n '" Av *- elose to
AL.DL.irmf\L,E l|)flnpKt |, nlh |„ B
yachting, all ocean piers, theaters,
etc., etc. Coolest location, open sur
roundings; 4.000 ft. porches; 100
large, cool front rooms; private
baths, elevator: exceptionally good
table, fresh vegetables and sea-food
from private supply; good cooks, at
tentive, courteous service. Specially
catering to families and those desir
ing the comforts, conveniences and
attractions of the larger, luxurious
hotels without the excess in cost.
Reduced July rates —$9 10. $12.50 up
weekly; $2 up dally. Booklet. Es
tablished ownership management.
IVI noted rain excclloit table
ATE KATES; moM desirably located. Kentucky AT*.
»nd Beach. Choice rooms, private bath*, latent
improvement*. Hrapa beds. Attractive lobby and
parlors. Capacity COO. Cool verandnn. Good music.
Social features. 10th year ownership management.
Fresh vegetables and poultry, prime meat*, nearby
etfps. All food supplies of Attest quality. Special rates
|2.00 up dally. $lO. UD weekly. Am. plan. Auto meets
trains. Descriptive folder mailed. A,. Conrad Kkholm
fHANNFI I Excellent table. Pleas
ant surroundings. Illi
nois and Pacific Aves. Facing ocean,
running water, private baths. Capacity
300. $8 up weekly. Newly furnished
throughout. 15th season. Swing and
amusements for children. Window
screens. Booklets. A. C. CHANNEL!,,
Owner and Prop. Formerly of Arkan
•taa and Pacific Avea.
Scrupulously clean, electric lighted
throughout. White service. Hot and
cold water baths. |1.25 and $1.50 dally
|7 and $8 weekly. Estab. 35 years
Booklet Emerson Crouthamel, Mgr.
Novelty White Goods
25c to 39c fancy novelty white
goods for waists and dresses. Ex
tra special Friday morning only,
12/ 2 0
10 Yards Longcloth, 57c
10 yards of regular 10c English
longcloth. Extra special Friday
morning only 570
English Nainsook
10 yards of 14c Manhattan
English nainsook; 36 inches wide.
Extra special Friday morning only,
39c White Crepe, 25c
Fancy Nub stripe crepe for
waists and dresses; regularly 39c.
Extra special Friday morning only,
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Wash Dress Goods
29c colored crepes, 36 inches
wide, in solid shades. Special Fri
day morning only i. . 12^0
I2V2C Dimities, 10c
White and colored ground dim
ities, in good styles; regular
quality. Special Friday morning
only, yard 100
65c Crepes, 29c
Crepe dc chine, in floral designs;
regular 65c quality; 36 inches wide.
Special Friday morning only, 290
Stripe Voiles
50c silk stripe voile, in white
grounds and silk stripes. Special
Friday morning only 390
• Colored Ratine
75c ratines, 36 inches wide, in
dress lengths. Special Friday morn
ing only ...- 190
Linen Crepe
A serviceable weave, 45* inches
wide; regularly $1.30. Special Fri
day morning only 750
Colored Suiting
15c black and white check suiting.
Special Friday morning only, 100
Dives, Pomeroy" & Stewart, Street Floor.
The musical instrument which he pro
claims the perfection of the talking
machine. Come in anv time. J. H.
Troup Music House, 15 South Market
from Beach. The most popular section.
Between the two famous piers, central
to all attractions; modern, high class
hotel, as good as the best; capacity 250.
Will make very special terms of $5, $lO,
$12.50, sls up weekly. Including large
I ocean rooms, metal beds, elevator,
i baths, phones, superior table with white
service; table supplied direct from farm;
pure water, sanitary plumbing, porches
overlook the ocean and Boardwalk.
Booklet. W. F. WATTS.
Corner Atlantic and Connecticut Aves.
Pure food, cleanliness. $1 16 up dally,
$7 up weekly. Take Inlet trolley. GEO.
D. BTITZEL, Proprietor.
Tennessee Ave. and Beach. Ideal lo
' cation convenient to railroad station,
churches, piers and amusements. Ex
cellent table, home comforts. $1.50 up
daily. $8 up weekly. A. HEALY.
32 No. Massachusetts Ave. First-class
boarding from $8 to $lO weekly. All
Most popular, attractive, homelike hotel
HOTEL BORTON a"n e d a'Ten
nessee Ave. Cheerful surroundings.
Booklet. E. B. VOORHEES, owner and
The Lexington Ground wlthV.n*
nls courts adjoining beach. Only hotel
where ituewts may »•> from house to
surf In bathing attire without using
I atreeta, which la prohibited. Care of
bathing suits and use of bath houses
is free. Running water in rooms; prl
- vate baths. Tango parlors; orchestra.
$1.50 and up dally. $8 to $17.60 weekly
American plan. White service. Book
let. PAUL C. ROSECRANS. Manager.
and beach. Ocean view; capacity 350'
private buths. Running water In
room; elevator; music. Special sl2 50
up weekly; $2.50 dally. Open all the
year. Booklet. SAM'L ELLIS.
■ Ave. and Beach. Center of attractions
■ Ocean view. Renovated throughout'
, Capacity, 300. Elevator. Private
' baths. White service, etc. Superior
I table. Special sl# up wkly; $2 dly
I Bklt. M. A. SMITH.
Virginia Ave. near beach; best loca
tion. Capacity 300. Thoroughly modern'
elevator, private baths, etc.; excellent
table. $2.50 up daily, $12.60 up weekly
Booklet. E. H. LUNDY.
I Michigan Ave., near Beach. All outside
rooms, open surroundings. Excellent
table. $1.60 up dally, $8 to $12.60
weekly. C. &. GaiRKEN.
Women's White
Canvas Shoes
Women's $2.00 and $2.50 white
canvas button shoes, sligtilv soil
ed. not all sizes. Special Friday
morning only SI.OO
Women's Colonial Pumps
Women's $2.50 gun metal calf Co
lonial pumps with dull metal
buckles, light weight soles, with
high Cuban heels. Special Friday
morning only $1.75
Girls' Gun Metal Pumps
Girls' $2.00 gun metal calf pumps
with silk ribbon bows, stitched
soles and low heels. Special Fri
day morning only $1.35
Children's Pumps
Children's $1.25 red skin pumps
with one-strap stitched soles and
low flat heels. Special Friday
morning only 750
Misses' Oxfords
Misses' $1.50 black kidskin four
button oxfords, broad toe lasts with
stitched soles and low flat heels.
Special Friday morning only. .950
Misses' $1.50 white canvas play
oxfoitls with red rubber stitched
soles, sizes \2]/ 2 to 1. Special Fri
day morning only 980
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor.
Porch Furniture
$4.50, $4.75 and $5.95 Porch
Settees. Special Fridav morning
only $2.19
$1.75 Porch Rockers. Special
Friday morning onlv 950
$3.25, $3.50. .$375 and $4.25
Porch Chairs. Special Friday morn
ing only $1.49
One $19.50 Cedar Chest. Special
Friday morning only $12.95
One $16.50 bird's-eye maple
dresser. Special Friday morning
only '.... $9.90
49c Tabourets. Special Friday
morning only 290
$1.25 Mission Book Racks. Spe
cial Friday morning only 90^
$5.50 Felt Mattresses. Special
Friday morning only $3.09
Dives Pomeroy & Stewart. Third Floor.
, idwk iElsjaHHflKfmHnß) ,< wnJsl
Samuel C. Cunkle, agent of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, is seen on the left of
the upper photograph which was snapped by the Telegraph photographer while the cruelty agent was making
??n lr *®P ec tl° n of the pound. With him from left to right are Moses Montgomery and Harry Harp who help to
kill the impounded hounds.
. The lower left etching shows a pen in which the dogs are held until their turn comes to meet the fate of
tne unlicensed. On the right is seen the entrance into the execution chamber of the pound.
Women's Neckwear
Shadow lace and net Fischus,
trimmed with Valenciennes lace, in
white and ecru, values to $1.50. Spe
cial Friday morning only 250
Warp Print Ribbon
29c Warp print ribbon in beau
tiful Dresden patterns on light
grounds. Special Friday morning
only, yard 170
Women's parasols in figured and
fancy border effects, values to $1.25.
Special Friday morning only, 590
Women's Linen
Women's pure linen handker
chiefs, one corner embroidered;
value. Special Friday morn
ing only 70
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Laces and Embroideries
25c Linen Clunv Lace Edge in
white; 2 to 3V 2 inches wide. Spe
cial Friday morning only, yard,
1 2^20
Maltese Lace Edges and In
sertions in white; 1 to 2 inches
wide. Special Friday morning
onlv, yard v.- • • •
15c fancy Lace Bands, 2 to 4 in
ches. white and ecru. Special Fri
day morning only, yard 50
59c Swiss Embroidery Flouncing,
45 inches wide. Special Friday
morning only, yard 190
25c Swiss Embroidery Insertion
and Galloons, 1 to 3 inches wide.
Special Friday morning only, yard,
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Men's Pajamas in a Sale
Four hours of activity are promis
ed for to-morrow morning in the
men's store when you may choose
actual SI.OO pajamas, in sizes 15 to
18. at 690
Men's $2.98 pajamas $1.50
Men's $1.50 white pajamas, 95^
D., P. & S.. Men's Store. Street Floor.
5c Toweling, 2 1 /zc
5c bleached cotton twill toweling.
Special Friday morning only, yard,
2 j/ 2 0
5c Napkins, 4c
5c hemmed mercerized napkins.
Special Friday morning only .. 40
SI.OO Bed Spreads, 63c
SI.OO hemmed crochet bed
spreads. Special Friday morning
only 630
50c Table Damask, 29c
50c mercerized table damask; 64
inches wide. Special Friday morn
ing only 290
50c Dress Linen, 25c
50c dress linen, 36 inches w'de.
Special Friday only 250
17c bleached Turkish towels. Spe
cial Friday morning only .... 110
50c and 59c Turkish towels. Spe
cial Friday morning only .... 390
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Sheets and Pillow Cases
59c bleached sheets; 76x90 inches.
Special Friday morning only, 490
22c bleached Pillow Cases; 45x
36 inches. Special Friday morning
only 180
10c bleached Pillow Cases; 42x36
inches. Special Friday morning
only 90
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Drug Sundries Reduced
Brown cream shaving stick, in
metal box. Special Friday morning
only 90
25c never shed lather brushes,
Williams' 8c shaving cake ... 50
Bule Ribbon Bay Rum; bottles
not supplied, pint 350
Medicated tar soap 80
Imported violet and rose toilet
soap 50
Crescent Ammonia for laundry
work 9$
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor.
[Continued From First Pago]
age and in the meantime traffic will
be moved by way of Philadelphia and
The storm was peculiar and went
down the river and back again at
least seven times before very much
rain fell. The water rushing across
fields destroyed many acres of fine
corn and tobacco.
A barn was burned at Willow
street, but as all telephone wires in
that vicinity are down, particulars
could not be ascertained.
The Conestoga river was very high
and at New Providence and Willow
Street picnic parties were cut off by
the water and some had to wade in
water knee deep, while others were
rescued by boats.
A large warehouse owned by Abra
ham Deullnger, at Washingtonboro
was struck by lightning and two-thirds
of the roof torn off, but the building
was not fired. Mr. Eshelman. a clerk,
was In the office at the time and was
stunned by the stroke. The stable of
William Wall, nearby, was struck and
the cornice knocked off.
A bridge over Stehman's creek near
Washingtonboro was washed away
and the high waters of this stream de
stroyed several acres of fine tobacco.
The railroad signal service between
Columbia and Safe Harbor is entirely
out of commission. A landslide oc
curred at Sliding Rock, completely
covering the tracks and several large
sewers under the roadbed burst.
A picnic of the Methodist Church
of Washingtonboro was being held at
York Furnace and those in attend
ance had to return home by way of
Perryville, Md., and Lancaster.
Near MUlersville, hail and rain were
very heavy and did much damage.
Lightning struck the home of Fred
erick Dasher and ripped the weather
boarding off the building but did n<?t
set fire to It. Mrs. Dasher was se
verely shocked by the stroke.
The public road back of Acomac
was so badly washed that it will cost
j several thousand dollars to repair the
damage. Several large trees are
standing with all their roots exposed,
the earth being entirely washed away.
During the storm a rowboat floated
down the Susquehanna past Marietta,
but It Is not known where it came
from or the fate of »he occupants.
Several fishing parties wera on the
river and some of them saw the boat
as it passed-
At Lltitz Springs Park members of
several picnic parties took refuge on
the pavilion and were kept there by
the rushing water until 8.30 o'clock,
when they were taken off by boats.
The Adamston trolley line was com
pletely blocked by an immense land
slide. At Columbia the rain was very
heavy but not much damage was
Men's Bow Ties
25c silk hand bows. Special Fri
day morning, 6 for 255 ; each, 5$
10c washable ties. Special Fri
day morning, 3 for 10$
Boys' 50c and SI.OO blouse waists.
Special Friday morning, 3 for
$1.00; each 35$
Men's Cuff Links
25c initial cuff links. Special
Friday morning 15$
Bathing Suits
Boys' SI.OO bathing suits. Friday
morning 69$
Boys' $1.50 bathing suits. Fri
day morning $1.15
Men's SI.OO bathing suits. Fri
day morning 09$
Men's $2.50 bathing suits. Fri
day morning $1.85
Men's $2.95 bathing suits. Fri
day morning $2.00
Men's $3.98 bathing suits. Friday
morning $2.95
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store.
Women's Sweaters
$2.98 fancy and solid weave
sweaters; white only. Special Fri
day morning only $1.95
$4.00 sweaters, in various colors,
$5.98 Norfolk sweaters ... $4.79
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Men's Store.
$3.50 Vacuum Washing
Machines, 44c
This same washing machine was
sold all through this field for $3.50
by canvassers. On Friday morning
only we offer the machine for 44$
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement.
Specials in the Basement
sl.lO Ramakins with nickel hold
er 49$
$2.00 buillon cups, with nickel
holder 09$
$1.50 cherry seeders 98$
$2.75 high wheel lawn mowers,
$9.98 marble pedestals . .. $2.98
10c china cups and saucers . . 5$
$1.50 Rayo nickel plated lamps,
complete 98$
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement.
No Need to "Rest Up" After a
Colorado Vacation
"Tell me where I can go for a vaca
tion without having to rest up when I
fet back," said a business man to me—
said "Colorado." and when he return
ed he agreed with me.
The pure, exhilarating air—the Ideal
surroundings—-the Interesting tramps
thro' the picturesque spots—invite and
charm and send the traveller home
completely rented —resplendent in good
health and vigor.
So when you're on the vacation prob
lem —decide on Colorado —revel in its
grandeur—enjoy its wonders and go
with the feeling that you'll come back
fully rested.
Don't let the cost scare you off for
you can live as inexpensively in Colo
rado as at home. Good rooms and fare
can be had -is low as SB.OO per week.
I will supply you with any infor
mation you seek—help you select a
suitable loV-prlced hotel or boarding
house and furnish you with maps and
pictures of Colorado.
Call or write and I will send you an
illustrated booklet about Colorado, thn
hotels, etc.. and tell you anout the spe
cial low-price tickets that are sold to
Colorado, and about the comfortahla
train service ever "The Burlington"
<C B. & Q- R' R*) Ballroad.
Wm. Austin, General Agent Passen
ger Depts., C. B. & Q. R. R. Co., 838
Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
By a Stomach Specialist
As a specialist who has spent many
| years in the study and treatment of
I stomach troubles, I have been forced to
the conclusion that most people who
complain of stomach trouble possess
stomachs that are absolutely healthy
and normal. The real trouble, that
which causes all the pain and difficulty,
is excessive acid in the stomach, ag
gravated by food fermentation. Hyper
acidity irritates the delicate lining of
the stomach and food fermentation
causes wind which distends the stomach
abnormally', causing that full bloated
feeling. Thus both acid and fermenta
tion Interfere with and retard the pro
cess of digestion. The stomach Is
usually healthy and normal, but Irri
tated almost past endurance by these
foreign elements acid and wind. In
all such cases —and they comprise over
90 per cent, of all stomach difficulties
—the first and only step necessary is
to neutralize the acid and stop the fer
mentation by taking in a little warm or
cold water immediately after eating,
from one to two tenspoonfuls of bls
urated magnesia, which is doubtless the
best and only really effective antacid
and food corrective known. The acid
will be neutralized and the fermen
tation stopped almost Instantly, and
your stomach will at once proceed to
digest the food In a healthy, normal
manner. Be sure to ask your drug
gist for the hisurated mngnesia, as 1
have found other forms utterly lack
ing In Its peculiarly valuable prop
erties. —F. J. O.—Advertisement.
Compare it with any and all other
player pianos; you'll be more than
satisfied to pay the difference for an
Angelus. J. H. Troup Music House,
1 15 South Market Square.—Advertise