Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 16, 1914, Page 11, Image 11
Use and Read TELEGRAPH WANT ADS Gems of the Ocean a*-" are not more effectually lost to the sight of thous ands than is an article lost on the streets of Harris burg, unless the loser follows the lead of most Har risburg people and inserts a LOST ad in the Tele graph. This method has proved the surest for recover ing valuables, large and small, of all in Harrisburg. Because the Telegraph has more readers than any other Harrisburg newspaper its LOST ads are almost always sure to reach the finder. When you Lose something Phone Bell 2040, Cumberland 203. Telegraph WANT ADS. DIED HARTER On Wednesday evening, July 16, 1914, Martha Alda, oldest daughter of Forrest J. and Iva May Harter, aged 5 years, 8 months and 29 days. Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at - o'clock, from her parents' residence. 1622 Juniper street. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial in Paxtang Ceme tery. ■MILLER —Died July 14, 1914, Frederick Jacob Miller, in his 55th year, of d 23 North Sixteenth street. He is sur vived by his wife and one daughter. Funeral services will be held at the ■above address on Friday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend. Burial private in East Harrisburg Cemetery. _ FOUND FOUND Recently, a sum of money. Owner can recover by proving property and paying for this advertisement. Ad dress Jos. A. Livers, Littlestown, Pa. WANTED —Male SALESMAN WANTED by a local cor poration where advancement depends on merit. If you are afraid of a £ on ]~ mission proposition don't reply. Posi tion is permanent; your future here is just what you make it. State age, where last employed, etc. References required. Replies strictly confidential. Address 8.. 2042, care of Telegraph. WANTED Two broommakers new factory power winders no labor trouble pay, 22c to 30c on ♦ grades carpet brooms steady work ™ railroad fare paid—no boozers, J. R. 8., 365 East Maiden street. Washington, Pa. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED. Ablebodled, unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information applv to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building. 3d & Market Sts., Harrisburg; 48 N. Queen St., Lancaster; 353 Pine St., Williamsport, or 37 W. Market St., lork. Pa. WANTED Edge trimmer or stitch downs. One who is ex perienced on trimming Welts or McKays.. Steady work. Curtis & Jones Co., Reading, Pa. MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at once for Electric Railway Motormen snd Conductors; S6O to SIOO a month; no experience necessary; fine opportu nity; no strike; write immediately for application blank. Address J., 2014, care of Telegraph. AGENTS WANTED WANTED Agents for our new Dol lar-a-Month Accident and Health poli cies (including natural death benefit) to men and women; all occupations. Liberal commissions. National Acci dent Society, 320 Broadway, New York. (Established 1885). HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED White woman to do general housework. Call at 1511 North Fourth street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED —Young lady, experienced In stenography, cashier work and gen eral office work, wishes position; ref erence furnished. Address 8., 2039, care of Telegraph Office. , GIRLS WANTED to learn the trade of cigar making, packing and in the shipping dept. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Co., No. 500 Race St. WANTED An office girl, with some knowledge of bookkeeping; short hand and typewriting not neecssary. Apply Keystone Rug Co.. 1115 Mont gomery street. WORK'S DRESSMAKING SCI.OOI, TEACHES perfect fitting before sew ing. Each pupil makes the entire dress. Become a pupil now. Make all your Summer and Fall dresses while learn ing. Night and Day Classes. W. A. Work. 22 North Fourth street. WANTED—For our new mill, 100 experienced weavers. Apply Harrisburg Silk Mill. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED Young man desires po sition as short order cook or bartend- reference. Address P., 2045, care Of Telegraph. WANTED By white boy, 19 years of age, work of any kind. 620 Broad -street.' WANTED Colored man would like position with private familv or doctor; can cook. F. S, C„ 433 South street. WANTED ChaufTeur wants posi tion. Address R„ 2021. care of Tele graph. 118 Ft. of S. Cameron St. Ground EAST SIDE JUST BELOW MARKET See us at once for the Rock-Bottom Price, which is a very low figure Miller Bros. & Neefe cSSSE 1 THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JULY 16, 1914. SITUATIONS WAXTED—FemaIe WANTED Competent stenographer and bookkeeper desires position; has already had valuable experience, anil can furnish best of reference. Address S., 2044, care of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced chauffeur desires position for six weeks, until his employer returns from seashore; best of reference by employer. Address A., 2038, care of Telegraph. WANTED White woman desires washing to do at home. Call, or ad dress, Turner avenue. WANTED Middle-aged colored wo man desires position as cook in private family or boardlnghouse, in or out of city. Call, or address, 145 Ann avenue, City. WANTED Middle-aged woman de sires to keep house for widower, or day's work. Call, or address, Alice McCue, 1229 Cowden street. WANTED Any kind of day's work by white girl. 226 Chestnut, Room 17. WANTED Middle-aged woman de sires position as housekeeper for widower. Call, or address, 384 South Second street, Steelton, Pa. WANTED Place for young colored girl, 14 years old, in good family that will school her and keep her until of age. Address, or call, 414 Spring ave nue. City. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOT of ground 150x150, on South Cameron street, near Market, for sale Or lease, in plots as desired. Apply Shaffer Wagon Works, 80 South Cam eron street. SI,BOO WILL BUY" suburban property —8 rooms bath furnace —porch—r lot, 20x150 only S2OO needed. Nos. 38-40 Llnde"n street at $1,150 each. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Nos. 624-26 Calder street at a reduced figure. lß3pect them —the price is right. No. 2526' Jefferson street at $1,500. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. 1 $3,000 WILL pUY suburban property that cost $3,800 large porches—most modernly equipped steam heat hardwood finish slate roof lot, 30 xl9o. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. FOR SALE 1512 Hunter street 9 rooms bath gas furnace porch lot, 20x100. Price, $2,000. In spect No. 2129-31 Jefferson street at $2,400 each. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE—Northwest corner Ninth and Bridge street, Ne.v Cumberland 2 H-story frame dwelling 8 rooms, bath and hot water heat front and side porch lot, 36x129. Price, $3,- 000.00. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. HOTEL FOR SALE in Barnegat City, where you catch fish already fried with knives and forks in them. Inquire James J. Lynch, 1311 Fulton street, City. FOR SALE Ten new six-room houses, rented at six dollars, at Edge mont, north of Penbrook. Price, $3,800 for the ten houses. Money at 5 per cent. Address G. S. Hartman, 38 North Twelfth. FOR SALE Large double frame dwelling and offices, new, suitable for doctor's offices; good barn on rear of lot; open alley. Also on same lot large brick dwelling; electric light; Kelsey hot air. Trolley to connect tor Harris burg, Lancaster and Hershey will pass the door. Everything in good condition. Attwictlve price to quick buyer. Must be sold to close estate. Call on, or ad dress, Mr. Walter B. Wealand, Box 22, Elizabethtown, Lancaster County, Pa. FOR SALE Penbrook property; lot, 180 ft. deep; 7 rooms and finished at tic; excellent location; four doors from trolley just off Main street on Boas. Beautiful shade trees. Bargain at SI,BOO. M. J. Sheaffer, 2635 Penn street, Penbrook. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 1447 Berryhill street; 9 rooms and bath: all improvements; 19 ft. front lawn and terrace; Colonial porch; $22.50 per month. John H. Ma loney, Real Estate and General Insur ance, 1619 Green street. FOR RENT Elegant resi dence for refined family u-1 to-date in every way, No. 1208 North Fifteenth St. Apply to S. Friedman. Real Estate and In surance, 903 N. Third St. FOR RENT—Two-story frame build ing, No. 5 North Cameron street. Ap ply Shaffer Wagon Works, 80 South Cameron street. FOR RENT 2201 North Fourth street, corner brick house; 8 rooms and bath; all modern improvements; front n>nd side lawn. Also 3-story brick house with all modern Improvements, 2216 Atlas avenue; rent, $14.00. Inquire C. S. Weakley, 1821 North Fourth street. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT Three-story brick house, corner Green and Emerald streets; 10 rooms; bath; steam heat; cemented cellar; large concrete porch. Apply Grocery Store on corner. FOR RENT 1149 Derry street 9 rooms, Including bath gas and elec tricity front porch all Improve ments. Rent, $20.00 In advance. In quire 259 Herr street. FOR RENT New brick house, six rooms and bath, 1815 Zarker street, $lB per month. Possession August 1. Ap ply at 128 Hoerner street. FOR RENT 209 SOUTH FRONT ST. (from Sept. first)— Three-story brick dwelling eleven rooms two baths. Miller Bros. & Neefe. Locust and Court streets. FOR RENT No. 1247 Market street, large brick house with 8 rooms, bath, steam heat, electric light, laundry and side entrance. Rent, $35. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT Beautiful bungalow on the Llnglestown road overlooking Wlldwood Lake; hot water heat and bath; hardwood floors and finish; best of water; half acre o< ground and 40 fruit traes; large chicken house; five minutes' walk from Sixth street car. Apply at premises or address 0., 2041, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Furnished house; 9 rooms and bath; centrally located. P. O. Box 442. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Four to six-room housed with porch and yard convenient to city. Must have gas, kitchen range and fur nace and must not rent over $15.00 per month. E. H. Joseph, Jr., 201 North Broad street, Philadelphia. WANTED To buy or rent suburban property within six miles of Harris burg; must have land adjoining. State cash price or rent. Address M., 2040, care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT THIRD FLOOR FOR RENT Sutt able for light housekeeping. Call 644 Muench. FOR RENT Second floor front room, with bay window, suitable for man and wife or two young men; home comforts. 310 North Second street. FOR RENT Two la'rge, newly fur nished, front second floor rooms; single or en-suite; also one single second floor room; all conveniences; use uf phone. 209 State street. FOR RENT One unfurnished sec ond floor front room, and furnished room, with board, for two gentlemen. Address 1533 North Third street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, with board; all improvements; use of Bell phone. 814 Capital street. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT All conveniences; use of plione; young lady preferable. 205 Chestnut street. Bell phone 2878. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, complete for light housekeeping; all conveniences; use of Bell phone. Call Bell phone 1089 L. FOR RENT—By the night or month, the finest rooms in Harrisburg, single or en suite. Laßelle Apartments, 204 Locust street, next door to Orpheum. Bteam heat, electricity, baths. Newlf furnished throughout. Apply Mrs. E. L. Morrell, 204 Locust street. BOARDEKS WANTED WANTED Table boarders, in pri vate family. Railroad shop men pre ferred. Apply 1327 North Sixth street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern apartment, for grown-ups only; Iront and rear en trances; five v»»U-liglitcd rooms; bath and pantry; all private, aii conveniences for light housekeeping. (. orner Hamil ton and Penn streets. FOR RENT Second floor apart ment, 1463 Market street. Four large rooms and bath. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT For llg'ht housekeep ing, new unfurnished rooms, nicely papered, strictly up-to-date, with com municating kitchenettes. Stoves fur nished free. Laundry, phone and bath room privileges. All outside rooms. I Strictly private. Inquire Office, 429 iiroau street, or Janitor, Room 6, same building. FOR SALE FOR SALE Upright piano, $30.00. No dealers. Appty ill South Third street. FOR SALE Racycle; has been run but a short time. Call il4 Capital street. Between 6 and J;3O P. M. FOR SALE Goat and harness. Call after 7 o clock evenings at 1720 North Sixth street. FOK SALE A pony cart. Inquire Box 2043, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE lO i-ebuilt bicycles, $a to sls each. Big bargains—investi gate. New Flying Merkles, $25 to $46; ihe wheel witli nvo-yoar guarantee. Keystone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. FOR SALE Hotel Lynch, 140-acre farm, 40-acre farm, and two sites tor manufacture close to center of city. Not a dollar down. Inquire of James J. L.yncli, 1311 Fulton street. FOR SALE At bargain, twenty Plymoutn nock hens, tweaty-iive Leg horn hens (.loung strain;, excellent stock, laying daily. Need more room In pens. Address B. Bush, City, MR. AUTOMOBILE OWNER, If you have an auto you want to sell, let us get a buyer. No sale, no pay is our way. if Interested consult us. Key stone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. United phone 19W. BUY your traveling and leather goods from the wholesale and retail leather merchants. A- large consignment on display. Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Harness ana Sup ply Co., Second ana Chestnut. FOR SALE Upright piano; good condition; cheap. P. O. Box 484, City, FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board aad Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Tele graph. FOR SALE Good driving horso, safe for lady to drive. Good reason for selling. Address 1821 North Elev enth street. FOR SALE Bakery in a lively town in Snyder county. Pa. Address T. care of the Telegraph. FOR SALE Three teams, cheap Farm mules; 1 team, $200; 1 team $150; 1 team, SIOO, or exchange for driv ing horse, milch cows and young cat tle, at Squire Miller's Farm four miles east Llnglestown, Manada Gap road. FOR SALE Used motorcycles and bicycles In first-class running order low prices. C. H. Uhler, 1317 Derry street. Agent for Thor and Vale mo torcycles; also full line of accessories. WANTED WANTED lOO second-hand bi cycles and motorcycles we have great demand for them highest cash prices paid. Keystone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. United phone law. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I MADE $50,000 in five years in the mall order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea- I cock, 355 Lockport, N. Y. 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port, N. Y. BUSINESS JfKRSONAJLK WE BUY. SELL AND RENT all stan dard makes of Electric Motors and Dynamos. S. O. Sweetser tUectrlc Co., 1002 Market street. H. H. PEFFER LOCAL EXPRESS and Delivery. Piano and Furniture moving a specialty. Stor age of household goods. Good, dry wood for sale, stove length. Bell phone 1684 J. 1119 Montgomery, Harrlsburg. S. BOLDER & CO.. dealers In all makes of Sewing Machines for manu facturing purposes only. 109 North Sixth street, Philadelphia. Pa. HAULING H. W. LATHE, Hoarding Stable and Nntlonal Transfer Co. Movers of f ilanos. safes, boilers and general haul ng. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for old gold and silver; watches, Jewelry, musical Instruments, antiques, guns, etc. Jo seph D. Brenner, Jeweler, 803 North Third street. Eell 6?6L FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N. Gluck. 320 Woodbine street. FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR RENT ln the Telenraph Building, a suite of well located offices. Inquire for Superintendent In Business Office of Telegraph. FOR RENT Store room, 1200 North Third street; 33x100; 14-foot ceiling; one of the best rooms in the city. Ap ply J. S. Sible. 256 Herr street. STORAGE STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 76 cants per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates. South St. and Penna. R. R. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE to property owners along the lines of Primrose Street, from Fif teenth Street to Eighteenth Street, Or dinance No. 69, File of City Council, Session of 1914-1915; Gruber Alley, from Camp Street to Emerald Street, and Swab Alley, from Elizabeth Alley to Gruber Alley, both under Ordinance No. 75, File of City Council, Session of 1914-1915. In accordance with the terms of Or dinance No. 883, File of Common Coun cil, you are hereby notified to make all the necessary house connections con templated by you with the main sewer, gas pipes, ateaiji heating pipes, water pipes or other mains," within sixty days from the date of this notice, and con duct the said service pipes or sewers from the mains in the street to within the curb lines of said street. M. B. COWDEN, City Engineer. PAVING "NOTICE NOTICE to property owners along the lines of a Fifteen Foot Alley (Eliza beth Alley) between Sixth Street and Jefferson Street from Camp Street to Emerald Street. You are hereby notified that the as sessment to pay the cost and expense of paving and curbing the above named highway under Or dinance No. 29, File of Select Council, Session of 1912-1913, will be made by me, at my office, in the Commonwealth Trust Company Build ing, No. 222 Market Street, Harrlsburg, | Pa., on Thursday, the 23d day of July, i 1914, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 12 o'clock noon, when and where all parties interested shall be heard. M. B. COWDEN. City Engineer. July 15. 1914. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the office of Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, Julv 25, 1914. for the GRADING of MULBERRY, CHESTNUT, HILDRUP, NINETEENTrf and TWENTIETH STREETS. Blank bids and specifications may be had on application . The Superintendent re serves the right to reject any or all bids. W. H. LYNCH. Superintendent. NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given that appli cation will be made to The Public Ser vice Commission of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by Harrlsburg & Me chanicsburg Electric Railway Company for a Certificate of Public Convenience evidencing the Coirimission's approval of an amendment or supplement to Its charter authorizing the extension of Its route In the City of Harrlsburg on NSec ond Street, or Market Square, from the Intersection of Strawberry Avenue with Second Street or Market Square to the intersection of Market Street with said stre<*t or square, and thence on Market Street to the eastern building line of Front Street, the public hearing on which will be held In the rooms of the Commission, at Harrlsburg, on the 22d day of July, 1914, at 11 o'clock, when and where all persons In Interest may appear and be heard if they so desire. E. E. BEIDLEMAN. C. H. BERGNER, Solicitors. NOTICE In the Court of Quarter Sessions of Dauphin County No. 228 June Ses sions, 1914 ln Re Application of Equitable Investment Company In corporated. NOTICE Is hereby given that appli cation has been made to the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Dau phin County, Pennsylvania, by the Equitable Investment Company Incor porated, for a license to engage In the business of loaning money, as provided by the terms of the Act of Assembly approved June 5, 1913, entitled "An act regulating the making of certain loans, limiting the charges therefor; requir ing and regulating the licensing of lenders, fixing the fee therefor and prescribing penalties for violation thereof, etc.," whose place of ousmcss shall be at No. 9 Nortn Market Square, in the City of Harrlsburg, Pennsylva nia, and that Monday, August 10, 1914, at 10 o'clock A. M., has been fixed for hearing, by the Court, said application for license, and that said application is now on file In the office of the Clerk of the Quarter Sessions Court of Dau phin County. HENRY F. HOLLER, Clerk of Court. NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given that air ap plication will be made to the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, on the 10th day of August, 1914, at 10 o'clock A. M., under the provisions of the corporation Act of 1874 and Its sup plements, for a charter for an Intended corporation to he called "The Harrls burg Trainmen's Band," the character and object of which Is the promotion of music, and for this purpose to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, bene fits and privileges conferred by said Act and its Supplements. E. E. BEIDLEMAN. i Solicitor, In the District Court of the United States For the Middle District of Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy, No. 2705 ln the Matter of L Kamsky, Bankrupt, To the creditors of L. Kamsky, City of Harrlsburg, County of Dauphin and district aforesaid, a bankrupt. NOTICE is hereby given that the above named bankrupt has filed with i HEAVY RAINS WILL NOT AFFECT WORK X Continued From First Page] Commission's precipitation station on the roof of the Telegraph Building reg istered a rainfall of four-tenths of an Inch between 1.30 and 3 p. m. on Mon day, and eighty-two hundredths of an Inch between Monday afternoon and 8 o'clock Tuesday morning, with a continued downpour at the time, and rainfall occurred over the North and West branches of the Susquehanna river ano the Juniata watersheds, It was calculated by the Water Supply Commission forecaster that the only Increase which could occur at Har risburg would be caused by local con ditions and would therefore be 'slight, as the upstream stations showed no Increase In discharge. Dangerous Work Because of the inconvenient and frequently dangerous conditions sur rounding the work of driving the tun nel below Mulberry street from Second to Front street, for the construction of the big concrete sewe/% it 1b prob able that a type of special concrete block Instead of the loose concrete will be used from now on to complete the drain. The fact that the tunnel is twenty five to thirty-five feet below the sur iface and that the workmen must blast, dig and plaster their way toward the [tunnel's end in so narrow a space, not 1 only means slow progress but real danger to the employes under ground. Contractor Martin, who is supervis ing the work for the T. Larry Eyre Company, to-day showed City Commis sioner W. H. Lynch, Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements, the change proposed. New Maclay St. Bridge f Lights May Be Placed in Pockets in Girders Within a few days City Commis sioner Harry F. Bowman will con fer with the Pennsylvania Railroad authorities and Robert W. Hoy, com mercial manager of the Harrisburg Light and Power Company, relative to the installation of more extensive and satisfactory system of electric light ing for the Maclay street bridge. The change is to be made in ac cordance with the requests of many railroaders and others in that section of the city who have occasion to use the viaduct after dark. A petition ask ing for relief was submitted to Coun cil and referred to Commissioner Bow man. Whether single standard globes sim ilar to those adopted for use at the entrance to the West Market street subway will be decided upon or a system of protected globes set In grooves in the girders so as not to confuse the trainmen on the tracks below, is a question. If standards are chosen, at least four will be placed, one on each side and about a hundred feet from each entrance. The possibility of confus ing the railroadmen by the strange lights may cause some change of plan, however, although it Is possible that this could be overcome by special in structions to trainmen to mark the position of the new lights and govern themselves accordingly. While he hasn't looked into the feasibility of it, Commissioner Bowman himself has a plan in mind. This is to have deep grooves or pockets cut out of the great girders in which big globes could be inserted in such a way as to light the roadway and the sidewalk. Metal shields, Mr. Bowman believes, could be erected on the outside handrailings In such a way as to protect the pass ing trainmen from the light. Some Conveniences in Park Roadways Promised Autos Automobillng and driving in the Cameron parkway will be made a little safer and more convenient at several points after the Park Department fin ishes some improvements that have been contemplated for some time. Surveys for the proposed concrete bridge that will span Spring creek a few hundred feet east of Cameron street to replace the present wooden structure which now makes necessary a dangerously abrupt curve In the roadway, have been completed, and the construction will be started as soon as plans are completed. The bridge will cross the street in such a way as to eliminate the curve. ; Easier access to the Chambers' Hill [road via the parkway drive is prom ised, too. Many autoists who wish to reach the Chambers' Hill road go by way of the almshouse highway, turn ing into It from the Cameron park way. Where these roads intersect, at the point where the old almshouse mill once stood, there Is a deep de pression, so that in order to get into the main highway automobllists are forced to make a sudden, jolting turn. This will be unncessary when the de pression is filled in and the Cameron roadway extended in a more graceful line to the road. STRIKERS ATTACK OFFICERS By Associated Press Steubensvllle, Ohio, July 16.—True to the promise they made to Sheriff Huscroft yesterday, two or three hun dred striking miners to-day marched down from the hills where they camped last night to the mines at Bradley, Ohio, and attempted to drive off the pumpmen. Sheriff Huscroft, with a strong party of deputies, re sisted the advance. USED UPRIGHT PIANOS SIOO UP Good makes in good condition. Terms $5 monthly. Be quick. J. H. Troup Music House, 16 South Mar ket Square. . ' LEGAL NOTICES the Referee an offer of a composition of 25 per cent., 10 per cent, to be paid In cash, 5 per cent, in a note of 4 months, B per cent. In a note of 7 months, and B per cent. In a note of 10 months, ac companied by a written acceptance of 25 creditors with claims amounting to $12,542.13. purporting to be a majority in number and amount of said credl tore. That a meeting of said creditors will be held at the office of the Referee, No. 7 North Third Street. Harrlsburg, Pa., on Monday, July 27. 1914, at 2 o'clock P M , to consider a motion for confir mation of said composition. JOHN T. OLMSTEtk Referee In Bankruptcy. July 15, 1914. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names. Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tial. Adam* A CO, R. 804, 8 K. Market Sq. Recuperative Qualities Are Shown in Market Selling of U. S. Steel Was Feature ol Second Hour; Bonds Are Irregular By Associated Prtss ■ New York, July 16. The market snowed decided recuperative qualities by noon, New Haven making more than full recovery, as the selling in that quarter ceased, but the list as a whole was subject to feverish fluctuations. t Selling or United States Steel, ascribed . in part to the bears, became the feature j of the second hour, the stock declining 1% points to 59% on fairly large of- ■ ferings, but soon rebounding. Balti- j more and Ohio suffered an additional setback, Pennsylvania fell a point and Chesapeake and Ohio was again under I pressure. Among the inactive railroads Erie, Second Pfd., was prominent, with a 2%-point loss. Bonds were irregular. Furnished by H. W. SJTAVELY ! Arcade Building New York. July 16. , Open. 2.30 P. M. Alaska Gold Mines . 26% 26% ] Amal. Copper 69% 69% i American Beet Sugar 23% 23% i American Can 2 7 26% Am. C. & F 51% 51% < American Cotton Oil 39 39 j American Smelting . 65% 66 American T. & T...119 119 Anaconda 30% 30% Atchison 98 97% Baltimore & 0hi0... 87% 85% Bethlehem Steel pfd 85 85 Brooklyn R. T 90% 90% California Petroleum 21% 21% Canadian Pacific ... 186 186% Central Leather ... 36% 36 Chesapeake & Ohio. 46% 45% C.. M. & St. P 98% 98% Chino Con. Copper . 40% 40% Col. F. & 1 25% 25 , Consolidated aG s.. 127% 127% Corn Products 8 % 8 % Erie 27% 27% Erie, Ist pfd 41% 41 % General Electrict Co. 148% 148% Goodrich, B. F 25% 25% Great Northern, pfd. 122 122% Interboro-Met. pfd.. 62% 63 Lehigh Valley 136 136 Mex. Petroleum .... 62 64 Missouri Pacific .... 10% 11 Nev. Con. Copper .. 13% 18% New York Central . 84% 84% N. Y., N. H. & H. . 51 51% Northern Pacific ... 108% 108% Pacific Mail 22% 22% Penna. R. R 110 111 Pressed Cteel Car . 42 42 Ray Con. Copper .. 20% 20% Reading 162 162% Rep. Iron & Steel .21% 21% Southern Pacific ... 96 96% Southern Railway . 22% 22% Southern Ry. pfd .. 78% 78% Texas Company ... 140 139% Union Pacific 156 156% U. S. Rubber 56% 56 U. S. Steel 60% 60% Utah Copper 56% 56% Va. Car. Chem 28 28 Western Maryland .15 15 Western Union Tel.. 58% 58% Westinghouse Mfg.. 78% 78% CIDER VINEGAR AND WATER NOT MIXED [Continued from First Page] water in the manufacture of vinegar, but contended that the use of water was necessary in order to reduce the acetic acid in the content so as to make it fit for domestic use. The defendant further contended that the use of water was customary and necessary in the process of manu facture, and if so the act in question must be so construed as to permit its use. . "We are unable to assent to this proposition," points out Judge McCar r6ll. In other words, the court holds that vinegar should be a product of pure apple juice or cider and nothing else, and that furthermore the Legislature of Pennsylvania knew all about how to make vinegar and hence realized what it meant when it framed the law. Legislature Knew "The Legislature," said Judge McCar rell, "must be presumed to have been familiar with the methods of manu facturing vinegar from cider or apple i or Juice, and if the use of water was necessary for any purpose in the man- I ufacturing provision for its use would undoubtedly have been made. "It is not the duty of the court to make the law reasonable," continues , the court, but to expound It as It stands according to the real sense of the words." The act provides that distilled vine gar shall be so labeled and that such distilled vinegar shall be free from col oring matter and hiust contain not less than 4 per cent, of acetic acid. This is the only mention of acetic acid, the court continues, and does not refer to vinegar made from cider or apple Juice, but relates only to distilled vine gar. The statute is silent relative to water. In concluding his opinion refusing Mr. Burtnett a new trial Judge McCar roll says of the act; "It is clearly intended to prevent any fraud or imposition upon the pub lic in the sale of cider vinegar, and there is no contention that the act In Itself is unconstitutional." JACKSON ATTEMPTS TO SETTLE TROLLEY STRIKE Hazleton, Pa*, July 16.—John Price Jackson, head of the State Depart ment of Labor, and Dr. Steese, of the Board of Mediation of that body, came here to-day in a further effort to settle the trolley strike, which has been on since the first of the year. They held a conference with the officials of the . Lehigh Traction Company and were scheduled to meet the Idle hands late to-day. MARTHA ALDA HARTKR Martha Alda Harter, aged five years, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest " J. Harter, died last evening, at 1622 Juniper street. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon, at 2 o clock. Bprtttl will be made in the Paxtang Cemetery. FOR RENT New Modern 16 and 18 North Fourth Street A K ly J. L. Shearer, Jr. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADB Furnished by H. W. SNAVKLV Arcade Building Chicago, 111., July 16. Opeti. mgn. Low. Clos. Wheat- July 77% 79% 77 % 79% Sept 77% 78% 77$ 78% Dee 80*4 81% 80% 81% Corn — July 69% 70% 69% 70% Sept 66% 66% 66% 66% Oats — July 36 % 37 36% 87 Sept 43% 3B % 34% 36% CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., July 16. Hogs Re ceipts, 19,000; strong. Bulk of sales, $8.76®8.80; light, $5.65@9.00; mixed. $8.50@9.00; heavy, $8.3509.00; rough, $8.35®8.50; pigs, $7.85@87&5. Cattle Receipts, 5,000; Steady. Beeves, $7.70@9.90; steers $6.40®8.30; stockeis and feeders, $5.80@8.00; cows and heiferß, $3.90 <g>9.10; calves, $7.50® Sheep Receipts. 18,000; weak. Sheep. $5.2506.00; yearlings, $6.76@7.20; lambs, $6.25@8.90. PHILADELPHIA PHODCCB By Associated Press Philadelphia, July 16. Wheat- Firm; No. 2, red, export, 92%@93%0; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, 98® 99c. Corn—Steady; No. 2, yellow, local, 79% @Boc. Oats Steady; No. 2, white, 45® 45 %c. Bran Market firm; winter, per ton, $24.50 026.00; spring, per ton, $23.50® 24.00. i Refined Sugars Market flrp; powdered, 4.50 c; fine granulated, 4.40 c; confectioners' A, 4.30 c; Keystone A, 4.20 c. Butter The market la firm; western, creamery, extras. 28 %o; near by prints, fancy, 32c. Eggs The market Is nrm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases. $6.76 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $6.00®6.30 per caee: western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.78 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $6.00® 6.30 per case. , Live Poultry Firm; fowls, 17% ©lB c; young chickens, 11020 c; spring chickens, 27®32c; broiling chick ens, 17 (fl> 24c; old roosters, 12®13c; ducks, old, 13@14c; ducks, young, 16® 17c; geese, 15®17c; turkeys. 19@20c. Dressed Poultry Steady; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 19®20c; do., fair to good, heavy, 14®18c: do., unattractive, 10®13o; old roosters, 12V4c; roasting chick ens, fancy, 16tr , lsc; brollm* chickens, nearby, 20®27c; western, 18 ff»22c; capons, large, 28®25c; do., small. 18®20c; turkeys, fancy, 24®!l*ci do., fair, 20®23c; ducks, ll@18o; (mm, 11016 c. Potatoes Lower; new, per barrel, $1.50®3.60; do., Southern, per barrel, $1.00®3.00; Jersey, per basket, 65®70c. Fiour—The market is steady; winter, clear, $3.*604.10; straights, Penn sylvania, $4.16® 4.30; western, 14.260 4.40; patents, $4.60®4.76; Kanaaa straight. Jute sacks, 54.16®4.80; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00@4.i0; straights, $4.2« @4.36; patents. $4.40®4.66. Hay The market Is firm; tim othy, No. 1, large bales, slß.oo® 18.60; No. 1, medium bales, $17.60® 18.00; No. 2, do., $16.00@17.00; No. 8, do., $14.00® 15.00. Clover mixed: Light, mixed, $16.60® 17.00; No. 1. do., $16.00® 16.60; No. 2. do.. sl4 00 016.00. Business Locale IS YOVR NAME OF VALUE? Did you ever see the business or professional man who neglects to have his name or the nature of his business stand out prominently as a guide lo those who are seeking him or his mer chandise? Tour sign is a beacon of commerce. Let us repaint the old or design a new one. Gohl & Bruaw, 310 Strawberry street. THE TIME TO EAT may be Important from the standpoint of dietics, but what you eat and where you eat Is worthy of equal considera tion. If you have not tried the meals or quick lunch at the Busy Bee res taurant, we would suggest an occa sional meal there so as to become fa miliar with the quality and service. 9 North Fourth street. WHEN WE FIT THEM The ladies' pumps will hug the heel and fit like a glove. We have & spe cial value in a low-heeled pump In gun metal with silk bow that Is ex ceptional value at $2.50. Just the thing to make a shapely, trim-looking foot that will look dressy to conform with your dainty summer apparel. Delchler, Thirteenth and Market streets. CHOICE Ofr HATS. 45c to 050 Our entire stock of untrlmmed shapes Is subject to your choice at 46 cents to 95 cents each. Nothing reserved. Everything must be sold before the season is over. Trlmmod hats 95 cents to $5, values up to sl6. Flowers and all trimmings reduced. Mary C. Glass, 1306 Market Street. r 1 Central Apartment FOR RENT 8 rooms, bath and kitchen, city steam heat and water supplied. Newly renovated. Convenient In every way. Now ready for occupancy. Located at No. 82 N. «nd St Apply to Commonwealth Trust Company Rent Estate Department 222 MARKET STREET niIBBER STAMnp rtSII SEALS i STE'NCILS ft# V 11 • MFG. BY HBG. STENCIL WORKS ■ |1 H 130 LOCUST ST. HBG, PA, U THE Karrlsburg PoiycTtnlo Dispen sary will be open dally except Sunday at t P. M., at lta new location, tm North Second street, for the free treat ment of the worthy DO or. 11