Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 14, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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Children Cry for Fletcher's
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over SO years, has borne the signature of
—and has been made under his per
f S . sonal supervision since its infancy.
lAllow no one to deceive you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Just-as-good " are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment*
Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. I®
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor otlicr Narcotlo
Bubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years ifi
has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend*
the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
CELEBRATE 60TH ANNIVERSARY are in the best of health, and presu
... T ~ fmably the oldest married couple in the
Abbeyville, July 14.—Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Sc.hreiner, residing near this werß united in marriage
place, yesterday celebrated their six- at Philadelphia, in 185 4, hut for the
tieth wedding anniversary at their past twenty-five years have resided in
home in a very happy manner. Both Lancaster county.
The Cheerful Life
It is the right of everyone to live and enjoy the cheerful life. We owo
*—J it to ourselves and those who live with us to live the cheerful life. We
cannot do so if ill health takes hold of us. * *
The wife, mother and daughter suffering from hot flashes, nervousness.
headache, backache, draegintf-down feeling, or any other weakness due to disorders
or irregularities of the delicate femalo organs—is not only a burden to herself
but to her loved ones. *
Therm it a remedy. Forty years experience has proven unmistakably that
•Favorite prescription
will restore health to weakened womankind. For 40 year, it has survived
£rejudice, envy and malice. Sold by dealers in medicine in liquid or tablet form
ir. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Tablets can be had of druggist or mailed on
receipt of one-cent stamps—for SI.OO or 60c size. Address K. V. Pierce M D
Buffalo, N. Y. * "•
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate
stomach, liver and bowels, Sugar-coated, tiny granules^
Woman with growths of hair or "fuzi M on lip, p" Many physicians use th# Ingredients in El Rado
Aiu, check, neck or arm* often become #o used to 'for hair-removing, shows how perfectly
It that they knagine others are bliud to it also, harmless it is. The skin is left smooth vel*
They become so indifferent to these unbeautifut Ttty, eren whiter thau before. El Rado is be
fro wths tfeat they forget how "grating" the sight coming as indispensable a toilet article as fact
ts to their Im-nds. < cream.
While medical science knows of no chemical You need have no more hesitation In calling
•gent whioh will eradicate four permanently with- for it than in asking for and using a cold
©iit serious injury, it is an established scientific cream. Get a 50c. or SI.OO size bottle today,
fact that El Rado will remove hair for a venr long Test it on yonr arm. Prove for yourself it will do
time, and in an absolutely safe, simple, mod thor- |*ver.ything claimed. Your money bark if you
ough manner. Forev. r alter the haur can he-kept are not entirely pleased. If inconvenient to csU
from being noticeable. El Rado act* instantly, at your druggist's it will be all to ordet
A few drops, a simple application, and no matter direct from the # Pilgrim Mfg. Co., New Yodu
how coarse the hair is, 2t is distolved and in a Valuable information sent on request. 1
lew moments is gone.
In this city El R«ado 1b sold and recommended by Golden Real Drug Store
E. Z. Gross, Kennedy's Drug Store, Keller's Drug Store, Geo. A. Gorgas.
Jfl—\ Absolutely No Pain /
W*j My latest Improve*! nppll-
J a noes. including an oxygea- » nrO
l*f<l air apparatus, makes "V* w
J extracting and all den- •. OV # aV
f tal work positively _ w\y
painless and Is per- O "
(A t,y l>ar-nile«s.
, FREE ; VO ' «
v alloy cement 60c.
_ . . , S Gold Crovvna and
Registered S i \ Bridge Work, $3, »4, SB.
_ S A S 22-K Gold Crown $5.00
Graduate Office open daily B.SO a.
A«tetanf* SAV X- S m. to 6p. nr.; Hon., Wed.
Assistants and Sat. Till 9p. m . ; Sundays,
10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
Bell Phone 8322R
Market Street
[(Over the Hub)
/ Harris burg, Pa. it mdnt Hurt •mt
PAIITMN I When Coming to My Office Be
OIIU I lull . Sure You Are In the Right Place.
Coal Is Cheapest and Best Now
To buy coal now la to buy It at the cheapest price for which It can
be obtained during the year. And then you gain In quality, too, for the
coal sent from the mines at this time of the year may be thoroughly
screened before delivery, a difficult matter In cold weather when frost
will cause the dirt to cling to the coal. So to buy Montgomery coal
now Is to buy *he best quality of the best coal at the lowest prlcea.
Place your order.
Both Phones Third and Chestnut Streets
Long List of Events For Which
Prizes Are Being
The modern Sunday
school has a pathway
of roses. Some of them
are going to be strewn
at the plcnlp of the
Methodist Church at
MEPj Hershey Park, July 22,
* |e3|, for prizes are going to
.-i/jmi® be offered, onl>
- - for w ' nners of races
fuflfil an< * '"ontests, but cash
HnlMa|||U prizes also to the
HMIJL'IBI classes of the senior
'< ■MS and intermediate de
|K*> . A. A/ partments having the
' IrV '' * highest percentage of
membership in attendance.
That's the announcement in the pro
gram of the picnic just issued. Boys
and girls from now on to July 22 will
gloat over the long list of events. No
mention is made of edibles, but thers
will be plenty. The day's events will
open with baseball games. Reed's
class will play Hoppes' class and mar
ried men will line up against single
men. The afternoon sports include
potato race, 50-yard dash, three-legged
race, nail driving contest, throwing
baseball and a bran race for ladies,
standing broad jump, fat men's race,
100-yard dash, tub race, swimming
race and free-for-all around the reser
voir. W. S, Barker will be In charge
of sports, with a good sized staff; the
picnic committee include C. W. Boyer,
R. E. Boswell, J. A. Freeman. Mrs.
C. A. Smucker and Mrs. Jacob Bitter
More Priests In Retreat.—'The an
nual retreat of the Catholic clergymen
is in full swing at Emmitsburg. One
half of the local clergy attended the
retreat last week and returned, while
the other half left yesterday. Those
from this city and Steelton that at
tended last week were the Rt. Rev.
M. M. Hassett, the Rev. Peter S.
Huegel, the Rev. John O'Donnell, of
this city; the Rev. Anthony Zuvich and
the Rev. John C. Thompson, of Steel
ton. Those that left yesterday for the
meeting included Father W. W. Wha
len, the Rev. W. V. Palley, of this city,
and Father F. A. Azbe and Father
Benjamin Sama. of Steelton.
Discontinue Revival.—Revival serv
ices at Edgemont Union Mission have
been discontinued on account of Mrs.
Cora Snyder, the leader, and her help
ers being obliged to rest.
Wear's Bishop's Cap. Wearing a
cap worn by Bishop Crandal at his
baptism, an infant son of the Rev. and
Mrs. Floyd Appleton was baptized by
his father, rector of St. Paul's Epis
copal Church, in that church Sunday.
Both paternal and maternal grand
parents were present.
Y. M. C. A. Boys Are
Camping at Mount Gretna
Special to The Telegraph
Mt. Gretna, Pa., July 14.—A party
of boys and young men from the Lan
caster Y. M. r. A. are camping in the
Soldiers' Field. The camp is under
military restrictions. Another crowd
of boys from St. John's choir of Ban
caster. are in a cottage on the Camp
A card party was held on the porch
of Mrs. Smith, the proceeds being for
the benefit of the Columbia Hospital.
Miss Emma Compton is the guest of
Mrs. C. Day Rudy.
Ed. McClintock spent the day with
friends in the Camp grounds.
George Furster spent the week-end
at the Rajah Cottage.
Mrs. Susan Adams and family are
summering in the Camp grounds.
Earl Mackenson spent Sunday with
Alpheus Hubley spent Sunday with
his mother in the Camp grounds.
H. F. Gramm and family motored
to Gretna and spent the week-end at
the cottage.
Frank Strock spent the day in the
Mrs. Elizabeth Quigley arrived on
Saturday to spend the remainder of
the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kreidler and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrett motored
from Harrlsburg and spent the day at
the Droflow.
Special' to The Telegraph
Sunbury, Pa., July 14.—Lois Tohe,
14 years old, was run down by an
automobile driven by Clifford Schmidt,
of Shenandoah, at Exchange, near Mt
Carmel, yesterday, and fatally hurt
She was rushed to the Shamokin State
How English Beauties
Keep Faces Youthful
Christian Miller, F. C. 1., noted Eng
lish health expert, attributes the early
aging of American women mainly to
the "national nervousness." The wo
men of England, she says, can teach
us the Inestimable lesson of repose.
Another valuable lesson to be learned
from the English woman is that she
does not go in much for cosmetics, the
continual use of wklch must ruin any
complexion. The beauty devotees of
King George's realm have the mercol
ized wax nablt, a more wholesome
method of keeping the face girlish
looking and healthy. Ordinary mercol
ized wax, used like cold cream, re
juvenates the worst complexion. Wo
men here may easily acquire the habit,
this wax being obtainable at drug
stores generally in the United States
and Canada. It Is applied at night and
washed off in the morning. One ounce
Is sufficient to completely renovate a
bad complexion. It has a peculiar ac
tion in keeping the face free from the
particles of dead and devitalized scarf
skin which are constantly appearing.
Business Locals
The all-cream ice cream. The signs
are to be seen in front of all places
that Insist on the best. All cream
from our own creameries and pasteu
rized in our own plant, where the
Hershey standard of quality means In
accordance with the formula approved
by the expert from the U. S. depart
ment of agriculture. "It's So Good."
Furniture, like art, is an interesting
study, and the finest construction com
bined with the beauty of finish appeals
to all with artistic temperaments. The
character of one's home is largely de
termined by the taste shown in the
harmony of furniture selection. The
greatest display of the artistic in fur
niture Is always a feature at Gold
smith's, 20S Walnut street and 209
Locust street.
How to own a Lester Piano. Service
and satisfaction have been indelibly
stamped upon every one of the thou
sands of Lesters which for more than
a quarter of a century have been
spreading Joy throughout the coun
try. It Is that quality which makes
every Lester owner delight In Its pos
session, proud to have it in his home.
H. G. Day, 131 D Derry street.
"Gains 22 Pounds
\9M m DayS "
jS- "I was all run down to the very bottom," writes
y/v F. Gagnon. "I had to quit work I was so weak. Now,
thanks to Sargol, I look like a new man. I gained 22
> "Sargol has put just 10 pounds on me in 14 days,"
#" 111 MM states \Y. D. Roberts. "It has made me sleep well, enjoy
| JmL JBBk what I ate and enabled me to work with interest and
1 ® "I weighed 132 pounds when I commenced taking
<V* Sargol. After taking 20 days I weighed 144 pounds.
Sargol is the most wonderful preparation lor flesh build-
IH HH ing I have ever seen," declares D. Martin, and J. Meier,
adds: "For the past twenty years I have taken medi
cine every day indigestion and got thinner
T took Sargol for forty days
*- jr felt in twenty years. My weight has increased from 150
\ When hundreds of men and women—and there are
\ hundreds with more coming every day—living in every
V jfllfe?*, '' J nook an( * corner °* t ' l ' s b r °ad land voluntarily testify
to weight increases ranging all the way from 10 to 35
H pounds given them by Sargol you must admit, Mr. and
' I *^ rs - and Mt ss Thin Reader, that there must be some
thing in this Sargol method of flesh building after all.
\ 'ffßP®? ■■"<ff| Hadn't you better look into it, just as thousands of
\ 't others have done? Many thin folks say: "I'd give
\ f 171081 anything to put on a little extra weight," but when
< £3/m+>. Wf someone suggests a way they exclaim. "Not a chance.
\ J||E^Hr v i Nothing will make me plump. I'm built to stay thin."
\ Until you have tried Sargol, you do not and cannot
\ know that this is true.
t '■* W Sargol has put pouniis of healthy "stay there" flesh on hun
j m' dreds who doubted, and In spite of their doubts. You don't have
2. - to believe in Sargol to grow plump from its use. You Just take
/ it and watch weight pile up. hollows vanish and your figure round
f . out to pleasing normal proportions. You weigh yourself when
y °" h<>K ' n again when *' ou finlsh antl you let the scales tell
i Sargol is absolutely harmless. It Is a tiny concentrated
P?W tablet. You take one with every meal. It mixeH with the food
you eat for the purpose of separating all of its flesh producing
.WHfe-'7 ingredients. It prepares these fat-making elements in an easily
V Wfinßmt assimilated form, which the blood can readily absorb and carry
i > ilWffM'tf? nil over your body. Plump, well-developed persons don't need
' Sargol to produce this result. Their assimilative machinery per
forms its functions without aid. But thin folks' assimilative or
\ gans do not. This fatty portions of their food now goes to waste
jE|aa through their bodies like unburned coal through an open grate.
A few days' test of Sargol in your case will surely prove whether
or not this Is true of you. Isn't It worth trying?
l you want a beautiful and ivell-rounded figure of symme
trlcal proportions If you want to gain some solid pounds of
JPywClHk healthy stay-there flesh, If you want to Increase your weight to
**Tr normal, weigh what you should weigh, go straight to your drug
gist to-day and get a trial package of Sargol and use it as di
/ ' rected. Sargol will either increase your weight or it won't and
I v> f f \ the only way to know is to try it. A single trial package of Sargol
I l easily enables you to make this test. Sixty days' use of Sargol,
\ Tfl-,,4 J according to directions, is absolutely guaranteed to increase your
\ s "*■ S weight to a satisfactory degree or your druggist will refund all
V ™ WmSKf •'*' the money you have paid him for it. Sargol is sold by leading
J, druggists everywhere and in Harrlsburg and vicinity by
G. A. GORGAS DRUG STORE, 16 North Third Street
Chairman to Be Appointd at Next
Meeting of Executive
The committee on neighborhood
meetings, which will have charge of
the holding of religious meetings in
the homes in various parts of town
during the Stougli campaign will or
ganize to-night In the Pine Street
Presbyterian Church. A permanent
chairman Is to be appointed at the
next meeting of the executive com
mittee. The committee includes:
Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal
—Mrs. William Yooum, 1719 Green
street; Mrs. Richard Sterrlnger, 1717
l'enn street; John Jinton. 1632
Sixth street. *
Maclay Street Church of God—Mrs.
George Wallace, 1925 Fulton street;
Mrs. Carrie Lowe, 1836 North Sixth
street; Mrs. Joseph Disslnger, 620
Delaware street.
Fourth Street Church of God—Mrs.
Dr. Kann, 315 North Second street;
Mrs. W. A. Heffelflnger, 416 South
Thirteenth street: Mrs. Chester Shelly,
1610 Green street.
Green Street Church of God—Mrs.
Pinkerton, Muench and Penn streets;
Mrs. Hawk, 1129 Capital street; Mrs.
Roberts, 1836 Sixth street.
Covenant Presbyterian—Mrs. S. P.
Eby, 2012 North Third street; Mrs.
Harvey Klaer, 521 Peffer street; Mrs.
Albert S. Moyer, 2211 Penn street.
Stevens Memorial Methodist Episco
pal—Mrs. Griffiths Kennedy, 412
South Sixteenth street; Mrs. Laura St.
Clair, 1620 Market street: Mrs. C.
Hoffsommer, 322 South Seventeenth
Westminster Presbyterian Mrs.
George Hammelliaugh, 1423 North
Second street; Mrs. Augustus Light
ner, 14 23 Green street.
Park Street United Evangelical—
Mrs. John Stahler, 1906 State street;
Mrs. Frank Bartolet, 17 South Fif
teenth street; Mrs. W. E. Rlckert, 1613
Market street.
State Street United Brethren, 1925
State street; Mrs. Nathaniel Corsnltz,
1814 North Street; Mrs. Anna McCle
naghan. 921 North Eighteenth street.
Derry Street United Brethren —Mrs.
J. K. Robinson, 1538 Derry street;
Miss Elsie Harman, 19 South Seven
teenth strnet; Mrs. J. F. Barley, 1319
Swatara street.
Christ Lutheran—Mrs. Jacob Groff,
236 Hummel street; Mrs. George
Diehl, 1528 Regina street; Miss Gert
rude Heffelflnger, 120 South Thir
teenth street.
Grace Methodist Episcopal Miss
Minnie E. Gotta, 1332 North Third
street; Mrs. W. B. Sloan, 1916 North
Second street; Mrs. F. E. Downes,
1811 North Second street.
St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal—
[Miss Sarah Mardorf, 116 Vine street;
street; Mrs. Myrtle Graham, 917 South
Ninth street.
Curtin Heights Methodist Episcopal
—Ella Luce, 539 Custin street; Mrs. E.
Book, 621 Emerald street; Mrs. Cal.
Miller, 234 2 North Sixth street.
Harris Street United Evangelical—
Mrs. Theodore Beshore, 352 Harris
street; Mrs. Nora Oren, 424 Hamilton
street; Mrs. A. W. Moyer, 2124 North
Fourth street.
Epworth Methodist Episcopal—Mrs.
J. D. W. Deavor, 904 South Twenty
first street; Mrs. Harry Walton. 194fi
Derry street; Mrs. Anna Morris, 2051
Swatara street.
Sixth Street United Brethren—-Mrs.
Ida Smith, 1922 Fifth street; Mr#.
Florence Broomall, 2419 Sixth street;
Mrs L. R. Fisher, 2412 Jefferson
First Baptist—Mrs. William Malley,
909 Penn street; Mrs. Anna Hocker,
308 South River street; Mrs. Harry
Swartz, 2027 North Sixth street.
Market Street Baptist—Mrs. S. K-
Furman, 27 North Sixteenth street;
Mrs. H. D. Jones, 358 South Thir
teenth street; Mrs. W. N. Waggoner,
Paxtang avenue, Paxtang, Pa.
lmmanuel Presbyterian—Miss Anna
Boyer, 27 South Thirteenth street;
Miss Alice Lewis, 1427 North street;
Mrs. William H. Young, 1525 Regina
First United Brethren—Mrs. Laura
Hall, 1814 Walnut street; Mrs. John
Hall, 325 Herr street; Mrs. H. E. Whlt
moyer, 220 Hamilton street.
Market Square Presbyterian—Miss
Caroline R. Keefer, 1631 North Front
street; Miss Roberta E. Orth, State
Hospital: Mrs. John DeGray, 2325
North Third street.
Second Baptist Mrs. Hannah
Business Locals
That's the way you feel after you
have had a shower or tub bath and our
alcohol rub. We have all the facili
ties necessary to give you a refresh-
In bath on a hot day and the cooling
and soothing effect of the rubdown
will stimulate to renewed energy.
Health Studio, John H. Peters, 207
Walnut street.
He should keep all robes clean, all
dusters clean, all veils clean, all gloves
clean, all wraps clean and all gar
ments clean. This is more essential
than to have a clean, shiny motor car.
When returning from a tour the safest
way Is to call Compton's at once and
then you will be ready for the next
trip. Compton cleans clothes clean.
may be Important from the standpoint
of dletlcs, but what you eat and where
you eat Is worthy of equal considera
tion. If you have not tried the meals ;
or quick lunch at the Busy Bee res
taurant, we would suggest an occa
sional meal there so as to become fa
miliar with the quality and service.
9 North Fourth street. I
Jones, 232 Liberty street; Miss Anna
M. Carter, 632 Brlggs street; Mrs.
Lucy Temple, 1617 Elni street.
Pine Street Presbyterian and Beth
any Mission—Mrs. J C. Stewart. 1404
North Second street; Mrs. W. P.
Stuart, 906 Gre&n street; Mrs. A. J.
Herr, 19 North Front street; William
Brown, Enola, Pa.
Tabernacle Baptist Mrs. Robin
Hall, 637 Muench street; Miss Carrie
Faries, 1624 Green street; Mrs. Char
lotte Germer, 1012 James street.
Olivet Presbyterian—Mrs. A. L.
Groff, Old Orchard; Mrs. J. C. Ewlng,
1458 Market street; Mrs. E. A. Nico
demus, 1435 Derry street.
Ridge Avenue Methodist —Mrs. Lilu
Johnson, 310 Cumberland street; Mrs.
Mary Kinsely, 231 Pine street; Mrs.
L. V. Banks, 428 Hamilton street.
Riverside Methodist Episcopal—
Mrs. Louis Herre, Riverside.
The Onr Right Way
Alaska, Yellowstone, Canadian
Rockies, California Yosemlte, Depar
tures, June, July and August. Short
Summer Toura through New York,
New England and Canada.
1 I Year's Tour, including Caahmerr and
Bagdad, leaving August. Other tours
five to nine months. Frequent de
, partures, September to January.
Ask for the hook of toura In which
you are Interested.
Raymond & Whitcomb Co.
1005 Chestnut St- Phlla.
Telephone, Filbert SBO3.
Business Locals
Science in cutting, experience and
. ingenuity In making and individuality
in style is art in its highest degree.
The art of creating garments that re
. fleet true fashions of the hour and
[ the latest thoughts of the designer,
shaped on perfect lines of grace and
made by skilled workmen. You can
have this service at Slmms, tailor to
"men who care," 22 North Fourth
i Wearing a Lack-tailored suit you may
. be sure that he has equal to the best
in custom-tailored garments. Btyles
that reflect the smartest ideas of most
approved fashions. Our superb cus
. Tom-tailored clothes are equal to those
; of the world's most exclusive custom
tailors, perfect flt absolutely guaran
teed. Be Lack-tailored and you'll be
right. 28-30 Dewberry street.
That screech or groan about your car
or machinery will be done away with
if you use a good oil or grease such
as Dixon's, Texaco, Keystone, Pack
ard, Wolfshead or Polarine. We sell
all of these brands. E. Mather Co..
204 Walnut street, steam plumbing
i and auto supplies. j
The trouble with most thin folks who
wish to gain weight Is that they insist
on drugging their stomach or stuffing
it with greasy foods; rubbing on use
less "flesh creams," or following some
foolish physical culture stunt, while the
real cause of thinness goes untouched.
You cannot get fat until your digestive
tract assimilates the food you eat. r »
Thanks to a remarkable new
tiflc discovery, It Is now possible to
combine Into simple form the very ele
ments needed by the digestive organs
to help them convert food Into rich,
fat-laden blood. This master-stroke of
modern chemistry is called Sargol and
has been termed the greatest of flesh
builders. Sargol aims through Its re
generative. re-constructive powers to
coax the stomach and intestines to lit
erally soak up the fattening elements
of your food and pass them into the
blood, where they are carried to every
starved, broken-down cell and tissue
of your body. You can readily picture
the result when this amazing transfor
mation has taken place and you notice
how your cheeks fill out, hollows about
your neck, shoulders and bust disap
pear and you take on from 10 to 20
pounds of solid, healthy Hesh Sargol
Is absolutely harmless, inexpensive, ef
ficient. a. A. Gorgas and other leading
druggists have it and will refund your
money if you are not satisfied, as per
the guarantee found in every package.
Cautioni—While Sargol has given ex
cellent results in overcoming nervous
dyspepsia and general stomach troubles
it should not be taken by those who do
not wish to gain ten pounds or more.
A New Dlseovery
Thin men and women—that big,
hearty, filling dinner you ate last night.
What became of all the fat-producing
nourishment it contained? You haven't
gained in weight one ounce. That food
passed from your body like unburned
Coal through an open grate. The ma
terial wus there, but your food doesn t
work and stick, and the plain truth is
you hardly get enough nourishment
from your meals to pay for the
cost of cooking. This is true of thin
folks the world over. Your nutritive
organs your functions of assimilation,
are sadly out of gear and need recon
Cut out the foolish foods and funny
sawdust diets. Omit the ilesh cream
rub-ons. Cut out everything but the
meals you are eating now and eat /ith
every one of those a single Sargol tab
let. In two weeks note the difference.
Five to eight good solid pounds of
healthy, "stay there" fat should be the
net result. Sargol, too, mixes with
your food and prepares it for
blood in easily assimilated form.
Thin people gain all the way
from 10 to 25 pounds a month
while taking Sargol, and the new tlesii
stays put. Sargol tablets are a scien
tific combination of six of the best
flesh-producing elements known to
chemistry. They come 40 tablets to a
package, are pleasant, harmless and In
expensive, and George A. Gorgas and
all other druggists in Harrisburg and
vicinity sell thei.i subject to an abso
lute guarantee of weight increase or
money back.
Thin men and women who would
like to increase their weight with 10 or
15 pounds of healthy "stay there" fat
should try eating a little Sargol with
their meals for a while and note re
sults. Here is a good test worth try
ing. First weigh yourself and measure
yourself. Then take Sargol—one tab
let with every meal—for two weeks.
Then weigh and measure again. It isn'i
a question of how you look or feel (A
what your friends say and think. Thv
scales and the tape measure will tell
their own story, and most any thin
man or woman can easily add from flve
to eight pounds in the first fourteen
davß by following this simple direction.
And best of all, the new flesh stays
Sargol does not of itself make fat,
but mixing with your food, it turns the
fats, sugars and starches of what you
have eaten. Into rich, ripe, fat-produc
ing nourishment for the tissues and
blood —prepares it in an easily assimi
lated form which the blood can readily
accept. All this nourishment now
passes from your body as waste. But
Sargol stops the waste and does It
quickly and makes the fat-producing
contents of the very same meals you
are eating now develop pounds and
pounds of healthy flesh between your
skin and bones. Sargol is safe, pleas
ant. efficient and inexpensive. George
A. Gorgas and other leading druggists
in Harrisburg and vicinity sell It in
large boxes—forty tablets to a pack
age—on a guarantee of weight increase
I or money back.
r \
A Summer Trip Through
the Northwest and to
the Pacific Coast
Everyone should know something
our wonderful country in the great]
northwest and on the Pacflc Coast—J
Wyoming. Montana, Idaho, Oregon,
Washington and California, all can by
visited comfortably, and without great
expense by taking advantage of the
low price Summer Tour tickets.
Really, there can be nothing more
attractive nor more educational than a
tour through this country, with pos
sibly a visit to tbe Yellowstone or to
Glacier National Park en route.
Let me tell you what can be done.
Let me send you some descriptive
printed matter. Let me help plan a
trip for you. That's my business and
part of the Burlington Route (C. B. &
Q. R. R.) service.
William Austin, General Agent Pas
senger Depts., C. B. & Q. R. R. Co.,
836 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.—
IBtiA iff ll ' *.2jM
Charles B. Cluck i
Carpenter and Builder
jobbing promptly attended to; acreei
doors and windows a specialty; &lac
fine cabinet work.
Call Bell Phone 1317-J.
2200 Logan Street
7" TRAM MAttft
Why be naatipaM nkra Rerale
doc* the work. Cam be had at
<lrac itatu.