Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 11, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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A wise is sufficient.
Call—Bell 2040, Cumberland 203—Telegraph WANT ADS.
CARL Died July 9, 1914, Mrs. Jennie
Carl wife of William W. Carl, at her
late home, 1322 Penn street.
Funeral services will be held Mon
day afternoon, at 2:SO o'clock. Friends
and relatives invited without further
notice. Burial private in East Harris
burg Cemetery.
REED Margaret Barnett Reed,
widow of the late George E. Reed, and
daughter of the late Henry Lutz, fell
asleep at 6:35 this morning, in her
81st year.
Funeral services will be held at the
residence of her son, Philip Reed, 1305
Berryhill street, Monday evening, July
13. at 8 o'clock. Burial Tuesday at East
Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia.
LOST Gold bracelet, with initials
J. S. to M. C., Friday evening, in vicinity
of Third and Broad. Reward if returned
to 1335 Fulton street.
LOST A diamond brooch, between
Boas on Second and the Harrisburg
Gas Office, or between Market Square
and Third. Liberal reward offered if
returned to Telegraph, or 910 North
Second street.
WANTED Two broommakers
new factory power winders no
labor trouble pay, 22c to 30c on 4
grades carpet brooms steady work
railroad fare paid—no boozers. J. R.
8., 365 East Maiden street, Washington,
|4O PER MONTH and expenses paid
good men for taking orders. Steady
work. Apply Protective Nurseries,
Geneva. N. V.
WANTED White bell boy for
hotel. None other need apply. Ad
dress Box X, 2032, care of Telegraph.
sires ambitious men as resident agents
to handle the most liberal Accident-
Health Policies. Something new. Sold
to men and women. $2,000 Policy, $5.00
yearly. Pays Death, Accident and Sick
benefits. Liberal contract to producers.
Future income assured. Address
Agency Manager, Suite 49, Newark, N. J.
Thorough instruction, $5. Returned it
not appointed. Particulars free.
American Civil Service School, Wash
ington, D. C.
SALESMEN College students and
school teachers can make good money
seling school desks during summer va
cation. Address Superior Seating Com
pany, 1261 Broadway, New York City.
WANTEp. Ablebodled, unmarried men
between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of
United States, of good character and
temperate habits, who can speak, read
and write the English language. For
Information apply to Recruiting Officer,
Bergner Building. 3d & Market Sts.,
Harrisburg; 48 N. Queen St., Lancaster;
353 Pine St., Williamsport, or 37 W.
Market St., York, Pa.
SBO MONTHLY and expenses to travel,
distribute samples and take orders, or
appoint agents; permanent. . Jap-
American Co., Chicago.
BIG MONEY made at home in spare
time, slivering mirrors; no capital;
complete instructions, one dollar. Satis
faction guaranteed. L. Hornsteln, 746
Union street, Indianapolis, Ind.
WANTED Photographic operator
for street work; good reference re
quired. Address M. J. Miller, 30 South
Queen street, York, Pa.
WANTED Energetic man to look
after trade in and around Harrisburg.
Experience unnecessary. Permanent.
Established House. Apply to-day, with
references. Brown Brothers Nurseries,
Rochester. N. Y.
WANTED Man over 30 to look
after permanent business in suburban
towns throughout State. Apply imme
diately. Burr & Company, Nurserymen,
Manchester, Conn.
Fandom, the best baseball book ever
written. Large profits. Sample and in
structions. 10c. Playergraph Co., 1960
Broadway, Colonial Building, New York.
Wanted Men to sell our seed and
nursery line. Big profits. Pay weekly.
First National Nurseries, Rochester.
N. Y.
EVERYWHERE Good pay to men :
willing to distribute circulars, samples,
tack signs, etc. No canvassing. Conti
nental Register, Chicago.
ACTIVE representative can secure
regular income visiting local retail
trade; also selling direct to men the
best article on market. Ask particu
lars. Lane Co., 13 Park Row, New York.
$8 TO $lO DAILY easily made. Co
operate with us. No capital or experi
ence necessary. Write at once. New
England Sales Co., No. 12 Fifteenth
street, Toledo, Ohio.
man, permanent work. Hummelstown
Brown-Stone Co., Waltonville, Pa.
MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at
once for Electric Railway Motormen
and Conductors; S6O to SIOO a month;
no experience necessary; fine opportu
nity; no strike; write immediately for
application blank. Address J.. 2014,
car® of Telegraph.
WANTED Clerk in grocery store.
State age and experience. Address
Box 2026 care of Telegraph.
The splendid homes that are being erected at Bellevue
Park this summer confirm our past statements as to the char
acter of this beautiful residential section.
With its large lots, parked reservations, and "attractive
homes, it is certainly an ideal place in which to live. The
prices of lots are most reasonable.
Don't fail to give Bellevue a visit while it is in its glory;
you will feel repaid.
Bellevue Park Sales Office
MILLER BROS. & NEEFE Building, £T s r
e WOULD you work for $15.00 per
r week, 8 hours a day? Woman wanted
to distribute free packages Borax
- Washing Powder. Ward Soap Co., 216
s Institute Place, Chicago.
Soaps, Toilet and Household Necessl
- ties, $9.00 weekly salary, or commis
sion. Credit. Sample case loaned. Reb
{ scher, Dept. A-3, Rochester, N. Y.
r LADIES can earn money at home,
spare time. No canvassing. Send
. stamped, addressed envelope for par
• tlculars. Mutual Pub. Co., Scranton, Pa.
[ WANTED Five bright, capable
ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell
dealers. $25 to SSO per week. Railroad
fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., uept.
579, Omaha, Neb.
! WANTED Young lady bookkeeper,
' with knowledge of shorthand; good op-
I portunity for advancement. Address
Box 2027, care of Telegraph.
WANTED White girl for general
housework; must sleep at home. Ap
ply 21 North Fifth street, Garfield
Apartments—Bell No. 5.
GIRLS WANTED to learn the
trade of cigar making, packing
and in the shipping dept. Apply
' Harrisburg Cigar Co., No. 500
Race St.
WANTED Experienced vampers on
ladies' fine shoes. Apply Harrisburg
Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street, Harris
burg. Pa.
TEACHES perfect fitting before sew
ing. Each pupil makes the entire dress.
Become a pupil now. Make nil your
Summer and Fall dresses while learn
ing. Night and Day Classes. W. A.
Work. 22 North Fourth street.
WANTED—For our new mill,
100 experienced weavers. Apply
Harrisburg Silk Mill.
15,000 yearly. Give age and experience.
New Specialty, lowa City, lowa.
unnecessary, easy work, biff pay. Write
for large list of openings offering on
portunUies to earn SIOO to SSOO a month
while you learn. Address nearest office.
Dept. 244, National Salesmen Training
Association, Chicagd, New York, Kan
sas City, San Francisco.
SALESMEN New advertising cam- !
paign plan; very cheap; greatest trade
puller of all; experienced men wanted.
Address Advertising Specialists, lowa I
City, la.
EXPERIENCED, capable salesman to j
travel for old-established house with
line that sells to practically all classes
of merchants. High commissions, with '
weekly advance, to right man. D. W. |
Barrows, Detroit, Michigan.
SALESMAN traveling to sell I
Blankets, Dress Goods and Flannels for
Fall trade, direct to retail stores. Lib
eral commission, attractive side line.
South Philadelphia Woolen Co.. Box
HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female !
compose music and arrange for publi
cation immediately. Dugdale Co.
Studio, 492, Washington, D. C.
Government Jobs. $65.00 to $150.00 I
month. Over 15,000 appointments com
ing. List of positions free. Franklin
Institute. Dept. 3620. Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED A light colored boy, not
over 16 years of age, to wait on table,
and a woman to do plain cooking. Apply
328 North street.
FOR RENT 225 Boas street 9
rooms, bath, hall, rear entrance, good
location, near trolley and markets. Ap
ply William Connolly, at Harrisburg I
Trust Company.
FOR RENT 1149 Derry street 9 I
j rooms, including bath gas and elec
tricity front porch all improve
ments. Rent, $20.00 in advance. In- I
quire 259 Herr street.
FOR RENT No. 1247 Market
street, large brick house with 8 rooms. I
' bath, steam heat, electric light, laundry j
and side entrance. Rent, $35. J. E
Glpple, 1251 Market street.
FOR RENT Elegant resi
dence for refined family up
to-date in every way, No. 1208 j
North Fifteenth St. Apply to S. j
Friedman. Real Estate and In
surance, 903 N. Third St.
FOR RENT 1423 Swatara street—
-9 rooms and bath front porch. Ap
ply I. P. Bowman, Security Trust Build
ing, 86 North Third street.
FOR RENT—Two-story frame build
ing, No. 5 North Cameron street. Ap
ply Shaffer Wagon Works, 80 South
WANTED An apartment of four I
or five rooms and bath on first or sec
ond floor, by first of August; rent rea- I
sonable; Hill preferred. Address, stat
ing price, E., 2031, care of Telegraph.
AGENTS No experience needed to
earn big income selling our goods. Send
for our latest winner. The Hunton
Specialty Co., Inc., Paterson, N. J.
AGENTS Let us show you how to
earir $lO dally with a rapid-selling
household article. B. E. De Sola, 90
Wall street. New York.
IF we had your address we'd show
you how to make $25, not one week, but
every week, selling SKIRTS direct from
manufacturer. Jos. Besner, 460 Broome
street. New York.
a-phone; almost every telephone user
buys one to three; sells for $3; earn
SIOB a week; send for complete set of
instructions In salesmanship, free, Mer
cer Specialty Comil»ny, 1706 Delancey
street, Philadelphia.
WANTED - Ag«nt to sell to large
retail trade in Pennsylvania a line of
medium priced Boys' Youths' and
Gent s Mckay and Goodyear Welts,
made In Pennsylvania. Sizes carried in
stock for immediate shipment. Experi
enced representative only need apply to
The Allentown Shoe Mfg Co.. Allentown.
WANTED Agents; 50 cents (in
quantities) buys a full size compressed
air washing machine; women grab it at
$l.o0; patented January 30, 1914; thor
„ oughly cleans tub of clothes In three
- minutes: weighs two pounds; washday
now a pleasure; Mr. Marrlck earned S9O
- first three weeks; a 14-year-old Kansas
r boy made $55.40 outside school hours in
d one month; send for catalog "W" to
x day; get your county right; avoid imi
-6 tations. - Wendell Co.. 381 Oak street.
Leipsic, Ohio.
2 men, women, everywhere. Demonstrate
25c household article. Exclusive terri
tory; constant repeater; rapid-fire sel
ler. Write quick for outfit. King, Dept.
24. Coudersport, Pa.
trated soft drinks. Every home, church
_• fair, picnic, lawn fete, ball park stand,
etc., buys them. Whirlwind sellers.
, Great profits. Small package Tiakes 32
. glasses—orangeade, grape, raspberry,
etc.. Hurry don't wait —be ready
~ for the hot season. Write quick. Ameri
- Products Co., 35ig Sycamore street,
. Cincinnati; Ohio.
greatest "Spark Gaps" on earth. Ad
_ dress W. N. Murray, 405 Gage street,
j Bennington, Vt.
"* FOR SALE Small farm, three miles
£ from New Kingston. Cumberland coun
ty; six acres, cheap; small payment
I down, or touring car in part trade. Pos
session at once. Twentieth and Paxton
f streets, City.
_ LOT of ground 150x150, on South
Cameron street, near Market, for sale
or lease, in plots as desired. Apply
' Shaffer Wagon Works, No. 5 North
J Cameron street.
FOR SALE Desirable building lots
on Cumberland, Market and Chestnut
- streets, in Camp Hill. Inquire of J. A.
femith. Market street, Camp Hill, Pa.
• .FOR SALE Lot 110x160 feet, cost
J200.00 1911—worth $300.00 now—for
■ $150.00 cash, or $200.00 on terms to suit
• purchased. G. W. Kehr, 204 Chestnut
, . FOR SALE Ten new six-room
houses, rented at six dollars, at Edge
' mont, north of Penbrook. Price, $3,800
for the ten houses. Money at 6 per
cent. Address G. S. liartman, 38 North
! FOR SALE Make me an offer
for 416 Boas street I want to sell
it quick 2%-story brick dwell
ing 7 rooms and bath hot and
> cold water furnace corner
property—garage on rear of lot.
272 North Street.
' . SALE 2BO and 282 Herman
I kemoyne double two and one
i half-story frames 7 rooms and bath
—lot. 35x150—price reduced. Brlnton
. Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets.
Very desirable plot of ground located
northeast corner of Berryhill and
| Cameron Sts 98x300 will divide to
j suit purchaser.
No. 1416 3-story brick dwelling
8 rooms, bath and furnace front and
rear porch—lot. 15x100.
I ?o. *427 3-story brick 8 rooms,
bath and furnace front porch lot
I No. 1429 3-Story brick 8 rooms
Tsxtoo furnace front porch—lot,
I _ Second and Walnut Streets.
FOR SALE s2so cash payment
and monthly payments of sl6 will give
possession to a brick house 6 rooms
—bath electric light steam heat
—porch. Price, $2,400. Bell Realty
Co., Bergner Building.
FOR SALE S2OO cash payment and
monthly payments will give you Imme
diate possession to a new brick house—
all improvements—near Reservoir Park
I iilmeatonr Farms Near Palmyra, Pa.
192-A. Farm $16,000
!B®-A. Farm $22,500
60-A. Farm $6,600
70-A. Farm SIO,OOO
148-A. Farm $22,000'
140-A. Farm 122,400
160-A. Farm $24,000
No. 1 Store proposition.
| No. 1 Restaurant proposition, etc.
I For further information applv to
Real Estate Agents, Palmyra, Pa.
j TWO new houses in suburbs for sale
j at $2,000 each now vacant with
| six rooms and bath porches lots
each, 20x100. Bell Realty Co., Bergner
1139 Derry street recently repaired
—9 rooms bath gas furnace
j lot. 20x120, running to Christian street.
I Price mcflit reasonable. Bell Realty Co
I Bergner Building.
FOR SALE Large double frame
dwelling and offices, new, suitable for
doctor's offices; good barn on rear of
lot; open alley. Also on same lot large
brick dwelling; electric light; Kelsey
hot air. Trolley to connect fbr Harris
burg, Lancaster and Hershey will pass
the door. Everything in good conditio*
Attractive price to quick buyer. Must
be rfbld to close estate. Call on, or ad
dress, Mr. Walter B. Wealand, Box 22,
Elizabethtown, Lancaster County, Pa.
| FOR SALE Penbrook property; lot
180 ft. deep; 7 rooms and finished at
tic; excellent location; four doors from
trolley Just off Main street on Boas.
Beautiful shade trees. Bargain at
SI,BOO. M. J. Sheaffer, 2635 Penn
street, Penbrook.
FOR SALE At private sale, a small
farm of twenty acres in Lower Paxton
township, about 1% miles southeast of
Linglestown, owned by estate of John
A. Rabuck, deceased. Apply to or ad
dress, Edward E. Lutz. 171 North Fif
teenth street, Harrisburg, Pa.
SUNBURY (Danville) Rloomsburg in
the Susquehanna Valley means (50 000)
people, fine markets, (100) railroad
trains daily "and good (Trolley) service
Notice Temptation (180) acres only
quarter mile to Trolley (mile) to Phila
delphia and Reading railroad Just out
side of (City Limits) with all (new)
buildings painted except new roof lare-o
bank barn with Stock Yard. Peach
orchard valued ($1,000), buildings
($3,000), Spring House ($500). oak
chestnut, pine, ($1,400) land alone ($3 -
000) and medns over ($8,000) valuation
(no mistake) at only ($4,600). Winter
grain, (hay), straw and cornfodder in
cluded. Reason low price wish to avoid
(Sheriff Sale). Must sell at once. Notice
(easy) payments ($1,000) cash, balance •
to suit Buyer. To avoid missing (Bar
fain) remember special telephone hours
? to 8) mornings and evenings. Bell
11-R and United 140-E. Photographs.
GEO. B. OSTRANDER, Danville, ffc,
0 WANTED Middle-aged man, hav
-1 Ins twelve years' experience In sollclt
n lflg and collecting, wishes position. Ad
dress Box H, 2028, care of Telegraph.
0 POSITION WANTED Good, honest
man wants position as bookkeeper, or
- clerical work; six years' experience
v double-entry system and timekeeping;
t best of reference. Address "Book
a keeper," care of Telegraph.
WANTED A reliable colored man
- desires employment of any kind; pref
_ erence for porter's work; best reference
_ can be furnished. Address 433 South
J street.
{ WANTED— Middle-aged
" position as housekeeper for a gentle
' man, or house work in Bmall family. H.,
2030, care of Telegraph.
b WANTED Stenographer desires
f position; good speller; competent, wll
-3 ling worker. Address R., 2029, care of
i. Telegraph.
1 .
WANTED Widow wants position In
3 sanatorium, hotel, etc., as laundress,
. chambermaid or housekeeper. Address
M. L, R. No. 1, Newberry, Pa.
1 WANTED -- An experienced nurse
i would like nursing of any kind; doctor's
t reference. Apply Box O, 2022, care of
' FOR RENT Two rooms, centrally
, located, nicely furnished; use of phone
. and bath. 440 North street. Bell phone
. 1085 L
' ROOMS FOR RENT or rooms and
_ board; pleasant location; good light.
with all Improvements; corner house;
; four minutes' walk from Capitol. 427
= Boas street, Harrlsburg, Pa.
FOR RENT-—Two unfurnished third
• floor rooms, both airy and light, with
bath privileges; terms, $8 per month.
Inquire at 41 North Fourteenth street,
; City. '
• FOR RENT Newly furnished room,
: for gentleman; electric lights; steam
- heat; use of bath and Bell plione, 2905 J.
• 21 North Fifth street, Garfield Apart
NICELY furnished rooms at 1642
North Third street. Inquire from 10 A.
® M. to 6 P. M at Dr. Russell's downtown
office, 321 Market street. Both tele
• phones.
1 FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
rooms, private family, all conveniences,
including bath and phone; good loca
, tlon; home privileges. 1617 Market
. street. Bell phone 1355 R.
FOR RENT Desirable front rooms;
, also single rooms, with boarding. Ap
ply 328 North street.
x FOR RENT Two large, newly fur
, nlshed, front second floor rooms; single
r or en-suite; also one single second floor
. room; all use of phone.
209 State street.
, FOR RENT—By the night or month,
the finest rooms in Harrlsburg, single
[ or en suite. Laßelle Apartments, 204
Locust street, next door to Orplieum.
. Steam heat, electricity, baths. Newly
t furnished throughout. Apply Mrs. t,.
. L. Morrell,. 204 Locust street.
FOR RENT For light housekeep
ing, new unfurnished rooms, nicely
papered, strictly up-to-date, with com
municating kitchenettes. Stoves fur
nished free. Laundry, phone and bath
room privileges. All outside rooms.
Strictly private. Inquire Office, 429
Broad street, or Janitor, Room 6, same
FOR SALE Motorcycle like new I
—585.00. Apply Excelsior Cycle Co..
1007-09 North '1 hird street.
FOR SALE One 10-H.-P. direct
current motor, including starter box;
guaranteed like new. Apply Patriot
Job Print, 3SO Market street.
FOR SALE Hotel Lynch, 140-acre
farm, 40-acre farm, and two sites for
manufacture close to center of city. Not
a dollar down. / Inquire of James J.
Lynch, 1311 Fulton street.
• FOR SALE lO rebuilt bicycles, $5
to sl6 each. Big bargains—investi
gate. New Flying Merkles, $25 to $45;
the wheel with flvb-year guarantee.
Keystone Supply Co., 814 North Third
FOR SALE Camping tent, 10x15
Use of camp site, at Perdix, free to de
sirable party. Wayne Cottage for rent.
Possession August 1. Apply to A C
Young, 26 North Third street. Beli
FOR SALE Portable vacuum
cleaner, In perfect condition. Will sell
very reasonable. Reason for selling
have Just Installed a Tuec stationary
cleaner system. Apply A. L. Hall, 1727
State street.
have an auto you want to sell, let us
get a buyer. No sale, no pay Is our
way. If Interested consult us. Key
stone Supply Co., 814 North Third
street. United phone 19W.
BUY your traveling and leather goods
from the wholesale and retail leather
merchants. A large consignment on
display. Specialties made to order and
repaired. Harrlsburg Harness and Sup
ply Co., Second ana Chestnut.
FOR SALE Upright piano; good
condition; cheap. P. O. Box 484, City.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
•Telegraph Business Office.
GLASS window signs. Furnished
Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and
Board and Table Board at 25c each. One
of these signs will be given with each
six-time order for a classified ad. if paid
In advance. Inquire at Office of Tele
FOR SALE Bakery In a lively
town In Snyder county, Pa. Address T
care of the Telegraph.
FOR SALE Candy Floss Machine
Cost $125.00. Will take less than half
for quick sale. Address H., 2025, care
of Telegraph.
FOR SALE 75 S. C. Leghorns
and Black Minorca chickens" 10 weeks
old, at 25c each, if taken at once. Call
Bell phone 507 Y. A. B. Davis, 2436
Camby street, Penbrook, Pa.
FOR SALE One W. H. Mullins
steel motor boat, four-passenger, equip
ped with two-horse-power Little Skip
per Marine engine, Just overhauled by
makers. Boat and engine in good con
dition. Inquire Box. 29, Liverpool, pa.
FOR SALE 1913 Henderson motor- I
cycle, fully equipped, nrst-class condi
tion. Call Barrlngton Garage, Market
street and Brady avenue.
FOR SALE Grocery store, stock
and fixtures. Excellent location. Price
SSOO. Address P., 2024, care of Tele
FOR SALE A driving horse, har
ness and buggy. Apply 1535 North
Sixth street.
POR SALE Maxwell light delivery
auto. Overhauled and repainted. Good
running order and fully equipped. At
bargain. Call Bell phone 262 or ad- '
dress "M„" P. O. Box 704, City.
FOR SALE 5-passenger Bulck, In
fine running order; tires like new. Call
359 South Eighteenth street or Bell
phone 1147 J.
FOR SALE Used motorcycles and
bicycles In first-class running order
low prices. C. H. Uhler, 1317 Derry
street. Agent for Thor and Yale mo
torcycles; also full line of accessories.
FOR SALE, CHEAP - To a quick
buyer, Hupmoblle Roadster ln first
class condition good tires. Apply
EnsmJnger's Garage, Green and Cum
berland streets.
FOR SALE Several makes of used 1 ,
motorcycles In different models; all -
In flrst-class condition. West End Elec- '
trie and Cycle Co., Green and Maclay 11
WANTw Bicycles overhauled,
- 75c. Apply Excelsior Cycle Co., 1007-09
- North Third street.
■ WANTED lOO second-hand bi
cycles and motorcycles we have
great demand for them highest cash
t prices paid. Keystone Supply Co., 814
TO men with ability, good references,
- and SSOO, working capital, we have a
1 proposition to make which will lead to
- Independence. Sound, dignified, cora
b merclal proposition, with results llmit
l ed only by your own energy. P. O. Box
1692, New York.
WANTED An Idea! Who can
think of some simple thing to patenW
Protect your ideas; they may brfng you
wealth. Write to-day and get our free
books. "Millions In Patents," "Needed
Inventions," and "Patent Buyers." Ad
dress Randolph A Co., Deptl 2210, Patent
f Attorneys, Washington, D. C.
TEXAS LAND FREE—To quickly ln
-1 troduc® will give oil lot free. May be
, come worth SI,OOO under our drilling,
s Address Department D. Oil Syndicate,
Houston, Texas.
5 WANTED. IDEAS Write for List
s of Inventions Wanted by manufactur
f ers And prizes offered for inventions.
Our Tour books sent free. Patent se
cured or Fee Returned. Victor J.
Evans & Co., 578-F, Washington, D. C.
r I MADE $50,000 In five years In the
' mail order business, began with $5.
Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea
cock, 355 Lockport, N. Y.
' ANY Intelligent person can earn good
I Income corresponding for newspapers;
! experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock
I ,
dard makes of Electric Motors and
Dynamos. S. G. Sweetser Electric CJ.,
1002 Market street.
Harrisburg Paste Works
120 N. Cameron Street
PAPERHANGERS', billposters', book
- binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt
shipment. All paste guaranteed. Bell
! phone 1186 L.
S. BOLDER & CO.. dealers In all
makes of Sewing Machines for manu
facturing purposes only. 109 North
Sixth street, Philadelphia, Pa.
LOCAL EXPRESS and Delivery. Piano
and Furniture moving a specialty. Stor
age of household goods. Good, dry wood
for sale, stove length. Bell phone 1684 J.
1119 Montgdmery, Harrlsburg.
11. W. LATHE, Boarding Stable and
National Transfer t'o. Movers of
pianos, safes, boilers and general haul
ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone No.
2503 R.
L. H. LACKEY. 642 Peffer streets
Furniture, china and piano packing.
Shipments looked after at both ends.
Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone
, 2077 W.
■ and silver; watches. Jewelry, musical
instruments, antiques, guns, etc. Jo
seph D. Brenner, Jeweler, 803 North
Third street. Bell 626 L.
FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market
street, Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone
1 orders given prompt attention. Bell
. 1960.
with best material and by expert help.
Send us your worn furniture. Our best
efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N.
FOR RENT Second floor apart
ment, 1463 Market street. Four large
rooms and bath.
FOR RENT Modern apartment; for
grown-ups only; front and rear en
trances; five well-lighted rooms; bath
and pantry; all private; all conveniences
for light housekeeping. Corner Hamll-
secured at the Telegraph Business
FOR RENT ln the Telegraph
Building, a suite of well located offices.
Inquire for Superintendent in Business
Office of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Store room, 1200 North
Third street; 33x100; 14-foot celling
one of the best rooms in the city. Ap-
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents
per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411
Broad street. Both phones.
large brick warehouses. built ex
pressly fpr storage. Private rooms
for household goods and unexcelled fa
cilities for storing all kinds of mer
chandise. Low storage rates. South
SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv
ed up to 7:30 P. M., July 14, by the
Board of School Directors of Sw'atara
Township, for the construction of a
four-room addition to the Enhaut
School Building, and for the construc
tion of a two-room School Building at
Bressler; together with bids on the
heating and ventilating system and the
electric wiring. Plans and specifica
tions can be seen at the office of C
Howard Lloyd, Architect, Telegraph
Building, Harrlsburg, Pa. Bide are to
be directed to John M. Erb, Secretary
Oberlin, Pa. The right to reject any or
all bids Is hereby reserved by the School
July 10, 1914.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv
ed at the office of Superintendent of
Streets and Public Improvements up to
12 o'clock of Monday, July 20, 1914, for
the construction of SEWERS In WOOD
Blank bids and specifications may be
had on application. The Superinten
dent reserves the right to reject any or
all bids.
Haiyisburg, Pa., July 7, 1914
NOTICE Is hereby given that the
Annual Meeting of the stockholders of
the Harrisburg Traiction Company, for
I the election of Directors, and the trans
action of such other business as may
come before the meeting, will be held
Tuesday, July 21, 1914, at the office of
the Company, In the City of Harrls
burg. at 10:00 A. M.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv
ed at the office of the Superintendent
of Public Printing and Binding, In the
Capitol at Harrlsburg, Pa., until 12
o'clock noon, August 10, 1914. for dis
tributing public documents of the Com
monwealth, In accordance with the
terms of the act approved July 19, 1913,
"An Act creating a Division of Dis
tribution of Documents, defining its
powers and duties, regulating the print
ing, binding and distribution of the
public documents of this Common
wealth, and providing penalties for the
violation of this Act."
when said bids will be opened and pub
Each proposal must be aspompanled
by a bond or a certified check to the
order of the State Treasurer, In one
fourth the amount of the proposal.
Copies of the schedule, relating to
said distribution, the Act, and all other
necessary Information, may be obtained
by communicating with the Superinten
dent of Public Printing and Binding,
1 State Capitol, Harrlsburg, Pa.
1 Superintendent of Public Printing and
. High Grade Stocks Began to
Money in Abi
By Associated Press
x Y ork. July 11. Various con
flicting conditions imparted a weak tone
_ to this week's stock market. The news
was more than ordinarily a mixture of
, good and bad, the former including the
u splendid crop report, the new attitude
e or Washington towards business and
j the more hopeful views entertained by
_ representatives of the steel industry.
t These were more than counterbal
anced by continued delay in the East
_ ern freight rate decision and heavy
. selling of numerous low-priced railway
. shares, including Gould Issues, Rock
r Islands, New Haven and Chesapeake
and Ohio, most of which fell to lowest
' prires ever recorded.
Selling of the Goulds was unexplain
it ed, except on the general ground that
. Investors have become discouraged with
, the outlook for that and affiliated prop
_ erties. There was also reason to be
-1 lleva that the short interest accelerated
the downward movement in these se
_ curlties.
e The causes back of the selling of New
5 Haven and Chesapeake were more ap
parent. Towards the end of the week
high-grade stocks, which had held rela
_ tlvely steady, began to reflect the force
j of the movement in the obscure stock
.. and indications of liquidation in that
.1 part of the list were manifested.
Money was again In abundant supply
at rates slightly higher than in the
, previous week. The huge shifting of
. loans in connection with midyear dls
- bursements had but slight effect on
- monetary conditions.
d Recoveries were made by high grade
~ stocks and some of the low priced is
sues rebounded one to two points. The
- movement was checked, however, by
sudden declines In Western Union and
American Telephone and Telegraph,
which fell from one to over two points,
- respectively.
|t Another selling movement occurred
II to-day in New Haven, Chesapeake and
Ohio, the Gould Issues and some more
- obscure stocks, producing new low
11 records. The selling appeared to be
- largely of bear origin, following an an
il nouncement that the Inter-State Com
merce Commission had ordered the St.
~ Paul Road to'reduejß rates between Min
nesota and North and South Dakota
0 points. The closing was Irregular.
I. Furnished by H. W. SNAVEIiY
Arcade Bnlldlng
New York, July 11.
Open. Clos.
1 Amal. Copper ?.... 70% 69%
. American Beet Sugar 2 5 24%
d American Can 27% 27%
>. Am. C. & F 51 % 51
American Cotton Oil 39 39
- Am. Locomotive ... 29% 29%
8 American Smelting . 65% 65%
[• American Sugar ... 106% 106%
'• American T. & T 120% 120%
Anaconda 30% 30 5-6
- Atchison 98% 98%
1 Baltimore. & Ohio . . 91% 31%
I Bethlehem Steel .. . 42% 42%
" Brooklyn R. T 42% 42%
1 Brooklyn R. T 91% 91%
. Cotjadian Pacific ... 190% 190%
e Central Leather ... 35% 36
e Chesapeake & Ohio. 46% 47
t C., M. & St. P 99 98%
e Chino Con. Copper . 40% 40%
1 Col. F. & 1 25% 25%
Distilling Securities . 14% 14%
1 Erie 281 281
). General Electric Co. 149 149
' Great Northern, pfd. 122% 122%
'• Illinois Central 112% 112%
■ Interboro Met 63% 63%
Lehigh Valley 137% 137%
Mex. Petroleum ... 61% 61%
Missouri Pacific ... 10% 9%
Nev. Con. Copper .135 135
New York Central ..89% 89
N. Y„ N. H. &- H. .. 59% 56%
Northern Pacific ... 110 110%
Penna. R. R 112 112
People's Gas & Coke 120% 120%
. Press Steel Car 43% 43%
Ray Con. Copper ... 21 % 21
Reading 163% 163'
b Southern Pacific ... 97% 97
8 Texas Company ... 142 142
Union Pacific 155% 155%
2 U. S. Steel 61% 61%
i. U. S. Steel pfd 100% 100%
s Utah Copper 51% 51%
Va. Caroline Chem.. 28% 28%
" Western Maryland . 17% 17%
* Western Union Tel.. 59% 59
Westinghouse Mfg.. 78% 78%
By Associated Press
r Philadelphia, July 11. Wheat
, Steady; No. 2, red, export. 93H @94 >/4c;
i No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, 99c®
1 SI.OO.
Corn —.Higher; No. 2, yellow, local,
79H @Boc.
Oats Firmer; No. 2, white, 45®)
Bran Market firmer; winter, per
ton, $24.50026.00; spring, per ton,
$23.50® 24.00.
Refined Sugars Market firm;
, powdered, 4.40 c; fine granulated, 4.30 c;
confectioners' A, 4.20 c; Keystone A,
4.10 c. -
Butter The market is firm;
western, creamery, extras, 28c; near
by prints, fancy, 31c.
Eggs The market is Arm;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
free cases, $6.75 per case; do., current
receipts, free cases, $6.00®6.30 per case:
western, extras, firsts, free cases. $6.75
per case; do., firsts, free cases, $6.00®
6.30 per case.
Live Poultry Weaker; fowls, 18%
19tyc; young chickens, ll@20c;
spring chickens, 27 032 c; broiling chick
ens, 17 1 /4®25c; old roosters, 12@13c;
ducks, old, 13® 14c; ducks, young, 16<&
[ 17c; geese, 15C8H7c; turkeys, 19020 c.
Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls,
• western, fancy,, heavy, 19®20c; do.,
fair to good, heavy, 14® 18c;
do., unattractive. 10013 c; old
roosters, 12% c; roasting chick
ens, fancy. J6ol*c: broit"i<
chickens, fancy, 20@25c; do., fair,
capons, large, 2Jo*ou, ilu.,
■mail. 18020 c; turkeys, fancy, 240126 c;
do., fair, 20®23c; ducks, 11018 c; geese.
11 ® 16c. ,
Potatoes Easier; old, per bushel,
90c®$1.00; new, per barrel, $1.50®3.50;
Jersey, per basket, 65@75c.
Flour—The market is steady; winter,
clear, $3.8604.10. 'straights, Penn
sylvania, $4.1604.30; western, $4.26®
4.40; patents, $4.5004.75; Kansas
straight, jute sacks. $4.16®4.30; spring,
firsts, dear, $4.0004.20: straights, $4.20
@4.36; patents. $4.40®4.66.
By Associated Press
Chicago, 111., July 11. Hogs Re
ceipts, 9,000; strong. Bulk of sales. $8.60
@8.85; light, $8.6008.90; mixed, »8.40@
8.90; heavy, $8.25@8.90; rough, $8,250
8.35; pigs, $7.70@8.70.
Cattle—Receipts, 200; steady. Beeves,
$7.6009.75; steers, $6.4008.30; stockers
and feeders, $5.75@8.00; cows and heif
ers. $3.8509.00; calves, $7.50010.50.
Sheep Receipt,, ' 6,000; steady.
Sheep. $5.35 06.00; yearlings, $6,000
7.50; lambs, $6.50®9.30.
New Modern Apartments
16 and 18 North Fourth Street
A ffi ,y J.L. Shearer, Jr.
Jba' rI t if Wfiw i' i; iinll' 1—
Reflect Toward End of Week;
undant Supply
Furnished by H. W. SNAVELY
) Arcade Building
[ Chicago. 111., July IX.
Open. xngn. jjow. Clou.
' Wheat—
\ July 78% 78%
1 Sept 78% 77%
' Dec 81 80 %
• July 69% 70%
Sept 67% 68%
' July 38% 89%
; Sept 36% 36%
By Associated Press
t New York, July 11. The statement
i of the actual condition of Clearing
House Banks arid Trust Companies for
the week shows that they hold $7,577,-
I 300 reserve In excess of legal require
. ments. This Is a decrease of (3,012,150
from last week,
r The statement follows:
Actual Condition
i Loans, $2,089,311,000; decrease, $27,-
. 189,000.
i Specie, $374,195,000; decrease, $17,-
l 247,000.
t Legal-tenders, $76,008,000; Increase,
r Net deposits, $1,963,126,000; decrease.
s $41,587,000.
t Circulation, $41,615,000; Increase,
. $66,000.
i Banks' cash reserve In vault, $375,-
) Tust Companies' cash reserve In
. vault, $75,184,000.
s Aggregate cash reserve, $450,208,000.
Excess lawful reserve, $7,577,300; de
l crease, $3,012,150.
Trust Companies' reserve with Clear -
, tng House members carrying 25 per
cent, cash reserve. $67,187,000.
f" Wlth the calling
//>( for bids for the erec
| K tlon of eight houses
lAF*. at Bellevue Park by
-f the Investors' Realty
rj&-' SSfai Company and the
SyKnpt ;=jP 1= announcement that
""TOT several other lot own
era are contemplating
•j-l-J AjjJgSlt early building, the
; Li. . pretty suburban site
becomes an active leader In real estate
projects. The assurance of the erec
tion of a dozen homes, four of which
are now under process of erection, and
Indications that a number of deals for
Bellevue lots will be closed In the near
future, it Is believed that within a year
the suburb, now dotted with splendid
homes, will be well built up.
Of course /he restrictions in regard
to the park make It Impossible that
the city, however rapid may be Its
growth, can crowd the homes. Ample
spac« is provided around each home,
with the stipulation that not more
1 than one house may be built on 'one
plot of ground. This assures a preser
vation of the oppn space and greenery
and arboreal features that make life
very liveable in Bellevue. A further
stipulation Imposing a minimum cost
of $2,500 for bungalow type and
$3,500 for two-story houses assures
the preservation of a high standard in
architecture and material, as Is evi
denced by the twenty homes at pres
ent. standing In Bellevue.
John Heathcote is building a stone
and stucco dwelling at Hillside road
and Twenty-first street.
George W. Jacobs is building a stone
and stucco dwelling in Chestnut street
near Twenty-first.
John E. Hemperly Is building a
brick dwelling In Chestnut street near
Twenty-first. Mr. Hemperly is one of
the first Harrlsburg men to use the
new Paxton pressed face brick, the
product of our city's latest Industry.
I. P. Bowman has about completed
a splendid three-story dwelling at the
southwest corner of Twenty-second
and Chesthut streets.
William C. Terry Is having plans
prepared for a new dwelling at the
northeast corner of Twenty-second
and Chestnut streets.
Realty Transfers. Susquehanna
township, A. Shartzer et al. to George
F. Shope, $l3O.
Houses at 1825 Market, 1825-7
Market street is the site for Harris
burg's latest adventure In brick
houses. During the. past several weeks
there have been a considerable num
ber of this sort of buildings started.
M. C. Bard will soon start to build
two three-story brick houses at the
location mentioned to cost $5,500 for
the pair.
a--- . i II
THE harrlsburg Polyclinic Dispen
sary will be open dally except Sunday
at 3 P M„ at Its new location, r/ut
North Second street, for the free treat
ment of the worthy poor.
Seven-room « frame dwelling,
northwest corner Eleventh and
Paxton streets, water, gas and sew
er connections, private alley on
Paxton street. House faces only
flower and grass plot in Eleventh
street, width here is greatest in Its
3 mile length. From 5,000 to 20,-
000 people dally walk or ride past
corner. Inquire of
Af. A. Fought
272 North Street, Harrlsburg, Pa.
and others upon their own names.
Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden
Adams A < <>., R. 804, 8 N. Market Sq.