\yo(V)en r^unret^'6T^. Help Love Pack His Trunk By BEATRICE FAIRFAX "W'hon Ix>ve shows BifjTvs of leaving Don t try by tears and grieving To win him back! way he'll only stay another day; Get out his trunk ■without delay— And eml ling help him' to pack!** Many of my girl c o rrespondents write me sad little letters pleadins with me to help them win oacjt iovera who show signs of weariness, "My flancs doesn't eecm sure whether he loves me or not," writes ~. M. S. "His father wants him to marry a richer girl. He acts bored and restless every once In a while and leaves me—but he has always come back to me. Maybe he won't some : day, and then how will I bear It? What shall I do? I feel as If I couldn't 1 hear this uncertainty and longer. Help 1 me, please, for I am almost crazy." ' My poor, dear girl, if you have to ' hear separation from the man you I love, be assured strength will com© • to you. You have now the harder task In ' enduring uncertainty. If you had to : face your tragedy, you would march to 1 it like the soldier going to battle. Vncertalnty and not knowing what : you have to meet are the hardest parts ] of your sad woman's conflict with i love. Are you brave enough to hurry i your moment of reckoning? Do you : lare offer your uncertain lover his freedom? If you could do this brave y and lightly, with no wailing or re- i A Uneeda Biscuit Tempt the appetite, please the taste and nourish the body. Crisp, clean and fresh— -5 cents in the moisture proof package. Baronet Biscuit Round, thin, tender— with a delightful flavor appropriate for luncheon, tea and dinner, io cents.y^" ZuZu Prince of appetizers. Makes daily trips from Ginger-Snap Land to waiting mouths every where. Say Zu Zu to the grocer man, 5 cents. I Buy biscuit baked by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Always look for that name \ ) r N Don't 1 Faint When yon see a BED BUG but Immediately phone for a bottle of FORNEY'S KNOCKOUT BED BUG KILLER As a Scorcher. 25£ Pint. Forney' Drng Stores 426 MARKET STREET Special Note—Sunday Hours: 9 to 12.30—5.30 to 7.50 1 * STcESr REPAIRING or adjusting. Jewelry cleaning or repolishtng. take it to SPRINGER T^r" h,e 206 MARKET ST.—Hell Phone Diamond Setting and Engraving. | WEDNESDAY EVENING HAHRISBURG TELEGRAPH JULY 8, 1914. proaches, It might frighten yopr fiance into a wonder If you oould have tired of him. And th» fear of losing you might chain him to you as no sweet certainty that you will be there w&itlng can do. Nothing is so dead as a dead In fatuation. If he Is really tired of you. he will resent any effort on your part to hold him In honor bound or to galvanize his dead love lata JBfe again. This is your course if you ar® too uncertain and desperate with un certainty to wait for love to some "back at the last to you." I firmly believe "Tho' love may go a-wandering for a time, he comes home at last" —unless he had died while traveling. But don't be a coward and cry or whine. This will drive him away quickly. Smile and he sweetly desirable and unexpectedly unattainable. Smile and say: "This is no cage with bars. Neither of us must act as if it were. Do you want to go?" Don't remind him of your dreams and plans, of the love and happ> thoughts, of the kisses and all the dear sweetness of your happy love days. Just offer to pack love's lug gage and wish him God speed on his Journey. Love could never go If this were done. Love would stay to remind ypu of all you had bravely pretended to forget. And If he goes, make your life splendid in Bpite of him. For If he leaves you, you won't lose love—only a very poor imitation lover. Put your self out of your unhappy uncertainty. R. M. S. Don't let a man play fast and lose with your peace of mind. Facts you can face. TilUng at shadows will wear you out. FILMIEST MATERIALS FOR EVENING WEAR Attractive Design For Bodice of the Young Girl's Dancing Frock 8292 Fancy Bodice for Misses and Small Women, 16 and 18 years. WITH OR WITHOUT LACE BAND AT NECK EDGE. j The prettiest and most fashionable ; evening bodices are made of thin, f-.lmy : materials. This one is especially charm- j ; ing for the trimming portions match the I skirt, so giving the connecting link while 1 the transparent effect is maintained. : In this instance, net is combined with taffeta but lace, chiffon, any one of the ; thin materials can be utilized for the 1 blouse with whatever material may ! be wanted for the skirt; or, if the lace is | too thin and transparent, it can be made 1 1 over chiffon or in its stead can be used ] cr£pe de chine or chiffon cloth. If a | slightly higher neck is wanted, a trim- I ming bana of lace can be added under the edge. There is a lining on which the blouse and the trimming portions are arranged. For the 16 year size, the blouse will require i'*' yds. of material 27 or 36 in.! wide, Yt yd. 44, with yd. 27 or 36. j yd. 44 for the trimming portions, yds. of lace 3 in. wide for the trimming band, 3 yds. of rosebud banding. The pattern 8292 is cut in sizes for 16 and 18 years. It will be mailed to any address by the Fashion Department of this paper, on receipt of ten centa- Bowman's sell May Manton Patterns. "Candy Kid" 15 Tell the Neighbors —EAT SOME TMOt IMHMI ~~ InEDULuI Why he wkt* Herat* the work. Can be had at ail Clean Sweep Sale|Jf : | Decisive Clearawat) T y Here's a List of Items 25c Women's two- And Every Advertised Item I SI.OO children-.i t C l button Lisle Thread . Dresses, 6to 14 years, (< Gloves, at at F \ 50c Women's Swiss Ribbed HH 183 SI.OO Women's Scco Silk C K Union Suits at MB§ * >ett ' coats ' at / ( 10c Women's Swiss Ribbed JHi S3 WML JsM JHj BR JMP sl-25 Women's House I t Vests at 'jj|| ' Dresses at S fl M H„„ ' f- 50 Women's Wash Dre SS V $15.00 Women's and Misses' Silk") B 50c Women's Shirt Waists | C » 100 Women s House skirts at Dresses at BP at 1 J Dresses at . wh j 49c 59c $5.00 JSI 23c i 35c 20c 12 He 93.00 Womfl'i 925 Women's 97.50 and 9«.50 K Children's Drewses, Men's and Boy's Children's Muslin Silk Shirt Boys' Norfolk and Misses' Fine Women** and Mlsaoa' I ■ 2 to 6 years, Sunpcnrirra Drawers Waist a Suits Silk Dresses Summer Dressea I |l2 k 10c 5 c 95c $1.89 $9.75 $lB9 50c 91.00 920.00 Women's and 50c Women's 80e sls Extra Slse 92.00 i K Women's ( hnmhrar Men'* Percale Misses' New Spring Bransleres, Kmhrold- Boys' Oliver Twist Sctkc Coats For Women's nnd Misses' J Petticoats Dress Shirts Cloth Suits ery Trimmed, Wash Suits Stout Women v Wash Dress Skirts J j 22c 50c $195 23c 49c $5.00 SI.OO | f 10c Be 93 and 94 Women's $5.00 Women's 9R.00 94 nnd 95 Women's 95.00 W Children's Fast Black Women's White and Misses' Summei Silk ChlfTon Men's Odd and Mitoses' Wash Women's nnd Misses' ' i 1 Hose Handkerchiefs Dresnes Blouses Coats Dress Skirts Cloth Dress Skirts ' j 5c l'c SI.OO $1.95 SL9S $1.95 $2.89 || : 1 38e Women'a 750 Wnmrn'n *fl.r.O Women'. *1.25 Women 1 * W. 50 m.OO Extra Slae *2.00 Women'* I r Par. Thread Silk Mualln Gonna, nnd Mlaaea' 1 ti-liutton I.enElh Men'a Summer Wa.halile and Mlmea' Tan Airto I 1 | Hole Cut Full, Clotli Coata Silk Glove, Ralnoata Dreaaea Pop Stout Duater Coata 'at at at at at Women at nt , 21c 39c $2.69 69c $2.95 $2:89 SI.OO , | 11 , | | 12He SAr 1U2.50 Women', *2.00 75c li'JM) Women', 91.50 . " | Men'a Kaat Color Womeu'a Coraet a"d Mlaaea* Men*, Boya' Indian and Mlaaea* Junior Summer Hoae Covera Cloth Coata Pant, Play Suit, Trimmed Hat, Waahalile Dreaaea I j 62c 19c $5.00 89c 39c 10c 45c 9 50e 50c 95 snd $0.50 Women'* 910.00 91.50 93.50 Women's 92.00 1 , % Men's Percale Dress Women's Dungnlow nnd Misses' Summer Men's Boys' Cowboy and Misses' Junior Summer W J Shirts Aprons Dresses Suits Suits Trimmed Hats Washable Dressea I j 33c 25c $2.89 $490 75c j 49c 69c [j K 25e 7He f 1.00 Women'. *I.OO s.*t.OO *2.50 Women', and *3.50 m I Men' nalltrlKKan Women', Mu,lln rtruaadle and Voile Men', Boja' Norfolk Mlaaea' Rlnrk | Women'a and Mlaaea* J , I'nder.vear Pettleoata Blonnrn Panta • Siilta Cntrlmmed Hot, W'aah Drea, Skirt, £ , | 15c 49c 59c 59c $L'49 j 10c | SL39 ){ frraah slmm'er'"c„,., 1 i,ong ,T .'.°n" j}ml 1 [ Hours of Closing For July and August 1 J 9 f MBg r l 1 Store open Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays S S QQ 1 jfjjflj M and Thursdays until 5.30 P. M. m S *J*J C I 1811 S| M 1 Friday store closes at 12 o'clock, noon. \ t * atur^ a^s store °P en Ba.m. to 9 p.m. j Miss Fairfax Answers Queries DON'T TRY TO FORCE MATTERS s Chicago, 111. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am eighteen and employed in an office. During the two years I am employed I became acquainted with a young man of twenty. During our ac quaintance, he has taken me out twice and several times came to my office to see me. When I meet him in the street, and he is with any of his friends he always gives me an intro duction. When speaking to him through the phone daily on account of business, he speaks quite sensibly and mannerly and regards me as a friend. Now, what I want to know is, do y*>u think he caree for me? I have taken a liking to him and want to win his love but do not want to Jump at him like other girls and then be left out. A CONSTANT READER. Do not try to force this young man to be any more attentive to you than he desires. Don't make any demands or give any evidence of wanting to 1 chain him to your side. Men prefer to do their own courting. If you are always sweet, amiable and friendly without any attitude of 'silly giggling or of demanding as your right the kindness he now gives freely, I think his interest will'deepen, since it seems to be very genuine. INSIST ON AN UNDERSTANDING DEAR MISS FAIRFAX: I I have been engaged to a young lady I since January and we were to be mar- I rlod in June. Now she tells me she loves me more than she did when she 1 promised to marry me, but I can't get her consent to give up single life. Then, again, she says she can't live ■ —ii Cool and refreshing A quick and beneficial way to quench your thirst —drink a glass of Ice Cold Wilbur Cocoa Serve it hot for breakfast—ice cold for luncheon and dinner. The purest and richest cocoa beans, prepared the Wilbur way, is why Wilbur Cocoa is the most delicious and di gestible cocoa on the market Over sixty different and tempting ways to use it. Buy a pound today. Ask your grocer for a copy of "Cook's Tours Through Wilbur land." If he hasn't a copy for you, write us. H. O. Wilbur &. Sons, Inc. Philadelphia, Pa. ■ OHBii without me. and will marry me mis time. What would you advise me to do? I love her dearly. We are both of marriageable asre. X. Y. Z. I would advise you to assert yourself fummer Novelties ictorial Reviewjfly "Russian Tunic" Smart Linen Frocks y \ rect Summer styles is ie Fashion Book I FOR SUMMER I of the Celebrated I ctorial Review I y 10c when purchased M vith one 15c pattern. ' to JiSfc'iJ SI At the Pattern Counter. »fcu ZS ! Dives, Pomeroy Stewart and not allow your fiancee's whims to have their foolish sway. Insist on set tins a definite date for your wedding or on breaking your engagement. Firmness is what you need. Business Locals USED PIANOS AND ORG AITS The more new pianos and player pianos we sell, the more used pianos and organs are taken In exchange as part payment. These Instruments are thoroughly overhauled so as to give excellent service. We have a number of these on hand now that will be sold at exceptionally low prices. Yohn Bros.. 8 North Market Square. YOU'D PICK UP $3 OR $10? We are offering you a special reduc tion of $3 to $lO on a custom-made suit or overcoat? It's real money sav ing while the value continues to be sewn into the garments as before. Be tween seasons we are obliged to sac rifice profit in order to keep our ef ficient working force busy. George F. Shope, the Hill tailor, 1241 Market i street. GROWING FEET Of children require special cure in summer. Light weight, cool and com fortable footwear should be selected. Our white canvas shoes for children at sl, $1.25, $1.75 and $2 are the mqst dressy aa well as comfortable shoes for the summer days. Delchler. Thir teenth and Market streets. WHERE SHALL I GO? To the Victoria, of course! When you are strolling around aimlessly and have no particular place to go and nothing of importance that needs im mediate attention, step into the Vic toria Theater and see the humor, drama or scenic attractions of the world. The new Alms first and always the best at the Victoria. , ji TO BE A WELL-DRESSED MAN be a Slmms man. It Is the fine attend tion to detail that makes the Slmma custom-tailored garments stand out among all the rest. It 1s the personal time, attention and supervision that Slmms gives to the building of a gar-, ment from the choice of a fabric to the finished product (that win favor with "men who cara." ti North [Fourth street ■-•=-- -3 5
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