To-morrow, Thursday, Two Days' Business in One Closed All Day Friday on Account of Store Picnic CALL 1991 -ANY "PHONE. Every Department in the Store has contributed to make this a sales-event that will pay you to do two days shopping in one. Read each item—you will find just what you need here. HARRISBUBS'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORE PirTlir Qo 1 p TlTaiti PTI 'c Wpq Y Picnic Sale of Silk, Ribbon and Kid PICNIC SALE OF ITII/1111/ Ocue wumeilb weal and Washable Girdles and Belts -- , l . These Prices For Thursday OnlyS I .lOthlllO' SI.OO House Dresses, 49c $5.00 Pure Wool White Serge Skirts, Llnovation shirred elastic girdles in all colors, moire, Roman We have just twelve dozen of tliem — $i go stripes and printed taffetas 50? _ i , Q.. r n , Mnn c u . , three styles and all sizes. They are made p . . , . .* , ... kid belts, silk lined with buckle SI.OO -1 en s $1..0 and $2.00 Straw Hats in this A r n f rrnnfl" nprralpc -mrl lawns trimmer! Plain skirts, trimmed With buttons. White kid belts, patent leather trimmings 50? salt.,it. &UL with Inrp ir rmhroirlprv ( Vmiinp rlnl'nr J ust the thing to wear sllirt waists. Plain white kid belts with bow 50? Men s and youths' S2O, $22.50 and $25 Suits of fine with lacc i i enu i oicle \. uenu el .a p„ Wnni cuirtc <fci qh White pique washable girdles and vestees 50? worsteds and serges. Special CI7ITA dresses. Limit, 2to each customer. rure Wool berge Skirts, 5p 1.98 Main FIoor— BOWMANS. , \| / Sll $5 00 Raincoats, $2.50 | Black and navy also navy with Ro- " p icn J c 0 f = ' ' Men ; S and youths'' a'li-wooi 2 and 3-piece Suits of Everybody needs a raincoat—and ! man striped underskirt. ■ All have long OdlC U1 cassimeres and homespuns, that were form- (i or needs it now These are unusual quali- tunics. LdCCS aild Elll DrQldeiieS erl >' S - 50 to $ lO - Special, at #4.OD t,es-reps and canton cloth rubberized. Forty-five Good Suits, $5.00 75c 45 . inch voilc floun T, vard 25 ? Men's white duck and khaki trousers that Or Cemented seams, cmncitn e co ars j Most of them are dark navy and black 15c to 25c galloons and insertions, splendid patterns, yard, 9? were SI.OO. In this sale at tan and na\\. A sizes Irom misses —just the suit for Fall. Lined with 50c 27-inch baby embroidered flouncings, yard 35? Boys straw and wash Rah Rah hats that to women s 46. j p eau f j e cvgne or Skinner satin. Former Embroidered strips, mostly Swiss edges, 4to inches wide; that were 50c and 69c. Special at .£UC $5.00, $5.98, $7.50 and SIO.OO Wash prices were $12.50, sls and S2O. 5 yards to one strip; regular 75c to SI.OO quality, strip 4B? Third FIoor— BOWMAN-S. Dresses, $2.98 '. v ' ' a. 0 no 10c heavy linen laces - >' ard ~~ Spic and span „ew dresses in voiles ■ ** Foniier Picnic Sale Women's and Children's tissues, crepes and crepe tissues —and misses anu women s sizes, rormer j j s __ . French linen and ramie linen. Over two prices were $25.00, $30.00, $32.50 and hundred to select from. The best of the (K) ' PiCIliC Sale Of GIOVCS Women's 25c vests, bleached, lisle thread, low neck, sleeve season s styles. All sizes. Fifty Black Taffeta Petticoats at $1.49 To clean up odds and ends of 2-clas P silk and long lisle less seconds each 14? SIO.OO Trolley Coats and Balmacaans, Heavy chiffon taffeta with embroid- I gloves, values up to SI.OO per pair; per pair 19? . Women s union suits, low neck, sleeveless, lace knees, $2.98 ered flounce. Black onlv, and most of 23-inch length, double tipped, silk gloves in black and white, hue quality of bleached cotton, each 49? Eponges and check eponge; imported them are in the shorter lengths. Regu- j SIOO value for. per pair • 69? , on ! en ( 20 ves * s ' '™ e of b,eached cotton, low cloths Colors are brown tanne tnno-n lar 0(1 nnalitv i 2-clasp double tipped silk gloves, white and black, 50c values ecv pl seconds, 3 for 25?; or, each 9? ciotns colors are Drown, taupe, tango quality. f0r...: ! 39? Children's 12y 2 c bleached vests, bleached, low neck, tape and led and green. Five hundred SI.OO waists at. . .. Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. neck and sleeves, 3 for or, each $12.50 and $15.00 Pure Wool White All SI.OO waists at 89f \V omen s 25c vests, bleached, low neck, sleeveless, tape serge coats, $3.98 aii $1.25 waists at Picnic Sale of Art Needlework IV I„ i: (' I ■ i_,. , *-,*,* " V Three-quarter length with half belts. . Scema floor— BOWMAN s. $1.75 drawn work scarfs, size 18x54 inches #l.lO pe r pair P alrs T,. ■ - . , . , If™ * rawnwo * scar . fs ' 18=<54 inches #I.OO WomenVSOc' i.ose', tilreid VoU^'highVpliced Picnic Sale of Dress Goods IMirinil* PlVw Cal™. Im 2 S,Ze «,?£ I,eels - * Mt garler tops, colors only, 3 pairstor SI ;or. each, :{-,e ,f: r v , " WUUO UeIICIOUS ries, takes sl.=o drawn work shams .. #1.19 Women's 25c hose, plain Hack and colors, silk lisle, double U;,c linen finish suiting; colors wistaria, tan. brown, rase, 1 p.,},;., «c drawn work square. 8-inch siae 33J so | es , wide garter tops, seconds, per pair 12'/? black, cadet. Thursday, per yard t.e 2oc drawn work square. 8-inch size 18MJ Women's 12>/.c hose, tans only, double Wels and toes, 4 pdrs 2.->c mercerized crepe, yard wide, in lilac, cadet, light blue and baked at all hours. All or- drawn work square. 18-inch size 3<? f or or r j r Tib brown. , Thursday, per yard 10? ders for picnics and out- second Floor BOWMAN'S. Children's 15c black 'cotton hose,' double' heeis and'toes, all 10c black lawn with white dot; per yard 2/ 2 $ j n g- s fi|J ec l promptly. Pirnir ftf sizes ' seconf,s - P er P air 10? 39c Tussah silk, 2/ inches wide, in rose, green, brown, taupe Restaurant—Second'Floor. -Tll/IllC OctlC U1 Wa|n F i oor _ BO wMAN-s. with figure. Per vard 19? ' "VftlT 1 * % * - £ iSX.W.„: •pa -yIT Picnic Sale .( Notions Meil S f UmiSlllllgS Picnic Sale of _ . , . ■ 5c pearl buttons, 2 dozen for Men's $1.50 Dress Shirts, $1.19 TTTI. IJL AA J M 50c 28-inch silk ratine in lilac, cadet, rose, crev, pink, brown. 17 - ... . , , , .. „ L «■ \t\i nIT P I Tflflfl C Per yard 19e White and colored wash Fine quality of woven madras, coat style with French cuffs. VY 111 LV VJUULIO Main FIoor— BOWMAN S. Kraid a i Men s SI.OO Dress Shirts, 69? D , ~ , . , . . .. , , . . • braid, per yard le . Plaid and striped marquisette —just the thing for dresses with Pimir ftf 500 yard spools white bast- * leicenzed madias and percales, coat style, attached cuffs. tunics; regular 19c quality, yard 10? , * . rj ing cotton. 3 spools for... 10? Men s 50c Night Shirts, 35? Flowered pique, 27 inches wide—fine for pretty summer 12^ 2 c Silkoline o(i inches wide, for comforts, cushions, 10c middy lacers at* Fine quality of muslin,'with or without collars. suits; regular 19c quality; yard 11? screens and diapery, special, yard 9? roll white tape. .8? j Men's 25c Underwear 18e Heavy corduroy with fancy weave, 29 inches wide; regular 25c Curtain Scrim—4o inches wide, colored bordered scrim, Main Floor— BOWMAN'S. i n , • i - . * . .. , , 25c aualitv • soecial vard 15? (r, r rlnnr nr n ar • \ ll*. Flam and fanCV balbrigfTail ShlTtS aild draWCTS. ' . *|uatll,7 , Oi a ,)»« • lor door or arui\\ay arapeij,\aid lO? ■ ~ , TT . * _ . Longcloth in 10-vard lengths; regular 79c quality, piece, OO? 98c Swiss Curtains- With colored border, 2}/ 2 yards long; D;_ • C I f r'L* 1 e ° B ° nlon Ul 8 ' Crepe voile, 38 inches wide—a very pretty fabric for waists bedroom curtains; pair . .>0? ;J rICIIIC 3<tl6 Ol tOIII3 Light weight, ribbed, short sleeves, knee length. an( j dresses; regular 19c quality; yard * 12^? $1.50 Lace Curtains White and ecru, 3 yards long, one pair c p orco ] a j n jardinieres, Men's 25c Ties, lie Turkish towels, slightly imperfect; regular 19c quality; spe • T>J * • '\ 'f\ •'"\l •j" V dark elazed I Washable 4-in-hand ties, all new and choice patterns; Thurs- c ' a ' 25c Curtain Scrim Plain ecru scrim, 40 inches wide, for win- imnnrtp/l rbim day, 3 for 30?; or, each 17? Dimity spreads, size 52x90 inches; regular 75c quality; spe dow or door drapery; yard im P ort ecl Cllllia salt cja l 44* Remnants of Sunfast Material In useful lengths for cur- boxes, blue decorated ' Huck toweling with fancy figure, 22 inches wide; regular 35c tains, piano or mantle drapery, piece 50? to $1.75 wood, hinge cover ... 14 $ 1 la,n linen llcels ancl toes - quality, yard 22? 18c and 20c Cretonnes Useful lengths, for cushions, cur- 42c covered milk pitch- Boys 50c Shirts, .{9? White madras, 27 inches wide; good range of patterns to se tains, boxes and screens, yard Viy 2 it and 15? ers 25c 4 Plain colors and neat stripes; coat style, French cuffs, mili- lect from; regular 25 c quality; yard 9? 35c Curtain Voile Colored bordered voile, tine for curtains; 25c babv plates decor- tary collar. Red table cover, size 56x80 inches; assortment of patterns to y Fourth" FIoor— BOWMAN'S! ±2 ' M ated . 17? Men's SI.OO Pajamas, 79? select from; regular 59c quality ; special 39? ■ no , f l nrnr . l tp,i ( n rmo Light weight, plain white and colors. Huck towels, size 17x32 inches, linen finish; regular $1.20 A Large Lot of Shoes Assembled for china; saLd dthes, cTk" Men ' s 25c Pad Gart^l r _ qua,ity ; dozen M ;: F ;- BO ™ a 98^ This Special Occasion plates : nut bowls and "i- =—=— and will be on sale for one day only. Let your dollars do more S ' Vl i' l Picnic Sale of Picnic Sale of Housefurnishings than double duty on Thursday. VSc blass flower baskets, » Lot No. I—Women's white canvas, black suede and tan Rus- T!) li g m fi I 4 mm j»c\ Japanne sugar cans •••••• _ ps ar" d .?'. ipp . e . r ! thatwere form rJj basement bowmax's. JrOrcJu. P Ulllltttre g^iTlgXanSed'paiis io» Lot No. 2—Women's high and low shoes, pump's] etc., in sizes R„„ \ n nr P Ol ' 1 -' ll rockcrs ' some l,ave double woven seat and cane extension window screen, walnut finish frame lOf 2to 4} 2 only; regular $2 to $3.50 values; pr.9se * OUf Kclrigerator backs, while others have double woven seats and backs; special 39c galvanized tubs Lot No. 3—Women's fine white buck and Sea Island duck at - C ™u T k ' *l^ Goodyear welt high and low shoes; regular $2.50 _ . , ? 198 P orch rockers, braided and slat backs; special.. .$1.45 7.->c glass shelves, complete with jackets and screws 49? to $3.50 values; pair $1.35 SI.OO sends one to your 98c fishing rods, 7 ft. long 59? nickel plated copper tea kettles, No. 8 size... 8o? Lot No. 4—Men's, women's and children's canvas tennis shoes home, and SI.OO a week 98c skip mobiles 09? $139 a uminum Berlin kettle with cover, 5-quart size . 75? with rubber soles; ideal play and outing shoes; pays for it. 52.98 jointed and kid body dolls, slightly soiled sl.lO $- 4; > 10 - ,nch sl.«>S pair Fifth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. $3.98 and $4.98 jointed and kid body dolls, slightly soiled Lot No. s—Men's and boys' shoes in black and tan, sizes in- - _• C_l_ _£ W«*c « n J A ni> .-. complete; regular $2.00 to 54.00 values; pair, 95? -p* q-i r $3.98 croquet sets, complete for $1.95 lICIIIC jalf 01 lYlUSlin Vlt&Y and AprOnS Lot No. 6—Men's and bovs' "Scout Shoes," sizes from boys' x lCniC O&ie Ol 50c jointed and kid body dolls 29? SI.OO and $1.25 nainsook gowns, low neck, short sleeves, size 11 to men's 10's; pair 75? Wall Patter All s °° college ' high sch ° ol and grammar school pennants yokes of lace and embroidery; special 09? All 10c shoe polishes, black, white and tan 0? 25 c corset covers, lace and embroidery trimmed, sizes 34 Third FIoor— BOWMAN'S. A large assortment of tapes- All 25c pennants 17? to 44 19? yv. . m -a rx ' 1 anc ' £ rass doth wall paper $12.98 Reed Pullman $9.98 50c nainsook drawers, embroidery trimmed, open and closed iricnic bale 0l -Linoleum for dining room, living room $4.75 collapsible sulkey' $3.25 39? EXTRAORDINARY PRICES AND VALUES and halls > values up to 25c, for 10c dolls, special 2? 25c long gingham belt aprons with pocket 19? About 1,500 yards of new process linoleum in full rolls—cut 14? Third noor— BOWMAN P. p erca ] e bungalow aprons, light and dark colored pipings any length you may desire. Perfect in every way, except slight Special values in wall pa- # 39? imperfections in the print, which will not affect the wear and pers, suitable for bed rooms, All Mail and Phone Orders Bpcond fi °°-- bowma "' s - IS scarcelv noticeable. This is the best lot of linoleum we have kitchens and stairway, per roll - - -—j , . ever offered at the price. Thursday, sq. yd 28? 3? and 5? filled carefully and promptly by Picnic Sale oi Boys Clothing Fourth noor—BOWMAN'S. Estimate for paper haneintr. . H.-, ™ » XT r n «- A.*-* - _ Fourth FIoor— BOWMAN'S. $3.98 Boys Norfolk Suits JpJ.oO Picnic Sale of Ifeckwear $!- 2 5 and $1.50 Oliver Twist suits 95^ 89c and SI.OO camisoles, made of lace and net, CaC ' l 7sc cuff and'col'larVets,'made of ,a„ "crepe PlCttlC Safe Of DOHieStICS SZnT. embroidered white dot 50f 12y,c to 15c Cretonnes, 1 yard wide,, cut made of Salem muslin, per dozen, »1.75, each, 50c Boys Ru ® s '» S tnpe suits, 25? /5c white pique collar and cuff sets 500 from full pieces in light or dark patterns, per IS* ' yard 10? 28c and 32c Sheeting, 81 or 90 inches, one . • C 1 ■£ T3* *4. ■j. •C 1 t > n , jr\ seersucker ginghams, in grav and white t ' ie )est nown brands of sheeting, at, per PICIIIC Sale 01 FlimitllTe 2 :. h ". dr . en .:r s . e . a . nd Trf. a . nne '.mrs .s ,% a «■ per r •. ««♦, lib , r J ary ro ? ers ' I r ther seat $1.50 to $2.98 girls' tub dresses in gingham, chambray and 60c Sheets, either 72x90 or 76x90. bleached. anTtacv striped percales sizes Bto 14 years ... 89? made of good even thread muslin. 3-inch hems. ?s c and \wnine stripes "iii 10 different $ 4 - 50 woven w,re bed Springs $2.98 gi " R « h . a, S- la "" dered pauerns to selmTom cTLm fn» JS * $4.50 fiber rockers $3.45 se'eoni Fi RnwMAN<5 ° y ears • s ' s l•'^' , 22c and 25c Pillow Cases, .-)0x36 0r'54x36, at, per vard 20? to 22? $ll.OO continuous post enamel beds $6.98 Second Floor BOWMAN S. | Ma(n FIoor _ B OWMAN'B. T Fifth Floor-BOWMAN'S. 9 k I /. WEDNESDAY EVENING HARRISBURG TELEGRATH JULY 8, 1014. 3
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