10 FIRST OF THE SUMMER HALF HOLIDAYS * ™ ■ occurs Friday of this week a/viv^a. Remarkable Values in The Mill and Factory Sale A Chance tojluy 50c . pw " ~ Books of Fiction at • , , !" e u S , es , t ~-„ Quotes Lowest Prices on Summer **2r listof,itlcsisvery " ng nt toevcr ' readerof Actual $1 _.oo Garments Reduced to ®3. DO Come early to-morrow if the following books appeal to Actual $15.00 Garments Reduced to $5.00 T T 1 I T T ™ OU— , , The most sweeping Mill and Factory Sale reductions we UnderWCar aild HOSlerV Plice San'""" have ever announced m silk dresses will be offered to-morrow J__ Band Bqx * Mau in thc Case morning in a clearance of our remaining bpring and summer •,,,,, , , , , , , What Happened to Mary Blue Flower stock -, . , . .. . , . , . rrices are considerably below those regularly asked, because we se- Mary Cary Ams and the Woman excentionT 10 ' 111 > " iaidUCr a " - 10 cured big concessions from mills in consideration of the large quantities Bought and Pair For Social Buccaneer exceptional. 114. M \\ hen Kings Go Forth to Battle AH sizes and colors are to be found in the sale. bought. Reguhr 25c boxes of stationery. Extra special, box, 100 Regular 512..-0 MIR Dresses, reduced to $3.50 Men's Women's and Children's HosiefV -' sc P'aying cards. Extra special »„ Regular $15.00 Silk Dresses, reduced to «C ftrt .. . ' V * UIIIeII » dnu aren S FlOSiery piv., p...™, s a „«. »«, »,„. »pJ.UU Mens 8<- cotton sox: seamless; Men's 124 c cotton half hose: I Women's 25c silk lisle hose, first Regular $35.00 and $25.00 Silk Dresses, re- 010 50 *"*..... 5c I^' 0 T" luulfty: black and tan. Mill and J\ A duced to ' Men's 10c and 12'/ie cotton so*: | 3 pair ZoC factory Sale -« e >Jsy V ffl jff~ -wEB- _ ' seamless: black and colors. Mill Women's 10c cotton hose; black ~r,< p I '' mtr m ! H r ~" "'7? M ™ _ and Factory .Sale price. 7c; " n(l ,an - M,u and Factory /» Women's 50c black silk lisle / * 1 Men's Interwoven half hose; sec- Women's white foot cotton hose. M q,,a11,> ' Mi " an(l I no * &-t . f /A S\ /7\ a ondS|Of 25c quality. Mill j Mill and Factory Sale Qc j 3°pair "**' 'sl 00 'Cy '' ' jjff* I ] f < 1 H Men's 50c silk liair hose: hlack Women's 12',.><• black spilt sole ! Children's 12'<ic black cotton I. I If *- - J n \ 1 »"<! colors. Hill and l'ae- OX n hose. Mill and Factory n „ ! hose: sixes «to Mill and Fae- . _ __ 3;S"Sv,sr s iriis! w.;,;, Colonial Pumps are Reduced u fc *.oo i In the Mill and Factory Sale ( Men S, W omen S find Children S Ljnderwesr Each item tells its own story of rare value. The choicest Men's 25c Egyptian baibriscan shirts and <y~i _ Women's toe white cotton ribbed vests: *■ styles from our regular stock are reduced to lower prices than ncoc nn r] L? nrfo drawers. Mill and Factory Sale price, each sleeveless. Mill and Factory Sale price, each OC vovt will he able to buy them for at anv other time in Jul v. I dliy dllQ I ld-llCl Men's 50c open mesh shirts and drawers; shirts Min "e»!'h 'tc" 0 " r " >l>r '' T'"' Women's $3.00 gun metal Colonial pumps, cut steel ror Your Vacation, Madam ***'m^ r..T!".. M . m . and .... 9c s a i e #«.io x . -it ii • . .i ar• 11 J** c . Hrst quality. Mill and Factory Salo price, ! Children's 25c white cotton union suits. -% ~ Women S -.r»o wlllte cail\as Colonial pumps, white New arrixals have broken into the Mill and 1 actory .ale each Ot'C | Mill and Factory sale price 1«) C buckles and hand-turn soles. In the Mill and Factory Sale, at prices that ought to make interesting buying for women " j33 who are getting togethei their \acation requirements. , Women's $2.00 white canvas pumps, with ribbon hows. 9 t l ,vi^va^a^rrcomplcte^ v a^a^rr complcte Cotton Dresses and Two- Piece Suits In sale $i -«, j peisuiiai iiiuiis-. 1 ,lll> dM - tls ,u " ** Women s S2.CK) white canvas Colonial pumps, silver Mack leather handbags SI.OO to ifio.OO 97.50 ratine, 2-plece suits in white, ! $1.95 cotton crepe dresses in pink I tory Sale price $5.5,0 buckles, hand-turn soles and covered heels; specially priced, Black Moire bags si .(H) rose and blue, with collars and Leather handbags, in various colors and black .... $1.50 <»«* °r contrasting shades. io., K ,ots ; nn< artory ; i„ „ plain tailored model with belt- Women's $1.50 white canvas Colonial pumps with steel Dives. Ponieroy & Stewart, Street Klcior. tunic skirts. Mill and Factory Sale ; $0.5(1 white crepe with colored ed back. Mill and Factory Sale , , , t- In , 1 no , price $4.05 i hair line stripes. Mill and Fac- I price $3.05 buckles. Specially priced Three Turkish Bath Towels for 25c I . & / Mill Factory Sale Economies Grades That Usually Sell for 12j^c ! his is one of the many good things to be found under the yellow tickets of jjfll M, f- - f" Vl O 'f 1 1 Irf the Mill and I'actorv Sale in the Linen Section— r » •' ® U L)v/ I. V)U IIU (1 I II < V \J « Uv' Towels and Toweling Table Linen and Napkins L r TV T • O - na'TiT"* .. Counter &>JNotion oection ' ,n .. 12S»C Sfle full m.rrerixea table dtimuk; fiß M l f f 'lllll.HT (ilMlf)S NOTIONS ... Ift r 1 I i „ l . i a inches wide, yard J.O C 11/ if 25e Per-Spy-Ro; the medicated foot massage Hair net. Mill and Factory Sale priee, 3 for ,4jsXUfr*.....so . b«c m{rnM , am „ k; „ mr Z lie huek towels. K""d size and qual- inches wide, vard «)OC ♦ « lit llt ' — IfIKBmBI l| w * Iw X paeKaKe nylvan shampoo powder, .vim ~ it v. colored borders 4 for i;)C • ■ MwBaBS A Al. and Factory Sale price ■ ic sa '7 e •• • •• ■ • ............... i<t -12 >4c buck towels, red borders, lSx ey rn . obl-fashlonedl i.erman homespun *l- : ". ZXXtrr: : V"~f >} jBSj 1® \ 25p ra ke Johnson foot soap. Mill and Fae- jjj'u "prh-e 8 Z<>S Br " 8c 38 inches S for 2;, C ; table o8 inches wide, dice pat- 4 h'MfUi I #J\ IS tOFy pr ' Ce Is ° "oc^ub^erlzed^e^'mCures, 60 inches 'lon^ lie linen hue k to\\»ls, borders -i 0«Zc» t * 1W44-M- TrfP - f-4 IIKiA ■ \ / •? 16-ounce peroxide. Mill and Factory Sale Mill and Factory Sale price 8c colored, each ................. rl \ 75c bleached linen table damasK, fn. *. <« MLLi- 4+ 4+ttt Jf IIH W. W \ I i price 14e 15c card pearl buttons. Mill and Factory . Turkish lath towels, ty ,o inches wide, yard .SifC ft HryirSfiTmffl I 111 A ol\ ' 114 s " c Canthrox. Mill and Factory Sale price, Sale price : 10c hemmed read.* or use. .. for. .......... $1 00 snow whi»» tahio ii„ on o A ** . .HB i I 1 •... " <: J 33c 10c card oriental pearl buttons. Mill and .JhC f 1 - ,! h j h to l vels ' hemr Tf d wide' mSSmTii 70c —<ll BBUHI 15c and 25c household bottles, with glass Factory Sale price 8c r for use, good size and r|iial- 1 ' patterns, >d. .. .1 stoppers, labels under glass. Mill and Factory 5c card tish eye pearl buttons. Mill and Fac -64c hon.yenmb tow.iing, gooit NAPKINS 1 V"1.. C^\Vocn \V '1 t'f. '1 jar p.troi.um Jelly Mlll and Fac- l °Pe«H button.! Mill ind Fnetory 3ai« i>rl«. A VrT V-T • »«p„„ b.s,r™dr<, l , T »; r . klih b,,h yag; Composite of Good Taste . «•«•<-»«« 10 > arns 1 *»/2C j worth 95c a dozen, each O/4C Wicker Electric and Oil Lamps Every prevailing impulse of fashion is embodied in the l' I UnilCQfirlc \\JVl Ito * exceptional Wash Weave offerings that have .been entered in i llOUSallQo Ol 1 ctIQS OI 1 VV 1111(3 J J " 4-V» O 1 t^l ' s semi-annual Mill and Factory Sale. And the values are 1 O T ' T*\ • IVUQUCGQ 111 1110 03.1© altogether the most remarkable ones we have presented this tIOOQS OX 01111111161 S LOWGSt 1 fICGS year. Attractive portable lamps in brown and verde finished wicker. You 11 save the price of several dresses if you take advant- Conditions were favorable for thi; purchase of special lots of white goods at , . . age of these reductions — . . , T < ii 2 :® 0 electric lamps in the sale at .. .$#.96 50c Androck ovens in the sale at 39c ,w.„ niw , o„ . . unusual discounts and we provided well for the Mill and l actory Sale as these at sß.so electric lamps in the sale at .. . S«.»8 T ..... , )llvnoP ,i . , V 12 frftonne: 3« inches wide: for comfort co\erin«s. Mill and 1 J6.9S electric lamps in the sale at $5.50 Two-burner Perfectioti oil stoves, low type Factory Sale price yard 8c tractive va lues Drove— JR.75 oil lamps in the sale at SB «9 5J.25 12!£c crepes, in white grounds and rosehud (lesljcns. Mill and Fac- lrdl - uxc wlu " $7.75 oil lamps in the sale at $5.98 10c colonial class cream pitchers in the sale top > Sale price, yard 8c . GARB m:f. cans mi™ *** St."5!!S "S . r l2^ c plain white box crepe, 28 inches wide, fine qual- {- 49c'Covered garbage cans in the sale at 33c in the sale at 19c 2»c voile: 38 inches wide; colored grounds with floral desiens. Mill lty for dreSSeS and WaiStS. Special in the Mill and Factory r Jj |* 69c covered garbage cans in the sale at 42c - 5c cut glass floral design vases in the sale ar '-'ii '^.^i' w ' V.m' '' Sale varH V-/ 85c covered garbage cans in the sale at 59c at '. .. . 17c c-i ramie linen, .$6 inches wide, all g<xxl shades. Mill and Factorj' &aie, yarQ J ~cC° V " M D "-—'Hundreds of Summer Dresses Will Be A «r , or , _ 25c lKMirette voile; 38 Inches wide: white grounds and with floral 1 lUllUlt/UO KJI V-J V * IXI Women s $1.25 and The Latest Novelty i „„ J • R„ Vol..^ $1 50 Dresses : \\? * p )an, >V- 111 n|.'n W.a.p ivlth ,1 nun.-rliAl I—/OSSenOCI in I J (Y 1 lieSe V ill 1.1 OS ° • in W omen S Stripe: colored pin stripe. Mill and Factory Sale price, yard 15c 4 - y— _ i 50c shirting; one-luilf silk; white grounds; ncnt colored stripes; fast 25c white chiffon voile, 40 Inches 101/r» * s>uh stripelcrepe, 40 inches wide, one of L> „ . j f IJ C color. Mill and Factory Sale price, yard 39c wide, line quality, yard ' summer's most popular white fab- i 01/ IVCLI LIOCvJ. l(J jOt/ ''l y . , 25<* woven madras; white ground with colored stripes for men's 15c Donegal linen finish suiting. 27 ric «; ya f d ,T. '' "' V" ' I , MlirOrG slUrts. Mllland Factory Sale price, yard 15c inches wide yard 26c s h » tlow crei>e, 27 inches, (j I'llack and white nercale and striue lawn 2<k- voile In colored checks and stripes of hlack. blue, brown, hello ,0,,„ u „,, j" , »*," LLit'J—'.' ,i„„ sheer quality, ya<d 1 ' ' I ami pink. Mill aiid Factory Sale price, yard 12 Wc f. , , rtltalty In many patterns, line 25c white flaxoh In check and stripe weaves, dresses With square yoke and short Lined throughout with Hlack Velveteen ,8 ° * n( ' 2;v< ' l>l ,sis e crci>e on white grounds. Mill and Factory Sale { l ua '' t >' for Children 8 dresßes and aprons. q„ remnant lengths; striped voiles in the in sleeves • to 44 remilar «R1 ''S -mH price, yard 15c yard lot. yard HJv. ' . ' ' ' C 6 Ul °' 1 — «1"U J s \^ ow g c j ne Introduced 2,v ' °nramlle In white grounds with colored floral designs of nink, Remnants of 15c white ripplette, lengths for 25c "Pride of the West" batiste, fine ineTcer dresses. Reduced in tile £\ c? an< ' hello. Mill and Factory Sale price, yard 12'/i< skirts and underwear, lOp lze( ' weave - 28 inches wide, for waists in|/. Mill and Vartorv trA Yl 111 Harrisburir in Our ,0< " bn tlste In black and nnvy stripes on 'white grounds. Mill and yard '" t and dresses, yard 1 A/iC 31111 and 1 actory >ale to m narriSDurg in uur Factory Sale price, yard .....! 8c 20c plain white voile, 40 inches wide. 25c Wamsutta percale, 36 Inches, iol/ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. nnterparment WUiergarment section, second 1 loor. Factory Sale price, yard 10c yard I"C Dives, Pomeroy ,Vr Stewart — Street Floor. WEDNESDAY EVENING UARRISBURG flfljjsftffl TELEGRAPH JULY 8, 1914.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers