Don't Forget to Hang Out the Stars and Stripes on Independence Day HAKRISBURG tSllsfifi TELEGRAPH J .XXXIII— No. 156 Chamber of Commerce Urges Council to Act in "Hardscrabble" Matter Ed. S. Herman in Ringing Speech Outlines Plan For Big Improvement MEMBERS VOTE UNANIMOUSLY FOR IT Course of Business Lectures in Fall; Outing at Ingle nook Soon The Harrlsburg Chamber ot Com merce at a noon luncheon to-day heartily endorsed the proposal of its board of directors to ask City Council to pass an ordinance for the aboli tion of the Hardscrabble district in order to bring about the early comple tion of the River Front Improvements. The suggestion came as a part of a ringing speech by Ed. S. Herman, member of the board of directors, who said that it is the Intention of that body to have the activities of the Chamber continue right through the heated season. The Chamber also en dorsed the recommendation of Mr. Herman, as voicing the sentiments of the directors, that a series of business COUNTY'S REVENUES•, WILL BE INCREASED <612.000 DURING YEAR Personal Property Valuations Will Be $3,000,000 Above Last Year Dauphin county's revenues for the ensuing year will be approximately $12,000 above last year as a result of the increased assessment of personal taxable property. Tabulation of the returns from all the districts has not yet been com pleted, but it is figured that the addi tional valuations will total perhaps $3,000,000. Basing the increased revenues from this sourct alone on the basis of four mills, the county jniil rate, the results can be readily understood at a glance. For several weeks the entire staff of the county commissioners' office has been busy computing these re [Continued on Pace 12] Daniels Wants Congress to Repeal Personel Act at Next Session By Associated Press Washington, D. C.. July 2.—Naval officers were dismissing with gratifica tion to-da.v Secretary Daniels' an nounced determination to urge Con gress at its next session to repeal the law of IXH9, known as the personnel act, under which the "plucking board" picked fifteen officers for compulsory retirement this year. Included in the list of those whose active careers were ended yesterday by the recommenda tion of the board were several cap tains with distinguished records. While the health of some of the officers "plucked" had been regarded as some what unsatisfactory, their condition was not such as to warrant medical condemnation. The records of all of them disclosed, according to Secretary Daniels, that they were not unfitted for any naval service from the stand point of habit, temperatment and pro fessional ability. Late News Bulletins CREDITORS TO MEET JULY 14 New York. July 2.—Federal Judge Hand to-da.v signed an order ex tending until July I I the for the receiver of the 11. B. Claflin Com pany to send notice to creditors preparatory to a meeting. The reason for the extension is the delay In getting ail accounting from the sub sidiary stores. The creditors' meeting will be lield urobably about Tuly 21. ASK RECEIVER FOR RAILROAD Cincinnati. July 2.—Application for a receiver was made In the the ( lilted States District Court here to-day for the Cincinnati, Hamil ton and Dayton railroad. The suit was filed on behalf of the Rankers' Trust Compaii) of New York. The action also requests the foreclosure of a nierg held by the trust company. NEITHER SAFE NOR SANE Peeping into the mu/./.lc of a top cannon loaded with gunpowder when it refused to go off. Charles Miitzahaugli, of 1839 North Sixth street had a narrow escape from losing the sight or ills left eve when the powder unexpectedly exploded, OPPOSE TEACHING SEX HYGIENE Atlantic City. X. J.. July 2.—The Catholic Kducational Association at Its closing session to-day adopted a resolution condemning the teach ing of sex hygiene In HCIIOOIS. The resolution declared such teaching degraded morals rather than promoted them. Cincinnati. July 2.—Judson Harmon and Judge Rufus B. Smith of this city, were to-day appointed receivers ror the Cincinnati, Hamil ton and Dayton Railroad, application for which was filed in the United District Court earlier in the day of behalf of the Bankers' Trust Company of Xew York. Washington, July 2.—Favorable action was taken to-dav bv the Senate Banking Committee on the nomination of Adolph C. Miller of California to be a member of the Federal Reserve Board. The com mittee later vou-d favorable reports on Charles S. Hamlin, of Boston and W. P. O. Harding, of Blrmliiffltam, Ala. Votes had not been taken on Paul M. Warburg, of New York, of Xew York, and Thomas D. Jones, of Chicago, before luncheon. Wall Street Closing.—Chesapeake & Ohio. 51: Ijchigli Valley. 135U- Northern Pacific'. 110: Southern Pacific, 96 V,; I nlon Pacific, 15414 • r S Steel. BIJf,; C.. M. * St. P., 98V,; P. R. R. |U; Reading, 1#»4: New \ork Central, H9% ; Canadian Pacific, 193%. /f| H ißk ' WKB^f ED. S. HERMAN Speaker at Chamber of Commerce Truncheon lectures he held In the Fall for the benefit of members and their em ployes. The River Front endorsement was made by the unanimous vote of the more than 100 members present. Mr. Herman pointed out that while [Continued on Page 12] HOLD TWO MEN WHO SELL FIRE CRACKERS ! UNDER ACT OF 1751 City Solicitor and Police Chief Find Old Law Authorizing Arrest Charged with selling fireworks in j violation of a law passed in 1721 and I amended in 1751, two outside dealers were arrested by James Haines, eon | stable, to-day. Those arrested were John Kii-hman, Walnut street near , Nineteenth, and Ralph Trimmer, State and Lynn streets. Both are residents beyond the city line. Warrants were sworn out by Colonel \ Joseph B. Hutchison, Chief of Police. | before Alderman C. 15. Murray, of the j Third Ward. The men gave bail for a hearing before the alderman Satur day morning at 10 o'clock. In an old law book, City Solicitor j Daniel S. Seitz and Colonel Joseph B. i Hutchison, Chief of Police, to-day I found the law passed in 1751 which [Continued on Page 12] Three Lives Lost in Lodging House Fire By Associated Press Manchester. X. 11., July 2.—Three lives were lost early to-day In a fire which slightly damaged the lodging | house of Mrs. David Mayo, In North I Klin street. John Reed was killed when he disregarded a policeman's warning and jumped from a third flooi window. Frederic Caron and \ Albert Dachance were suffocated in their rooms on the top floor of the four-story frame building. 6,000 RAT TRAPS ON" DUTY TO KRADICATK PI,AGUE By Associated Press i New Orleans, La., July 2. Six thousands baited rat traps to-day did j silent duty in the Infected zone of this Icity where they had been placed by direction of health authorities In their vigorous campaign to eradicate bu bonic plague. HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 2, 1914 DOCTOR RELUCTANTLY TELLS INVESTIGATOR RE WAS THREATENED Gives Information to District At torney With Apparent Reluctance AWAIT RESULT OF AUTOPSY Authorities Hard at Work on Clue Which May Clear Up Murder of Mrs. Bailey By Associated Press Freeport, N. V.. July 2.—Two weeks before Mrs. Louise Bailey was mur dered in the office of Dr. Edwin Car man someone called Dr. Carman on the telephone and threatened ljis life. With apparent reluctance, and more than thirty-six hours after the tragedy, the physician to-day gave this Infor mation to the district attorney. The county prosecutor failed to make him amplify this revelation. Dr. Carman refused to say whether the threatening message came from a man or a woman and remained silent under further questioning. On the strength of this information detectives continued to work on tlie theory that the assassin who on Tues day night broke a window In the doc tor's office, poked a revolver through the hole and tired the shot that killed Mrs. Bailey, a patient, had sought the doctor's life and not her's. The authorities, however, decided not to let their suspicions crystalline until after the performance of an autopsy on Jlrs. Bailey's body to-day. Dr. Carman has served upon many lunacy commissions 111 Freeport and the police believe some person who was committed to an asylum through his instrumentality sought revenge and missed his aim. Dictagraph in House Investigation of the case yesterday and last night only served to deepen the mystery surrounding Mrs. Bailey's reason for calling upon Dr. Carman for medical advice when she might have sought r. physician nearer her [Continued on Page 12] BODIES OF ARCHDUKE HUSSION THEIR WHY TO VIENNA Imposing Demonstration Marks Landing of Victims at Triest, Austria By Associated Press Triest, Austria, July 2.—An impos ing demonstration to-day accompanied the landing here from the Austrian battleship Virlbus Unitis of the bodies of the assassinated Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his consort, the Duch ess of Hohenberg. The entire com munity thronged the shore or took up positions on board ships in the harbor at an early hour. On the San Carlo wharf a large space had been kept free for the two catafalques, which were draped In gold and black. On the left stood the generals and admirals and other offi cers of the army and navy with the commander in chief of the Austro- Hungarian navy, Rear Admiral Oskar llansa at their head. On the right were the governor of the maritime provinces. Prince Hohenlohe-Schil lingsfuers and many other state and municipal officials in brilliant uniforms covered with decorations. An enor mous gathering of members of various societies and deputations representing shipping commerce and different tradeß, all the Catholic clergy of Triest and the clergy of other denominations had assembled and behind them was drawn up naval guard of honor, while the whole square was lined by students. The two coffins, shrouded with na tional flags, were transferred from the battleship to a barge draped with black. This wns towed by a tender to shore amid artillery salutes and the tolling of church bells. The guard of honor presented arms as the coffins were carried to the cata falques, followed by the members of the households of the late archduke and duchess. The bodies were later taken to the railway station whence they were con veyed to Vienna. Pretty Manicurist Is Reported Drowned Kriends of Miss Mabel Early, Worm leysburg. were excited this afternoon over a report to the effect that-Miss Karly who Is spending the summer at Atlantic City has been drowned in the sea. ' >ne rumor had It that Miss Early committed suicide. Inquiry at the home of H. L. Early, the girl's father, developed the fact that no word of any accident had reached there. Mrs. Karly just re turned from Atlantic City where she said her daughter was safe and well. Miss Early is a manicurist, having served at the Union Station and Com monwealth barber shops. 50 Men Narrowly Escape When Cofferdam Breaks By Associated Press Baltimore, Md„ July 2.—Fifty men employed in constructing a tunnel along Jones' Falls from Preston street to Mount Royal avenue narrowly es caped being drowned early to-day when the cofferdam at the inouth of the tunnel at Mount Royal avenue gave way under the pressure of high water. GOT IT RIGHT IN BOTH EYES r Right In Tht |y« Living Cost Increases 10 Per Cent. in 2 Years Under Wilson's Tariff Democratic Promises to Reduce Prices All Piffle; Food stuffs Higher All Along Line Say Reputable Dealers; Meats, Fish, Vegetables, and Fruits Mount in Value. It was in 1912—remember, Mr. Harrisburger that the Democratic campaign speech-makers in their ef forts for the "psychological" Mr. Wil son said: "Put the Democrats in power and the cost of living will come down. We will reduce the tariff. Then see how much farther your dollar will go." Remember? But of course you do! Some how or other, however, prices of food stuffs seem just about as high as ever hereabouts and just out of curiosity a Telegraph reporter drop ped in on several reputable dealers yesterday to learn exactly how prices WRACKS AT WOMEN WHO CARRY DOGS INSTEAD OF BABIES Dr. Swallow Says Fountain Is Noi Dedicated to Such Lucky Animals That the Swallow-Robins drinking fountain to be dedicated In Pennsboro tow-nshlp near Camp Hill this evening is for the use of man, horse and dog, is declared In the information invita tion 16 the dedication issued by Dr. S. C. Swallow. That it is NOT for the use of dogs carried In women's arms In place of babies Is set forth with equal emphasis. The fotintuin, which is of bronzed iron, twelve feet high and contains a trough for horses, a lower trough for dogs and an automatic sanitary drink ing fountain, will be unveiled with [Continued on Page 12] Canadian Steamer Goes Ashore With Hundred Passengers on Board Montreal. July 2.—The Canadian Pacific Railway Steamer Assinibola, with 100 passengers aboard, went ashore early to-day at Bad Neighbor Shoal, Cove Island, Georgian Bay. News of the grounding reached the offices of the Marconi Wireless Tele graph Company here from the radio station at Sault Bte Marie, Ont. In communicating the ship's plight, the wireless operator on the boat said It was thought the Assinibola could back oft as she was swinging and there were eleven fathoms of water under her stern. Her forepeak Is leaking slightly. The weather this morning was calm and foggy. The steamer Manitoba was called to the assistance of the stralnded vessel, although it was said she is In no danger. The Assiniboia was bound from Sault Ste Marie- to Fort Mcls'lcolL. to-day compared with the prices of 1912 when all that "we'll lower the price of living" guff was being hand ed out by the Woodrow Wilson cam paigners. Anil yesterday this is what the deal ers said: Tile cost of living has increased more than 10 per eent. all along the line since t»l2. Market buyers find they must pay live dollars for the food which in IUI2 cost a little above four dollars. Here are the figures furnished by Guy S. Vogt. meat and produce deal [Contlnued oil Page 10] KUNKEI SUSTAINED B» StIPH COURT 111 POT7SVIIIE CUE higher Body Quotes From Opinion of President Judge; "Bung ling Legislation In substantially the saino language used by President Judge George Kun kel, the trial judge, the Supreme Cotjrt of Pennsylvania yesterday afternoon affirmed the decision of the senior judge of Dauphin county in which the latter held valid the election of four I years ago whereby Pottsville. was In | corporated as a third class city of Pennsylvania. The proceedings to have the election declared invalid were brought in the name of the Commonwealth, ex rel.. John C. Hell. Attorney General, against the city of Pottsville. I<\ Pierce Morti mer, mayor; Harry K. Pnrtz, con troller. and the city councllmen and aldermen. The objection raised was that the Court of Quarter Sessions issued the order to hold the election as provided by the act of April 15, 1907, whereas. llt was contended, this order should have been Issued by the borough coun cil. under the act of May 2H, 1907. After reciting the history of the case and referring to the passing of the two rContlnued on Page 12] Trans-Atlantic Crews Defeat English Rivals Henley on Thames, Eng.. July 2. The three transatlantic elght-oared crews—the Union Boat Club of Bos ton, Harvard University second eight and Winnipeg, Canada, defeated their English rivals early to-day In the race fotr the grand challenge eup, the chief event of the royal regatta. The only heat remaining to be decided this afternoon was that between Jesus College, Cambridge, and the Bowing Club of Germany. In the semi-finals to-morrow Harvard meets Winnipeg and Boston meets the win der of the Maycnce-Jesus race. 16 PAGES * POSTSCRIPT. WILL FINISH RIVER WALL IRK BEFORE CHRISTMAS-STUCKER Contractor Declares There's Noth ing in Sight Now to Interfere With Rapid Progress "We shall linl.sli the river wail, steps and granolithic walk lieforc Christinas comes again" was the confident state ment of Cliarles I>. Stucker, of tin; Stacker Brothers Construction Com pany, to-day. He based this statement upon ordi nary weather conditions and the fact that remarkable headway has been made upon the. important river front Improvement during the season thus far. "We have a pride in this work," said Mr. Stucker. "and are anxious that it Shall be finished in good shape and to the satisfaction of the people as soon as possible. There have been some complex problems, but 1 can see nothing in sight now to interfere with a rapid prosecution of the undertaking from Iron alley to Seneca street. As a matter of fact, the work has been practically finished from Iron alley to the Reading Railroad bridge over the Susquehanna river and gangs are now pushing along between Harris Park and Market street. Much of the fill ing has been completed in that section and we can make better headway than was the case last summer." To Hullti Foot Walk It will be pleasant news to the downtown people to hear that an order has been given to construct a foot walk across the roadway leading from the river at Paxton street which will connect the two sections of the river steps between Harris Park and the section south of the Reading Railroad bridge. This will make possible a con tinuous walk from one end of the city to the other, as there doubtless will be a similar walk over the roadway near the Market street bridge. Perhaps the most remarkable head way has been made on the work from the "Hardscrabble" district northward. On one day twenty-eight stringers of the steps were Installed and yesterday afternoon eighteen were put In place, which would have meant a still higher record for the whole day. A large force of men is engaged in construct ing the foot wall at the base of the steps and by the middle of July work on the placing of the steps upon the stringers will be commenced in the northern section of the city. It is possibe to construct from 100 to 120 feet of steps per day. It is the expectation of the con tractors to start two step gangs at ('aider street not later than July 15. This is made possible by the rapid filling going on at that point by the use of a steam shovel. This shovel is transferring all the filling material between the water line and the steps to the low places between the stringers and the slope. This is particularly good filling material because it is wet [Continued on Page 8] f~ ' \ STORKS WILD CI/OSE SATURDAY The Harrisburg merchants will In practically every Instance close their stores all day Saturday next. July 4. For the accommodation of the public the stores will be kept open Friday evening, July 3, until the usual closing time of Saturday. V- -J r GOING ON A VACATION! Don't forget to have the Telegraph sent you while you are away. You will have plenty of time to digest Its happenings. The cost Is just the same as when you are home. Six cents a week. A Postal addressed to the Circula tion Department will bring you the next Issue. WILSON AND MORGAN CONFER ON GENERAL 1 BUSINESS CONDITIONS President Begins Series of Meetings With Heads of "Big Business" ACTION COMES AS SURPRISE "Psychnlogiral Oppression" Will Be 1 Discussed During Next l ew Weeks Py Associated Press Washington, P. • July 2. —J. P. Mo reran and President Wilson harl nearly an hour's conference to-day atJ the White House oil general business conditions. It was the first of a series of talks the President plans to have in tho near future with the captains of in dustry and finance, learning their" views and giving his own, on the In dustrial and financial situation of tins country as well as measures in. Con gress. ' t White House officials said the con ference between the President anil Mr. .Morgan had been just a friendly, discussion of the general subject. Mr. Morgan refused to disclose w'hut had taken place. "There is absolutely nothing I can j say." said he. Next week 1 tie President will liavo [an informal conference with | Kord ilie Dell Oil iiituiufaclui er, who will be entertained at luncheon at tho White House It was said I lie Piesi denl had invited Mr. Kord. \ Isll Surprises Many Officials close to the President. Bant Mr Wilson woulu lake such an op portunity lo outline Ins views to tlirt heads of "lug business" iu person. Mr. Moigans engagement was more DP, less of a surprise lo those who ham observed the course the President ban taken since he entered the Whitw House in having conferences wltli captains ot industry. It had been pointed out that Mr. Wilson was re ceiving tile big businessmen of the country less frequently than Ids pre decessors, In lact had not been ask ing their advice at all on legislation attecling business, as many other Presidents have done. When the cur rency bill was in passage through Congr<|ps, the President even declined to receive some members of the Mor gan firm. White House officials said to-day Itliat one of the features which hart entered Into public discussion of the Administration's trust legislation pol icy and what the President had char acterized as a "psychological depres sion" caused by a campaign to halt the trust hills in Congress, was an inference that Mr. Wilson did not care to meet the big businessmen oC Ihe country face to face, and discuss with them personally tho issues In which they are so vitally interested. By a series of informal conferences with leaders of industry and finance* of which those with Mr. Morgan ancj Mr. Poril will be the first. It Is tha Idea to show that the President i« approaching the subject with an operi mind, willing to hear the views of big business first-hand and outline his own views In return. Although there are other subjects interesting Mr. Morgan at present, li* which the government has a part, iq was said to-day's talk was to be « personal one on business. The Inters state Commerce Commission's repora on its investigation of financial affairs) of the New Haven Railroad is nearly! ready for submission to the Senata and the time is drawing near to Julj io. the date which President Wilson and Attorney General Mcßeynolds have agreed upon tiling the anti-trust suit for the dissolution of the Haven merger, unless the Massachu setts Legislature takes certain anion which is necessary to a dissolution and which has been recommended bj| the Attorney General and Chairman Elliott, of the New Haven board, Whether those subjects were to enter into to-day's conference waa no! known. 1 THE WEATHER} For llarrlxhuric and vlrlnltyi Fair (o-nlKht and Friday) moderate temperature. For Faatern Pennsylvania i Fair to-night and Friday, not mnrh rlinni&e In temperature! light nf»t rinds. River The main river will rlur allfflrlly or remain nearly stationary to night and Friday. A stage of about 1.7 feet la fnrll <-a ted fur Harrlshurg Friday mnrnlnic. Temperature i « a. m.. 67. Sun rlaeai 4i40 a. m.| art*, 7iH7 p. m. Moon i Full moon. July 7, Pa. m. Hlver Mauri 1.0 feet abore low water mark. "Vesterday'a Weather lllKheat temperirture, 71. I.nweat temperature. W, Mean temperature, 84. iNormal temperature, 73. Burglars! Help! This season of the year is the harvest time for the burglar and petty thief. Houses are locked up and peo ple are away. There are many devices and alarms by which protection can be assured. They are for sale tn the local stores. Some arc quite simple and in expensive. Consult the advertising col umns of the Telegraph for the names of the merchants who carry these things and see that the house Is properly safeguard ed.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers