—MMII-NM-MMINIMIMNMIJ Special Notice Friday Evening fi To-morrow Another Day of Big Clean Sweep Bargains HI I rom 2t05 in the after- | j Until 9 O'clo k l3Rf Store °P ens at 8 O'clock-Closes at 5.30 P. M. «■ Uc Large Size !| ~„ n SPECIAL! IPtCIAL! SPECIAL! P i Four String I lj r II Store LlOSed All Day ON SALE THURSDAY ONLY ON SALE THURSDAY ONLY ON SALE THURSDAY ONLY jjQjjJl Brooms For *Vv ;j my , c . J , . . ° ne lot of Women ' s Percale and 100 Women's feather-weight fast black One lot of Women's Fancy Silk s«w »,,i, to customer. b«,iu K «i.oo =able Dresses, Formerly Sold Up to $4.00 IraS&A Wnrfh lln fn tt HA Dainty styles, in striped voiles, tissues, pure linen, V Women's and Misses'SlLK DRESSES, (J»fi AC „ * ••• t cotton crepes and rice cloths. White and colors. Neatlv kvi\ I - A Jill , j; Wh,t ® rat ine. Bedford cord, crepes and pure linen; many styles. In- ji trimmed. Hundreds of models. ' HWIViM « l|l Formerly Sold Up to $12.50 #v $0 89 For Women's, Misses'and Juniors' Was- / hj plm'/iI ' lines, in the wanted shades. Trimmed with pretty laces I OIvESS SiCliV I S I j Dresses, Formerly Sold Up to $5.00. lilaborately embroidered white voiles, floral crepes, *l\ \ 111 771 en «■ nnrcorr WOrtfci UD 10 .• • white crepes and ratines. Long Russian tunic and tier U\lf j H \\ V/ Women S and Misses SILK DRESSES, d»A 7C Imported raUnes, crepes, French linens and cordellnes. Several models. Many lace trimmed. 1\ \' 1/1 \\ l) l\ t l /vTM C«IJ IT~ ». t9C no 1 bust measure. > ton trimmed. up to 51 bust measure for utilit £ P« r P O / P8 '. !ind think of n» v >' and copen. Many plain tail- & v ————J V 1 it—less than half price. ored, others neatly trimmed. S '' J-st in Time For the Fourth of July jL . .. II ... 1 One lot of Women's Colored . One lot of \\ omen s Brass- I 100 Men's and Rovs' High One lot of Women's p an rv l ; Silk Handbass, 50c or S'tv 7 100 More of Those Men S m* A A wh\ 1 N«k Jerseys, blue and gray; Gowns, slightly soiled! va"ae i! vatue. sa,e price prirc '. 25c and Young Men's SIO.OO \H I 111 \ i va,ut Sa,e 23" ;° ric $ e '- 25 - Salc 59c ji ; p J and $12.50 Fine SUITS at > ' j| . SPECIAL! SPECIAL! * Neat Plaids-Gray Cassimere, Blue Serges, Made * I SPECIAL t cpsrriAr t White P®ttiroat< m > cl- pin Piam and Patch Pocket Models. All Reg- „ r , SPECIAL. Mens Shirts ui«r Sizes and Extra Larg,Size,. , Women's Gloves Children's Union SniU i ticoats, with imported Swiss ° ne lot ot Mcn ' s Percale |TI I One lot of Women's 2-but- One'lot of Children's Swiss i! embroidery ruffle; value to Dress Shirts, value to OO TKnci» P*w>l D-, 1.,, „i tl C d ck n \xr i ,K\ \ ton Gloves, mostly colors. Ribbed Union Suits, all sizes; $1.50. Sale QC- 75e. Sale priee .... 33 C c r«« l The Sun Proof All-Wool f\ I 50c vah.e. Sale 50c value. Sa!e Oft,, Suits For Men, the Fine Navy Blue Serges For | 1 pr,c< p"« m«7C , , Miller Make; $lO Value, Men; $13.50 Value, \1 ' * ■MI SPECIAL! SPECIAL! A n (ftn pA L U SPECIAL! ( SPECIAL! 7~] | Women's Blouses Men's Underwear Afl.zffl) / 1)11 m Men's Hose Women't One lot of Women's White One lot of Men's Balbricgan » •V V V One lot of Men's Pure n . f a " SLZC EFT " Shins and Drawers, , E BOA n . TZ ; - - Thread S, Ik Hose, in black and Silk Parasols; vaLT" |l i pri " 59c . 500 Pairs Mens Pants, $1.49 16c p's. $1.98 i| Men's Vests WATCH BLUE LAW AT NOISTOII Harrisburg Advocates of Strict Sunday Gosing Observe Tac tics in Montgomery Co. Harrlsburg Blue Law advocates and Violators, members of the Civil Coun cil of Churches backing the project, and in fact the general public, are hatching with interest proceedings in Norristown, where small businessmen Inet Sunday kept their stores open despite the edict of Burgess Saul and WEDNESDAY EVENING HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JULY 1, 1914. the activity of the Pennsylvania Sab bath Observance Association. The old law of the eighteenth cen tury, imposing a ilno of if 4 was in | voked upon each of three dealers. Magistrates informed the violators that hereafter such lenity would not be shown and they would be visited with heavier sentences. When asked what he thought of the results at tained on the first Sunday's attempt to enforce the Blue Laws, Burgess Saul said: "The results of the first day's at tempt to force the Sunday laws In the borough of Norristown have been quite satisfactory and encouraging. Of course, there have heen some violators and there will have to he some prose cutions. This we greatly regret, as It It not our wish to make arrests and impose fines. That is incidental to the accomplishment of the task to which we have set our hand. , "Numerous dealers, who. heretofore were obliged to remain at their places of business all day Sunday, are ex pressing their appreciation of the day of rest. "It Is the experience of other cities and towns that even those who criti cise the movement at first will fall in line in a short time and that when the Sunday closing movement Is fully established hardly any one would go back to the old order of things. I'AXTAXG PARK The vaudeville bill at Paxtang Park this week proved to be the best com edy show the park theater has had this season. Evans and Anderson were billed as the headliners and proved their title to that honor In a clever sketch, entitled "On the Rocks." "On the Rocks" Is a hu morous story of two young actors In reduced circumstances and furnishes plenty of good material for Evans and Anderson to display their exceptional ability as comedians. Conn and ba telle made a big hit with the park au dience in a "Rube" skit somewhat dif ferent from the various rustic sketches seen on the stage. Miss Latelle is an eccentric comedienne of great ability and Mr. Conn displays considerable skill with hlc violin and 'cello. The Stine Trio in a knockabout comedy bar act wept the audience in a roar of laughter all the time they were on the stage with their grotesque antics. The straight acrobatic work of the trio brought forth much well earned applause. The Musical Crock ery Shop was a decided novelty In the musical line and greatly pleased the audience. Jim Gildea told humorous stories and sang parodies. Jim was encored until he had no more material with which to satisfy his admirers. Every arrangement has been made to make the fireworks display on Friday evening one of the big events of the season. The explosives have already arrived at the park and will be set up on Friday morning on tho hill at the back of tha l&eater.—Advertisement. Business Locals NO GUESSWORK In the making of Holsum and Butter nut bread. Every loaf Is always the same—never burnt, never sour, al ways that palatable and nutritive fla vor which distinguishes Schmidts Butternut and Holsum from the ordi nary baker's bread. Made scientifi cally In surroundings especially sani tary. For sale at all good grocers. CHOICE OP HATS, 45e to 9.1 c Our entire stock of untrlmmed shapes is subject to your choice at 46 cents to 95 cents each. Nothing reserved Everything must be sold before the season is over. Trimmed liats 95 cents to $5. values up to sls. Flowers and all trimmings reduced. Mary C. Oiass, 1306 Market street. Business z^ocals LUNCHEON GOODS for picnic baskets or warm day meal. Dainty, rea'ly-to-eat and wholesome foods that make a palatable spread We have the choicest of the good morsels in tins or glass, and a score of other delicious edibles and soft drinks that will make the basket or tattle u pleasant surprise. Either phone. S. S. Pomeroy, Market Square Orocer. WIDE AWAKE CLERKS In a drug store where prescriptions are filled that may determine life or death It is essential that the clerks are alert and In prime physical con dition to assume their responsible du ties. Our clerks work In eight-hour shifts, a fact which has been observed and favorably commented on by Phil adelphia's leading druggist. Potts' drug store, North "hlrd and Herr streets. I Business Locals STEAK TO CAKE Everything for the table fforn Steuk to rftke in to !>.■ found In abund ance at this store. Our meat depart ment has fresh cuts ot the choicest meats as well as the cured meats and potted varieties. Staple and fancy groceries, baked goods and vegetables, as wel? as the fruits In season. B. B." Drumm, 1801 North Sixth street GEISHA WAISTS And other Japanese articles Innumer able, such as long crepe kimonos and kimonos for babies, embroidered slip pers, beads, hand embroidered fans Jewel cases, cushions and the many quaint and artistically designed ar tlcles from Japan. Ail so distinctively different from the average that the difference appeals to all who see them Mrs. Ida Cranston, 204 Locust street 5