TELEGRAPH WANT ADS WILL BRING YOUR WANT IMMEDIATELY fit Like a J» SHADOW Everywhere and always Telegraph WANT ADS are with you. No matter what you want or when you want it there's always a copy of the Telegraph in reach if you really mean business. This is the reason Telegraph WANT ADS always bring such good results. The Telegraph covers the city and surroundings like a blanket and is al ways available to the man or woman who want. HEIiP WANTED —Male AGENTS WANTED to sell tea, coffee and merchandise in Hummelstown, Carlisle. Jiechanlcsburs and Chambers, burg. Apply Tamsui xea Co., 331 Mar ket street, second tloor. PL.UMBERS WANTED at Fisher Bros., 1001-1003 Capital street. WANTED 26 laborers. Apply im mediately. Harrisburg Employment and Bureau, Room 14, 20 North Third street. WANTED Three young high school students to work on scholarship propo sition to any university, college or pre paratory school. Must be willing to travel. Apply between 7 and 8 o'clock this evening, 326 South Thirteenth street. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Girl for dinlngroom and one for general housework. Address 403 Walnut street. STENOGRAPHER WANTED Also some office work. Apply 312 Market street. WANTED Girl for general house work, white; only two in family; good place for right person. 1166 Mulberry street. WORK'S DRESSMAKING SCHOOL. TEACHES perfect fitting before sew ing. Each pupil makes the entire dress. Become a pupil now. Make all your Summer and Fall dresses while learn ing. Night and Day Classes. W. A. Work, 22 North Fourth street. WANTED White girl for general housework in family of two. Must be good cook and laundress, but no flat work. Good wages for competent help. Address Redwood Cottage, Mt. Gretna, _____ SITUATIONS WANTED —Mule WANTED Young, married man desires position as chauffeur in private family, or driving truck; can do own repairing. Call Hell phone 3669E, or ad dress 1312 Harris street. POSITION WANTED on farm by young man, German. 27 years of age, single; steady position and good home wanted. Address care of H. 0., 121 Pro gress, Pa. WANTED A young man, 17, de sires a position; has some experience in the grocery business; can handle a team; not afraid of work; references. A. B. C., 2002, care of Telegraph. WANTED Competent, reliable, temperate chauffeur wants position I white). Address Box 1294, care of Tele graph. WANTED Handy man, who thor oughly understands waiting and short order cooking. Apply Thomas Otis, care of Hoffman House. WANTED Young, married man de sires position of any kind; collecting preferred. Address C. C. C., 423 South Fourteenth street. Harrisburg, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED —Female WANTED Nursing, by day or week, by experienced nurse. Address Nurse, care of Telegraph. WANTED Two middle-aged women desire day's work, offices to clean or dishwashing. Call, or address, 652 Cumberland street. WANTED Young dressmaker de sires to stay with dressmaker of note during slimmer. Object, more experi ence. Willing to assist with light housework for small compensation. Ad dress D„ 1300, cdre of Telegraph. WANTED Young colored girl de sires position as nurse or light house work. Call, or address, 1231 North Sev enth street. WANTED Colored woman desires washing and Ironing, or day's work of any kind. Call, or address, 1412 Wil liams street. WANTED By white woman, bundle washing. 232 Charles avenue. WANTED Housekeeper, with two girls, wishes position. Address Mrs. Stella Deal, Fort Hunter, Pa. WANTED Young woman wants washing for men or women, or work of any kind by the day; can furnish references. Call, or address, 368 Main street. Steelton, Pa. WANTED Colored girl wants gen eral housework. Bell phone 3236U WANTED Colored woman wants washing and ironing to do at home. Ad dress 1309 Currant avenue. f Vacant Ground For Sale You'll get full value and then considerably more at the figure we're offering a plot of ground on the west side of Monroe (11 ]/ 2 ) street, near Cumberland street. It is 96 ft. front on Mon roe street by 85 ft. in depth to Florence alley. Miller Bros.&Neefe HEAI. RSTATE Fire I nun run or Surety Ootids I.ornat and Court Streets WEDNESDAY EVENING HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JULY 1, 1914. SITUATIONS WANTED— FemaIe WANTED A respectable, middle aged lady wishes position as house keeper for a widower without small children; can furnish reference. Ad dress. or call at 1434 New Fourth street. WANTED Position as stenog rapher; can furnish reference. Address G., 1296, care of Telegraph. WANTED Two colored girls, very good plain cooks, want positions; can furnish good reference. Call, or address, 608 York avenue. WANTED Young colored girl de sires position as nurse girl. Call, or ad dress, 608 York avenue. WANTED Colored woman desires work or general housework, in or out of city. Call, or address, 1322 Marion street. WANTED White girl desires gen eral housework. Call, or address, 1907 j North Third street. WANTED A young white girl wishes light housework to do. Call, or ■ address, E. I. McDonal, 66 North Four | teenth street. City. I WANTED Well experienced cook 1 wants position. 1211 Wallace street. —————— ————— Situations Wanted—Male and Female WANTED Colored man and wife desire positions in the country. Call, or address, 1316 New Fourth street. City. HEAL ESTATE FOU SALE FOR SALE Lot 30x160 feet, cost $200.00 1911—worth $300.00 now for $150.00 cash, or $200.00 on terms to suit purchased. G. W. Kehr, 204 Chestnut street. FOR SALE Three-story brick house, 2124 Penn street—all improve ments gas, electric light and steam heat. Apply on premises. i —. f I FOR SALE 2460 North Sixth street, 3-story brick house; 9 rooms; all mod ] ern conveniences; lot; terms reasonable, j Apply at above address. CAMP HILL RESIDENCE —~SemT bungalow exceptionally well located —eight rooms bath - hot water heat large porches bargain-sell ing price. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Lo ! cust and Court street, Harrisburg. FOR SALE ln beautiful River side. fine new brick houses, on Second and Third streets. Pressed brick front, large porches, large lots, side yards, cement cellar and walks, electric lights steam heat; complete bathroom; paper ed throughout. $2,800 to $4,100. Easy terms. Lewis M. Nelffer, 222 Market street, or E. Moeslein, 421 State street. FOR SALE Ten new six-room houses, rented at six dollars, at Edge niont. north of Penbrook. Price, $3,800 for the ten houses. Money at 5 per cent. Address G. S. Hartman, 38 North Twelfth. FOR SALE 52,300 will buy a three story brick house 7 rooms bath gas furnace porch front rented for $lB. Further information at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. NO. 1627 Chestnut street is for sale— three-story brick 8 rooms bath gas furnace. Also other moderate priced properties on the Hill. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. NORTH SIXTH ST. PROPERTIES FOR I SALE— No. 1404 3-story brick lO rooms, bath and steam heat—lot, 16x110. No. 1415—3-story brick lO rooms and bath corner property frame dwelling on rear. No. 1537 3-story brick 9 rooms, bath and furnace lot, 15x95 lot extends to Cowden St. No. 1600 corner property two and-one-half-story framo 9 rooms, bath and store room—lot, 21x81. No. 1609 3-story frame 9 rooms and bath—lot, 20x95. No. 240? 3-story brick 9 rooms, bath an'l furnace—lot, 16x100. No. 2-14 8 2%-story frame 6 rooms, bath and furnace front and rear porch single property lot, 20 xlso. Price. $3,600.00. No. 2502 3-story brick 9 rooms, bath and furnace—lot, 22x100. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. FARMS FOR SALE 35 Acres, Improvements, worth $7,000; price only $2,900 70 Acres, improvements, worth $8,000; price only $1,400 103 Acres, Improvements and timber. worth $7,000; price only $2,850 94H Acres, improvements and timber. worth $7,500; price only $2,750 3 Acres, Improvements, worth $3,000; price only : $1,200 Indeed these Farms are great bar falns and money makers. All beautl ul, comfortable buildings—splendid soil. Will please even the ladies—no trouble to show them. Care's Store, Llnglestown—C. B. CARE. L Car from Square, Harrlsburg. FOR SALE Penbrook property; lot, 180 ft. deep; 7 rooms and finished at tic; excellent location; four doors from trolley just oft Main street on Boas. Beautiful shade trees. Bargain at SI,BOO. M. J. Sheaffer, 2636 Penn street, Penbrook. REAL ESTATE FOR KENT FOR RENT Dwelling house, 1015 Market street; In perfect condition; all Improvements; possession at oncc. In quire at 213 Pine street. FOH RENT No. 2210 Atlas St $14.00 No. 956 S. Twenty-first St 14.00 No. 118 Nagle St. 9.00 Apartments at »16. »19 and $25 each. J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market St. FOR RENT Three-storv brick house, with porches and ail improve ments, No. 1632 Derry street: immedi ate possession. A. W. Swengel, 219 South Thirteenth street REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT One modern house, on Sixth street, ahove Seneca street, with latest Improvements, including steam heat, electric lights and gas; side en trance. Apply 621 Camp street. BUNGALOW FOR RENT Newly furnished and finished recently. Best location, between Accomac and Wild Cat. Particulars furnished. A. L Reach, Marietta, Pa. FOR RENT The whole or part of a house, furnished or unfurnished, on Second street, between Locust and Pine, very central, with all accommodations. Address S., 1283, care of Telegraph. WANTED BUSINESS WANTED Have several hundred dollars to invest in small busi ness in city or suburbs, or would con sider partnership. State full particu lars in first letter. Address 1299, care of Telegraph. WANTED—SECOND-HANDED AU TOMOBILE, light touring car or road ster. Must be cheap. fTale make and price. No dealers. Address Box J, 1298, care of Telegraph. WANTED To rent or lease. Moving Picture Theater in Harrlsburg or near by town. Must show consistent weekly protlt, not necessarily large. Address M.. 1295, care of Telegraph. WANTED Second-hand safe of medium large size. Must be in good condition. Write, giving make. Interior dimensions and price, John B. Curry Es tate, Swatara Station, Pa. WANTED To buy, a good, second hand Victrola or Victor Talking Ma chine and Records. State lowest price and where it can be seen. Address F., 1291, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern apartment; front and rear entrances; live well lighted rooms; batli and pantry; all private; all conveniences for light housekeeping. Corner Hamilton and Ponn streets. FOR RENT Rooms and boarding, 613 North Second street. Also unfur nished rooms, tlrst floor, 719 North Sec ond, for business or light housekeeping apartments. Apply 613 North Second street. FOR RENT Lower floor apartment. Fourth and Pefter streets, llvlngroom, dinlngroom, two bedrooms, kitchen and bath; front porch. Apply B. F. Um berger, 427 PWffer street, or 108 North Second street. BOARDERS WANTED TABLE BOARDERS WANTED at a centrally located boardlnghouse. First class hoiiKj cooking. Pr'ce per meal, 26c. Tickets for 21 meals, $4.00. 222 Chestnut street. HOARDING WANTED BOARDING WANTED By man and wife for July, convenient to trol ley in country or suburbs, single fare limit. Address Box S., 1297, care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Three nicely furnish ed rooms, all Improvements, including cabinet gas range, refrigerator; close to trolley; reference exchanged. Apply 342 South Sixteenth street. FOR RENT By the.month, finest furnished rooms in city, single or en suite; all conveniences; city heat; elec tricity and bath; all furniture new and strictly first-class. Address R., 1292, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT—By the night or month, the finest rooms in Harrisburg, stngle or cn suite. Laßelle Apartments, 204 Locust street, next door to Orpheum. Steam heat, electricity, baths. Newly furnished throughout. Apply Mrs. E. L. Morrell. 204 Locust street. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT For light housekeep ing, new unfurnished rooms, nicely papered, strictly up-tp-date, with com municating kitchenettes. Stoves fur nished free. Laundry, phone and bath room privileges. All outside rooms. Strictly private. Inquire Office, 429 Broad street, or Janitor, Room 6, same building. FOR SALE FOR SALE Columbus electric, like new. Tires and car in good condition. Call Neighbors Motor Car Co., 120 Mar ket street. FOR SALE Two horses, one 5 and one 6 years old. Weigh about 1,200 each. Apply 416 Calder street. FOR SALE Delicatessen store; only one in town of 10,000 inhabitants. Ad dress K., 1293, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Upright piano; good condition; cheap. P. O. Box 484, City. FOR SALE Portable vacuum cleaner. In perfect condition. Will sell very reasonable. Reason for selling, have Just installed a Tuep stationary cleaner system. Apply A. aa Hall, 1227 State street. FOR SALE At Gable's. 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 sets new Sash, Bxlo, 12 L., primed and glazed, at $1.15 per set. Also other sizes. MR. AUTOMOBILE OWNERT7T~you have an auto you want to sell, let us get a buyer. No sale, no pay Is our way. If interested consult us. Key stone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. United phone 19W. FOR SALE lnternational truck; used only to demonstrate. Price very reasonable to quick buyer. City Garage, Harrlsburg, Pa. FOR SALE Will sell privately, two bedroom suits, dinlngroom furniture, hall rack. Also fixtures for meat mar ket. and one Jenny Lind. Second-hand men need not apply. Call 1247 Market street. FOR SALE High-class touring car, 4-eylinder, 35-H.-P., in good condition, newly repainted, original price $3,000, exceptionally low price; also automo bile deliverv car, 120-inch wheel base, 32x4 tires. 35-H.-P., 4-cylinder, suitable for all business, good condition, rea sonable price. Apply Sixth and Kel ker streets. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for real estate, good paying general store, close to Harrlsburg. Must sell on ac count of ill health. Address A., 692, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE One pair of light, well mated mules, with double harness and furniture wagon—s32s complete outfit. Apply Miller & Kades, 7 North Market Square, or Andrew Redmond, Third and .Boyd streets. BUY your traveling and leather goods from the wholesale and retail leather merchants. A large consignment on display. Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrlsburg Harness and Sup ply Co., Second and Chestnut. FOR SALE One young bay maro, weighs 1,250 lbs., in foal to Barito, a standard bred and registered Wiiks horse. This mare will come In about October 1. I can say she is straight and right In every respect, and the kind that you don't pick up every day. Ap- to P. G. Hartraan, New Cumberland, FOR SALE At Gable's, 111 and 117 South Second street, 6,000 gallons New Era ready mixed Paint; Acme quality. Also the full line of the Acme make FOR SALE Beautiful white Mal teso Poodlo puppies; pedigreed stock. Can be seen at Berger's Auction House, 315 Broad street. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25 each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. if paid In advance. Inquire at Office of Tele graph. FOR SALE | FOR SALE Used motorcycles and bicycles In first-class running order low prices. C. H. Uhler, 1317 Derry street. Agent for Thor and Yale mo torcycles; also full line of accessories. SAI.E The furniture of J. Jurlch, Linglestown, Pa., will be sold at Public Sale, Thursday, July 2, at 1:00 o'clock, at the above address. W. Koons, Auctioneer. FOR SALE—Canoe. Call Bell 207 W. FOR SALE Three bicycles, one girl's and two boys'. Apply 208 Herr street. FOR SALE Hamilton, Elgin and Waltham Watches; 17-Jewel; 20-year gold-filled case, at $17.50; 50c a week, or $2.00 a month. National Watch and Diamond Co.. Bergner Building. FOR RENT I ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be , secured at the Telegraph Business ' Office. FOR RENT ln the Telegraph Buildlns, a suite of well located offices Inquire for Sup< l Intendent In Business Office of Telegraph. FOR RENT Store room 1200 North Third street; 33x100; 14-foot celling; one of the best rooms In the city. Ap ply J. S. Sible. 266 Herr street. FOR EXCHANGE EXCHANGE Steelton building lots for farm or other property. Give full particulars. Address A., 2001, care of Telegraph. WANTED To exchange, 1913 mo torcycle for small runabout or driving horse. Machine In good condition. Tires like new. Fully equipped. Ad dress Frederick, care of Telegraph. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I MADE $60,000 In five years In the mall order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 365 Lockport, N. Y. ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Snydlcate. 798. Lock pert. N. Y. GENERAL STORE FOR SAl.E—Fix tures at S2OO and stock at Inventory value, which is probably S7OO. Rent. $lO per month. Reply promptly. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. BUSINESS PERSONAI.S ; WE BUY, SELL AND RENT all stan dard makes of Electric Motors and | Dynamos. S. G. Sweetser Electric Co., 1002 Market street. R. H. PEFFER ' LOCAL EXPRESS and Delivery. Piano i and Furniture moving a specialty. Stor age of household goods. Good, dry wood i for sale, stove length. Bell phone 16S4J. 1119 Montgomery, Harrisburg. , i L H. LACKEY, 642 Pefter street Furniture, china and piano packing. Shipments looked after at both ends. Aiso all kinds of hauling. Bell phone 2077 W. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for old gold and silver; watches. Jewelry, musical Instruments, antiques, guns. etc. Jo seph D. Brenner, Jeweler, 803 North Third street. Bell 626 L Harrisburg Paste Works ISO N. Cameron Street ! PAPERHANGERS", billposters' book , binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt shipment. All paste yuaranteed. Bell phone 1186 L. WE BUY AND SELL new and sec ond-hand Furniture. Carpets, etc. Drop postal or call 3239 L, Bell phone. a Klein, 1026 Market otreet. HAULING 11. W. LATHIS. Hoarding Stnble and Motional Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and Woodbine street*. Bell phone No. 1603 R. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market street. Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help, i Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction, a N. Gluck. 320 Woodbine street. MONEY TO IX)AN MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O Box 174. Harrlsburg. Pa. STORAGE STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. - Both phones. STORAGE IN 3-rtory brick building, rear 409 Market street. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonnble rates. Apply to P. O. Dlener. Jeweler, 408 Market St. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warsehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates. South St. and Penna. R. R. NOTICES WILL the party who was inquiring May 2, in Corry, Pa., for May Nichols, deceased, get in communication with her husband—T. Curtin, 226 Bayard street, Kane, Pa.; also P. O. Box 366, Harrisburg, Pa. FARMERS' MARKET COMPANY THERE will be market on Friday morning and evening, July 3. 1914, In stead of Saturday, July 4, 1914. WILLIAM M. HOERNER. Marketmaster. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE My wife, Mrs. Ahmad T. Hamawei, having left my bed and board, I will pay no bills contracted by her. (Signed) AHMAD T. HAMAWEI, 28 South Fourth street, City. NOTICE Is hereby given that an ap plication has been filed in the Court of Quarter Sessions of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, to No. 127 June Sessions, 1914, by Bessie L Zimmerman, trr.ding and doing business under th© name and style of the Fidelity Indorsement Com pany, for a license to loan money under the provisions of the Act of General Assembly of Pennsylvania, approved June 6, 1913, entitled an "Act regulat ing the making of certain loans, limit ing the charges therefore," etc., and set ting forth, that she Is twenty-eight years of age, that she was born at Har risburg City, Dauphin County, Penn sylvania, that she is -now a resident of said Harrlsburg City, that the location 1 of her office will be No. 7 North Third Street, Harrlsburg City aforesaid, that the assets to be used and applied to I said business will consist of five thou sand ($5,000.00) dollars, that she is th« only person Interested In said business that she Is now the holder of a like license which will expire on July 21, 1914, and that she has never been con victed of any crime In the State of Pennsylvania or elsewhere. The said Court has fixed Monday, July 20, 1914, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Court House Harrisburg City aforesaid as the time and place for hearing said application. HENRY F. HOLLER, Clerk of Quarter Sessions Court of Dau phin County. NOTICE THE following ordinance wan rend In place in the City Council at Its meet- Ins held Tuesday Afternoon, June 30, 1!>14. and Is published as required by Article 5, Section It. Clause 10, of the Act of Assembly, approved June 27, 1913: AN ORDINANCK .Authorizing Uia paving and curbing of QUOTATIONS RECEDE AFTER FIRST RUSH Gains in Various Industrial Securities Attract Little Atten tion; Bonds Irregular By Associated Press New York, July 1. Quotations again receded after the first rush of short covering, that movement constituting a large part of the first hour's activity. The market then drifted idly with business at low ebb. Wxpiration of the bond conversion privilege accounted for the comparative strength of Brook lyn Transit, but such changes as were recorded elsewhere had no especial sig nificance. Gains of one to two points in various industrial securities of a speculative character attracted little attention. Bonds were irregular Bock Island collaterals ruling firm in the face of unfavorable May earningß. —New York, July 1. Open. 2.30 P. M. Alaska Gold Mines . 271,4 27Vi Amal. Copper 69 68% American Beet Sugar 26 26 American Can 279* American Can pfd.. 91% Am. C. & F 50% 50% Am. Ico Securities . . 30 30 American T. &T. .. 12014 120% Anaconda 31% Atchison 98% 98% Baltimore & Ohio .. 89% 89% Bethlehem Steel ... 42 Brooklyn K. T 91% 91% Canadian Pacific ... 139% 193% Central Leather ;.. 35% 35% Chesapeake & Ohio. 51 51 C„ M. & St. P. 99% 99% Chino Con. Copper . 40% 40% Erie 26% 28% -Goodrich, B. F. pfd. 88% 88% Great Northern, pfd. 124 124 Illinois Central .... 112% 112% Interboro-Met 14% 14% Tnterboro-Met. pfd.. 61% 62% Lehigh Valley 136% 135% Mex. Petroleum ... 59% 59% Missouri Pacific ... 17% 17% New Con. Copper .. 13% 13% New York Central . 89% 88% N. Y., N. H. &H. . . 65% 63% Norfolk & Western. 104% 104% Northern Pacific ... 11l 110% Penna. R. R 110% 111 THURSDAY People's Gas & Coke 119% 119% Pittsburgh Coal pfd. 89% 89% Ray Con. Copper .. 20% 20% Reading 163% 163% Rep. Iron & Steel .. 23 Southern Pacific ... 96% 96% Southern Railway . 24% 24% Southern Ry. pfd . 99% 99% [Tennessee Copper . 33% 33 I Texas Company ... 142% 143% iUnion Pacific 154% 1y4% U. S. Rubber 58% 58% U. S. Steel 61% 60% U. S. Steel pfd .... 109 109 Utah Copper 57% 57% Western Union Tel.. 57% Westinghouse Mfg.. 73% 73% PHlLAnrci.l'HlA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, July 1. Wheat Steady; No. 2, red, export, 98%@>99c; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, 97® Corn Lower; No. 2, yellow, local, 77 @ 77 %C. , Oats Lower; No. 2, white, 44 %@ 45c. Bran Market weak; winter, per ton, $24.50@25.00; spring, per ton, $23.00®23.50. Refined Sugars Market firm; powdered, 4.40 c; fine granulated, 4.30 c; confectioners' A, 4.20 c; Keystone A. 4.10 c. Butter The market is steady; western, extras, 28c; near by prints, fancy, 31c. Eggs The market is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts free cases, $6.75 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $6.00@6.30 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.75 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $6.00® 6.30 per case. Live Poultry Firmer; fowls, 18 @lß%c; young chickens, ll@20c; spring chickens, 27W3isc\ i»ri.iin« chickens. 22®30c; old roosters, ll@12c; ducks, old, 12®14c; ducks, young, 16® 17c; geese, 15®17c; turkeys, 19®20c. Dressed Poultry Firmer; fowls, western, fancy, heacy, 18%®19%c; do., fair to good, heavy, 14@17%c; do., unattractive. 10@13c; old roosters, 12@12%c; roasting chick ens, fancy, l6©l#c; broiling chickens, fancy, Z4®36c; do., fair. 18® 19c; capons, large, 23®25c; do., small. 18®20c; turkeys, fancy, 24®2tc; do., fair, 20®23c; ducks, ll®18c; geese ue>i«c. Potatoes Firmer; old, per bushel, 90c®$1.00; new. per marrel, 75c®53.75; Jersey, per basket, 90c®$1.00. Flour The market is weak; winter, clear, $3.86®4.10; straights. Penn sylvania, $4.15®4.30; western, $4.25® 4.40; patents, $4.60@4.76; Kansas straight. Jute sacks. $4.15®4.30; spring, firsts, clear. $4.00®4 20: straights, $4.20 @4.35; patents, $4.40@4.65. Hay The market Is steady; tim othy. No. 1, large bales, slß.oo® 18.50; No. 1, medium bales, $17.50® 18.00; No 2, do., $16.00® 17.00; No. 3, do.. $14.00® 15.00. Clover mixed: Light, mixed, $16.60® 17.00; No. 1, do.. $16.00® 16.50; No. J. do.. $14.00® 15.00. CHICAGO CATTI.B By Associated Press Chicago, 111., July 1. Hogs Re ceipts, 31,000; dull. Bulk of sales, $8.15 friS.4o; light, $8.00®8.40; mixed, sß.oo® 8.45; heavy, $7.90® 8.42 % ; rough, $7.90® 8.05; pigs, $7.35®8.20. Cattle Beceipts, 16,000; steady. Beeves, $7.15®9.45; steers. $6.90®8.20; stockers and feeders. $5.75® 7.80; cows and heifers, $3.70®8.80; calves, $6.75® 9.75. Sheen—Beceipls, 20.000; slow. Sheep, $5.15®6.J0; yearlings, $6.25®7.35; lambs, $6.30@7.90; springs. $6.65®910. NO GAME TO-PAY Rain prevented a game with Wil mington at Island Park this afternoon. Due to the fact that there will be two games on Saturday, Manager Cockill will not have a double-header with Wilmington until the Chicks come here on their next trip. Only one game will he played to-morrow afternoon. York plays Friday and Saturday after noon. LEGAL NOTICES Howard Alley from Curtin Street to Seneca Street, and providing for the payment of the cost thereof. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Harrisburg, and It is hereby ordain;d by authority of the same, That Howard Alley from Cur tin Street to Seneca Street be and the same Is hereby authorized to be paved with sheet asphalt, on a concrete base, and curbed with granite or steel-bound granolithic curbing, the cost and ex pense thereof to be assessed acording to the foot front rule, said cost not to exceed two dollars per square yard for paving and one dollar per linear foot for curbing. Section 2. That all proceedings and work incident to the Improvement here in authorized shall he taken and done, and the cost and expense thereof shall bo paid for, and the assessment levied on the abutting properties shall be col lected as provided by Ordinance No. 19, Session of 1914-1915, and Ordinance No. 24. Session of 1914-1915. Section 3. That the sum of twenty five (i 25.00) dollars, or so much thereof as may be neoessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the gen eral fund at the close of the fiscal year 1913. to pay the costs of paving the Intersections of Howard Alley, as here inbefore provided. CHAS. A. MILL.ER, Cterk of the City Council. Office of the Clerk of the City Council, Harrlaburg, Pa., June 20, 1914. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Furnished by H. W. SUAVELY Arcade llnlldlnc Chicago, 111., July 1. Open, iiign. uiw. clos. Wheat- July Sept 78 H Dec 81H Corn— Jul 67% Sept 65% Oats— July 36% Sept 35% APPOINT COUWTY - " W COLLECTORS Dauphin's Commissioners Name List For the Thirteen City Wards For 1914 I^'' S*V> c n u i Charles E. Pass, 1441 Berryhill street; Third, Harry A. Van Horn, 325 Wal nut street; Fourth, Arrian S. Aker, 233 North street; Fifth, Harry A. Hoopes, 917 North Third street; Sixth. Charles T. Jones, 258 Verbeke street; Seventh, Isaiah Reese, 1527 North Sixth street; Eighth, Ira L. Miller, 1800 State street; -Until, Melvin G. Balthaser, 96 N. Seventeenth street; Tenth, Clarence A Fisher, 612 Seneca street; Eleventh, William Smith, 1834 Fulton street; Twelfth, James B. De shong, 1601 North Third street; Thir teenth, lOdwln C. Osman, 1930 Swa tara street. Gifford Pawned Gun Used to Murder Clute By Associated Press Albany, N. Y., July 1. —Efforts of District Attorney Alexander were cen tered to-duy at the trial of Malcolm Gifford, Jr., on proving that a revol ver similar to the one with which Frank J. Clute was killed, was pawn ed by Gifford in Northampton, Mass., last winter. The revolver was offered in evidence and was in plain view of the Jury throughout the morning. Warren T. Risley, a pawnbroker, of Northampton, testified that he had loaned $7 on a revolver and issued a ticket to a person who signed it "M. Gifford." William J. Kinsley, a handwriting expert, testified that the person who signed the pawn ticket and the one whose signatures appeared on a check of baggage receipt signed by Kifford were the same. Public Sale of Local Stocks Thursday July 2, 1914, 10.30 A. M. In Front of Court House First National Bank, Harrisburg, I'a. Commonwealth Trust Company, Harrisburg, Pa. Harrisburg Light & Power Company. 0 per cent, cumulative preferred. Opportunity will he Riven to purchase above stocks In odd lots. Right is reserved to reject any bid, and to withdraw any of said securities from sale. Terms, cash: but, where desired by purchasers, the vender will arrange for loans upon securities purchased to the extent of 75 per cent, of the purchase money; or, if preferred, for the en tiro purchase money, upon approved additional security. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY Kxecutor and Administrator. 1 FOR. RENT New Modern 16 and 18 North Fourth Street A ffi ly J.L. Shearer, Jr. 11 Anti Servian Feeling Runs High in Croatia Agram, Croatia, July I.—Anti-Ser vian demonstrations contlnue4 here to-day when a crowd gathered In front of the town hall and demanded that the mayor return a Servian decoration recently conferred on him. Another crowd went to the house of the speaker of the Croatlon Diet who Is a Servian and made a noisy demonstration against him. Several people were arrested but later re leased. HI'KT WHEN WINDOW FKLTj Frank Scott, a salesman, of 133 liexlngton avenue, Brooklyn, was treated at the Harrisburg Hospital for a dislocated right shoulder and a fractured right arm which he received when a window fell on hia arm while riding a train near this city. MONET FOR (SALARIED PEOPLI •mi others upon their own nsmei Cheap rates. «asy payments, conndeo till idama A Co. R- SO4. H It. Market HEY] $lO and Upwards For the 4th No red tape, bother or worry. You may have it to-day if you wish. LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY 0 N. MARKET SQUAKK Room 21 4th Floor i MONEY to loan in amounts of $5 to 1200 to honest working people In need at cheaper rates than the law of 1913 allows. Organized In 1909 by local people of recognized standing, to save borrow erp from extortion, thin company, regardless of what others advertise, still leads the way for low rates, fair treatment and volume of business. CO-OPERATIVE Loan and Investment Co. 204 CHESTXUT ST. Office Ilourst 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., Wednes days and 8 a. m. to 9 p. m.