Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 01, 1914, Image 1

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    West Virginia Saloons Are Closed Today "Dry"
Taylor Holds Key to
"Filling" For the Terraces;
Move For Improvement
/lis assurance that the matter of
utilizing the enormous quantities of
material from the Mulberry street
f subway excavations In completing the
slope along the river front north o!
t 'alder street will be determined this
week has caused hundreds of inter
ested people in the western section
of the city to look expectantly to Su-I
Poor Directors Will Prosecute If
Injunction Is Not Strictly
Motel and saloonkeepers throughout
paphln county will be notified to re- j
luse intoxicants to every man who has
ever been an inmate of the almshouse
or otherwise maintained as an indi
gent by the Board of Poor Directors.
Prosecution will follow violations of
x this Injunction.
Action' to this effect was taken to
day by the Poor Board when a reso
lution was adopted embodying the re- |
quest and authorizing the mailing of
a letter on the subject to every dealer
of Intoxicants within the boundaries
of the county.
With the letter will be included a
list of the indigents that are on the
Poor Board's rolls in order that every I
bartender may understand when and!
fContinued oil Page S]
Believe Westinghouse
Strike Will Soon End
By Associated Press
Pittsburgh, July I.—So quiet werti
the Westinghouse strikers in Kast
Pittsburgh during the night that the
state constabulary was withdrawn
from the streets and did not reappear
until this morning. The grievance
committee of the strikers discussed
thf conference they had yesterday
with President E. M. Ilcrr of the elec
tric company, and reported to the gen
eral strike committee. They instructed
a subcommittee as to the course It was
to follow at the meeting scheduled for
this afternoon with Mr. Ilerr. Strike
leaders expressed the belief that their
r differences with the companies would
be cleared up In time for the men to
return to work next Monday.
Late News Bulletins
The committee on the selection of a place for a summer tubercu
losis camp conferred to-day with Park Commissioner llarvey M. Tay
lor relative to llie availability of a suitable spot in one of (lie city's
parks for the location ol' the camp. No definite action resulted.
Brockton. Mass., «Fuly I,—Tlie explosion of a six-pound percus
sion shell, a souvenir of tlie Chinese revolution, resulted in the In
stant death of Thomas W. Cook and terrible injuries to Stephen F
Ileal to-day. The explosion wrecked the house whcic the men lived
and the detonation was heard all over tlie citv.
I'rceport, >. V, July I.—Kvidencc accumulated 10-ilay to support
l)r. Carman's story that Mrs. I.oulsc Bailey, murdered iHst nlgllt in his
oilier, was killed by n shot from outside through the once window. The
detectives learned to-day that a few minutes after the shot was fired
a joung woman hurried into the Freeport railroad station and went to
New York. She Is being sought.
Red Bluff, Call, July I.—After less than 21 hours of quiescence
Basscn peak hurst forth early to-dav in a stupendous eruption—the
fourteenth in the series that began May 30. No flame* were seen but
the vast plume of blackened steam front the cra'er waved a mile high
in the sky and volcanic ash fell at Macomhcr Plats thirteen miles dis
Williamson. W. Ya., July I.—.Miners worked with feverish energy
to-day digging a shaft into the workings of mine No. 1 of the Sycamore
Coal Company near here. In the hope of reaching five men who were
cut oil when fire broke out last midnight. There is Utile "hope.
Washington, July I.—Definite and tinnl notice to huMness interests
and the country generally that Congress will not adjourn without ac
tion on the Administration trust Icgisatlon program, was the nrlmarv
object of a caucus of Senate Democrats called for to-dav with Piest'
dent Wilsons approval. A party agreement to puss the trade coml
mission bil„ the amended omnibus trust bill and the railroad securities
bill, was discussed at the White House. unties
. shl « Kt ? ,lly V —George T. Marye, Jr.. of Kan *Yanclsco has
has been finally determined upon for ambassador to Russia Pre"i
to-day prepared his nomination for transmission "to tlie
New York Closing: Chesap«ike-Ohio. 51; Lehigh ValleT" 'ia.lL •
Northern Pacific, HO*: Southern Pacific, IMS % ; Union Pacific i'-IV!
V. S. Steel. 607* ; c. H. St. Paul. 00*: P. It. ft.. i,l; Readi a «• £
New \ork Central, 88*,: Canadian Padtic, IBSfc. «"»»•*• I«J%,
perlntendent of Parks Taylor. He
holds the key to the whole improve
ment of this important stretch of river
frontage which has been so long ne
glected and unless the material now in
si«ht is used It is regarded as doubt
ful whether the slope will be ready
f Continued on Page 10]
lot>d and Discipline Are Found
>o Be Excellent on Inspection
'Pie Dauphin county prison was to-
| <lM>' nsbected by W. J. McGary, assist
iant leiWal agent of the State Board
of I iblio Charities, aiul was highly
comnetiled for the general conditions
found and the manner in which it is
being conducted by Warden \V. W.
Caldwell, Bromley Wharton, secre
tary if (he board, was also here to
i day aid Ipoked at the House of Deten
tion at the Almshouse, which the State
board md tiie poor directors desire to
have runoved to another place.
In sieaking of the prison. Mr. Mc-
Gary giici: "I shall report that the
prison <in tine condition. It has 157
inmate? The jail is in excellent con
| (lit ion tl rotighout. t'ells are clean and
I neat. IcA-" and bedding comfortable
and in koad order. The beds consist
of drop'i.unks and during the day can
be to the side of the cell, thus
[Continued on Page 8]
Lid Goes on in Navy;
Liquor Is Banished
ri~- Associated Press .
Washini'toi). P. P., July I.—Secre
tary Daniels'! order lianishiiig intoxi
cants from the navy went into effect
to-day. It not only abolishes the tra
ditional "wirii mess" of the officers,
but bars all alcoholic liquors from
every ship and shore station of the
Beginning to-dav any officer found
in possession Aif alcoholic liquor on
board ship or if any naval station will
he guilty of rrlsconduct. Command
ing officers wit be held directly re
sponsible for tio enforcement of the
"dry" edict.
Hand Thrust Through Window
and Bullet Fired Which
Caused Death
By Associated Press
Freeport, X. 1., July I.—The police
and county authorities are seeking a
motive for the murder last night of
Mrs. William Bailey, wife of William
Bailey, of Hempstead, in the office of
Dr. Edward Carman. William Bailey,
husband o l'the dead woman, is a hat
manufacturer in Brooklyn. He was
surprised to leariv that his wife had
been a patient of Dr. Carman, and
declared that so far as he knew she
had no enemies. Dr. Carman, too,
told the authorities that he knew of
no cause for the crime, or reason to
believe the shot was intended for him.
Mrs. Hailey was shot through the
heart and died instantly. According
to Dr. Carman she arrived at his of
fice, which Is In his home, at 7.3 0
o'clock. An hour later, he said, she
was preparing to leave when a window
pane was broken, a man's hand hold
ing a revolver thrust in and the shot
fired that ended her life.
Chief of Police Roland M. Damb
began an Investigation with County
Detective Phieas Seaman. They found
that the window through which Dr.
Carman said the shot had been fired
was covered by a wire screen which
was operated by binges from above
and could be opened front the inside.
Further investigation showed that the
glass broken from the window and the
putty holding the glass had fallen
both inside and outside the room.
The mystery was further increased
when Bailey, the husband of the mur
dered woman, told the police that he
did not know that his wife had gone
to the doctor's office, lie was sur
prised when told that Mrs. Bailey was
accustomed to call on the doctor ac
casionally for treatment.
Visited sick Woman
Refore going to the doctor's office
Mrs. Bailey had visited Mrs. John C.
Crabau, who is ill at her home In
Rockville Center, and on leaving her
at fi o'clock had announced that she
was going directly home.
Outside of the tragic features of the
murder, the crime caused the most In
tense excitement here on account of
the social prominence and the wealth
of Dr. Carman and his family. Mrs.
Carman is the daughter of Frank
Clapp Conklin. one of the wealthiest
residents of the south shore of Bong
Island. Mr. Conklin make his home
with his ('aughter. Mrs. Hailey, who
was 3<l yeai. old, was small with a re
markably prett., figure and was con
sidered exceptionally handsome. She
always had been a leader In the social
affairs of her neighborhood. She
leaves two children, a daughter, Ada
lade, 17 years, find a son, 12 years old.
First Visit, lie Says
IT. Carman said to-day that Mrs.
Bailey's visit to his office last night
was her first and that he had not been
acquainted with her before that time.
Two men patients who were waiting
in the physician's outer office when
Mrs. Bailey was shot said they heard
no noise until they were startled by
the report of a pistol. When they en
tered the consultation room Mrs.
Bailey was dead and they helped Dr.
Carman carry her to a couch.
So many persons had trampled the
grass outside the window of the doc
toi s office that bloodhounds brought
to the scene to-day proved useless
They became confused in the maze of
Archduke and Duchess
Had No Chance to Get
Out of Bosnia Alive
Vienna, July 1. The conspiracy
against the lives of Archduke Francis
l'erdinand and the Duchess of Ilohen
berg was so well planned that It would
have been Impossible for them to es
cape from Bosnia alive, according to
some members of the late archduke's
suite who returned here to-day.
The officials declare that two clock
work bombs were found beneath the
tahle on which luncheon was! awaiting
the archdukal party on their return
to the City Hall. A similar infernal
machine also was discovered in the
chimney of the room occupied by the
Duchess of Hohenberg at Ilije, a wa
tering place a few miles from Sara
jevp, and a woman was caught with
seven bombs in her possession.
The bullet which killed the arch
duke was an explosive one.
it has been ascertained by the au
thorities that Gavrlo Prlnzlp, the as
sassin. is the son of a proprietor of a
hotel at Sarajevo and passed his twen
tieth year so that he may be sentenc
ed to death for the crime.
Farmers Wear Winter Clothes
To Bring Fruit to Market
Overcoats and Sweaters Feel Mighty Comfortable Declare
Growers Who Ride to Town at Dawn
Farmers who wore overcoats and
sweaters came In from York and Dau
phin counties this morning to the
markets with quantities of red and
black raspberries.
There were quite a few cherries also
on hand, and huckleberries were much
in evidence. The cold snap hasn't
affected anything, according to reports
by the farmers this morning, except
possibly retarding the growth of corn
a trifle, but not damaging it to any
Pesonally Pledged to Taft Before
T. R. Announced Himself as
Pittsburgh, July 1. —Senator Pen
rose, who is here attending the State
convention of the United Sportsmen's
Association last night issued the fol
lowing statement:
"I have been informed that Mr.
Roosevelt, in his address In Pitts
burgh, has objected to my political
activities, and has declared that boss
ism should be rebuked.
"My political activities cover a per
iod of nearly thirty years, and are
thoroughly known to the people of
Pennsylvania. The light o£ all kinds
of criticism, favorable and adverse,
has been turned upon my public acts
during that period. It is difficult for
me to determine Just when Mr. Roose
velt reached the conclusion to which
he refers; it certainly was not in 1904,
when the returns from Pennsylvania
in the Presidential election in that
year were sent to him by me as chair
man of the Republican State com
mittee and to which I received from
him, in reply, the following letter:
"My Dear Senator Penrose:
"Upon my word, of all phenom
enal returns, the returns from
Pennsylvania are most phenom
enal. 1 congratulate and cordially
thank you.
"Faithfully yours,
"In fact during the whole period of
[Continued on Page 10]
Firemen's Union Announces
Convention Contributors
Additional contributions to the Fire
men'.*- convention fund were announced
to-day. Thr chairman of the general
finance committee. Howard O. llolstein.
also stated that the committee members
would continue its canvass. Tlie con
tributors since the last report are:
Horace A. Segelbaum. Robert T. Box,
Robert Stucker, H. F. Nead. Howard W.
Jonues, John A. Rose, Gobi and Hruaw,
People's Bridge Co., Frank R. Ijeilt,
John T. Brady. A. ("arson Stainm, B.
Bruce Taylor, Daniel S. Seltz, Harry M.
Hretß, J. W. Swnrtß. Jas. A. Stranahan,
Scott S. Delby, Harvey K. Knupp,
David G. Bowman, United llat Store,
J. 1,. Amnion. Harrlsburg Apparel Co.,
•I. \V. Cotterel, 11. A. Stitt, 11. C. Devor,
Mr. Dong. J. R. Sneerlnger, HofTrnan
and McFall. J. Heller, C. Sinister, J. M.
Welser. A. .1. Chamberlln, Dogan Drug
Co., N. Slmono. D. O. Martin, C. L. Cono
ver. J. K. (larland, 1!. C. Cless, A. C.
NelT, J. R. Meloy, Charles H. Mauk,
George Kemmercr. New Idea Spreader
Co. W. J. Dantz, Hull Bros.. I. H. Sny
der. John George Stec.kley, C.
: S. Weakley, W. ,11. Diffenderfer., Russ
and Windsor, William 10. Krb„ A. J.
' itvan. K. E. Beldleman, Prank C. Sites,.
1.1.'8. Hoffman. W. J. Perrtn, Fred Ben-
I der, H. K. Crownshield. Willis Coal Co.,
John Brelsteln. Eli P. Miller, 801 l Bros.,
B. Frank Smith. J. S. Hetrlck, A. M.
ltickert. li. K. Mountz. A. P. Kitchen,
W. M. Runkle. F. G. Althouse, J. W.
Barker. J. Clarence Funk.
Charlotte. N. C., July I.—An explos
ion of dynamite In a burning building
here to-day killed almost instantly
one fireman and seriously injured four
others. Chief Wallace, of the fire de
partment, was thought to be fatally
Atlantic City, N. J., July I.—Sys
tematic social work was urged to-day
by the Rev. Edward F. Garesche, of
St. Louis in an address before the
Parish school body of the Catholic
Educational Association in session
I extent. But it was so chilly that the
market-bound farmers and those of
their families that came along were
bundled up almost In midwinter fash
ion. Of course the mufflers weren't in
evidence, but the big coats and sweat
ers were mighty comfortable as they
rode in the gray of the morning.
Prices were as follows: Raspber
i ries, seven cents and up; huckleber
rles, four to seven cents; cherries, five
i to seven cents; York county goose
berries sold at six cents.
Blames Business Depression Upon
Democratic Administration;
Change Must Be Made
Pittsburgh. July I.—Whether Colo
nel Roosevelt shall take an active
part, or even make a few speeches,
for the Washington party ticket in
Pennsylvania this Fall, remained a big
interrogation point when his train
departed for the East last night, after
a five-hour stay in Pittsburgh. In
which he received a reception rival
ing any acorded him either whfeti he
was President or since.
On the way over from Altoona.
where they met the train, William
Flinn, Alexander P. Moore and Julian
Kennedy broached the matter gently,
and got no assurance; last night he
fore train time, it was repealed again,
with the same answer.
"It's up to my doctor," was the
Colonel's Invariable answer.
But in the two public appearances
he made last night, the first political
gathering he has attended since re
turning from South America, the for
mer President received in every way
that it has ever been manifested be
fore—and some new ways—that he
would be warmly Welcomed.
His visit to Pittsburgh was a tri
umphal procession. Streets, roped
off, were black with crowds clear
across the downtown section. The en
tire police force, it seemed, turned out
to guard his safety. Six detectives
[Continued on Page 10]
Roosevelt's Sentence
Reduced to 6 Weeks;
May Run For Governor
fl.v Asspciattd Press
New Vork, July I.—Dr. Holbrook
Curtis, the throat specialist, told Colo
nel Roosevelt to-day that he would
have to rest six weeks. Then after
the Colonel had made a few speeches
as a test, the doctor said he would be
able to tell more definitely just whati
Mr. Roosevelt could do in the cam
"I'll be able to make some speeches,
all right," said the Colonel confidently.
He agreed that the six weeks' sen
tence was .preferable to the four
months' rest recently prescribed by
another physician.
"Maybe the doctor will let you be a
candidate for Governor after all,"
said a iiuestloner.
"They won't have to let me," ans
wered the Colonel. He did not make
it clear just what he meant by this
The Harrishnr* merchants will
in practically every instance close
their stores all day Saturday next.
July 4. For the accommodation of
the public the stores will be kept
open Friday evening, July 3, until
the usual closing time of Saturday.
i. i
Don't forget to have the Telegraph
•ant you while you are away.
Tou will have plenty ot time to
digest Its happenings.
The coat t> just the same as whan
you are home. Six cents a week.
A Postal addressed to the Circula
tion Department will bring you the
next Issue.
Final Meeting of Committee at
Chamber of Commerce Head
quarters Tonight
Salute to Be Fired While the Stars
and Stripes Go Slowly
Midnight—Ushering in of Inde
pendence Day with blowing of
whistles and ringing of lire bells.
8.15 a. m.—Formation of parade
at Second and State streets.
8.30 a. m.—Parade moves down
Second street to Market, to Fourth
street, countermarch to Front and
Market streets.
8.45 a. m.—Flag raising exercises
at Front and Market streets.
10 a. m.—Methodist Club ath
letic carnival. Fifth and Hamilton
10.30 a. m. to noon—Band con
certs. Commonwealth Band in
River Park, Front and Chestnut
streets; Municipal Band, Front and
Boas streets.
3 p. m.—Baseball game. Island
Park, York vs. Ilarrlsburg.
7 p. m.—Pest 11K G. A. R.,
moves to Third and Walnut streets.
7.15 p. m.-Vt. A. It. Posts Nos.
58, Ilfi and 720 move to Front and
Market streets.
7.30 p. m. —Sunset gun and haul
ing down of the flag.
8.30 to t0.30 p. ni.—Rand con
certs. Muncipal Band. Front and
Boas streets; Commonwealth Rand
at Reservoir Park.
v >
Those activo In the preparations for
the big celebration in Ilarrisburg on
July 4 will put the finishing touches
to the program at a meeting to bo
held at the rooms of the Ilarrisburg
Chamber of Commerce this evening at
7.30 o'clock. At this meeting the time
for the erection of the .60-foot flagpole
at. Front and Market streets will be
fixed definitely. The pole will prob
ably go up on Friday.
The large flag, which will be floated
to the breeze Saturday morningf ar
rived to-day and was turned over to
Robert W. Hoy, who is in charge of
the exercises. Late yesterday afternoon
W. h. Hicks, Robert W. Hoy and Rob
ert M. Wadsworth went to Fort Wash
ington and arranged a. place for tiring
the salute when the flag goes up.
Twenty-one large bombs will'be set
[Continued on Page 12]
Saturday. Fourth of July, being
a holiday on which there will bo
no edition of the Ilarrisburg Tele
graph. Saturday church notices
will be run Friday afternoon this
week. All notices must be in the
Telegraph editorial ofllces before
4 o'clock to-morrow afternoon,
July 2, to Insure publication.
In a letter to a New York newspaper the manager
of a talking machine company wrote:
"We advertise as a sort of business in
surance, in winter and summer, in good
times and bad, and our policy has made our
product famous the world over."
This advertiser uses the newspapers very largely
and has secured splendid co-operation from local dis
Business is so good, that his factory, even in the
dullest season, is far behind in its orders.
Business insurance through newspaper advertising
has made dull times something unknown to this concern.
. m
State Enters Prohibition Column
and Citizens Adjust Them
selves to Condition
Five Men Drank So Heavily on
Last "Wet" Day That They
Died as Result
Wheeling. \V. Vn., July I.—West
Virginia entered the column of pro
hibition States last midnight and to
day its residents arc trying to adjust
themselves to the new conditions im
posed by the Yost aet, said to be ono
of the most drastic prohibition meas
ures ever enacted in the United States.
"For rent," signs In the 'windows of
nearly 600 buildings throughout the
State, where yesterday Intoxicating
liquors were sold in abundance give
mute evidence of the change wrought
by the now law. Not a liquor sign
[Continued on I'affc 1-2]
Suffragists Turn to
House Rules Committee
Washington. July I.—Discouraged
but undaunted by President Wilson's
declination to use his influence for
congressional action on a constitu
tional amendment for woman suffrage,
leaders of the votes for women light
turned their heavy artillery in the di
rection of the House rules iommittee
to-day only to lind that a meeting
called to vote on the Mondell-Rrlstow
amendment had been postponed un
til August 1.
According to plans the committeo
was to meet and vote on a special rule
providing time for debate on tho
amendment in the llouse at this ses
sion of Congress.
President \\yison told the women
yesterday that the suffrage question
was a matter for the States to decide.
Butte, Mont., July 1. ' — The two
unions of the Butte metal miners, af
ter holding undisturbed meetings last
night, continued to-day to enroll mem
bers in their organizations. No high
officials of the Butte local No. 1 West
ern Federation of Miners, and no gen
eral otticer of the federation, are in
For Harrlabur* and vlelnlty I Show- j
ith tn-nlKht and Tnuraday; not |
much rhmigr In temperature. I
For KiiHtrrn I'ennayl vanlai sliowera 1
to-night ami Thursday; moderate I
temperature; light to moderate 1
south wind*. A
Tho main river will probably rrfl
main nearly atatlonary t»-nl(.'itV
and Tburadny. A atnge of about »
|.<l feet la Indicated for llarrla
hiirfc Thursday mornlnK.
Temperature: H n. m., <l3.
Sun: lllae*. 4:»0 a. m,; aeta, 7i37
p. m.
itlooni Full moon, July 7, » a. m.
Hlver Stage: 1.6 feet above low
water innrk.
Yeaterdny'a Weather
lllgheat temperature, NO.
I,owent temperature. <lO.
llran 'temperature, 70.
Normal temperature, 73.