v*v\ \m¥#Nwmk XiWfc*mws*Ti iftV tHK ciyY of RxttnisßimG, rx NOW« W BONDHOLDERS ']Lr Vi*M*'£ rtf * h * fallowing Improvement RrtnflS, »V v TO x * x r *'M'fUOikt the n«t« *lll be redeemed M the otflc* \ HV.lty T(f*«Wf ft W\ i, lfiV M which tlm* interest on all i>«ld hond* wffl fekse ' !»«*>*» k wi 4 V CTW >'Vl 10X #ayt*rrt Street. V 8 i v,h«fctnttt stre*t * * to \«:hcvtrtia StVe*t 0 11! 0 MoHIO. \W> x lOX 10' JJkV i wMV,\ x It u> A'orX- .ft rest * 1! 10 Ali'tk Knwl ■ * M> 100 ' Appi* £«nfcj \X V*K tfO Mkipfl til n>rt A IS 10 > • U*«fr » s Hcet A »S lo<| Th«rtp*<«ll MreS' A IS VOO strwst * 1'• 10 VhehMlfcOn titV*St. A >N« io'» awwi *tre«t \> a- *0 Shv'. HtV**t. > c io TeiVt *nti im-act v\ *1 I Oil iwtlV< r AH«; * 1? 1 0 ■ >,*«».- MVO*< iX 13 ltj>> .MM-- Htert x hi 10" iSui BlvtMi * l»t 10> hvat* rtcant. A SI 1 0 vrS*V"»flt WW 1 21 :> 10' Own i-treet. A |:r 100 tsreer h\ip«i ' Iff 1 'rS Vireen KtrMl ' is ioo .\jmw fttre*' * ra \oc tir..>«ii stot*t ' sat to* Greer Street A : ( r> io u'reen S(n-«|. x f' \o' ! Viv*«i Hr«i ' 8. \OO Hcfi Rtv«4t } ' i\K) \0 ilvcw-' IStr«>«i 1 xs 1 o } I\' tftO VJKvn •»i « n io HUM ' |»'' \oi' StirM. \J .Sv ioo n« v «f A SS- Kir,i ' 8« 10-' 1 Rir^t. ■1 .# •- V»' )-.j||i Mint, «J ?fo \W llhli vv ■I s 1 lfO KlrowMn S\T«*t. i ' ss liv t-v\<>nvf«T\\n Str»*' ' i»i \ rt.' |W MI«WiIT ' ?v Mr»M .* SVi \n i|flVi)nt««tlth HtMAI * sv i<>< <. Sirr»T ' iw ttrtwr WK» m \.< (» (J •' • 1 I" i Hire** * S(V4 io !Mr®»* .« >» \W tnreO! A ''rtf IfO BlWIftV Pllreel A \.> i# s4Me V V.xrkov !M>'' .t .IV" (>0 liArJvrtt' Mi p.>t ' AW \# Hm»»l hvn»el ' A'vniv PUio»i. A IV 140 -k*' * ~< N ■ liW }*li\rK*l X ;?.%: \ <*> As \vj\,v «\i «et < !•> i# oo.ii\U'»' sti-ewr t SVt \0 llrtrhiH s \ \, ( .xmrtHiir (Uvoi»i 1> \XV W Ktro*t. JW ixhi vivvxnui tursnt 1> V \i \ UrrtlMt"" hIVWM X ~> VOV Oi<\kii* Hvit'^i X \X. iiK Jsi>rl|i HlreM. iX ,\y. k» N,i\ll> n»eni, ,T\ \.IO IMKrMIr Sttjlflti X ( 10. lA (i lit rtell Pu re! ▼ • l:l \ \,io KHttji hxront i.X' (»• ItH J'iUb Sfc ' ».\< \w )i%wTIUSIX HtretV. IN x ' h ll» Huh -V-H't < Irti <'i.x» >vlv* ntituwtxli gti+«. ,< 0 mv ' 'hfi.MtW HVV**ll X ( \v»i \or i.'hmnUV ®P*l. V' ,V> XOi' AX.iWm AVtnx « o.\ uw \\fl.u»i ,\n«\v J ,\n \ov Vo i voi \X\b hvli.m\ < 'OV ftkWlCrtX X ft,Xi \oi' StfnPX X tA \XXi' Jlttiles ftlieel X.' Mj iAOi i wvM, BWpp' o|f IMV V ii-1, ,it ;.yi ont ' «ao \\W OwnHmV SIVtH ' IHW XvH JuWifci r Hlcr fV ' n,\> \Mi iifi, < \»< v\U' ii fl AOV vi It Kit «t» ' • u, x o v*'"!He sxveei. « .«.., 0«v I J'HWMIt s\t*p\. •■•'1? \VOV HVVv'»lV* Bttftl xx»v X v i>lt \\ !\)r< AVU'lin sneet. ' SfA yw nim«(V.>n»et. hllS 'OO Ts|\l eel ."tOv oilv \\Hiv\ii»K Kvk^l. i f }W 1U 01 v I,Heel, 1 01, IV htrtoV VO4 Am v'W'Vixrt BlV^m ! Vi' vW *fixl. Bltr»>\. OU 'OV WiH%! 1-v»t 'l. ' W( ulj ' {TO Wplr.v PlVenV * oux \# Slilr" Iti»el ; j;V |ro <:u!uiu» hVtt«i : « II is«#r i MVn iVW fc'Sioiim Bunet < Al«H' \W V>!«HIH ,net ' iJtM.' IVV fei)v>: Htrent 0 .'Oflt* mo Mimiin nit*.» » 'V.t too Lt-AJnk Hli,i„t 1 i.i 001' ftlhiM Hlt»*t ' 10->«l I tO Atftl . •' 'OtiV 'Oi o\ I' I'ltpll b II i -kr v usi vsS bw* K> "MiV t t mil \!u- JWIIWUt ;-'<«'el v vi.!i v\ v j;> tttieviifei-i tit.i r .,>i t !? u |>»vtrinv|tit f-tveet V;f JX'tiVtnVttde, Mt „ r , k "J \! v . \ ln W iV >l*> sHI^L i $ 3 p s f if >4 s l foj ftftMirKviiv i i q Siis M v>,\ M jttnj st.ieei | ! S MK«fea all W- ft ffi \'J It t Vwi ll\h |i > Kw, I» fe ii m J f*t PTO f on' - h s\Wkt ; z i; i ?w r«txt Hit-Mi ki |j;' Ifj; WOW S f | WW fIJS! W} nt in i\t«»\ IIRI VTESISAY r\'r\'TK T G. HAftm&BtmO tWftfr TELEGRAPH JQKt sKX IOR 1 Stxreet r»vt«| TXnnrtM NO. \mt street. xX" 2li too frimtOM Street, vy SS« 200 Thlrtl !- ««:- roo Thirvi street V i«* £OO Thirv: Street Ivi ? 8, S°° AP'"* Street I xA MS 200 ThttM Btreet V I*! 1 200 Thlrii Street VV 270 200 Third Btreet ! VC HTI 800 TnliM Street , Vt; 28J 200 Tenth Street XA. Bdj 200 !«t.tte .street. V 50P 200 State Street 'A 310 200 Stat.' Street !v. . l I St.tte Street. VV. 31 ? 200 State Street. XA «XI.X 200 State Street XA Jit 200 St««>- Street. V-, Jlfc 200 State Street j XA Slfi 200 State Street XA JIT 200 Stati' street XA 31 ,V 200 Stftie Street, j V. 51? 800 state street. 1 ,V. 20 ? BlfPft i JC. J 2 3 >s Xate Street I S. ?' viteen Street A M« 200 i;, pen stt eet I JS ?k 20-' Ureen Street V. J*s 200 VSreen Street XA Jj!i 200 Ureeri Street, i XA, ?J0 2po v«reen Street .V, Jf! 200 Vireen Street, xF :,s \ Stxteentlt stre«t, ICS isi Sixteenth Stf*«t Iv. J?* *<*o Reese Street !?° Tieene Blreet. !*V. fYr Klnl street 55 *Y? Street. I*V , ;«) 200 Kim Street »s'» 200 ,lnt Street, S, 200 Klnt Street. ,KV J?j 200 Kim Street ! ,s, Seventeenth Street. Jv. Sii '** o Seventeenth Street. Jv- ?:•' f¥s Seventeenth Street. I JA. 3JO 200 sixteenth Street Kl 5Si 2 rt< * Sixteenth Street. Ixl 51? Sixteenth Street. 'A SSS 20{ ?,arker Street 'A. 4rtp 200 helftna Street. XA, Xi« 200 Mttattnny Street. xA 424 200 Froftt Street. ( Jv. s' x o Kifth Street. SJ. 200 lVnn street xA 4?, 200 llaiiey street VJ joo 200 FlftoeVith Street. IC. 200 x\'«ln«t Street '\*. 200 Kelker Street. !v, ?5" 2,1fl Kelher Street v. f " Kelker street JA £(1 200 Kelker Street V KS3 200 Snyfortl Street. !v. £SS 200 SayfoW Street XA. M 200 SVnlla. e Street | t,\ joo Hart I* Street i 'v, 200 yerheke Street j I* J2S 200 Verheke Street •J, f; ' Verheke Street JA «3J 200 lOauvthln Street J. SJ? 200 lxelaVare Street '., 5'J" 200 lVlnwnre Street V. 5f2 20fl I'ttlHn Street. JA «6S 200 Mifflin street ffi «;» 200 Tlunier Street. XA «*4 200 t'nntr Street. I v Si? ISS EmeralJ Street. ' V ;jj 200 Feffer Street. . ;0£ 200 weofl street. •2. 2 "° North Street. rv> iSS gx-lßT(tf= Street. O iJP 200 IXilpits Street 'A .33 200 na\e> Street. ' rv ii! Front Street i J. i?i 200 rtune Street 55; i? 5 20fl Trune Street S- ij* 200 rnme Street. i?{ 200 Shrub Street i JH JSJ Shrtth Street. Tv- JS, Berryhll Street. Iv- ?S1 BerrVhlil Street. JSi PoTyhlll street. ' A". ??? 2ehannft Street, y;: |jj m Xuas Street Vv 200 Front street. 1. 40 fOO ITerr Street. ] ** 800 Forater Street. F 500 Forater Street R S3 500 West Street. 1> 8? 500 Strawberry Street. J.x 02 500 Willow Street M 29? M 0 Fifth Street. 1? 2«0 ftoo Market Street. II ??? Siale Street IX 31? 500 perry Street I M ? 2 f m Rr»Ht Street. IX 3vc 500 Mail ay street. 1> 3*B 500 Fourth Street. V 3ST 500 sixteenth Street p 500 Sixteenth Street, v ?S0 500 yemon Street T> 3SI 500 V'ernon Street. IX sso poo T'ront street. p .x" 500 imion Street, P 411 ROO Myrtle Street, r 41.x 500 Susquehanna Street, g 4lj 600 SlXteentll Street p 41, 500 Sixteenth Street, p 440 500 Sixth Street p 441 500 Sixth Street, p 142 500 Sixth Street IX 44."! 500 Sixth Street P 455 500 Fifteenth Street, p 40# 500 Fourteenth Street, p 4*7 500 Fourteenth Street. M J'2 ['s° Fifteenth Street P <77 500 Roily Street p 47> 500 Relly Street jx 4f5 500 Marlon Street, ii Pil I'SS Oaliler Street, P 50« 600 Berryhlll Street. P f O7 600 Borryhill Street. i\ rC*5 ISS Street. JX 6)J 600 Hummel Street, p MP 600 fanierott Street. JX 660 600 cnmeron Street SX 561 600 Cameron Street p 1i62 600 Cameron Street, p 66? 600 Cftmeron Street fi itJ £OO Cameron Street, p 665 600 Camel-on Street P Ppg £OO Cameron Street. E PPZ Mi '"O.meron Street P 66? 500 Cameron street, p 66P 600 Cameron Street, p 6f,x 600 state Street, P 664 500 Slate Street, p f{6 500 State Street. | s m :»s5- 1 p «00 600 Fifth eti-eet. « J.l fSS Street. JX 0)3 f'oo JVffer Street, x 02 s 600 Wood hi ne street. ■I 2?l DS!I Seventeenth Street. X 64? 500 Seneoa street X 04 4 500 genera street. X 060 600 pet'OOil Street. JX 666 600 Turk Street, > J6J 600 Fifteenth Street. X fil 600 Jjlnileh Street. - !i? f°'l Street. \ £l2 vSx Foraler Street, 11 0.6 600 tjreen Street, • S"? t'SV il'een Street ? ».» 500 Front street, Ji OTP 600 Front street JX #po 600 Kront street, •x *ll 000 Front Street. Mreet rst-nrilHß •f? I'^j'.flWtreet •Jf 00 rfcUer street JJOf 100 <'alter Street. • 51 JOO r'ajder Street. 05 ioo calfler street, •5 06 JOO Monroe Street. »Jo(* 100 Mollroe Street. H? JO? Front Street. IS si V <,t ISO 100 Atlas street J3l 00 Atlas Street, ill 3x5 <»reen Street. i?> 300 '»reen Street. '64 .100 Oreert Street. {J' IS? Oleenwood Street ' H 0 (JreenWood Street )t\ 300 OreeliWood Street 3?S !SS street. 40 300 tireenwood Street. 'li 15S Hiee« street. t| |OO Front Street. ?♦ 800 Front Street, ii £iS '"xont Street 200 Front Street i?S ESS eHH KfHt. 40 200 Front street. 4f £OO Greenwood street. II fOO Oreeii" ood Btl-ett. .60 600 Second Street "fi ?O0 Seeond Street, i? fOO Seoond Stmsit. *7 MA Frorlstr^l wJsKw.'s: *' MCE PROGRAM FOB CIMPMEETIBE lector of Stor«rwls shel horn; 7:SO p n\., iho Hev, .1. n Mat lack Monday, August 8—10:S0 a. m.. tho Rev. Clyde A. t.ynch; 2:80 p. m., the Ttev. C. t., Karly; 7:80 p. m.. tho Rev. t.ewls Shelhorn. Tuesday. August 4—10:80 a. m„ the ! ReV. A. S. l.ehnwti; 2:80 p. m.. tho Rev. C, 15. Houghter; 7:80 p. nv, tho Rev. t.ewls Shelhorn. Wednesday, August 5—10:80 a. m., the Rev, N. T,. l.lnehnugh; 2:80 p. m,, the Rev. Samtiel Rrehm; 7:80 p. m., the Rev. I,ewls Shelhorn. Thursday. August ti—Communion and Old Fooplos' l>ay 10:80 a. m. I the Rev, lx, , In her grotesque portrayal of a country gl, rl. row women equal Miss l.ytllle in this line of work. Kvans and Anderson were particularly pleas ing In a comedy sketch entitled, "On the Rockies." .ilm Gilden told funnv stories and sang pßrodtes in a manner that kept the audience In constant good humor, while the Sttner Trio had tnelr roaring with laughter at their comical antics in a whirlwind knock about acrobatic stunt. The fireworks display at the park on Friday evening promises to be a (Treat prologue to the celebration of tne glorious Fourth. The fireworks have already arrived at the park and if bulk counts for anything the ills play on Friday evening will be some «how. There Is half a carload of them. 1 An experienced pyrotechnic man will, arrive at the park on Thursday to set up the explosives and Manager Davis says he will have everything In readi ness to give the people the best ills play the park has ever had on Friday ! evening.—Advertisement. !*OVKI,TV AT COITo MAI. The Colonial Theater Is offering real novelty In the bill presented for the first three days this week. Mlla Oberlla and her five girls are giving a singing and danelng act that Is very ! much out of the ordinary. While the i stage setting Itself la not extremely i elaborate the beauty Is thrown upon i the dancers from the front by means or a aeries of colored elides that dresa ! the girls In gowns of ever changing radiance. In one scene they are swim ming In the ocean, the high rolling waves being supplied by a motion pic ture fllm. It Is a realistic scene of the seashore, and one would be willing to wager that the girls were really swim ming in the surf, so perfect is the Illu sion. Kaiser's Dogs are a group of In telligent and cute looking little ani mals who go through a routine or clever tricks, and Sam Glider la an old favorite In black race who has a lot P r , n f w J°fces The first of the Co lonial s home-made movies will be shown the last three days of this week. —Advertisement. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS This Is Your Opportunity have absorbed the entire stock of one of the Largest Auto Supply Houses of Baltimore. This immense assortment of new, up-to-date merchandise has been added to our present line of supplies and accessories In order to obtain necessary room in which to serve our patrons to advantage we shall at once inaugurate a Great STOCK REDUCTION SALE f We Carry the Largest and Most Complete Assortment of Automobile Supplies Between New York and Pittsburgh. A GREAT CUT IN PRICES llrsillnr Our Prirr Iti-aular «»«r « • 1 I? ■"> J 'MK" "ur." bpeciaU For Ferd Ctrs SIO.OO 2-inch Round Nickel or 75c Havoline Oil (gallon Brass Bumper $0.85 cans) ..., s , 50c I* s>■so 2-inch Channel Bar $1.25 5-lh. Can Transmission SIBOO Stat Covers for touring Brass or Nickel Bumper s(>."s Grease , ,05c car s» v r>B SB.OO 1/a-inch Round Brass sj.<» Mb- Can Auto Soap 50c SHOO Scat Covers for Road or Nickel Bumper .... s.">.(>."> s>.-' Gallon tan Brass Pol- .»«.%»«»,», $6.89 SIB.OO Electric Horn, Motor is, < ?5c $5,00 Ughtinff Outfit* "!!!! MM Driven $0.50 PRICES BASED ON NO. 1 DIAMOND $4,00 Near Knd Tire Holders, $12.00- Electric Horn, Motor TIRES, 3,500-MILE GUARANTEE 5trap5,...,,..,,,,,,. s2,r»o _ Driven •: $6,/0 Rciv.iinr KVoui n * VO ° Running Board Tire $6.00 h lee trie Vibrating n n on Holder ~,,,, SL«7 Horn, (guaranteed) .. $2.08 >. . , oV; r; 0t $5.00 Painting Outfit $2.85 $20.00 Kectric Head Lights. S, * c M Straight $17 5 Tire Covers ' Bullet Shape (11J4- \n i ikid T,hrl Bumper*, clamp inch), pair $9.50 ' on type ... ~. , " > $8.50 Electric Dash Lamp, $ s , ' J $1,50 Cut Out Outfits Com- Bullet Shape, pair .... $4.80 9.48 0.26 52 . |f $3.50 Electric Tail Lamp, "; •' - >v* 50v- Oil Gauge By BttUet Shape $1.78 \f 7 J-g sKf o Ignitioi, Cable As s6o.oo KEMCO FAN GEN- ' Jg semhly Ofc ERATOR, COM- *.67 \f $2.00 Floor Mat* <*c TERY AND AH !& JS •» „ CONNECTIONS $45.00 J™ J*-+» SI.2 J rV RrtV h.l« nibh" SIS.OO G.» H«d Light (12- ™ ®.l 4.01 #nW , JV "> ch ). P alr SB-35 ooJ UJI $4.50 Tool Ron, 22*9*7 $2..W $15.00 G» Mead Lifflit (0. •"*] \lf 4.2S , u u , , . tacM. pair $6.25 >*.W » Joc Fourth »««« Grmn $/.50 Oil Dash Lamps, pair, $3.95 \ r , "i?")!. ?l Cun ..... 1(V $3.50 Oil Tail Lamp $2.45 4 f ,60c Crank Holder J! ,W $3.00 Oil Tail Lamp $1.75 {j* SI.OO Valve Lifter 37c $6.00 rool Box (24-mch 10x j;. ; 3UJ mO6 Ml 50c TungMJl. Ump», 6 volt ,u > $-.8? „ x . , nni . 12 candle power, 30c 810.00 Mayo Spark Plug Tire > 3 SI.OO Champion X Spark Pump with gauge .... $6.05 6.80 p , UR ' $5.50 Hand Pump, 3 cylinder, _ v7x - ' 3,90 36.01- 0.13 $1,25 Bethlehem 5 pt. Spark $3.00 Hand Pump, 2 cylinder i High Grade Reliners j SI.OO Valve Stem Adjusters, 38c, compound $1.65 Reg. Price Si*e Sale Price 60c Fan 8e1t5,,,. 28c $3.00 Ratchet Jacks SI.BO $2.72 30x3 SI.BO 25c Huh Cups 14c. $2.00 Ratchet Jacks 05c $3,06 30x3# $1 «)g 50c Valve Grinder 28c $3.75 Combination Tire and $4.50 32x3'.i $2.70 $12.00 Master Vibrator $7.50 Tube Vulcanizer $2.50 $4.% 34x4 s3.jq 45c Inside Blow-out patch, $2.00 Tube Vulcanteers .... sl.lß $5.14 36x4 $3,2<) 3-inch 28c $4.50 Oval Mirror, any finish, $2.50 $6.58 36x4# . $3 40 60c Inside Blow-out Patch, $4.50 Square Mirror, any fin- $7.15 37x5 s3>) 3#-inch 36c !?h $2.50 sl,lO Lace-on Patch, 3-inch, 69c $2.75 Round Mirror, any fin- "*"j $1.20 Lace-on Patch, 3tf-ineh, 7<)c ish (s#-inch) $1.75 g $2.50 Mahogany Door Stripn $2.00 Diminishing Mirror (4- r~4 J— H Touring car, per net SI,OO inch) 05 c ® 20c Kadiator llose ........ 9c SB,OO Clock Phtnney-Walker PRESENT THIS CO TIPriM sl,{Xl l ! iher G#iri (or Su,w#rt Keyless $6.65 PRonSENT THIS COUPON Speedometer ~, ~,,,, 45c $8.50 Clock. Phinney-Walker AND RECEIVE FREE OF 60c Wheel Pullers 28c Kejless, for cowl dash, $6.05 CHARGE A FIRE EXTINO Cylinder Head Gaskets, 38«f $35.00 Windshield, rain vision, $0.75 ."til - ,V Tire Talcnm, l-11, cans! 11c /5c Ciargoyle Mobiloils, UISHER FOR YOUR CAR. 3Ol' Piston (gallon cans) 45c L————— Complete »tock, Bolts and Boirlngi. All Supplies at Equally Low Price: All articles have our regular guarantee. Mail orders will receive im mediate attention. Prices quoted include attaching to cars without extra charge. Atlantic Gasoline 15c a Gallon FREE AIR AT THE CURB City Auto Supply Company 108 MARKET STREET TELEPHONES ---UNITED 66 195 X E. L. LEINBACH^Manag^ 9