Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 30, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    Chlldroni Cry for Fletcher's
Thf! Kind You IlHvn Alwnya Itoufflit liita lionie thfl
turn of Chna. 11, Flctt'lit'r, and has ht'on utidfr hi#
poraonnl aup«>rvlaloii for ovor !Ut yon pa. Allow no one
to dooHv* you In thla. lla, liiillittlofia and
•• •Tuat-Ha-jrood" «r« hut cxpt'rlrrwnf x, nnd «'>i<laiiir«*r <»i#
lioalth of Children—lOxpcrlfiu-e uKaliiat l^iierliiii'iit.
_ What is CASTOR IA
OMtnrlu Im a hitrmleaN Niiliatltuto for Cuator <)\\ t l»nr«-
' ■rs»rl«*. l>ropa mid Noothlnic Hvrupa. It rtuiialiiM inilfhrr
Opium, Morphliut nor other Nnri-oHf NuhaliiiHv. Ik do-
Htroya Wormaund itllnya F»Y<-Hahiu aa. For morn lliun
thirty ymtra It hua lint-n In ronatitnt iimi for th« rnllH of
Conatlputlon, Fliitulnnny, Wind Colin.<t|| Tnntliluu Trou
nlnaitnd Diiirrhtnii. It rcifulatna tlm Ntomonh and fliMvla.
Haalnillatna the Food, (rlvlnif linaltliy and natural alnnn.
The Chlldrcn'a I'auut nu The Motlu-r'a Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
Py A txnrinlrd Prut
TTtlen, N. Y., June 30, —Ira T>. Prnln
ard filed at hln home In Watervllle,
thla mornlnß, axed <lO year*. Mr.
Ural nurd whm for many year* the lur
ueHt denier In hofiN In the I' nll •< I
Mtatea and hlx operutlona netted him
a lan?e fortune.
Real Wonder-Worker
For Wrinkled Faces
TIIOHr WllO hiUe trll'lt 111 l HortH llf HO
< alle<l "wrlnkli'-removera" In a vain ef
fort to loaa iii»nr unwalooma traoaa of
«Kc, llliienn or worry, run nearei-ly ttrul
\voriln lo cxpri.HH their dellKht wli.li Hie
wonderful Haxpllte formula, oneo tliey
have irlven It a trial. The auccimN of
IhlH method In due not alone to Ith
marveloiiH effectlveneNi—upon the deep
i'Mt llnee nnd crowafaet, iih well hh upon
the very line one* —but alno to ltn nur
prUlnwly < 1111ck aetlon nnd tin entire
harmlnNKni'HH. 11m ulinpllclty nnd ItH In
expeiiHlven>'«a are other loniniindalde
fi'aturnH, for one need* only to dlnNo|ve
an ounce of powdered nnxollte In 11 half
pint witch hazel, and hathn the faen In
thlH Molutlon. At oner* a reinarkahle
tranHformatlon Ih beheld.
It Ih not only the effect on wrlnklea
nnd creaMeii that IH HO noticeable, but
facial contour In remarkably improved
and the face lookH much younger. One
nhould ho hiire to iiHk the dniKKlat for
the powdered Haxollte. Tin# lot lon, hc-
Inp no IH particularly Krate
ful to tired faces tlieae warm, depress
ing dayH.
Colorado for the Tourist
LOW Ronnd Trip Sumner Toarut Fares
Send for haruliomely illustrated
J f 42 photograph* of Col
lc j I orudo life—it tell*
1 wiSfllHff W '" co>< ' '' ' o( ' ay '
■■■■ MOJA ■■■ fIOJA ■■■ MO.)A MM
Harrisburg smokers k? Iw what they want.
But the people who riake cigars a thousand miles
away don't.
That's the reason
appeal so strongly to home tastes.
It's a home smoke made by home people who have
studied home tastes so many years that they know how
to produce the most satisfying all Havana quality
smoke that their dimes can buy.
Made by John C. Herman & Co.
■■■■ MOJA fill MOJA ■■■ MOJA MM
r-ißf =:^=lQE^~imi=c=iMr=CTnr=ag=nrii—^ —i.inr=3a«)miMHßl|lH|[
| Firework,.. Jill Y FOURTH- ■Fireworks |
6 Biggest and liveliest display of the day at HERSHEY PARK. [
Q Magnificent Extra Attraction.
Paine's Fireworks
FlBMt fVM wren In ltnii|ihln conn*)-, SomrlbliiK dnlnv all thr (Into,
TWO*om'niTnthalt. ~nrk* <)IIKAT "AND OK 40 PinCIM.
u «io,ooo rAnnopHFji.T, oonciimtm swnnitNii pool
I cmi-Dnimrs am.-.htkfi, pi.a yoiioim> appaiiatits
I BASKnAl.l.—Morning and Afternoon—IIIOHNIIKV vm. NEW IIOM.ANI) fi
Plmtf of ipnrt *njl Intrrnt fnr nil awea. l'lt-ntr nf room for all and II
(he moat dasallng dlapla/ of Ft rework* ever
TUESDAY EVENfNO, HA ftfimntTflO TELEGRAPH TI t NF. .10, 1014,
Telegraphic Briefs
Houae piiaana the eotton "fu
. turen" bill, M to 21.
Henntor BOTIth In opposing tradn
\ commlaalon bill warns atralnat een
| trnll/.atlon of federal control,
j CoiiKresa rirovlde* npproprlatlona for
new American embassies.
Democratic Ix-ader Underwood an
nounce! dotermtnation to tnainiitiri
! iiuornm In House and will cause arrest
of members If necessary,
I Hlll'Keon Ueiieral llllio ordered to
New Orlenna to take i:hitrK» of earri
palKn iikliisl bubonic pluKue,
Nuvy Department plans to rtiah work
I n.l. Philadelphia navy yard,
i'atasaui|iia and Hhamokln celebrate
Old Home Week.
1 'oati-MVllle saloonkeepera accused of
tirenklllK promise not to sell bottled
Kir Lionel Hardoti, Itrltlsli minister,
nd\ isi H all lirltlsh subjects temporarily
to leave Mexico.
«■ 1111 ford, Conn., police lay kllllnit
of Waldo H, ItH I lon to companion of
Mrs. Helen M. Aiiklo,
I'buries H. Mullen and others con
nected with ItminclriK the Hampden
Hallway Indicted at lionton for cori
An Insurance, clearing house will he
1 established at Hiilem to iidjust claims
KI'OWIIIK out of liist Thursday's lire,
Where? On your porch, down on
your lawn, anywhere at any time with
a Vlctrola. Come In and hear your
favorite band music. J. It, Troup
Music House, 1 fi (So, Market Hq,
Laltfic«*GrofJ«M Psopls Uj Th«y
Ar« Not Affected by Amal
gamated'* Action
WMIa no I*l* for »b» iiaual sum*
tn»r ahutdown of th« tAl*n44-<Ui»,\**r\
tin plat* I'omiinny'n plant for repairs,
alork arflftuflllnif, ele , baa bean lined
Ihua far, II In und«rNlood thai the
planl Will be #-|riM«t/f f ( ,r severnl weeks
Ml It-nut In the nxnr future, An * nil#
fitre.. or (nur week* IN the anient of
the lime a Unwed fttr the midsummer
discontinuance of operatlona,
At the offices of ifit, nom j
pa nv to-dnv It wna aald that Him pro
posed closing down nf Hie (In plate
iiillln In noI brought about bv Hie
action of Ihe A inn I git miil ed ASSOCIm*
Hon of trim, Hleel and Tin I'biie Work
era and manufacturers .lulv I becanae
nf it dlsiigretment of the wage scale,
The existing wale expires .|iini< an
and »<• » meeting ihn representa
tives nf the association 111 Atlantic city
hist week If, wik decided i hul the "ti
llrn string of eighteen plants would
close down July I, TIiIN will affact
something like 6.900 mr<ft who urn em
ployed In 110 sheet ami 60 tin mill*
over the country,
"W* urn not a purl of the Amal-
Knmated Association," It WIIN said lit
the olflces of the lAbince company
In-liny, "mill we will nut tin nrfm-li.il
liy any action It might lnl<«,"
Dauphin Mourns Death of
Hannah Craig, "Old Mammy"
jiannaii cuaio
Dauphin, Pa., June AO.— All Dan
phln In inournlnif for Ha "old ma mmy,"
Ilannull Crulg, who died on Hunday
evening nt ttin home of her sister,
Mr*, William Hopkins, In Philadel
phia. I Inn null, who wiin taken 111 laat
winter lit her home on the mountain
side, wiin removed Hi l'lillitili-lpliln
shortly before Christmas, Although
everything possible wiin done for her,
Nh" Niiff<!ri>il a relapse and died on
Hnnilny. 11 im null waa 714 yfnr* old,
very doiif mid alnioNt blind. In Npltii
of her iloiifiicHN, Mho played th« aooor
illon for nearly everybody who went
to Hon her. Many young people walk
'•'l UP Hi" mountain to Huuh'l
houNn anil dnnoed to her rolllikliiK
iiiunli!, or, on Sundaya, llatoneil rover
nntly to her hytnna.
Hannah eame from the very oldeat
neKro fnnilly around Dauphin. Her
father, Andrew f'rnltf, and her moth
er, Itnchnel, were alavee of John Me-
Alllator, of Kort Hunter. Hannah and
her Hlater have linen maniinya to a
areat many of Dnuphln'a oldeat t'ainll
aervloea were held tn-dny
nt her NlNlnr'a home In Philadelphia,
but burial will Im made In the <'ruln
burial Kround, formerly owned by
John MrAlllater, but now owned by
John Relly, of Kort Hunter.
Hnnniih Im aurvlved by her HlNter,
Mra. W'llllmiii llopkliiM, of IMillmlol-
Phla: Heoniird <'ral«, who Im ai-etlon
■liomm on the Rendlntf Uallrimd, and
Itlchard ('rain, of 11 itrrlHbutk.
Paxtang Park
The Musical Crockery Shop
The Stiener Trio
Fire Works
Friday Evening
5-Dancing Girls-5
In iiiiii of the NrNNon'* llrNt Ai'lN,
llnrrlMliurii'N KlrNt nmtr
"Kid Gloves Don't
Make a Hero"
Written In tlnrrlNhurie—Aetril In
llnrrlNltiirir— I'hutiiKrniilK-il In || ar .
rlNliiirir—Nlittwn In llarriNbiira
('time and »«• Your Nvla;hbora Act.
Fort Washington Park
nanelnc r.rrry Tueaday, Thiiradny
and Naturdajr Hvenlna,
IIANn nnd ttltrilinaTll A TiiNitiM
nnd ThurNdaya.
; Store Open at 9 O'clock, Friday 1 C «
! Closed AU July 4th'
: Voile and Swiss Flouncings
! Worth From 50c to $1.50 Per Yard, 29c, 39c and 49c
► ~,n' P ' ,l,n< ' !,olnp embroideries that for value and time
* l\ v linen* ha* not been, Approached thin neanon.
* V "' ,C I?,m,ncln &' 45 ' nche * wldt, deeply embroidered on
* \ ,l,:r S ' lCer niM,cria '' " wi(,f r " n « ( ' nf beautiful rained denlgn*;
► J UM l '"' mal(, rifl for Mylish summer frock*; require* only short
► fiinc tu n,;,kc ,|rC!,M or l,l<irt ' in ,imt ' for holiday or vacation
► a,l(l 7 * l ' embroidered Voile#, 45-inch, per yard ... 'i\)f
* 75c and SI,(K) embroidered Voile*. 45»inch, per yard .. flOf
* embroidered Voile*, 45-inch, per yard, 40f
PrfcesinSummer Draperies
¥ Some in remnant Iciihilih, but fnli curtain length, in iiiohl
. pattrrnH.
Scotch Msdras, color hci/e, 36 to 40 inchcH wide, for win
dow curtain*, *a«di or hill length, Hold regularly at 30c to 38c
* l»cr yard; Hpecial, per yard J illf and !(<)(
While and pink Swi.nn for curtain* of all stylos, door or
* window, regular price 25c; special, per yard Of
► Striped Hummer curtains for door or arch draperies, three
► different colors, worth s2.'>B, while they last, per pair, fP1,1)5
► While lace for curtains, sash or sill length, JK to 44 inches
► wide, prices were lHc, 20c and 25c j special, per yard, at
t and IK<*
Colored border scrim and voiles for window or door
drapery, 38 and 40 inches wide, sold regularly at 25c to 35c;
* special, per yard lrtf to 18f
White Swiss curtains, colored borders, 2/i yards long with
* fancy edge; these make neat, cool bedroom curtains; sold regit
► larly at ( >Bc; special, the pair
► Remnants of cretonne for cushions or covering boxes,
► chairs, screens and drapery; sold regularly at lfic to 30c per
► yard; special, per yard iVf to lift?
y Remnants of scrim, voile, marquisette and madras; useful
lengths for sash, sill and door drapery; sold regularly at 25c to
50c; per yard while they last Of to .'Wf
' Fourth KIoor—BOWMAPm
- ►
Little Sioux Sareihot Wit
\il *3l tM M
IflU . ( n
■ * [ J Um cp^S
Indian Girl Cracki Clay Balls From
Back of Running
Hume of (ho best shooting I" tlie
1(11 Itanch Wild Went show, which ex
hibits In 1 larrlsburg next Monday,
July 0, I* said t» he accomplished by
a yuiitiK Indian girl, who Ih known
iMiinnK the Hloux un Princess Wenona.
This young Indian shoots clay halls,
from the liM'k of a runnlnit pony, with
a rapidity and accuracy that Is declar
ed to be almost unrivalled among
Caucasian crack shots. Hhe Is also an
expert hone woman, and Is at home
on the wildest among the Indian
An Oklahoma girl who nlso accom
plishes things with a rifle Is Kdlth
Tantllngrr. iler skill, like that of her
Indian associate, Is the result of prac
tical experionc* lu hunting big game,
In the Welt. Many wild animals have
fallen to her accuracy with the rifle,
Mies Tantllnger exhibits her clever
ness by shooting clay pigeons from the
' Kround, while standing, walking or
|j running. She Is also skilful with the
lasso and on the ranch Is a valuable
help to the cowpunchers In rounding
up cattle.
' Anion* the cowgirls with the show
there are a number, It Is said, who
handle the rllle and shotgun with con
siderable dexterity, but their most
pronounced cleverness Is In riding and
auhduing wild horses. Idgle Lindsay,
a little Montana cowgirl, Is credited
with helng an expert In breaking "out
law" ponies, although she Is only a
tiny bit of n young woman! Beatrice
Hroaaeau does some riding "stunts"
that create excitement, and Messle
Herbert!, Martha Allen, the Parry
Twins and others vie with the cow
boys In giving exhibitions of rough
riding that are as dangerous as they
are thrilling. Hlunche McUaughcy,
another Montana cowgirl, who was
one of the prlie-wlnnera at the Pen
dleton round-up laat season, con
tributes some of the thrills by wrestl
ing with a wild steer and throwing It.
All the principal wild West people
will appear In the parade that Inaugu
■ rates the 101 lianch engagement
> Monday morning.—Advertisement,
Seamless Bed Sheets i
Worth 69c to 80c. Only while 20 do*en last at AOf each.
Excellent quality, well made (if round thread, blenched <
sheeting, with wide hems, All sizes, for single, three-quarter <
and full size beds. Limit, one dozen to a customer, No mail
orders, ■ 4
IH.. mill goo Hemnwl l>|llnw (W., ITo Tiirklali Hail. Tmvela, «|«« *«, M, <
WJ' '"J" 10 ' " f •tronr bleaohoil wlih \M"IIH!HM'I "ml*, hV.'LU 'FlND' 'whits' <
- <
H'Kunn, holllNllhi||«d und rounds
Hlomhod, hotmnod CIMM, IIUKA M«Ml lli>|ti<«l, for dlhlmi mom IJII,IHH<
riiu'll on nh !n h""' Nn """" ; pretty imlN
null up phono order* t„ rnM to Moot from,
$1.25 Linen Table Cloths, HHe.
Hemmed dining table sire, heavy quality, attractive <
Mnln fIoor—WOWMAN'W,
A Before the Fourth Sale of
Dress Goods
Right now, when most needed, timely wash fabrics irreath *
under priced. * • *
* Mlack and white striped Voiles and Lawns. Fashion litis \
set its approval upon black and white stripe*, YVe have pleniv
of them from the pin si ripe to the wide casca.leuse stripe We *
► have also plenty of the stripes in colors at greatly reduced *
► prices. ' <
Main Hoor— nowMAN'R i
+ + A !>j!> >,* j
State Constabulary
in Complete Control »
of Strike Situation !
By .4ttpcialitl t'rui '
Pittsburgh, .Tun* SO.— Dawn saw
the Htato Constabulary In complete •
control of the situation In the strike
district of the Turtle Crook Vuilley,
Four troopers cleared tho bridge loud-
Inn to the Westlnghouso Wleotrlo and
Mnrhlno factories of the deputy ■■
sheriffs that him hold It for three
weeks and nil persons were allowod to
pass without question. Htreets were c
patrolled by mounted inon and the tl
people kopt moving. A great crowd s
of strikers assembled nt tho plant en- II
trances to see who would return to n
work, rind picket* wore active under
tho restrictions Inl«| down hy Captain p
Adnm when ho visited strike head- t
quarters last night. <>no innn over- d
stopped the bound* and was promptly
arretted by a trooper. II
Rtrlct orders were given hy tho con- "
stabilise for tho urmed guards to ro- o
main In tho work*, nnd In no clrount- 1<
stances to show themselves on tho t
streets with their guns. The guards •'
stationed «l thr* Ponnalvanla station ■
to protect tho railroad property wan
reduced at daylireak. t<
———— V
TWO no nil I:s itiocovKnion ]'
My dssociattri rrn.t
Rlmouskl, Que., June SO, Two
more bodies have been recovered by . w
divers from tho sunken hull of the ,
steamship Plmpress of Ireland. One
was the body of n man aged about !IQ;
(he other of a little girl about seven
years. Hoth bodies will be burled
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
That Contain Mercury
M merrirrr will *nr»ly deatroy tho «nnm> of tmell
und rnmiuotvly iterance tln> \vhol» ayitem when
*nt*rtng It through tn« nmtoua aurfaci>«, sui'li
artlclea aliiiulit ne»#r hi> uaed nn preai'rtp
lion* freer reputable ntovxlotniiM, «» the iluumgr
th»sr will Jo la lon fold to tln> omul soil run lit*-
•Ibly derlTe from them. ItnlPn Catarrh I'ur#,
manufactured by r. J. Chenay A Co,, ToUdo, 0„
rontalna no ninroury, mill In taken Internally,
artlng cllrertly upon thi« blood mi.l inucoua mir
faeea of Ibo Byateui, In buying lUU'a I'atarrl)
Cure h» llin you get tho genuine It U taken
Internally and made In Toledo, Ohio, hy K. J.
Cheney ACo Teatlmontali free,
Bold hy nrugglata. l'rlce, TBe. per bottl*,
" Taka Uill'a family Pill* (or conitlpttloe.
> Superfluous Hair Killed
| Without Electricity
Mine. Cliamlnadv's Advice.
"1 have tho greateat trouble with
correspondents who Instat on UNIIIK
common, worthies* depilatories or tho
> torturing electrical noodle for killing
their sunorlluous hair/' says Mmo.
Chamlnade In Mllndy'a Boudoir, "More
mental and physical sufferltiK la caused
by thoHe abominable methods than vou
can Imaalne. 1 have carefully tried a
new and alniDle method that never falls
to remove all alana of hair completely
and painlessly and without Injury to
the skin or complexion. In a surprls-
Irmly largo nuumber of cases It has de
stroyed all trace of hair ao that It Iras
never returned. In fact I muat caution
my readers that It muat not be applied
to hair that they do not wish totally
destroyed. It la called "Mrs. Osgood's _
Wonder," after the well-known society
woman who allowed It to be put on the
market after It had succeeded In en
tirely eradlcatlna all trace of her own
very dlatroatdng arowth of hair on chin.
Up and irmi, aftor everything else had
Mrs. Osgood's Wonder Is quite Inex
pensive; you can obtain It from Ken
nedy's l">ru(r Store or any up-to-date
druggist or department store. Ask for
It by name. "Mrs. Osgood's Wonder," a
slanod Money-Hack guarantee comes
with every p&ckese.—Advertisement. i 1
Sparklers ;
Let lis help you make <
this a Safe ami Sunr <
Fourth. <
Larpe size Sparkler*, i
IO<" per do/cn, or
each. 4
Large size Sparklers, 4
4 boxes for or *
per box,
Small size Sparklers, f» i
boxes for or per i
Safely ('raekers, *
hy our plan of easy terms, Any shle,
»ift to Isioo with your choice of rec
ords, payable weekly or monthly, ,|,
11. Troup Mualn I louse, in No, Market
■ '■ • mm
You'll Delight in the Good
Colorado Does the "Kiddies"
If you ar« thinking about the
youngsters' outing this summer and
what good I hoy will derive front It—
Colorado's tho place. Yon could not
Und a more healthful and delightful
mimmer climate and your whole fam
ily can live there as comfortaldy ami
us Inexpensively us at home,
The I rip out and back la one of real
pleasure and can be made without fa
tigue, It. Is the kind of travel t|\ut
doesn't tiro the little ones, either,
Tullt It over to-night, with the fiims
lly, Nee If the children don't all vole
"yea" for Oolorndo, rail at my ntttea
nr write, and I'll give you a fine boohs
lot on Colorado, showing maps, plu.
lures, hotels, hoarding houses, with
rates, points of Interest, and will an«
•wer every question you can think of.
If you will leave the planning part
to me I will take care of you. It's
part of my work and I will be Ml*d to
do It. Don't forget to ask about tha
low excursion rates when you Imiulrn
for your copy of our Colorado booklet*
Wm. Austin, Oeneral Agent Passen
ger Dopts,, O. It. a Q, It, Jt, On., Mitt*
I'hoatnul St., I'hlladolphlM. Adver
» 1 1 1 e
W mee MASS
Wfcrfcs wk M
ASM tki wirk, OH H« kM ■< «||
drwe >Un«,