Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 30, 1914, Page 5, Image 22

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    THOUG.T SHf |
Restored < Healthy Lydw
Unionvill«Mo.-"I rfered ftnma
female troui and I got" weak that I
— t. »l ll.Viardlv walk
'AiMLT-a acn? the floor with
. * ■. outriding on to
. Y southing. I had
f, 'iiSi; : ii ne'oua spells and
jii m- fingers would
Aijj and my face
! fc-yi "* #i!i||i #«ld draw, and I
<pld not speak, nor
1 £ep to do any good,
/C' L ad no appetite, and
Ar./A rveryone thought I
__S\rV -Would not live.
Some C advised ne to take Lydia E.
Pinkhs's Vegettfle Compound. I had
taken • much mdicine and my doctor
said hcould do re no good so I told my
husbal he migh get me a bottle and I
woulc'-ry it. B the time I had taken
it I f£ better. I continued its use,and
now am well ifld strong.
" Jiave alwtys recommended your
medine ever since I was so wonder
fullj>enefitte< by it and I hope this
letti' will be tie means of saving some
oth' poor w«nan from suffering."
Umville, Mssouri.
*ie makers of Lydia E. Pinkham 8
Vietable Ci/mpound have thousands of
sol letters as that above —they tell
t? truth, else they could not have been
otained for love or money. This med
iae is no stranger —it has stood the
tt for years.
if there are any complications you
< not nndrrslaud write to Ly<hf E.
jnkham Medicine Co. (confidential)
Vnn.Mass. Your letter will be opened,
>ad and answered by a woman and
eld in strict confidence.
The American Garden of I
The modern Adam and the modern
Eve have a Garden of Eden right
Here in America where the tired can
gain a wonderful reward in new vigor
and happiness. We call it "Estes/
Park" and it is in Colorado. p
It is the land of wild flowers galor#"
.—massive glaciers; gigantic mouii'
tains with cloud-piercing peaks;
ing streams; crystal lakes. It is tj\
land of sunshine and glory. i
You can follow your favorite p/
time to your heart's content—nf
golf or tennis —ride, drive or mq»
climb, fish and camp out. I,
There are high class hotels /"
many modest places at little eosr 1
thfc expense Question should not /
you. It's a splendiw spot to retf' '
alp and prepare for future
battles" or social obligations, af L '"j
tUldren can enjoy themselv« alla
luneflt as much as the grown-;-
May I place in your hands o'" 1 ""
tjr on Estes Park —that contal/™ 1
pictures, maps and full inform
ihe hotels, boarding P |lu >.", nt
houses with their costs? I f
|o tell you about the best p nn
ihere and about the low p ur3lon
Wm. Austin, General Agrt*
ger Depts., C. B. & Q. Ij~ . l .°-
8»B Qhestnut St., I>lul ,| ' ,hia
How Actresseßej llo^
' .... i„ u„lns l* proved con
and p"S , r . £ f ~« Viy physiciaus use the
chsivdy by the actlhat pan) e pnr
ft."moving ft drops. . *ȣ
i, T li, V ion and any 3
rnlv the skin, smooth j >ll
than before, herause ok * n !" ept *
)>pre<icnt , » in the prrr ' i>rr,,«»
(l.nolmlllp tiwlav. 'J? 1 .?? your arm. rrrne
for yourself it will do Miine clatmed. Your
mnm-r l>.irk, ir you aK entirely pleased. If
ineot/enient to .all J""* "'l I ,!'
tl! rkM lo ordor i'i» ' ro ™ .. ' , rlrT !, w '*
r« New VorL Ilo.p containing valuable in-
Fonlilion Inton.ft- _ I" Ibis city El Itado
is sfld ami recommeiM by- „
Bolrtin SeaipuK ' sto [e- E *„ ?•
r,<oss. Ki'nnedf I'r»B Store. >'l
- PriiK StJ Oe'TKP A - f'"rK"s
1/ Kills 'EnDead by Conlad
fr Drives £ni Out—by Odoi
"In Time offcace Prepare for War."
Amy lirtiohi Deo let
Jell. ■■lnitio." B**&!gß&ts7n.
I'M fro in Cell* to Garrett
Speedin Stenography
Harrisburj Business College
Day and Night. Business
Shorthand aul Civil Service. In
dividual Induction. 28th year
829 Market %. Harrisburg, Pa
' A. UJTZ, M. E
ff _ J practlctlg Physician
V W Medicine tad ElectrtcH
vj 4jKa Practice Conflned tuj
I*T oni» Only 1
105-A Mjket Str/I
Charles B.Clu/
Carpenter and Build^
jobbing promptly att«ded tonJJJJJ
doon ana windows a upeciaif
to . cabinet /
2200 Log* St£L_
oiroßßTMmy-— —
Funeral Directonnd r
|U Walnut lb f
fear Book Show* Sundap School
Roll of 1,114} Spent Big
Sum For Missioni
The book of
the Market Square
Presbyterial Church*
Issued to-pay, is a
B- page ot the
'A . conditlorvof the large
f iJLI conKrcga/ion over
>. Ira which /ie R»v. Dr.
ln~ J- Rltcyo Smith pre
• sides. / Th ® annual
contalf a summary
0 f tli/ events of the
HTftTinM past far, as well as
a co/plete report of
B ii lepartments of
shows that there M> re 1.144 Sunday
school students oythe rolls during
the past year. TW honor roll, those
who have matntaij/d an unbroken at
tendance record <fr* n K the year, con
tains the names / M. Blair Gourley,
iprrctarv- N E. /ause, teacher; Bur
ton Cum'mlngs,/ H. Spicer's class;
John Fries, J. I Spicer's class; Flor
ence Fisher, V s Shertzer's class;
Blanche Ban/d, Miss Hepford's
class; Mabel /right, Miss Hepford's
class; Marjqfe Hause, Mrs. Jones'
class; Mabel/ark, Mrs. Jones' class;
Katherir.e jnnestock, Mrs. Jones'
class; Russt/ Lindsay, Mrs. Chayne's
class; liavi/Charles, J. C. Harvey's
class; F. pntling, J- C. Harvey's
class'; Miss Orth's class;
Miss'Sand®. Mrs - Bergner's class.
Expend/ res for missions, educa
tion, Surr y sc bool college aid and
other it/ 8 totaled $30,448. There
were sixP n baptisms of infants and
eighty rfiissions to membership dur
ing thfF er i° d covered by the year
book. ? th these additions the mem
berslii/ow totals 1,274.
U > rfliurch Picnic. Derry Street
and' > te Street United Brethren
cluircP to-day held picnics at Her
shey7'r'{ - Five hundred people left
on a/ ec ' a ' train for the park this
(-/■luilr neillcntlon. More than
goo/ere present at the final services
j n mnection with the dedication of
th*;w St. Matthew's L,uthei - an Church,
atfeen and Seneca streets, last night,
w jh exercises were in charge of the
nlstian Endeavor societies of all
jtieran churches. The Rev. Dr. H. B.
Stick preached on the fourfold vision
regard to the work of the young peo
of the church. A musical program
luded a duet by Mrs. Kistler and
is Kraig, a solo by Miss Parnell, se
tions by St. Matthew's girls' choir,
1 also a reading by Mrs. Leßue Wal
r. Refreshments were served.
) Curtin llclglitM Pienle. One of the '
fWest End's red letter church events,
which is looked forward to with a great
deal of interest by young and old, Is
planned up this year, announcement
being made that the Curtin Heights
Methodist annual picnic go forward at
Hershey Park to-morrow. Trollev cars
will leave the church, in North' Sixth
street at 7:45 to-morrow moning. The
return will he made at 8 that evening.
An inter-class athletic contest will
take place at 10 o'clock in the morn
ing, the winner taking the George W.
Bogar cup. held for the past year by
Miss Smith's class. Baseball between
single and married men, a ladies' wood
sawing contest and other diversions
are booked.
This is the big day for the Lutherans,
who are enjoying it to the utmost at
Reservoir Park, where about 5,000 are
spending the dav in sports and recrea
tion in annual outing under the Luth
eran Brotherhood auspices. The boys'
band from the Loysville Orphans' Home
is playing during the day.
[Continued From Flrtt Pace]
business trip or illness prevented, have
one of the seven first Patrons who
were first missed his shave at
The. names have grofn into promi
nence, too, not only inMechanicsburg
and the Cumberland V/lley, hut in the
state and national Vorlds of com
merce. For instance,/he Jack Weaver
of thirty-five years ;yo is Postmaster
John S. Weaver of Others are
George M. Eckles. t>t the big drug
Ilrm of Eckles Brotyrs; A. G. Eberly,
a big wagon manufi/turer; A. Z. Hade,
who still conducts his cigar store;
Fred Mumma, Ja/es B. Roller and
W. H. Beitzel. /
The party will V held at the home
of Mr. Williams. /East Coover street.
Besides his agof eustomers his son
Charles and Ttor Radestraw will at
tend. Rakestrrf'. by the way, will
help to cater a# the dinner will cer
tainly lie a moir-watery one.
The dinner fit have a double sig
nificance.VVan addition to marking
thirty-five ye# of business as barber
Mr. WilliamffWi'l also celebrate his
fifty-sixth bif day.
At that still con-
siders him 'y l ' of the boys."
Which ml- " r may not, he one rea
son why al/ Ipr hanicshurg is a-quiver
to hear thT stories—some of them,
that is. I
j A Flirt ells the
Secret of Her Success
In t/ July Woman's Home Com
panioiiyPears a story. entitled "The
Coquet story of man's love and
womaf vanity. In the early part of
the f y appears the following pas
sage/ which the coquette tells the
seer/°' cr succes:
"/now there are girls who have
nc\/' lnc ' much of the admiration of
mJ hut I have never been able to
InJne a girl who could not have it
if k liked. It seems so easy. As my
c in Rachel used to say: 'You've
J to make yourself attractive
Aigh, my dear!'
/ 'Adele, my dear," she said to me
e day, 'I have always been a belle,
t me tell you the secret of It; I be-
■ oath It to you now that I am get-
Jng old.' [Cousin Rachel was SB.] 'I
Jlways went among men as though
7hey were an entirely different order
fit human being. They may even be of
a higher order of being, but they are
different, and must be treated so. My
collie Caesar follows me, stays by me.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
That Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell
and completely derauge the whole system when
entering It through the mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never be used except on prescrip
tions from reputable physician*, as the damage
they will do Is ten fold to the good you csn pos
sibly derive from them. Hall's Catsrrh Curs,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. 0.,
contains no mercury, and la tsken internally,
acting directly upon the blood snd mucous sur«
fsces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh
Cure bo "sure you get the genuine It is taken
Internally and made In Toledo. Ohio, by F. J.
Cheney &Co Testlmonlsls free.
Sold by Druggists. Price, Tftc. per bottle.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
FUR FRIDAY ONLY _ _ _ _ _ _ M m pa. ABA ■ « « » FOR FRIDAY ONLY
Men's Imported
STRAW HATS I \J 111 /\ Yill i!- - ■ Summer Coits
$2.00 Quality ( I%j |Jf I 111 M I $2 and *2.50 Qualities
Jfoo™ 1 l *sr-\* $I 00
The Two Big Purchases of the Entire Stocks of
The "Marcelle" Waist & Dress Co. £ American Cloak & Suit Co.,
Offer You Splendid Merchandise at Prices Heretofore Unknown
Woman's, Misses' and I HA .\lllTS IIf SI.OO and $1.25 Woman's and
Juniors' Strett and Porch MISSES -
Dresses, values up to $2.00, " _ rep and linon materials, in
75c $1.95 $2.90 $3.95 $4.90 4 8c
Lawns, percales and ginghams. , , For W omen's and For W omen's and For W omen's and
Assorted stripes, checks, plaids and -for Women S ana. n?« . , ~ „ i\/r j- _ _ » Made with high waist llm and
solid colors. Misses' "Marcelle" Misses Marcelle Misses' "Marcelle Misses Marcelle pearl button trlmmed
Dresses made to sell Dresses - made to sell Dresses, made to sell Dresses, made to sell .
FOR FRIDAY ONLY at $4 o o' at $ 5 and s 6 ' at $ 7 and $ 8 " at and $ lO, F ® R FRIDAY ONLY
_ „ „ Handsome embroidered Ratines, white em- White diagonal crepes, W«m<an*o -,nA T\T....
Summer Dresses For Big Stunning voiles, lawns, white voiles, crepes, linens broidered voiles, floral embroidered voiles, flower- vvunicns ana misses «BW
c , crepes and linens. Many od crepes and ratines. c« ______ T • «. ■. «
Women, sizes 46 to 56 bust t* BSlles an(l crepes. Several and rice cloth. Several trimmed with largre ribbon Many have the new patent summer ollltS, V&IUC3
styles in desirable shades. styles in desirable shades. sashes. leather belt. nr» tn «10 nn
measure; $3.00 value, up to jnu.uu,
$1.85 Washable Dress Skirts $4-85
A. WW m. ww Made of pure Franch linen. Col-
Made of plain tan and blue linon. .... _ org. rose, tan, lavender, Cop«nh**,n
Neatly embroidered. Skirts cut extra AT NELARL* HALF and natural. Neatly trimmed.
$2 Duster Auto Coats Q J f£ 7J " |. T U JI. ✓ U JSTtJ*
i| For Washable DRESS For Washable DRESS For Washable DRESS For Washable DRESS
I SKIRTS made to sell SKIRTS made to sell SKIRTS made to sell SKIRTS made to sell I
up to $1.50. at $2.00. at $2.50 and $3.00. at $3.50.
Made of tan linon, full length, Rep, linen and pique ma- Heavy welted pique, im- Ratine, crepe and Bed- Ratine, Ramie linen and Made of flowered Foulard Silks,
convertible collar and slash pockets, terials, well tailored and ported rep and linen. Sev- *ord cord s, crepe materials. Russian Colors, rose, taupe, tan, Copenhagen,
New Raglan sleeves. All sizes for trimmed with pearl but- eral styles in regular and j ft ' r an( ] extra size waist tunic models, in regular brown and green. Lace and button
Women and Misses. tons. extra size waist bands. bands. and extra size waist bands, trimmed.
tteSTafcl-ff- Men's Business Pants $1 QQ "WW*
Men's and boys' two-piecc A Good $2.00 Value; Kere, Offered for Friday at W W
Jersey ribbed Bathing Suits, all ——————————— —-———————— —— tt • . ren s w ' s s Ribbed
39c Men! cool Palm Beach Suits tfi QC SF. g:£ .:."2i£
"OR WUDAY p . n s SoU AU M S , O 00 . „ FOR FRIDAY ONLY
Women's House COr Bungalow Aprons
Dres vle.,o $12 5 Sun-Proof Blue Serge Suits t7 CA
100 women's Pcrcsi. a„d For Men and Young Men at t|/ I V
Gingham House Dresses, all ________ en i —.
sizes, value $1.25. Fri- |"A —~ ~ A% 4 1/V ors 50c value. 01 C
FOR FRIDAY ONLY Pairs of lflvll u.l dlllu to $3.50 JLv Women s Silk Hose
Women's Blouses, $3.00 Values to $1.25 For
c-f nn 2oo Oliver Twist Wash Suits ° m " ,{ °^ s of
It S 111 l _ _ , _ I .11 men's Colored Silk Hose, that
For Boys; $1.50 Value For • so id up tosl.2s. on
One lot of Women's China, and _ Friday only «4/ t
Wash Silk Blouses, in white, black ~^^
50c Value For
va" sLiseGloves so ° BOYS' BLUE NORFOLK SUITS for . $1.95 27c
* 100 Women's Chambray
Boys' Straw Hatsl Or BOYS' w A L SUITS %£££•&.. 27c
ltnuth lonK lisle thread Gloves, l! 50c Value for | Values to $7.50; Tomorrow II FOH F,UDAX ONLY
vs Jf Fancy Parasols For
Sti?w n Hats Khakf pints Silk
defnds me, and lives happily on a
dog's rations and as many pats as I
care to give him. He is jealous if X
pat another dog, but if I bestow a few
extra pats on him afterward he forgets
his jealousy. Men have many doglike
qualities. Get their attention; get them
to know your voice, as it were. Al
ways reward their loyalty with "pats,"
so to speak, and you will have their
devotion lavished on you. They will
show jealousy, one of another, but
that cannot be helped, it is dog-and
man-nature. Dogs are sometimes,
men always jealous. A few extra
"4>ats" when they are by themselves, a
little something. I mean, to make
each one feel that he is particularly
your favorite, and men will run after
yoji.* "
Letter List
the Post Office, at Harrisburg. Pa., for
lhe week ending June 19, 1914:
Ladies' List Mr*. Carrie Bender,
Mrs. George Brlnton. Mr*. H. N. Bro
slous, Mrs. Anna Chllcote, Ella Cooper.
Fannie Harris. Mrs. J. W. Hill, Mrs.
Sussle Jackson. Mrs. Katherine Kelley.
Miss M. King. Miss C. A. Knowles. Miss
Margaret Laturnpr, Miss Ernestine Liv
ingstone. Miss Margaret Martin. Miss
.lean McFadden, Miss Blanche McWil-
I llams, Edith Miller. Miss B. V. Osia,
[Mrs. M. Pharon, Maxie Scott. Mrs.
George H. Shearer, Mrs. Blanche
Sickes, Mrs. Leone SivigUa, Mrs. Henry
Steinert, Mrs. Louisa Thompson, Miss
Mary Taylor, Mrs. Dick Walter, Mrs.
Emma Ward, Jessie R. Webster (D. L),
Mrs. Anna B. White.
Gentlemen's List Harry W. Akins
(2). Mr. Alexander, H. W. Armstrong.
Harry Arnold, Girovan Atanasic,
George F. Brady, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Bresner, Thomas Brown. G. S. Cooke,
A. C. Cox. Watson Creighton, Mr. De-
Lean. Eddie Dexter, Jameg Dohlman,
Joseph Dorsey. H. F. K. Ellis. Earl
Eyler, Claude J. Graeber, J. H. Hart. N.
D. Hawkins. William Kalche, B. Kauf
man, Frank W. Keller, Taylor Kline,
J. Lee Harvey. J. W. Loose, F. B.
Mackey, John McCarthy, W. K. McMul
lin, David Menium, Jose Montanez, E.
S. Neilson, Millard O'Neil. A. B. Palen,
John H. Parker. Robert P. Rau, Hon.
R. W. Ravell, J. B. Rinehart. Mar
cellus Roper. William Saloan. James E.
Schwartz. Ervin Shearer. Jacob Sim
mon. J. M. Snyder, H. Stokes (D. L),
J. W. Towell, Anthony Uilstack, Lou P.
Ulrich. Wm. Walace (D. L.), Charlie
Corry Floral Co., Messrs.
Moorhead Bros Co.
Foreign A. Bander, Lesley Base
hore. Simon Crlstaorinoff, Miss Mary
Finking. Mrs. M. Kustler, W. P. Lange,
M. E. Law, Rev. O. A. Oliver. Ivan Ro
Persons should invariably havt> their
mall matter addressed to their street
and number, thereby Insuring prompt
delivery by the carriers.
A Fourth of July endurance run will
be staged by the Birmingham (Ala.)
Motorcycle Club. The route is to At
lanta and return, a total distance of
417 miles, and the trip will cover two
days. In order to make a perfect score
in the contest the riders must cover
each day's run in ten hours.
Business Locals
A pair of Laird & Schober shoes she
stands in what are recognized as the
highest grade shoes for women in the
country. Style originators. Made in
high or low models, from $5.50 to SB.
The plain tailored pumps In patent
and dull never gap at the side nor
slip at the heel. Jerauld Shoe Co.
has them, 310 Market street.
Solid mahogany twin beds in the
four-post Colonial design. Beautiful
and substantial specimens of the cab
inetmaker's art, at $35 to $45 each.
Also brass beds in twin pattern of the
better sort. When you want reliable
period reproductions or other furni
ture and furnishings of the higher
grade you >vill find them with Harris,
221 North Second street.
Let me send you FREE PERFUME
KWj? Write today for a testing bottle of
B W? J The world's most famous perfume, every drop as sweet
\ Jfi mtr |s the living blossom. For handkerchief, atomizer and bath.
3TOxjBSS . \ y fSm 1 1 Fine after shaving. All the vaJue is in the perfume you don't
\y Mi I pay extra for a fancy bottle. The quality Is wonderful The
V a) MiM price only 75c. (6 oz ) Send4c. for the little bottle--«>ugh
7 rtfr gjQ lor SO handkerchiefs. Write today.
Q I ? T V Painless Dentists
w * * 10 11AKR1SBURO
We make a specialty of the painless extraction of teeth. Free ex
traction when plates are ordered. Reasonable, reliable, artistic dentistry.
Hours—B A. M. to 9. P. M.
Sundays—lo A. M. to IP. M. LADY ATTENDANT
■-■ r ■
Try Telegraph Want Ads.Try Telegraph Want Ads.