Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 30, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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YORK CO. P. 0. S. 0F A.
Dillsburg Camp Preparing to
Entertain Many Visitors to
Convention in August
Dillsburg, Pa., June 30.—Washing
ton Camp, No. 777, Patriotic Order
Sons of America of Dillsburg, have
completed their arrangements for the
holding of the eighteenth annual con
vention of the York County Associa
tion of Patriotic Order Sons of Amer
ica to be held in Dillsburg Saturday,
August 8. President-elect J. J. Klugh,
of the Dillsburg camp, will make the
address of welcome. After the close
of the afternoon session a parade will
be held, which will include the county
officers, delegates from camps form
ing this association, Camp 777 and
other visiting camps with bands.
In the evening an open air patriotic
Bervice will be held when James G.
Glessner, of York, will be the prin
cipal speaker. The camp has pur
chased very appropriate badges to
present to each patriotic son attend
ing the convention.
The officers of the county associafion
are; President, Paul E. Fitzkee, of
YOU can't judge a man's wis
dom by the length of his
whiskers, but years
will ripen a man's judg- L
f ment ef he's got any t'
P begin with. An* no thin' SL
: makes a good tobacco -
better than agein'. *-
&& w n
VELVET, the Smoothest Smoking Tobacco, is Kentucky
Burley de Luxe with an aged-in-thc-wood mellowness, result
ing" from more than 2 years' careful curing'. L
-i Full weight 2 oz. tins, 10c.
Growths Instantly Vanish, If j JJz f^ h » '"he St.
El Rado Is Used —Absolutely velvety, even whiter than before,_bccaus«
*' «f the soothing, antiseptic properties. The fact
Harmless. . t b e ingr*d»«nU in El Rado are used by manjr
physicians for exactly the same purpose,- hair
It is no longer necessary for women afflicted removing—shows conclusively how perfectly
with unsightly hair growths to everlastingly suffer harmless it is.
humiliation. These growths can be removed El Rado is coming to used as frankly as fa<*
instantly; positively without the slightest harm, cream or toilet powder. Fl Rado is considered aa
and. without effort, ever after, the unsightly hair indispensable toilet necessity by thousands of
can he kept from being noticeable. women. You need have no more hesitation ia
While medical science knows of no chemical asking for and using it than in a-iking for a toile|
•gent which will permanently remove hair without powder. Get • 50c. or SI.OO ilze bottle to-day."
serious injury, it is an established scientific fact Try it on your arm; prove for yourself it will d«
that El Rado will remove hair for a very long time, everything claimed. Your money back if you art
and in an absolutely harmless, simple, thorough not entirely pleased. If inconvenient to call at
manner. When the hair finally reappears it is vour druggist sit will be all right to order direct
finer instead of coarser, and can instantly be re- from the Pilgrim Mfg. Co., New York. Valuable
moved again for a still longer period thau at first, information sent on request.
In this city 101 Rado is sold and recommended by: Golden Seal Drug: Store,
E. Z. Gross, Kennedy's Drug Store, Keller's Drug Store, George A. Gorgas.
'\Wv( I 1 11 Have drawers instead of tails
t..— I I II and can't work out of trousers.
& 1 II Remember,™if it isn't coat cut
M M I it isn't OLUS. All Fabrics snd
V drawers ! 1 II Patterns at dealers.
Jm §$ rtirt-ta , n* d ta * F PHILLIPS-JONES CO.
anyway? iZjf MAKERS, NEW YORK
P 11 ''
i Sets |||lH
y |; 1 plglj
Clip the IJbrary Coupon and bring or aen«l to the Telegraph office,
with the expenne Item of 9Sc for tiic entire Mix volume net of book* Thla
amount we aak you to pay to cover the coat of tranaportatlon, U. S.
rnatom dutlea, handling, etc. If you dealre to have aet aent by mall
or expreaa, all ?harsca prepaid, add 17c, or 91.15 In all, and All in name
and addreaa below. ,
l] Check the Set You Want X
Name .
Addreaa -
I Camp. No. 4 38, of WMghtsvllle; vlce-
I president, Martin A. Heilman, of
jc'amp No. 513, of Pleasurpvllle; mas
ter of forms. Jaines G. Glessner, of
Camp 439, of York; secretary, A. D.
Swartz Camp No. 709, of Spring
Grove; treasurer, K. L. Oberlander,
of Camp No. 162, of York.
A large tent will be erected in
which meals will be served.
Cornerstone of New Manheim
School Building to Be Laid
Special to The Telegraph ,
Marietta, Pa., June 30.—0n Thurs
day, July 9, the cornerstone of the
new public school building at Man
heim. will be laid by the Masonic fra
ternity of that place, and many promi
' nent men from all sections of the
State will be present. Manheim lodge.
587, F. and A. M., will have charge
and the program arranged is an elab
orate one. The growing conditions of
Manheim has necessitated the new
Sunbury, Pa., June 30.—Charged
with cutting airbrake hose on a fast
freight train on the Philadelphia' and
Reading Railroad, John Sublinskic, 18
years old, of Shamokin, was commit
ted to the Northumberland county Jail
for trial in '.he Northumberland coun
ty court. Sublinski wanted to get off
the trjUn, and when it did not stop he
made a hole In the hose, letting out
the air and suddenly setting the
brakes. A fast passenger train was
due in a few minutes.
Numerous Accidents Occur in
Harvesting Big Cherry Crop
Special to The Telegraph
Marietta, Pa., Juno 30. Lancaster
county 1 * cherry crop wan the largest
In fifty yearn and to harvest It, mapy
were compelled to work Sunday. Sev
eral serious accidents occurred. Frank
Miller, of West Marietta, fell from a
ladder twenty-six feet by the rope
tearing which held It together, and is
perhaps fatally Injured. Ho Is con
siderable bruised over the entire body.
Adam Brady, of Safe Harbor, fell to
the ground when a limb broke, and
he sustained a broken right leg, and
severe lacerations to his face and
arms. Mrs. Elmer Kirk, of Drumore,
fell a distance of fifteen feet and land
ed on her head. She received severe
internal Injuries. George Mowers fell
from a tree a distance of twenty feet
and landed on his right arm, badly In
juring the member.
Special la The Telegrafli
Dauphin, Pa., June 80. —While pick
ing cherries at her home in Shaffer
town, about a half mile east of Dau
phin, on Friday afternoon, Mrs. Park
Walter fell thirty feet from a tree
which Is situated on the side of a
steep hill, and Is very old. Mrs. Wal
ter stepped on a dead limb which gave
way with her weight. Some neighbors,
hearing moans, hurried to the tree
and found Mrs. Walter unconscious.
Dr. A. C. Coble was called and exam
ination revealed no nones broken but
severe bruises and a slight injury to
the spine.
Special to The Telegraph
Waynesboro, Pa., June 30.—Miss
Mabel A. Ensign, of Cambridge, N. Y.,
has been elected teacher of domestic
science in the Waynesboro High
School to succeed Miss Edythe W.
Suffrlens. w-ho was not an applicant
for the plac*. y .1
Special to The Telegraph
Blain, Pa., June 30.—0n Saturday,
the school board of Northeast Madison
township met at Sandy Hill in spe
cial session for the purpose of elect
ing teachers for the coming winter
term, which resulted in the following
being chosen: Pine Grove, Heed Mc-
Millen, S4O; Center Church, Miss Nora
Peck, S4O; Sandy Hill, William Bit
ting, $4 0; Emory Green, Gardner
Palm, S4O; Upper Liberty Valley, Miss
Maude Nesbit, $4 0, and Lower Lib
erty, Miss Ethel Saylor, S4O.
Special to The Telegraph
Lewistown, Pa., June 30.—Joseph
Wolf, about 22 years old, of .Lewis
town, was drowned in the Juniata
river last evening. Mr. Wolf in com
pany with Clyde Bordman, went down
to Riverside Park to swim. Wolf
started to swim across the river and
when some distance from shore he
sank and was drowned. Clyde Bord
man rushed to his rescue, but could
not get to him in time. It is thought
that he was attacked with cramps.
Special to The Telegraph
Blain, Pa., June 30.—Excellent
Children's Day services were held on
Sunday evening by the Reformed Sun
day School. "The Sunday School
Army" was the title of the program,
A feature was an exercise rendered
by seven young ladies entitled "The
Fountain of Life." The pastor, the
Rev. John W. Keener, made a brief I
Special to The Telegraph
Blain, Pa., June 30.—Communion
services will be held on Sunday in
Zion's Lutheran church at 10 a. tn.
and in the New Germantown Lutheran
church at 2 p. m„ conducted by the
pastor, the Rev. J. C. Reighard, of
this place. Preparatory services will
be held on Saturday at New .German
town at 10 a. m. and at Blain at' 2
p. m.
Shippensburg, Pa., June 30.—A
figh't occurred at the West End of
Shippensburg at the trolley track on
Saturday night. Several men were cut.
Roy Wynkoofc used a razor and cut
George Buries. John Craig was hit
on the head with a stone.
Waynesboro. Pa., June 30. Max
Paper, formerly of Waynesboro, a son
of Jacob Paper, Hagerstowui. and a
brother of Harry Paper, this place,
was seized with cramps while swim
ming in the Antietam creek at Secur
ity, near the Antietam Paper Mills,
and was drowned in fifteen feet of
water, while four companions stood on
the bank unable to give him any as
sistance. He was 20 years of age.
Marietta, Pa., June 30. —The school
directors of Marietta borough have
elected Professor William A. Sohl, of
the faculty of Franklin and Marshall
College, Lancaster, as principal of the
schools. Miss Minnie Shaeffer was
elected assistant principal. Miss Grace
McNeil, principal of the grammar
school, and John K. Miller, assistant.
Shipperisburg, Pa., June 30. —Evers
Smith had his leg cut off by falling off
a freight train on Sunday. He was
take., to a nearby yard and three phy
sicians summoned.
Do You Feel Chilly
OR —— M
Feverish and Ache all Over £
fi Feel worn out—blue and tired ? Don't let your cold develop 111
mt into bronchitis, pneumonia or catarrh. Tne reliable alter- S
SB ative and tonio which has proven its value in the past 40 years is |Sg|
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I Restores activity to the liver and to the circulation—the blood is jyg
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feels the invigorating force of this extract of native medicinal On
plants. In consequence, die heart, brain and nerves feel the M
refreshing influence. For over 40 years this reliable remedy has |H
been sold In liquid form by all medicine dealers. It can now also <3X
be obtained in tablet form in SI.OO and 60c boxes. If your druggist Cfl
doesn't keep it, send6o one-cent stamps to R.V.Pierce, M.D. Buffalo. Hg
The Common Sense Medical Adviser—a book of H
1008 pages—answer* all medical questions. S3
Send 31c in one' Cent ttampa to R, V, Pierce, M. D. H
Municipal League Outlines
Work at New Cumberland
New Cumberland. Pa.. Juncf 30.—A
meeting of the Municipal League oC
New Cumberland was held In the bor
ough council chamber last evening.
By-laws were adopted, additional of
ficers chosen and committees appoint
ed tn carry out tlyi work outlined by
the league. W. H. Keeney and Chas.
Sterllne were elected vcle-presidents
and the president named the following
committees: Municipal affairs, Julius
B. Kaufman; Industrial affairs. F. B.
Balr; street improvements, J. E. Mey
ers; membership, J. A. Witmyer;
sanitation and health. Dr. 8. A. Klrk
patrick; to make Now Cumberland
more attractive, the Rev. S. N. Good.
Lemoyne, Pa., June 30.—Yesterday
at noon Miss Claire Elizabeth Reeser,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Reeser, of this place, and William Mc-
Intyre, of Bridgeton, N. J., were mar
ried in the "Little Church Around the
Corner." at New York City. The bride
was attired In a blue traveling suit
with hat to match and was unat
tended. The bride after graduating
from the local high school in the first 1
class graduated in 1907, has taught
school for seven years, two years in
the Enola schools and five years in the
local schools. After an extended wed
ding trip to the west the newylweds
will reside at Glenloch, N. J.
The Telegraph baseball team, of
Harrisburg. will play the Lemoyne
team on the latter's grounds this even
ing at 6 o'clock.
Lemoyne, Pa., June 30. —On Friday
evening the regular monthly meeting
of the local fire company will be held
in the council chamber.
Lemoyne, Pa., June 30.—The reg
ular monthly meeting of the Mite So
ciety of the Evangelical church will
be held at the home of Mrs. Jennie
Crowl along the State Road this even
Lemoyne, Pa., June 30.—At the re
quest of the Stough evangelistic cam
paign the members of the Evangel
ical church have decided to enter into
the campaign which will be held iri
Harrisburg and vicinity in the Fall.
New Cumberland, Pa., June 30.
Sherman Hull and family have re
turned from a week's visit to friends
in Pittsburgh, making the trip to and
from Pittsburgh by automobile.
New Cumberland, Pa., June 30. —
Miss Evelyn McCreary, of Bridge
street, will entertain the King's Her
ald band on Friday evening.
New Cumberland, Pa., June 30.
The Rev. J. V. Adams, pastor of
Baughman Memorial Methodist
church, is arranging for a patriotic
service on Sunday morning at 10:30.
. Lemoyne, Pa., June 30.—-Mrs. Ray
mond Sawyer delightfully entertained
the members of the E. Pluribus Unum
class of the Evangelical Sunday School
of which she is the teacher, in honor
of her recent marriage Raymond
Sawyer which was an event last week,
at her home along the State Road last
evening. Music and games were en
joyed by the guests and refreshments
were served.
Recent Deaths in
Central Pennsylvania
Special to The
Jonestown. Williapi H. Bross, a
prominent resident of Jonestown, died
Sunday after a long illness. He was
66 years old and is survived by his
widow, Minnie E. (nee Lesher), two
sons, Harry L. and Thomas M., and
one daughter, Catherine; two grand
children, William E. and Miriam E.;
two sisters, Mrs. Thomas J. Lesher
i and Miss Mary Bross, of Jonestown.
Fnneral will be held from his late
residence Wednesday morning at 9.30,
with services In the Lutheran Church
by the pastor, the Rev. G. R. Deisher.
Rohrerstown. Mrs. Katharine
Andes, 74 years old, died yesterday
after a long illness. One daughter sur
vives, with whom she had made her
Marietta. lrene Klbler, 15 years
old, died yesterday at the Columbia
Hospital, following an illness of sev
eral months. She was a member of
St. John's Episcopal Sunday school,
and besides her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Klbler, three sisters and a
brother survive.
Sunbury.—George Deibler, 50 years
old. a native of Snydertown, died at
a Philadelphia hospital following an
operation for a tumor at the base of
the brain.
Waynesboro.—Mrs. Christian John
son, widow of Alexander Johnson, died
at the home of her son-in-law, Mag
istrate H. M. Small, at Mont Alto, yes
terday. She was 92 years old.
Neffsville.—Benjamin D. Weaver, 61
years old, died yesterday of heart
trouble. His wife, one son, two
daughters, one brother and one sister
Special to The Telegraph
Sunhury, Pa., June 30.—Sunbury's
second Chautauqua season opened to
day with more than 1,000 persons In
attendance. The Dunbar Concert
Band and a lecture by Dr. R. lti. Tur
ner were the numbers, It will last
seven days, with two meetings a day,
and a junior Chautauqua for boys and
Fruhauf Suits $19.00
In mixed materials, checks, plaids, stripes and
tweeds, an unusal opportunity to buy a hand
tailored suit that formerly sola for $25, S3O, $35
and S4O. Not all sizes in every pattern, but a full
range of sizes in the lot, 33 to 42.
28, 30 and 32 North Third Street.
John C. Wensell Sells It to N. K.
Oyster and Buys Latter's
///[ made to-day that the
J' Trustee building, 8
J North Market Square,
' i/ had bee n sold by I
\ lat c - John C. Wensell to
X ri- jag Napoleon K. Oyster at
L ?T+l4 private sale. At the
same time it was an
no u need that Mr.
jJJWF* Wensell had bought
Oyster at the site of the old Calder
stables, bounded by Walnut, River and
Strawberry streets. No terms were
made public and al of the parties re
fused to discuss the matter.
The Trustee building Is 21,3 feet
front by 157.6 deep to River street and
is a five-story office building. It was
built about 1900 by Samuel Floyd
and was called the Floyd building un
til bought by McWilliams and Roddy.
J. S. Roddy lias title to it last year and
it was assessed at $,37,000.
The garage has a frontage of 41
feet in Walnut and Strawberry and a
depth along River street of 210. It
contains a fire proof garage, stores
and shops and was Assessed last yoar
at about $24,500.
Comparative Building' Records.—
Thirty-seven permits totaling building
values at $131,350 were issued at the
city building inspector's office the past
month, in June. 1913, twenty-three
permits were issued for $81,275 worth
of building.
Realty Transfers.—Walnut at river, |
N. K. Oyster to John C. Wensell; 939-
41 South 19 V, street. Frank B. and i
L. to Wm. It. Follet, $1,600; 808 East
street, Charles Looker, et al, to IT.
Kerdeman, $3,000; 8 N. Market
Square, John C. Wensell to N. K.
Oyster; Herr at Dlven, James R.
Dlyen, et al, to Sarah R. Lamherton, |
$10,117; 22 South 19th, John IT. I
Curry to Helen M. McOurdy; Second I
at Mary avenue* Cumberland Valley I
railroad to Charles Appleby, $32,000,!
the same transferred by Charles Ap- I
pleby to Keystone Sanitary company;
165 Summit, Johnanan Daly to Mari- i
anna Barber, $2,100; Middle Paxton
township, Joseph E. Stenee to Frank
Dewalt, $800; Steelton, Commonwealth
Guarantee Trust to Henry Smith,
$489; Middle Paxton township, Walter
Speece to Eugene Speece, $55; Sus
quehanna township, A. C. Young to
C. J. Frederlckson, $75; Susquehanna
township, C. J. Frederickson to Wm.
F. Palm; Halifax, John W. Olemson
to Halifax Grange No. 1343, $l9O.
Man Dies From Injuries
Received Twenty Years Ago;
Special to The Telegraph
Waynesboro, Pa., Juno 30.—Omar
John Reaehard, 208 West Fourth
street, died Sunday as the result of
injuries he received when he was 12
years of age. He was living with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F.
Reaehard, on a farm near Rouzervllle,
and one day while in the Held with
his father, who was using a large
roller weighing about 1,000 pounds,
he was run over and badly injured,
while in pursuit of a rabbit. From
that time on his stoinach caused him
considerable trouble, he having expe
rienced a disease similar to chronic
Indigestion. Mr. Reaehard was 33
years old.
Margaret Romaine and George Mac-
Farland make their Victor debut this
month with three excellent selections.
Be sure to hear them. J. IT. Troup
Music House, 15 So. Market Sq.
Funeral of Gen. J. P. Taylor
at Reedsville Tomorrow
Special to The Telegraph
Lewistown, Pa., June 30. —The fu
neral of the late General John P. Tay
lor will take place from the home at
Reedsville to-morrow morning at
10:30 o'clock. Posts of the Grand
Army of the Republic throughout Cen
tral Pennsylvania will send delega
tions to the funeral and all the sur
vivors of the First Pennsylvania Cav
alry (of which General Taylor 'was
colonel in 1863) will attend the serv
Special to The Telegraph
Gettysburg, Pa., July 30. —Green-
bury W. Weaver, senior member of the
well-known dry goods tlrm of G. W.
Weaver & Son, died at his home In
East High street Sunday evening. He
was 82 years old. Mr. Weaver was
widely known throughout the county
as a merchant .and churplv worker.
He with his son. H. T. Weaver, found
ed the dry goods firm of G. W. Weaver
& Son here in 1885. Funeral services
will be held at the house Tuesday
morning, conducted by the Rev. T. J.
Barkley. Burial will be made at
Manchester, Md.
Marietta. Pa., June 30.—The Rev.
Edward Franklin Relmer, for two
years pastor of the Marietta Presby
terian church, announced to the con
gregation his resignation yesterday, to
take effect September 1. (
[Continued From First Pnjre]
believed they will gather again for
another two or threo weeks.
Torroon, Juno 30.—Hal I road men
brought the Information to-day that
General Medina Barron, commander
of the federal garrison, defeated last
Tuesday at Zacatocas, had reached
Aguascallcntes with only fourteen
men. General Barron Is wounded In
the thigh, they said.
The body of General Olea, Another
federal commander, has boon found
on the Zacatecas battlefield, according
to reports to General Villa, A son of
General Barron, a major, alao was
killed and his body found and Identi
The only group of federals which
left Z&eatecas in any order was one
of about 200 men, It has been learned.
Mexico City, June 30.—Nows
reached Mexico City to-day that Eml
liano Zapata, tho souther revolution
ary leader, had published a decree
rejecting any allegiance to Venustiano
Carranzu and saying that the consti
tutionalist chief had refused to accept
the "plan of Ayala," the original
agrarian proclamation of tho southern
Zapata Is said to have declared that
he intends to extend his operations
along tho western coast of Mexico as
far as Sonora and that ho will light
Carranza "forever."
The information was brought to
Mexico City by persons who arrived
from towns under the control of the
followers of Zuputa in tho State of
Mexico City, June 30. —There was
notable activity in all government cir
cles yesterday. President Huerta had
a long conference at the foreign office
with the Minister of tho Interior, the
Minister of Finance and tho Acting
Foreign Minister, "Roberto lOsteva
Ruiz. Several of the foreign minis
ters called yesterday afternoon on
General Blanquet, the War Minister.
It Is understood the question of pro
tection for foreign residents was dis
cussed. <
At the Photoplay to-morrow—Klaw
& Erlangor's feature—"Classmates."
Playground Supervisor
Announces Play Schedules
Playground and long ball schedules
for the season of 1914 on tho city
playgrounds were announced to-day
by Playground Supervisor J. K. Sta
ples, The games ail begin at 3 o'clock.
Following are the schedules, the play
ers being divided into two sections,
A and B:
Playground Itall
Sectlon ( A —July 1, Harris at Island,
Reservoir' at Boas; July (>, Boas at
Sycamore; July 7, Island at Reservoir;
July 10, Sycamore at Harris; July 13,
Island at Boas; July 14, Harris at I
Reservoir; July 17, Sycamore at]
Island; July 20, Boas at Harris; July
21, Reservoir at Sycamore.
Section B —July fi, Twelfth at Kolker,
Belly at Maple Hill; July 7, Reily
Hose at Maple Hill; July 13, Maple
Hill at Twelfth; July 14, Kelkor at
Reily Hose: July 20, Roily Hose at
Twelfth; July 21, Maple Hill at Kel
kor; July 23, llnal game between sec
tional, champions.
Long Ball
Section A—July 1, Harris at Fourth;
July 2, Boas at Harris; July 9, Boas
and Sycamore, toss for grounds; July
18. Harris at Sycamore; July 15,
Reservoir at lloas; July 20, Harris at
I Reservoir; July 22, Sycamore at Reser
Section B—July 2, Maple Hill at
Hamilton; July 3, Fourth at Twelfth;
July 7. Penn at Maple Hill; July 9,
Hamilton at Fourth; July 10. Twelfth
at Penn; July 14, Fourth at Maple
Hill, Twelfth at Hamilton; July 17,
Penn at Fourth; July 21, Hamilton at
Penn; July 22, Maple Hill at Twelfth;
.Tu yI!J4, final game between sectional
Games begin at 3 o'clock. In volley
ball leagues the same schedules will
bo followed, excepting that all games
whore scheduled hero to be played on
foreign grounds will bo played at
William Will Attend
Funeral of Archduke
Berlin, June 30.—1t officially an
nounced that Emperior William would
go to Vienna to attend the funeral of
Archduke Francis Ferdinand and the
Duchess of Hohenberg.
On the program for the festival at
Front and Boas streets to-night Is a
concert by the Verdi Band of thirty
pieces. Oresta Sparagana Is the
leader. The festival is being held by
the juniors of the Hope Fire Com
Colonel Joseph B. Hutchison to-day
announced two additional members for
his staff for the parade on July 4,
Major Fred M. Ott and Lieutenant
Charles P. Meek. Colonel Hutchison,
who is chief marshal, will issued his
final orders to-morrow.
onrf malrA I und roa NT race toon
Money a*— wab F— am** m
"wviam II Y« Wl* * ** tmiimtd.
|>6s C Bt. WwMmtea. D.C. >l. Dwhan St., CMt«c»
Use it like a cold cream and dry
Eczema eruptions
right up.
The moment you apply bold-sulphur
to an itching or broken-out skin, the
Itching stops and healing begins, says
a renowned dermatologist.
This remarkable sulphur made Into
a thick cream effects such prompt re
lief, even In aggravated Eczema, that
It Is a never-ending source of amaze
ment to physicians.
For many years hold-sulphur has
occupied a secure position In tlje treat
ment of cutaneous oruptlens by rea
son of Its cooling, parasite-destroying
properties, und nothing has ever been
found to tuke its place in relieving
Irritable and Inflammatory affections
of the skin. While not always es
tablishing a permanent euro, yet. in
every Instance, it immediately subdues
the itching Irritation and heals the
Eczema right up and It Is often years
later before any eruption again mani
fests Itself. '
Any good pharmacist will supply an
ounce of bold-sulphur cream, which
should be applied to tho affected parts
like the ordinary cold creams. It isn't
Unpleasant and the prompt relief af
forded is very welcome, particularly
when the Eczema la accompanied with
torturous Itching. This Is
for Walter Luther Hodge Co., Cin* w *
clnnati, Ohio.
Company Will Default
Payments of Interest
By Associated Press
New York, June 30.—The Cincin
nati, Hamilton and Dayton Hallway
Company, It was authoritatively stat
ed in the financial district to-day, will
to-morrow default Interest payments
on the following issues; $3,162,000
5 per cent, bonds of the Indiana, De
catur and Western Division! $4,722,-
000 4 per cent, bonds of the Cincin
nati, Indianapolis and Western Divi
sion, and about $1,800,000 4 per cent,
unguaranteed first and refunding
At the Photoplay to-morrow—Klaw
6 Krlnnger's feature —"Classmates."
Women Attack High Cost
of Living With Picks
By Associated Press
Madrid, .Tune 30. —A mob composer!
for the most part of working women,
exasperated by the announcement of
an Increase of 20 per
price of bread, sacked 400 bakeries
and set Are to one yesterday. The
women broke In the doors and win
dows of the bakeries with picks and
twenty of them were cut by broken
By Associated Press
Now Orleans. La.. June 30,—State
and city health authorities were astir
here to-day preparatory to tho Inaugu
ration of the first wholesale campaign
in the history of the South for tho
extirmatlon of rats In order to prevent
tho spread of bubonic plague. Two
cases of the disease recently have been
discovered in the industrial homo of
the Volunteers of America In New Or
leans. Ono man died, another Is ill
and twenty-eight, inmates of the place
havo been Isolated.
There are many things that arc still
unknown about rheumatism. The
troatment of It Is still far from satis
factory. Doctors realize this, but no
body Is more fully aware of It than the
sufferers themselves.
A tendency to rheumatism once es
tablished. tho pain often returns with
every change of weather, showing that
the poison is still In tho blood awaiting
favorable conditions to become active
and cause trouble.
Onrf fact Is known and acknowl- '
edged by all medical writers and that
Is the rapid thinning of the blood
when the rheumatic poison invades
It. Building up the blood Is the best
remedy for rheumatism, as the en
riched blood is able to overcome or
throw off the poisons of the disease.
For this reason rheumatic sufferers
should be Interested In the success
which Dr. Williams' Pink Pills havo
had In tho treatment of this painful
A book, "Building Up the Blood,"
will be sortt free on roquest by the
Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenec
tady, N. Y. It contains directions re
garding diet, baths and hygiene for
rheumatic patients.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
all druggists everywhere.—Advertise
■ ' y
P. A. LUTZ, M. D.
fgm ■ Practicing Physiclaa
H ™ Medicine and Electricity
jjmj! Practice Confined to
Office Only
j AkTjQ 105-A Market Street