14 §X i^^crmircrvvV%Vi\v^Lv\_ Summer Sale of 300 Hirsh,Wickwire Suits at $15.00 The Finest Clothing Made in America Direct from This Famous Maker's Factory in Chicago and on Sale for the First Time To-day On Sale Are the Choicest Styles of of Hirsh, Wickwire $25.00, $28.00 & rlj 4' jM Every Suit was picke4 personally by our clothing chief on his recent visit to Chicago. This is a big wholesale house, and it considers only big outlets for its overstocks, and naturally it favored Mr us with its proposition, knowing that our Harrisburg and Reading stores could dispose of its hun- ( dreds of suits. In the sale are hmw Hand-Tailored Two and Three-Piece Suits l|n VmWm Black and white check worsteds. Pin-stripe worsteds. Tan and grey wool crashes. [ IB; MmBIL JSfl K" Dark tartan plaids. Fancy grey herringbone cassimeres. Stripe grey tropical worsteds. :; ' |a|9y 's£ Pin-head tan check cassimeres. Black unfinished worsteds. Fancy check blue cassimeres. Bft fWt Jw k. Grey Scotch mixtures. Fine blue serges. Grey shadow stripe worsteds. jgfej Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Clothing, Second Floor Rear / Cool, Broad Aisles Make Shopping a Genuine Pleasure Here Hundreds of New Summer Items Form the Attraction for Friday's Bargain Event No Friday Specials sent C. O. D., or Mail or Telephone orders filled. V Moire Ribbons 2sc all silk taffeta moire ribbons, 5 inches wide; full range of colors; special for Friday only, yard.. . 19c Women's Neckwear Women's neckwear in a large rang* of styles, slightly soiled, values up to 50c; special Friday only Shadow lace pleatings, in white, IJj to 2 inches wide, values up to »sc; special Fridav only, vard l*Kt Shadow lace guimpes, in white and ecru; special Friday 0n1y... ITo Swiss Embroideries In sertions and galloons in a large range of patterns, lji to 3 inches wide, values to 25c; special Friday onlx\ yard ,»c Swiss embroidery flouncing. 45 inches wide, in open patterns, values to 5%; special Friday only, yd., '*.>o Laces and Handkerchiefs Shadow allover laces, 36 inches wide, in white, values to $1.00; spe cial Friday only ,»9e Women's one corner embroidered Swiss handkerchiefs, worth 10c; spe cial Friday only, 4 for "iHc l"*>Wi«r«y A Stewart. Street Floor. Drapery News 39c douMe printed etamine, 36 inches wMe; special Friday only, •2>c fancy chintz for cushion®, box coverings and draperies, 34 inches wi9e Wm, rvin-wroy A Stewart, Street Floor. White Dishes at 1c IJOOO pieces of white table ware „ Second Floor. Black Chip and Hemp | Shapes, 98c to £l. 98 Values Friday Only 49c A fine lot of latest shape* in fcU'k chip and hemp with style* suitable , for elderly women, regular to SI.OB values; Friday only VJc Dlves, Pom»roy * Stewart, Wnot. I Summer Dress Weaves In Colors 65c crepe dc chine, 36 inches «ide, f dark grounds with floral de-ign>; i special Friday only, yard .... 49c 30c embroidered crepe, white and 1 colored grounds; »pccial Friday only, yard 99c 59c silk stripe voile, colored I stripes on white grounds; special Friday only, yard 49c $1.50 Nub crepe. 44 inches wide, colored ground-, white rai-cd dot ; special Friday only, yard 49c 20c crepe, fancy styles, JO inchc* j wide; special Friday only, yard, 14c 25c ratine, in plain shades; spe« ia! Friday only, yard 25c union crash suiting, for sepa rate skirts; special Friday only, yard Hh 10c ginghams, in gelf color woven stripe; special Friday only, yd., IOC Remnants of dimities, voiles, percales, poplins, ,»rints and crepes, 2 to 6 yards in a piece; spe cial Friday only, one third off reg ular price. Dive*. Pmeroy A Ki»»«rl, H! $1.95 aluminum preserving ket ties. 12 quarts; Friday only 91.41/ 95c aluminum preserving ketiles, 4 quarts; Friday only 59r $3.20 aluminum tea kettle*; iM day only sl.*f» Socials Among the I dneis 15* bleached Twrki*h ''Hill to* •<», htmmH ready for um~ ; :•(>«•< ial i r. day only, 3 for ....... X !ff $2.25 , light weight »atir> I c; »perial l-'riday • >rily KH..W .-Or oyster **!iitc drt'%* linen*, in'-he* wide; ape ial Friday 01 |y, yard sftc bleacher! Inv n ial>lc dania»k, inches wide; *jiei sal Fnday it ily $!/// mercerized dinner oupkinfc, 22x22 inche» -qiiarc; -f>e< ial, do.:en MI .IN) I'>c all lim » buck towel*, -i/e 7x 29 inche-, ml, blue and vbite 1 < Mr* der»; special Friday only., ,l*i j<* Do**, I'tiMioy ic Kr«w;irt, V\ tor, Black Dress Goods T?c bla< V pa nam a, ?" irii h . w. de; special Friday only, yard ~,,, ,'t.fp Mk black uiohair, *p*?cial Fritjfc/ only, yard .......... ✓,,, J W(' Si 0/ bla< k serge 50 m< li«» w dc; special Friday only, yard 'Wlo SI.OO black pebble epottge; Kpichil Friday only, yard *Hh: Colored Dress Good* 50c navy *rrjje, ,V> in he wide tor bathing *>uit; npcaal Frnfay » wly yard ~,,,,,,,,,, M(i 7r>- uep".' 'lt chine,inciter. >\ hie ; fr|»c< ial Friday only, yard ~,,, Wc yjc navy and brown mohair; me. cial Friday only, yard ~,,,,,, life Ifl/JOahepberd < berk*; f#ei ial Fri day only, yard W? Dives, V»m*roy h Hl#>wwrl, i I«#f, Corsets and Brassier* s Jtf.OO and f-UiO Nemo sell r< d i> ing and Ri n:;o hell mmet >; |*>i» I Friday • »nF, »c< "id f100r,,, t>(IO U,V. AS, t»f >e«-ial corset ■>, |l *¥) value; special Ft idftV 0n1y,,. Wfp H. A J. brassiere.. trimmed will) cluny medallion# *nd tinny laie edr r \alne; t-perial Fuday -tnly, street fl« m»r ~,,,,, It/If /■ ' No Friday SpeciaK will be sent C, O. D,. or , Mail or Tele phone ordtrn filled.