BAKERY NEWS CALL 1991-AINYIPHONE. MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT Delicious pies, cakes and pastry of all FOUNDED 2871 §m All Mail and Phone Orders S; JXOW?n/2ALA FLKD C T RCH,LLY AND PRCM P" Y BY ) Restaurant, Second Floor j I expert shoppers. | Month-End-Sale of NOTIONS HARRISBURS'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORK • ' ■?««. J j.L iL C 1 Extraordinary Prices on £.llO Ot IllP iVlOnrrl >i3IP 6c and 10c collar and feather bone, 10c Inside waist belting, 2 yards. .5o m UIV ITA Vlilll IM. - _ .... yard lc Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S JV * V Great End-of-the-Month Sale in the ciean-Up saie of ~ |y|pf| c I Irhfripc Women's Garment Section spSI but | > * Your Choice of Any Suit in AA tZd'^TaV^rke^so 0 ! For the Month-End Sale the Store Exce P l Extr * » d Between Sfeet, fJ* V/V « «hey win not h« j JMjt< wSO and $9 go all . woo , cassimerc suits in grc} , brown a „ d Any suit, understand. No matter how high the price has been any suit in the store for | ?_^i a «an rim;« email mixtures; 2 and 3-piece suits fot both youths and men. Special $5.00. This means all the fine poplins and crepe poplins. All the imported gabardines. All the • " P . ' ' VWISf fK§ at $4.85 smart fancies. All the high grade serges. There are suits among them that were $35.00, others Sizes.only\ Regular7sc fjl *Hf Men's SI.OO Trousers in neat stripes and mixtures. Special that were $32.50, $30.00, $20.00, $20.00. Navy, black and all the good colors. and SI.OO quality. JL par* 79^ g. Trolley and Sport Coats That Were 16-button lens-th Lislt '< fffcH Men's and young men's $12.50 and $13.50 ali-wooi suit shi SIO.OO, at $2.98 Gloves, tan an,f pon'sce. Bflff ■"^aawfJ&P ' D a „„i ' cn rT • ml It i All $2.00 and $2.50 men s straw hats are now Wool Eponge Coats, Brown or 1 y ' ■ PF 111 * sl-25 linen dusters for automobiling, in tan and gray. Spe- Taupe, Were SIO.OO, at $2.98 i6-button length silk |/if M clal iVm" v;;vn';; ,v ;v • • v*- „„ " * , s Fiji vn $2.00 and $2.50 blue serge and fancy worsted suits are now re -1 lie sport coats arc Balmacaan models—tango checks. Pure Gloves, all sizes, white and {7| l| m-icpd to SI 710 /T7] wool. The eponge coats are three-quarter length, flared effects, black only. Regular $1.25 'Ji c '"it- r i " with kimono sleeves. Moire collars. and $2.00* quality. 79<• © .ome arc s ilk llne J n ,. w „ A x,. a X SI.OO House and Porch Dresses, 49c — * , . . . H Real dollar dresses. Made of percales and lawns. Four bnd-or-the-Month dale ot White uoods Lowest rrices ot the Month in this ureat 0f ' 1 pretty stvles to select from. Lace and embroiderv trimmines. Great month-cnif sale of dainty summer materials in all lengths— fl __ IT 0_1 A * S— All sizes up to 44. Only one to each customer. ' '7 Be «,rly_ma n y will on.y last part of the day. , Uean-Up dale IJI Wen S rUmiSllingS fat r\/\ I*r • , JA ! 25c White Pique, yd., 1 /S*V Men's 25c underwear, plain and col sl.oo WaiStS, 49C 36 mches vvlde ". ° ne of the niccst materiajs for skirts and orcd balbriggan shirts and drawers, Six styles in complete size assortment. One style with colored r . ' \Za. cac '' l ¥)&/$} woven figures. One style of allover embroidery. One style r . . 1e . re P®».y •» Men's SI.OO union suits, plain black striped tissue. One style plain voile with lace trimming. One u 1 rat,ne str, P e ' 36 ,nches Wldc " YhlS ,s an CxaCt C ° P> ° f (f ¥ A fine ribbed, sizes 34, 36 and 38 only. C finc quality of nainsook> // A / llj I\ \ Wide and narrow stripes. ell made. > ar d s to the l\ eac ' l 35^ ' ////n ill I \ Soc Dressing Sacques, 25c Sold by the full piece, of in yards only. Piece o m I col hi r,° li n c aViVy 1 of' iii usH n, Tac li ////ll / I Neat black figures on white ground—and pretty floral designs $1.50 Old Glory Longcloth, ///// / / I in colors. Fine lawn—shirred at wrists and yoke. Wrapped in sanitary bags, 10 yards to the piece. Piece 91.15 Bovs' 39c shirts percales and mad J ' ' ' * ' suit Section-Second Floor. _ 19c Crepe Plisse, yd., VZf ras C o at stv i c attached cuffs sizes P End-of-the- Hir*ll* 1 T hes J' idc - A " cream white - ° ncof the nicest matcrials 12y 2 , 13 and 13y„ each 25? JMia-01-Xne- 11/ l I 11« vorsets & Brassieres made for underwear. _ Men . B Mnvif k Qnl A /-v-f IWI 11111 It . I 1f Low prices at month-end 25c White Crepe, yd~ ITlUlllU'OdlC UX J j This i<; nriHe to imitatp the ininortprl rrene tliat retails at 50c Men's 25c half hose, plain black, pairs for 25e, or per pair Or Last clearance of larre lot of newest shanes in bl-irlf rol made to imitate tlie impoited crepe tliat letail. at .UC tan navy> sjlk „ sle double so i cs , Mens SI.OO dress shirts, per . clearance oi large K t i newest shapes in black and col 29 c brassieres hooked in yard. 36 inches wide. hiph spliced heels, 3 pairs for sov J tales and mercerized madras, coat OS, in all the new straws, that sold up to $5.95. All go in this front or crossed back embroi . " 15c to 20c Turkish XowelSt or. each cuffs, each ....«»c (.iLaiance at dery trimmed at Hemmed ready for use. Very heavy quality. Slightly ——— —l ( 1— nmrnnmfrfc F1 69 C corsets, medium bust, stzmedbyoji gi r j s Dresses at Remarkably Low Prices r AUWerb lcng hips, three pair hose sup- 18c, 20c and 25c White Madras and Waisting, 8«* j ot of ir , s , 75c tub drcMe inghams> striped and m f All kinds, all colors, all porters, made of light weight Also fine dimity. Lome early for these goods as they will not chccks , plain co j ors , sizC s 6to 14 years. Tuesday 43* /feS&fy i new styles. Some sold coutil at 59* ' l • 31 ( •••••••• Children's 25c white petticoats, sizes 2to 6 years, hemstitched r™7\ W\ ■P'H , 'P-.UU- > I c ' a * 50c lace trimmed and em- ,-atrc regular 10r nnalitv snerial 4 for lutllc with tucks at I<* W I uesday at 10* broidered scarfs at «7* " Main Floor- BOWMAN ; S. ' Children's $1.39 white dresses, sizes 2to 5 years, low neck, \ Lot of trimmed hats, 25c cushion tops, made of _ & a styles. End of linen with floss to embroidery Oreat Clearance BOVS Clothing dery skirt. I uesday 89* fT the month sale.. .SI.OO a t 18* r* .1 n l l • .1 */| .i ic , Girls'white dresses, made of fine lawn and batiste, low neck, w Millinery Section, 24-inch drawn work squares \jreatly KCUIICCU in tile lVlontn-tnu-ijai§ short sleeves, skirt and waist lace and embroidery trimmed. Second Floor at Boys' $1.50 and $1.75 wash suits in Oliver Twist and Russian sizes 8 to 14 years, sold regularly at $3.50 to $4.25, at . . $2.49 second FIoor— BOWMAN'S. sailors, blue, tan, green, lavender and white color combinations, second Floor BOWMAN S. End-of-the-Month Sale of ROCKERS Month-End Sale a, ™ r l p , r :,« dat , ** Great End-of-the-Month Clearance All the Sample Rockers on Our Furniture Floor WALL PAPER white 'wash suits, allover XJnoiortT TTtl/ltirTlmof Reduced For Quick Selling Wall Papers, roll, white Russian sailor and Xlvwlvl j Ow U lIUCI W vdl 1 hese rockers include the oak, mission, reed, willow, kaltex For kitchen, bedroom and blouse suits for TTyx*. iTf tl i 1 J-AM and mahogany. t diningrooms. Month-end price, 75*, 95* and $1.50 * OHien ailQ. v/flliQl 011 2 1 /$ Bovs' $5.00 blue serge fxis Children's 25c bleached union suits, low neck, no sleeves, lace Wall Papers, roll, 4* Norfolk suits, these are the knees, each • 19* Satin stripe papers. None new Bulgarian Norfolk's V*i Women's 25c knit pants, knee length, lace knees, pair 18* sold without borders. Month- w j t h patch pockets at SJi.BS L 4 Women's 10c vests, bleached tape neck and sleeves, 4 for 35* Wall Papers, roll, •)<* * and Women's 50c underwear vests pants and union suits, ves« American oatmeal papers— I-Q. and v low neck, sleeveless, pants knee length, union suits low neck, best grade on the market; all d ic; on ivacli NTm-foR no sleeves, lace knees, each - 39* good shades, 18c value; borders t • V 'vhak-i Vra -li and Children's 25c socks, plain and fancy, colored tops, pr., 13j4* to match. Month-end price, j inen at '*" B°y s ' 50c union suits, white and 'ecru, short sleeves, knee on the Fourth Fitwr — BOWMAN'S. Third flooi -BOWMAN s Chidien's 15c back cotton hose, fine ribbed, doube heels and $6.98 golden oak leather seat rodTcr SS.OS | Ead-Of-the-MOflth Clean-Up in Women's 25c hose, plain black and colors, silk lisle, double ft* v.; HOUSEFURNISHINGS dolht >.UU Keea rockers, nnisnecl natuiai, upnoistered seats and with lace or buttonhole edge, rib- 98c Vacuum Washer—the little washer which makes the big wash- sole* ner nair ib backs $6.95 bon drawn 65c ing look small. Month-end price 19e '' • Fci nr\ -it \ 1 i i J t 'ai J "-it 'J ,*, >5-108 f„ m „j iumea oaK rockers Nainsook, dainty lace and embroid- Month-end price *. '. . 59e I cnlen liip-h lieeK nair TOtb $5.98 fumed oak rockers $3.49 ery trimmings, ribbon trim ...3:ic $1.39 Aluminum Berlin Cooking Kettle, with cover. Month-end v '' ® «. ; n . • ( .. ' o-a. 0 - $1.25 White Petticoats, extra size. price 8»c Women s 17c hose, plain black lisle, double heels and toes, ;vv. u 1)1 J\vn reed rockei. ta])estr_v cusnions 5-inch embroidery ruffle and inser- 75c and 98c Bathroom Fixtures, including bath tub sets. Month- nf>l . na ir 11 i 157.50 $7.50 brown reed rockers $5.95 tion «8e end price l»c 1 1 " ''''" * " CIS Km,.,., 1 i u i ILH >t n* $1.98 to $2.25 Gowns, fine.Naln- 19c Fruit or Potato Masher. Month-end price 13c Main FIoor—BOWMAN S. lo brown willow locktis, upholstered seat and back $13.90 sook, Kimono and empire styles, 49c extra heavy tin Dairy Pails, 12-qt. size. Month-end price . .l!»o ~~- $4.50 Kaltex rockers $3.49 low neck, short sleeves, line lace 25c Galvanized Pails, extra good quality, with wood bail handle. Till n yi4- Qnl anf fa* 5698 ouartered oak rock-ert; and embroidery trimmings $1.25 Month-end price 17c lmpOlXcinX OttXC OI □I I f o quariercu oaK lOCKeis •••• $1.25 Combination Drawers and 69c American girl cedar oil mops, for hardwood floor. Month-end _ 111 BOWMAN'S—FiIth Floor. Corset Covers, drawers open or price ;{oc lATIsITI&.QA CTI*A RR _ - ZTZ closed, trimed with wide embroid- 49c Japanned Umbrella Jars, floral decorations. Month-end price, J lVinnTn"KHn-Sfl IP 1 nf SnnPQ cr > or lace 98< " - - Vc These rugs are very suitable for summer use in bedrooms, wdlv vl UIIUCO $159 Princess Slips Bodice and 15c Japanned Sugar Boxes. Month-end price 10c ... i i ti • ai , Women's white canvas and nu-buck 'shoes oxfords and Skirt trimmed " Ith laee ani cm- »9 sl - 98 imported too many 01 tnem. i<- , u; . I"' I loan.l lr» nf 3 - 75 Nursery Krefrigerator with nickel faucet. Month-end price, BfTCT L-^=^.' c == ?^—^S3lHI — Y\ omen s white canvas pumps and strap sandals and Colo- ■ vlcall Up OI Si 2.«» ■» . ..- _ |1 El nials that are slightly soiled. Regular values up to $3. Pair, 78* If® a ® h hr/« r / fade of tin with cover Month-end price,. i7c fft || t t i 1111 • 11 ,1 • !■ , rmnroiflprv Alio I.SCP 15c Extension Window Screens, walnut stained. Month-end price, JOe fcgL A'-'''v K Mens, women s and children s rubber soled tennis oxfords. IJIUWIUIUWJ A,IIU LIAVC CHINA % All sizes. Pair Boys' shoes high and low, in sample sizes only. Regular pllorl lengths left from the l\ c c and SS si.2°5 W Decorated German' china'.' importers'" simpies - , as- ' $2.00 and $2.50 values. Pair 9H* months heavy selling, but sorted pieces and decorations. Month-end price 80c 1^" j ' l ' HWllg _ Men's low shoes, sizes 6 and 6/i only. Regular' $3.00 value. enough in all patterns for dress with^L Nio Month^ e 0 price BUita . ble . f ° r . n ' adinß . or . ifil M 'fH| |J - Pair 98* or waist trimmings. 59c jardinieres—glazed crockery. Month-end price 39c J T 3 jffl—-"3 - & JJSJ fSSS? S£ST:. ««« fT\ * « loons, vard 10* $1.75 and $1.98 Umbrella Jars. Month-end price $1.39 Toys, Tires, Babv Coaches 75c . a „d SIOO 27-mch swi SS orator a M^n?h^ # nd D p rt o cT cd . ch ! na •. ** 1 J flouncing remnants from l l / 2 to Basement— BOWMAN S. ana Porch Furniture Month-End-Sale of Sheets^ 1 SS K BEns S3)B l>aby coach $18.48 flouncing in lavender, light Soiled from handling, but all splendid values. - —' $12.50 go-cart $8.98 hlne and white Stn ill Size 72x90 Inches, regular 50c quality. Month-end price 30c oi no ri . a. tl ' , , White. ."small bize 76x90 inches, regular 75c quality. Month-end price Ssc —- porcll rocket patterns. About one dress pat- Size 81x90 inches, regular $1,.10 quality. Month-end price ...,75c $2.48 porch rocker $1,98 tern of each vard V)* . pnlo ;Y Cases, soiled from handling, all sizes. Regular 12 %c to 30c <5, " J.' •% _'*. " values. Month-end prices r 8c to 15c . 'I- ( j d ! l1,) ' 1 ' 11 1" •*"'s /3c to sl*-—5 4.5-inch voile ssix DRY GOODS SPKCIAI>: A limited number of the 9x12 ft. size will be sold in the sale $3.25 doii coach .T" .:::::::::::::::::::::::::: #£s flouncingi short ,cnf?ths> r tm t0 ... ats2 - 98 - Several otl,ersizesat p ro p° rtionatc p Hces - Get Your Tfres Here st Reduced Prices 25c and 39c aiiover embroi- 32<-sheeting ' ' yard . f . ron !... M . ont . hend .,.! >rl j9c CARPET REMNANTS All sizes in Goudvcar. Kellv S|,ri„ K lield, Nassau and Imperial. "nces. you tires. \-k our plan. inminoni n**.. Mafn FIoor—BOWMAN'S. On the Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. ... . . • -YV- ....... ... - ... . .., . . ~ - , c - * • t M-i ■ V- i ' - , _ v• /' y ' 1 ' > ' ■ ■■ J ~ ■ * / MONDAY EVENING, HAIUIISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 29, 1914. 3