A DU cTTTZTI l^ g Hj^ g Tff ga Tg*T MI Tl ga "FS^ !! SF a lBF a ■ ■ T*g| Girls' Wash Dresses Special For Saturday Al Dig i jdlC Of /Wt?fl S Dn/riS shirt .natches silk, stripes all silk French >7Q I ] one of 65 # Girls' Handsome Dresses, in white and colors, cuffs, in all sizes, $1.25 value. Saturday, choice for .. »%J C made of all the newest materials, sizes 6to 14. All d» O Q C v * { ' ie newest Styles, values to $5.00. Choice for ... «P1.45 %P i» 45 ing those pictured here. All reg- *P I * *pi**tO «• ,»w. ular waist bands and lengths; Size. 30 to 38 Wairt bizes 23 to 29 Waist also extra size waist bands. $3 Wash Dress Skirts $1.95 Over 25 styles in a variety of wash fabrics, including Ratine, Crepe, Bedford Cord and Linen. Regular and extra size waist bands. 500 Men's and Young Men's jj New Summer Suits AC Ajj Values to $15.00.. | 'AA All the New UP=to=date English and Conservative II Models-All the Newest Weaves i Mfjj jj ■V* Black and White Checks "TBH I SW* Gray Scotch Mixtures ibl 1 If Blue Serges, (Fast Colors) Tan and Gray Wool Crashes "W I Handsome Mixed Cassimeres | All Sizes, 32 to 42 and Extra Sizes to 46. | 500 Pair of Mens Pants, Go on Sale ! To-morrow, Values to $3.50, at . ... h)A#OV/ g Palmßeach Suits For Men Tomorrow $6.95 A SIO.OO Value All Sizes Men! Take Your Cho $16.50, $lB, S2O & $22.50 $lO 50 Fine Hand-tailored Suits, all Sizes Wonderful Values in Boys' Wash I JjJ and Cloth Suits and Pants Boys' Wash Suits, OQ Boys' Linen Crash Knickcr 50c value Oi/C PANTS, SI.OO value, £/\ —"Jv . fe?ls/ Boys' Wash Suits, Oliver for OUC AttKj Twist models; gA fl 75c values OUC Boys' Straw Hats, gA feU Boys' Oliver Twist Wash Vi " U " '° f ° r ' WR Tl M fo^ lucs |°.... $ 1.00 100 Boys ' Blue Serge and [jHv^rM Fancy Cassimere SUITS. \jf4 nt Boys' Khaki Pants, E?f"| Values to $3,50, QC > A 75c values, for DUC for These Advertised Goods on Sale at Kaufman's Young IVMn Killed at Crossing During Storm Specml to The Telegraph Liewlstownj Pa., June 26.—Tester day was the hottest day of the sea son here and! humanity suffered great ly for the hflat, the humidity was ex cessive and last night the hot wave was followed by a heavy electrical FRIDAY EVENING, $4 Wash Dress Skirts, $2.95 Hand tailored wash skirts in fine Ratine, Crepe and other wash fab rics; new Russian Cossack tunics and many other styles in regular and extra size waist bands. Men's White Serge Pants, All Worsted, D»Q AA $5 Value at. . 200 Pair of Men's AU-wsol BLUE SERGE SUITS, n rn $4 Value storm. In Center county over the Seven Mountains from Mifflin county a barn was destroyed by fire caused by lightning. Orville Mayes, of ranvllle, four miles west of here was in town In a buggy selling cherries and he start ed for home through the blinding storm. At a crossing Just west of town known ns the Spangler crossing, he had to cross a number of railroad tracks and here the horse and buggy was struck by a. train. The young $5 Wash Dress Skirts, $3.95 Imported wash materials in many styles, including Russian tunic and tier models; all regular and. extra size waist bands. J > 1 11 Men's Straw Hats Imported to Sell at $2.50, Tomorrow SI.OO man was Instantly killed, as was also the horse and the buggy was de molished. Mayes was 19 years old. Nothing Is so narrowing, con tracting, hardening, as always to be moving In the same groove, with no thought beyond what we Immediately see and hear close around us.—Dean Stanley. HARRISBURG <££oss TELEGRAPH Sale of the "Marcelle" Dress Co.'s Stock Now at Its Best Women's and Misses Cool Summer Washable Dresses Now Selling at Prices That Would Be Cheap in August $3 "Marcelle" Washable V HANDSOME npECCEC Summer Dresses SUMMER i/fiCJijCiJ sl*3s Fnr U/nntpn Cool summer dresses for Women, Misses and Juniors. •r-" V*- ■ vll/11l ■■ vlll vli No end of styles and materials. Neatly trimmed and lli|v ij\ .... _ $4&$S "Marcelle" Stout Women'sQF Washable Summer Dresses iiri ,TT t . x , • / I .I \V n BHL\ \ Sizes up to 51 bust measure. Beautiful wash Women e. Misses and Juniors' sweet summer dresses. / I | I [/ U rcjNu\ \ , . , . , , <. , " j of white embroidered Voiles, Linens, Lawns and Strip- I ' \ I 1/ " j materials in splendid styles which will make ped Tissues; many lace trimmed. I J / Jj( /m\ y,/ you look s i en der. Neatly trimmed with fine $6 and $7 "Marcelle'' Summer laCCS At this price we show over 50 distinct styles for Women, f J /, i\ u f 1/0 $7.50 and $8.50 (P J ACT I ™nhS* J £s: : .s,r hl1 " vo,,„. yt\\yjf stout n rljj $8 &$9 "Marcelle" Summer Dresses JZffl WOMEN S Uresse * • • ™ I,WW $4.90 &br Stylish Summer Dresses for stout figures op I J , dresses Pfl tosl bust measure.* Desirable materials in maieriais or Katlne, Awning Stripe Voiles, also nlaln white*//V*«vvlfl I*7 o* • 1 tr m t-» « and FJoral Crepes. Trimmed with dainty laces. All styles V Crepes, Striped Voiles, Ratines and Tissues, eluding: the Russian tunics. ' Russian Tunics and Tier models, well tailored. Women's Muslin Gown Sale For Saturday jjjj Va 3 |u B j. n Wome „' s B , ol)ses p of Sat „ rday | \\ omen s Gowns, lace trimmed, cut CkCk l! 11/ f 01 r*> ; l fnl , ma , r , ,11 P Women s Blouses For 73c , c o gooc muslin, all sizes; 50c