Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 26, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    ► .
; Refrigerators—New Shipm?n'i
' New shipment of Refrigerators. Buy on the club
► plan. SI.OO sends one to your home and SI.OO per week
► pays for it.
► Fifth Floor.
► Unusual Opportunities Saturday For Men to Lay in Their Supply
► of Haberdashery For the Summer, Made Possible
' by Low Prices Quoted
► Men's $1.50 Shirts, new lot just received, fine quality of
► mercerized madras, coat style, attached soft French cuffs, fine
► patterns, Saturday for 79*
► vlflrt Vl Men's Dress Shirts, fine quality of percale, coat style, at
► M "iz tached cuffs, each 50*
► Men's ecru mesh "Underwear, short sleeves, double seated
y n drawers, each 39*
y / [w f/k l/\l\ Men's Balbriggan Underwear, long and short double-
M seated drawers, each 25 * and 50*
Milnk Men's light weight pajamas SI.OO
y \ y*)) Men's and boys' Leather Belts, each 25* and 50*
► Wlli Boston, Paris and Brighton Garters, per pair 25*
► ill uU>l or ' or '
► I I /J 1 Monito Silk Half Hose, black and colors, double soles, high
K 9 v // spliced heels, per pair 25* and 50*
y II I Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
► Special Prices On
' Stamped Goods
► For Embroidering
► Package goods, ready
y made, floss to complete.
► 50c Corset Covers.... 39#
y 50c Brassieres ..
y SI.OO Empire Gowns, 85^*
► SI.OO Kimono Gowns, 85#
► SI.OO Combinations ..850
Second Floor —BOWMAN'S.
: Boys' Clothing
: Reduced
(/«*' it' ill From our regular lines of Boys' Clothing we have culled
out ' ' iere anc * t^lere one » two or three suits, left from regular
* \M\wrirtiiN fT s ' ze assortments, we have repriced these close to cost.
vSfflHnlll/ Ml T $5.00 Bulgarian Norfolk Suits—grays, browns and mix-
-S. cliiw tures - Some have extra pair knickerbockers. Special, $3.65
nil ill'lf, i $7.50 and $8.50 all-wool Homespun Norfolks for boys,
*■ Imrn'mj fflhfi/Tn liht s ' zes 12 and 15 years. Special $5.75
► Bf wH SIO.OO and $12.50 Cassimere and Worsted Norfolk Suits.
► /Af pI $3.95 Norfolk Cheviot Suits. Special $2.65
► lljg pi $1.50 Washable Oliver Twist Suits reduced to 950
K III Q L i&r Other Wash Suits at 500, 750, 980, $1.50 and up to
r7 ( I Linen and Khaki Norfolk Wash Suits at $3.50
~~ < Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
: "The Home Beautiful"
It may be the humblest cottage or the most preteittious
mansion—depends entirely upon the arrangement and furnish-
ings of the interior. You w ill find here a choice collection of
► medium and low-priced summer drapery fabrics to choose from.
► 30c bordered Scrim for door or window drapery, yd., 170
► White and ecru Lace Curtains, iy 2 and 3 yards long.
► Pair 49> to $5.00
y Shirt Waist Boxes, matting covered, bamboo trimmings.
. Prices range from $2.25 to $5.50. Cedar Boxes ranging in
price from ; $13.50 to SIB.OO
Couch Covers, Roman stripes and Oriental designs. Full
couch size. Prices range from to $4.50
► Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
► Reduced Saturday
► | | ( We are cleaning our
K i p-l- J-HL | floor of all odd pieces of
1 BP which we have but one
► Bt can use an cx t ra piece of
► furniture it will pay you
► Us- to visit our Furniture
► $9.00 Golden Oak Hall Rack .$5.95
► $12.00 Golden Oak Hall Rack $7.75
► SIB.OO Golden Oak Chiffonier $12.75
y $13.00 Golden Oak Chiffonier $10.85
* $25.00 Genuine Leather Rocker $12.50
y $5.98 Fumed Oak Rockers $3.49
- ; $12.75
, $14.00 Brass Bed $9.75
, $22.00 Brass Bed $16.50
► $17.00 Brass Bed $12.95
► $13.00 Brass Bed $8.95
y Fifth FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
White For Summer
The wealth of bargains in our White Goods Section will
save you half in purchasing for your vacation and summer wear.
Small Checked Dimities—dainty and pretty for summer
dresses; 28 inches wide. Saturday, yard 12%$
Old Glory Longcloth—put up in sanitary papers. 10 yards
to a piece. Regular $1.50 quality. Saturday, special, $1.25
French Linen Oyster linen, 46 inches wide. Regular
75c quality. Saturday, yard 590
Table Damask—64 inches wide. A wide range of patterns
to select from. Saturday, yard 390
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
> FOUNDED 1871 mg
Store Opens Saturday at 9A. M.; Closes at 9P. M.
Wall Paper
A Saturday Special
On Saturday with every
purchase of 20 yards of
cut-out border, at 50 yard,
we will sell you 10 rolls of
satin stripe or floral stripe
wall paper, at If a roll.
Borders cut out free of
1 charge.
Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
Saturday Sale of
50c 19-inch Satin Fou
lards; extra good quality.
Black, brown and gray
with set figures. Yard,
39c Tussah Silks, rose,
brown, green and taupe
with floral designs. Yard,
50c plain silk and cotton
crepe de chines ,light blue
and Copenhagen. Yard,
SI.OO yard-wide Wash
Silks; extra good quality;
single, double and triple
stripes. All shades in
white. Yard 690
39c Silk Mulls; floral de
signs in pink, light blue,
yellow and lilac. Yard.
SI.OO 23-inch Silk Fou
lard; figured. Yard ..250
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
- _ •- . r
To Make Saturday a Big Day, June Clearance of i
100 Suits at $5.00
Values $12.50 to $25.00---Women's and Misses 9 Sizes
Navy, black, Copenhagen, olive, reseda, tango and tan. All in the best of the Spring models. Materials are <
Gabardines ,poplins, crepe poplins, serges. This means a chance to save your best suit, or for the woman who is *
going to the mountains or country or shore it is an opportunity worth considering. The skirts alone are worth .<
much more than the price of the suits.
Bathing Suits, $1.50, $1.98, $2.50, $3.50 &$5 __ <
tMade of the best of mohairs in blacks, navy and other y s[7 ?
colors. Neatly trimmed with contrasting braids and fancy ?
collars and cuffs. Children's, Misses' and Women's sizes.
Bathing Caps, 25c, 39c, 50c, 75c, 89c & SI.OO }
Best grades of rubber in all the fancy colors and black: f
tan, Copenhagen, cardinal, rose, tango, mode, taupe, gray, ?
reseda, green and navy. - f
$5.00, $6.00 ud $6.50 Skirts at $1.98 ft
Skirts of the finest materials, bought this Spring, but f \\ ■? \
before the long tunics became popular. The woman who / j j|
: wants a really fine skirt and is willing to buy without the f\ < 5
| tunic gets wonderful values. Checks, fancies and plain j\
Choice of Any Colored Wash Dress in the Store, $5,00 \ >. S
Lots of $7.50, $8.50 and SIO.OO dresses among them. Vj f
Some that were as high as $12.50. Linens, tissues and voiles. Ay \
Up-to-the-minute in style and smartness. +
Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 4
Samples—Skirts and Gowns
Closing out lot of sample white skirts, well-known Wolf
make, beautifully trimmed with German Val. fine emhroideries,
lace flounces and ribbon.
$3.98 Skirts at $2.98 $2.25 Skirts at $1.50
$3.50 Skirts at $2.50 $1.98 Skirts at .... $1.39
$2.98 Skirts at $1.98 $1.50 Skirts at 98#
Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
Sample Gowns, Wolf make, beautifully trimmed with fine
lace and embroidery, low neck, short sleeves.
$3.00 Gowns at $1.98 $2.25 Gowns at $1.25
$2.75 Gowns at $1.89 ~ _
$2.69 Gowns at $1.75 $ 175 G° wns at 98 *
$2.50 Gowns at $1.29 $1.25 Gowns at 75#
Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
Rubber Stair Pads
Many homes are now using rubber on the stairs in place of
carpet, they are easily wiped up and do not hold the dust;
more sanitary in every way; almost noiseless to the tread.
We have an immense stock of these pads, made from new rub
ber, and quote these special prices for Saturday only—
Size 6xlß inches 11#
Size 7xlß inches 13 #
Size 9xlß inches 16#
Japanese Lanterns
Buy them now while the assortment is complete. Red.
yellow, blue, rose and green lanterns. Dozen 45#
Other lanterns in larger sizes and fancy shapes and designs.
Prices range from 10# to 45# each
Couch Hammocks
Much has been said and written by eminent physicians
regarding the benefits derived from outdoor living. If you buy
one you will spend most of your spare time in one of these lux
urious and comfortable couch hammocks. The prices are
reasonable. Prices are,
SB.OO, SIO.OO, $10.50, $ll.OO and $12.75
Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
Porch Furniture
Swings Etc
$2.98 Porch Rockers $2.48
$2.25 Porch Rockers $1.95
$2.00 Porch Rockers $1.65
Z]/ 2 and 4-foot Porch Swings with rust-proof
chains and hood complete . .$1.98, $2.98 and $4.50
Lawn Swings, 2 and 4-passenger,
$5.48 and $7.50
Porch Gates reduced to $1.79 and $1.98
$25.00 and $26.50 bicycles are now $19.95
These are 18, 20 and 22-inch frame, coaster brake,
roller chain and guaranteed tires; blue, yellow, brown,
black and red color combinations.
Third FIoor.—BOWMAN'S.
Help to Exterminate the Fly
Come in and Get One
V ▼ * ▼ ▼▼▼▼▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼_T_T_T^>
In Our Restaurant
Pies, Cakes and Pastry of all kinds, baked fresh
every hour. All orders for picnics and outings prompt- L
ly filled. f
Restaurant —Second Floor. j<
> *
— —— <
Another Splendid Offer of i
Wavy Switches at J||L ?
W-- lai
Despite the low. figure at which we have Vv| <
marked these switches, they measure up to your yJEpfIL y -t
idea of what a $3.00 switch should be. These /JwSB. \J <
switches are 24 inches long—the quality of hair
is excellent and the workmanship—perfection. Ifflfll i
At $1 .39, you'll be fortunate indeed, to buy fIpTKSi 4
so much value for so little money. KjggaSy, >
Second Floor BOWMAN'S.
White Shoes For ;
Hot Weather Wear ;
Splendid Opportunity to Get Vacation Footwear.
Women's White Canvas Pumps, Strap Sandals and Ox- i
fords, smart styles. Special, pair, $1.25, $1.49 and $1.98
SPECIAL—Women's White Canvas Low Shoes, Pumps, *
etc. Slighly soiled. Regular $1.25 to $2.00 values. Pair, 780
Women's White Canvas Lace Oxfords with rubber soles *
and heels. Special, pair $1.69 4
Women's White Canvas Button Boots, low and high heels. <
Regular $2.00 to $3.00 values. Special, pair $1.49 \
Children's White Canvas Button Shoes and "Mapy Jane" {
Pumps on the full nature shape last— t
Sizes 6to 8, pair 900 Sizes By 2 to 11, pair SI.OO j<
~ , ~ ffll Sizes 2yto 2 6, pair .... $1.49 <
Sizes 11% to 2, pair .. sl.l V (Women's size.)
Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. I ! 1 |
Housefurnishings Specials 5
t9Bc Climax Food Chopper, house
hold size, has three steej cutters and f
one double cutter, chop ly£ pounds S
of meat per minute . 590 •<
$2.4? 10-inch Lawn Mower, good [<
reliable mower ......$1.98 y
$2.25 Aluminum tea or coffee \
Percolator ................ $1.69
19c extension window Screen, 18 >
inches high; 33 inches extension, )
walnut stained frames 150 *
Swift's Pride Washing Powder, f
for general house use, 6 packs,- 250 f
Swift's Sunbright Oeanser, *
cleans, scours, scrubs and polishes, 6 \
cans \
Basement BOWMAN'S. Swi{t>g p ridc Soap jq
Children's Dresses ?
Pretty Cool Dresses .specially reduced for Satur- <
day's selling. <
Made of fine white Lawn and Batiste, trimmed <
with fine laces and embroidery, 8 to 14 years. <
$5.50 dresses specially priced $3.50 <
$4.98 dresses specially priced $3.50 A
$4.25 dresses specially priced $2.75
$3.50 dresses specially priced SI.OB <
$2.49 dresses specially priced $1.50 <
$1.98 dresses specially priced 980 <
Second Floor —BOWMAN'S. 4
All Mail and 'Phone Orders Filled ;
Promptly and Carefully by Expert •
Shoppers. ;
* * A A i A A A A A4A4A4
JUNE 26, 19TC.