Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 26, 1914, Page 20, Image 20

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NOJV Is the Time to Get RUI of These
Ugly Spots
There 's no longer the slightest
need of feeyng ashamed of your
freckles, as the prescription othlne—
double strength—is guaranteed to re
move these homely spots.
Simply get an ounce of othlne—
double strength—from any druggist
and apply a little of It night and
morning and you should soon see that
even the worst freckles have begun to
disappear, while the lighter ones hfive
vanished entirely. It is seldom that
more than an ounce is needed to com
pletely clear the skin and gain a beau
tiful clear complexion.
Be sure to ask for the double
strength othine as this Is sold under
guarantee of money back If it fails to
remove freckles. —Advertisement.
Famous French
Recipe For Gray
or Faded Hair
Can Now lie Obtained In American
Drug Stores
Just a few applications of this fa
mous French prescription and you will
have what no other preparation will
give: a lovely, even shade of dark,
lustrous hair that will make you look
years younger.
Furthermore, no one can ever tell
that it has been applied, for It con
tains no dye or lead or any other in
jurious ingredients.
A large 7-ounce bottle of this old
and thoroughly reliable French recipe
can be secured all ready for use for
a small sum at any well-stocked drug
store. Ask for LeMay's Cream of
Sage and Quinine. Every one who
tises it knows that it banishes every
trace of dandruff in a week and stops
tcalp itch over night. &ju can get an
extra large bottle cents at
Frank J. Althouse, Bowman Mell &
Co., J. Nelson Clark, Wm. Deiss,
Kckels Bros., C. M. Forney, Chas. T.
George. George A. Gorgas, John W.
Hay, Kennedy Bros., Geo. C. Potts, T.
A. Thorley.—Advertisement.
"Needless to Have
Superfluous Hair"
Say* Mrs. Osgood
After years of disappointing experi
ments,. Mrs. Osgood has found a Won
der-Remedy that quickly and safely re
moves all signs of superfluous hair on
lace, neck, arms, or elsewhere, with
out the slightest annoyance, or risk of
injuring the skin. No nerve-racking
needle or evil-smelling depilatories.
Simply apply the prescription as direct
ed and all unsightly embarrassing hair
quickly disappears.
Mrs. Osgood's Wonder is sold on a
Money-Back basis by Kennedy's Drug
Store, who reports many satisfied cus
tomers. All first-class druggist and
department stores carry It now. Get
this famous prescription to-day—at
once—and rid yourself of every trace
Df superfluous hair without delay.
Why be conciliated wkn Rexulo
I docs the work. Can be had at alt
drug at*mi.
Nun-oi uuay lonet Cream keeps
, the t>Kiu bofi and velvety la rougb
• weather. An eiquUile toilet prep
aration, 26c.
(jSokuah DKUU miiEs
IS N. TlilrU st„ and I*. It. K. Matloa
L i
Business Locals
The more new pianos and player
pianos we sell, the more used pianos
and organs are taken in exchange as
part payment. These instruments are
thoroughly overhauled so as to give
excellent service. We have a number
of these on hand now that will be sold
at exceptionally low prices. Yohn
Brot)., 8 North Market Square.
Having taken In exchange a number
of used cars from owners) who have
purchased the new Abbott-Detroit
models, we will sacrifice these cars
at a special price In order to make a
clean slate before the first of July.
Various makes in good running order.
See them at the Abbott Motor Car
Company Branch. 106-108 South Sec
ond street.
Paint is a money saver and handy
to ha''- asound the house, barn or
Khop. It's a grout preserver as well
as keeping wagons, fences and the
house looking fresh and bright. But
the H. B. Davis paints are the best
for all purposes. Phone us and we'll
tell you why. Shaffer Sales Company,
60 South Cameron street.
■Tho picnic season is here and we
have an excellent assortment of good
things to eat appropriate for the oc
casion, such as potte 1 chicken and
ham, chicken liver, potalo chips,
cheese and sliced beef, ham, tongue,
dried beef and corned beef, peanut
butter, ripe olives and soft drinks and
fruit Juices. S. S. Pomeroy, Market
Square Grocer.
for your traveling requisite- no mat
ter which way you are to travel for
your vacation. We are showing a
special line of handbags and |iuit
cases in our Walnut street window.
Suit cases $5.00. Handbags $5.98.
Various sizes and stylci of leather tn
different shades. Regal Umhrella Co.,
gecond and Walnut streets.
The mark of quality in furniture.
When you see a piece of furniture
with the name of Berkey &
Gay In or on it, you know that it is
produced by the firm thaf made Grand
Rapids famous as a furniture city
and the greatest producers of furni
ture of the better sort. On display
at Goldsmith's, 206 Walnut and 209
Locust streets.
Try Telegraph Want Ads.
SKSr'Ci A* 4^ £vV*WKMßmmJk
A " .jjljkTjj^; *'' *K9gT^H^H
BHWte>.->. •. *• «w .< ~ uHHHMBBMWBHyStawBIiaHMHBHii^MBBHii^M^B^^BMBMMy
Instead of building- log cabins this summer the playground youngsters at the McCormick's island camp will
go in for nature study. Announcement was made to this effect by Playground Supervisor J. K. Staples and the
delving into the mysteries of why is a shad-fly and how many glowworms' rafftftnce will equal a candlepower of
elactricity, etc., is included in the camp rules. The instructors in the accompanying photograph are as follows
reading from left to right: ,
Top row, standing—D. I'. Rodgers, Twelfth street; Lewis M. Snyder, Reify; George W. Hill, Jr., Maple Hill;
Charles L. Shirley, Island; J. K. Staples, supervisor; Leslie 11. Hall, Boas; James McGovern, Sycamore; J. Emlin
Hall, Kelker; 11. L. Kohl, Harris; G William Britsch, Reservoir.
Middle row, sitting—Jane Grace Blalock, Calder; Margaretta Dougherty, Sycamore; Helen Neidlg, Hamilt
on; Margaret Johnson, Fourth; Mary E. Braxton, Twelfth.
Lower row, sitting—Jessie A. Dowdell, domestic science. Reservoir; Grace Fouti:, Boas; Margaret Turner,
Maple Hill; V. Cordelia Brenneman, Twelfth; Hattie Weldenhammer, Penn; Dorothy McCormick, Reservoir;
Elizabeth Workman, Penn, assistant; Evelyn M. Joyce, Harris, assistant; Annie E. Zudrell, Harris.
fContinued From First Page]
night. Many stretched-themselves out
on the grass; otners had managed to
save mattresses or rocking chairs
from their burning homes. Little
groups huddled together about piles
of household goods. Some of the chil
dren were frightened and crying, oth
ers hailed the night's adventures as
a lark.
Started at 2 O'clock
From 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon
when a terrific explosion occurred in
the factory of the Korn Leather Com
pany, at Proctor and Boston streets,
the flames raged practically uncheck
ed until midnight. The explosion is
though to have occurred among high
ly inflammable chemicals used in tho
manufacture of patent leather. This
factory stood near the foot of Gal
lows Hill, famous as the hanging place
of witches in early Colonial days, at
the western end of the city. A high
wind carried the flames through the
manufacturing district and. thence
southeastward to the heart of the I
city and across a thickly populated!
tenement district to the water front.
A shift in the wind sent the fire north-
Business locals
Make fine birds. So fine clothes help
to make a fine-looking man. When
you want to appear at your best be
custom-tailored and your clothes will
tit right and conform to the most ap
proved in fashion. Let us show you
our excellent assortment of fabrics
and prove our qualifications to please.
George F. Shope, the Hill Tailor, 1241
Market street.
Is the measure of the man, but a
! tailor's measure of a man fits him
with the. clothing best suited to make
a good man appear at his best. Our
specialty is catering to "men who
care." There is a feeling of certainty
that one is well-dressed when lie
wears a Simms garment. A. J. Slmms,
22 North Fourth street.
May quench thirst as well as a great
river. Our soda fountain is closer to
the Square than the Susquehanna and
more effective as a thirst quencher.
Individual sanitary cups and all the
popular flavors and crushed fruits.
Two doors west of Market Square.
Gross' Drug Store, 119 Market street.
| Often conceals a dirty hand. But If
it's a white hand that's concealed by
a dirty glove, send the glove to us and
we will clean It. Gloves, plumes, hats
and the finest of summer wearing ap
parel is cleaned by our harmless pro
cess. When it's stained or soiled,
phone for Finkelstein, 1320 North
Sixth street.
Which piano to buy is easily solved
when you investigate the merits and
the price of the Lester pianos. The
Lester piano represents the highest
attainment ill piano building. Award
ed the gold medal for superiority at
the Alaska-Yukon Exposition. A Les
ter piano or player-piano will please
you. Convenient payments if desired.
H. G. Day, 1319 Derry street.
That noon-hour lunchrson that la
specially prepared for the busy men of
Harrlsburg at the Columbus Cafe la
surely a delicious luncheon for 40
cents. The food Is nicely cooked and
faultlessly served. Try one of these
luncheons to-morrow noon. Hotel Co
lumbus, Third and Walnut street*.
To your friends and home when you
are on your vacation. Tablet writing
papers and writing cases that can be
packed away compactly in your grip
or trunk are here in variety. Choice
papers in any desired shade or finish,
and the ever-convenfent fountain pens
in several standard makes. Cotterel,
105 North Second street.
A general expression heard wher
ever Hershey's All-Cream Ice Cream
Is eaten. Made of the purest ingre
dients and in accordance with the for
mula of Uncle Sam's expert, who used
our plant for six weeks making tests.
All cream secured from our own
creameries and pasteurized In our own
plant. Ask for Hershey's, because "It's
So Good."
ward alone: Lafayette street, where
scores of the cltys finest residences
were burned. The fire spread out to
another manufacturing center on the
shore of the harbor and destroyed
large factories. In the intervening
area scores of business houses were
swept away. The Salom hospital was
among the buildings burned, but all
the patients were safely removed.
Other Cities Assist
Great quantities of apparatus ffom
neighboring cities assisted in fighting
the flames and finally succeeded in
checking their passage southward. To
the eastward they burned themselves
out at the water's edge. The final
stand was made near the Boston and
Maine railroad station. Here several
buildings were dynamited and the
firemen at last gained the upper hand,
saving the northeastern part of the
A separate fire, which the police say
was of incendiary origin, destroyed
thirteen dwellings in North Salem and
threatened the plant, of the Salem Oil
Army and Red Cross
to Help Stricken Salem j
By Associated Press
■Washington, D. C., June 26. —Ernest i
P. Blcknell, national director of the ]
Red Cross, left to-day for Salem to |
direct relief work. The Red Cross
has sent $5,000 and is prepared to I
raise a large fund if necessary. Mabel j
T. Boardman, chairman of the Na
tional Relief Board of the Red Cross,
will also go to Salem.
Mr. Bicknell also requested the As-j
sociated Charities of Boston, an insti
tutional member of the Red Cross, to
offer its services to the stricken city in
organizing and directing relief meas
ures. This telegraph was sent to
Governor Walsh and the Mayor of
"American Red Cross offers its
services and will gladly render any
possible assistance. Associated Chari
ties of Boston, representing the Red
Cross, have been asked to place ex
perienced jjeople at your command.
Massachusetts Red Cross boards, of
which Governor Walsh is president,
and Gardiner M. I,ane, treasurer, have
authority to open relief fund If needed.
Please communicate with Mr. Larie."
Secretary Garrison, after a confer
ence with Representative Gardner, of
Massachusetts, called upon Colonel H.
L. Hawthorne, at Fort Warren, in Bos
ton harbor, to forward a complete re
port of conditions In Salem. Mr. Gar
rison said the army would co-operate
in the relief worok if the Massachu
setts authorities found their resources
[Continued From First Pa«e]
"Splendid." The rains of the past few
days have been a wonderful help.
Vegetation can fairly be seen grow
ing the past few days since it has had
new moisture. Corn is well on the
way to a Mg crop. Wheat, though
quite seriously Infested with the Hes
sian fly, is still .comparatively better
than last year.
In some of the shale soil sections of
northern Lancaster and southern Dau
phin counties, corn has secured a
good start and a big crop is looked
for. In places where the crop is not
well advanced the drawback Is due
entirely to the wire worm. Many farm-
I ers have had trouble to replant their
crop three to four times and it is not
yet started. A good bit of land is
going into potatoes this year. There
are farmers who have as high as
twenty-five acres. There were more
seed potatoes bought from Maine than
ever before, it Is said.
Wheat Will Be Good
The wheat crop will be good, but
the danger from the Hessian fly in
the southern section and the northern
part of Lancaster county Is quite ser
ious. The clover crop is rather short
on account of the drought. In some
places where the rock formation runs
to within a few Inches of the surface
the clover was scorched and burned
out. Timothy is in a very good condi
tion and the rains have helped its
growth to a great extent. (
The particular advantages of cab
bage as a paying crop have been stud
led lately-by Dauphin county farmers,
and as a result the acreage is larger
than before. The early cabbage is
heading up nicely! Tn fact, several
farmers wete selling their first heads
as early as last week.
Without an exception the fruit crops
will be larger than last year—and
better. Every year there are more
sprayed and carefully-treaded orch
ards and the outpjit is consequently
improved in quality, if not in quan
tity. Peaches will be plentiful.
' +>
Lancaster County Farmers Declare
Execution of Hall Brought
Thunder and Lightning
Belief that Wednesday night's thun
derstorm, which with its high wind
and sharp bolts of lightning did con
siderable damage to crops in the lower
end of this and in Lancaster county,
was a direct result of the hanging of
Pascal Hall, was expressed by several
farmers yesterday.
Paul Schmiedel, a tobacco salesman
of 1536 Derry street, who was down
through Lancaster county yesterday,
says that half a dozen farmers whom
he talked to spoke of the storm and
said it had followed because of the
hanging. It seemed to be a well
founded superstition throughout this
section of the country that a severe
electrical storm invariably comes
within twelve hours after a man
mounts the gallows.
The superstition to this effect is not
$25,000 Stock of
Auto Supplies On
Special Sale
We have purchased the entire stock of one of the largest automobile supply
stores in the east. The entire stock will be sold at special prices, averaging.
25 to 50% Reductions
This, combined with our regular stock, gives you selections from the
Largest Assortment of Automobile Supplies and Accessories be
tween New York and Pittsburgh at prices lower than ever before offered.
* All articles have our regular guarantee. Mail orders will receive imme
diate attention. Goods attached to cars without extra charge.
City Auto Supply House
Both 'Phones E. L, LEINBACH, Manager
: cxn-pir ftp™*) CALL \m-m ■*;
■ »;*** fijoamuMti
: Many Men Will Buy Their
Suits Here Saturday
i ► A timely purchase in New York last week enables us to offer <
: $12.50 and $13.50 Suits for $9.50, and \
: $15.00 and $16.50 Suits for $12.50
* Plenty of Gray and Blue Wor-1 . . '
$Q §? # jK
* Tan Homespuns Xn
► Striped Cassimercs mu l \ W / \ \
► Pin Striped Unfinished- Wor- Worth $12.50 I \V K
* steds and $13.50 pi f/w A \
► English Pin Dots P I i
;| " STYLES Wrm T
► English Models, soft roll lapel, patch or regular i l lIS ■ I r / <
► pockets; Conservative Models; stouts and shorts. ) Jj J J \ I <
► At $12.50 We Offer You fl 1
I► AH Wool Blue Serges 1 MJM ~ r/|j j\ < |
! y Blue Worsteds Sftflff 4 i
[ Striped Worsteds _ J J f
$lO 50 fVI r :
► Unfinished Worsteds IX* """" // L\ 7 <
' English Models J 11 ] |
:st™d ve ..:wonh.sisandsi6.so Ml i
We have employed extra salespeople who under- Sjr
L stand the stock and will wait on you promptly. <
| • Third Floor —
I confined to this section, however, as
the belief is fairly widespread. Storms
' that followed well-known executions,
! Buch as Charles I, Mary Queen of
I Scots and others appear to bear out
I the contention. On the other hand
.TUNE 26, 1914.
there have probably been a good many
hangings which were not followed by
any perturbation of the atmosphere.
Tokio, Japan, June 2. Takashi
Nakamura, formerly consul general at
Ottawa, Canada, and at London, Eng
land, was to-day appointed Japanese
consul general at New York. Saburo
Kurusu was appointed Japanese con
sul at Chicago.