Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 26, 1914, Page 16, Image 16

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No more puffed-up, burning
sweaty, calloused feet
or corns.
Gtood-bye sore feet, burning feet,
(swollen feet, sweaty feet, smelling
feet, tired feet.
Qood-bye corns, callouses, bunions
.and raw spots. No more shoe tight
ness, no more limping with pain or
Mrawirig up your face in agony. "TIZ"
Is magical, acts right off. "TIZ" draws
®*t all th» poisonous exudations which
puff up the feet—the only remedy that
does. Use "TIZ" and wear smaller
khoes. Ah! how comfortable your feet
►will fe®T "TIZ" is a delight. "TIZ"
la harmless.
Get a 28-cent box of "TIZ" now at
fcny druggist or department store.
E>on't suffer. Have good feet, glad
[feet, feet that never swell, never hurt,
|never get tired. A year's foot comfort
or money refunded. —Ad-
National ftakl
I Send for this |l
If Booklet
PH It Is yours, free. Learn
K&j of the wonderful park tours
H£B devised for you. Learn
|H how easily and how chcap
ly you can see all of the
marvels. Everything has
H been planned for your com-
M fort, even the expense has
Rj» been figured. Write today
for this folder. It opens the
way to Fairyland via the
I Union Pacific
».C.«IT,BOI : HXE, G. Ajrt. i
Hi 841 Ctaentnut Street
B Philadelphia, Pa.
There's a Reason
For Baldness—
But No Excuse For It
Hon To Prevent Gravueni What To
Do If Already Hald
Neglect of the hair and scalp is the
primary reason for baldness in nearly
ell CBLBOB. But any excuse for the neg
lect is necessarily a poor excuse. A
little systematic attention and the use
of a really good hair tonic will destroy
*nd prevent the return of dandruff.
That in turn, prevents premature gray
jiess and baldnees. Tho SAFE way is
-to mix your own hair tonic at home,
or have a reliable druggist mix it for
you, according to this formula: Dis
solve one-halt drachin Menthol Crys
tals In six ounces Bay Rum: then add
two ounces Lavana de Composee. Mix
thoroughly. Rub into the scalp with
fingers or stiff brush night and morn
ing. This is tho best-known formula
for dandruff, to stop falling hair, to
cleanse and beautify the hair, and to
Stimulate the growth of new hair.
One of the ingredients not only stim
ulates the hair-growing follicles, but
tends to revive the activity of the
pigment-forming cells, so as to make
prematurely gray hair turn back to its
tiatural color. The Ingredients of this
hair tonic can be purchased at any
drug store. Try this tonic night and
morning for 30 days, even if totally
bald; it has accomplished wonders for
Personally conducted Baltimore to
MOUNTAINS, ETC., Wednesday, July
22, 1914, Twelve-Day Trip, $67.90, In
cluding all necessary expenses.
Baltimore to BOSTON, NEWPORT
day, August 10, 1014, Ten-Day Trip
$02.00, including: all necessary expenses!
Send for Itinerary.
W. P. Turner, P. T. M., Baltimore, Md.
Speed in Stenography
H&rrisburg Business College
Day and Night. Business,
Shorthand and Civil Service. In
idividual Instruction. 28th year.
$29 Market St. Hsrrisburg, Pa.
(Try Telegraph Want Ads.,
Bryan's Answer Withheld in Notes
Orer California Anti-
Alien Law
Special to The Telegraph
Washington, June 2tt.—Diplomatic
correspondence between the United
States and Japan over the California
anti-alien land law, extending over a
period of more than a year was pub
lished to-day simultaneously In
Washington and Tokio by agreement
of the two governments.
It disclosed that a new treaty was
discussed as one way of meeting
Japan's protest against what her dip
lomatic correspondence characterized
throughout as "essentially unfair and
invidiously discriminatory," "inconsis
tent with the sentiment of good neigh
borhood," "inconsistent with the
treaty in force," "abridgement of vest
ed rights," and against provisions of
the California law, "mortifying to the
government and the people of Japan."
Japan Opposed New Treaty
But as late as June 10, two weeks
ago, the Japanese Ambassador, Vis
count Chinda, left with Secretary
Bryan "Instructions" from the Tokio
Foreign Office that the projected
treaty would tend to create new dif
The Japanese Government, there
fore, the note said, was "disinclined
to continue the negotiations looking
to the conclusion of a convention on
the lines of the projeot which has
been under discussion, but they pre
fer to recur to the correspondences
which were interrupted, and they will
now look for an answer to the note
hahded Mr. Bryan on August 26, hop
ing that" In a renewal of the study
of the caee a fundamental solution of
the question at issue may be found."
Japane.se Note
The Japanese note of August 26,
which Mr. Bryan was asked to ans
•wer, concluded as follows:
"The imperial government claims
for Its subjects fair and equal treat
ment and is unable either to acquiesce
in the unjust and obnoxious discrim
ination complained of, or to regard
the question as closed so long as the
existing state of things is permitted
to continue."
Two days ago Secretary Bryan re
plied to that communication but pub
lication of the note was withheld to
day because it could not be included
in tho correspondence made public at
Tokio. tl will be published on a date
to be agreed upon later. It is under
stood that Secretary Bryan replied di
rectly to the Japanese Government's
desire to take up the negotiations
anew where they were suspended and
reaffirmed the position of the United
States, leaving the subject open for
further diplomatic exchanges.
May Mean Arbitration
So, there the controversy stands, ap
parently at a deadlock. There are in
timations in diplomatic circles that it
is being worked around to a stage for
arbitration at the Hague. A stand
ard arbitration treaty with Japan now
is in force, having only recently been
renewed. The proposed treaty which
was halted by Japan's latest attitude,
it is understood, proposed to touch
upon the naturalization of those Japa
nese already owning lands.
Two new acts came to the Colonial
yesterday to finish out the week with
La Graciosa, the beautiful posing act,
and both of them contain the welcome
element of singing. One is a trio —
the Gay Bartlett Trio —of three men,
one of them a comedian who makes
the house laugh, but all of them ex
cellent vocalists, and the applause
they received at both shows last night
was sufficient to prove that it pays
to book good singing acts in Harris
burg. Peggy Dougherty is a delight
ful young woman in excellent voice,
who does four numbers all of them
of high class and all good. Her work
is much enjoyed. The usual country
store feature scheduled for to-night
promises the customary number of
good laughs.—Advertisement.
Stripped of the sentimental side, is
there anything to all this "uplift" talk
about the man who rises to the top
from the bottom? Is it any test of a
man's efficiency in a high position to
prove that he swept out the shop in
an acceptable way? Or isn't it often
the case that he really swept it so
badly that he was transferred to some
other Job that required less brains and
more nerve, uestions the editor of the
American Machinist
The life history of some of our most
prominent engineers and manufactur
ers, after the newspaper guff is scraped
off, indicates that their early training
In the shop had little or nothing to do
with their subsequent promotion. In
other words, there are many trades or
professions in which the early training
as now practiced has little or no bear
ing on promotion from one to another
of the higher positions which they
Special to The Telegraph
New Bloomfield, Pa., June 26.—0n
Wednesday morning Mr. and Mrs. J.
C. Llfrhtner, of ilarrisburg, Professor
and Mrs. L. E. McOinnes, Mrs. Carrie
Snavely, of Steelton, Mrs. Belle Truby,
of Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Mary Mil
liken and Mrs. Samuel Maine, of Dun
cannon, comprised ,an automobile
party on a trip to Blain, New Ger
mantown, Landlsburg and other
places in the county. They were re
viewing the scenes of earlier days and
renewing friendships.
Special to The Telegraph
New Bloomfield, Pa., June 26.—The
New Bloomfield borough schools were
announced as follows: High school,
the Rev. J. Thomas Fox; grammar
school, S. S. Wlllard; intermediate,
Mlbb Anna Clouaer; primary, Miss
Zula Swartz.
Center township schools were let as
follows: Mansville, Prank Purgeson:
Laurel Grove, Lawrence E. Culp; Mar
kers, Guy Kretzing; Center, Clarence
Eby; Airy View, Miss Grace Hoffman;
Okefenoke, John Myers; Comp's, H.
S. Frownfelter; Jericao, Miss Eliza
beth Roth.
Special to The Telegraph
New Bloomfield, Pa., June 26.—.
Henry Weaver, of Center township,
while raking hay yesterday got his
foot caught in the rake wheel In some
way and had his leg broken.
Edgar Hower, of Center township,
while putttng up his hay fork in his
barn on Monday fell down the hay
hole and his collarbone was broken
in two places, the bones protruding
i through the flesh.
Kennedy's Cut-Prices
159 Reasons Why
You Should Always Get Our Prices First
rv v 11— W vl D rc • THESE PRICES PROVE IT
Carmen's Powder 350
Pebeco Tooth Paste 340
Woodbury's Facial Cream 170
Squibb's Talcum Powder 140
Frostilla 150
Azurea Talcum Powder 190
Azurea Face Powder 890
Roger & Gallet's Rice Powder 170
Mermen's Talcum 120
Amolin Powder 150
Leichner's Face Powder, small 190
Palm-Olive Cream 340
Pyorrhocide Tooth Powder ' 750
Hokara Skin Food 180
Jergen's Violet Glycerine Soap 70
Othine 690
Mercolized Wax 550
Hagan's Magnolia Balm 550
Pond's Vanishing Cream 170
Woodbury Face Powder 170
Jess Talcum 150
Lablache Face Powder 340
Woodbury's Soap 170
Cuticura Soap 180
Rosaline » 170
Sanitol Tooth Paste • 150
Pear's Scented Soap 150
Java Rice Powder 250
Munyon's Witch Hazel Soap 70
I Milk Weed Cream 340
Elcaya Cream 330
Stillman's Freckle Cream 390
Kalpheno Tooth Paste 190
Sanitol Tooth Powder 150
Johnson's Baby Powder 150
Babcock's Corylopsis Talcum ; 130
Calox Tooth Powder 170
Arnica Tooth Soap
Delatone 7(io
Sal-Hepatica 70, H* 17*
!*J 'Quinine Pills, 100 J9O
■J Listerine 670, 340,' 170
m Clyco Thymoline .' 750, 380, 180
Bromo Mint 390, 190, 90
im Hood's Sarsaparilla 670
|| Ayer's Sarsaparilla 73^
|| Scott's Emulsion (570 and ' 370
II Angier s Emulsion 690 and 360
Russell Emulsion -....730
in Wampole's Extract Cod Liver Oil 670
|l Gude's Peptomangan 750
H Fellow's Syr. Hypophosphites ' 670 and 980
P Lydia Pinkham's Compound 690
H Canthrox 330
i|B Eckman's Alterative '... .$1.49
f| Resinol Ointment 750 anc i ;}BO
m Atwood's Bitters
H Cuticura Ointment 380
U Mellin's Food ...550 and*34o
M Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur 670 and 340
H Castoria * 230
jig Lydia Pinkham Pills J7^.
|§ Baunie Analgesique 390
M Carter's Liver Pills |4^
n| Doan's Kidney Pills 350
Laxol !!170
j& DeWitt's Kidney Pills .340
11 Beecham's Pills i7O and 80
■ Diapepsin 34^
1 Lydia Pinkham's Wash !170
■ Oriental Cream sl.lO
g Djer Kiss Talcum Powder 210
Mary Garden Talcum Powder [[ .450
n William's Talcum Powder !150
H Pinaud's Lilac Water . 530
H Roger & Gallet's Talcum 15^
B Pompeian Massage Cream 320, 480 and 630
BE Mum J 7^,
HI (Coty's) Jack Rose Ext., oz ...!.'JS2.3O
I We Have Only the One Store in Harrisburg, Which Is H
1 Opposite Bowman's Department Store
Hershey, Pa., June 26.—A telegram
was received here from I. W. Taylor,
of Neffsville, who la attending the ses
sions of the Brethren annual national
conference at Seattle, stating that the
next annual gathering will be held at
Hershey Park. This will bring the
largest number of people to the
chocolate town that ever assembled
and It U expected that from 40,000
io 60,000 members of the deaomlna
HARBISBURG telegraph
tlon will attend the sessions. Mr.
Hershey, the chocolate manufacturer,
will erect additional buildings for the
holding of the meetings and the en
tertainment of the immense gather
Smith was one of the foremost engl
ners of his time. Hla one fault was an
•normous bump of conceit He com
pleted a piece of work "for a large cor
f>oration and was compelled to sue for
lis fee. which was *2K,QOO.
He was bein* cross-examined by the
(Coty's) Jack Rose Toilet Water $2.10 I
(Coty's) Jack Rose Sachet sl.lO fi
Hind's Honey and Almond Cream 340 and 750 fl
Horlick's Malted Milk 340, 750 and $2.98 B
Borden's "Malted Milk 340, 750 and $2.98
Nestles Food 380 and $1.90
Bromo Seltzer ... 70, 160, 330 and 660
Charcoal Tablets 90, 3 for 250
Sulphur and Cream Tartar Tablets , 90
Blaud's Iron Pills 170
Calomel Tablets, 1-10 gr .'.170
Rhintis Tablets _ . .170
Carbona ' 120, 170 and 340
Phelp's Rheumatic Elixir 670
Munyon's Remedies 170 '
Humphrey's Remedies ...180
Quaker Herb Extract 730
Jad's Salts 57^
Croxone .. 550
Bell's Papayan's 170 and 500
Nature's Remedy 170, 340 and 670
Tlz 170
Pond's Extract 170, 340 and 670
Peruna (57^
Mai tine Preparations 750
Dioxogen 160,' 320' and 480
Sugar of Milk (Merk's) 250
Pluto Water, quart 250
Mayr's Stomach Remedy ".' 070
Lavoris *. 190 and 380 I
V ernas Lotion 120 and 170
Bold Sulphur Cream , 580
Sargol 340 and 670
Hall s Catarrh Cure 530
Sanatogen 750, $1.48 and $2.75
Phenol Sodique 80 and 280
Musterole 170 an( j 34^.
Father John's Medicines ...., 340 and 670 pi
Cater s K. & B. Tea ] 70
Haarlem Oil Capsules .170
Nulfey Tablets 3£U.
Lapactic Pills (S. & D.) 270 If
Bliss Native Herb Tablets 590
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 340 and 670
Dagget & Ramsdell Cold Cream, 80, 170, 250, 370
Rubifoam 17^
iZhongiva 380
Resinol Soap 180
Sayman's Soap 70, '3 f o j- 200
Swamp Root 340 and 670
Mentholatum 170 and 340 H
Palmer s Skin Success *l7O B
Husband s Magnesia 280
Phillip's Milk of Magnesia 370
S- S. S. 670 and $1.17
Dr. Hand s Remedies 170 I
Syrup ot higs 34^.
Pierce's Remedies s7s
Celery King Tea \7<j'
Omega Oil 170' and 340
Sloan's Liniment 170 and U0 I
1 onsihne and 34^
Hay s Hair Health 340 and 660
Danderine 170, 340 and 670
Herpicide 340 and 670
Hind's Cold Cream 17^.
Glycerine pt ., 250 and Y pt.', 450
Bay Rum Portorican pt., 250 and 1 pt., 450
Boric Acid, pound .• 250
Epsom Salts, pound 5^
Cascara Tablets, 2-gr., 210; 3-gr., 250; S-gr.,' 320
Cod Liver Oil, pint 45^.
Aspirin Tablets, 100 for ['' ]' *650
Sulphur, pound, 5^
Castor Oil, ]/ 2 pint 250
Rochelle Salts, pound 300
Sodium Phosphate, Granular, pound 150
Fluid Ext. Cascara Aramatic, 3 ounces ... .....'.250 H
Cream Tartar, pound 35^
Witch Hazel (Triple Strength), pint .170
attorney acting as counsel for the cor
poration. "On what ground do you
base your exorbitant charge on this
miserable piece of work?"
"On the ground that 1 am the great
est engineer In the world."
After the suit had been concluded one
of Smith's friends came to him and in
C A STORIAFor Infants and Children. Bears tn®
Tbi Kind YmHawAlwiw Bought T"
TUNE 26, 1914.
an admonishing tone said: "Smith, you
should never make such statements in
public; allow others to acelriim you as
the greatest In your profession."
Smith answered: "I know It, and I
(eit like a blooming idiot up there on
the stand: but, blast It all, 1 was under
Going! Going! is your chance
to buy Kelley's Broken, Egg,
Stove and Nut coal at 50c reduc^
We will fill your bins for next
winter and give you the benefit
of the year's lowest coal prices,
but you must order now.
Don't throw this chance away
to cut down your coal bill. We
don't lose anything, but you will
gain something—quality coal at a
big saving. Order before July 1.
1 N. Third St.—loth & State Sts.
■anil ■
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Effect May 24, 1914.
TRAINS leave Harrisburg—
For Winchester and Martlnsburg at
5:03, *7:50 a. m., *3:40 p. m.
For Hagerstown, Chamber-burg, Car.iy
lisle, Mechanicsburg and intermediated
stations at 6:03, *7:50, *ll:63'a. m.
•3:40, 5:32, *7:40, *11:00 p. m.
Additional trains for Carlisle and
Mechanicsburg at 9:48 a. m., 2:18, 3:27
6:30, 9:30 a. m.
For Dillsburg at 6:03, *7:50 and
*11:53 a. in., 2:18, *3:40. 6:32 and 6:30
P. ni.
•Dally. All other trains dally except
Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE,
J. H. TONGE. Q. P. A.
Doubling Gap Spring*, Pa.
An ideal mountain, health, and pleaa
ure resort. Dry climate, refined en
vironment. 114 th year. All conveni
ences. Special rates for July and
August. Mrs. Geo. A. Freyer, Owner.
Will take several refined Christian fam
ilies as summer boarders. Nice lawn,
croquet game, farm cooking, etc. Ad
dress, Rheems, Pa., Box 167.
Sea Girt, N. J„ directly on the beach.
Grandest location on the coast.
American plan. Alwayt open. Capacity 600. OB
be«ch directly between the two treat Ocean Plert.
Muaic and dancinf. Garage. Illustrated literature.
Ownership management. Private P. O. Box 855.
Virginia Ave. near Beach, best loca
tion. Capacity, 300. Thoroughly mod
ern; elevator, private baths, etc. Ex
cellent table. Special, $2.00 up daily.
Booklet. E. H. LUNDY.
Best Located Popular Price Family
Hotel in Atlantic City, N. J.
New York Avenue, 50 yards from
Boardwalk. Overlooking Lawn and
Ocean, capacity 400. Elevator, private
baths, running water.
New Features LAWN TENNIS
Bathing from hotel, free shower baths.
RATES: $9, $lO, $12.50, sls, $17.50
weekly. $2 up dally. AMERICAN PLAN.
Write for free booklet and points of
Interest in Atlantic City.
Arkansas Ave. near Beach and Mil
lion Dollar Pier. $1.60 up dally; $8 to
$lO weekly. Good beds, good table. H.
from Beach. The most popular section.
Between the two famous piers, central
to all attractions; modern, high classy
hotel, as good as the best; capacity 250.1W
Will make vary special terms of SB, $lO,
$12.60, sl6 up weekly, including large
ocean rooms, metal beds, elevator,
baths, phones, superior table with white
service; table supplied direct from farm;
pure water, sanitary plumbing, porches
overlook the ocean and Boardwalk.
Booklet. W. F. WATTS.
Michigan Ave., near Beach. All outside
rooms, open surroundings. Excellent
table. $1.50 up daily, $8 to $12.60
weekly. C. S. GERKEN.
HOTEL BORTON. 18th season. Ocean
e"nd Tennessee Ave. Attractive, home
like hotel; cheerful surroundings. Book
let E. B. VOORHEES, owner and pro
The Lexington A t v «n":
nis courts adjoining beach. Only hotel
where KUrxt" may go from houxr to
■nrf In hHtliiiiit nttlre without lining
■trrrtH, which In prohibited. Care of
bathing suits and use of bath houses
is free. Running water In rooms; pri
vate baths. Tango parlors; orchestra.
$1.50 and up daily. $8 to $17.50 weekly.
American plan. White service. Book
let. PAUL C. ROSECRANS, Managsc.