Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 26, 1914, Image 1
Property Loss in Great Salem Conflagration Is Estimated a! $ 13,000,00& HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH LXXXIII — No. 151 RETAIL. JOBBING IND COMMISSION HOUSES TO DID CLUFLIN CO. Many Big Concerns Promise to Co operate and Get Business on Firm Basis CREDITORS PLAN MEETING John Claflin Pledges His Personal Fortune of $10,000,000 to * Help Defunct Organization By Associated Press New York, June 26.—With assur nnces of co-operation from the leading dry goods firms. fobbing and commis sion houses and the organization of merchandise creditors and the holders of the firm's paper. John Claflin to-du.v began the task of reorganization of the H. B. Claflin Company, which went into the hands of receivers yesterday. In a statement giving his reasons for the receivership Mr. Claflin said re garding possible reorganization that "a plan will soon be presented which we hope will prove acceptable to both creditors and to stockholders." Representatives of houses In the re tail, jobbing and commission business have expressed sympathy over the Claflin receivership and all united in a promise to co-operate with the com pany to the fullest possible extent in regaining a firm financial standing. The impression prevails to-day in financial circles that the firm will eventually pay 10c cents on the dollar If creditors allow sufficient time for the company to realize on its assets. Defender Bankrupt? An involuntary petition in bank ruptcy was tiled here to-day against the Defender Manufacturing com pany, of this city, makers of under wear, a subsidiary or the 11. H. Claflin company which failed yesterday. Re ceivers in equity proceedings were ap pointed at the time of the Claflin fail ure. but it was contended that the company was solvent. Creditors now seek to have it adjudged bankrupt. Counsel for the Claflin interests, it is understood, will oppose the petition. Members of the noteholders' protec tive committee, appointed yesterday to safeguard the interests of banks having some $30,000,000 of Claflin pa per, wont into session to-day at the National Bank of Commerce, whose president. J. S. Alexander, is chair man of the committee. A. C. Drew, secretary of the mer chandise creditors committee, esti mated to-day that merchandise cred itors have, claims of about $2,000,000. "It is our earnest hope," he said, "that merchandise creditors will deposit claims with our committee at the earliest moment. Immediate co-op eration is essential to produce satis factory results. In view of the pub lic importance of this matter, this committee has consented to represent creditors without cost to them." The liabilities of the company are placed at $34,000,000, principally in the form of commercial paper. The sets are placed at $44,000,000, and in addition John Claflin, it is stated, has pledged his personal fortune of $10,000,000. The outstanding paper is held by thousands of banks through out the United States and so widely scattered as to prevent a financial st%-iin in any one section which would I result in forcing the company to a i hasty settlement and probably prevent I reorganization. Creditors to Meet A meeting of the creditors to be | held in about ten days will determine whether the receivership shall he con tinued, and if so, on what terms they [Continued oil Page 8] GIFSTS HUIIT IX HOTEL FIRE Greensboro, X. C., June 26.—Henry T. Collof, of Philadelphia, a traveling man, was suffocated and several others were slightly injured when fifty guests were routed by fire from the Guilford Hotel early to-day. Several jumped from windows without serious Injury. BREAKS ARM IX FALIj Mrs. Sarah Schell, 228 South Fif teenth street, was admitted to the. Harrisburg hospital last evening suf fering with a fractured left arm which she received when she stumbled over the curb near her home. Late News Bulletins BOY KILLED BY READING TRAIN Reading. I'H., June 26.—An express train on the Reading Railway 1 struck a team at tlic grade crossing at Blandou this afternoon. Leon Rismillcr. aged 11. was killed. Harry Taner. aged 7. sustained injuries from which lie will die.. Charles Conrad, aged 12. was badly hurt Batavla, June 20.—The British Klntuck or the China M'utual Steam Navigation Company, crowded with emigrants, was reported ten hours overdue and it was reared she had met with an accident io connection with the earthquake recorded to-day.. A steamer has been sent rroin here to search tor her. Atlantic City, X. June 20.—P. Ezequlal Rojas. minister rrom Venezuela to the I nlted States, died at a hotel here to-day. Death was due to a heart condition or long standing. He arrived here two weeks ago with his secretary and valet, who were at the bedside at the end The body will be sent to Washington. The decca-scd was 83 years old. ' Batavla. -la*a, June 20.—>lany were killed or injured to-day in a xiolent earthquake which caused widespread damage in Southern Su matra. The offices of the Dutch resident and many other buildings col lapsed at Benkoelen, the capital, and telegraph and cable communica tion was interrupted, i Washington, June 2«.—President* Wilson sent the following tele gram to Governor Walsh to-day: "I am sure I speak for the American people In tendering heartfelt sympathy through you to the people of the stricken city of Salem. Can the federal government be of service in the emergency?" Santiago. Chile, June 20.—Great gratification is expressed bv the Chileun newspapers to-day at the success of the mediators at Xiugara Falls. Congratulations are showered on those who conceived and pro posed the idea of mediation. New York, June 20.—Following tl»e uncertain tone of the carlv afternoon the market gradually swung around to the highest level of this day in the final hour. I/eading stocks were then between 1 and 2 points above yesterdays closing. The market to-day showed a tendency to break away from the depressing influence engendered In' tiie t'laflln failure and save for a brief Interval showed a firm undertone. The clos ing was strong. Wall Street Closing—Chesapeake and Ohio, 50 U ; I/chlch Vallev ' Northern Pacific. 109 V*: Southern Pacific, 94%; Union Pacific, IR8?d: C. H. * St. Paul, 98: P. R. R., 109V6: Reading, 101%; N. Y. Central, 88%; Canadian Pacific, 192 !4; U. S. Steel, 60. 1 - ■ - - - - "MOVIE" MACHINE TO BE INSTALLED IN FIFTH STREET M.E. Rev. Hart Declares He Can Mater ially Increase Size of His Congregation Thereby EXPECTS MUCH CRITICISM Insists, However, That, This Is but One Step Further in Advance of Stereopticon In keeping with tlie rapidly chang ing methods of church work, the Fifth Street Methodist Church, of this city, will in the very near future install a complete and modern moving picture machine. For several weeks the pastor, the Rev. B. Jl. Hart, has been experiment ing in the Sunday evening service with storeopticon pictures and the results have been so satisfactory that he and the members of this church are pre pared to go a step further. Mr. Hart said this morning: "Yes. it is true that we are about to install a moving picture apparatus. The matter has been under consid eration for some time and a competent committee has l»een at work gathering data about the various kinds of ma [Continued on Page Paxtang Citizens to Meet Tuesday Night Paxtang's citizens will meet in the schoolhouse at 8 o'clock Tuesday even ing to arrange for all the details inci dent to the proposed organization of the borouph following the handing down of the formal incorporation de cree. >fflcers will be nominated for pre sentation to the court for appoint ment. Chairman W. E. Seel has is sued the call for the meeting. DIKE HAS TYPHOID FEVER By Associated Press Xaples, .Tune 26.—The Duke of osta, eldest cousin of King Victor Em manuel. is suffering from an attack of typhoid fever caused by eating oysters. The Puke, who is a lieutenant general in the Italian army, Is 4 5 years old. INDIAN BRAVES OF CITY 10 HOLD BIG PARADE ON JULY 17 Will Celebrate Elevation of Local Man to Head of Order in Pennsylvania Great Sachem Charles E. Pass, of the Great Council of Red Men of Pennsylvania, who is a Harrisburger, will be honored by chiefs and many braves on the night of July 17 in this city. in celebration of Mr. Pass' re-elec tion to the highest office in the order of Red Men in Pennsylvania and to show their appreciation, every tribe in Harrisburg will parade. With the local tribes on parade will be tribes from Steelton, Highspire, Middletown and other surrounding towns. Invita [Continued on Page I] WORKMAN ELECTROCUTED By Associated rress Reading. Pa., June 26.—While look ing for a break caused by the storm of Wednesday night, William 11. Eyler, 25 years of age, was electrocuted this morning. He was perched on a forty foot pole when he lost his balance, grasped a live wire and was shocked to death. HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 26, 1914. THE DEMOCRATIC LAMB - ■ I HI I 111 k •iinaiiiMii mUMMMif ■ "SPLENDID" CHOPS IN THIS COUNTRY IS PRESENT PREDICTION Rains of Past Several Days Have Been a Wonderful Help Say Agriculturists From the hot fields of Dauphin county with their growing crops of grain, corn, grass, alfalfa and fruit excellent reports of the conditions were brought this week by agricul turists. Excluding a few dark spots here and there the crop situation t well might be epitomized in one word: [Continued on Page 20] Flight Across Ocean Is Again Postponed By Associated Press N. Y., June 26. — The definite, announcement yesterday that the transatlantic aeroplane Amer ica would not be shipped to New Foundland until July 11 means that the flight to Europe cannot begin about the middle of July, as had been planned. It will take four or five days to make the trip from New York to New Foundland by steamer and then the assembling of the machine and further trials will delay the over sen flight until July 23 or 24. The delay in shipping the machine, it is said. Is due to thf fact that Glenn 11. Curtiss, her constructor, wishes to experiment with new auxiliary hydro pin nes. ft was reported Jiere to-day that if the America Is not in perfect trim by the end of July, John C. Porte, who will pilot the aeroplane, will postpone the trip until August, so that ho can have the benefit of the full moon while flying across the ocean. l_ Fine "Movie" Owner For Hiring Lad Aged 13 Charged with violating the child la bor law prohibiting the employment of any person under the age of four teen years. Edward Conners, manager of the Realty theater. Mlddletown, was fined $lO and costs of prosecution by Alderman Hilton yesterday afternoon. Information against Conners was made by James T. McCormick, an In spector for the Department of Labor and Industry. It Is alleged that Ed mond Yost, aged 13 years, was em ployed by Conners In his "movie." GENERAL WHISTLER DIES AT HIS SUMMER RESIDENCE tly Associated Press Tampa, Ela., June 26.—Garland N. Whistler, aged fifi, U. 8. A., retired, Is dead at his summer home here. Gen era' Whistler Invented smokeless pow der and a system of fire control for artillery coast defense by which offi cers in a central station can map out the exact location of approaching ves sels. , < Million Dollar Blast Furnace to Be Built at Penna. Steel Mills Work Started Today; To Be Strictly Modern in Detail With 500 Tons Per Day Capa city; Brings Joy to Hundreds of Unemployed; Improvement Work Well Under Way Official confirmation was made at the offices of the Pennsylvania Steel company this morning that work has been started on the construction of a new blast furnace at the big Steelton mills. This new furnace with its ore yard and other appurtenances will cost ap proximately $1,000,000 and more thfia a year's time will be required for its completion. The management of the steel com- JOHNSON AND MOHAN BOTH CLAIM VICTORY ON EVE OF BIG FIGHT Poor of Paris Will Benefit by Championship Bout; 10 Per Cent of Receipts For Them By Associated Press Paris, June 26. Both Jack John son, heawweight champion of the world, and Frank Moran, of Pitta burgh, challenger for the title, finished their training to-day and each of them declared himself in the best possible condition for their contest to-morrow night. "I shall win sure," was the cable gram Johnson sent to his mother in Chicago to-day, while a friend of Mo ran, who visited him at his training quarters at Meriel on the Ooise, said that, the challenger was no less confi dent. The advance sale of seats indicates [Continued oil Page 11. Foreign Trade Details Set Fourth in Report By Associated Press Washington, June 26.—Details of the $4,279,000,000 foreign trade of the United States during last year are set forth in the annual report on com merce and navigation just issued by the Department of Commerce. They show exports exceeded imports by $653,000,000. Exports of manufac turers amounted to more than six times the Imports of like classes. Last year 80 per cent, of American foreign! trade was carried in foreign vessels j while in 1850 seventy per cent, of our| commerce was carried in American ships. pany has foreseen the turning of the j tide politically. It realizes that Demo- j cratlc mis-rule at Washington can be but temporary and It is putting itself in position to take full advantage of the prosperity that is sure to return. The new furnace will probably be known as the No. 5 blast furnace. It will be built In line with the present No. 3 and 4 -blast furnaces and will [Continued on Page 13] FISCAL OFFICERS MOVE TO BLOCK BAY REPAIR Ask to Have Appeal From Auto License Fund Decision Act as Supersedeas in Case Counsel for Auditor General A. W. Powell and State Treasurer R. K. Young, who last night appealed to the Supreme Court from the decision of Judges McCarreli and Henry, uphold ing the constitutionality of the ap propriation clause of the automobile license act of 1913, to-day took a step to block any payment from the million dollar accumulation In the Treasury to the Highway Department for re pair of State roads until the case is decided by the highest court. The action simply means that everything is to be hold up as it has been since last summer and that the Highway Depart [Continued on Pace 15.] Bankers Want to Know Rates For Collections By Associated Press Washington, June 26.—Repeated inquirie's are made at the Treasury Department by banners throughout the country as to whether the Federal Reserve Board will have the Federal Reserve act as a clearing house and what rate for collections will be fixed. Under the Federal Reserve act It is within the power of the board to per form the functions of a clearing house for the twelve reserve banks or desig nate one of the banks which Is to clear the business of the other eleven. Fur thermore the board may require each I federal reserve bank to act as a cle&r- I Ang house for all of its member banks, j 20 PAGES. . Thousand Buildings in Salem Destroyed; Loss Estimated at $10,000,000, Tents and Rations Sent to City to Care For Many Persons Made Homeless by Conflagrations; Three Lives Lost; Devastated Section of Historic Town Covers Several Square Miles; Governor Assists in Relief Work. fly Associated Press Salem, Mttss., June 26.—The con flagration which laid waste more than a thousand buildings in the historic city of Salem was burning Itself out to-day in the levelled ruins. City officials after making a careful compilation of values to-day figured the total loss at $10,000,000. The burned district followed the lines of a rough semi-circle, three miles In length and varying in width from half a mile to a mile and a half. Although many persons were in jured only three lives were lost. The charred body of Mrs. Jennie Cunning ham was found in Fafayette, street; Samuel I'. White}' was burned to death in his home and a badly charred body was found in the mill district. At least ten thousand persons, a fourth of the city's population, were made homeless. Thousands passed the night in the open. Many hundreds were sheltered in schools, churchep and public buildings in this vicinity and Beverly. Relore the tire liad been fairly checked relief measures ami plans for rebuilding were under way. Gover nor Walsh. lieutenant-governor Barry and Secretary of State Donahue spent the night here. The governor an nounced that five thousand tents and ten thousand rations would be ship ped to the city at once. He also is sued a. class for a public meeting at the State House in Boston to take further action. In the midst of the gloom caused by the staggering blow to the city, residents found cause for thankfulness in the the more noted bulld SAYS HER HUSBAND HIS 10IHEI WIFE . IN BRITISH ISLES * Asks Divorce Saying She Had No Knowledge of Former Wedding Until Short Time Ago In continued term of divorce court this morninK before Judge Kunkel Mrs. Grace Watson, 1111 Plum ave nue, this city, appealed for a decree'of separation, alleging that her husband, Thomas Watson, had a wife when he married her and that the first wife, undivorced, is still alive. Mrs. Watson said she and her hus band were happy until she learned that he was married before and that the first wife was living. Then she compelled him to leave. The wife wept as her mother related the story covering Watson's confession as a bigamist. Watson formerly lived in Cumber land county. At one time Watson lived in England and late in the eighties he enlisted in the British arqiy. i His regiment was in England in De cember, 1897, and on Christmas Day of that year he became the husband of Elizabeth Woodyear, whom he had known since childhood, the ceremony | being performed in the parish house, Dartmouth. Kent county, England. Three days later Watson s regiment was sent to South Africa. Upon his [Continued 011 Page 11. Former Harrisburger Loses Home in Salem The home of William H. Fitzimons, formerly of Harrisburg, was destroyed in the big lire at Salem last night. Telegrams from Mr. Fitzimons to his brother-in-law, Andrew S. Patterson, of the Union Trust company, say that i lie and his family escaped injury, but I that all their furniture and belongings I were burned. Mr. Fitzimons' store I was in danger at one time but was not ; damaged. The Fitzimons residence ! was in Gabot street near St. Joseph's | Catholic church and orphanage, both of which fell prey to the flames. Desire to See Aeroplane Cost Lad Broken Leg Amos Nye, aged 14, of 1018 South Twenty-first street, was eager to see the aeroplane flights at Pax tang Park yesterday afternoon and climbed a tree. His foot accidentally slipped and he fell twenty-five feet to the ground. He was taken to the ITarrisburg hos pital suffering with a fractured right leg. Taylor to Open Proposals For Apparatus June 29 M. llarvey Taylor, Park Commis sioner, will open proposals for one j or more motor combination chemical and hose wagons and one or more motor tractors on June 29. Recommendations covering the] awarding of the contract will not likely i be made by Commissioner Taylor be fore the July 7 meeting of the City. Commissioners. Uni6n Trust Company Increases Its Dividend i The Union Trust Company has an-j nouncfd that it will add one per cent. ■ to its annual dividends to stockhold- 1 ers. The increase was decided on at a meeting of the directors following a statement of business and earnings showing that the bank's business lius' had a substantial growth. i * POSTSCRIPT. ings and the museums, with their priceless collections of antiquities, were spared. The birthplace of Nar thaniel Hawthorne, the "House of Seven Gables" and the old custom House were threatened for a time and the flames approached dangerously close to the Peabod.v Museum and the Essex Institute, but none of these structures were damaged. a A second body was taken from the ruins this forenoon but it was so char red that the sex could not be deter mined. During the forenoon train and tr6U lo.v service was resumed and thou sands of sightseers thronged the city. Stores in the "business section which had been closed when the electric light' plant was burned, reopened and that part of the city resumed a more nearly normal appearance. S I'rompt response was made to a public appeal for relief Issued by Gov ernor Walsh. Henry C. Frick, of Pittsburgh, sent a check for $26,000. Wagons and automobiles loaded with food began to arrive from suin rounding cities at daylight and city ofrf (icials supervised its distribution. ' The companies of militia summon* ed to assist In maintaining order, pa trolled tho streets to-day. Martial law was not declared, but no one was permitted to approach the fire-swept area without a pass. Only one at tempt at looting was discovered. On the Common and Hji the out skirts of the city thousands of refugees tried to find a little rest during the [Continued on Page 20] SIGNS OF BUSINESS •" BEI/ll BECOMING EVIDENT-WILSON President's Declaration Ahead With Anti-Trust Pro gram Arouses Attention * \ Washington, D. C.. June 26.—Presi dent Wilson's emphatic declaration of the administration's intention to go straight ahead with its anti-trust pro gram and place those measures on the statute books of the country with the prediction of unparalleled prosperity to follow attracted widespread attention; here to-day. In congressional circles especially the President's utterances were read with keen interest an* ex-, cited much comment. While the # President's speech was addressed to members of the Virginia Press Association, it was meant for the entire nation. It was regarded, per haps, as the most important message the President has given to the business work and as his final answer to those who oppose the of the anti trust program at the present session of Congress. In Congress the belief was expressed, [Continued on Page 4] fc » THE WEATHER For Harrlsliurg and vicinity) Fair to-night and Saturday; some "lial warmer Saturday. For Eastern Pennsylvania) Fair to il In lit and Saturday; illghtlT warmer Saturday in north and went portion*!) gentle north and northwest winds. Hlver I « The StiHfiuehaiina river and Ita prin cipal tributaries will remain neary Mtatlonnry to-night nnd Snturday, except the tinner , portion** of the North and West 11 branches, whleh will fall slowly A Matte of 1.5 feet In Indicated . for Harrlsburg Saturday morning, j Temperature! Sa. m., 74; 2D. m «•» i Moon 1 First quarter, June 30, 2 t 24 Hlver Stave 1 1.5 feet above low water mark. Yesterday's Weather 11 lirbest temperature, 03. I.owest temperature, (10. Mean temperature, 81. Normal temperature, 72. IIIAIIIIUUIO I.ICKNSK*' William H. Enpley. Marj# vilie, ' an« Emma Eckles, Harrisburg. Chester E McAlichor and Vesta M. Evans, Harrisburg. Russell C. Shelley, Duncannon. and Martha J. Coble, Newport. r- , N GOING ON A VACATION* Don't forget to have the Telegraph sent you while you are away. You will have plenty of ttmo to 'digest its happenings. The cost is Just the same as w.hon you are home. Six cents a week. A Postal addressed to the Circula tion Department will bring you the next Issue. > „J , f \ Profite Better Than Ever A large safety razpr concern which has been advertising in the newspapers tinds that the first quarter of I#l4 shows larger sales and better profits than ever. Considering the fact period was not one of bOMn- . lng business the showing Is the more remarkable. I.ong experience has taught the owners of this raaor (hat they can get better results at less cost In the newspaper tits through any other medium. Dealers arc always glad to push these articles because the advertising in the papers cre ates a definite demand.