Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 24, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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O'er the Corpse of Dead Love
"I am twenty-two,
and am very much
In love with a mar
ried man
He does not love his
wife, and says if I
will marry him, he
will divorce his
PBWSWjTymJ wife. I cannot live
without him. Wh:it
shall I do ?
mf This is one of
many letters, all of
the same purport,
that lie before me.
They are the sad
f dcst letters I am
asked to read. The
p/hope in connection with many of
t*i is this promise at the end of
•gsie's" letter:
jIVU mo what to ilo. I want to do
Jit. I promise to tlo just as you
ph. all you little girls who love a
fen who has sworn at the altar "to
ye, honor and cherish," another
Ibman "until death us do part,"
lon't you stop and promise your
truggling little souls right now to
[o "Just as I Ray"?
ltoot Tt Out
/ And I say: Root this thing out of
lour life absolutely and utterly now
find forever.
j There are three people concerned
jin this sad triangle of wandering
llove. Let us consider them one at a
i First the wife. Ten or fifteen years
I ago she was young and pretty and
I caught the fickle fancy of the "light
1 of love" man who now turns bis At
tention to you. She gave him hpr
youth, her energy, her love and made
him the focusing point of her hppe
and dreams.
Boys Knves
i J
Speed in Sinography
Harrisburg Jtosiness College
Day and /Jight. Business,
Shorthand an Civil Service. In
329 Market Harrisburg, Pa.
Natihal Optical Co.
34 N. lf<l S», Xcar I'oMulTlce
J- '
WWconstipated when Regnlo
work. I'uu be had at all
?-4- —,
Try Telegraph Want Ads.
FlveMorcD ays
J| J| j| Of Which to Take
June Clearance Sale
$20,000 worth of Rugs. Furniture, etc., at 25 per cent, re
duction. Also Ladies' and Men's outfits in clothing at one-
Our remarkable prices and quality will open your eyes.
9x12 Axminster Rug—regular price $31.00, now $18.50
8.3x10.6 Axminster Rug—regular price $26.00, now . . .$16.75
9x12 Tapestry Rug—regular price $22.00, now $14.50
9x12 Matting Rug—regular price $6.50, now $1.98
Big line of all designs and quality at the same reduction
Carload of brass beds from $6.50 and up.
Will hold goods on small deposit for further delivery.
Do you dare walk to happiness—
if happiness it would prove for more
than a fleeting moment—over the
Taking your happiness over a dead
body isn't a pretty picture, is it? The
thing you are planning to do is uglier
and more hideous than that. It is the
murder of love and hope in another
woman's heart.
If you are selfish enough to be will
ing to do that you surely will con
sider your own happiness carefully.
Would you start across the ocean n
a leaky boat that had once sunk in a
little harbor voyage? Especially if it
had an incompetent captain?
You laugh at the absurdity of this
—but it is exactly what you are plan
ning to do.
The man who is letting his own
"Ship of Matrimony" sink isn't a safe
captain for your voyage.
The man who turns from the wife
who has given him body, soul and
spirit will turn from the girl who
has only one of these to give. Even
if you are sure you have the highest
and best love to give, why risk it on
a man who shows how little he appre
ciates such gift?
If the wife who won him honorably
can't hold him, how can you, who took
him when he was in honor bound to
another woman, hope to keep him
loyal to you?
Hie Inevitable
Some day he will see a face that is
younger and fresher than yours and
that has the mystery and charm of
the unattainable. Then you will lose
him exactly as you gained him. And
you will not have the consolation of
the world's sympathy and comfort as
had the wife from whom you stole
him. Sneers and jibes and cruel
taunts will wait for the thief of love
who was not a clever enough trick
ster to hold her stolen property. I
Driver Injured When Wagon I
Pole Breaks Near Columbia!
Special to The Telegraph
Columbia, Pa., June 24. —Harry
Dumbaugh, driver of a bakery team,
had a narrow escape from serious in
jury yesterday when he was descend
ing a steep hill near here with two
horses. The tongue of the wagon
broke and the horses started to run
and the wagon struck a stone and was
overturned, throwing the driver under
the wreck. He was dragged for a dis-|
tance of thirty feet, but succeeded In
bringing the horses to a standstill. He
was badly cut and bruised about the
face and body.
Made Strong by Vlnol
Plant City, Fla. —"I was so run-down,
weak and nervous I could notdo my house
work or even bear to have my children
come near me and could not sleep. I tried
all kinda of medicine and was under the
doctors' care for years without benefit. |
But Vinol has restored my strength. I
sleep well and have gained 20 pounds." j
—Mrs. C. H. MILLER, Plant City, Fla.
If Vinol fails to create strength for !
pale, weak, nervous, run-down jnen or
women we return your money. ' 1
Geo. A. Gorgas, Druggist, Harris- j
burg. Pa.—Advertisement.
Sure Indications
of Lung Trouble!
Continued coughs, fevers and night I
| sweats, are among the symptoms of •
serious lung trouble. Rckmans Al- I
terative is most beneficial in bringing
relief, in many oases, complete recov- I
eries. Head this:—
Scheli City, Mo. I
'Gentlemen:—l had a terrible cough, [
night sweats ami pleurisy in my lungs.!
I A man who hearrl me coughing advised I
me to take your Alterative. I paid no |
attention to him them. I got so bad
1 the doctor said I should go to Wyom
ing. I did, and when I got there I
steadily grew worse. Then I remem
bered what had been told me about
your medicine. I began taking it.
Appetite soon improved, fever and
night sweats stopped and for over a j
year I have been well and in better!
hG ?I t J?J ha P« I ever was " (Abbreviated.)
(Affidavit) W. F. ROMA it I
hckman s Alterative is most effica
cious in bronchial catarrh and severe
throat and lung affections and un
building the system. Contains no
harmful or habit-forming drugs Ac
cept no substitutes. Sold bv leading
druggists Write Kckman
'Philadelphia, Pa„ for booklet of recov
i Not that he is worth holding—this
man who managed somehow to falsely
j win the love of two good women.
For I know you are good women.
All you little Sues and Resales and
Graces, who have been so grossly
cheated into thinking that base de
sire is love. And good women you
must remain.
Stop and consider the man for
whom you are ready to risk so much.
Even if he did marry you (and I
sadly doubt if he means to) could
you ever trust him? Wouldn't you
feel that his weakness and disloyalty
were part of him and a constant
menace to your happiness. Of course,
you would, for your common sense
must tell you that there is a quality
of shame and falseness and deceit
in the nature of a man who had made
love to you when bound to another
woman. You would be wearily and
warily waiting for the INEVITABLE
day when he would tire of you and
go oft oa another dishonorable woo
You would awake to the fact that
this man didn't want, wasn't worth
and couldn't understand, a good wom
an's BEST; and all women want the
man they love to call out the best
in them.
Save your BEST for the Right
Prince who is surely corning. Don't
behold him with burnt out fires of
a dishonorable love in your heart
and with the disgrace of that love
shackling you to a "past."
You want your future, little girl.
In being a married man's sweet
heart there is a shameful present
and a future of regret.
Send your counterfeit lover back
to his duty and wait for lasting
happiness. For as surely as you sow
in another woman's tears you shall
reap a harvest of sorrow in your own
bitter tears.
Attorney General Gives Important
Opinions to Three State
Officials Today
Attorney General Bell has given an
opinion to Secretary of the Common
wealth Robert McAfee in which he
informs him that it is his duty to ad
vertise the two apparently conflicting
proposed amendments to the Constitu
j tion. The proposed amendments re-
I late to the debt limit of Philadelphia.
| one to the city of Philadelphia and the
; other to the city and county of Phila
delphia. The. resolutions proposing
them passed the last Legislature and
must be passed by the Legislature of
1915 before being submitted to the
i people. In view of the provisions of
1 the amendments, the Secretary asked
whether it was essential that both be
! advertised.
In his opinion the Attorney General
' says: "No attempt has been made
j here to analyze the proposed amend
ments with any degree of care or to
[construe their provisions because such
| action is unneccessary in dispos
| ing of your inquiry, but it
I seems obvious that if both of
1 these amendments should be
j finally adopted by the people at the
• same time, it would be somewhat dif
i flcult to determine just what the peo
ple intended to provide in their Con
stitution with reference to the power
| of the city and county of Philadelphia
, to become indebted. The apprehended
I confusion and difficulty, however, is a
I matter for the consideration in the
first place of the members of the
House and Senate at the legislative
session of 1915."
Practitioners of optometry in Penn
sylvania are declared to be subject to
the provisions of the medical regula
tion acts of 1911 and 1913 and re
j quired to take out licenses as pre
scribed by the State Bureau of Med
lical Education, according to an opin
ion given to the bureau to-day by the
Attorney General's Department.
Another opinion given to-day is
t hat applicants for license as osteo
pathic practitioners must be able to
show four years' high school training
as a preliminary.
•376 Kimono Coat, 34 to 42 bust.
Bowman's sell May Manton Patterns.
Wilson Cussed For
Sending Golf Ball
Near Player's Head
By Associated Press
Washington, June 24.—The story of
how President Wilson, golfing on a
local green sent a ball whizzing near
another golfer's head and how the
other fellow roundly "cussed" the
President of the United States and
then, in confusion and chagrin, made
profupe apologies, had a sequel to-day
when President Wilson and the other
golfer exchanged letters one an apol
ogy and the other nn acknowledgment
coupled with a firm declaration from
the President that he was within his
rights under the rules of the game.
Managers of the club were expect
ing to take some action against the
"cussing" member when he wrote his
apology. i,ocal golf clubs compete
keenly for the President's game on
their greens; he probably will not visit
one of them again.
By Associated Press
Washington, June 24.—Although
August 1 is the date which Treasury
Department officials originally set )s
the probable time for the organiza
tion of the federal reserve banks, it
now seems likely that the organiza
tion will be not earlier than Septem
ber 1. The Senate's delay in the con
firmation of members of the Federal
Reserve Board and delay in the choice
of directors for the Federal Reserve
banks will defeat the plan to open on
August 1.
Sporting Hill, Pa., June 24.—When
the bottom of a washing machine fell
out yesterday at the home of W. D.
AVaughtel their 16-month-old daughter
was very badly scalded over the entire
body. The child was sitting on the
floor near by and the skin came off
in shreds when the clothing was re
moved. The child's condition is crit
Payments of life insurance claims to
Harrlsburgers in 1913, according to
figures compiled by the Insurance
Press, which has published a list of
individual claims for sio,ooo or more,
included: Archibald G. Knisely, $30,000;
Eugene M. Ensminger, $29,537; J.
Strouse, $25,000; Robert C. Iseal, $17,498;
Ira H. Scharadin, $16,474; Ehrman B.
Mitchell, SIO,OOO.
In Raspberry Time
[From the Mother's Magazine]
Incorporate one pound of self-rais
ing flour and a pinch of salt, with one
quarter of a pound of butter; add a
pint of milk and two beaten eggs. Mix
thoroughly, roll out thin, cut in circles
and line buttered patty-pans with
them. Fill with raspberry jam, or
stewed raspberries. Bake in *a hot
oven for about fifteen minutes. Serve
cold with whipped cream.
Stir one quart of ripe raspberries
with one pint of thick sweet cream,
one-half pound of sugar, a bit of grat
ed lemon peel or cinnamon. (The
berries should be passed through a
sieve before stirring with the cream.)
Whip thoroughly and serve in tall
Extract the juice from one quart of
berries aind strain; dissolve one pint of
sugar in the juice; add the juice of one
lemon and half a pint of water and
Force one quart of berries through
a sieve, add sugar to sweeten and
enough whipped cream to make a
thick spongy mixture. Serve in cus
tard glasses and garnish with large
fine raspberries.
Take one and one-quarter cupfuls of
raspberries, one cupful of powdered
sugar and the white of one egg and
beat with a wire whisk until very
stiff (about thirty minutes). Pile
lightly on a serving dish, chill and
serve with a sauce made as follows:
Beat one egg and the yolk left from
the above, whip slightly, add three
tablespoonfuls of sugar and a pinch
of salt. While stirring constantly add
one and one-half cupfuls of hot milk.
Cook in a double boiler, continuing
stirring until the mixture thickens and
adheres to the spoon. Strain, chill and
flavor with one-half teaspoonful of
Pour a cupful of cold water and a
cupful of fine granulated sugar over
half a package of gelatin, and let
stand until stiff. Add a cup of boil
ing water and the juice of two lem
ons. Bent the whites of four eggs,
add to the gelatin and continue to
beat until white and frothy. When on
tne point of "setting" fold in a pint of
whole ripe berries. Pour into a mold
and set away to harden. Serve cold
with whipped cream.
Y. M. C. 1. BUYS GET
Inglenook Will Attract a Number
of Youths For Fortnight
in the Open
While Harrisburg will not have a
large delegation this year at the state
Young Men's Christian Association
camp for boys at Inglenook, sixteen
miles north of the city at Clark's Ferry
Dam, there will be, perhaps, a dozen
to make the trip. Theodore Scheffer,
physical director of *he Harrisburg
Young Men's Christian Association,
will be on duty at the camp.
Getting started so late this season,
Secretary Sarcka will not be able to
get a big crowd of boys for the State
Young Men's Christian- Association
camp at Inglenook, but hopes to have
a few youngsters to send to represent
the new Johnstown branch. Camp
opens on Friday, June 26, and con
tinues until July 10, being under the
supervision of the executive committee
of the State Young Men's Christian
This Is the third season for the
camp, located sixteen miles north of
Harrisburg on the Clark's Ferry Dam.
The farm contains thirty-eight acres
of land, partially wooded, and furnish
ing an attractive campground for boys.
No boy is taken into camp without the
written consent of his parent or
Everybody sleeps in tents with board
floors and a bank is in charge of one
ot the leaders, where spending money,
railroad tickets and other valuables
are deposited. Boys who play banjos,
guitars, mandolins, cornets., etc., take
them along with them, so there is lots
of music. July 4 is visitors' day and
on Sundays regular church services
are held both morning and evening.
A "sane Fourth," with an athletic
meet, baseball games and other events,
is planned. The boys or leaders are
not allowed to enter the water except
at specified times and under super
vision. No tobacco Is permitted in the
A day's schedule at the camp looks
something like this:
6.30, reveille; 6.35, flag raising, set
ting-up exercises; 7.15, breakfast; 7.45,
clean up: 8.15, tent inspection; 8.30,
group Bible study; 9, assembly of
groups; 9.30, special institute groups;
10.45, beginners' swimming lessons;
11, morning swim; 12.30, dinner; 1.15,
rest, letter writing and reading; 2,
athletics, baseball, boating, mountain
climbing, etc.; 4.15, beginners' swim
ming lessons; 4.30, afternoon swim;
6, supper; 7.30, camp fire, evening en
tertainment; 9, tattoo; 9.15, taps, lights
out, quiet.
Any boy between the ages of 12 and
17 years who is willing to contribute
his share in making possible the camp
motto, Each for All and All for Each,
is eligible.
Nat Goodwin as "I'agin" in "Oliver
Twist"—ll reels at the Photoplay to
Le Moyne Tablet Will
Be Unveiled at W. and J.
By Associated I'rcss
Washington, Pa., June 24—An event
of the one hundred and thirteenth
commenoement of Washington and
Jefferson College will be the unveil
ing to-day of a tablet to the memory
of Dr. Francis Julius Le Moyne,
founder of several chairs at the col
lege; one of the leading physicians and
scientists of hi: day, and known chief
ly as the builder of the first crematory
in the United States. The table which
has been placed In the college chapel,
was erected by the Cremation Associa
t on of America, through the efforts of
Dr. Hugo Erich ,an, of Detroit. Dr
Le Moyne, the son of a French politi
cal refugee, was twice the candidate of
the Abolition party for governor of
Pennsylvania and once its candidate
for v'ce-president of the United States.
The crematory which he erected in
1276 on Gallows Hills overlooking
Washington, is no longer used.
Paid Fire System Voted
Down in Reading Election
Special to The Telegraph
Reading, Pa., June 24. —By a vote
of 9,411 to 1,816, Reading yesterday in
its first referendum election defeated
the project of a paid fire department
and the city will retain its volunteer
Council passed an ordinance provid
ing for a paid system, to which excep
tion was taken by the volunteers and
under the provisions of the Clark com
mission bill they got more than 4,000
signers to a petition to have a new or
dinance introduced in council repealing
the ordinance adopting a paid system.
The volunteers organized a campaign
against the "paid system" movement,
which had the support of the Chamber
of Commerce and was suggested by the
New York Bureau of Municipal Re
searih. The total registration of the
city is 16,9-16 voters.
Washington, June 24.—Approxi
mately forty-five billion feet of lum
ber of all kinds is annually produced
in the United States, according to the
Forestry Service to-day. Of this
amount < nea ly 25,000,000,000 feet,
board measure, are further manufac
Remove one Cause
A refreshing tonic that affords
quiet relief when you feel
exhausted, depressed or weary
from Summer heat, overwork,
or insomnia. Its nutrient and
tonic effect gives tone and
vigor to brain and body.
Acid Phosphate
Personally conducted Baltimore to
MOUNTAINS, ETC., Wednesdny, July
!M, 1914, Twelve-Day Trip, #<17.50, In
cluding all necessary expenses.
Baltimore to BOSTON, NEWPORT,
day, August lit, 1014, Ten-Day Trip.
152.00, Including all necessary ezpenaea.
Send for Itinerary.
W. P. Turner, P. T. M., Baltimore, Hd.
Special Blood and Nerve Tablets.
Write for Proof of Cures. Advice Free.
DR. CHASE. 224 N. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
_ . DR. 80-RAN-KO'S pile
I REMEDY Gives instant relief
M 111T.3 in Itching. Bleeding or Pro
truding Piles. Price 60 centi.
DR. BOSANKO, PiuUdelphia, Pa.
JUNE 24,1914.
anooances the continaatioa of their
June Clearance Sale
Extraordinary Reductions on Coats, Suits, Dresses,
I Waists, Skirts and Underwear
| Decisive reductions mark this sale as one of the
leading merchandise events of the season. Klein
j Co. qualities at the reductions at which they are '
j offered present unprecedented opportunities to !
save money on this season's merchandise.
Serge Coats in assorted colors, very pretty models.
In sizes 13, 15 ( i7 > ig. They sold formerly from $6.95 i
II to $9.98*
—Suits |
Three Special Offerings For Thursday Only
Suits formerly $15.00
Suits formerly $17.50 to $25.00
Suits formerly $27.50 to $42.50
' R . * [
—Dresses i
Linen, Eponge, Percale and Striped Voile Dresses. In all
sizes, colors and models. They sold formerly from $5 98
to $7.98, ,
The Ounce of Prevention
by Physician's Aid
When the parents' knowledge is in
sufficient, the co-operation of the phy
sician should be secured; indeed he
ought to play a much more prominent
part in educational effort than Is usu
ally accorded him. An ounce of pre
vention is better than a pound of cure,
says The Mother's Magazine. The
physician ought to appear in the role
af a counselor and adviser before dis
ease has a chance to develop rather
than in that of a child-healer of neg
lected trouble. In order to under
Make this a Glad Summer for Your Baby
"|\ /T AKE him glad with quiet nights and cool days, with plenty
of sleep, with good health, laughing eyes, round cheeks
and dimpled little hands.
It's so easy—you can laugh at hot days and hotter nights
if you give your baby the food that will help him fight the
summer heat—the food that has saved so many thousands of
babies in the last forty summers. Give your baby
Mesile's Food
because Nestles is nearest to summer complaint and even
mother's milk. Don't make the consumption to our babies,
summer days dark and heavy Give your baby NestWs—
for the little one by making him made from the best cow's milk
drink cow's milk—cow's milk from sanitary dairies, purified
from dirty dairies —where one and modified so it contains just
cow in three carries consump- what your baby needs to build
tion —cow's milk that brings bone and blood and muscle.
— YOU ° n ' y water —
Send the little coupon far a tan of
®J™ NrstM'* (enough for 12 feeding*) and •
book by uprclaHats full of tunc*
Please send me, FREE, ycrur took ao£
jSpst July Fashions 1
pictorial Review
lj\ |j \ TTie dress you make ana\\/~ Ti 7 f
111 ;ll y, never wear because you J/
111 Hi V\ see others wearing more A Z
111 11 1 W Bty '' more U P to date A-
\il I\ \] t ' reßMß ' 8 moßt ex " 1 : \
ff I ;tu\\ \ V You avoid disappoint- f I
\ I mAil I ment y°u u »e f J
v ZiffiM c * or * a ' R ev * ew -1
r Jfilw Patterns
vMm The FASHION BOOK ft-p-Sli
{or SUMMER ,
before selecting your Summer '
w.i.« 5712- u °H y '°c when purchased „ i
skirt 575©—is csato with a 35c pattern.
Dives, Pomeroy Stewart
stand child-development and to recog.
nize diseases in their incipient stages,
one finds frequent examinations and
measurements of the children helpful
and necessary.
The hygiene of the nursery is a
fruitful field of study for parents.
Proper nutrition and clothing, ventila
tion and lighting, proper seating, ex.
ercise, sense training and mental
regimen—all these things require
careful attention.
Disease, as we have alrea-dy pointed
out, is often responsible for mental
and physical aberrations and defects.