4 pPvSF Undermuslins k \ \ \>> Rare Qualities—Modestly Priced \\ It is a niatter of pride with us to EHal \ show the prettiest and newest su- I J perior quality undermuslins—every I I garment fresh and clean, well made, II jji/ [ J ' cut to fit and designed to conform . IJ to the latest modes of dress. DAINTY NEW COMBINATION SUIT of Corset Cover and Drawers, made of fine quality cambric and nainsook—beautifully trimmed with lace and embroidery, some have short kimono sleeves —at 75c to $2.50 cacli. WOMEN'S DRAWERS, made of an excellent quality cambric, nainsook and muslin—in open and closed styles and very neatly trimmed with lace and embroidery—well made and finished—at 25c to $1,50 each. STYLISH CORSET COVERS, made of high-grade cambric and nainsook in a pleasing variety of charming style effects —some with kimono sleeves, others with all-over embroidery—at 25c to $1.50 each. CAMISOLES of Net and Crepe de Chine, $2 to $3. gjj BEAUTIFUL NIGHT GOWNS, made of exceptional quality crepe and nainsook in the slip-over effects—lace and embroidery trimmed —some with high neck and long" sleeves, others low neck and short sleeves —many extra sizes—at 50c to $3.50 each. UNDERSKIRTS—Made of cambric and nainsook in a wide va riety of the new style effects—lace and embroidery trimmed—in all the popular widths and extra sizes—at 50c to $3.50 each. ALL SILK CREPE DE CHINE SKIRTS in pink, .blue and white with the close-fitting tops at $3.98 and $5.00. L. W. AMUSEMENTS Faxtang I Park Theater To-night PERRY'S Minstrel Maids WITH JOSIE FLYNN s—Other Real Acts--5 To-day, Wednesday and Thursday Flights 4.00 and 7.00 Free Exhibition i -OF- Fancy Aviation —BY— Eugene Hith IN HIS Wright Passenger CARRYING AEROPLANE No Admission Charged To Any Part of Park 1 ' COLON lAL\ A Big Headliner For the Entire Week LA GRACIOSA The Act Beautiful This is the Busy Corner's Best Bet PHOTOPLAY TO-DAY ] "Oliver Twist," <1 reels. "Perlla of Pauline." "The Lure of the Pet," 2 reela. "The Snakerllle Volunteer." * 1 Try Telegraph Want Ads. WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 " " PENNSYLVANIA BOYS SPEAK Williamstown, Mass., June 24. Among the six Williams seniors who delivered original speeches in the Graves prize speaking in Grace Hall ■ was John Douglas Royal, of Harris burg, Pa., whose topic was "Respect For Law." At the prize rhetorical contest "Tha I Purpose of a College Education" was the topic discussed by Daniel Schenck Keller, of Lan.-aster, Pa. MRS. RUMLER IMPROVING Mrs. H. M. Hildenstein, of New City, has returned to her home, after visiting her sister, Mrs. Margaret Rumler, at 1741 Susquehanna street, who has been quite ill. Mrs. Rumler is slowly regaining her health. ' LADIES' ' LINEN SUITS We have a large, well assorted line of high-grade linens, in all the latest styles and colors. Special price $12.501 From your own material, Bell Phone 1552-J. Resorts SEA GIRT. N. J. r n Spend Your Summer Vacation at WiLDWOOD Many amusement attractions. Free music. Boating, bathing, fishing. ' Homelike hotels. For booklet and I detailed information write J. Whitt-Hcll, City Clerk, Wlldwood, ' J. BEACH HOUSE Sea Girt, N. J., directly on the beach. Grandest location on the coast. RISDON & CO. LIME VAIIEYFARM Will take several refined Christian fam ilies as summer boarders. Nice lawn, croquet came, farm cooking, etc. Ad dress, Rheems, Pa., Box 167. Doubling Gap Springs, Pa. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. An ideal mountain, health, and pleas ure resort. Dry climate, refined en vironment. 114 th year. All conveni ences. Special rates for July and August. Mrs. Geo. A. Freyer, Owner. ATLANTIC CITY, N. 3. THE LATEST FIREPROOF HOTEL American plan Always open. Capacity 600. On beach directly between the two fireat Ocean Pieri. Music and dancin*. Garage. Illustrated literature; Ownership management. Privste P. O. Box BSS. SOMERSET Arkansas Ave. near Beach and Mil lion Dollar Pier. $1.60 up daily; $8 to $lO weekly. Good beds, good table. H. J. KEBBHAW. The Lexington d™! wuiAen 8 : nis courtK adjoining beach. Only hotel where guests may K<> from house to surf lu bathing attire without using streets, which Is prohibited. Care of bathing suits and use of bath houses is free. Running water in rooms; pri vate baths. Tango parlors; orchestra. ! $1.50 and up daily. $S to $17.60 weekly. American plan. White service. Book let. PAUL C. ROSECRANS, Manager. THE COLWYN Michigan Ave., near Beach. All outside rooms, open surroundings. Excellent table. $1.60 up daily, |g to $12.60 weekly. C. S. GiSIiKEN. HOTEL FRONTENAC * e 0 . n ioo u y c d k s y from Beach. The most popular section. Between the two famous piers, central to all attractions; modern, high class hotel, as good as the best; capacity 260 Will make very special terms of SB, $lO $12.60, sl6 up weekly, including large ocean rooms, metal beds, elevator, baths, phones, superior table with white service; table supplied direct from farm; pure water, sanitary plumbing, porches overlook the ocean and Boardwalk Booklet. W. F. WATTS. HOTEL BORTOS. 18th season. Ocean end Tennessee Ave. Attractive, home like hotel; cheerful surroundings. Book let. E. B. VOORHEES, owner and pro prietor. SCHOOL OF MUSIG HDIMTES PUPILS Dr. Markward Will Present Di plomas at Close of Inter esting Program The annual commencement of Mrs. M. Pfuhl Froellch's School of Music will be held to-morrow evening at Fahnestock hall, the exercises begin ning; at 8 o'clock. The graduates are: The, Misses Mil dred Baker, Lillian Kamsky and Clara Myers. A short address will be de livered by the Rev. J. Bradley Mark ward, of Bethlehem Lutheran church, who will also present the diplomas. The program follows: Mendelssohn, "Midsummer Nights Dream," Clara Myers, Mildred Baker and Lillian Kamsky; invocation; Siszt, "Gnomen reigen," Mildred Baker; Schubert- Siszt, "Soiree de Vienne," Lillian Kamsky; Rubinstein, "Staccato Etude," Clara Myers; address and presentation of diplomas, the Rev. J. B. Markward; Chopin, "Polonaise," Clara Myers, Lillian Kamsky and Mil dred Baker. Miss Jessie Hartman Marries in Pittsburgh Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge B. Hartman, of South Thirteenth street, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Jessie Reed Hartman, to Jacob W. Bitterman, " r Steelton, Tuesday, June 23, at Pittsburgh, 1.1 the home of the bride's brother, E. B. Hartman, Jr. The Rev. Robert Burch Foster, broth er-in-law of the bride, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Bitterman will be "at home" after July 15, at 437 South Thirteenth street, following a trip to Niagara Falls and the Great X^akes. The bride wore a modish traveling costume of blue with panama hat, and was unattended. She has been a teacher of the Forney school for some time past and is actively inter ested in the Stevens Memorial church, where she is superintendent of the Junior Epworth League. Mr. Bitterman is a clerk for the Pennsylvania Steel company at Steel ton. TRAVEL TALK TO CLASS BY MISS AMELIA DURBIN Harry Kinnard's class of Messiah Lutheran church wfls invited last evening to the home of Miss Amelia Durbin, 717 North Sixth street, and en tertained with an informal talk on Hawaii, Japan and China, from which countries Miss Durbin has recently re turned after an extensive tour. A number of interesting curios were ex hibited and refreshments were served amid Japanese decorations. fPOWHATANIi j | IttlEL Of AMERICAN IDEALS j , r Pennsylvania Avenue, 5 - 18th. And H Streets. E I E Best Located Hotel in Washington. - - "Overlooks the White House, - 'within easy access of public buildings, 6hops, theaters and Z - points of general and historical = ; interest. > ( j-'t i - - When ~visitif Hanover, is the guest of Miss Mary Carroll, of North Third street. P. J. Lutz of the Gross- drug store, who has been seriously ill at his home, 209 Boas street, is improving in health. Miss Bridgei. C. Connelly, of North Third street, is home after a trip to Emmitsbwrg and Hano/er, Maryland. Mrs. George P. Barnitz entertained members of the Harrlsburg Walking Club at her cottage at Overview, on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Georce F. Kuhn, of 1829 Logan street, spent yesterday with relatives at Duncannon. Miss Mary Jennings, of North Front street, is home after a trip to Atlan tic City. Miss Mary K. Eoas, of 105 State street, has returned from Mauch Chunk. Dr. Harvey F. Smith, of 130 State street, attending the American Medical Association in session at At lantic City. Nat Goodwin n* "l'agin" in "Oliver Twist" —(( reels at the Photoplay to day.—Advertisement. Mr. and Airs. Addison E. Johnson, of 1420 Naudain street, announce the birth of a daughter, Kathryn John son, Sunday, June 21, 1914. Mr. and Mrs. Paul G.ndall, of 1612 Forster street, announce the birth of a daughter, Ruth Anna Gendall, Tues day, June 23, 1914. Mrs. Gendall was formerly Miss Ruth Holland, of Fall River, Mass. , JUNE 24,1914. Witmer, Bair & Witmer Seasonable Summer Apparel Dainty, Cool Summer Dresses—striped, figured and plain $4.75 to #16.75 Washable Skirts—linen, rep, P. K., and rice cloth, $3.50, $3.00, #3.75, #5.00, #6.50, #7.50 I W., B. &W. ANNEX, 311 Walnut Street A Few of the Many Bargains at the Annex Black and white striped Lawn Dresses—Russian, tunic, j embroidery collar and cuffs. Special #1.50 White P. K. Skirts with long overskirt and button trim- I ming. Special #1.25 WITMER, BAIR & WITMER j 202 WALNUT ST. ' 311 WALNUT ST. Aged Odd Fellow Dies at Home of Daughter John Gramm, 88 years old, a former burgess of Marietta and one of the old est Odd Fellows In the State, died yes- I j terday afternoon shortly after 3 j o'clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs. 15. Frank Suavely, 105 Calder I street, after a long illness. Death was I I due to old age. Prom 1903 until 1908 Mr. Gramm served as burgess of Marietta. He was a member df Donegal Odd Fellows : Lodge of Marietta. He joined that or ganization when It was organized fifty j live years ago. He is survived by his 1 daughter and one son, Samuel E. Gramm, of Marietta, where the body will be taken by Undertaker Hoover & Son for services and burial. i Harrisburg Is a Leading Banana Eating City 1 People In this city eat more bananas > during the summer months than they i do in winter, according to tigures given out to-day by the local office of the ' United Fruit Dispatch, where records are kept of every bunch of bananas brought into this city. From May 1 to October 1, of last year, approximately 256,000 bananas were eaten by people living In Harris burg and Steelton. During the winter months 170,000 bananas were used. The local agent of the United Fruit Dispatch this morning stated that Harrisburg is I one of the leading banana eaters in Pennsylvania. SAILING OX MINNESOTA Miss May Lemer of South Front • street, sails to-morrow in the Atlantic Transport Minnesota for France, to spend the summer at her countrty : place in Normandy. HOLIiOWAY-WIIJSON • Mrs. Cora May Wilson and Alfred • M. D. Holloway, both of Philadelphia, ■ were married this morning at the par ■ sonage of the Reformed Salem church, : by the Rev. Dr. Ellis N. Kremer, the ' pastor. NOTICE Aigrettes at Half Price After July Ist the sale of aigrettes will be pro hibited in this State, although any one having them in their possession will be permitted to wear them. Our stock includes a number of very choice white and black aigrettes which between now and July Ist we will sell at exactly One-Half Marked Price ASTRICH'S This company can offer a most efficient service, acting as executor or trustee of estates. Unlike an individual acting as trustee, the WORK and WATCHFUL NESS of this institution can never be in terfered with nor can it be ended by ill health or death. It is never on > It is an act of wisdom and foresight to appoint this company as executor, trus tee or administrator, knowing that it will serve you well for all time to come. MECHANICS TRUST COMPANY HARRISBURG. PA. Capital.. $300,000.00 Surplus .. $300,000.00 JBNRNIRNHIRNNNIM^^^^^^^^^GNNINNITOIIMI ENTERTAINS It. F. O. M. CLUB Mrs. Mary Hess, of 53"! Muench street, will entertain the girls of the R. F. O. M. Chab of the Y. W. C. A. at her home, to-morrow evening. REBECCA JOHNSTON'S PARTY Mrs. Edgar Paul Johnston, who is summering at the Bitner farm, will give an informal party next Satur day afternoon in honor of her little daughter, Rebecca Johnston. REMEMBER-JULYI ; COAL PRICES MICE Going! Going! is your chance Ito buy Kclley's Broken, Egg, Stove and Nut coal at 50c reduc tion. We will fill your bins for next winter and give you the benefit of the year's lowest coal prices, but you must order now. Don't throw this chance away to cut down your coal bill. We ; don't lose anything, but you will , gain something—quality coal at a r big saving. Order before July 1. , H. M. KELLEY & CO. ; 1 N. Third St.—loth & State Sts