Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 24, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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- A
P Someone
Wants that
Engine You
uv, Discard
It's wortli more to you than so much scrap. There
are men who own smaller shops and who will pay you
more for your machinery than you can get from the
junk man or the dealer. A Telegraph WANT AD will
bring them to you.
«■ I
CAMPBELL. On June 23, 1914, Eliza
beth A. Campbell, widow of the late
Boyd Campbell, aged 62 years, 7
months and 20 days.
Funeral service on Friday evening,
nt 8 o'clock, at the residence of her
daughter, Mrs. Warren R. Miller, 1417
Berryhill street Further service and
burial at Tamaqua, Saturday afternoon,
train leaving P. & R. Station at 10:30
A. M. Relatives and friends are invit
ed to attend without further notice.
LOST On June 3. in Pennsylvania
Railroad Depot, this city, dress suit
case. Evidently taken by mistake. Re-
Ward of S2O if returned to M. Wingerd,
iWaldo Hotel, Lima, Ohio. Send by ex
press, C. O. D.
LOST Tuesday, Diamond horse-
Blioe stickpin. Reward if returned to
SOS South Fourteenth street.
LOST Saturday evening, on Mar
ket Square, fawn-colored puppy; white
tip on tall, brown eyes. Answers to
name of Brownie. Reward if returned
to 2103 North Third street.
BOOKKEEPERS, office assistants,
clerks for railroads and manufacturing
tirms, drivers, carpenters, 100 laborti i.
Free to employers. Harrisburg Employ
ment and Labor Bureau, Room 14, No.
26 North Third street.
WANTED—Experienced colored man
for work in private family. Apply 1218
North Third street.
charge of this territory and act as Resi
dent Sales Manager for the TOLL
OMETER, a device for checking long
distance telephone charges, the only de
vice on the market that automatically
ehows time consumed in long-distance
conversations; allows for interruptions
End cut-offs, produces efficiency in the
use of this expensive service. We are
prepared to guarantee a saving of ten
to fifteen per cent, of the telephone
company's charges. We want a LIVE
WIRE to organize sales campaign and
cell hundreds of business men Tn this
territory. Will give him an exclusive
contract, furnish all advertising, print
ed matter ,follow-up letters, etc., and
give him the co-operation of our gen
eral sales maanger. This proposition is
worth $3,000.00 per annum to the right
port of a man. Call on C. C. Curry,
General Sales Manager, Room 3, Bolton
Hotel, City, before !) P. M. to-night.
WANTED Sales Manager for out
of-town concern. Must be well con
nected in town, having both prestigeand
good standing. Good salary paid and a
commision on all sales through our
Harrigburg Branch Office. SSOO neces
sary. Amount secured. Address Sales
Manager, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Young, married man for
position as canvasser and collector.
Must give bond. Apply, stating name
of last employer and references, to S.,
1260, care of Telegraph Office.
WANTED A bright, ambitious boy
or young man to learn photography.
Apply at Roshon's Studio, 8 North Mar
ket Square.
to get. My free booklet. Y-372, tells
how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop
kins, Washington, D. C.
HARRISBURG Mall Carrier and Pos
tal Clerk examinations coming. Age 18
to 45. SBOO to $1,200 year. Sample ex
amination questions free. Franklin In
stitute, Dept. 362-N, Rochester. N. Y.
ED—No canvassing or soliciting requir
ed. Good income assured. Address Na
tional Co-Operative Realty Co., V-910,
Marden Building, Washington, D. C.
WANTED Man to drive automo
bile; give reference and experience.
Address B„ 126,4, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Young man to assist In
(grocery store; must have experience;
pive reference and experience. Address
13., 1263, care of Telegraph.
COUNTY MANAGER for a now model
patented household article selling for
13.50. Half profit. $8 to sl2 ?. day.
Life job. Sells over and over again to
the Bame people. Samples loaned.
Fates Manager, 122 Sycamore street
Milwaukee, Wis.
WANTED A young lady book
keeper, with knowledge of shorthand.
State experience and reference. Ad
dress Box R. S. T., 1274, care of Tele
WANTED Experienced saleswomen
for Gloves, Hosiery, Fancy Goods and
Notions. Permanent positions and high
est salary. Apply Mr. Greene, main
floor, Astrich's.
WANTED Girl for general house
"work; small family; references requlr
ed. Call at 2135 Green street, or tele
phone, 3398.
WANTED Bookkeeper, with a
knowledge of stenography in Industrial
business: high .school graduate pre
ferred. Apply in handwriting, No 1 9 73
care of Telegraph.
keeper not over 35. Call evening, 3:30
to 8 P. M., or address 1705 North Sev
enth street, Harrisburg, Pa.
2012 Kensington St.
Must Be Sold
What Is Your Offer?
Two-story frame dwelling house
with seven rooms and lot 40x100
Wilier, Bros. & Neefe
Fire Insurance Surety Bonds
Locust and Court Streets
TEACHES perfect fitting before sew
ing. Each pupil makes the entire dress.
Become a pupil now. Make all your
Summer and Fall dresses while learn
ing. Night and Day Classes. W. A.
Work, 22 North Fourth street.
WANTED White girl for general
housework in family of two. Must be
good cook and laundress, but no fiat
work. Good wages for competent help.
Address Redwood Cottage, Mt. Gretna,
WANTED Girl for general house
work; must have reference. 333 South
Front street.
WANTED White woman, 25 or 30
years of ase, as housekeeper. Address
M., 1260, care of Telegraph.
HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female
WANTED Man and wife to work
on a farm; give reference and experi
ence. Address F., 1278, care of Tele
WANTED Partner to go into candy
business with an expert candy maker.
One who can furnish small room where
the business can be conducted. I have
all necessary equipment. Addres 0.,
all necessary equipment. Address 0.,
WANTED Work In hotel, store or
outside work about house by neat col
ored boy aged 18. Address H. G., 424,
Herr street, or 507 South street.
WANTED Work of any kind by
neat colored boy, aged 18. Address P.
W., 664 Calder street.
WANTED Good English-speaking
German, 27 years old, wishei position
as lunchman or one similar to this.
Call 648R, Bell phone.
WANTED Middle-aged white man,
long experienced in lunch bar work,
wants position. All around man. Ad
dress Box J, 1277, care of Telegraph.
WANTED—Two middle-aged widows
wish positions as chambermaids, dish
washers or housekeepers. Apply 652
Cumberland street. City.
WANTED Young, experienced
man desires position as clerk in gro
cery store; can furnish best reference.
Address S., 1259, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Middle-aged man would
like a job as driver or any kind of
work. Address Joseph Fruhwlrth, 450
Myers street, Steelton.
WANTED Boy, 15 years of age, of
neat appearance, wishes position in or
about office; can give reference. Please
address R., 1266, care of Telegraph.
WANTED A colored boy of 14
years would like work in family; no ob
jection to country; can give best of city
reference. Address B„ 1267, care of
WANTED Neat-appearing, young
man desires work of any kind. Call,
or address, Mose Ginsburg,, 1521 Fulton
street, City.
WANTED— Position as stenographer;
thorough, competent and willing. Rey
F. Heagy, Palmyra, Pa., R., 2,
WANTED Young man would like
position as chauffeur; can make own
repairs. . Apply 1819 Susquehanna
WANTED Young man, with sev
eral years' experience in manufactur
ing and office management, desires po
sition where ability, energy and perse
verance will be appreciated. Reference
furnished. Address C. G., 1426 Mafket
WANTED Plain sewing and alter
ing to do by the day or week. Call, or
address, M. 8., 1425 New Fourth street.
Side entrance Basin avenue.
WANTED By white woman, day's
work, cleaning offices or lodge rooms.
Address -8., 1272, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Young colored girl
desires position as child's nurse or to
assist with housework; can do plain
cooking. Address 1526 Vernon street,
or call United phone 42.
WANTED Young girl desires posi
tion helping in kitchen, or waitress in
confectionery store. Call, or address,
1606 Wallace Btreet.
WANTED Colored woman wants
day's work of any kind, or washing
and ironing at home; can give refer
ence. Apply 1088 South Ninth street.
nurse. Apply by letter to Miss R. Slioop,
346 Hamilton street, Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED Day's work or washing,
at home or away. Call at 1735 North
Seventh street.
VVANTED Elderly woman desires
to keep house for man of good habits.
furnish the best of references. Miss
Miller, 131 North Summit street.
WANTED By white woman, work
by day or week. Address, or call, 7
North Thirteenth street.
FOR SALE ldeal country place, 2
acres; 25 minutes from Third and Mar
ket by trolley; new house; natural
shade trees; all kinds of fruit; good
water, outbuildings, etc. You must see
this place to appreciate it. Will be sold
cheap. Address K., 1268, care of Tele
FOR SALE Lot 30x160 feet, cost
$200.00 1911—worth $300.00 now for
$150.00 cash, or $200.00 on terms to suit
purchased. G. W. Kehr, 204 Chestnut
FOR SALE Farm 10 miles east
of Harrisburg, containing 90 acres, In
good state ol' cultivation; buildings in
good condition; 6 acres of heavy uak
timber. For further information call
on, or address, C. 8. Cassel. R. F. D.,
No. 2, Penbrook, or J. C. Cassel, 29
South Thirteenth street, Harrisburg.
FOR SALE 2460 North Sixth street.
8-story brick house; 9 rooms; all mod
ern conveniences; lot; terms reasonable.
Apply at above address.
FOR SALE You can buy No. 1234
Walnut street at a bargain if you
will see J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street
FOR SALE 1829 N. Fifth St. 3-
story cement block 9 rooms, bath
and furnace front and rear porches—
lot, 14x85. Price recently reduced.
Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut
FOR SALE 238 Hummel St. 2H
story frame dwelling- 9 rooms, bath
and furnace lot, 15x135. Price, |2,-
300.00. Rental Income, 118.00 per
month. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and
Walnut streets. •
FOR SALE Penbrook property; lot,
180 ft. deep; 7 rooms and finished at
tic; excellent location; four doors from
trolley Just oft Main street on Boas.
Beautiful shade trees. Bargain at
11,800. M. J. SheafTer, 2836 Penn
street. Penbrook.
FOR RENT Desirable three-story
brick house; corner property; tine lo
cation; good condition; 50 North Thir
teenth street. Inquire of Dr. D. J.
FOR RENT ll5l Derry street
2-story brick 9 rooms all Improve
ments gas and electricity cement
ed cellar front porch. Rent, $20.00
per month. In advance. Inquire 259
Herr street.
FOR RENT 956 South Twenty-first
street, J14.00; 2210 Atlas street, J14.00.
J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street.
furnished and finished recently. Best
location, between Accomac and Wild
Cat. Particulars furnished. A. L Reach,
Marietta, Pa.
FOR RENT 1515 Naudain street;
all conveniences; front and back
porches; possession at once. Apply 1011
North Second street.
. WANTED Plain, little summer cot
tage for two persons, not far from trol
ley, but away from cars and all noises,
near city; no high price. Address 8.,
1529, care of Telegraph.
WANT TO BUY 50 to 100 acres of
clear mountain land, with buildings, In
Dauphin or adjoining counties. MUST
BE CHEAP. Rohrer & Son. Bergner
Building, Harrisburg, Pa. ■*
FOR RENT Modern apartments
near Thirteenth and Market streets. J.
E. Gipple, 1251 Market street.
FOR RENT Vacant now, third floor
front apartment, 3 rooms and bath, fac
ing Capitol Park. Apply A. J. Beltzel,
on premises, 311 Walnut street.
FOR RENT Second floor apartment
—four large rooms and bath. Moderat
rental. Apply 1463 Market street.
FOR RENT An apartment five
rooms and bath electric light gas
and steel range vapor heat use of
phone. Apply at , 149 East Hummel
avenue, Lenioyne, Pa.
FOR RENT Lower floor apartment.
Fourth and Peffer streets, llvlngroom,
dlnlngroom, two bedrooms, kitchen and
bath; front porch. Apply B. F. Um
berger, 427 PcSTsr street, or 108 North
Second street.
WANTED A limited number of
summer boarders. Fine mountain air,
boating and fishing. First-class table.
Location, one mile east of Dauphin.
Rates, %1 to $lO per week. A restful,
homelike place to spend your vacation,
for full particulars address Box 24,
Dauphin, Pa.
family, on Allison Hill. Address R„
1256, care of Telegraph.
centrally located boardinghouse. First
class home cooking. Pr'ce per meal,
2Gc. Tickets for 21 meals, $4.00. 222
Chestnut street.
FOR RENT For light housekeep
ing, new unfurnished rooms, nicely
papered, strictly up-to-date, with com
municating kitchenettes. Stoves fur
nished free. Laundry, phone and bath
room privileges. All outside rooms.
Strictly private.' Inquire Office, 429
Broad street, or Janitor, Room 6, same
FOR RENT Furnished roomfl, with
private bath; Bell phone; best of con
veniences and service; desirable for one
or two business- men; located near Y.
M. C. A. Address 0., 1271, care of Tele
FOR RENT Furnished rooms;
single or en suite; second floor front;
all conveniences, with private family;
references required. Apply 721 North
Sixth street.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms; also
board by the meal, day or week. 1001
North Second street, corner Second and
Boas streets.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms,
single or en suite; all conveniences, in
cluding phone; reference required. Ap
ply 1015 North Front street.
FOR RENT—By the night or month,
the finest rooms In HarrTsburg, single
or on suite. Laßelle Apartments, 204
L*>cust street, next door to Orpheum.
Steaii heat, electricity, baths. Newly
furnished throughout. Apply Mrs. E.
L Morrell, 204 Locust street.
FOR RENT Several vacant rooms,
fronting on Capitol Park; electric
lights, hot and cold running water In
each room; use of phone and bathroom.
Apply Robinson Apartments, 410 North
WANTED By single gentleman,
furnished room In private family. Hill
section preferred. Can furnish refer
ence. Address, giving termseand loca
tion, M., 1270, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Desk room desired, or
will double up with right party and
take offlee In modern office building.
Address Y., 1262, care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE, CHEAP Two sets of
double harness. Inquire of The Atlan
tic Refining Co., Seventh and Woodbine
streets, Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED—To buy 100 second-hand
bicycles and motorcycles we are in
great demand for them highest cash
R rices paid. Keystone Supply Co., 814
orth Third street. United phone 19W.
FOR SALE Upright piano; good
condition; cheap. P. O. Box 484, City.
FOR SALE lron planer for light
and heavy work. Cheap to quick
buyer. Call at noon or 6 P. M.. 1417
Vernon street.
FOR SALE One mahogany Pease
upright piano slightly used cost
1400.00 when new now, $149.00
$5.00 down. $1.25 weekly. Winter Piano
Store, 23 North Fourth street.
FOR SALE Good paying general
store, close to Harrisburg. Must sell
on account of 111 health. Address A.,
692, care of Telegraph.
$1,600 COLE 30, four-cylinder Road
ster for sale for S6OO to quick buyer.
In fine condition. A big bargain.
Keeney & Simmons, New Cumberland.
FOR S-tvLiE lO tons wheat straw
and 4 timothy hay. Must be sold to
make room for new crops. All baled.
Albert Cockley, R. D. No. 1, Harrisburg,
FOR SALE Two horses, one 6
years old, the other 6 years old; weigh
about 1,200 pounds each. Can be seen
at 416 Calder street
FOR SALE Portable vacuum
cleaner, In perfect condition. Will sell
very reasonable. Reason for selling,
have just installed a Tuec stationary
cleaner system. Apply A. L. Hall, 1727
State street.
FOR SALE Cheap to quick buyer,
two-cylinder Reo. New tires; A No. 1
condition; for light delivery purposes.
Inquire 204 Walnut street.
FOR SALE! Or will exchange on
city real estate, good, live mercantile
business; will bear close Investigation,
as it Is a money-maker. Address H.,
care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE Cottage at Mt. Gretna
—8 rooms and bath all conveniences.
Including six lots of ground—parked
and in very desirable location, on Camp
meeting Ground, corner of Fourth street
and Kephart avenue; also auto garage,
boat and boat house. Price reasonable.
Apply Dr. E. Clair Jones, 20 East
Orange street. Lancaster, Pa.
have an auto you want to sell, let us
get a buyer. No sale, no pay Is our
way. If Interested consult üb. Key
stone Supply Co., 814 North Third
street. United phone ISW.
FOR SALE At Gable's, 113, 116 and
117 South Second street, 5,000 sets new
Sa9h, Bxlo, 12 L., primed and glazed, at
11.16 per set. Also other sizes.
BUY your traveling and leather goods
from the wholesale and retail leather
merchants. A large consignment on
display. Specialties made to order and
repaired. Harrisburg Harness and Sup
ply Co., Second and Chestnut
FOR SALE At Gable's, 111 and
117 South Second street, 6,000 gallons
New Era ready mixed Paint; Acme
quality. Also the full line of the Acme
GLASS window signs. Furnished
Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and
Board and Table Board at 25 each. One
of these slgnß will be given with each
six-time order for a classified ad. if paid
in advance. Inquire at Office of Tele
THE Troy Steam Laundry, located in
the Borough of Carlisle, conducting a
large and flourishing business, and fully
equipped as to macnlnory; wagons and
horses, will be sold at public sale in
the Borough of Carlisle, on June 27, at
1:30 P. M. This Is the only laundry in
a town of more than ten thousand
population, and offers a good opportu
nity to one Interested in the business.
Purchasers may examine the property
in the meantime.
P'OR SALr -My special built
roadster which cost over $1500.00.
Will sell for $850.00 to quick buy
er. Reason for selling, leaving
the city. Car can be seen at No.
106 South Second street, City.
USED motorcycles; all makes; over
hauled and in fine condition; guaran
teed to be as represented; call for dem
onstration. Heagy Bros., 1204 North
Third street.
WHOLESALE and retail rough and
dressed lumber. Bargain prices on Yel
low Pine Flooring and Plastering Lath.
Yards, Cameron and Mulberry streets.
Bell phone 1383 J.
FOR SALE Five-passenger Bulck,
four-passenger Cadillac, two-passenger
1913 Hupmobile Roadster. All in fine
running order. Neighbors Motor Co.,
120 Market street.
FOR SALE Used motorcycles and
bicycles in first-class running order
low prices. C. H. Uhler, 1317 Derry
street. Agent for Thor and Yale mo
torcycles; also full line of accessories.
FOR SALE Hamilton, Elgin and
Waltham Watches; 17-Jewel; 20-year
gold-filled case, at $17.50; 60c a week,
or $2.00 a month. National Watch and
Diamond Co., Bergner Building.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business Office.
secured at the Telegraph Business
FOR RENT ln the Telegraph
Building, a suite of well located offices,
inquire for Superintendent in Business
Office of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Store room 1200 North
Third street; 38x100; 14-foot celling;
one of the best rooms In the city. Ap
ply J. S. Slble, 256 Herr street
Ward; some of them on paved street.
Will exchange (or Improved property.
An exceptional opportunity for a
builder. Call nnd Inspect blue print.
F. R. Oyster, Trustee, care of Telegraph
Business Office. ,
FOR SALE Good two-chair barber
shop; best location; will sell cheap.
Must take up other business. Address
1093, care of Telegraph.
I MADE $60,000 In five years In the
mail order business, began with $6.
Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea
cock, 366 Lockport, N. Y.
ANY Intelligent person can earn good
Income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Snydlcate, 798, Lock
port. N. Y.
dard makes of Electric Motors and
Dynamos. S. G. Sweetser Electric Co.,
1002 Market street.
LOCAL EXPRESS and Delivery. Piano
and Furniture moving a specialty. Stor
age of household goods. Good, dry wood
for sale, stove length. Bell phone 1684 J.
1119 Montgomery, Harrisburg.
L. H. LACKEY! 642 Peffer street
Furniture, china and piano packing.
Shipments looked after at both ends.
Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone
2077 W.
WE BUY AND SELL new and sec
ond-hand Furniture, Carpets, etc. Drop
postal or call 3239 L, Bell phono. 8.
Klein, 1026 Market street
Harrisburg Paste Works
120 N> Cameron Street
PAPERHANGERS', billposters' book
binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt
shipment. All paste guaranteed. Bell
phone 1186 L
kinds collected anywhere. Prompt ser
vice and quick reports. Address Bond
Mercantile Agency, Dept. B, Hill Sta
tion, Harrisburg, Pa.
H. XV. LATHE, Boarding Stable sal
National Transfer Co. Movers of
pianos, safes, boilers and general haul
ing., H. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and
Woodbine streets. BelT phone No.
FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market
street. Harrisburg. Pa. Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell
with best material and Dy expert help.
Send us your worn furniture. Our best
efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N.
Gluck. 320 Woodbine street.
MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate
security in any amounts and upon any
terms to suit borrower. Address P. O.
Box 174. Harrisburg. Pa.
IN sad but loving remembrance of
Mrs. Isuphena Grlsslnger, who departed
this life June 24, 1910.
- "Gone, but not forgotten."
Her daughter,
Predict 1,000 Voices to Sing at
State C. E. Convention in
Endeavorers of the Harrisburg
Christian Endeavor Choral Union en
joyed a Jolly time at the annual re
ception and outing at the Reservoir
Park pavilion last evening.
After refreshments were served by
the reception committee A. W. Lewis,
president of the Harrisburg Choral,
presided as toastmaster. W. G.
Hoover then offered prayer after
which short addresses were made by
prominent workers and speakers.
Miss Grace D. Reimer, of Easton,
superintendent of the missionary de
partment State Christian Endeavor
Union, spoke on "The Greatest Busi
ness on Earth—Christ's Business, the
Salvation of Souls."
E. J. Hugglns, president Harris
burg C. E. Union, spoke on '"The
Waste of Usefulness in Christian En
deavor "Work." Charles W. Black,
president Dauphin County C. E.
Union, spoke on "The Future of C. E.
Work." He predicted a choral union
of 1,000 voices for the State conven
tion in Harrisburg, 1916.
Prof. Prank A. McCarrell, chorister
of C. E. Choral Union, spoke on the
results of last winter's work. He also
appealed to the Choral Union to con
tinually strive to elevate the standard
of Christian song as well as the mu
sic by exercising care in selection. J.
Prank Palmer, first vice-president of
the Union, then read an interesting
paper by Paul DeHart, of Washing
ton, D. C., formerly of this city. Forest
E. Schwartz, second vice-president of
the Choral 'Union, spoke on the at
tendance at the various engagements,
also aboift the Stough campaign and
the State C. E. convention.
H. S. McKelvey then gave a num
ber of jolly good stories. The secre
tary, Miss Anna McKelvey, then gave
the annual report. She said: "The
Choral Union rendered services at
Steelton, district rallies, county con
vention, Hershey, June 11, cantata in
Augsburg Lutheran church, the big
C. E. week rally at Bethlehem Lu
theran church, No-License League
convention and other places."
The* following officers were then
President, J. Prank Palmer; vice
president, F. E. Schwartz: secretary,
Miss Anna McKelvey; treasurer, Miss
Mary DeHart.
Those who attended the outing of
the Harrisburg Choral Union were:
Misses Grace Heimer, Carrie Black,
Sara McGraw, Ruth Martin, Ida Sow
ers, Emily Edwards, Margaret Math
ias, Lydla Kutz, Emma Lorenz, Bessie
Leins, Alice Lewis, Roxie Lewis, Maud
Parker, Julia Fenn, Myrtle Sowers,
Anna Dimm, Elizabeth Behman, Ella
Morrison, Grace McKelvey, Edna Mil
ler, Katherine Wells, Mrs. W. G.
Hoover, Mrs. Charles Black, Mrs. Ella
Brightbill, Bessie March, Edna Hoov
er, Anna Bockus, Katherine Germer,
Mrs. Lydla Williams, Mrs. Wm. Deal,
Mrs. J. Frank Palmer, Anna McKel
vey, Charles Bartley, Frank Hoover,
Alfred W. Lewis, A. C. Lackay, E. S.
Schilling, E. J. Huggins, Clark S.
Schilling, Charles Black, W. G. Hoov
er, H. S. McKelvey, Forrest Schwartz,
Russel Bucher, Henry Bruce, Henry
Stewart, Oliver Sensenig, Prof. Frank
McCarrell, Benjamin' Whitman, Ralph
Brightbill, Mrs. E. S. Schilling, Miss
Mabel Wilbar, Mrs. John Smith, Mary
DeHart, Mrs. Forrest E. Schwartz.
Superhuman Efforts
Mark Rescue of Many
Women and Children
Hugh Town, Scilly Islands, June 24.
—The saving of the passengers of the
wrecked Belgian steamer, Gothland,
was accomplished by almost superhu
man efforts on the part of the steam
ship's crew and the life saving crews.
Members of the life saving crew
from St. Mary's told to-day how one
of the Gothland's small boats, cram
med with women and children, broke
away from the davits and fell thirty
feet into the sea. The bottom of the
boat was smashed and all were thrown
into the water. The women and chil
dren struggled helplessly in the waves.
A quartermaster of the Gothland
sprang from the steamer's deck and
succeeded In saving three of the
Several of the life saving crew also
Jumped Into the water and handed
drowning children to their compan
ions in the rescue boat until all had
been saved. There was a heavy sea
running and all salvage work was per
ilous, but eventually all were got
safely ashore.
Postmaster Sites has received In
structions regarding the operations of
the new postal money order system,
which goes into effect July 1. Under
the new plan a money order, although
drawn on a specified office, may be
cashed at any money order post office
within thirty days of its issue, after
which it may be paid only at the
office on which It was drawn, or re
paid at the office of issue.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, >1 to 13. Wagons, 75 cents <
per month. Apply D. Cooper <fc Co.. 411
Broad street. Both phones.
irr S-«rtory brick building, rear 4M
Market »treet.
Household goods la clean, private
rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to
p. G. Dlener, Jeweler, 406 Market St.
large brick warehouses, built ex
pressly for storage. Private rooms
For household goods and unexcelled fa
cilities for storing all kinds of mer
chandise. Low storage rates. BouU>
St. and Penna. R. R
THE Secretary of the School District
of the Borough of Carlisle will rece<ve
bids for school bonds of the said D.s
trlct to the amount of $92,000.00, Issued
In denominations of SIOO, SSOO and SI,OOO,
payable thirty years after date, re
deemable after ten years at the option
of the said School District, bearing in
terest at the rate of 4 per cent, pen
annum, In coupon form. These bonds
are free of all State taxes and free
from any Federal Income tax. Bids
will be received until Monday evening,
June 29. 1914, by the undersigned. No
bids less than par will be entertained.
Secretary of the Board,
Carlisle, Pa.
JUNE 24,1914.
Pending Freight Rate Decision Gives Rise to Fears Concer
ning Outcome of Question; Bonds Jieavy
New York, June 24. Trades press
ed their advantage In the morning and
the weakness of certain railway issues
within the scope of the pending freight
rate decision gave rise to fears con
cerning the outcome of that question.
New York Central lost over two points,
with declines of 1 »n Baltimore
and Ohio, Reading, Lehigh Valley and
Chesapeake and Ohio. Western shares
were not Immune. Great Northern,
Northern Pacific and Union Pacific also
losing a point. Coppers were off from
fractions to a point, but steel held
comparatively steady. American Tele
phone declined two In sympathy with
Wester Union, and Cast Iron Pipe,
deniS °" passlnK ° r tbe dlvl "
Bonds were heavy.
Furnished by H. W. SNAVELY
Arcade Building _
New York, June 24.
, Open. 2.30 P. M.
Alaska Gold Mines .26% 26%
Am&l. Copper 70% 69%
American Beet Sugar 26% 26
American Can 27% 26%
American Can pfd.. 91% 90%
Am. C. & F 61 51*
American Cotton OH 41 40%
Am. Ice Securities .. 30% 30%
American Smelting . 63% 62%
American Sugar ... 106% 107
American T. & T... 122% 121
Anaconda 31% 30%
Atchison 9914 98 %
Baltimore & Ohio .. 91 89%
Bethlehem Steel ... 42 41 %
Bethlehem Steel pfd 83% 83
Brooklyn R. T 91 90%
California Petroleum 19% 18%
Canadian Pacific .. . 193% 193%
Central Leather ... 35% 35%
Chesapeake & Ohio. 51% 50
Cj. M. & St. P 100 97%
Chino Con. Copper . 41% 40%
Col. F. & 1 27 27
Consolidated Gas .. 129 128%
Distilling Securities .16 15%
Erie 28% 28%
Erie, Ist pfd 43 43
General Electric Co. 147% 147%
Goodrich, B. F 24% 23%
Great Northern, pfd. 123% 123%
Illinois Central .... 113% 113%
Interboro-Met 62% 62
Lehigh Valley 138 137%
Louis. & Nashville , 138% 137
Misouri Pacific 16% 16%
New York Central .90% 88%
N. Y.„ N. H. St H. . . 65% 65
Norfolk & Western. 105% 104%
Northern Pacific ... 110% 110
Penna. R. R 11l 110%
■Pressed Steel Car . 43% 43%
Ray Con. Copper .. 20% 21
Reading 164% 162%
Rep. Iron & Steel . 22% 22%
Southern Pacific ... 96% 95%
Southern Railway . 24% 24
Tennessee Copper . 33% 33%
Union Pacific 155% 153%
U. S. Rubber 58% 57%
U. S. Steel 61% 60%
U. S. Steel pfd .... 109% 109%
Utah Copper 58% 57%
Va. Car. Chem. ... 29% 29
Western Maryland .19 19
Western Union Tel.. 57 57%
Westinghouse Mfg.. 75 74%
Woolworth 96% 96%
W. C. Schildt Begins Trespass
Against Valley Traction For
Shiremanstown Disaster
Dauphin county
court yesterday when Attorney Arthur
Hull filed a suit in trespass against
the Valley Traction Company for W. I
C. Schildt, one of the injured men.
No statement has been filed as yet
but it is understood that SIO,OOO dam-!
ages will be asked.
Schildt was one of the more seri
ously hurt passengers, his throat hav
ing been gashed, it is said, so badly
as to almost sever his head.
Orslnger Auditor to Sit.—Attorney
Paul G. Smith, of the firm of Snod
grass & Smith, recently appointed by
the Dauphin County Court as auditor
for the estate of Vincent Orainger, for
merly proprietor of the Hotel Or
slnger, Third and Verbeke streets, will
sit at 10 o'clock Wednesday, July 8.
Carrie N. Orsinger, the administra
trix, has several thousand dollars in
hand for distribution among the heirs,
It is understood.
To Incorporate Company. Attor
ney Charles C. Stroh will apply to
the Governor Friday, July 17, for a
charter to Incorporate the Capital City
Construction Company, the purpose of
which will be the selling, purchasing
and developing of land.
Progress Hotel to Change Hands. —
Application will be made to the Dau
phin County Court MondAy for the
transfer of the license now held by An
ithony B. Harlacher and Anthony Bo
nitz, at the Progress Hotel, to Anthony
B. Harlacher.
Will Amend Church Charter. —Per-
mission has been granted the congre
gation of the Immanucl Presbyterian
Church of Harrisburg to amend its
charter In such a way as to Increase
the board of trustees from five to seven
members. Application for the charter
change had been made to the Dauphin
court by William H. Earnest, counsel
for the congregation.
New Modern
16 and 18 North Fourth Street 4
A g ly J.L. Shearer, Jr.
Furnished by H. W. SNAVBLY
Arcade Building
Chicago, 111., June 24.
Open, .tiign. LOW, Clos.
July 79% 79%
Sept. 78% 78%
Dec 81% 81%
July 69% 68%
Sept 67% 67%
July 39% 88%
Sept 28 37%
Chicago, 111., June 24. Hogs Re
ceipts, 27 000; strong. Bulk of sales,
18.25<&>8.35; light, $8.10@5.35; mixed,
$8.05®8.40; heavy, *7.95®8.37%; rough,
»7.95@8.10; pigs, *7.25®8.15.
Cattle Receipts, 13,500; steady.
Beeves, $7.50®9.40; steers, »6.90®8.10;
stockers and feeders, *6.15®8.15; cows
10 25 "• * 3 - 70 @8-85; calves, $7.00®
Sheep Receipts, 18,000; weak.
5.« ep ,' 15.30® 6.35; yearlings, 16.30®
..40; lnmbs, *6.50@8.25; springs, $6.76®
Philadelphia. June 24. Wheat
Lower; No 2, red, export. 93%@94c;
99c Northern, Dulutn, export, 98®
80@80 n %I F ' rm: N0 " 2> yeUOWI IOCal *
47%c 8 ~~ Steady; No. 2, white, 47®
»^? ran «oT"r,n B J?' rl{et w eak; winter, per
*24:00@24 50 1 SPr ' nß ' P6r t0n '
Sugars Market firm;
powdered, 4.40 c; line granulated, 4.30 c;
confectioners' A. 4.20 c; Keystone A.
Th e market is steady;
western, creamery, extras, 27 %c; near
by prints, fancy, 3lc. '
The market Is firmer;
l«!ii s»i. va ® •,» Si 10 other .nearby firsts,
free cases, $6.75 per case; do., current
receipts, free cases, $6.15 per case;
western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.75
per case; do., firsts, free cases, $6.16
per case.
Live Poultry Steady; fowls, 16%
""(He; young chickens, ll@20c:
Hprlns cbicltens, 27 032 c; broiling
chickens, 34®31c; old roosters, ll@12c;
ducks, old, 12® 14c; ducks, young, 16®
lec; geese, 15® 17c; turkeys, 19® 20c.
Pressed Poultry Steady; fowls
western, fancy, heavy, 17® 18c; do.,
fair to good, heavy, 14®16%c;
do., unattractive, 10 @ 13c; old
roosters, 12c; roasting chick
ens fancy, 16®18c; broiling
i«?s££? nB, fanc y» 24® 36c: do., fair.
18@ 19c; capons, large, 23®25c: do.,
small, 18®20c; turkeys, fancy, 24®26c:
do., fair, 20®23c; ducks, ll®18c; geese,
11 ® 16c.
„ Potatoes Firmer; old, per bushel,
90c%51.00; new, per barrel, *1.00®6.00.
Flour The market Is weak; winter,
clear, |3.85®4.10; straights, ' Penn
sylvania, $4.15®4.30; western, (4-26®
4.40; patents, *4.60®4.76; Kansas
straight. Jute sacks. J4.15®4.30; spring,
firsts, clear. *4.00®4.20; straights. 14.20
@4.40; patents. *4.50®4.75.
Hay The market is steady; tim
othy. No. 1, large bales, »18.00@18.60;
No. 1, medium bales, $17.60018.00; No.
2, do.. »16.00®17.00; No. 3, do., 114.00®
Clover mixed: Light, mixed, *16.50®
17.00; No. 1, do., *16.00016.60; No. I,
do., *14.00® 15.00.
Annual Reunion of City and Subur
ban Churches to Be Held
The annual Lu
theran reunion to
morrow at Reservoir
Park will be attended
by thousands of
• members of the Lu
."i theran congregations
• ' -Km rounding towns. The
•* .i ill®" afternoon program
' ''""Van™ win beKln at 2 - 30
r. o'clock when a con-
BSJrajJy|o3lL ccrt will be given by
the LoysvillQ Or-
PWjy*—phans' Home Band.
jfc&T This band, consisting
a*i Hi' f J ■ i-T> of more than twenty
tive pieces, is the only organization of
the kind the Harrisburg people have
the privilege of listening to. Every
thing will be free, as all the expenses
have been met by the churches, and
no collections will be taken. The
music will be followed by sport events,
various contests, games, races, etc.
Everyone will be eligible to compete
for the many prizes to be awarded.
Various valuable prizes have been
given by different businessmen of the
city and the nameß of the donators
will be given at the contests.
At 6 o'clock the evening program
will begin with the Rev. J. B. Mark
ward, D. D., presiding; music by the
Orphans' band, and good old-time Lu
theran hymns will be sung; addresses
T>y the Rev. A. R. Steck, D. D., a Lu
theran orators of Carlisle, Pa., and
A. J. Hutton, a prominent lawyer of
The reunion and outing Is in charge
of the Lutheran Brotherhood Central
of Harrisburg and Vicinity.
Cornell Alumni to
Get Result of Races
Cornell University alumni In and
about Harrisburg will dine at the En
gineers' Club, Front and Chestnut
streets, Friday evening at 6 o'clock.
Friday is the day for the annual
regatta at Poughkeepsle.» Arrange
ments have been made to get the re
sults of the races. It is requested that
all Cornel men notify the club whether
they will be at the dinner not later
than Friday morning.
and other* upon their own nuut
Cheap rates, war payments, confiden
Alma A CM _ R- 104 ft If. Market ■«.