ll c 23c ll c 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE ?! JUNE 23rd CALL 1991-ANY"PHONE."#" I Noted In History Bishop John Fell, born June 23rd, 1625—Longworth harrisburg's popular department store Mr Wilhelm Leibvvitz, historian, philosopher, born June 23rd, 1646 jjj pj —Leipsic. Mrs. Catherine McCauley, "History of England From the *M * J w WW e/a </i Accession of Tames I to Elevation of the House of Hanover," § f Mm*k J ■? » O » ft rt died June 23, 1791. M UtZOUUjfy U llFlxZ /vi TT gw 353 THE BOOK FISH wiu be noted as a day of great bargains at Bowman's. Every depart- 55 < < On June 23rd a codfish brought to Cambridge market on be- llieilt liaS COlltributCd tO Uldk6 tlllS dcLV Of UHtLSUtII V3.ltlf*4 CI VI Tiff Qnmp u u CO e/a ing opened was found to contain a book on religious subjects, 11. A *l A 1 f• _ j j i i « t O O* U1 n n written by Frith while in prison. til 6 ItCIIIS lIStCQ SOIQ rCgUldfly Up tO $2.50. TUCSddV tll6 priCC WHI b6 23C > > N n —— ~ IT - r uu 23c Sale Dress Goods Women's Wear Embroideries and Unusual Values in and SI.OO cotton ratine suiting, brown, rose, tan and lilac, FlOtUlCillffS FOIT WW y u 59c 36-inch silk ratine, pink, light blue, lilac and wistaria, per SI.OO Waists at 23c the 23c Sale * Bffen S HiTcdr dt 23c mm co co yard # 4 23t t-\ « 39c dotted Seco silk, beautiful floral designs in shades of pink, fi ne |j"w C waLtT'ln™ Dresden figure*, lace at neck and sleeves; 39 c Embroidered Gal- • government and army canvas coats and trousers, smail pq »*%*«» *" d »" «* nel waists, loon., yard 230 , ~ J J 50c cream storm serge, black stripe, per yard 33* all sizes of all kinds. Not more than 2to a customer, 15c and 20c embroidered Men's sT.O) , and $125 btack stiff hats w£3 " 1 f'!?. P X" galloons, 3 yards f0r.230 and^ Jg 50c satin foulard, brown with set figures, per yard 23$ 50c Lawn Dressing Sacques, you can buy only two. Thev C nc h Swiss flounc- 1 c re " s3 c st,aw and wash hats 23$ $1.25 Reads Lansdowne, good shades, waist length, yd., 23$ are piade of good lawn in neat figures on white ground, V or- ing, yard 230 ~° W 11 C C °° s ca l )S > - for 23$ pq tTI Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. square necks, for 23c \q r ?7_; n rli k,k v Tlllrd FIoor — BOWMAN'S. rv, ro .$ 1 - 0{ ? and $ L5 ° House Dresses, if you can wear 34 or 36, or i • , f] • . , j j misses 14 to 20, then you're in luck; there are about 4 dozen broldel T flouncing, yard, k, ro Mnfh • A "ffpn <1 f"Tl1 Q r- 1 t m ' excel J ent dress es but the larger sizes have all been sold. 230 1 «<« lTlUUierb. ALieilU tlllb ZOt G,n g hams and percales, many with daiinty embroidery for 23? 20c Shadow' Laces, 4to 8 VjTecLL ZjC SfllG v, £ % . fJ- 00 Lon g Kimonos, not many of them, so onlv one will be • i • i o i r V V WViAV Salf* ftf Clotllinjr sold to eac h customer, Oriental patterns and colorings, at 23<t inches Wide, 2 yards for • rr UtUt UA X^V a /° VlUWUlig Suit Section. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 230 _ MPI 50c wash suits, Russian sailors and oliver twists ~ * I I lV | |V¥ Hand Bags and Purses Summer Gloves in the L/11N J2/IN O u u Boys' 25c khaki bloomers, sizes 4, 5 and 6 only, 2 for... .23$ . - _ O 1 C/s C/ 5 r3?3 Third Fioor-BowMANs. iH'tiie 23c Sale ZoC o£LI6 AI A i A f d* c t J 22:^ Women's 2-clasp embroidered Silk LOl Ol Dig Bargains TOF 111050 ay mtn UJ W C\ Alt Children's 50c fancy bead purses, 23<? Gloves; small sizes; values up to $1.00,, 50 dozen 19c white Turkish towels, slightly imperfect good H SHOES For All -O ™«- "and Pa ; r 6 : butto n- -lenguV iisie gloveV in u u bags 230 black and pongee; values 50c and 75c, , 1 _ (<c . pair .* 230 3Q c mercerized table damask, 58 inches wide, a nice assort- H IJIIIT7 7SC Sensible coin purses. Special. .230 10 and 12-button length silk gloves; ment of P atterns ' g°od quality, per yard 23$ cn m U3 u J Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. values 65c and 75c; broken sizes, pair, butchers linen, 3 yards for 23$ i 3 3,„ . .... Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. - £2 va Women s Slippers O u Women's Shoes | * A - ¥ • Mpn 'c an/1 WntnQn'e 4 yards of brown toweling with blue border for 23c oo Crt CO Women's Rubbers i\|rf |JT|PT|S ITICII O CUIU W UUlCll O 39c 45-inch lunch covers, eight different patterns to select > > Children's Slippers CIO ™ 1 UUV,W TT*. 4 prvM _ TiAei Of IT ,rom - Lin,it 1 to ' custoraer 33e S S [aj Children's Canvas Shoes ...... W l . .- UliUCi Wvcll CLllvi llUolCi J 19c 36-inch white pique for pretty summer skirts, 2 yards for Men's Slippers /_II ! m the Men's 50c underwear, broken lines balbnggan, plain and * ££ c/ 3c/ 3 Babies' Shoes ribbed 23c c renc h linen, 36 inches wide, just the kind of materials n u u Shoe Polishin"-Outfits ..!'.!!!!.* Cala Boys' 50C shirts, percales and madras, coat style, attached thatwlll make you a pretty dress or suit for vacation time, per \• 1 \ JLC cuffs, seconds 230 ysrd silif* cm esj \ allies up to J Men's 25c half hose, silk lisle, double soles, high spliced heels, Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. C-" p* Third FIoor— BOWMAN'S. 19c guest towels, stamp- black, navy and tan, 2 pairs for 23p - C*3 C*l —— ed for embroidering, 2 for Mens 50c suspenders, best lisle webbing, leather ends, 50C Tioga Sleached Sheets 03 , f Men's 50c neckwear, four-in-hand and club string ties, knit 50CSdlllbOO 23C w << 33c bureau scarfs, with and cut silks b 23« n . A XT ' 79x90 Inches 23c ' ace nsert i° n • • co ' 29c drawn-work squares fancy yokes, 2 for Fifth FIoor— BOWMAN'S 5> cnj cm With Any Purchase of Goods in Domestics Department and pillow shams .. . .230 Women s 39c and 50c union suits, low neck, sleeveless, lace —— . ... . , Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. knees 23C m m trfUj f pillow cases, sizes 50x36 and 04x36, value 25c Boys'union suits, open mesh, ecru, short sleeves, knee length 23C 5c11.6 Of MlUlllGrV << 6 yards of 8c chambray gingham 23$ . Women's 50c colored hose, thread silk, boots, double soSf, Rlack hats in -ill inH,,Hino c,;i i AW 7 yards of 6j4c Challie for 23c AH O hl S !l spliced heels, seconds 23c „' A 1" S sha P es includ 'ng sailors, hemps and chips, co er> 30c awn ing, stripes of full pieces, different colors in five dif- Mji II Ll I 111 S Women's 25c hose, black and colors, silk lisle, double sole« A $-50, each 23c SJ g CM CM ferent patterns for 23$ high spliced heels, wide garter tops, seconds, 2 pairs for. .23$ An assortment of flowers of all kinds, values up to $1.50; all R- ? 4 yards 8c apron gingham, any pattern in any color 23c it. Women's 50c hose, plain and silk lisle, black, white and tan, new " es S at 23$ d W 30c sheeting, 90 inches wide 23$ J.** LUC also some black cotton with white feet, per pair 23$ Millinery Section. Second Floor bj u 0 yards 40-inch sheeting, by seaming together make light O 1 Children's black cotton hose, fine rib, double soles and j a summer sheets 23$ ZOC WCII6 toes, all sizes, 3 pairs for 23$ ~~ " ro NJ 6/35/3 Main Floor BOWMAN'S. 10c shoe trees, 3 Children's 2.X-. 2 pairs for 23$ SpeCidl 23C ItCIUS ill n n Muslin UlldGrWfi3.r J°' in J- Clark's best six- Wagon Umbrellas 23c ! ££ 1UU&llil uuuerwear cord machine cotton, Twenty-fiveTl. 50 wagon umbrellas, 8 stays; made of green IlOUSeiUnilSjllllgS 29c drawers, made of nainsook, embroidery ruffle and tucks black and white, half and white duck; rain and sun proof; sold only to persons hav- <! 23c "" 0 in g teams and doing draying. Limit one to a customer, ea., 23c 39c food cutters with three interchangeable knives 23$ WW 5/3 5/3 29c children's drawers, ruffle o! embroidery and tucks, sizes Three 6-yard pieces em- BOWMAN'S— Main Floor—Rear. 39 c Japaned flour can, holds 40 pounds 23$ n n m ' to 14 y ears ! 23c broidery edge, white and Snleildid psl 39c children's gowns, high neck, long sleeves, made of fine colored ' 230 7?V , i,;!! ? f i . . UrapeneS 49c tin pails, extra heavy, made of good quality tin .... 23$ cambric, tucked yokes, sizes 2to 6 years 23$ qfv f-.n c Qlit* t r white Swiss with pink bar and dot for sesli or long cur- 49c Japaned tin umbrella jar 23* 5 m 25c to 39c ladies' white apronsof Swiss and fine lawn, embroi- Main nm ZTil I'- 23$ 69c Mexican lunch basket with cover . 23$ rw , r ., dery and lace trimmed ruffle 23* BOWMAN S. ?10 0 and $1.25 lace curtains, sample stripes} 3 yards long, for 59c white enamel pails, 10-quart size ... 23c J 29c corset cover, lace and embroidery trimmed, all sizes. .23$ U \ 1 *a ■ u e 1 • {f: 4<Jc Holts patent cream whip, whip attached to pint iar' 23e tv, < < 29c brassieres, hooked front, trimmed with embroidery in CHINA aild u Ch u" Sash °I Sl ." curta!lls - P er y a 'd. »3$ 39c good quality brooms P 1 SW w sertion and neat edge of embroidery, sizes 34 to 46 23$ ardTf 7 mercen cushion cords in many pretty colors, 2 Swift's Pride washing powder, 6 packs for 23$ 0 PROCELAIN 35c^tV; o 8 S? SSg CM CM » dow or door curtains, per yard 23c ,0/°! * m l . J°''f 1 pape . r ";•;•••. P- p m 10 .• TJ Ware For 23c 18c cretonnes, 32 inches wide, for curtains,.boxes', cushions 39c pin ered SkeTs made r'r" 23c W m w W f QrkPPI a 1 Tf Am C - and furniture covering, 2 yards .for 23c £■ »♦ . bucke . ts Ji made of alu ™ num 23c vyo I OpuCldl Items 50c decorated' porcelain 20c ecru lace, 44 inches wide for short or long curtains > dCX e ISlOn wmdow screens, Sherwood quality, 23$ N9 N3 SS cuspidors 230 yards for 23$ BOWMAN'S-Basement. WW t For 23C Sale 39c milk or water pitch- bow MANS tourtii Moor, T -c/»c^ 69 . C d " n . S - 42c decorated porcelain . 98c ? hildren ' s whit e figured pique bonnets, trimmed with rib- UffS &UCL JXLcL ILIUSTS JOO W s printing.press 23$ decorated porcelain bon, ribbon bows and ties O SIOO acid pale 23tf pltcheis with 29c children's rompers, percale, striped and plain, 2 to 6 • M $- 50 metal battleship, only one, slightly scarred 23$ 230 years 2Sik 111 1P wGo f/i &3 SI.OO nnrroscopes 23$ 39c and 49c jardinieres, . s °c infants' soft sole shoes, in pink, blue, white and tan, large AsJKj wdlC n n e% C a >'!rL- C^Vi'i ( 'r S 8 and 9-ilich sizes. Choice, s ' zes 23f Crex liall runner, yard 23$^*^ COM .-)0c spark plugs 23c OO A Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. t J . , Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. 7 ; Ingram carpet, one yard wide, part wool, yard 236 H - 39c decorated China— PiKKahc <*l 4-lin OQ/* C#lla 5C Japanese lanterns—supply your needs for porch and lawn m m plates, bouillons, puff JxIUwOIIS lU LllU /jC wale parties, 6 for '. 23^ Your Flv "EVpA boXeS ' hair receiver S and Some at Less Than Half Their Real Value Japanese matting rugs, size 27x54 inches, patterns woven W W cocttVrd A VU.A Ely owattcib rree match safes 230 50c veniTe "oHars' each y& through ° ° <*9 JO a-J- Tso\l[]nVr A N'C glass bell} dishes. Buy your ribbons here and have your bows and girdles made I a^le oilcloth, light or dark colors; also plain white; l>2 §> d** JJV/ VY IfXXXXI O J«SO free. yards wide; regular 30c quality, yard 23c P" Basement—BOWMAN'S. Main KIoor—BOWMAN'S. bowmawb Fn„ r tt, C*l t*l 23c SALI 23C SALE 23C SALE 23° SALE 23° u!f ll'f«? ll' 23c SALE 23c SALE 23£ SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE °23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE 23c SALE MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 22,1914 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers