10 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE: NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Court of Quarter Sessions, of Dauphin County, on Tuesdav, the 2Sd day of June, at 10 o'clock A. M„ or the first sitting of the said Court thereafter, for the transfer of the Retail Liquor Lilcense now held by James Russ to Ellis P. Gourley, for the premises known as the Senate Hotel No. 2 North Market Square, Har rlsburg, Pa. ELLIS P. GOURLEY, Applicant FOX & GEYER, His Attorneys. NOTICE Letters Testamentary on ♦he Estate of Kate Cunkle. late of Har risburg. Pa.. Dauphin county. Pa., de ceased. having been granted to the un dersigned residing in Harrisburg Pa., all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them tor settlement. JAMES R. DOWNIE, 617 Calder Street, Executor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters Testamentary having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Herman Astrich, late of the City of Harrisburg, deceased; all persons hav ing claims against said estate will pre sent the same, and all persons indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment to me. EMMA ASTRICH, Executrix, 800 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. r ~ \ Frank R. Leib Sao Real Estate and Insurance Office, No. 18 N. Third St HARRISBURG, PA. Offers the following property FOR SALE No. 1006 N. Second St., 3- story brick dwelling, 10 rooms and bath; all improvements. No. 209 State St., 3-story brick dwelling, 9 rooms and bath; all improvements. No. 1411 and 1413 N. Third St., 3-story brick dwelling; 7 I rooms, gas, water in kitchen. ' i, FOR RENT Offices at 29 N. Second ji street. Heat, light and • water. Ii J t MONEY] $lO and Upwards For the 4th |! No red tape, bother or ' worry. You may have s it to-day if you wish. i LEGAL RATES J c EQUITABLE 1 INVESTMENT COMPANY i 0 N. MARKET SQUARE 1 Room ax 4th Floor * —— i t J MONEY 1 to loan in amounts of $5 to S2OO to honest working people in need at cheaper F rates than the law of 1913 Z allows. j Organized In 1909 by j local people of recognized standing, to save borrow ers from extortion, this company, regardless of I what others advertise, still leads the way for low r rates, fair treatment and » volume of business. CO - OPERATIVE I Loan and Investment Co. \ 204 CHESTNUT ST. F Office Hour* i JJ 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., Wednes- E days and t_turdays 8 a. m. s to 9 p. m. r J 1 I I - I Central Apartment ) FOR RENT l 3 rooms, bath and kitchen, city ! steam heat and water suppllod. 11 Newly renovated. Convenient in \ every way. S Now ready for occupancy. \ Located at No. 32 N. 2nd St. ( Apply to Commonwealth Trust - Company v Heal Enlatf Department ■JTJ MARKET STIIEET ( GLASSES] SI.OO j National Optical Co. < 34 S. Third St. Near PontofTlce ' -J —;=r— — % "*** "*»■ Jt\ c tecum i Whr »• eoaatUMted nk« Rente ( «o*a the mark. Caa ha had at all t ilrac ■tare*. ! • . k " '' - " ' ■*% MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH' JUNE 22, 1914. DIME [EIDERS 111 STOIIGH CIPH Nearly 1,000 Persons Constitute the Personnel of Several Committees Committees to co-operate in the Stough campaign both before and dur ing the ev&nglist's stay in this city were announced yesterday. At the same time ministers in various churches had envelopes distributed so liciting contributions to defray pre liminary expenses. The committees are as follows: Finance Committee— Chairman, E. Z. Wallower; David Wise, A. H. Fraim, W. L. Worcester, B. F. Blough, J. E. Wagner, Charles Beshore, Har vey Blair, P. A. Fishel, J. W. Thomp son, William Kimmel, W. C. Potts, D. W. Shelley, J. L. Livingstone, G. A. Werner, S. R. Harris, Elmer E. Nis ley, J. H. Kase, C. W. Beyer, J. H. Frantz, G. H. Jeffers, Redsecker Brin ser, Jacob Slothower, George E. Run kle, Charles Barnhart, S. W. Bush man, H. A. Sherk, Elmer C. Finken binder, E. S. Nissley, F. S. Hesser, C. M. Conover, Mervin Cook, Arthur D. Hacon, W. S. Snyder, C. Wesley Fish er, William K. Hamer, B. F. Boses, John Bobrfn, David Cotteral, I. P. Bowman, John Lappley, George W. Rhoads, James W. Davis, Charles F. Motter, Harry Batdorf, Sam T. Kin singer, B. B. Drum, Dr. John H. Kreider, William Barnhart, H. Ben net, H. L. Griffin, W. C. Cunkle, D. P. Jerauld, Dr. J. Edward Munce, D. W. Bollinger, Albert Andrews. Tabernacle Committee — Chairman, William S. Roebuck; C. L. Shaef fer, P. Barmont, John Zeiders, D. S. Lowe, S. H. Garland, J. M. Re buck, O. R. Girvin, H. C. Baum. G. W. Black, J. E. Dare, B. F. Eby, H. C. Ross, James D. Miller, Eli Hollinger, H. O. Sebold, Thomas E. Kohr, F. P. Murphy, alternate; D. S. Sollenberger, J. D. Coover, Paul Gendell, W. Rus sell Jones. | Publicity Committee Chairman, Robert F. Webster; Elias Fissel,, H. E. Townsend, Jf>hn Tripner, J. F. Young, Albert Siple, William H&r mont, Ralph Laverty, Guy Eckert, W. H. Shetter, George Good, Charles Mosingo, Carter Bielman, D. A. Teats, J. T. Shriver, Stanley Backenstoss, H. G. Pedlow, John A. Affleck, Karl D. | Fogg, J. E. Hoerner, J. C. Boyle, A. ' P. Davies, George Emig, Ralph Hoov |er, Harry Weirich, Charles O. Oyler, J. W. Holsberg, Ralph Trimmer, H. O. Miller, Scott Beidleman, Boyd Crouse, N. Y. Parthemore, Charles Noll, Wil liam H. Hetrick, E. Bruce Taylor, James C. Peet, William R. Denehey, John Snavely, Jr., E. Drinkwater, Wil liam Rohrer, Charles Wilson, Charles Fraim, David Friese, W. R. Donmoy er, Bruce Wiley. George Dunkle, Clar ence Zarger, Clarence Wilson, Leroy Patrick, John Graffius, Parker Lats haugh, H. R. Swartz, J. A. Spencer, J. E. Jackson, B. H. Millard, Robert B. Lea, J. E. Adams. Press Committee.—Chr.:rman, Wil mer crow; J. D. Rudy, W. A. Laverty, Roy Walters, R. D. Beman, Welling ton Jones, D. D. Hammelbaugh, H. A. Zeiders, Edgar B. Lerew, Lawrence Shepley, E. Fred Rowe, Irvin Geiger, George Marshall, E. S. Schilling, John Wilver, John W. haeffer, L. K. Hum mel, Gordon Heathcote. Entertainment Committee. Mrs. Rebecca Ford, Mrs. J. E. W T agner, Mrs. Charles Laverty, L. T. Stouffer, W. F. Schreadley, D. R. Cadwallader, Mrs. Susan Duncan, Mlss Elizabeth Hack enberg, Mrs. David Marks, Mrs. Paul Schmledel, Mrs. Mary E. Rollison, C. H. Kintner, Mrs. Edw„.d Drinkwater, Miss Martha Kirk, A. H. Stover, John Swartz, Mrs. John Wilson, Robert Ward, J. A. McCabe, Ezra Wager, W r . H. Skinner. Music Committee.—Chairman, C. F. Clippinger, John W. Finton, Mrs. Frank Smiley, Mlss Ruth Conkling, John Deshong, Ethel Dissinger, Sadie Gordon, Prof. J. R. Swartz, Mlss Beu lah Hoverter, Miss Annie Miller, Roy Kimmel, Paul Stouffer, Gertrude Stouffer, William Dunlap, Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd C. Holland, Ross K. Berg stresser, C. H. Hoffman, Miss Myrtle Schell, Robert C. Smith, "W. B. Cor bett, A. J. Lightner, Mrs. U. F. Swne gel, Charles R, Bartley, Mrs. J. A. Sellers, George Stotz, Charles Runkle, W. H. Myers, Professor T. H. Davies, Roy Mathias, Mrs. H. O. Miller, Sam uel Fackley, L. C. Scott, F. E. Crist, Professor C. A. Ellenbirger, H. M. Rretz, Mrs. W. K. Bumbaugh, Miss Carrie Snavely, Mrs. R. W. Runyan, William Mell, Charles Fisher, Miss Sarah Estelle Butler, Mrs. John Haas, Blanche Ennls, W. L. High, Mrs. C. Batdorf, Widney Peffer, Professor Henry Dellinger, Felix I.,utz, Charles F. Motter, Edwin S. Troup. Philip Zarker, Miss Evelyn Johnson, Miss Jennie Sellers, Mrs. John n. Nissley, Mrs. John T. Ray, A. Russell Calder] Mrs. Charles Cooper, Mrs. H. E. Frank, Harry Hammond, Miss J. Virginia Payne, A. W. Lewis. Personal Service Committee.— Chairman, Frank H. Gregory; Mrs. Amos Morrison, Mrs. John Smith, Miss Anna Wilkinson. J. W. Beshore, Viola Heiser, Edward Albright, John Hard er, Mrs. Mae Miss Francis taub, Mrs. C. H. Grove, Airs. James Wright, Mrs. Benjamin Meek, George R. Pritchard, J. B. "tewart, Mrs. Wil liam Dunlap, W. S. Fishel, J. H. Pere goy, C. C. Gastrock. Mlss Ella Wilson, Miss Mary Skane, Miss Katharine Ger mer, Charles S. Urlch, C. E. Webb, John Ziegler, Joseph S. Row, D. R! Loudermilch, Mrs. D. H. Cooper, Miss Edith Stauffer, A. T. Baker, O. P. Beckley, George Dlehl, Mrs. Gertrude Leidig, Mrs. E. L. Fackler, William G. Hean, H. B. Welbert, J. H. Sebourn, John Berry, William Hare, Thomas B. Leeds. Adam Martz, William Bricker, John Haas, Roy Stetler, Miss Lydia Kutz, C. B. Fisher, the Rev. James K. Cotterell, Calvin Zorger, Weing Wal lace, Amos I'unk, Mrs. Harry Post, William I). Reed, William M. Mailey! Mrs. Sarah Pearson, R. Simmers, C. A Mount, Mrs. I. C. Scattergood, Miss Carolyn Gethart, Mr. Boyer, T. M. Fleffelfinger. Aaron S. Payne. Sunday School aiul Children's Work —James, Barker, chairman, D. H Swope, Miss Jess Hockley, Mrs. Ed ward Fries. Elwood Cover, C. M. Sig ler. Mrs. S. G. Yahn, D. S. Lowe Charles Shambaugh, Mrs. Roy Kim mel, Mrs. S. R. Harris, Mrs. Harriet Schlmmelflng. Al. K. Thomas, Miss Helen Rohrer, H. B. Walter, Mlss Mil dred Garman. C. H. Koons, G. W Shultz, J. A. Stahler, B. H. Saltsman Mrs. Thomas Clark. J. E. Gipple, Mlss Helen Bright, Frank J. Waltis, Mrs. R. B. Askln, John P. Mellck, Miss Helen M. Armor, Miss Bertha Rohrer, Miss Charlotte Hamer, Mlss Nan Kraber, Mrs. David Friese, Mrs. Rosa Long, F." E. Musser. Mrs. J. J. Nungesser, Calvin Zorger, Ewlng Wallace, H. P. Motter, L. R. Fisher, Harry W. Hoover, John C. Nissley, H. D. Jones, Mrs. A. R. Calder. Mrs. W. E. O. Hake, J. N. Finley. Men's Work Committee —Harry L. Carl, chairman. J. E. Rothe, J. E. Core, Norman Manahan, W. W. Galligher, George Glple, R. V. Ritter. Clarence Miller, William Thompson, Frank Kohler, Benjamin Meek, John Lease, Jr., IJ. H. Parthemore, S. P. Eby, J. L. Wert, Oscar Smth. R, E. Boswell, W. Stewart Parker. Warren VanDyke, Dr. C. E. L.. Kenne, C. W. Kunkle, J. G. Poyle. A P. Davles, S. W. Finken hlnder, E. A. Rlegel. C. A. Cornman. M. Li. Beck, Norman Sip die. j Kuck. H. L. carl. H. W. Lindsey. O. K. • Kines, James H. Gingrich, Mervin I Plough. Professor R. M. McNeal, W. P. ' r^ P r Ji e . y ' ™ Wlllla m E. Jones. P. B. I KS C 'arence Kirk, John Kraber, ! KJM , John Shilling. Clyde ... TJ'TJ" Batdorf, J. J. Nungessor, ilk™ „ ur i? hy ' Harry Rickabaugh, Wil- Ross Fulton, Chester Du ey. John T. Ray. S. Pernor r 'n? x M - Yln » pr - th « Rev. J. H. InJ « • Waggoner, J. O. Jack .**£• H " Wirt - J o h n Evans. RI"?" 10 " 8 Committee Mrs. E. A. roi o . ~ „ Ellas Fissel, Mrs. David n\al% c r! ',.? erth ' 1 Miller, Mrs. Nieh 2,'"^Smith. Mrs. R. V. Ritter, Mrs. o a R «S buc J t - Mrs - w - N - Yates, Mrs. u U ' Mrs - Henry Stewart, s™.i M Ve} 'n E ' Dewalt, Mrs. John F. Mr?^^ ra i, Good ' Mlss Maud Gamble, Mr!" Mrs A - W. Lutz, ii ' w Mrs. John A. Feeman, vnvJ£ u Wisehart, Mrs. O. R. Gir tin 'Mr ?• ?• Walter - Mrs. J. G. Mar- A ;, Gll l. Mrs Oberdier, Mrs. p" aac Q Boyer. Mrs. E. Zimmerman, Mrs. \ir» L ? oudv ' Mrs - Leonora Lerew, Wno, .. Dowdell, Mrs. E. F. Pdwn 'n Frank Buekalew, Mrs. Mrs " George Remine, kln«nn ,f ifcle ' Mlss Ellen F. Tom- P MU'I Pardoe, Mrs. Emily Woilil v' Mrs. David Rodgers. Mrs. wfni ? r> Mrs " John Berry, Mrs. Mrs E s a k M,'i. MrS ' C " M " Geist nn™ vi 8 - Schilling. Miss Elizabeth S"5L Mrß - " H - Hilbush, Mrs. Lydia lenn Pri Mrs Frank Sterret. Mrs. Frlw T, rinCe ',? ,rs - Mae w ord, Mrs. , a '»5S U J?' rs - Robert Clark, Mrs. Mrl' T n h„ T e, n "• William P.arnhardt, IJLJ' J T oh " T " RA Y- Mrs. J. O. Jackson. Can«li u ' I®"" I '' Slrs William H. F M L r » Alb : rt M Boyson, Mrs. J. vl l rra - T ' M - Heffelfinger f chTi^mn^ Mc °fnKs Committee (chairman to be elected)— Mrs Wil- Mrs 1 Tnh I " T^, M / 8 - R,chard Sterringer, face Mr " ln, ? n ', Mrs ' «eorge Wal ' arr| P Lowe, Mrs. Joseph • Mrs " Dr Kann . Mrs. W. A Ht ffelfinger. Mrs. Chester Shellv Mrs Mrs 8 p *h' H ,r k " Mrs " Roberts! Mrs AlhBW c y \« rs ' Har vey Klaer, Airs. Albert S. Moyer, Mrs. Griffiths Hnffa MrS ' Laura St. Clair, Mrs. C. bau?hT * MrS " ° eor * e Hammel- John SfihT Au £ ustus Lightner, Mrs. C W P S , Mrs ' Frank Bartolet, M™ Fk U ck °rt, Mrs. Harry Lerew, M^lP«o^ anlel » Corßnits! - Anna j__ p,®f J! 1, Mrs. J. K. Robinson, Miss Elsie Harman. Mrs. J. F. Barlev Mrs. Jacob Groff, Mrs.. George DiehV n Tpi r tt lie M elT n? ni!eri Miss Min " nii E. Gotta. Mrs. W. B. Sloan, Mrs. *,' r o T mi- v S " Miss Sarah Mardorf, Mrs. Lillian \erbeke. Mrs. Myrtle Gra- Ca^'Miller M e " E™' K,h Mrs. \v,L <i ' A ,rs ' Theo - Beshore. Mrs. Nora Oren. Mrs. A. W. Mover, Mrs. J Ii- w Deavor. Mrs. Harry Walton Mr,' £ nnß Morrls - Mrs. Ida Smith] Mrs. Florence Broomall, Mrs. L R Usher Mrs. William Mailey. Mrs Anna Hocker. Mrs. Harry Swartz Mrs w vr F V, l ; man - Mrs - H - D - J one«. Mrs! N - Waggoner. Miss Anna Bover, Miss Alice Lewis. Mrs. William' H loungr. Young Men's Work Committee —- Benjamin Whitman, chairman, C. E Bowman. Austin Lightner, Clifford Zellers, C. E. Booser, Chester Shelly Enos Henriek, Harry Nevudeshell,' Alexander Ensminger, Henry Ijease," Lloyd Lutz, Merle D. Flarris, R, R. HUGO-DICKENS-SHAKESPEARE-DUMAS End of a Great Coupon Offer OINL,Y A FEW SETS I rrT TwVi gi ves notice that in a few days the remaining sets of our special importa-' A Cl-Cgrdpn tions of HUGO, will have been distributed to our readers. DO NOT MISS THIS RARE OPPORTUNITY to secure at least one of these magnificent sets of six volumes of everlasting value. Be Prompt! Act Now! Thompson, Charles M. Storey, Pro fessor George W. Hamilton, John Dun lap, Russell Ritchie, F. I. Hoover, R. A. Wagner, Leland Booda, Kreemont 1-ingle. John Lynch, Jr., Ralph Man ley, Frank Buekalew, William Repp, Harry Smeltzer, H. R Saussaman, Charles S. 8011. James I). Miller, Ray mond Michael, Edgar St'oner, Oeorge Marshal, George Bufflngton, Dr. W. J. Schiefly, William K. Hertz. H. P. Mot ter. Russell Jones, Lawrence .Miller, Ueorge Lebo, John Pearson, Charles Price, J. K. Daniels, S. K. Fuhrman, Walter Sla.vmaker, James Fitzpatrick. \oung Women's Work Committee— Laura M. Bulick, Miss Jane Rothe, Miss Nellie Foulk, Goldie Gallagher, Florence Forncrook, Cora Dugan, Emma Sunday, Mrs. Henry Lease, Mrs. Harper Black, Mrs. George A. Werner, Miss Bessie Smith, Miss Jess R. Hart man. Mrs. R. E. Boswell, Miss Anna Bockus. Miss Mary Angeny, Miss Kath ryn Bolton. Miss Pearl Miller. Mrs. Clyde Benner, Mlss Myrtle Maher, Miss Edith Basehore. Mrs, R. M. Filbert, Miss Helen Weaver. Mrs. Edgar Wal lower, Mlss Helen L. McFarland, Mlss V. ora fcJ-»ber. Mrs. Robert W. Runyan, Mary Crane, Helen Snyder, Mrs. John H. Lappley, Miss Eliza Peffer, Mrs. H. P. Motter, Mrs. Russel Jones. Mrs Mary Fox. Miss Madeline Stoner, Mlss Edna Owens. Iva Anderson, Mrs. Pearl Booth, Miss Ruth Barnhard, Miss Lil lian Free, Miss Agnes Sanderson. Mlss Sarah Morgan. Shop Meeting's Committee—J. Henrv Spicer, chairman. Joseph Mencer, C. E. Rebuck, Edw. D. Fries. Jacob Hoff man, John Bayles, Sr.. Simon Good year, D. A. Kauffman, William Smith. George W. Swelgart, P. J. Martin, H. C. Miller, W. S. Graeff, J. A. Gill, E. A \ ogel. John Lynch, J. Frank Matz, E. B Lulgard, John W. Smith. Homer Bliiok Dm'ld Rodgers, Mrs. Wilkins, B.F Barnhart. W. L. Troup, James .W Davis, Thomas E. Kohr, Harrv Post, Joseph L. Leonard, C. E. Whit man, W. A. Sawyer, J. R. Kautz, James Andrews. Money to Loan In amountH from 95.00 up, at I.rgnl Rates. It Is cheaper to borrow money at present charges, and pay cash, than to huy on credit. This Is the flrst loan Institution In Harrisburg to adopt a profit-shar ing plan. Incorporated, licensed and bounded by the Stute. Profit-Sharing Loan Society Rooms 6-7. 0 N. MARKET SQUARE Second Floor SMALLEST GRADUATING CLASS Special to The Telegraph Shlppenßburg, Pbl., June 22.—Ship pensburg has the smallest class this year of any yet In the history of the school. This Is the first class to grad uatc under the new course. The grad uates are Lena Agle, Nelle Beidel, Ruth Cllppinger, Pauline Drawbaugh, Mil dred Friedinger, Nora Glessner, Ruth Groninger, Margaret Flouston, Eliz abeth Krall. Clara Markley, Ruth Reeser, Elizabeth Sheads, H. W. Meek ley. C. S. Rice, Fred Squires and Ernest Snyder. Once read thy own breast right. And thou hast done with fears; Man gets no other light, Search he a thousand years. —Matthew Arnold. TIRES Extra S ON 37x4 Penna. Varum Cupa over Hlze for 3tfx4. List Price $57.80 Our Price $26.00 EXTRA HEAVY TIKES Fur uaera at aniall nlzrs 30x3 .. . V7.X41 33x4 ... 915.73 30X.3V& .. ■ $lO.-N .14x4 .. . flff.33 32x3V& ... *ll.lß 3.1x4 ... 32x4 .. . $16.12 30x4 .. . 910.4.1 Will ship C. O. I), aubjret to ex amination. Thrae prices are atrlctly NET CASH. ELECTRIC HORNS, 94.48 EACH 7. A. PLANK 1017 MARKET STREET HarrlsburK, I*n. Hell I'liune 3330. Next to Keyatone Motor Car Co. W*WW%WW>%M>MMM«M. ninmn«n»»mn|, OpSTQP I ■ X-r; Vacation Money ' You are no doubt thinking of a vacation this year, i| but for lack of necessary cash are compelled to do i! without. We are prepared to help you by supplying ; i you the money in amounts from | $5.00 to $50.00 ! ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE Employees Discount Co. || 36 N. THIRD ST. (Second Floor) HO\I)Kn | I FOR SALE Vacant Lot (rectangular) corner Front and Boas Streets, 141x143 feet. Three of the four thor oughfares bounding same are paved. A highly desirable residence site, fronting River Park, containing over 20,000 square feet, and free from limitations or restrictions as to building lines. Inquire at office of JAMES McCORMICK Cameron Building, Second and Walnut Streets HARRISBURG, PA.
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