mmmm . « . . 1 m lllmxu The Matchless June Economy Event Ends To-morrow The Season's Greatest Sale of I|L I GIRLS' WASH DRESSES l il/awmam'a PL 1 i kl I^l ?i omen s Diouses ■ A^gJajs over 3,000 DRESSES in This Salea> and Le " TkM Over 1000 on Sale Saturday Ul A n f I 1 T 25c value Choice for I^*/2C at a Most Remarkable Low Price Ij Big Saturday Safe of Wash Dress f I 750 Girls' wash dresses in all colors, made of ginghams, I Sale on First Floor Rear *1 percales and white pique; all sizes, 6to 14. All the g? WOMEN'S BLOUSES, WOMEN'S BLOUSES, j: They're Scarce—Get Them While You Can! I; ,tyl "' Val "" sl ' so ' Choicefor Value to $1.25 For 69c Values to $6.00 For $3.49 ■: A 1 Styles—Ail Sizes Here For T«-morrow's Sellings i; 200 Girls ' wash <««•«■, white and colors, an sizes eto Women's white and colored % 0 s 14; made of all the newest materials, in all the dtn /\l — »xm«'is£°s:*,s£°si :: a** «o nn fn oKn _ : »»*«.««-! «**.«.»*>. a**,**. 1Z.95 new styles over 50 patterns to chiffon silks in white and all col- M9''W\ t' ! '.l J) £m »\J $J iB U / "'*«»/!> ti\) .. <' choose from; all sizes up to 44; ors; values to $6.00. A(\ % §•'• '/ I 1 1 F- 0 \ [: • 'A values to $1.25. choice gg Choice for $3.43 /£• <J \fv . % me r laß I&iUIT'C /' . 1 A f< \ 'A 1 00 Girls'white lawn dresses, nicely made and trimmed hi — {I V .«/ A f |"V IwCW WW ill 11, t; y \ /.'j ; : i| ;! Swiss embroidery; all sizes 6to 14; values to $2.00. Q £ WOMEN'S BLOUSES, WOMEN'S BLOUSES, j: ij! RATINE SKIRTS r&rtf i: Choi " - aoc Values to $3.00 For $1.79 Values to $1.50 For 93c t I | fc* | : . . , rtfTff* I £U® .*wi <i infants'dresses , . . S r- ' : I Ik'- i :: An opportunity for £X'!*f,;l < . , . . made™? "c re pee °ch?n e and Chin a an^r^ndleL 0 in" Til* \l.lft 3J . 3 e ™ r >' woman' and tOT :• ?' I >«< 100 Infants short white dresses, rtmmed in lace and em silks in white and colors; Gladstone Gladstone and roll collars niain ?• 'w miss to supply her t| 5O A .jj broidery, sizes 6 months to 1 year old; values to Cf A to' 4 a 4 ra Vahf P Tto «oS : all^ e Vii: and , ei T, broider y trimmed; all sizes < f f entire Summer M $ I L* *• '4 < L - Choice for OilC 151. . y. aluea t0 ? 3 - 00 - 41 7CI up to ii > over too patterns rvo % ■':! I viJ ent,re summer H . : y 2 *}*!>».«..••*.* \ www Choice for to choose from. Choice for.. vuC *► ;l J n ceds of these pretty *> ;,] I——l— ™ L >al 1 1 / jk| if i washable dress IwJr® skirts at this very 1 CfAIKAi fc,X rkAj » t f l r,K ou s l rr.',T.<t*l 45 :• *«—'*sacwm,sl.oov*kNFor... pa $1.45 $1.45 cludins those pictured !k H — _ SI 4S A* 350 P airs of wom en's 16-button length long c; m.j# m . waist 'A • «. * ]> Silk Gloves, in black and white; double finger il§VI Sizes 23 to 29 Waist w ai ß t • Sizes 30 to 38 Waist J; tips; all sizes, SI.OO value. Saturday only, $3.00 Washable fi»l QC $4.00 QC $5.00 Washable«s nc i; ' Dress Skirts . Dress Skirts .. Dress Skirt. .. $3.V3 j! WOMEN'S UNION SUITS | WOMEN'S SILK HOSE ' »,?,?/Zl !• 50c Value For 33c 75c Value For 36c iTneTand rattne^z™ R \n nrr:l >' ? f models to choose from Very* dMlrable'.tylM 1 Incmdlns ' I Women's Swiss gauze rib- paif f °"' y ° f m * n ' B lae ,:,.1 "Urt > bed union suits, lace trimmed; sllk , h °"' Wafk only; hsle au sizes; 50C vaiue. OO > Saturday only OQC 800 Women's, Misses' and juniors' Washable Summer Dresses Worth $6.00, $7.00 and SB.OO Ar "IHrSilaHSr irF-f 1 Jss»jf.?ss \ "% V*\ ever oS Seizes WoLn! "i£s and Jullio™ " ' W ° " " ,ree °' " ,eSe 38 W ° Ca " Safd> ' S3y " ,at tWs is the bi^est dress bar e ain we %}J % IJIBCTPIL MEN! NOW WE ' VE STARTED SOMETHING! I p 1 * The Biggest Thing KAUFMAN'S MEN'S 1 I i CLOTHING DEPT. Has Ever Put Over | | J M§M 475 FINE SUMMERSUITS! WJ At Nearly Half I 14 ' RL|?R«---| $6.95 I $7.50 r\ J 't\f\ ! F fiSS&k oun S Men's For Genuine Palm pv,_ r . 0 | ji NMm New Beach Cool Summer I°' f""'" 6 Sun P roof I A ■ SUMMER Suits : Sold at $lO else- e Serge Sults; $13 ' 50 ji / A \ SUITS where. value elsewhere. I r* —T —7v l\— rn <P inir i "F 16 BUlts come ln "K ht shades These suits are rII-wool posi if I I /II 1 «plu Values a £ P encil stripes; sizes 33 to 46 tively guaranteed to hold their | i 1/ / I V 1 enest measure. color; all sizes. : —jJ /M I *P° Men's & Young Men's Newest (A 7P I / / \ Y \ Summer Suits, Values to $16.50, I \ 111 I .i" 1C mater '^' s t * le new all-wool Velours and Worsteds The models ! I / J/ \ | \ P-"P^ HE A^: | |i| ' | \ \ Men! These Suits Are All Hand Tailored. A w A ] I \'\ i o ". Ch ; lc^ To -™°J r ®w®«tke Finest Mixed New Summer \| *1 C|l i / 1 Suits in Stock—slß.oo, $20.00 to $22.5# Values *7) I /].*)!! . J/J ( THE LOT IS LIMITED. SO COME EARLY :: J?? E ! N I ! PANTS NAY™ AT ™L 1 Men's Straw f" r j ay ' 10 UAI Kaufman'. | ili »i i _ 500 More of Those Good Bu 5Ti ™ for one ' Ha lf and Less | <Jp I Here's the tf«| 5Q Here's the Aft | I i m»\'„vT s t»xt p no? r s t I I-—■ ! : H : Sennit and Sputa. We Offer For »> > M, We Offsr Fnr ■■■ JL iliji They All Go for .SI.OO „ U ter hor >» ' * ii I ennsylvania Couples Married at Hagerstown ' Special to The Telegraph Hagerstown, Md., June 19. Miss lildred L. Palmer and Leßoy M. i tout, both of Chambersburg, Pa., ( 'ere married here on Thursday at the FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 19,1914. parsonage of St. Paul's United Breth ren Church by the Rev. Dr. A. B. Statton. Miss Naomi R. McCartney, of Burn ham, Pa., and Charles D. Miller, of Ijewistown, Pu., were married here yesterday at the parsonage of Wash ington Square Methodist Episcopal Church by the Rev. Allen F. Poore. Miss Emma Robinson and Clyde N. Shaffer, both of Mercersburg, Pa. t were united In marriage here yesterday by thft Rev. Allan P. Poore at the par sonage of the Washington Square Methodist Church. A marriage license was issued here yesterday to Charles E. Sparver and Catherine E. Masterson, both of Har rlsburg. WEDDING AT KLIZABETHTOWN Ellzabethtown, Pa., June 19.—Miss Minnie C. Heisey, daughter of Mr. and » J >an 'el Heisey, was married yes -1 to Jacob Coble, of this place, by J V ' G " Hoverter, of the Church ot iiod, A reception followed at the home of the bride. JCMAK y Going to KAUFMAN'S Great Sale of Boys' Wash ww Cloth Suits FRS, TTWVIWL TO-MORROW? M | v Jr V J Mothers Will Be Pleased —_V V PKiffc These Bargains BOYS' WASH SUITS, Boys' Linen Crash Knicker 50c Values PANTS, SI.OO Value For Qne Hundred fi , B , ue 39c 50c Serge and Fancy Cassimere Boys' Wash Suits, Oliver Boys' Khaki PANTS, 75c ______ Twist Models; 75c Values, Values For tJT V ? Boy.' Oliver Twist Wash BOYS' STRAW HATS, Va ' Ues ,0 $3 S0 For Suits, Values to $2.50, For Values to SI.OO For t AC SI.OO 50c *pl.cK> These Advertised Goods on Sale at Kaufman's Modern Buildings Replace ' Those Destroyed by Fire at Dillsburg Last Year Special to The Telegraph Dillsburg;, Pa., June 19.—Yesterday was the anniversary of the disastrous flre that occurred In Dillsburg which destroyed the public school building, J. L. McCreary's bakery and dwelling house and barn, Kapp and Seibert's store, St. Paul's Lutheran Church and parsonage and C. W. Shelter's dwelling house and carriage works entailing a loss of over SIOO,OOO. From these ruins are arising new, more substan tial and modern buildings whch would be a credit to a great deal larger town than Dillsburg. Kapp and Seibert's store buildings which was a frame building, has been replaced by a large two-story brick store building fitted up in the most modern way. J. L. McCreary's bakery, also a frame structure, has been replaced by a two story brick building equipped with the latest improved machinery. A modern brick dwelling is now under construction. Charles W. Shefter's dwelling and carriage shop has been rebuilt on the old site. The Lutheran parsonage has been replaced by a brick house with all modern conveni ences and is now being occupied by the pastor, the Rev. G. H. Eveler. The Lutheran church Is now nearly com pleted which Is much larger and handsomer than the one destroyed by the flre. The public school building is now also under construction and when completed will cost over $20,000. The building is being constructed of brick trimmed with brown stone, and con tains eight school rooms and built along the most sanitary plans. Spider's Bite Causes , Death of Lebanon Man Special to The Telegraph Lebanon, Pa., June 19. Earnest Witters, a plumber's helper, 66 years old, died here to-day as the result of being bitten by a black spider while working In a cellar, last Friday. Wit ters paid little heed to the sting when he was attacked, and did not receive medical attention until the following day. His body had then swollen to unusual proportions and his blood turned blue. He died in great agony. DAMAGE BY FOREST FIRES Special to The Telegraph Hagerstown, Md., June 19. —A forest Are that has burned over hundreds of acres of timber land on North Moun tain threatened the destruction of Falrview Inn and the hotel buildings yesterday, but the property was saved by the hard work of a score of farm hands. The fire has been burning for two days and has destroyed a great amount of timber, fence rails and cordwood. Owing to the drouth, water is scare, and the flre-flghters are han dicapped to some extent in their work. SEE YOURSELF IN THE MOVIES Harrlsburg Telegraph Pictorial showing the complete Flag Transfer parade at the Photoplay to-day and Saturday.—Advertisers^. Business Local* GET THIS I We told you about getting the flfty one four-cylinder cars a few weeks ago that were to be sold for SBOO less than the regular price. As we only have fifteen of these Abbott-Detroit cars left we would advise you to get in touch with us as soon as possible if you want a real bargain. Abbott Mo tor Car Company, 106-108 South Sec ond street. ALWAYS FRESH AND BRIGHT Common paint may fade and crum ble away, but the H. B. Davis paint* and varnishes have the quality of In gredients that make them last and withstand the sun, rain or cold. Let us tell you the difference between so called paints and the real'H. B. Davis quality. Shaffer Sales Company, 80-88 South Cameron street. ALWAYS INVITING That noon-hour luncheon that to specially prepared for the busy men of Harrlsburg at the Columbus Cafe to surely a delicious luncheon for 40 cents. The food is nicely cooked and faultlessly served. Try one of thee* luncheons to-morrow noon. Hotel Co lumbus, Third and Walnut street*. A SLICK OF MEAT Whether It be fresh, smoked or drte4 is appreciated by most people even In summer weather. We have the choicest cuts arfd a variety of the best grades in prepared meats for pic nics and light lunches. B. B. Drum, groceries and fresh meats, 1801 North ~<ilxth street. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers