, FRIDAY EVENING, RAHRISBURG ffijjftl TELEGRAPH JUNE 19, 1914. MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT CALL 1991-ANY'PHONE.'#' IN OUR RESTAURANT All mail and phone orders filled promptly and care- iQ FQUINDIP 16 § M Delicious Pies, Cakes and Pastry of all kinds baked fully by expert shoppers. in our bakery. Orders for picnics and outings filled BOWMAN & COMPANY. ( m m m promptly. HAARISBUPG'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORf BOWMAN & COMPANY. This Is a Real Suit Clearance $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00 <|*C 00 $25.00, $30.00, $35.00 and(t»o QS ' Suits at 540.00 Suits at «pO.— C£W These two prices include all of our Spring suits-the latest arrivals arc among them. Materials are gabardines, crepes, crepe poplins, poplins, serges-the most wanted fabrics. All colors including black and navy. Just right for present service and the darker colors will be good for Fall Jpvi and nlrcwm be exclnng"/ ° f t0 CXtreme reductions - None will b e sent on approval; nor C. O. D. None will'be reserved on part payment & Mr\W Any Spring Coat In Stock at Exactly Half Price JBf CHILDREN'S, MISSES' OR WOMEN'S. SOME VERY SMART MODELS TO SELECT FROM //fl | at 0 ™'"!! 5 : 00 .. 00 " 5 ... $2.50 i at Cl,il<lrC "' s ?75 ° Co!lts $3.75 | at Childre "' s f°°° Coats <j»g QQ | Children's ?12.50 Coats <j.g 2g | J Coats at SI 7.so|co ? ats at $ 1 5.00 | Coats at S1 2 . 50 1 Co^s'« $ 1 0.001 cS .. $ 7.50 I Coats ft .. $6.25 |co $ a'ts «.. $5.00 I \ | Dainty Tub Dresses That Are Worth SIO.OO to $15.00 at $5.98 ttW V A 'kl Samples from makers of high class wash dresses. Materials are crepes, tissue crepes, marquisettes, imported voiles, and linens. Most of them are sizes 16 to V y \ 36—a few larger. All of the good shades and white. None on approval or C. O. D. 1 \ V\ A List of Attractive Merchandise at Bargain Prices \ 1 SI.OO Crepe Kimonos,49c ! SI.OO Percale House 50c Seersucker $2.50 Automobile $1.50 Linene $5.00 Double Texture I/V^V\ V Full length and full | Dresses, 69c Petticoats, 25c Coats, $1.59 Automobile Coats, 98c Raincoats $2.69 JcV width. Light blue Four pretty styles. All •i° Trlt Gray herringbone lin- Tan linene—straps at Tan only; all sizes; .g/ only sizes up to 46 roes * 7 l buttons to neck. convertible collars. on the second Floor >» oni >* sizes up to ho. stripes. made. Sizes up to 46. Sizes up to 46. second FIoor.— BOWMAN'S. BOWMAN'S. a Loom Ends of Laces and Embroideries Men's $12.50 and $13.50 Suits at $9.75 MM i. q 1 housands of yards of these popular materials for summer thrifty clothing buyer who wants to save dollars on gowns have gone out of this department this season, and the his summer apparel will let this opportunity pass. A large fi Ml Ribbons were never more pon- d e" land seems to be greater than ever. Special shipment en- variety of patterns, wide range of fabrics and good tailoring XaWMKvUI ular than this season. We have'a le , s U <? . to off " y° u ' f °f, Saturday, beautiful Embroidered mark these garments. Come in to-morrow and take advan- /UJ^S* R special purchase of loom ends to u Fl i ,u " cm .f s a " d J Embroidered Strips. tage of extraordinary values. Affgd =3 _e—s offer you Saturday, consisting of terns yard ~ ' " IrK 1 ' lll jroidered \ oiles; beautiful pat- Men's and youths' suits of pin-striped cassimeres, brown / Brocaded Ribbons, Satin Rib- tn <t?m V«Vv," V-ir'-i j checked cheviots, blue and white striped worsteds, trrav mixed / ''ons, Moire Ribbons. Taffeta | \fr ° f, ™ %' Embroidered Voiles, yard .•••••W cassimeres; alpaca lined; 2 and 3-button models fs well as Ribbons; all shades and all (nr t ?'~' ,0 ,fj 75 27 " ,n ' S ; v ' !s Embroidery Houncmg, splendid English effects Were $12.50 and SI3M? now QRSkV .xMrltlnc for the new tier gowns and tunics. Extra good quality, yd., JT * ' /T^J/m! ttWKWMmmX " ,dths - 20c Shadow Lace Edges, sto 8 inches wide",all white, CQ 7^ 25c to 50c Ribbons, yard 19* yar d VZV 2 i <py./ O i «?m ai D'n C Ribbons, yaid .. * Embroidered Strips all edges, 5 yards to a strip, 6to Blue ser&e suits, blue worsted suits, gray serge suits, gray \ lip V JtfT Esk IJ'VX Sin'nV'varH 81 OO 15 in ° heS wWe ' Reg « a , r S J/ 25 Saturday, strip . 75* striped worsted suits; alpaca and serge lined coats and trousers, Vm\ 1 IliSpM iHjr $l5O and $2.00 Ribbons yard ................... SI.OO Main Fioor-BOWMANs. r and 3-piece suits for men and youths. Were sl2 SO and sl3 50 These ribbons are in lengths from Ito 7 yards. You can . now J " 1 ana cjjio.ou, VI XJiJ'! \fm&4Br find the length you want for bows or girdles of any kind. «_ m T __ # __ fl' i °orcn and Lawn Furniture $9.75 jrJoIIM Gladstone or Tango Flare Collars, in lace and organdie, Another shipment of Porch Rockers at r s^ollt men; suits for slim men; suits for short and 50f $1.79, $1,98, and $2.98 ni ? n of a,l - w ° ol cassimeres and worsteds, in gray, tan and dark lfV| i|ff Mam Floor—BowMAN-a Double reed seats and backs; braided backs; also spindle mixtures. Were and $13.50, now I'f and slat back rockers; waterproof varnish and sturdily built. / 7 JT;' I f ttf 0 . Steamer Chairs, with and without foot rests, O V 'r||lji'm bummer * Porch Gates, 4 and 7 feet long $1.79 and $1.98 $20.00 and $22.50 suits and marked them uj Nothing gives that cool delightful air to a room like fresh Porch Swings with extra heavy chains, | m jY firaf 1j \ T''^ summer draperies. Some special prices for Saturday: $1.98, $2.48, $3.50 nd $4.50 J // I|l Striped Summer Curtains for single Lawn Swings at $5.0(), $5.98, $7.50 and $9.50 There are in this lot-gray worsteds, blue worsteds nin iA /j K W(\ door or archway draperies; washable, TT t i c t1 stripes and checks, tartan plaids and a few blue serges ' Silk m|h Biliii Harmless Fireworks—Sparklers L d av lp!, . ca . Hned :.WUL all IpMMI' O JHL 2/a-inch hem and edge. These sold reg- Extra lar^e SiZ %^f d Fi^r-B^WMAN'S 1 " Straw Hats and Panamas at day^pah- 1 " .1 .. B|S|ifiP - 98f, $1.50, $2.00, $3.50 and $4.50 T «m F « terns; full sizes. Regular "Vic"'Mil Semi-Annual Clearance ! Notable One Day Clearance ef T» nir e> m,.v" • Saturday BMHI Sale Of TT • ""J 8 W OSH OUItS White Cluny Curtains —cable net, 3- ITf/lV H/IlT* f n J er> inch hems and braid; also 2-inch cluny f|V Fine Grade of Garments, Snappy edge; 2/ a yards long. Regular price $4.75. \hl QI I Mo t\flY*Z j d^t ere b n o|in^ h n P g th ! r o Ai Styles, and Fine Quality Materials Saturday, pair $2.98 ¥¥ (Ul X dJ/Wl O » WM a or swit^ rn a °nd VrlnirZr™'"- j, saUoTand'^iouU^Sul^'i,^^ 1, Ru^ Un Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. A , ~ „ JOm* tion here to perfectly match Sr > ™*» or ana Blouse Suits just unpacked. Thes© An opportunity to purchase Jrood wall cfßEsk. yours. And at the sreatly re- 141k. suits were bought at a saving; that is why we Aii JRW9Ok duced prices quoted, the values I*l% // can sell them under the usual price. paper at little cost. All patterns are up- are indeed exceptional. 1 * 25 and 150 Wash Suits; sizes 2Hto 8, S/Iturdav Flimittßrp S/ilp to-date—all styles and colorings. JWK * reduced^o tchea '., 18 .'. nches . ' i'2.66 wash su'iU'kii sizeV, at .W'.WW'uah WUWUi UUJ WCiiV Metallic bronzes in green and sold, burlap effects (dfgag " Gray Switches, 20 Inches long, / / ~ / Cool Blue Serge Bulgarian Norfolk Suits at AJ , • . . T r r ~ . « wit . h stencil borders to match; regular 60c and 75c gfSs&EVf reduced to #1.35 TyL $2.98, $3.98, $5.00 up to $12.50 Odd pieces picked from the furniture floor reduced one- values. Saturday, roll 35c V W * Gray Switches, 22 Inches long, KJr& Serviceable Homespun Norfolk Suits In gray third, one-fourth .and one-half for quick selling Saturday. In leatherette papers for halls and living rooms. » reduced to $1.05 tan and mixtures. Some with 2 pair Knlcker ' , r 1 • j . , ~ J . damnsk papers for parlors—in four shades; grass |\ I Gray Swltciies, 24 Inches lone 11 bockers. Regular $5.00 value. SDecial SS RK most cases there are only one of a kind and at these prices cloth papers for dining rooms and base work for \\ A reduced to $2.45 I \ Khaki and Linen Crash Knickerbockers will not last the day. Call early for choice selectoins. halls. Regular 30c to 50c values. Saturday, roll 18e \ » If Gray Transformations reduced \ J 50c and 75c FL.OI AA X J /-N 1 ■ Two-tone blended stripe wall papers in green, \ 1 to .......... »1.35 W\ Cassimere and Serge Knickerbockers. SZI.UU yuartered Oak Chlftonier, one- browns and red—some with match borders, for par- i aSM Gray Transformations reduced U 50c, 75c 98c to $1 50 third Off $14.00 Laturday^ron 0 " 1 . ". Wn . K ro ° m: . . reff . Ular . 2sC V J Experts V» attendiici' wllfff- ff) sJT f\? $22.00 Mahogany Dresser, one-fourth off, A large assortment of bedroom papers In American . . & Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S d sl - 00 MU / )fk\ Tift beauty, satin stripes-and cretonne papers with second t loor. BOWMAN S. —. —— —_ i/vl ¥ IJTxI <t-7Cnn u 1. n • TA blended cut out borders to match. Regular 12% c 1 ..i., « m . K\/J/ l» Mahogany Princess Dresser, one- to 20c values. Saturday, roil 7Hc «T r* AllLolHoull6 lITPQ third Off sl6 07 1.000 rolls of Wall Paper for kitchens In block and WoVnA** I ni-Cfiff of HA XAX CO ' \' SIB.OO Mahogany Chiffonier, oii-haHoft, I £?°7 C, ic™K £tSMS!' , ro", lth °". t . bora narner V,orseu at SI.UU Reduced Prices on All Auto Tires jyt/SJJS-t.4 <sq on Bring measurements. splendid corsets of this well-known make: . friiarantf»#»H 3 Miloo ■ $35.00 Circassian Walnut Chiffonier o " F """- ""-bowmawb. designed and boned to give and retain the long Goodyear Kellv SnrintheW , T . : half off $17.75 graceful lines that the present fashion de- ™,i-r 1 3 f ' ?\ Y P?- End Im P em l Tires , $42.00 Circassian Walnut nn.- "Matit -n mands; medium and low bust. and 1 übes at greatly reduced prices. g ; third off DSB.OO il . *«V W 5«» p Pettiroat<s QRr special : onSa? S n " ine . , Ua !'r r Fireside » „ Value-Giving in Ten lace Four 34x4 S. S. Tires, at about 75 per cent, dis- 1 Ear ' y EngHS " Sctlee ' ° nc - ha, | 3 off 49 Men's Furnishings SSA /l.& 32rf C. Tire , t about 75 per cent, discount. * $4.00 Early. English Dining Chair, one- Cool .comfortable garments for hot Second FIoor— BOWMAN'S. -BOWMAN'S. half off $2.00 weatherwear. __ _ Delayed a'ffi CTCxf O 4-/\+>cs Received Filth Floor. $35.00 Brass Bed, one-half off ..$17.50 ea^h ew Neckwear — 4 - in " handß * nd dub string ties, O^TjShipment of ■CVvxX CtLUxO T|,j # Week i TVT QTTr T J A i Leather belts, plain or initial, each soc vicJt nnr c f „_„ t-i • j sends one of these refrigerators to your home and $1 j3| 0W I illlfilftlltTlß Men's union suits—fine quality of bleached cotton, Visit our Shoe Store on the Third a week Davs for it 4 M-UXO short sleeves, knee length, all sizes. Special, each,s9c Floor You will finrl a full linp nf tin tn A • I . , h New nrores<; linnlpnm in Q 1 r t Boys' Blouse Waists—with military collar, separate , * " ," a 3 tUU lm e OI Up-tO- A special price On the Nota-H i\ew process linoleum in a splendid line of new soft collar or neck band. Percales and madras in all date shoes for all kinds of wear. MM-n#. ctnnp patterns—not affected by heat or moisture Square n *B '" ".; 50c MEN-S OXFORDS— Tan Russia caif oxfords with seme stone lined refrigerator, in MM ■'" s|[Sl j yard 390 Ks°ai^ d paff bb6f - W5 the 3-door, side icing style, ice ca-B«l|j| ] DWDgCgrag " Sht^ tB ' fln . e ?" allty °f P ercal e; coat WOMEN'S COLONIALS—Gun 'metal and" patent pacity 100 lbs., at $28.95 i . ( a ', d n ®' euma patterns go through to th« back, TOCh '• u,p "\««»|g £& SSS Century Kefrigenitors, 3 [WiffiffTt and «pi-.*su « a ch —•••••••■ ti-3# sizes eto 8 pair #o c terior, 75 lbs. ice capacity. Soe-1 |fAVflVyi\/I Boys Dress Shirts—made of fine quality of mer- Sizes B>£ to 11 nalr Wt on • i ij Table Oilcloth—Slightly imperfect, reds and tans; Prized madras; coat style; attached soft French Sizes 1l\"o 2, pair'.'.* JiiiS Cial price $18.50 1 '" ln ' h ' S UKI " Sa,Ur,Uls ' yard 12/2# ) 04 ' 6 ' "««' Sneakers for' men.'wo- finished in ' white 'j .... - "»"?a Buy Your Refrigert.r Saturday n«a F,.or-Bow„A N . s i 3
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