10 0 Wherever You See a Clock Sign in the Store To morrow You'll Find a BARGAIN of a Rare Character & % The store will be open to-morrow from 8 in the morning until 9 in the evening, and from the moment the doors open until one ~ o'clock in the afternoon you will find bargains in the 5-hour sale that you will not care to miss. Throughout the store there will be scores of all day attractions, including a sale of groceries and sugar that will be charrcteristic of big values. ——— » Summer Footwear Values Linens for the Table Imported Lace Collars Go Colored Dress Weaves |54.25 Chairs Reduced to In the 5-Hour Sale and Low Priced Towels Out at 25c 1 Half and Less Than Half $1.95: From Bto l To-morrow _ _ , . ..... OT/ .. ... 1Q . • .1... 25c ratine; 36 inches wide; in plain shades. Women's $1.50 white canvas pumps, with 8 ,4 c dice napkins, 18 and _0 inche. .qua , Imported lace collars in round and square l n the 5-h our sa le yard .• B*As $29.50 golden oak china closets. In the braid silk ribbon bows add stitched soles, good quality for general use. In the " shapes; white and ecru; value to 50c. In the 15 C tissue in 'neat checks';"on colored 5-hour sale $18.75 leather Cuban heels. In the 5-hour sa e, < sae .............. "i-hIV 5-hour sale 25$ grounds. In the 5-hour sale, yard B^2s $4 25 cedar chairs In the 5-hour sale 81 95 Men's $1.50 tan and grey canvas shoes m $2.9:> hemstitched meireelTn the s' Swiss embroidery flouncing; 45 inches wide, 59c crepe de chine;' 36 inches wide; solid rpH _ r rn _. Tn th c 1....'/ high toe lasts, with stitched soles; not all sizes, and half dozen napkins to match. In the . j n a w jj e ran g e Q { patterns; value to 75c. In shades. In the 5-hour sale yard 500 $4.25 cedar rockers. In the 5-hour sale, In the 5-hour sale ....SI.OO hour sale, set .. ........... •• • •.- • • the 5-hour sale 25$ 50c silk stripe crepe; dark grounds and neat $1.95 Bovs' 50c black tennis oxfords with rubber 2;' c all linen tray cloths, not hemmed. Women's cross bar Swiss handkerchiefs, 4c fio- ures . In the -hour sale yard 25$ $4.75 porch settees. In the 5-hour sale, soles; sizes 12 to 2. ln the 5-hour sale, .*{so the 5-hour sale, each value - In the 5-hour sale -...2$ " D i ves . Po m«roy & stewlrt, street' Floor' $2.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor $-.00 to $-.50 embroidered linen pillow English Torchon laces; assorted; values to Us hrJtrh* finich nn iv t — cases; all made ready for use; size 3c Jn the -_ hour sa , e yard rye Pillow CfISPS - , 7 'J, Great Savings for . $3.00 Renaissance and Battenberg table shadow patterns; worth 25c. In the 5-hour Tr» tVIF" 5-T~Toiir IQf* $9.50 Stearn & Foster felt mattresses. In Shirts and Paiamas covers; round and good designs; 45 and 54 sale> yard 15<j , * IIUI ~ ° *... , the 5-hour sale $6.95 " , , inches 1,1 diameter. In the 5-hour sale each, Dives , Pomeroy & stewart . Btreet Floor 45x36 bleached pillow cases; embroidered blveß pomeroy & gtcwart Thlrd pioor Men s SI.OO plain white cambric shirts, full $1.69 and hemstitched; 2oc. value. In the 5-hour sizes; to 17. In the 5-hour sale .. 19c Turkish bath towels; large size and hem- Summer at sale tt iTT 1 Men's SI.OO negligee shirts, with laundered mec j. ready for use; white and colored bord- Uillilit/i |_yiajjcilCo al 45x36 bleached pillow cases; embroidered llOSiery and Underwear cuffs; counter soiled; sizes 13J/S to 18. In the ers j n t j ie 5_j lour sa i c 11 . . ■.£, . and hemstiched; 33c value. In the 5-hour 5-hour sale 690 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor Men's SI.OO shirts with collar attached; me- 81x90 bleached sheets; 75c value. In the 5- p Ulalo dium colors with neat stripes; sizes 14J4 to Jj 95 l on rt Silk GloVeS 3 ? c <aucy flat edge scrim; slightly soiled; hour sale' ~.64* Men's 25c Hack silk hose. In the S-honr 16V2. In the 5-hour sale 590 WAAI 36 inches wide. In the 5-hour sale, yard, 300 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor 1a Men's $1.50 high grade negligee shirts, with T C Hniir Sfllf** ftQr s l ' so cross Ptripe madras curtains; cream sale # 1W * soft cuffs; choice patterns; separate soft col- 111 llAC; <J ' l luul uaic ' grounds with green stripes; 2y 2 yards long. In (to *£l O • On Men's 50c white nainsook drawers; ankle iars- sizes'l3to 17. In the 5-hour sale, 950 Women's lisle gloves ,two-clasp, in tan and the 5-hour sale, pair $1.19 vn i cngt h i„ the 5-hour sale 350 Men's $2.98 bath robes. In the 5-hour sale, black. Regular 25c value, ln the 5-hour sale 25c double printed Etamine; 36 inches wide. C I TomOrrOW MotTlintf Women's 50c silk hose, tan, white and black. $2.39 special 150 In the 5-hour sale, yard 190 1 umuiiuw iviuilliug 5 hour sale 350 Men's $2.98 pajamas; light weight French . Women's long silk gloves in 16-button 10c white curtain muslin; figured or striped D„ P. &S. Special Corsets, from our regu- I<V hwhrri rntton rihhVn vest*• flannel; plain and neat stripes. In the 5-hour length; double finger ends; white only, $1.25 designs; 36 inches wide. In the 5-hour sale, lar $2.00 line of low bust models will be en- . . . . T .. c . cn . a ' sale $1.95 value. In the 5-hour sale, special 890 yard 80 tered in the 5-hour at $1.25 sleeve |* ss ' extra slze s- * n salc ' ** Dives, Pomeroy & Stewurt, Men's Store Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, First Floor Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor * CS * omer °y ewar , ree oor. Summer's Most Important Sale of Silk Dresses New Styles in Untrimmed Parasol Styles Introduce «Is Announced for To- Panamas on Sale Tomorrow Man v Novelties This Summer /F "Sv Yes, Panama styles Here are the latest shapes and patterns briefly described, change the same as other made of finest silks in rich colorings. lllvJl 1 V_J W jr < millinery. Compare this Silk taffeta parasols in Kreen, navy, kinK's blue and American beau- Z ? 1 *tli time ty $1.50, $1.98, 52.50 and $3.00 The styles are of a kind that the average woman (w of Tast season and this to sHoTt' 8 W ' th I,lai " a ' Ul fanCy tO " 3 a " d COl ° rCd r ' bb ° n b ° rd ° r ' liol would feel well dressed in, and the materials are of that ' Zjr fact will he appreciated. lho rich texture that tells of superior quality. There is a 1" The shapes are small and Fine ,nk p.,a.oU in novel,y , | 50 $5.00. s «.nn „0.0. , 1 , a . 1 a.\ 1 ',. f „ mmrJfli n S\ niecllUtn With many no\- Children's parasols at 25c, 39c, 50c to $2.00 girdle of black tartcta and tIIC skills arc made ANIIII a i cities ill blocked styles Women's piece-dyed silk taffeta coaching umbrellas in navy and hustle drapery. Many of these dresses were SIB.OO and ' rioor. some of them were $15.00. Choose to-morrow at #(>.oo S • J s l uare crown s, $18.50 siik popii,, and $20.00 crepe de chine wu™, J-ade! Years of Satisfactory Service messaline dresses, in s» lk dresses, in na\y, T / fLAj $5J.00. 1 T 1 r * navy, Copenhagen, brown (¥ Sal- Iceland RefngemtOrS and black. Re lice ed to $152..»0 ors, $3.95 and ' $1.95 We have just received another carload of Icelands in the SIO.OO $25.00 light reseda ;» Small blocked Panam**, some full and' semi-telescope newest antique oak finish. The Iceland is the best popular s2o.oo reseda, navy, green silk dresses, with crowns $2.95 $3.95 and $4.95 priced refrigerator made and for close on to 30 years we have Copenhagen and black shadow lace vest effect ' ' been putting them in the homes of people hereabouts. silk dresses, with tunic. and double flounce skirt. OH Family styles- Reduced to .... $155.50 Reduced to .... $15.00 l_-/d 1111 y 1 llllC>Vl/00 OlllJo. Jsl.v/vy« 30-lb. capacity 08-lb. capacity sl».»s 17 1 53-11). capacity $9.98 82-lb. capacity $15.00 Dresses of Crepe and Voile in White and Colors: $1.50 and $2.50 White enamel lined styles— Charming Styles for All Occasions of Dress A Princess slip makes the Summer dress or gown fit per- 53-ib! capacity !!!'.!!!!!!! 82-lb. capacity lieilo v fertlv and thpnc Qtvlcs arc nf the latp«t rlecio-ni.nr 108-lb. capacity $19.00 White Nub crepe dresses, with net vest and long tunic, finished with satin girdle. An attrac- i'™l «2« with eni.™ vnt r > m «i u ... Woven Hammocks complete with pillow side curtains , 1 > & ° a; i qr r,ong princess slips with square yoke of embroidery, finished with , , oo as< tn <l>i a as tive value at jp l ace edge, skirt trimmed with eyelet embroidery edge, open front SI.OO and Spreaders **"vS Spl.o"? Spl.Otl, Jhl.ilo to s.>.*!» Wliitc stripe <Tcpc dresses, with wide satin girdle peal Instantly to every woman wlio se«« them; In slz«j and ^ 1 ' . i'.OO Green painted porcll screens, guaranteed not to peel or and Ions: tunic . . $7.50 lor ami wo'nen at Russian tunic models in white crepe, showing lines f loral vole dresses, in rose, .? iiit' lace ed « e - skirt finished with flounce of cluster tucks and embroidery, „ , J ~ u . ... that are dlstln«"tly original. A very charming Irock with organdy collar and cuffs, and fanc> molri silk ■ K feet wide, 8 feet drop $-.98 for home seashore or mountains $17.50 girdle, in a Russian tunic style, at .......... .$8.50 Princess Slips of nainsook, trimmed with lace insertion and p'm- 8 fcet wl *' 0 ' 8 drop White crepe dresses, with a trimming of rich point I St . r,pc vol, ° <lrcsßeH ,n l >lnk ' lavender, blue and broidered medallions, skirt finished with lace insertion and lace edge 10 feet wide .10 feet drop $1.75 lacc and bands ...... $2(r.00 w^' k '..V V " open front, $1.95, and other style with lace flounce at $2.50 * l Ti • i a XT ti r. DRESSES OF LINEN French linen dresses in a style variety that will ap- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Second Floor. —— _____ To-morrow's Price on Franklin Sugar Will Be Three Choice Lots of Reduced sl.lO for 25 lbs. hy°"Buy»w<»thof o,oc«ri.s C.-jf,, f nr \4„ n , Sale Tnmmnw The refiner's price to-day is higher than you will need pay to-morrow in conlbi- lO Iv/ 1X T Xv/11 V-/X J. wdlV/ A V-/X X V-/ VV nation with a sale of high quality groceries. With each purchase amounting to SI.OO you will be able to buy 25 lbs. of Franklin sugar for sl.lO. O T~7 , T") _ 1 O . 1 T* T\ a. The combination offer follows: OUItS L rOITL K&gUIQT btOCK WhOSe r \ / \ 25 pounds sugar sl.lO Table Delicacies | • A \ T Y7~ T¥T # 'I'l 'Jtftf/LX i pound Banquet coffee so g; ' • Uuallty We Know Will Give 1 can Temple garden tea 15 Cream c i iee se, pound 2.3<! 1 can Alaska salmon 10 Longhorn cheese, pound 25<p TT * T? a jl I AL'f JXn 1 can select peas 10 Luncheon Loaf, pound 28$ YOU F £LT 111 t/XCGSS 1 Berliner Bologna, pound 2bs HI /Mm 1 can White Star Corn 10 Lehigh Bologna, pound * . _ _ __ Yi pound can Baking Powder .15 Lebanon Bologna, pound 26$ Vnfl POTT TBt , ' ■_ 6 Boiled ham, pound 380 111 C/ I 1I UU 1 dV 1 can Rona Cocoa 10 Deviled Ham, Chicken, Tongue and Beef, Smg f* „„ , n I .. can These are the days to economize on clothing--and econo- i 1 l K "'" crc " 3 """ mizing on Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart clothes it a source of 1 ? tlstact ; on to men who appreciate good clotl.es and I'ancy Maine style corn, 3 cans, 25c: dozen ... 98c iouuama uiscuit, h pa(Ka(?csror-.»c. cacti .. .5c meritoriOUS VallieS. ///J/ ' Telephone and Select Early June Peas. «cans, 23c: Sunshine crackers, all varieties, 3 packages, 25c; .1 l i , , • i , dozen as,. each 9c We ve gone througli regular stocks and repriced to the ml W'vy Moss Host' dh Rt*<l beans, ciiii •■ ■ 3c? l'ost Tosstios It Diick&iros fifin l • i • *iiii *ii • 1 jM/i u ' sl '/ . fi FRUITS Kcuowt's cornflakes, s packages' 25e season s lowest basis many suits that are m broken sizes, and j jjrf fr* <^ a i.r.mes >B Hos lb ib shredded wheat, packa K e lie hence should be dismissed from stock. Will you profit by JUm Srni^TK^.ihf 1 . ::::::::::::::::: l«e Washington cns PS , 3 packages 2 sc , t i,:„ npws ? , 1 Wr Sllverdalc peaches; heavy syrup; regularly 25c. Grape Nuts, package 12c 1,1113 news . Jgf California oranges, each .ic s . < .' al . , .::::.n!:s 15.00 and $ 16.50 Suits $ 18.00 and s2o.ooSuits S3O Suits Reduced to Grape juice, bottle, 15c, 25c and 15c Mustard in tumblers 5c T~\ j j t-» . 1 I Peanut Butter, m iS C I Keduceclto Keduced to SALMON AND MACKKREIj ' J| 1 Alaska Salmon in flat cans; 4 for 25: can 7c TEAS, COFFEES AND COCOA /"TV -4 /\ /-t>. " 9 Alaska Salmon in tall tins; tandem brand, 3 cans. ■. _ 11l m m 25c; can . . .10c Excelsior coffee, lb 35c I | / ■ Columbia liivcr Salmon steak, can 15c Banquet coffee, lb 30c A V/ t-- „ , .. Tuna flsh for salads 15c Record coffee, the best In the market at, lb. ...25c lne bIUC Ser ß c suits l aTicy'«'™'h !!!'.!!«o H "' T 1,,0n<1 ' lb - 2,lo; 5 lba ® sc Bluc ser S e suits ; Diagonal grey worsted suits. Shadow stripe serge suits. f * : "Favorite" blend tea, for icing, lb 15c Blue shadow stripe suits. Homespun suits. , Pin stripe tropical worsted suits. n , . . OMVE OIL SPECIAJ, ib Zc s!"* diagonal worsted suits - Plain g r ey and tan worsted and cassi- pj n head check worsted suits. no4rclal pure oil, imported in quart ran; regu- „ ' Plain gxev worsted suits cnitc _i i r . . , larly 90c. special «»,. l'ure co(x>a, 2 lbs., 28c; lit 15c _ suits. mere suits. Black unfinished worsted suits. —" ) Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart-Basement. grCy Grey and tan mixtures. G mixtures —— Shadow stripe grey worsted suits. Black and white check worsted suits. r C* 'I \ t Bw/ - , Chalk stripe blue suits. Chalk and pin stripe cassimere suits. wo and three-piece suits, two-button I)\ V C/O. IV J Klxl 1 Y I h.Vv Ahe r Two and thre e-piece suits. Sacks have Two and three-piece sack coats with sacks with patch and regular pockets and * * vyiYlLjnw I KSU UIL^VV A ' 1 regular and patch pockets. soft roll lapels. soft roll lapels. FRIDAY EVENINO HARRI6BURG TELEGRAPH • JUNE 19,1914.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers