► 39c White 75e Lace $1.50 Novelty 60c Bleached J ► Infants' Belt Aprons Voile .gj| ||| |IS W | jjjlhv Curtains Curtains Sheets < ► neat *pa*Uerns. W prtday special. Just the material for fine sum- jflj Jm SI HR |1 IHI I ffl |l| II ||w lnn^'pmi 3 rJntor Plain ecru net with fancy Meadowbrook sheets, made of Infants' Dresses, 6 190 wSL. Wa Frld°eSr Bargain 5 jjjffli I 111 II II 111 U ||k^! ts nea Frldlv e ' Drt" price" pa°r der - Kr,day Ra qsi fb ? x 0 90 7n7hel hre Frlday Blt ßaryifn < months to 2 years, BOWMAN'S-Second Floor. yard 39OTPIHP 11 > ! lii ffflliiiMr ~ , ~, CI Cfl Wo Vk ! UlB 'M l IMfli! I Mercerized table covers, size 01 . 3)I.DU WSSOn ; ► $2.25 Dresses. .«>1.05l 10c washable dress shields. , C n 0 / e ™-„,u? e * ul^. lJ 16c ' 180 94 HU 1i ll ft HI P 68x6S Inches; round patterns; Sheets 4 C-O no Oil r*e pair ......... «c 2 °S,„ quallti ?"- *™ay Bar- 1 I 111 IKpr lovely patterns to select from. IT m k. tt ll«c ► $2.98 Dresses. .{^1..18 2So Fancy Hair Ornaments, 5e Ealn price - >' ard |l | B >K Friday Bargain price (}<)* Mohawk sheets, marked E S UmbreilaS < Bowman's—Second Floor 50c 75c and SI.OO pearl and BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor M Iff fll H BOWMAN'S Main floor Slightly soiled. Size SlxDO 'in- Made of good heavy croon and . ► meta '^ i . r , "mfioor. cheß Kriday Bargain price. white duck; rain and Jun-proof. < y BOWMAN fa—Main Floor. . ( Friday 4 . ~ ~ 1A- C—L.,^: BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. I FRIDAY BARGAINS R . C ] i • E dg e! " I 7 r ► Mil I INF RY ys g Special Bargains Art Needlework 1 ivni_j-,inj-,ix x BARGAINS BOWMAN's —Main Floor. I You can match up beautiful luncheon sets at extra low prices. ► Black and burnt chip hats, all shapes, including $1 00 Russian Blouse Suits in Linens and Cham- FRIDA YBA RCiAINS ' ► nCW ,Wreaths,'all "styles,"sold*up*to $1.49 "at* .*." .*. 500 „eck at'd^ilorcollar' 1 T^c'rc-i^l!T'lclTh r Embro,(lery MADEIRA HAND SCARFS : !Z!1 '"" M . for the boy ;s, ? zes 2 6 years . . 790 ****** EMBROIDERY g» f»{ •• *! '» < ' Pnccinn l ni... rA •, •.« . • t , •« 18-inch embroidery flouncinj?. *p—U lo\*4 ocail .. I a 4 J i Wall Papers 10ctol2 1-2 c ™ll„ „r. ,5 k ? • W f!' " Sa,l ° r ,0, 15c 6-inch Doilic lOf W. 50 20x54 Scarf .. w.4» , 11/ 11 D collar, madras and chambray in blues and tans; some BOWMAN's —Main Floor. t nMpuirnM PT othc ► Block designs for kitchen; Wall rapers plain and others strined colors - 2 I A to 7 VP-IK ————-——— -^ c 8-inch Doilie stencil design for hall and din- This lot consists of satin " „ ULllcl;> sllipea COIOTS ,L/ 210 / yedTS, I ' round, 36x36, \ y ro?m% 00m |(ild or wlth fre bordoL be to °to 00 and B °y S ' double-breasted Suits, all- 1 c Tnwplina •■ sc 10 " inch Doilic •• • • 2r *v W-00 round, 45x45, S2.!)S , ► match. 801 l 3£ m atch. Roii wool, in grays and browns; sizes 13 to 17 $2.10 loweiing 45c 12-inch Doilie JWtf- $ 5 - 50 round - 54x54 ► BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. Third Floor —BOWMAN'S. The heaviest all-linen half " "" ' ' T TiMpirpnM tttc bleached toweling we have ever -- , 0 ■ , n ... _. 4- y seen. Friday Bargain price. /10-lllCh DoillC .... " 98c to $1.50 Gowns 39c Swiss 75c and SI.OO 500 Yards BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. ' I BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. ' sr'c5 r 'c 14-incll I J ► Slightly soiled, low neck, short Flouncing rlouncing Black Lawn ' 1 ] ► trimmed, special27-inch Swiss Flouncing. Fri- dat^Hnrß-ii flouncin K- Prl- Black lawn with white dot. n 1 nnn V J ... day Bargain price, yard .. day Bargain price, yard. Regular be quality. Friday, yard. Men S Shoes 1000 Yards Women S $2.50 and i Bowman's —Second Floor BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. ri 1 A > ► BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Men's soft kid blucher lace UreSS UOOUS X.X 00 Slinoc shoes; sizes 6 to 10. Friday, . _ ... .. Uliueo n* na , r aj-j ,»| Lot consists of Beauty (.'loth, 5 fnmn PKairc 1 7 'JO Bnvs S? anfl PA I New Cloth, Crepentlne Cloth, and Fine sample shoes made by Ldmp vildir* sl£*.OV UU vans u "; 9 etna L aC g BOWMAN'S Third P'loor. Cotton Ratines In Wistaria, Co- Endicott Johnson Company, high Folding camp chairs with Nickel plated, gray body and to AA CL.penhagen, tan, rose, pink, light and low cut. Sizes 3%, 4 and . L backs. Friday Bargain price, top, ooUapsible go-cart. Friday. IJHOCS rlnnnrino mmm ~~~~~" blue, gray, brown, lilac and ca- I % only. Regular $2.00, $2.50 'J-Xff, $8.48 High and low shoe* F.ndirott HIUIH-IIIg det. Regular 25c qualities. Fri- and $3.00 values. Friday, pair. . * BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. .loh n son C o mp a ny sani pl es. Sizes flouncing Friday Bargain' prfce Men's $3.00 l> y prlce. palr . . Frida >' j4rd .... . .. . . 'lQty BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. < ► TinPT TO I" 1 BOWMAN'S—Third FlooJ. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. ShoeS < ► r UKM 1 UKh, -r— 7 18c Crinkled MEN'S SUITS ' , Only one piece of a kind. Come early, there $1.98 Porch Crepe d E a n^ iC p o alr Johnson . Company - . may be just the odd piece you want. Rockers piain crinkled crepe 30 t n - BOWMAN-S— Third Floor. Just think of it! A suit for $4.69. < ; FRIDAY BARGAINS '< r\ 1 J.IFAA , , ffilOTK BOWMAN S—Third Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. 19cTurklSn AT ' 1 U '1 ; n . 1- • 1 T. . One only $15.00 green velour couch, $12.70 T , Men s and Bovs K">c Straw Hats, rnday. .Hp v Two only SIB.OO golden oak chiffoniers, $12.75 f J ( . i . loweis < Third FIOO^-BOWMAN-S. ► One only Early English settee, genuine leather, XIOUSGI UrniShlll2fS ■atf r Alto"mMn°j n »? B itl efch. on J : One only Early English settee,imitation LinoleUm Remnants <| y One only $14.95 imitation leather fireside rocker, way 6 w'itli com S 5c Face Lengths left from the heavy season's selling but < ! ► $10.95 pressed air 490 Cloths I can be matched up to fit almost any room. I J ► One only $21.00 quartered oak square china 98c Climax Food Chopper, Turklsh r ic? ce > for ths ' Frid - ny 700 yards of Linoleum Remnants in lengths of / ► closet $13.50 I has three steel cutters and ► $5.98 fumed oak rockers with brown imitation double cutter, limited quantity, \ _____ ever shown, bring your measurements and buy here * '► leather seats $3.49 ea *rj* ; 59£ l| gj ——— Friday for less than half price. Many of the pieces / y Fifth FIoor— BOWMAN'S. l TTX T A °* C ln Wash Boilers, wood Ml wide. Regular values up to 50c. ; ; JAKDINILKLS & CHINA h -t s " ithnKta " k bott r' aP| w , t1 „, I 1 y OQ p T No. 8 size 49 w 15 ana fot ~dal om.? l aro , y sllUtlv 8 tollV'd Cotton ratines In rose, pink 4! L Jf • •■..HWIA D*ll r> I? 1 :, 5 0n 12„ S,, JL?H S ,!i!I ""<1 light brown. Friday Bar- : orated German China, ' -'Mm /f*\ Pillow Cases iriday Ba,Baln p,ice ' v % f , gam price, yard »r>« < 1 I Schlagelmilch quality, | , BOWMAN'S—Basement. Oood patterns; 27 inches wide; white enfbi-oidcry. and white Cream storm serge, 3 different aF' cut from full perfect pieces. with black embroidery on back. widths, black stripes. Friday, 4 I ► ► : BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. ► Union Suits Dr" S t Bathing Trunks Women's 75c Munsing Women's Bleached Women's 25c Pants Women's 25c ' ► White and ecru, short sleeves, , , Or Shirts Union Suits VeStS Knee length, lace knees, per BurSOn Hose fine ribbed, % and knee length. SVpercaV^oh cufr "vi\"? f or ß °^? athinS T,Unk ° r Sl l , A tS ' how " eck - sleeveless. knee Low neck, sleeveless, tape P " 1!) <" «''unless, medium and light ► for .»9<* caie, tach ... 0 for, each length, for ' neck and sleeves, for .... «V Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. ' weight, black only, seconds, per < ► Main Floor BOWMAN'S. Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. Main Floor-BOWMAN'S Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. ' '' Main ' ► Men's 12% c Half Hose Boys 50c Shirts Women's 25c Hose Women's 25c Hose en S "^ C ® a^r^S§fan Suits J°' n Crusade < ► heei al and^oes a 3 nd pa?rrfor d ° U " e "'cV Vt^b.filched bUcHlMe'double" Cs" Bilk Und erwear ' sleeveless, lace Come tO Bowman's and ► 250; or, per pair, cuffs, each g SO wfde Var'tlr tops? pal? rl ops' f2r b '° SO,es ' w'de garter Short sleeves, double seated knees, regular and extra sizes, Get Your Flv Swatter - „ Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Main Floo.-BOWMAN'sf Main Floor BOWMAN'S JT n, J V matter M ' lIoor ~ I B°WMANS. Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. Free. 4 AA A AA A A A A Miss Grace E. Schroeder Bride of Paul M. Hertzler W P * . 5 MRS. PAUL, M. HEKTZLEH \ Special to The Telegraph Afechanicsburg, Pa., June 18.—The marriage of MIBB Grace E. Schroeder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William •Schroleder, of East .Vain street, and I'aul/M. Hertzler, both of Mechanics burg/ took place this morning at 9.30 o'clock at the home of the bride, the tte>'. H. Hall Sharp, pastor of Trinity Church, officiating, and using Ac impressive ring service. Only the THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 18, 1914. | immediate relatives of both young people were present. The bride, who was unattended, wore a stylish travel ' | ing costume of navy hlue taffeta, with ; hat to harmonize, and corsage bouquet jof sweet peas. Rambler roses and ferns decorated the house and A wed ding breakfast was served to the guests. Following a wedding jour ney to seashore resorts. Mr. and Mrs. | Hertzler will be "at home" at 218 East Main street, after July 15. The bride was graduated from the Mechanics ! burs: high school and is a vocalist of ability, being a member of the choir lin Trinity Lutheran Church. She is ■ well known in Harrisburg, where she j was employed for a number of years i ■ CtAVA Pnllcll k ee P that red, rusty ICk AA PAIIGII keeps your shoeashined m I'IF%IIIIiTfI^^rA^ OI>WC * UII3II stove spic-and-span with-| OIl"w * Ulfi&ll without any fuss. And ' I OUt ? xtra .Y ork and no dirt Clean - convenient, eco- jg| you cant get smu<, B e d. because there is no sticky, [mkMjlmWVm | i nomical ' it s *he polish the housewife's been looking dirty lid to knock off. Veta Shoe Polish cornea in a « I e j {or • Brush, dauber and polish are combined in one, ■ H clean tube, a slight pressure to apply, then poli»h Its j 1 • ready for instant use. Just press on the tube. Veta ■ H H I Very Easy To Apply. In large tubes b!«»cic or t»n. 10c. \Bk TOfEfflJ |/ 1 X 7 \y is fireproof—brilliant—it lasts. At all dealers in large ■ Outfit, dauber or xnit, tube and polishm* doth la • 0 ~ tubes> ' oc - Bru ®h dauber, 40c. ■ neat b OXi 25c. Ask for Veta. e Keeps Hands _ . _ "«"■ VETA MANUFACTURING CO. • • • ALLENTOWN, PA., U. S. A. in the L. W. Cook department store. Mr. Hertzler Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hertzler, West Locust street, and is connected with the D. Wilcox Manufacturing ,Company. Mr. and Mrs. Hertzler have a host of friends who extend good wishes for future happiness and prosperity. The guests included the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hertz ler. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Z. Ployer. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hertzler. of New Cum berland: Mr. and Mrs. William Schroe der, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Brown and son Donald, Mr. and Mrs. John Schroeder and' daughter Grace, of Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. John Free burn and daughters, Helen and fyouise of Hassleton. TELEGR APHIC BRIEFS Wisconsin Supreme Court upholds eugenics marriage law. General Federation of Women's Clubs votes for national prohibition. Opposition to Nicaragua and Colom bia treaties appears in Senate. Chamber of Commerce of the United States calls meeting to protest labor exemption law. Dr. Talcott Williams, director of Pulitzer school of journalism, ad dresses Lafayette graduates on "The lieal Monroe Doctrine." Recorder Ernest L. Tustin made doctor of laws at Bucknell commence ment. Hopes for the settlement of the Westinghouse strike by the end of the week are entertained. The congregation of the Dutch Re formed Church of f'hurchville, Bucks county, observed the anniversary of the founding of the church. President Rea, of the Pennsylvania Railroad, asked the Public Service Commission to approve the lease of the Northern Central Railway. Large Quantities of Arms Are Landed in Ulster For Volunteers • . By .Associated I ress Dublin, June 18.—Large quantities • of rifles and ammunition were landed : during the night on the Connemara coast in the west of Ireland for the na- L tionallst volunteers. The consignments « are supposed to have been brought ' by mysterious vessels which had been sighted cruising along the eoust for a week past hut had refused to reply to any signals. The rifles are said to be of the latest American pattern. Torpedo bonis have been ordered to patrol the coast to prevent further gun running. TO SAFEGUARD AMERICANS Constantinople, Turkey, June IS.— Henry Morgenthau, United States am bassador to Turkey, to-day sent Hoff man Philip, secretary of the embassy, i to Smyrna to ascertain the position there of American citizens who might i be placed in danger by the threatened l anti-Christian rising in Asia Minor. 3