Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 18, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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Friday's List of Dives, Pomeroy&_>Stewart Attractions Furnishes
Many a Rare Saving: The Store Will Be Open All Day To -morrow
No Friday Specials
sent C. O. D., or
Mail or Telephone
orders filled, us
White Dress Weaves
On Sale Friday
25c stripe voile, 40 inches wide,
extra fine quality. Extra special,
Friday only, yard 12y 2 <lf
25c fancy lawn; 28 inches wide.
Extra special, Friday only, yd.,
19c and 25c white goods, includ
ing crepes, batistes, and piques; odd
lots left over from the season's white
fabrics. Extra special, Friday only,
yard 9^
39c figured and striped batiste;
large assortment of patterns. Spe
cial Friday only, yard 15^
25c plain white crepe voile, 40
inches wide: full pieces and per
fect goods. Special Friday only,
yard 15#
25c white and stripe herringbone
serge for skirts. Special Friday only,
yard 1
Dives, Fomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor.
Hosiery and Underwear
Men's 50c silk half hose; black
and colors, slight imperfections.
Special Friday only, yard ....
Women's 25c lisle hose; black and
colors; broken lines of seamless and
fashioned feet. Special Friday
only, yard
Women's 25c silk hose, black
only, slight imperfection*. Special
Friday only 18 <f.
Children's 25c white cotton union
suits; sleeveless; knee length; lace
trimmed. Special Friday only, 15$
Women's 25c cotton ribbed union
suits, sleeveless. Special Friday
only 18^
Dives, Fomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Specials in the Basement
6 large rolls extra fine crepe toilet
paper. .Special Friday only .. 25£'
$1.19 set of Mrs. Potts irons. Spe
cial Friday only 89^
$1.50 cake closets with three
shelves. Special Friday only.
20th Century 25c kitchen sets,
bread knife, cake knife, paring knife.
Special Friday only 17^
15c bread knives. Special Friday
only 100
75c food choppers. Special Fri
day only 59<*
10c aluminum shakers. Special
Friday only 3^
98c solid brass loaded bottom* cus
pidors. Special Friday only .. 69<*
Business Locals
To silver the "Sterling mark on a tire
or tube is to vulcanizing. It indicates
the best possible repair work on tires.
It means service and satisfaction. If
our mark is on a repair job, and the
work is unsatisfactory, tiring it back
to us. Sterling Auto Tire Company,
1451 Zarker street.
Your home. The most expert work
men are in our employ and efficient
electrical engineers to supervise the
installation. No chances should be
taken on work that is concealed below
the finished walls and floors. When
once there it should be there to stay
and properly insulated. Dauphin
Klectricnl Supplies Company, 434 Mar
ket street.
To your summer comfort and good
looks requires one of the new "Kin
nard" straw hats. New high crowns
with medium brim in the popular
straws at 1.50 to $3.00, and Panamas
at 4 to $5. Distinctly new hats that
will appeal to the well-dressed man.
Kinnard has them. 1116-1118 North
Third street.
A harmless home remedy compound
ed principally from the powerful juice
of the Pernambuco shrub has been
found highly effective in promptly
cheeking the falling of hair from the
scalp. Men and women whose hair is
growing alarmingly thin and falling
out. badly every day should try it
without fail, as the ingredients are per
fectly harmless and very inexpensive
and the whole thing can he prepared at
home or by any druggist. Merely mix
together in an 8 oz. bottle 2 oz. Lavona
«le Oomposee, 6 oz. Hay Hum and %
drachm of Menthol Crystals. Shake
well and allow to stand for an hour,
when It Is ready for use. The
in the above is the pharmeeeutieal name
of the Pernambuco juice as diluted and
scientifically prepared for medical pur
poses. To stop the hair from corning
out and to quickly start a fine growth
of new hair all Over the scalp, rub this
lotion briskly Into the scalp with the
fingers tips or a medium stiff brush for
•bout Ave minutes each night and
Biorning. After three or four days' use
in this way you will not Hnd a'slngle
loose or straggling hair. Dandruff will
disappear and itching cease and you
jvlll find a thick growth of tine downy
new hairs, which will grow with amaz
ing rapidity.—Advertisement.
\ «
Colored Weaves
At Big Savings
65c crepe de chine; 36 inches
wide; dark grounds, neat rosebud
figures. Special Friday only, yard,
50c silk stripe voile; 36 inches
wide, solid shades. Special Friday
only, yard 25f
Remnants of ratines, silk muslin,
poplins, crepes and voiles; lengths
for \\aists and children's dresses at
half price to-morrow.
79c crepe, one-half silk; 36 inches
wide. Special Friday only, yard,
39 f
20c crepe plisse; 30 inches wide;
neat and fancy designs. Special
Friday only, yard 15^
25c ratine in plain shades. Spe
cial Friday only, yard B'/^
12j.-£c suiting, black and white
checks. Special Friday only,' yard,
8c challis, 28 inches wide, neat
styles. Special Friday only, yard,
6J4 C lawns in neat figures; 28 in
ches wide. Limit, 10 yards to a cus
tomer. Special Friday onlv, vard,
6*4 c cbambray ginghams, in
plain blue. .Special Friday only,
yard ..; 5$
12]/jc Galatea cloth in neat styles
of figures and stripes. Special Fri
day only, yard
Dives, Fomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
112 Trimmed Hats
Friday at
All the trimmed hats remaining
from the two recent special pur
chases have been grouped for a final
clearance Friday at SI.OO. There
are no two styles alike, and the va
riety of colors embraces all the
leading shades of the season. If you
want a bargain be on hand early
to-morrow morning.
Dives, Fomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
Linen Towels in the
Friday Sale
50c oyster white French linen, for
dresses and skirts, 45 and 36 inches
wide. Special Friday only, vard
59c French linen in oyster white.
Special Friday only, yard ~.. 39$
25c bleached Turkish bath tow
els, good size and quality. Special
Friday only, yard 17^
19c bleached Turkish bath towels,
large size and quality. Special Fri
day only _ 12^
98c and $1.25 Japanese shams and
table covers, 30x30 inches square.
Special Friday only, each ....
$1.39 lunch cloths, 45x45 inches
square, all linen and in good designs.
Special Friday only, each .... 59^
Dives, Fomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Stucker Brothers Will Offer Earth
From Front Street
Permission to (ill out the slopes of
the river bank fr6m the eastern edge
of the proposed walk along the wall
to the level of the present depressed
walk between Mulberry and Market
streets, w ill be astod of the City Plan
ning Commission and Park Commis
sioner M. Harvey Taylor by Stucker
Brothers' Construction company.
The construction company is ex
cavating under the Cumberland Valley
bridge for the Front street subway.
The disposition of the excavated earth
is more or less of a problem from an
economic viewpoint and the purpose
of the contractors in asking the city's
permission to make the "lilt" is to save
the cost of long hauling.
Plans showing the proposed method
of tilling are now being prepared by E,
Clark Cowden, the contracting com
pany's engineer, and the letter with
accompanying plans will be sent to the
city authorities within a few days
To a «0-l*. Width
Just how much earth would be used
is a matter of conjecture but it would
be from 20,000 to 30,000 cubic yards.
The plans show that the bankslopes
may be tilled out along a tapering line
from Mulberry to Market street. At
Mulberry street, for instance, the till
would, according to the plans, be ex
tended to a point sixty feet westward
from present line and gradually nar
rowing to a width of six or eight feet
at Market street.
The depth of the proposed "fill"
would vary from seventeen feet ut
Mulberry to approximately twenty ;>t
Market street. The contractors' let
ter will explain that about 35,000 ad
ditional square feet of park land would
thus be gained by the city. The earth
will be hauled and dumped free, the
letter will say.
The fllling in as suggested would
mean, however, that the tall trees and
other shrubbery, on the present slopes
would have to be burled or removed.
Whether or not the city authorities
would think favorably of the plan is
Laces and Insertions
Maltese and cluny laces and in
sertions, 1 to 2 inches wide; values
to 15c. Special Friday only, yard
Linen and cotton cluny bands in
white and ecru. 2 to 3 inches wide,
values up to 19c. Special Friday
only, yard 50
Shadow lace edges in white, 3 to
5 inches wide. Special Friday only,
yard 7*o
Swiss embroidery galloons and in
sertions, 1 to 3 inches wide, in a
large range of patterns, values to
25c. Special Friday only, yard. .50
Embroidery News
50c allovcr Swiss embroidery, 22
inches wide. Special Friday only,
yard " V&y 2 +,
Net and shadow lace pleatings,
1/ to 2y z inches wide, in white,
values to 25c. Special Friday only,
yard 12^0
Shadow lace guimpes, in white
and ecru, worth 25c. Special Fri
day only 170
Silk Windsor ties, worth 25c. Spe
cial Friday only 180
Printed warp ribbons in Dresden
patterns, 5/ inches wide, worth 29c.
Special Friday only, )'ard .... 190
Handkerchief Specials
Wopicn's one cornered embroi
dered cotton handkerchiefs, worth
sc. Special Friday only 30
Men's linen cambric handker
chiefs, valued up to 15c. Special
Friday only 70
D., P. & S., Street Floor.
Three Siik Items of
Great Import
SI.OO changeable taffeta in chiffon
weight, suitable for dresses and pet
ticoats, 27 inches wide. Special Fri
day only, yard 390
75c black and white polka dot
foulard. Special Friday only, yard,
' 390
SI.OO corded wash silk in white
grounds with black stripes; 32 in
ches wide. Special Friday onlv, yard,
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor.
Black Dress Goods
50c black mohair, 36 inches wide,
for bathing suits. Special Fridav
only, yard 350
50c black serge, 36 inches wide.
Special Friday only, yard .... 350
SI.OO black pebble eponge, 42
inches wide. Special Friday only,
yard ■ 690
SI.OO black panama, 54 inches
wide, all wool. Special Friday only,
yard 790
$1.25 black silk poplin, 40 inches
wide. Special Friday only, yard
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor.
questionable. It is pointed out that
the ground beneath the trees that now
lies between the base of the present
slope and the walk along the wall,
might one day wish to be used as a
playground. TTie suggested All would
mean the pushing out of the embank
ment slope to the edge of the wall
Stucker brothers now arc hauling
the earth to a point below Paxton
street for laek of a better place to
dump it. An arrangement had 1 .sen
made with the park department to
use the till along the river below Pax
ton, but the contractors, it is under
stood. do not wish to pay for the
dumping teams.
The company had been asked for
a price for "All" for the river front
between Maclay and Division streets
and it offered the earth at seventy
cents a load delivered on the ground
—or to pay the city llfteen cents a
load for taking it away at the point
of excavation.
[Continued From Hrst I'age]
brother, the pair were married a year
ago and since .then their marital ship
has been sailing over anything but a
calm and placid sea. Six times during j
the last several months Krebs has
tried to kill himself by cutting his
wrist veins. Kach time, however, his
efforts have been unsuccessful.
Last night, says the would-be-sui
cide's brother, there was another
quarrel and shortly after midnight
Krebs told his wife he was about "to
end it all." This time, however, he
doubtless having lost confidence in
the wrist slashing method, Krebs
drank sugar of lead.
He was found unconscious on the
bathroom floor before I o'clock this
morning and was rushed to the Har
rlsburg Hospital. Late this after
noon the hospital physicians said
Krebs would recover for the seventh
Owing to the excitement of the
hours before, it is believed Mrs.
Krebs was seized with an epileptic tit
while on her front porch and it was
necessary for the ambulance to take
her to the hospital also.
At the election of the Coal Merchants'
Assoociatlon, of Pennsylvania, New
Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, at Al
lentown, yesterday, Walter L Mont
gomery and J. J. Mlllelsen, of this city,
were elected to the board of directors.
$5.00 Tomorrow for
$15.00 to $22.50
Cloth Coats
Sizes run from 14 to 18 in the
range for misses and from 34 to 40
for women—the most important
sale from the viewpoint of value
that we have advertised this year.
The coats are from our regular stock
of $15.00 to $22.50 garments and
there isn't one among them that has
been in the stock more than eight
$15.00 Novelty cloth coats, with moire
<-ollar and cuffs, In navy, tango and rose.
Friday only $5.00
$22.50 runts, in novelty weaves, in
brown, rose and tango. Friday .... $5.00
$10.50 diagonal weave coats, with plaid
collar and cuffs, silk lined throughout.
Friday only $5.00
$18.50 Wool poplin coats, with fancy
silk collar and cuffs. Friday only . .$5.00
$20.00 Kponge and novelty weave coals,
draped or belted models. Friday only,
$20.00 wool corduroy coats, lined with
pcaii de cygne. Friday only $5.00
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor
Other Needs for the Home
25c aluminum ware specials,
values up to 42c each, including cov
ered stew pans, lipped saucepans,
strainers and fry pans. Special Fri
day only 25(
100 round black dustless floor
mops, with adjustable handle. Spe
cial Friday only
$5.00 five year guaranteed clothes
wringers, with 11-inch rolls. Spe
cial Friday only $3.98
25c pastry boards, 12x16 inches.
Special Friday only 140
China Ware
19c decorated and gold traced
cream pitchers, sugar bowls, sauce
boats, pickle dishes, cake plates and
vegetable dishes. Special Fridav
only, each 5b
Dinner Sets
$9.98 dinner sets of 100 pieces,
pink decorations. Special Friday
only $7.50
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement.
Boys' Trousers
Boys' cassimcre trousers in grey
and fancy brown and diagonal
weaves, sizes 8 to IS years, 75c
value. Friday only 590
Boys' SI.OO worsted and cassi
mere trousers, mixtures, homespuns
and diagonal weaves in grey and
brown. Friday only 790
Boys' Wash Suits
Bovs' Russian wash suits in per
cale and linene, sizes 2j/> to 7 years.
Friday only 890
Boys' $1.50 Russian wash suits,
sizes 3 to 6 years. Friday only
D., P. & S., Second Floor, Rear.
Federation Getting So Large New
Form of Representation Is
By Associated Press
Chicago, 111., June IS.—The greatest
convention ever held by the General
Federation of Women's Clubs ended
here to-day with a session of the board
of directors. Mrs. Percy V. .Penny
backer, re-elected president of the
organization, was authority for the,
statement that this biennial conven
tion was the largest and most impor
tant in its history.
More than C7O clubs have come Into
the federation In the two years since
the last biennial convention. Mrs.
Pennybacker said, and a new system
of representation probably would have
to be evolved.
Several hundred women inspected
torn gowns here to-day and not a few
i of them had bruises to treat as a re
sult of the crush last night to get into
the auditorium for the closing general
meeting, at which Miss Margaret Wil
son, daughter of the President, WHS
the orator who attracted most atten
tion. Thousands failed to obtain ad
mission to the hall, police reserves
were called out to control the crowd
and a number of women fainted.
Miss Wilson's address was the first
of half a dozen three-minute speeches
scheduled to be delivered by young
women. She urged use of the public
school buildings as community centers.
"Every town should have a salaried
civic secretary employed to promote
the organization of citizens," B akl Miss
Wilson. "The principals of the schools
should receive additional pay for act
ing as the secretaries of neighborhood
organizations. People must work to
gether, and they can't work together
if they don't get together."
By Associated Press
Paris. June 18.—France's proposal
that boxing be permitted at the Olym
pic. games in Berlin In 1916 was
adopted by a large majority at to-day's
session of the International Olympic
■ • »;■/'; "■'.-•vV • < * 1..
By Associated Press ,
Washington, D. C., June 18. —Presi-
dent Wilson to-day issued an executive
order reducing from CO to 50 years
the maximum ago limit for admission
to civil service examinations for ap
pointment of unskilled laborers in fed
eral offices outside of Washington,
D. C. Veterans, however, may con
tinue to be examined without regard
to their age.
Dandruff toon
Ruins the Hair
Mak™ It MfeltNM, Dull, Dry,
Ilrittle nnd Thin
v /!
Girls—lf you want plenty of thick,!
. beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all
I means get rid of dandruff, for It will
Starve your hair and ruin it if you
It doesn't do much good to try to
brush or wash it out. The only sure way
to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve It,
then you destroy it entirely. To do this, ,
get about four ounces of ordinary
liquid arvon; apply It at night when re- I
tiling; use enough to moisten the
scalp and rub it in gently with tile
finger tips.
By morning, most If not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or four
more applications will completely dis
solve and entirely destroy every single I
sign and trace of It.
You will ilnd, too, that" all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop, and
your hair will be silky, fluffy, lustrous,
soft, and look and feel a hundred times
better. You ran get liquid arvon at
any drug store. It Is inexpensive and
four ounces Is all you will need, no mat
ter how much dandruff you have. This
simple remedy never fails.
rtuwinesp u'H'alu
A person who is "all In," nerves!
overwrought, tired and listless, should i
try one of our Percussion Baths. A!
small stream of water in control of!
expert attendant follows the course of
the principal nerves and blood ves-!
sels. This bath Is very stlmulatlngl
and has powerful tonic effects. Health'
Studio, John H. Peters, H. D., 2071
Walnut street.
to be complete must have the neces-1
sary equipment such as towel bars'
and racks, tumbler, soap and tooth |
brus'n holders, bath seats, medicine I
cabinets and mirrors. We have a good
assortment of different styles. E.
Mather Co., 204 Walnut St., plumbing,
mill and automobile supplies.
Muslin and Sheets
36-inch unbleached muslin; regu
larly Bc. Special Fridav only, vard,
54x36-inch bleached pillow cases;
regularly 28c. Special Friday
only * 200
90x90 inch bleached sheets, hem
stitched. regularly sl.lO. Special
Friday only 93(?
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Women's Night Gowns
Women's low neck gowns, em
broidered ruffle finished neck and
sleeves. Friday only _ 350
Infants' Hats
Infants milan and hemp hats,
$1.25 to $1.95 values. Friday only
Second Floor, Front.
Kimonos and Sacques
Long kimonos of lawn in striped
and floral patterns, $1.50 to $2.50
values. Friday only 950
Short lawn dressing sacques. Fri
day only 250
Bust Supporters
Bust supporters, open back, em
broidery trimmed. Friday only
Gingham Petticoats
Gingham petticoats with tailored
flounce. Friday only 350
Short Skirts
Women's short muslin skirts with
hemstitched ruffle. Friday only
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor
Of Interest to Men
10c washable four-in-hand ties.
Special Friday only, 70; 4 for 250
19c and 25c silk four-in-hand ties.
Special Friday only 12J40
19c Police and lisle web suspen
ders. Special Friday only . . 12*40
50c coat watch chains. Special
Friday only 250
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Men's Store.
Upholstery Specials
$5.00 and $6.00 imported curtains
for doorways, fast color, one pair of
a kind. Special Fridav only, pair
$2.50 and $3.00
50c white muslin curtains, with
pink and rose border and ruffled
edge. 2)4 yards long. Special Fri
day only, pair 390
19c scrim and voile, in ecru and
white, slightly damaged. Special
Friday only : 12^0
SI.OO Scotch madras, 50 inches
wide, for doors and windows. Spe
cial Friday only, yard 750
D'ives Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor.
Waynesboro, Pa., June 18. Dr.
Joseph Joseph Knniss removed a piece
• of glass from the eyelid of Miss Sadie
McCarney, of Waynesboro. Some time
, | ago Miss McCarney, while driving in
I town, was struck by a stone thrown by
i a small boy. The stone struck her eye
t glasses and drove some of the glass into
I the eyelid above the eye.
Business locals
11 She referred to the latest Norman
| collars and organdie vestees and em
broidered crepe collars on display at
the Quality Shop, 204 Locust street.
Such rare judgment Is exercised in the
selection of the newest and most ap
propriate that it seems as if Mrs.
Cranston had an intuition of what one
really most desires.
Because the Lester tone is lasting
in rich, rare mellowness, tester touch
pleases musicians. Lester finish Is ab
solutely the finest. Ijester durability
C guaranteed ten years. Let us show
you how easy It is to own a Lester,
{ they last a lifetime. Send for illus
i trated booklet and details of easy
j payment plan. 11. G. Day, 1319 Derry
j street.
There is no particular reason why
you shouldn't have one in your home
and enjoy the same advantages as your
neighboring friends. Our easy-pay
incnt plan makes it possible for you to
choose from a wide selection of splen
did instruments ranging In price frt>m
$175 to $450. Why should you delay?
Sec Yohn Bros., 8 North Market
jls not an airship, but a high-grade
j bicycle with original lines. Built In
a million-dollar factory by men who
i have constructed bicycles for eighteen
I years, the Flying Merkel bicycle is a
i mechanical masterpiece that is an em-
I bodiment of all that is best In these
! years of experience. Sec It at the
| Keystone.
I Hints to the wise. "The time to
I practice economy is before you have
I to." It's your move. The most cer
j tain thing to happen is the unexpect-
I ed. "The time to help yourself to
tarts, is when they are being passed."
Here's your chance. "Nothing is so
deadly as complacence and oblivious,
contentment." Aetna-Essick.
Summer Footwear
Women's and Children's
Women's $1.75 white Sea Island
duck pumps with broad silk bows,
white kid lining. Special Friday
only $1.20
Women's $2.50 white Sea Island
duck four-button oxfords, high toe
lasts with Goodyear welted soles.
Special Friday only $1.05
Misses' $1.50 white canvas blucher
oxfords with red rubber soles. Sizes
12]/i to 2. Special Friday only
Children's $1.25 white canvas two
strap pumps, with stitched soles.
Sizes B]/i to 11. Special Friday only
98 <'
Children s 75c white canvas but
ton shoes, with stitched soles; sizes
6to 10;/.. Special Friday only 500
Street Floor.
Colored Dress Goods
25c shepherd checks, 36 inches
wide. Special Friday only, yd., 190
50c navy serge, 36 inches wide.
Special Friday only, yard .... 350
75c crepe de chine. Special Fri
day only, yard 490
$1.25 cream serge, black border,
all wool. Special Friday only, vard
SI.OO silk and wool Canton crepe,
Special only, yard 59^
$1.25 navy serge, all wool. Spe
cial Friday only, yard 95 £
$2.00 floral crepe, silk and wool.
Special Friday only, yard .... 95<&
$1.25 silk poplin, 40 inches wide.
Special Friday only, yard .... 95c 1 !
Linings Reduced
35c white satine for foundation
skirts. Special Friday only, yard
29 0
35c moire, 36 inches wide, emer
ald and black. Special Friday only,
yard 29t'r
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
150 Straw Shapes
Friday Only at 10c
Black, blue, brown and other col
ors in various straws —many of the
best shapes of the season. These
shapes were formerly $1.49 to $3.95.
This is the last of these shapes. Fri
day only, your pick of any on the
table at 100
Dives, Ponioroy & Stewart, Second Floor}
A $4.00 Nemo Corset
Friday, $'2.00
A self reducing model from our
$4.00 stock. Special Friday only 011
the second floor $2.00
I)., P. & S. SI.OO special corsets.
Friday only, street floor 090
Business Locals
shows his heels and soles to you ns
he walks. If the shoes are worn
through and run down at the heel you
assume that the man Is careless about
his personal appearance, no matter
how faultlessly he may be dressed
from the sole up. We make your shoes
look like new. City Shoe Repairing
Co., 317 Strawberry street.
That is the way we hand you the
films at the Victoria theater. No
other picture show has ever presented
the films we show here, daily. 10very
scene is brand now direct from the,
finest producers'of motion pictures in
the world. The most interusting scenes
and picture dramas, with the leading
players of the stage, always first at
the Victoria.
and I find that the Busy Bee Restau
rant gives the most and best for the
least money. That's the expression
of one of our satisfied patrons who Is a
Market street business man. There
are many more like him who always
come back and contribute fo our suc
cess. Busy Bee Ilestaurant, 9 North
Fourth street.
You will never be at a loss as to
what to select for a pretty gift once
you step in our store and see the
many suitable articles of jewelry. Also
watches of leading makes, clocks,
table silver, and various other useful
and ornamental articles. W. 11. At
kinson, 1423 North Third street.
Ansco cameras arc made in many
styles and sizes from $2 up, by the
firm who makes 98 per cent, of the
professional photographers' equip
ment In this country. May we show
them to you? Ansco films are the
original and perfect films. Bring
your tilms to us for developing and
printing. Cotterel, 105 North Second
Better than a dinner hell to bring
them to the table on time. Remem
ber how fond they were of it last
year? You can almost see the chil
dren smacking their lips In anticipa
tion and the grown-ups casting long
ing glances toward the oven door.
Sour cherries are coming In dally.
Place your order with S. S. Pomeroy,
Alurket Square Grocer.