Help Exterminate the Fly CALL 1991-ANY 'PHONE. All Mail and 'Phone Orders ;• r J FOUNDED 1871 , Come to Bowman's and Get Your Filled Promptly & Carefully FLY SWATTERS FREE By Expert Shoppers j The Most Sensational Selling Event of the Season ! Crepe de Chine, Jao Silk, Taffeta, Silk Poplin and Messaline Dresses, Worth SIO.OO to $20.00 at f $498 ||PP LMOST two hundred (200) of them arrived here jPj§e this morning. We have no time for detailed descriptions beyond saying that they are all of the good Spring models-—that there are j! \ v§J plenty of Black Jap Silks and Messalines—that there are some mighty |\ i smart Crepe De Chine and Canton Crepes—some Figured Silk Crepes are among them—and lots of Taffetas. /i] \1 \ jri They will be on sale when the store opens Thursday morning. None \ i]jj{ IWy of them will be sent on approval, none C. O. D., and none will be y I reSCrVed on part payments. Suit Section, Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S LEGATION IS RAISED By Associated Press Washington, June 10. —Official no tice reached the State Department to day that Argentina haa raised Its le gation here to the rank of embassy, to take effect Immediately. The American legation to Argentina al ready has been raised to an embassy. JAPANESE MURDERER HANGED By Associated Press Seul, Korea, June 10.—Tomitaro Watanabe, a Japanese, who on March 29 murdered Dr. Edgar De Mott Stryker, an American surgeon, was hanged to-day. DON'T SUFFER WITH ITCHING -■USE RESINOL rfly, what relief! —The moment Res lnol Ointment touches any Itching skin, the itching stops and healing be gins. With the aid of Resinol Soap, it quickly removes all trace of eczema, rash, tetter, ringworm, pimples or other ugly, tormenting eruption, and leaves the skin clear and healthy. It is equally effective for sores, boils, burns, red, rough hands, dandruff and falling hair. You need never hesitate to use Res inol. It is a doctor's prescription, that has been used by other physicians for the past 19 years in the treatment of most sorts of skin affections. Unlike many other remedies, it contains ab solutely nothing that could injure the tenderest skin. Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap are sold by all druggists, Trial free, write to Dept. 20-R, Res inal, Baltimore, Md. Look out for worthless imitations.—Advertisement AMUSEMENTS Photoplay To-day Empress of Ireland Disaster Fifth Episode of Perils of Pauline and regular show. Admission - 5 Cents v COLQjV/AL ALWAYS GOOD VAUDEVILLE ALWAYS THE BEST PICTURES ALWAYS COOL AND COMFY And only 5 and 10 cents! Thursday, Friday and Saturday Frescott's Mind Readers f Paxtang Park Theater Keith Vaudeville Palfrey Barton & Brown and Five Other Big Acts Matinees Daily ———————— JJ CHAS.H. MAUK GR undertaker Sixth and Kalker Straata I.ir9f to SIO.OO pair. Face c|olhs to match> each sf . On the Fourth FIoor— BOWMAN'S. One the Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. spECIALS j N TH£ Carpet and Rug Section Now is the time to recarpet your home for the Summer. All sizes and styles of ' matting rugs. MATTING RUGS —Floral and LINOLEUM REMNANTS—Extra Oriental patterns. heavy, new process. Suitable for bath- Size 27x54 inches 19$ and 29$ room, vestibule or small kitchen. All Size 36x72 inches 39$ and 49$ new perfect goods. Square yard, 29$ Size 6x9 feet .$1.50 SERVING TRAYS—Just the thing Size 9x12 feet .$2.75 and $3.25 for lemonade or ice water sets. Mahog- STAIR CARPETS —Wool and fibre any finished frames, cretonne bottom carpts suitable for stair or hall runners. covered with glass. Each 19$ Greens and reds. Special, yard . . .33$ ° N THE POURTH FLOOR-BOWMANS. PHOT INS AFOUL OF FOCHT Gets Hot Jabs in Return For Some Statements He Made in Lewisburg Meeting Sfecial to The Telegraph Lewisburg, Pa., June 10. —The Gif ford Plnchot party visited Union county on Monday and the Washing ton party candidate for United States senator shook hands with a few vot ers he found around the stores, mills and blacksmith shops at the various villages where stops were made. The much advertised meeting In the Union county courthouse here was addressed at 8 o'clock by the candi date who had an audience of about four hundred, half of whom were Bucknell students, and the balance women and members o'f the various political parties. Mr. Pinchot's arguments were rather dry, and the only life given the occa sion was when Plnchot personally at tacked ex-Congres&mau Benjamin K. 'Focht. who had crossed the street from his home to attend the meeting. Pinchot had just finished a tirade of abuse against Focht and all represen tative Republicans as a menace and reproach to the State and country, when the ex-Congressman broke In and severely rebuked the Washington party candidate for his bad manners in inviting people to his meeting and then insulting them, especially since he is a man with residence unknown and is a political adventurer without a cause or a message. This castlgation of Pinchot by Focht chilled the ar dor of the orator, who was hissed and Jeered by the audience Pinchot pro ceeded in a rather humble way there after l.iany who had gained a favor able impression of Pinchot from the newspaper accounts of his personality and his power as an orator, left the meeting if not disgusted at least dis anpolnted Few former Republicans here will be with the Washington party this year since support of the Washington candidates only means help to the Democrats With all of our public works on short time, and some of them closed entirely, the feel ing against further Democratic domi nance is very bitter, and this senti ment promises to be Jeflected at the polls in November. CASTORIAf* Infants and ChUdrm. fears toe * MM You Have Always Bought * ure , STORM COST MORE THAN HUNDRED LIVES Wind on Bay of Chaleur Last Week Traveled at Rate of 150 Miles an Hour St. John, N. 8., June 10.—More than one hundred lives were lost In the storm which swept the Bay of Chaleur on Thursday and Friday of last week, according to reports received here. Advices from outlying places along the New Brunswick and Quebec coasts of the bay may when received add to this total. The storm caused the great est number of fatalities In the history, of the north shore. Accounts brought In by fishing ves sels which lived through the blow show that the wind blew with terrlflo force. Captain Samuel Beck, of the schooner Warren, estimating the force of the blast at 150 miles ati hour at times. 3