Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 09, 1914, Page 12, Image 12
12 TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 9, 1914. Cool Wash Suits For Boys SI.OO to $3.95 In sizes from to 7 years, are white and blue linene suits, plain white madras suits with blue collar, blue and white striped percale suits, plain blue cliambray suits, brown and white striped percale and galatea suits, blue and white striped galatea suits, grey and Copenhagen blue cliambray suits, tan linene suits with the blue linene collar. These arc Russian suits with sailor, eton and military collars, at SI.OO, $1.50 and $1.95 Many other styles of Russian suits at $3.50, $2.95, SJi.SO and $3.95 Blouse Suits White linene, white lawn, white pique, grey and white striped cliambray, black and white and blue and white striped percale and galatea, blue and tan linene, brown and blue siripcd and fancy madras Blouse Suits; military, sailor and eton collars and low necks; sizes 6 to 9 years, SI.OO, $1.50 and $1.95 Other styles Blouse Suits at ... $2.50, $2.95 and $3.50 Oliver Twist Suits These quaint styles in galatea, madras, linene, lawn and fancy striped madras; sizes 2/ to 8 years, SI.OO, $1.25, $1.95 and $2.95 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Rear. $3.00 Long Silk Kimonos Extra Special at $1.95 What woman doesn't know the luxury of a silk kimono— how it helps to keep cooler at home on a hot day. These spe cials, then, should need no second bidding. Long silk kimonos, Persian or floral pattern, red, lavender, light blue Copenhagen, navy, pink and tan; $3.00 value. Special Wednesday morning * $195 Long crepe kimonos, empire or straight back style, lavender, light blue, grey, pink, rose and navy ' SI 00 Long crepe kimonos, set in sleeve, shawl collar trimmed with em broidered scalloped edge, three-quarter sleeves, finished with embroid ered scalloped edge 81 '>s Long crepe kimonos. Empire style, collar, waist and cuffs trimmed with self-colored satin ribbon, rose, Copenhagen, grey or black Si so Long crepe kimonos, Dresden tigure lingerie shawl collar 'trimmed with lace insertion and lace edge, kimono sleeves trimmed with lace in sertion and lace edge 81 9^ Seco silk kimonos, lace trimmed lingerie collar or pleated net trim ming. light blue, pink, Copenhagen or lavender Si 05 Brocaded crepe de chine kimonos, hand embroidered chiffon collars sleeves trimmed with hand embroidered edge and chiffon cuffs 8% nn Long silk kimonos, Empire or straight back style, self colored trimming; navy, red, tan, pink, lavender or light blue . .$3.95 tt nd $5,00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. WOMAN WHO SERVED 2(I OF 3B VIC.U!S IX JAIL SENTENCED Pittsburgh, June 9.—Annie Alexan der who has spent 26 of her 36 years in restraint, was to-day sentenced to the Western Penitentiary for robbing a jewelry store. The police say hor prison record includes two terms at Morganza, the first imposed when she was only ten years old, two in Auburn' Penitentiary and three in the Western Penitentiary. In each instance she was committed for larceny. PUT YOUR PRIDE In your pocket and see what a used car can be had for. The best list (if used cars for sale is in to-night's Tele graph, on Classified page. Stone, Porcelain and Enamel Refrigerators At nn actual savins of Twenty-five Per Cent. AI.Ii STYLES, SIZES AXD PRICES Six Wall Refrigerators, White enameled, ice capacity 50 pounds; value $16.00. Special price, SIO.OO Six Wall Stone Refrigerators; ice capacity 70 pounds; value $27.50; Spe cial price . . .. $17.50 Seven Wall Seamless Porcelain, oak ease, ice capacity 100 pounds; value $27.50. Special price ••••$! 7 £>() "The Mouse That Saves You Money" Chas. F. Heover Furni ture and Carpet Co. 1413-1415-1417-1410 X. Second St. Open Evenings Harris burg, p a . OPEN OFFICES FOR STOUGH CfKD To Have Headquarters in Central Part of City; Neighborhood Chairman Resigns ___ P"""™* Before another fort night passes the Stough evangelistic campaign committee of Harrisburg will , -| open an office in the b flEEfl city to take care of ' i XiS" tlle Ereat volume of business which will - have to be handled WJApIHRXT* ,lefore and throughout tlle biff revlv, *l which ° pens here on Novem * * man the genera] executive committee, last night at a meeting of this body was directed to appoint a committee to procure cam paign headquarters. This committee will be appointed this week and it will make a report at a meeting of the executive body within the next ten days. In accordance with action taken last I'riday by the co-operating ministerlum of the campaign organization, letters were sent out this morning to every church within a ten-cent fare limit of Harrisburg inviting them to join the big I-all revival. The Rev. E. E Cur tis, chairman of the ministerial body will also report to the executive body on the acceptance or rejection of these invitations within ten days. At a meeting of the executive body last night the resignation of Miss Lydlii Forney, chairman of the neighborhood prayer meeting committee, who is too ill to carry on the work, was accepted Her successor will he appointed within the next two weeks. The list of com- Buslneos JLocala "STAY IN TUNK" It is this power which has made the Lester piano the favorite instru ment in music schools everywhere as well as In the homes. The Lester Piano represents the highest attainment in piano building. Convenient payments if desired. H. G. Day, 1319 Derry street. FURNITURE COVERINGS In preparing the bungalow or cot tage for the summer season, many uses wll be found for the pretty print ed cretonnes and sunfast fabrics. Al ways an attractive assortment, espe cially desirable for cushions, draperies or coverings. All critically selected to conform with the season's most approved patterns. Harris, 221 North Second street. MEN, KEEP COOL! A\ ear cool clothing' and half the battle is won. How do you expect your body, when the temperature is high and the humidity is stifling, to keep normal if your clothing is heavy. Any doctor will advise you to discard all excess weight in hot weather. Ts at COOL CLOTHING? Here s the S^Lnswer— Tropical Worsted Suits Palm Beach Suits SilK Mohair Suits 1 "As light as a feather" and "as cool as a cucumber." Plain blue and plain black Palm Beach Suits, two pieces $7.50 Tan, brown and grey Palm Beach Suits, two pieces $8.50 and SIO.OO Pin stripe black and blue mohair suits, brown and black stripe silk mohair suits, grey check silk mohair suits, two pieces * SIO.OO Tropical worsted suits in grey pin stripe patterns SIO.OO Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor, Rear. A June Sale of Embroideries With Many Matchless Values Who needs embroideries? With such beautiful patterns at such reductions every woman who plys a needle should answer in the affirmative. All-over Swiss Embroidery, 22 inches; values to Batiste embroidery flouncing, 27 inches, baby Irish 59c. June Sale price, 1 Qr> pattern, values to $2.25. June Sale price, no yard i yard aoC Cambric corset cover embroidery, 17 inches wide; » Swiss embroidery flouncing, 27 inches; values to values to 25c. June Sale price, -i 01/ ' $1.75. June Sale price, no yard 1 2%C yard 98C Cambric embroidery flouncing, 18 inches, values e 45 inches; ecru: to 39c. June Sale price. 25 c yard 98C 5 Swiss embroidery flouncing, 45 inches; Swiss embroidery ruffled flouncing, 27 inches; values to $2.00. June Sale price, yard "oC values to 75c. June Sale J.Qr» Swiss embroidery flouncing, 45 inches; yard **»7C values to SB.OO. June Sale price, yard <pl.4y Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. mitteemen who will be appointed to carry on the work of the campaign was not completed last night and will not be finished before the latter part of this week. It was decided last night to ask Dr. Henry W. Stough and his i .associate. Dr. Cartwright, to attend a conference of the executive committee here after the close of the Hazleton revival. Postpone Meeting. Announcement is made that the regular meeting of the Civic Council of Churches sched uled for to-night has been postponed until June'l6. At Gra«-e Church. Next Sunday Grace Methodist Episcopal Sunday School will meet at 9.4 5 o'clock in the I morning, continuing at the same hour I during the summer. Children's day exercises will be held in the audi torium at 10.45 o'clock. The annual picnic will be held at Hershey Friday, June 19. A special train will leave the Reading station at 8.15 o'clock. Class Social. —A social meeting of the men's Bible class of the Redeemer Lutheran church will take place to night. Moonlight Walk. The Farther Light Society, a young woman's or ganization of the Market Street Bap tis church, *will meet at the church at 7:15 to-night, walk to the Eaton farm and there have a social. Block Bazar. —The annual block social conducted by Ladies' Aid So ciety of Stevens Memorial church will be held Thursday evening, when the block adjoining the church will be given over to the bazar. C. E. Chorus to Rehearse. The Christlnn Endeavor Choral Union to night will hold a rehearsal in the Im manuel Presbyterian Church, Six teenth and Juniper streets. At this meeting tickets will be on sale for the big endeavor picnic at Hershey Park Thursday. Professor Frank A. McCar rell will conduct the rehearsal. LOOK AHEAD I.lke others do and read Telegraph Want Ads. There are a number of opportunities advertised every day on the Telegraph Want Ad page. HUTCHISOX TO ADDRESS BIG POLICE CHIEF C'OXVENTIOX Colonel Joseph B. Hutchison, Har risburg's chief of police, will leave for Grand Rapids, Mich., Monday night, I June 15, to attend the convention of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Colonel Hutchison will read a pa per at the convention on "A Clean City." BRIDGES RUSTED BY SALT Recent investigations of the Illinois State Highway Department indicate that few highway steel bridges in that State are painted after their final com pletion and acceptance. Very, serious corrosion results and is Illustrated in a number of cases. A serious factor In the corrosion of iron and steel Is the use of calt to clear the roadway of snow and Ice. This was considered at least partly responsible for the bad condition of truss members in a bridge which had been about fifteen years In .aervlce. —Engineering Record. A ■ j -r. \ / .• t \ HOSPITALS GIVEK OFFICIAL NOTICE Must Be Prepared to Furnish Fa cilities For Instruction of Their Internes Hospitals of the State have been given notice by the State Bureau of Medical Education and licensure that they must be prepared to comply with the requirements of the medical edu cation act of 1913 relative to internes for the year beginning May 31, 1915. Under the act every medical graduate desiring to take the State examinations for licensure must serve a year as an interne in an approved hospital. For a hospital to obtain approval it must have twenty-live beds to each In terne; department of anesthesia, ade qdate clinical and pathological labora tory and arrangement for obstetrical service. It is provided that special Don't Risk Money in the mails. If you want money paid at a distance send it by M WESTERN UNION Moneygram 1 Payments made to the person or firm addressed; receipts If obtained. Quick, responsible I | service. Rates very low. I THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. I Full information gladly given at any office i hospitals may establish co-operation with a general hospital wherein the interne may receive credit for limited , service on their general term. Owing I to time required for hospitals to be | prepared the bureau will approve all , I of the hospitals this year, as in the | past. The bureau announces examinations lin Philadelphia and Pittsburgh for . drugless theraphy and chiropody, June 29 and 30. The Telegraph offers you six of the most interesting books in the world. Shakespeare's Works, 3,000 pages of enjoyment. But you must bring or send the free library coupons to the Harrisburg Telegraph office now, be cause the coupons appear only a few days more. SAMUEL DEAN Samuel Dean, a former resident of this city, died Sunday at his home in Philadelphia. The body will be brought to this city to-morrow morning at 11.20 o'clock. Burial will be made in the Lincoln Cemetery. Those who at tend the funeral will be at the Penn sylvania Railroad station to-morrow morning at 11.20 o'clock where a spe [ cial car will convey them to the ceme l tery. ... Dainty French Dresses For Little Girls For Children's Day! The day when every little Miss likes to look her best. These dresses seem to have been made spe cially for such a happy occasion because of their many charms. ,r i^ ildr . en \ F . r<>n . ch I)rpSEf,a - neck and short sleeves bunch tucks Iry^rn B eXn an anf]ace n ed C ge and . ?. e .T" trlmmed wlth lare ""d .n m Fren^ h D . res , se8 ' low ne ck and short sleeves,' embroidery insertion aerTiontrlrtfa 1 Bklrt 6VeS ' embro,der * flounce ""labed French Dresses, made of French lawn low n'oVir' ' V.' '.' " no finished'*w?thembr„ider y h Insert! embr °' insertion, lawn floun^ Children's Undermuslins Children's nainsook princess slips, laco or embroidery trimmed 0, i-i"* I.™ '»»* "!•«<•'£ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. Men's Silk Shirts, Bath Robes and Pajamas Men s tub silk shirts in beautiful stripe patterns, silk worked button holes, center pleat buttons to end of skirt; sizes 14 to 17 c)g Men's $4.00 silk shirts, sixes 14 to 17 $2 Men's $5.00 silk shirts, sizes 14 to Men's pajamas, made of soft fabrics, $1.66' to $3.98 Men's "feather-weight" pajamas Men's white crepe pajamas $l!i»0 Bath robes $2.98 to $8.98 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store, Street Floor. I Fine Imported Dress Linens In Popular Shades An assemblage of Ramie, French and Crepe Linens of all pure flax, and imported direct. A matchless showing of styles and colors. Ramie linon. 36 inches wide; shades of navy, cadet, Alice Conen liageu, pink, rose, brown, tan, preen, helio and grey Yard wJ Kre " ch Ra l" le . 36 Inches wide, shades of navy, cadet, Alice' Conen hagen, brown, tan, green rose, pink, grey, hello and black. Yard 59,. pink, rose French linen; 45 inches wide; cadet, Alice blue lin-ht ki„V brown, helio and wine. Yard ... .. ....... * . ,Ue ' Bre |^ Linen pongee; mercerized finish; navy, cadet Alice lip-ht ni„„ , rose, helio, green, tan brown and wistaria. Yard .. . /. Ue> pi £. k ' 11 u.'.". 25 an< l $1.50 eponge; 36 to 42 inches wide; pink rose hclin inVf light blue, mahogany, Alice blue, wistaria, coral and cadet ' Yard 95 c $2.00 eponge, 46 inches wide; extra line weave, mahocanv Lv wistaria, grey and rose. Yard manogany, pink, $2.00 nub crepe. 38 inches wide; 44 inches wide, in mixed .h,,^ 0 exclusive patterns. Yard mixed shades, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. Cool Dress Fabrics in Sheer White Weaves fr* White is as cool as it y looks, especially if it is a sheer texture of finest iS ™tton. \ Summer dresses receive | their inspiration here J with such a large variety f of styles to select from and such good values al ways in evidence. 25c Flaxons, plain and fig ured; 36 inches wide; beauti ful quality for dresses and blouses. Special, yard .la !^c 25c fancy lawns; 2 8 inches wide; fine, sheer quality for waists and dresses. Special, yard 15c to 19c plain and stripe crepe; 28 inches wide; line qualitv Spe cial, yard * 13^c 19c and 25c fine mercerized batiste; 29 to 36 inches wide- used for children's wear. Special, yard 12 29c pique and white corduroy; 28 Inches wide; good assortment of cords. Special, yard lg 25c white flaxon; plain linen finish; 38 inches wide. Special, yard, 19c 85c to SI.OO fine stripe Imported voiles; 42 Inches wide; good assort ment of designs. Special, yard ..> * 39c to 50c imported batiste and fancy novelty lawns for dresses and waists. Special, yard j 9c White ratine for skirts, beautiful qualities. Yard, 50c, 75c and 91.00 Plain white voiles, snow white and very line quality. Yard, 25c, 3Be, 50c and SI.OO Plain white crepe in various widths and weight. Yard. 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c to SI.OO Rice cloth, a very popular nubbed dress material. Yard, 25c, 35c and 85c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor.