Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 06, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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Rededicatory Services Held at Old
Religions Edifice on
Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Sewell Return
to Their Home in New
By Special Correspondence
Meclianicsburg, Pa., June 6.—Re
dedicatory services were held at the
Cocklin church In Upper Allen town
ship last Sunday, with the Rev. E. L
Coblentz, of Carlisle, in charge. A
choir of mixed voices furnished the
music. The church was too small to
accommodate all who desired admis
sion, and an overflow meeting was
held on the outside.—The Mite So
ciety of Trindle Spring Lutheran
Church held a meeting on Thursday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Weber, South High street.—
Miss Agnes Long entertained the fol
lowing guests at a house party during
the past week: Miss Mildred Laney,
of Cumberland, Md.; Miss Marian
Poorman, of Reading; Miss Clara Se
gelbaum, of Harrisburg, and Miss Ad
da Long, of Kennett, Square.—Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Griffith, of Baltimore, and
Mrs. Gibson Ford and small daugh
ters, Margaret, are the house guests of
Miss Viola Moore, West Coover street.
—On Sunday morning and evening,
the pulpit of St. Paul's Reformed
Church will be occupied by the Rev.
John S. Adam, of Dallastown, York
county.-—Raymond 1,. Hershman, of
ew York, is the guest of his father,
John W. Hershman. —An interesting
meeting was held by the Standard
Bearers Missionary Society of the
Methodist Episcopal Church on Wed
nesday evening. The program includ
ed the report from the recent con
vention at Chambersburg by Mrs. A.
H. Eye; readings by Miss Ida Kast,
Miss Myrtle Sours, and Miss Sarah
Martin; address by the pastor, the
Rev. J. J. Resh, and a piano and cor
net duet by Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Snave
ly. also a vocal duet by Mr. and Mrs.
John Nesbit.—Mrs. Walter Stuart, of
Carlisle, was the guest of her father,
F. R. Ployer, South Market street, this
week.—Miss Hattie Happle and Miss
Edith Swartz spent the week-end in
Philadelphia.—Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Se
well and children left for their home
In Chama, New Mexico, on Wednes
day, after spending some time with
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
G. Kauffraan.
Miss Margaret E. Mayor
Bride of Presley W. Rhea
By Special Correspondence
Waynesboro. Pa., June 6.—A pretty
church wedding was solemnized
Thursday morning in St. Andrew's
Catholic Church when Miss Margaret I
E. Mayer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Mayer became the bride of Pres- j
ley W. Rhea. The Rev. F. C. Wagner ;
officiated. Nuptial high mass Was i
said. The wedding marches were play
ed by Miss Alda Marotte. of Cham
bersburg; Mrs. L. K. Hess was ma
tron of honor: the bridesmaids were.
Misses Enola Mentzer, Mabel Coffman, j
Ruth Ambrose and Hilda Hafer: the j
best man was James Diffendall. Steel- j
ton: the ushers were Leo K. Hess. Ed-|
ward '"''Toole. Welty Moots and R. M. ,
Diffendall. Steelton. After the wed
ding a reception was tendered the ]
couple by the bride's parents. Mr. I
and Mrs. Rhea are spending their ,
honeymoon at Rehoboth Reach, and ■
Old Point Comfort. Va. The bride!
was a member of the 1911 graduating!
class of the Electric Designing Acad- i
emy, Baltimore.—Edward Shoekey, I
proprietor of the Springdale Mills, |
south of Waynesboro, and Miss Belle
Hovis, Rouzersville. were married in '
Frederick, Wednesday.—The Rev. C. I
A. Oellig, who has been ill for some |
time, is somewhat improved.—Mr. and '
Mrs. W. H. Shepler, Carlisle, were j
guests of the former's sister, Mrs. L.
H. Eberlv, this week.—The Rev. Jo
seph E. Guy. was installed pastor of
the St. Paul and Harbaugh Reformed
Churches, on Thursday evening. The
Rev. I. W. Hendricks, D. D.. pastor of
'/Aon Reformed Church. Chambers
burg. preached the installation ser-1
won.— Miss Marguerite Boggs, daugh-!
ter of the Rev. and Mrs. G. F. Boggs,
was a graduate of the Hollidaysburg
high school this year.—The class of
ihe Methodist Episcopal Sunday
School taught by Mrs. C. C. McKown,
held an outing at Pen-Mar Wednes
day. Mrs. Lucy Stephenson, Pitts- \
burgh, was the gueist this week of I
Miss Helen Lashley.—Mrs. John J. I
Brims and son. John J., Jr., of Balti- !
more, are visiting the former's par- J
ents. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Foreman.— 1
Miss Onlta Seffle, Louisville, Kv„ is \
visiting Miss Susan Philips.—Mrs. A. j
R. Warner and daughter. Miss Lillian I
Warner, are spending a week with re- i
latives in New Windsor, Md.—Mr. and |
Mrs. S. C. Martin tendered a reception :
Tuesday evening in honor of the wed- i
ding of their son. Samuel F. Martin,!
who was united in marriage to Missj
Lillian Showe. and to their daughter, |
Miss Mattie Martin, who was married \
to Walter Hoover, this week, in Ha- j
gerstown.—Mr and Mrs. Samuel Ben- !
choff entertained a number of their
friends at an elaborate dinner Monday
evening.—Mr. and Mrs. Archie Oilerj
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
uel Oiler this week.—Mrs. C. W. '
Pressler, of Harrisburg, and Mrs. h! i
L. Falk, of Lancaster, have returned ,
to their homes after spending the
week-end with Mrs. L I. Hitselberger. j
Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher
Entertain Mite Society
By Special Correspondence
Dauphin, Pa., June 6.—Mr. and Mrs. !
William Fisher, of Erie street, enter- I
tained the Mite Society of the Pres-1
byterian Church on Tuesday evening !
After a short business meeting, the!
guests spent the time in a social way.
—Refreshments were served to the
following: Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. I
Stirling, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Greena-1
wait, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gerberich, j
Mrs. D. M. Reeo, Mrs. Harvey Forney,
Mrs. Reflinal Fernald, Mrs. T. G. I
Seitzer, Mrs. George Heck, Miss'
Margaret Brooks, Miss Anne Miller, 1
Miss Ora Bickle, Miss Ethel Forney,
Miss Carrie Gerberich. Miss Ruth and
Miss Ether Shaffer, Miss Annie Web
ner. Miss Julia Kinter, Charles Shaf
fer, David Heck and Mr. and Mrs.
Fisher.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Powell,
of New York, and Mrs. Edward
Duffy, of Baltimore, are visiting the
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Stirling, j
—Mrs. Florence Smith and her two
daughters, of Chicago, arrived here!
on Thursday to remain for some time j
with Mrs. William B. Gross, who is a"
tister of Mrs. Smith.
.... * 'r ~ '' ' ' .
Secretary of Marietta
Sunday School Missed
One Session in 28 Years
Special to The Telegraph
Marietta, Pa.. June fi.—St. John's
Episcopal Sunday school, which will
celebrate its anniversary on Trinity
Sunday, June 7, holds the record, per
haps, in the State for one of its offi
cers. In the past twenty-eight years,
Edgar R. Villee, now secretary, has
missed one session. Then he was con
fined to bed with tonsilitis, and has
many reward books for regular at
tendance. His mother was the teacher
In the infant school and when he was
less than three years old he began, and
has continued ever since. St. John's
school has many scholars who are very
regular, and who on Sunday will re
ceive prizes for regular attendance.
The record of Mr. Villee is far in the
lead of any of the others.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry
Entertain Big Auto Party
.Hanlieiui, Pa., June 6.—Mr. and
Mrs. William Smurthwaite and Miss
Helen Plainer, of Reading, and Mr.
and Mrs. Amos S. Burkholder. of
Lititz, were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. William Shiffer, J. Francis Herr,
Philadelphia, spent Sunday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Herr.—On
Saturday evening the Otto Eisenlohr
Relief Association. No. 4. held a lawn
festival in the rear of the factory
which was a success.—Miss Sarah
Yontz, of Mountvill, spent Sunday
with Miss Mary Carter.—On Sunday
evening Charles, a 7-year-old of W. S.
Shiffer was badly bitten by a neigh
bor's fox terrier dog, causing a large
open wound which was cauterized by
a physician.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Henry entertained the following auto
mobile party: Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Augstadt, of Phoenixville; Mr. and
Mrs. John Augstadt and two children,
Fleetwood; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hoch
and three children, of Allentown; Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Augstadt and Mrs.
Charles Kinsey and child, of Reading;
Mrs. Daisy Singley and two children,
of Lancaster.—Miss Irene Sheaffer, of
Lititz spent Sunday with Mrs. Harry
Small Farm in Perry
County Sold For S6OO
New German tow n. Pa., June 6.
James O'Donel sold a young bull to a
Loysville dealer for $49. —George Flick
inger, of Madison township, traveling
by auto, spent Tuesday night with
James Baltozer.—William Fry, agent
for h'.s son. John H. Fry, of Lancaster
county, sold a small farm in Jackson
township to William P. Gutshall for
S6OO. —Miss Luella S. McLaughlin was
in Bloomfield on Saturday.—Miss Caro
line Sheibley is visiting her niece, Mrs.
A. R. Johnston, at Bloomfield.—Mrs.
H. C. Showalter and Mrs. W. R. Mum
per were in Newport.—Mrs. Edna Col
lege and two children and Miss Eva
College, of Sugar Valley, Mifflin countv,
are visiting James O'Donel. Mrs.
Lottie Morrison and three sons, Lester,
Oren and Eugene, of New Bloomfield,
are visiting Mrs. Morrison's father, T.
A. Morrrow. Her sister. Mrs. C. "N T .
Foose, husband and two children, of
Andersonburg. her brothers. Arthur J
Morrow, of Jackson township, and I
Roscoe Morrow, of Madison township,
also visited the parental home on Sun
day, it being the first time the whole
family were together since October 30, I
1909.—The festival held by Washing- '
ton Camp. No. 497, Patriotic Order |
Sons of America, on Saturday evening !
was well attended and everything was j
disposed of.—Mr. and Mrs. Roy Koontz !
and son North spent Saturday night ;
and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Hart.—Mr. and Mrs. John S. Briner. i
of New Bloomfield. announce the birth j
of a ten-pound son. Mrs, Briner was '
Miss Myrtle E. Trostle, formerly of!
this place.
Halifax Boy Will Graduate
From Harrisburg Academy
Halifax, Pa., June 6. —Mrs. John W.
Metzgar is confined to her home by
illness.—United State Gauger G. W.
Westfall, who has been home on a
month's vacation, reported for duty at
Rellam, Lancaster county, on Monday.
Miss Miriam Ryan, who attends
school at Washington, D. C., is spend
ing the summer with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. W. Ryan.—William Coo
per, of Dickinson College, Carlisle, is
the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
O. J. Cooper. Among those who will
be graduated from the Harrisburg
Academy next month is Alfred Clem
son, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clem
son, of Halifax.—Mrs. George Tobias
and Miss Maggie Still spent Sunday at
Harrisburg with the former's sister,
Mrs. George Grim. —Charles Brubaker
spent Sunday at Harrisburg.—Mrs.
George Schroyer and daughter Ethel
spent Monday at Harrisburg. Mrs.
Simon Baker and daughters, of Har
risburg, visited old friends in this vi
cinity on Tuesday.—Mr. and Mrs. F.
P. Leitzel, of Ellzabethville, spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
D. C. Sweigard. James M. Parson
spent Tuesday at Harrisburg.— Harry
Nace, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday
with his mother, Mrs. George Bow
man.—Miss Maine Derrick spent Sun
day as the guest of Miss Laura Urlch,
at Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. John
Lodge, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
Rutter, in Halifax township.—George
Shultz spent Monday at Harrisburg,
the guest of his sister, Mrs. George
Powley. Mrs. Frank Pottleger and
two children, of Dalmatia. spent a few
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Nation Koons.—Mrs. Harry Zimmer
man and daughter, Mary, are spending
a few days at Harrisburg.—Elmer E.
Daugherty spent Memorial Dav at Mil
lersliurg with friends. —Mrs. William
Millard and two sons, of Plymouth, are
spending some time at the home of her
mother. Mrs. A. M. Pike.—Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Ludlow, of Harrisburg.
spent Saturday at the home of Mrs.
Ludlow s mother, Mrs. Mary Rutter.—
Famous Bit of Timberland at Get
tysburg May Be Cat Away
by Lumberman
Junior College Class Presents Pro
fessor Himes With Comfort
able Rocking Chair
i?_v Special Correspondence
Gettysburg, Pa., June 6. Monday'
was the one hundredth anniversary of
the founding of the Gettysburg Na
tional Bank. St. James' Christian
Endeavor Society gave a concert in St.
James" Chapel 011 Tuesday evening.—
The junior class of college presented
Professor John A. Himes with a beau
tiful rockingchair to show their appre
ciation of his interest in the class.
Mrs. Stackhouse, of Easton, is visiting
her mother, Mrs. Abram Scott.—Pro
fessor B. F. Schappelle, left Monday
for Paris and Madrid, where he will
spend the summer.—Mrs. C. H. Reb
ert and Mrs. Myers and son, of New
port, are visiting Mrs. Robert's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Lightner.—
Miss Nellie Bream, of Philadelphia, Is
visiting her father, Jacob Bream.—
Josepm A. Eckenrode and family, of
New York city, are visiting relatives
here.—Mrs. Norman Storrick attend
ed commencement exercises at the
Medico-Chi. Hospital, Philadelphia,
from which her sister, Miss Edith
Bream, was a graduate.—A group of
sightseers from Boyerstown spent
Tuesday in going over the battlefield.
—Mrs. Victor Fausknecht, of Harris
burg, is visiting her father, William A.
Martin.—The hospital woods near town
has been sold to H. A. Myers, lumber
man, who will likely cut off the tim
ber unless steps are taken by the
United States government to purchase
same.—The Men's Brotherhood con
ducted services in St. James Lutheran
Church Sunday evening.—N. C. Miller
and W. E. Ziegler have leased Walters'
Theater and took possession Monday.
—Miss Mary McAllister, who has been
teaching school at Pleasantville, N. J.,
has returned home for the summer.—
The commencement exercises of the
Gettysburg High School were held in
Walters' Theater Friday evening.
There were twenty graduates.—Twen
ty-four Boy Scouts from Sbippensburg
visited the battlefield. The annual
High School Alumni banquet was held
Thursday evening at the Eagle Hotel
at which seventy-one were seated.
Blain Sunday Schools
Preparing For Children's Day
By Special Correspondence
I Blain, Pa., June 6.—A festival held
on Saturday by the Methodist Aid So
ciety was a success. The amount real
ized was S3O, which will be placed to
the fund for a new church carpet.—
The Sunday schools art rehearsing spe
cial programs for Children's Day serv
ices on the following dates: Metho
dist, Sunday, June 14; Lutheran. Sun
day, June 21. and the Reformed, Sat
urday, June 27. Miss Elsie Shu
maker, of Harrisburg, and sister, Mrs.
Floyd Hoffman, of Butler, Pa., visited
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shu
maker. —The Women's Christian Tem
pereance Union held its monthly meet
ing on Monday evening in the Reform
ed Church. Miss Christina Kern and
Miss Edith Bistline sang a duet dur
ing the services.—Mrs. Richard Mor
row, of Harrisburg, visited her sister,
Mrs. Mary Bistline.—Wesley Sheibley,
of Tiffin. Ohio, is the guest of Mrs.
Elizabeth Kline.—The R. T. A. was
entertained by Mrs. S. M. Woods on
Tuesday evening.—Mrs. Clarence Kel
lar and son visited the family of J. W.
Snyder.—Mr. and Mrs. David M. Rice,
of Ickesburg. spent Sunday here.
Mrs. E. .D. Boyer has returned from
Philadelphia.—The Sewing Circle met
on Tuesday evening at the home of
Mrs. H. C. Henry. Miss Carrie T.
Eakin, of Wilmington. Del., is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Adams, I
Young Women Techers at
Home For Summer Vacation i
By Special Correspondence
Sc.Uusgrove. Pa., June 6. Misses
Edith and Marguerite D. Potter re
turned this week to the home of their
mother, after completing successful
terms as teachers in Institutions of
public instruction. Miss Edith is head
of the Conservatory of Music in Co
lumbia College. Lake City, Florida,
and Miss Marguerite a teacher of
music and art in the public schools of
Mlddletown, Pa. —Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
G. Seller are guests at the Cherry Run
cottage of Federal Judge C. B. Witmer,
of Sunbury. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob J.
House worth are entertaining their
daughter, Mrs. Andrew Schuler, of
Rochester, N. Y., and son, John House
worth, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. —Wen-
dell J. Phillips and Latimer M. Lan
dis, students in the Jefferson Medical
College, Philadelphia, are spending
their vacation at the home of their
parents. Harry and Charles Forgy,
both of Philadelphia, spent several
days recently at the home of their
mother here.
Committees Working For
Reunion of Jr. 0. U. A. M.
By Special Correspondence
Duncannon, Pa., June 6.—Several
committees are working on the ar
rangements for the annual reunion of
the Perry county Junior Order United |
American Mechanics to be held here i
Saturday, June 13. —Mr. and Mrs. Har- 1
vey Wolpert, of West Fairview, visited !
their parental homes here during the !
week.—Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wilson :
spent "Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. I
Phillips, at Kennett Square.—Mr. and
Mrs. P. F. Duncan spent part of the
week at Atlantic City.—Mrs. U. G.
Moore, of Lykens, spent Sunday with
relatives in town. John Foster, of
Lykens, was a week-end visitor to
relatives here. Milton Gafney, of
Harrisburg, spent Tuesday with rela
tives. —Mr. and Mrs. George P. Thayer,
of Altoona, and W. H. Hamilton, of
Hollidaysburg. were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Sieg during the week.—
George O. Matter, of Wllkes-Barre,
formerly cashier of the People's Na
tional Bank of Duncannon, was a
week-end visitor here.—Miss Adelaide
Schiller and niece. Miss Faith Miller,
were guests of friends at Harrisburg
during the week.—Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Rolden. of Harrisburg, were guests
of friends. Mr. and Mrs. George
Moreland and daughter, of Philadel
phia, visited relatives during the week.
—Miss Relle Spangler. of Harrisburg,
was a week-end guest of Miss Ruth
Personal News Items
From Nearby Towns in
Central Pennsylvania
Ellaabethrllle.—The Rev. E. J. Hell
man and family 'are visiting at Allen
town and Lebanon. The Rev. C. R.
Welir and family are home from a trip !
to the eastern counties. Mrs. D. M. I
Stine spent some time with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Goodtnler, at Millersvllle, Ha.
—Miss Mae Barratt has returned to her
home at Bloomsburg; Miss Alleman to
Middletown, and Mr. Williamson to
Liverpool. George E. Homberger,
United States ganger, is enjoying a
vacation at his home this month.
Joseph W. Shadle, of Washington, D.
C.. spent Wednesday in town. While
practicing In the ballfield, Clinton
Whltcomb had his nose broken by a
batted ball. Uriah Daniel has open
ed a photographer's gallery near the
Echo printing office on Market tsreet.
—Joseph A. Buffington and family, of
Miffllntown, spent several days In
town. John H. Ly er, master paint
er for the Swab Wagon Company, was
suddenly stricken ill at his home on
Monday evening, but is slowly im
proving.—S. P. Shadle is spending some i
time at Washington. D. C. Mrs. W.'
P. Ingle and son, Clarence, of Mill- I
mont, are the guests of Aaron Enders. j
—Dr. W. L. Stevenson spent several
days at McVeytown, this week.—Mrs. 1
Carrie L. Collyer is spending some time 1
with a sister in Philadelphia.—Daniel I
C. LentK, of Englewood. N. J., is the
guest of his mother, Mrs. Lydia Lentz.
New Cumberland Mr. and Mrs. J. l
Paul Oren, of Washington, D. C., were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Oren.—
Mrs. Samuel Straub and son, William,
are spending a week in New York.
Mrs. Sprenkel, of New Freedom, is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. Llpp.—J.
J. Baughman was in New York on
business, this week. Mrs. Thomas
Llpp returned from a visit to friends
at New Freedom. Miss Martha Mil
ler. of Newport, was the guest of Miss
Margaret Flurrie this week. lra
Keller, of Philadelphia, spent several
days with relatives here. Miss Oral
Laland, of Allentown, was the guest
of Miss Ethel Watts the past week.—
Miss Elta Weaver, of Annvllle. spent
Monday with Mrs. R. J. Fisher.—Mr.
and Mrs. D'avid Sipe went to house
keeping at Lemoyne, on Tuesday.—Mr.
and Mrs. James Shaffer and daughter,
Elsie, of Burnham. Pa., visited rela
tives here this week. —John L
Clayton, of Baltimore, was the guest
of Mr and Mrs. G. H. Reiff this week.—
Mrs. Leali Sundpy went to Altoona to
make her home with her daughter,
Mrs. Nora Zimmerman. W. C. Nevin
of Laudenberg, was the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. T. It. Nevin, this week.—Mrs.
k?T, Buttorff spent several weeks in
Philadelphia. Mrs. B. F. Myers, of
Mt. Vernon, New York, is the guest of
her mother, Mrs. Sophia Kaufman,—
Mrs. Davis, of Waynesboro, spent Wed
nesday with Mrs. Hankers. Mr. and
Mrs. C. M. Davis returned from a visit
to friends in Boston.
I.emoyne. A meeting of the Boys'
Bible class of the Lutheran Sunday
School was held at the home of Ken
neth Sweeney, on Wednesday evening.
—Paul bweigert is visiting friends in
Chambersburg and Richmond. Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Strayer and family mo
tored to Chester where they were the
guests of the latter's brother, G. Rav
Hosier, over the week-end. Susan
Dockman and Martha Bentz spent the
week-end at Hershey. Dallas Mow
f Sr Chambersburg, is visiting Mr.
PoWvi • A -,®. Mowery. Mrs. Moses
Palmer is visiting friends ,in Danville.
—Karl Lockman. of York, was the
f ue „ 8 £ fr,e nds here. Elizabeth and
• aian Kupp, of Shiremanstown, spent
the week with Mabei Musselman.
Eugene Haag returned home after vis
\yng friends in Lancaster. —C. H.
Howard is able to be out after being
confined to his bed with illness for
"JjOnths. F. E. Kennedv
spent Sunday in Chambersburg. Les
is vis lting friends in
Chambersburg. Mr. and Mrs. Rav
mond Fettrow and son, Preston, we're
ebenys Mill. Sunday-
Mr. and Mrs. Marton Strautz spent the
week with friends in Fredricksburg.—
f rt ., St , upp and son ' Russel,
\isited friends In Lebanon, this week.
~,, an , Mrs. William Fettrow were
the guests of Mrs. L. M. Jones, of Har
risburg, on Sundav.
~ Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Gontz. of Trindle Springs took
v!? a ner n °. n Sund ay -with the Rev. and
Mrs. Getz. Mr. and Mrs. William
Harrison, of Harrisburg, were enter
n ' Tue s a >' *>' h's nephew J.
V* , Hipp !e. Miss Faurber. of Fisher
ville, spent Wednesday with her broth
of'RoinnJ" « Url ? er ' ~ Clayton Bertram,
g Springs spent Sunday with
M , rs ' Getz.—Mr. and Mrs
Ralph Schrack and daughter snent
Sunday with their parents at Co
lumbia.. - J. A. Faurber and family
n? M r . SU £ daj L a . l Pi,low - at the home
of Mrs. daubers parents. Mr and
Day sith Se ihi?r Umnlel ? pent Decoration
i>a> with their parents, the Rev and
u R° des ' at York. Mrs. Etschide
has been confined to the house for
some weeks. _ The R,»v. Gr ePn of
ne, was a visitor at the United
Sniv .'vSsir 1 Br "" ren^
Reavertown—Mrs. Claud Smith and
Mrs. Frazer Snyder. of Duncannon
were g'lests of their brother. B." Frank
rn to Mr ' an(l Mrs. James
nf Uwi'.t '" on- Mlss Grace Felker,
of Lewlstown. was the guest of her
ov"r%undav and Mlddlesworth,
i»t i? John Herbater visited
at the home of Lester Troxel over
Wllkf»'n7 Speeht and friend, of
\\ ilkes-Barre, were the guests of Les
ter Specht. Mrs. Joe Dreese. of M?d
dleburg, and Annie Steele, of Altoona
were guests of Mrs. Maggie Marks
»t ltf.n Glass was v,sltin g his parents
at Duncannon, over Sunday. Mr and
Mrs. Ira Ilelmhaeh and Mrs George
of a G' F nlpf'*K Ur ?' wern the S" esta
\L „A on Sundav.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Haines, of Harris
burg, spent a few days with the form-
H^ne? aren «i *£;■ and Jacob
nit >f i —..¥ lsa E'orence is confined to
wiii!' potomaine poison. Mrs
!i! a, u P° mi g, of Harrisburg, visited
Mrs j Ohn 1 Vo),, K 11 za Reigle. Mr. and
Mrs. John Tobias were visiting rela
li k® w ' s town, over Sunaav
Mrs. John Bowersox and two sons of
ter" - ry Thr r ß e ev* U r , f Jacob"Herbs'
11am °* L r Shur *' "uest°s h of S Wl1:
rn fined n t d o er hls-bed Mr wtth el l& ' S
{ffs- Edward Snyder, of Reading! viZ
ited her parents. Mr. and Mrs Tnhn
Algler. Mrs. William Gill and daueh"
ter, of Meyersdale, who was spending
a few weeks with Mrs. Edward Bea?
ver has returned home.
Mr. tZ and d Mrk *****
Hocfet e y Si Id ''^Swl"aid
va,. ol p u Xf evening, C Jun'e iT'ln
the woods opposite the fhurch Mr
and Mrs. Daniel Krelser, of Annvllle-
Mr, a r d J? rs » Mll,er ' ° f Enola; Mr and
e Megronnel and son Claudp
SPrB H n.
ander IHffiSf; ° f of
Mrs. Wilson Rhoads* of H /rs"ev *
Ht,ir a on ,ra 7 P tVar nt \,s
and family. The Rev Dr C w vl r '
ney, of Harrlaburg. spent a f.™ ? or "
this week with O. w r-'ov m >S
Daniel Strauble, of Columbia s '
guest of her parents Air -inH a*
Fred. Shlve, on Sunday -F WIIM™'
well. Miss Mary Erh Mis'!/ 3 m° S "
X b Uy St i a at the Buc^?l
at WllmerdlnV'-
Rlngaman son and daughter. started
[°evl • -T-i. XO, , th »«*"*»■ where
rniii.m \ti k ? v m O"ths Mrs
W an '' daughter. Helen,
ii F wi..r "u*,?™ 1 da > , »- Mrs
.). K. « lest, of Malta, spent Wednes
days 111 town. Miss Delia T- 'JJ' .
I visited Paxton recently, Robert Mr
, Kinn started for North Dakota on Mon-
Mrs. Boyd Parker Entertains
Mifilintown Sewing Club
By Special Correspondence
Miffllntown, Pa., June 6. —Mrs.
Boyd Parker entertained the sewing
club and refreshments were served to
the following: Misses Marlon Bashore,
Mary Fasick, Florence Vincent, Mary
Kauffman. Jane Banks, Levenla Rod
gers. Rhoda Mayer, Mary McNeal,
Anna Meyer, Emily McNeal, Jeanette
Kreider, Mrs. Roy Bergey, Mrs. James
Sterette, Mrs. Isabelle Beuhn, Mrs.
Hower, Mrs. R. Boyd Parker. —Misses
Lydia Vincent and Jane Banks, stu
dents at Beechwood, Jenkintown, are
home for the summer. —Mrs. William
Drake and little son, of Harrisburg,
spent part of this week in town. —
Miss Margaret Shellenberger, of Orbl
sonia, was guest of Miss Blanche
Wright, Tuesday.—John Grabtll and
two children of Lancaster, are in town.
—Frederick Espenshade, Sr., of Mif
flntown, and Carl Espenshade and
Frederick Espenshade. Jr., of Pitts
-1 burgh, spent Saturday with Ralph Es
penshade, of Newville, Monday. They
celebrated with the other members of
their family their father's 81st birth
day at his home in Miffllntown.—Mrs.
Ralph Lucas and daughter of Trenton,
N. J., Is visiting at the home of her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. James K. Robl
son.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stone an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter Minnie and Arthur Foraker,
son of ex-Senator and Mrs. Joseph
| Foraker.—Mrs. Katherine Janney and
I her sister, Miss Juniata Wilson after
spending the winter in Philadelphia,
are occupying their home on Washing
ton avenue.—Miss Minnie Strayer is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Stone,
in Washington, D. C.—Mrs. Leroy
i Depen and sister Bessie spent Sunday
;in Harrisburg.—Miss Julia McLaugh
ilan, of Latrobe, who has been spend-
I ing the week's end with Miss Lydia
Vincent, returned home Monday.—
Mrs. Miller and her sister, Mrs. De-
Pue, of Harrisburg, visited Mrs. Stew
art Ellis. —Miss Naomia Garner, of
Philadelphia, is visiting at the Gard
ner home.—Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Jun
kin were in Harrisburg on Monday.—
Miss Rinker, assistant principal in
Mifflin high schools, left for her home
in Carlisle Tuesday.—Charles Howe,
of Washington, D. C., spent the week's
end with his sister, Mrs. M. Crawford.
—At a meeting of the stockholders of
| Airy View Academy at Port Royal/" it
was decided to sell the academy build
ing to the school directors at their bid
of SI,OOO. It was also decided to dis
solve the corporation.—At the oratori
cal contest given by the Women's
Christian Temperance Union in the
Methodist Episcopal Church, Port
Royal, on Tuesday evening, the silver
medal was won by Miss Edna E.
Yarkers. of McCallisterville.
Rife, Pa.. June 6. The love feast
held by the Brethren, Saturday and
Sunday, was well attended.- Two
Armenian speakers were present J.
D. Novinger, who was ill nearly all
winter, is able to be out. Mrs. Ida
Warfel, of White Rock, is calling on
friends here. Byron Forney and Mr.
and Mrs. Michael Shaffer took an auto
trip to Harrisburg on Sunday.—Ditty
and Longabach shipped three carloads
of bark. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Longabach took a trip to Enders, Sun
day where he will make his future
home. J. E. Radel visited Halifax
on Wednesday.—Mrs. W. H. Weaver
spent Wednesday shopping at Harris
burg. R. E. Woodside, of Millers
burg, called on friends here recently.
—Mrs. T. M. Bordner visited North
umberland during the week.
Thoiiipaontomi. Mrs. C. R. Wil
son and little daughter, Ruth, are vis
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Amos Kinzer, near East Salem.—Miss
Prudence Stimeley, of Cleveland, Ohio,
is the guest of Mrs. W. H. Brubaker.—
Miss Freeda Dlmm, of Granville, is
visiting her grandparents. Mr. and
Mrs D. B. Dlmm, in Kurtz Valley.—
C. T. Longan and J. C. Tennis spent
part of the week trout fishing in Miff
lin county. Mrs. D. H. Spotts is
spending several weeks with Mr. and
■ Mrs. Joshua Grass, at the Aqueduct.—
Miss Myra Graham, a nurse In train
ing at the Episcopal Hospital, Phila
delphia. is spending two weeks with
Mrs. Almyra Logan. Children's Day
services will be held in the Lutheran
Church Sunday evening. Mrs. James
A. Cameron and daughter, Ruth, and
Mrs. Yeager spent Tuesday at New
port. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Nelghart, of
Lewlstown. spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. H. Z. Sowers. Miss Alma Ley
der returned home from Medford. N. J.,
where she had been teaching school.—
Mrs. Samuel Keplar. of Altoona, spent
Wednesday with her mother. Mrs. Mary
Gross. Mrs. Russell Shlvelev and
Miss Mary Stouffer, of Cedar Springs,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amos
Stouffer and Mrs. C. W. Carvell, on
Kllllnger. Mr. and Mrs. M. E.
Radel spent Monday with friends in
Stone Valley. Elmer Witmer spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Feidt, at Freedensburg.—Miss
Ruth Bender, was the guest of Miss
Olive Wert, on Sunday. Mrs. Nathan
Feidt spent the week at Motterstown.
—Miss Edith Fetterholf has been seri
ously ill for the last week.—Mr. and
Mrs. Benton P. Neagley, and Mr. and
Mrs. M. E. Radel. were entertained at
the home of John A. Neagley, on Sun
day. Dr. Edgar Hottenstein. of Mll
lersburg, took Joseph Y. Hennlnger. to
Harrisburg, on Tuesday In his auto to
consult Dj, Hartman. Mr. Hennlnger's
sickness has kept him in the house for
several months. Mrs. Dr. Shirk and
son are spending a week with her
sister, Mrs. William A. Wert.
Mllroy. Miss Mary Bible, a school
teacher at Phoenlxvilie, Pa., called on
friends here over Sunday. The Rev.
J. C. N. Park, of Indiana, Pa., visited
friends here, on Wednesday. Many
of our people went to Loysville Thurs
day. It being visitors' day at the home.
—The Lutherans are readv for bids for
their, new concrete church. J. W.
Havlce is 111 and is not Improving.—
Miss Maggie Johnson, who was oper
ated on at the Lewlstown Hospital,
is not getting along very well.—Phil
lip Rodgers Is 111. The Rev. J. W.
Hutchison is not very well at present.
—The Rev. Berry will not accept the
call to become the pastor of the Pres
byterian Church, here. Miss Emma
Abplanolf was at Lancaster over Dec
oration Day. Mrs. Decker Is enter
taining her mother this week. Miss
Maggie Romig has been elected teach
er of the grammar grade at Burn
ham. The W. C. T. U. held its month
ly meeting at the home of the Rev. H.
J. Duir, on Tuesday evening. Bruce
Archey, a student at Sycamore Uni
versity, visited friends on Wednesday.
—Mrs. Dunn and daughter, Grace, are
spending the summer at Mount Alto.
Grnntvllle. Mr. and Mrs. W S
Seel, of Harrlsburg, visited the home
of Benjamin Kelm, on Sunday.—Mr
and Mrs. Jacob Gerberlch visited their
son-in-law. John Kelffer, at Cornwall •
—Zlon Lutheran Sunday School will
render their Children's Day service on
June 7, In the morning. David Shuey
of Steelton, 1* visiting his mother,-
Mrs. Thomas Shuey. Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Strohm, of Plketown, and
daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman, of
Llnglestown, visited the home of Irvln
Liingle, on Sunday. The Rev. O. R
Blttner visited Fredericksburg, on
Tuesday, to officiate at the funeral of
Mr. Fisher. Mrs. O. R. Blttner spent
a few days at Harrisburg last week
The Rev. O. R. Blttner and David Ens
mlnger left for Easton to attend the
session of the Lutheran Mlntsterlum of
Pennsylvania.—Mrs. Alfred Blckle was
very ill the laßt few days, but Is some
what Improved. —'Fanny Boeshore and
Lizzie Pelffer, of Mt. Nebo, spent Sun
day with their i|unt. Rosa Boeshore
Jacob Hess. Rheuben Lingle and Har
vey Gerberlch, each purchased an au
tomobile In Philadelphia, last week.—
F. B. Snavely and Morris Rover, over
seers of the Hershey farms, transacted
business here. Mr. and Mrs. IJ. R.
Gonghoff. William R. Bowman. Mr. and
Mrs. J. Spa.vd Bomberger, and Mrs.
i Ma rgle Bomberger dined at tfie Qrant
vllle Hotel. -
The Rev. George Sigler to
Celebrate 80th Birthday
With Sermon to Old Folks
By Special Correspondence
Linglcstowii, Pa., June 6.—On June
9 the Rev. George Sigler will reach
his eightieth milestone. He will cele
brate the event by preaching to the old
folks on Sunday morning in the
Church of God. The following Sun
day evening he will preach to the old
folks at Progress. The Kev. Mr. Sigler
has been in the active service of the
ministry for sixty years. Children's
Day services will be held in the Unit
ed Brethren Church Sunday evening
at 7.30 o'clock. —Church services will
be held in the Church of God Sunday
morning by the pastor, the Rev. Mr.
Zeigler. Miss Vera Care has re
turned home from Irving College at
Mechanicsburg to spend the summer.
—Mr. and Mrs.'Oliver Reeme, of Wat
seka, 111., are sspending some time
here. —William Koons on Sunday vis
ited friends at Mt. Joy.—Miss Minnie
Mcllhenny and Miss Sara llaln, of
Harrisburg. on Sunday visited relatives
in town. —Mrs. Ilenry Koons and son
Harry, Mrs. Miles Bolton, daughter
Ellen and son Mark on Sunday mo
tored to Mt. Joy, where they were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Backen
stoe and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Getz.—Dr.
W. F. Baker and Miss Gordon, of
Wilkes-Barre, were week-end guests
| of Mrs. Rebecca Baker.—Miss Martha
| Buckwalter, a student at Irving Col
j lege, at Mechanicsburg, is spending the
week with Miss Marion Smith. —Miss
Sara Shreiner has returned home from
Shoemaker's School, Philadelphia.
j H. D. Koons left on Sunday morning
for Chicago and St. Louis. —Miss Elsie
Bierbower, of Carlisle, was the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koons this week.
—Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Kyle were
week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
Nace at Philadelphia. Miss Esther
Leonard, of Philadelphia, is spending
i some time with her grandparents, Mr.
! and Mrs. Levi Potteiger.—Miss Anna
Duncan, of Enola, was the week-end
i guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Duncan. —
; Nevin Moyer, of Morganza, Pa., is
j spending the week with relatives and
! friends here. —Hiram Hummer and
! Miss Edna Hummer, students of Mil*
lersville Normal School, were the
guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Hummer. —Miss Catherine Shrei
ner has returned home from Johns
town, where she had been teaching
school. —Miss Martha Buckwalter and
Miss Marion Smith attended "Twelfth
Night" at the Academy Wednesday
evening.—Mr. and Mrs. Earl Koons
announce the birth of a son. May 31,
Old People's Day in West
Fairview U. B. Church
By Special Correspondence
West Fairview, June 6.—01 d Peo
ple's day will be observed to-morrow
morning at 10.30 o'clock In Grace
United Brethren Church. This is an
annual affair and is eagerly looked
forward to by the older people of the
borough each year. The Rev. J. A.
j Shettel, pastor, will deliver the ser
mon. The choir, under the direction
of the chorister, H. D. Musser, who is
83 years old, will be composed of per
sons fifty years old and upwards, and
all old-time hymns will be sung,
WJiile all persons, regardless of de
nomination or age are Invited to be
present, the front pews of the church
will be reserved for persons fifty
years old and over. The church has
been handsomely decorated for the
occasion. Through the generosity of
citizens of the borough, automobiles
have been provided to bring to the
church and return to their homes after
the service any persons who are un
able to walk and If such persons will
leave their names with the Rev. J. A.
Shettel, Charles C. Klllheffer or
Charles Honich. the committee having
charge of the arrangements. They
will gladly call for them in ample time
for the service on Sunday morning.
By Special Correspondence
Montandon, Pa., June 6. —A Wom
an's Christian Temperance Union con
vention was held in the Methodist
Church on Tuesday, a large number of
delegates being present.—The Rev. Mr.
( Campbell, of Weatherly, delivered a
lecture in the Methodist Church on
"How to Kill a Church." Misses
Bertha Pfleegor and Aida Hunt were
delegates to the Baptist Sunday school
convention at Willlamsport this week.
Miss Luella Frank has returned
home after spending a few days in
Harrisburg.—Mrs. W. C. Burrey and
son went to Millmcfrit to attend the
funeral of a relative.
By Special Correspondence
New Mnrket, Pa., June #. A sur
prise party was held at the home of
Mrs. James Bates, in honor of her son,
George. The house was beautifully
decorated with flowers. The evening
was spent in games of various kinds
and music was rendered on the piano
by Helen Lechthaler and George Bates.
Refreshments were served. Those pres
ent were: Mrs. James Bates, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Berkhelmer and son, Rus
sell, Misses Tressa Kern, Marcella
Urlch, Jessie Long, Ruth Schell, Helen
Lechthaler, Carrie M. Bamberger, Edith
Snyder, Ralph Matthias, Charles Rates,
Calvin Fenell, Harry Swelgert, Charlos
Repman, C. Wilbur Cross, George
Bates, Roy Quigley.
By Special Correspondence
Sliepherdstown. Pa., June 6.—Eliz
abeth Sutton, after spending several
weeks with her grandparents. Mr. and
Mrs. John Sutton, returned to her
home in Harrisburg. Miss Eva
Mower, of York, spent Sunday with
her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. A. B.
Mower.—Mrs. Dora Wise, of Mechan
icsburg is visiting her sister. Mrs. i
Myrle Kllmore.—Mrs. A. B. Mower]
went to Philadelphia on Monday to !
nttend the funeral of Samuel T. Mower, '
brother of the Rev. A. B. Mower.
Will Locate Branch of Big Plant in
Busy Lancaster County
Bethany Reformed Church of
Ephrata Will Build Fine
New Edifice
By Special Correspondent*
Epliratn, Pa., June ti.—The citizens'
committee has decided to accept the
proposition of the Harrv E. Eby Shoo
Company to locate a branch of its
shoe factory in Kphrata, and has se
cured an option on the C. 15. Seldom
rldge grain and feed warehouse as a
place in which to house the industry,
which is expected to start operations
fu > °v t September 1. In the meantime
the building will be given an overhaul
lritf and a number of improvements
mi .. I" ade and machinery installed.
Ihe J 18,000 needed to start the in
dustry has nearly all been subscribed.
—At the meeting of the official board
of the United Brethren Church on
| Tuesday evening it was decided to or
der 200 copies of the Sanctuary
Hymnal for use in the church. \
congregational meeting of the mem
bershipi of Bethany Reformed Church
was held on Wednesday evening, when
it was decided to take steps looking
forward to the building of a line new
church edifice. The salary of the pas
sion ~' V ' 5' Meolt ' wass raised
S2OO making it sl,2oo.—Miss Emma
60 yearß old - n well-known
and highly esteemed resident of Eph
rata, died on Wednesday after an ill.
rJL 8 , "l l t? r days - Ono sister. Miss
hJISL • Wenger, of Ephrata, and a
brother, Ober G. Wenger, of Los An-
S,^ al -r 8 l ,r Y iv ®— Adam B - Albright
and Miss Lizzie Habecker, both of
Kphrata, were united in marriagre on
Tuesday by the Rev. Elias F. Horn
»erßer at his home in Hahnstown, near
Ephrata. They will reside in Ephrata.
r* v, n ® a *J£rday, June 13, the popular
Ephrata Mountain Springs summer re
sort will be opened for the season, this
being the thirty-third season under
the management of the present pro
prietor, D S. Von Nieda.—The United
States soldiers, comprising the Second
Battalion of the Tihrd Field Artillery,
will encamp in the Epharata Park on
| luesday, remaining over night. Thev
are on the way from their winter
quarters at Fort Myer Va., to their
summer target practice grounds at
robyhanna, near Scranton.
Thirteen to Get Diplomas
at Lebanon Valley College ,
Special to The Telegraph
Annville, Pa., June 6.—This even
ing the commencement exercises of
t* l ® I; e ' ,anon Academy will be
held In the Engle Hall at 7.45 o'clock,
thirteen members, comprising the
class of 1914, will receive diplomas.
The Rev. G. D. Batdorf, Ph. D., pas
tor of the United Bretnren Church at
Lancaster, will deliver the address of
the evening. The program will be as
follows: March, orchestra; invoca
tion; president's address, George M
HaverstaclC "The Power of Associa
tion," Katie O. Ruth; piano duet. Miss
Bender and Mr. Schaffer; "The Great
est American Institution," Harry S.
Gingrich; quartet, Messrs. Katerman,
Shottel, Schaffer and Reber; "Mexico
and American Responsibility," Charles
W. Gemmil; address, The Power of
a Great Purpose," the Rev. G. D. Bat
dorf, Ph. D.; presentation of diplomas,
Samuel O. Grimm, principal.
By Special Correspondence
Hershey, Pa., June 6.—Evangelist
Lewis Shelhorn, of Ashland, N. J
was the guest of the Rev. O. G. Romig
and family on Memorial Day. The
Rev. Mr. Shelhorn recently conducted
evangelistic meetings at Avoca, Car
bondale, Moosic and Scranton.—Tha
annual Blauch reunion will be held in
the park here on Saturday, June 13.
The Rev. I. Moyer Hershey preached
in the Gravel Hill United Brethren
Church on Sunday.—Miss Anna Loose,
of Hamburg, was the guest of Israel
Moyer. Leon Mumper visited rela
tives at Mechanicsburg.—Mrs. D. C.-
Giles and son are spending a week at
their summer cottage at Pitman Grove,
N. J.—Miss Mary Maulfair visited rela
tives at Mount Wolf, York county.—.
A. W. Wechter. of Lancaster, was tha
guest of E. C. Black.—The Rev. Geo.
S. Rents: attended the banquet of tho
Presbyterian cleric at Harrisburg.—
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Glynn, of thia
place, and Mr. and Mrs. Omar Hum
mel, of Hummelstown, made a trip to
Delaware Water Gap and Philadel
phia.—On Tuesday evening the Bible
normal class met at the home of its
teacher, the Rev. I. Moyer Hershey.—.
Tho Rev. N. L. Linebaugh, Mrs. Line
baugh and daughter, the Rev. O. G. 1
Romlg, H. F. Imboden and daughter!
Eva and Miss Loeb accompanied the!
annual excursion to the Qulncy United
Brethren Orphanage on Thursday.—.!
Mrs. J. R. Kreider is visiting frlenda
at Washington, D. C.
By Special Correspondence
Jonestown, Pa., June 6.—Elias H.
Gerhart, contractor, has a force of
men repairing the residence of Justice
of the Peace Henry A. Brandt.—Misa
Natalie P. Rank, a trained nurse of
Philadelphia, returned to her work
after spending a few weeks with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. David F. Rank.
—William H. Bross is very 111 at his
home with a complication of diseases
—John H. Kern has purchased a street
sprinkler for use on the borough's
streets. William Coleman Freeman,
of Cornwall, was the Memorial Day
orator here. His oration, a eulogy on
the Civil War, was greatly enjoyed by
all. The Independence Band, of
Onset, furnished appropriate music.—
Josiah Bensing left on Tuesday morn
ing for Hazleton. where he. went In
the capacity as delegate to the Phila
delphia Synod of the Reformed
Church. He is a member of the Re
formed Church of that synod at
New Bloomlleld. Pa., June 6. J. W.
McKee, cashier of the Farmers' Na
tional Bank, of Newville, Pa., spent
Sunday with friends here. —W. B.
Sheibley, of the United States immi
gration office at Gloucester, N. J.,
spent Sunday with his brother. H. E.
Sheibley.—Ewing Wallace, of Harris
burg, spent Memorial Day and Sun
day with his mother, Mrs. William
Wallace.—Lloyd Kell, of Lewlstown,
spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. J. Kell.—H. B. Rhine
smith sold his driving horse to Jacoh
Fulmer, of Chester, Pa., for $450. '
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spahr, of Harrls
hurg, spent Friday and Saturday with
his brother, J. H. Spahr, of this place.