14 BANK STATEMENTS REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF mop rniVTIIAL TRUST COMPANY» of h" ®l.bu?£ No 1230 North Third Street of Dauphin County, the close of business June 1, 1914. RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie *nd notes, $89,914 60 Due from ap proved reserve _ a * ents .167.018 60 |196 933 00 Nickels and cents . J? Checks and cash Items,.. *,o£i xa Securities pledged for Special deposits, B -°OO 00 Assets held free, via: C o m m e r c lal paper pur chased: Upon one name $24,616 19 C o m m e r c lal paper pur chased: Upon two or more L °£teral PVn Ca " W .'. th . ??!'. 174.620 00 Time loans with collateral, 30,306 69 secured, by bonds 11771 . and mortgage?, ........ l",718 ib Loans without collateral.. 73,446 03 Bonds, Stocks, etc 25b,did u< M °o r f tg re?ord an . d J U . dS "! entS 123.348 08 Office building and 10t... ?Hqo oo Furniture and fixtures, .. 18.500 00 Overdrafts 111 Total $1,382,351 32 LIABILITIES MSI ru C n k d, paW . 1*7.7. $ ail:ooo 11 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid... 3,461 39 Individual deposits subject to check (Exclusive of ™ Funds . and . , baV : 323,861 74 Time Certificates of De posit (Exclusive of. Trust „„ Funds and Savings), .. 246,762 27 Deposits, saving £" nd . •• Deposits, U. S. Postal Sav- Duetto Bank'si Trust Cos. etc., not in reserve 21,309 3, Dividends unpaid.■••••• • 7So 00 n 1 r ah u rer s Certified Checks outstanding, ... 13,809 99 Tota l $1,382,361 32 Al invesied, f . .T..... 372,263 70 A^ni 1 n n ves°ted, . • • "•" 67 Overdrafts 166 bi Total trust funds $380,814 90 CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (1. e. face value) of Trusts under , deeds of trust or mort eages executed by Cor porations to the Com cur'e' ißsues'of corporate m o en d t B, TrUBt U 5 d1 "f..51,932,600 00 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin. ss. Mineri Treasurer of the m hnVft named Company, do solemnly moar that the above statement Is true ?r t he best of knowledge and be lle(fSigned) H. O. MILLER.^ Subscribed and to before m. thl A, B^edf y " M G. POTTS. [Notarial Seal] Notary Public. Co ( r s r i e gn^t tteß W. M. DONALDSON. (Signed) nrPOBT OF THE CONDITION OF Tht HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY, If n£ 16 South Second Stree? of Dauphin County. Pennsylva nia at the close of business. June 1. 1914: RESOURCES ' Reserve Fund: Ca n 8 ote 8 S . Peele . an . 73.904 00 Due from ap proved reserve agents 563,335 63 $637,239 63 Nickels and cents k 12 Checks and cash items, ... 6.749 n Due from Banks and Trust . Cos. not in reserve 25,436 it> Securities pledged for spec lal deposits, 10,000 Assets held free, vis: C o m ra e r c lal paper pur chased: Upon _ one name, ... $8,60Q 00 C o m m e r c lal paper pur chased: Upon two or more L ?ateraT. n . Call Wlth C 0 1" "3,537 93 Time loans with collat teral 28Z,0b-i 44 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages, ......... &•« Loans without collateral,. 9,417 61 Bonds, Stocks, etc., 219,680 00 Mortgages and Judg ments of record 21.0-29 43 Other real estate 1 22 Overdrafts s,i4 Total $2,841,048 70 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in *l™'nnn nn Surplus Fund 400,000 00 Undivided profits, less fSSTT.. and ..... t . aXeS 35,662 34 Individual deposits sub ject to check (Exclu sive of Trust Funds and Savings) 798,959 65 Time certificates of de posit (Exclusive of Trust Funds anjl Savings), ... 6-*,,132 11 Deposits, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 328,514 26 Deposits, U. S. Postal Savings, 4,419 60 Deposits, municipal 108,815 li Due to Banks, Trust Cos., etc., not in reserve 126,536 86 Dividends unpaid 15,649 00 Treasurer's and certified checks outstanding, .... 459 73 Total $2,841,048 70 Amount of Trust Funds invested $2,863,213 87 Amount of Trust Funds uninvested 289,234 91 Total Trust funds $3,152,448 78 CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (1. e. face value) of Trustß under deeds cf trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Com pany as Trustee to se cure issues of corporate bonds, including Equip ment Trusts $24,732,000 00 Total amount of ; acurltles deposited by Corpora tions with the Company as Trustee to secure Is sues of Collateral Trust Bonds 122,655 00 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin. ss: I, Geo. G. Carl, Treasurer of the abostj named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. (Signed) GEO. G. CARL, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this sth day of June, 1914. (Signed) CLINTON M. HEBSHEY, fNotarial Seal.] Notary Publlo. Commission expires January 25, 1915. Correct—Attest: (Signed) ED. S. HERMAN, (Signed) E. Z. WALLOWER, (Signed) EDWARD BAILEY, Director*, be notified by the Secretary to a ' \ FOR HA I,IE 1 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS UNFURNISHED ROOMS Cards neatly and attractively printed! ean be aeenred at THE TELEGRAPH BUSINESS OFFICE 216 Federal Square Try Telegraph Want Ads. SATURDAY EVENING, ILARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 6, 1914. Close of Business June 1,1914 REPOBT OF THE CONDITION OF THE EAST END BAIMC, of Harrisburg, Thirteenth and Howard streets, of Dau phin County, Pennsylvania, at th« close of business June 1, 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes $26,6435 SO A,ue from approved reserve agents... 45,319.65 Nickels and cents 444 91 Checks and cash items 18,721 10 Assets held free, vis: Bills discounted: Upon one name, .$26,767 60 Bills discounted: Upon two or more names, ...161,902 04 Time loans with collateral,. 11,140 00 Loans on call with collateral, 49,177 00 Loans on call upon one name 22,128 00 Loans on call upon two or more names 74,461 00 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 95,266 00 Bonds, Stocks, etc..* Sched ule D 30,615 00 Mortgages and Judgments of record, Schedule D-2 40 220 00 Office building and lot, .... 17,000 00 Other real estate 19,400 00 Furniture and fixtures 4,450 00 Overdrafts 933 72 Total $643,421 52 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $60,000 00 Surplus Fund 40,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid, .. 10,602 60 Individual deposits subject to check,5246,749 44 Time certificates of deposit 246,770 91 Savings Fund de posits 29,651 07 Deposits, munici pal 20,000 00 Certified checks, . 12 15 Cashier's checks outstanding, ... 425 46 Miscellaneous liabilities, ... 210 00 Total $643,421 62 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin, ss: I, A 1 K. Thomas, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) AL K. THOMAS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3d day of June, 1914. (Signed) A. W. SWENGEL, [Notarial Seal.] Notary Public. My commission expires January 19, 1915. Correct—Attest: [SEAL] (Signed) E. M. SIBLE. (Signed) JOHN A. AFFLECK. (Signed) E. A. HEFFELFINGER. Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE STEEI.TON TRUST COMPANY, of Steelton, No. 1 North Front Street, of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at the close of business, June 1, 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes, ..... ... $13,122 60 Due from ap proved reserve agents 40,764 65 Legal securities at par 9,750 00 Nickels and cents, 66 94 Checks and cash items 747 75 Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not In reserve 8,839 90 Loans upon call and with collateral 173,995 83 Time loans with collateral, 29,398 65 Loans without collateral, .. 49,406 00 Bonds, stocks, etc., 106,491 65 Mortgages and judgments of record 96,223 00 Other real estate 27,600 00 Furniture and fixtures 1,400 00 Total $557,696 87 LIABILITIES Capital Btock paid in, $125,000 00 ■Surplus fund 75,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid, ... 16.899 43 Individual deposits subject to check (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Savings), 135,245 55 Time certificates of deposit. (Exclusive of Trust Funds) 151,875 39 Deposits, saving fund, (Ex clusive of Trust Funds),.. 45,869 56 Deposits, municipal, 7,780 44 Dividends unpaid 15 00 Treasurers and 'certified checks outstanding 11 50 Total, * $657,696 87 Amount of Trust Funds in vested $106,628 00 Amount of Trust Funds un invested 5,798 24 Total trust funds $111,426 24 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin, ss: I, Geo. L. Bolton, Treasurer of the above named Company do solemnly affirm that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) GEO. L. BOLTON, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of June, 1914. (Signed) JOHN H. SNAVELY, [Notary Seal] Notary Public. Commission expires April 17, 1915. Correct—Attest: (Signed) SAMUEL COUFFER. (Signed) H. L. DRESS, (Signed) W. E. ABERCROMBIE, Directors, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE COMMERCIAL RANK, of Harrls burg. Pa., Nos. 1222 and 1224 North Third street, of Dauphin County, Penn sylvania, at the close of business June 1. 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes $18,397 00 Due from approved reserve agents, . 43,307 53 Nickels and cents 648 27 Checks and cash items 6,146 86 Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not reserve, 430 35 Assets held free, viz: Bills discounted: Upon one name,.510,702 00 Bills discounted: Upon two or more names, ...131,578 90 Time loans with collateral, . 27,880 00 Loans on call with collateral, 19,336 00 Loans on call upon one name, 2,637 00 Loans on call upon two or more names 67,031 15 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 66,431 94 Bonds, Stocks, etc., Schedule „ D . • • • • 10.990 00 Mortgages and Judgments of record. Schedule D-2,.. 76,809 60 Office building and lot 106,978 46 Furniture and fixtures 8,181 65 Miscellaneous assets 975 00 Total $587,461 50 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $121,660 00 Surplus Fund 60,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid 9 520 66 Individual depos its subject to check $138,172 05 Time certificates \ of deposit 125,459 61 Saving Fund de posits 71,608 58 Deposits, Com monwealth of Pennsylvania . 40,000 00 Deposits, munici pal 10,000 00 Cashier's checkß outstanding, ... 267 82 ~ 385,608 06 Due to Banks and Trust Cos. not reserve, 10,768 78 Dividends unpaid 14 00 Total $587,461 60 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin, ss: I, C. Z Huffer, Cashier of the abov., named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) C. Z. HUFFER, _ _ „ _ , Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of June. 1914. (Signed) WALTER R. SOHN, [Notarial Seal.] Notary Public. My commission expires at end of next session of Senate. Correct —Attest: (Signed) D. W. SOHN. (Signed) H. A. ROBINSON, (Signed) IRA P. ROMBERGER, Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION of THE SECURITY TRUST COMPANY, of Harrisburg, Nog. 36 and 38 North Third street, Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at the close of business, June 1, 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and _ notes $26,861 90 Due from approv ed reserve agents 46,206 19 Legal securities at par 13,000 00 xi. , , *84,068 09 Nickels and cents, 450 40 Checks and cash items 10,332 93 Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not In reserve 1,104 18 Assets held free, vlj: Commercial paper ' purchased: Up- on one name... S2OO 00 Commercial paser purchased: Up on two or more names 176,963 21 Loans upon call with col lateral 88,236 04 Time loans with collateral,. 43,008 48 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 7,660 00 Loans without collateral, ... 29,987 77 Bonds, Stocks, etc 69,340 91 Mortgages and Judgments of record 174.066 67 Ofhce building and lot. 62,626 S6 Other real estate 5,726 00 Furniture and fixture* 14,536 53 Overdrafts 58 73 Total $768,344 79 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $125,000 00 Surplus Fund 25.000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid, ... 23,790 33 Individual deposits subject to check (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Sav „ Ings) 169,468 10 Time certificates of de- posit, (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Savings) 39,218 88 Deposits, saving fund (Ex clusive of Trust Funds),.. 297,835 07 Deposits. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 10,000 00 Deposits, municipal 10,048 73 Due to Banks, Trust Cos., etc., not in reserve 922 45 Dividends unpaid 25 00 Treasurer's and certified checks outstanding 8,556 23 Bills payable on time, mort gage bonds sold and guar anteed 68,480 00 Total. $768,344 79 Amount of Trust Funds In vested $3,430 00 Amount of Trust Funds, un invested 1,987 61 Overdrafts 90 95 Total Trust funds $6,508 66 CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (i. e. face value) of Trusts under deeds of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Com pany as Trustee to secure Issues of co-porate bonds, i n c 1 udlng Equipment Trusts, SSOO.OOO 00 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin, ss: I. J. O. S. Poorraan, Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. (Signed) J. O. S. POORMAN, „ „ Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of June, 1914. (Signed), E. R. COWAN, [Notarial Seal.] Notary Public. My commission expires March 25 1917. Correct —Attest: (Signed) HARVEY B. BAIR, (Signed) J. E. GARNER, (Signed) A. B. GARDNER, Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE MECHANICS TRUST COMPANY, of Harrisburg, Third and Market streets, of Dauphin County, Pennsylva nia, at the close of business June 1. 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes $53,22) 25 Due from ap proved reserve agents, 309,844 70 Legal securities at par, 65,000 00 M , . , $418,064 95 Nickels and cents 22 70 Checks and cash Items,.. 37,814 52 Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not In reserve 14,839 32 Assets held free, viz: C o m m e r c lal paper pur chased: Upon one name $2,438 64 C o m m e r c lal paper pur chased: upon two or more names 128,093 47 , 130,632 01 Loans upon call with col lateral, 208,620 79 Time loans with collateral, 148,435 99 Loans without collateral,. 175 202 36 Bonds, Stocks, etc 179 076 25 Mortgages and Judgments of record, 234,175 00 Overdrafts 12.905 34 Other assets not Included in above, 11,050 40 Book value of reserve se curities above par 947 50 Total, $1,571,687 13 „ , LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $300,000 00 u P d> V 300,000 00 Individual deposits subject to check (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Sav- TiineCertificates of " Del " 4 ' 943 61 posit (Exclusive of Trust " Funds and Savings), .. 371,239 09 Deposits, saving fund, (Exclusive of Trust Funds) 45 00 Deposits, municipal 20 000 00 Due to Banks, Trust Cos., etc., not in reserve 25,344 53 Treasurer's and Certified Checks outstanding 11 799 QQ Other liabilities not in eluded In above, 6 326 41 Book value of reserve se curities below par 1,994 50 Total $1,671,687 13 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phhi, ss: I, John C. Motter, Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true lief *" y know,ed^e and be (Signed) JOHN C. MOTTER, „ . ... , Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before ma this sth day of June. 1914. (Signed) EMMA A. KEENY [Notarial Seal] Notary Public. commission expires March 25, Correct—Attest: (Signed) SAMUEL KUNKEL. (Signed) DAVID KAUFMAN, (Signed) B. F. BURNS, Directors. Business Locals POCKETBOOKS VARY IN SIZE But a $lO bill will take any suit in the house regardles3 of price at the Klein Company Store, 9 North Market Square. The former selling price of these ladies' suits varied from $22.50 to $42.50 and represents the very lat est In styles, as you know that our policy is to carry nothing over 1 om one season to another. ALWAYS INVITING That noon-hour lunch3on that Is specially prepared for the busy men of Harrisburg at the Columbus Cafe Is surely a delicious luncheon for 40 cents. The food Is nicely cooked and faultlessly served. Try one of these luncheons to-morrow noon. Hotel Co lumbus. Third and Walnut streets. LADIES' HATS CUT IN TWO That Is, the price on all Spring and summer hats have been reduced one half. Regular sls hals, $8; $lO hats for $5 nnd $5 hats for $3. Untrlm med shapes Ir fine Milan Hemp and Hemps, $4 and $5 hats, choice, $1.50, Children's hats at remarkable reduc tions. Mary C. Glass, 1306 Market .street. , TREXLER HOME BOYS IN ZOUAVE DRILL Between showers Thursday at the Trexler Orphans' Home at Loysvllle, the boys went through intricate drills, much to thr delight of hundreds of spectators, many of whom were I larrisburgcrs. Part of Ihe crowd is also shown in the picture. Uain compelled the campus exercises to be held indoors. Seventy former pupils of the home were among those present. At the dedication of the Sharetts' Memorial building, the Rev. F. W. Staley of Ardmore, presided, and George W. Neff, a York lawyer, delivered the address. CONTRACT AWARDS M.M)K BY CITY SCHOOL BOARD Painting, papering and steam and boiler repair bids, which were opened by the School Board last evening, were referred to the general repairman. President Boyer and Secretary Ham lnelbaugh, of the board, for investiga tion of competency of the* bidders. Half a dozen or more buildings are to receive attention. Other contracts were awarded as follows: Cement work, S. W. Shoemaker & Son and the McCleaster Paving Com pany: plumbing, Eugene Fogarty, I. R. Lyme and M. H. Baker; repairing en gines, West End Machine Works: sup plying saw bench at Technical High, Oliver Machinery Company. BANK STATEMENTS Commonwealth Trust Co. 222 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. CONDENSED STATEMENT, 'JUNE 1, 1914. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Cash and Cash Items, $132.564 77 Canltal Stock S"SO 000 00 Due from Banks, ... 399,619 80 Surplus Fund', 450]000 00 Loans and Invest- Undivided Profits, .. 10,979 69 ments 2,013,583 18 Deposits 2,067,932 08 Real Estate and Bank Due to Banks, .. 68 90 Building 279,163 25 Miscellaneous, 17,096 39 Overdrafts 164 06 Miscellaneous 982 00 $2,826,077 06 $2,826,077 06 TRUST DEPARTMENT Trust Funds Invested $4,441,327 70 Trust Funds, uninvested (including advances) ... 209,841 59 $4,651,169 29 OFFICERS WILLIAM JENNINGS ? nd W. H. MET/.GER I resident Trust Officer Secretary and Treasurer W. GRANT ItAUCH AsHlMtant Secretary and Treasurer DIRECTORS Charles E. Covert W. O. Hlekok, 3rd Warwick M. Ogelnby Hrndrrnon Gilbert William JennliiKH Harry RONS William M. Haiti Clirlslluu \\ Lynch Tbumax XV, SiiiallwoDd Richard C. Haldcman William H. Metaser A. C, Staaini Francis J. Hall Hubert H. MofTltt .lobii Fox Weiss Items of Special Interest In the Statement of the Condition of the Dauphin Deposit Trust Company As called for by the State Banking Commissioner At the close of business, June 1, 1914. DEPOSITS—S2,BBB,BIS.I7 An increase of close to SIOO,OOO since the last state ment of February 20. RESERVE FUND—5618,052.67 Money in vault and on deposit in other banks sub ject to our check—this amount is largely in excess of that required by law as a safeguard. U. S. BONDS—(4% at par)—slso,ooo The present market value of these bonds is $165,000. LOANS ON COLLATERAL—S7S7,4SB.IO LOANS ON PERSONAL 5ECUR1TY—5633,073.32 Large and small loans to more than 500 borrowers. INVESTMENTS—SI,O33,IO9.O6 Stocks and bonds having a ready market and easily converted into cash. MORTGAGES AND JUDGMENTS—S26I,7SB.9S Carefully selected loans on real estate. BANK BUILDING—SSO,OOO Cost more than SIOO,OOO. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PR0F1T55605,227.93 $605,227.93 TRUST FUNDS—S4BO,OI9.B2 These trust funds are held separate from all other funds, and are invested in high-grade mortgages as directed by law. Dauphin Deposit Trust Company 213 Market Street Capital, $300,000 Surplus, $300,000 Resources, $3,503,478.13. Central and Tech Seniors to Hear Baccalaureates Both Central and Technical high school students will listen to bacca laureate sermons to-morrow. The stu dents of Central high will proceed in a body to Market Square Presbyterian Church, Sunday evening, when the Rev. Dr. .1. Ritchie Smith will preach. His subject will be "Overcoming." The Technical high school students will march to the Zion Lutheran Church Sunday morning when the Rev. S. Winfield Herman will deliver the bac calaureate. He has chosen the sub ject "Youth" fcr his sermon. RI'DOLPH K. SPICER IS 40 Rudolph K. Splcer, funeral director at 313 Walnut street, was 40 years old yesterday. In honor of the event he entertained at dinner at his home. Covers were laid for six. I BANK STATEMENTS U. S. WARSHIPS KEEP lUERTITS GUNBOATS [Continued from First Page.] Sunshine had sailed from Galveston with clearance papers for Havana, but instead of going to the Cuban port, sailed directly for Tampico. Punish ment for that alleged offense would be dealt by authorities of the port to which the erring vessel sailed. Inas much as the Constitutionalists are ad ministering the laws at Tampico. the Sunshine will suffer no penalty. Reports that Tampico's customs house had been seized after the man ner of the occupation of Vera Cruz, were specifically denied by the avy Department. No such move was in contemplation at Tampico or any other Mexican port, the statement said. Carranza's Attitude to Be Known Next Week By Associated Press Niagara Falls. Ont., June 6.—Defi nite word about the Constitutionalist attitude toward mediation is not ex pected by the South American envoys until Monday, or possibly Tuesday. They realize that General Carranza's trip from Durango to Saltillo will oc cupy him during the next 48 hours and they are not disposed to worry about the delay, believing time for de liberation is an essentia] at this mo ment. The mediators have no inkling of what the Constitutionalists will do, nor have either set of delegates. The feel ing however, is one of hope. Rebels' Agent Continues to Purchase Munitions By Associated Press New York, June 6.—Francisco Urquidi, agent for the Mexican Con stitutionalists in this city, announced to-day that In the absence of any definite statement that Secretary Bryan had given orders to prevent the shipment of arms and ammunition to either of the Mexican factions, he will continue to purchase the ship war munitions to Carranza's army through Tampico. Mr. Urquidi said he had facilities to place any war supplies that he may purchases on vessels bound for Tam pico and was willing to give a guar antee that the consignments would reach their destination safely Situation Unchanged at Tampico, Says Bryan Washington, June 6.—Secretary Daniels said to-day that 110 orders had gone forth to Rear Admiral Bad ger or Mayo as to the landing of the war cargo of the steamer Antilla for the Constitutionalists at Tampico. Secretary Bryan declared the situa tion at Tampico was unchanged to day. "You. notice," the Secretary cau tioned his questioners, "that I am careful to speak of the present day." Mr. Bryan declined to' be questioned further. So far as can be learned Tampico still is an open. port. FOR. RENT New Modern 16 and 18 North Fourth Street A S ly J. L. Shearer, Jr. THIS MAY HAPPEN TO YOU ' ■! A ' ** ,T '' ar "' < " Claim* We f* AnaMnl fa Hl'ly KKE •» W - HARPER, uenerai ■ jjjMaiPiWKS jiff fx a< id > 't ""u"? ton> * • i V fi <>. c. m«okamp, A poi/lAnt ■ ■ran?ittßSßU. •»«•*. »*«■. <A«tomo. riCCIUCIII || j Mle Acc,dent), #Nolsoo « lohn Street JSf H Denver, Colorado', johu oircri Ofe t— <^ 1 ,B Or so s«a oo New Y«rk HARRY A. MAY, Phlla -ISAAC MILLER, General Agent 103 N. Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa. KREIDER BILL FOR POSTOFFICE PUSSES [Continued from First Page.] to the wings, for which contract has already been let, and agreement the additional work will be within a few weeks between the ex tractor and the government. 1 The bill presented by Congressman Olmsted and setting aside $125,000 for the improvement of the Post Office here was passed long bel'ore-the parcel post regulations went into effect and did not contemplate space for that new and rapidly growing branch of the business. Mr. Kreider's Foresight Congressman Kreider late last wln- Iter, after an inspection of the build ing, an examination of the plans and consultation with Postmaster Frank C. Sites, found that the structure as con templated under the Olmsted im provements would not be sufficiently large to accommodate the postal traf fic now passing through the local of fice, much less take care of its growth In the future, lie immediately pre pared and introduced in Congress a bill appropriating s7s,ooo'in addition to the $125,000 already available, and made a strong plea for its passage. Congressman Kreider is a member of the important committee on public buildings and when his measure cam<* un in that body he laid before the members at length the urgency of the need of additional money for the Har risburg post office and the committee returned the bill to the House with a favorable recommendation. Unanimous Consent When the measure came up for final passage as a special emergency bill it required the unanimous consent of the. members. Congressman Kreider took the floor and In a brief but convincing speech impressed upon his fellow congressmen that it would tie the part of economy to appropriate at once the money for which he asked In order that the work at Harrisburg, which would have to be done eventually at all events, could all be done under one contract. This speech resulted in the passage of the measure without a dis senting vote and it then went to the Senate, where Congressman Kreider brought it to the attention of Senator Penrose and other influential members of that body, with the result that the appropriation was approved late yes terday afternoon without any oppo sition whatsoever. Congressman Congratulated Congressman Kreider's friends are congratulating him upon this splendid piece of constructive work on behalf of his some district. Not only does it show that Mr. Kreider is in thorough touch with the needs of the three counties making up the district which he represents, but it also illustrates his ability to get through Congress legislation that in the hands of a less able member might easily fall by the wayside. The passage of this post office hill is not only remarkable because of the fact that Mr. Kreider is a Republican, whereas Congress is overwhelmingly Democratic, but all the more so for the reason that the Kreider bill is the only emergency appropriation measure of the kind that has been passed dur ing the present session of Congress or is likely to be. Postmaster Sites was very much gratified to receive a tele gram to-day announcing the passata of the measure. Mr. Sites has been kept thoroughly acquainted with what Congressman Kreider has been doing I nthe matter and it was with his hearty apprivol that the Kreider bill was introduced. Business Locals THE MORNING MAIL is the first thing to receive your con sideration when you enter the office or store. Everything else must take a back seat for the time bein-g. Tht average person is equally interested in letters received as you are. Tell them your story by fac-slmiliS type written letters. Weaver Typewriting Company, 23 North Third street. CREDIT RULES WORLD Butcher and baiter.and candlestick maker, or the more modern light mak ers, must have cash or credit to do business. The banks furnish them with the required cash on proper se curity. We make a specialty of loan ing small sums of money to those who have no banking connection. Lowest rates in city. In fact, lower than even the law permits us to charge. Penn sylvania Investment Co., 132 Walnut street. THE STAFF OF LIFE Is good bread, and the best bread, of course, is a loaf of Holsum or But ternut. Made in the largest and clean est bakery in Harrisburg and from the best and most nutritions ingredi ents, it represents the highest possi bilities in breadmaking. Baked fresh every day and distributed through our delivery system to all sections of the city. Ask your grocer for Schmidt's Butternut or Holsum bread. ACID ON YOUR HEAD? If acids are used to clean your straw hat or Panama, then when you perspire the moisture within the crown of the hat extracts the add and your hair and scalp absorbs it, thus pro moting brittle hair and baldness. Wt use no acids in the cleaning of straw hats and Panamas. Compton's, the old reliable cleaning establishment, 1006 Market street and 121 Market street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers