STARTS TO-MORROW, SATURDAY MORNING at 8.30 O'clock Desirable Summer Merchandise at Wonderfully FAN CY J Women's & Misses' Coats Wash Dress Skirts $5 00 Balmacaan Coats Cloth Dress Skirts 1 WOMENS CHILDREN'S PAR A SOI S l " M I'T "tri™" ...... o 7r < Undermuslins rAKAjULj C gg g 9c $2.75 $1.69 J —— -A .. P y M * Materials or heavy welted pique, rep, . 1 WOmeil S White "ettlCOatS Manutacturers % Stylish models In black moire and linen, etc., in plain white and colors. , Women s and >lisscs _ Halniacaan Coats, At this pi-Ice you will buy 2or 3. All , - il* ■ shepherd check materials. Well tailored Over 25 styles, including the new Kus- ' n pretty materials, including'the favorite wool materials in plain colors and mix- | BHfiT WORKMANSHIP bamDle Line ( and neatly trimmed. All sizes for women slan tunic and tiered models. All widths gray mixtures, very swagger, and many lures. All widths and lengtlis for women Women's Petticoats value to I --l Th"n Hnlf P, " <,a 1 and misses. and lengths for women and misses. have the new pleat in the hack. , and misses. 75" Saf" price ..! ~ 1 I Women's Petticoats, value to S orsU%r. Para :B7c jw Dresses Value to $3.00 $1.19 I For Women, Misses & Juniors: Save on These Sweet Dresses: JKSwe At ItTIJTICTISC SciVlTlgS 1 i e .89 value ,7ssS 2 2Q Is 2 Women's and Misses' Washable Dresses ifflillrFj € V«a * 7 „ w nm en\ and Misses' Silk Drp«« WOMEN'S GOWNS Parasols. Sale price, ,£,XJ } Porch and Street Dresses in materials of plain col- TO —r 1 ored linons, lawns and tissues. Over 25 styles to ■■ r~ 111' Materials of flowered foulards, plain colored AN a ' Rir lu.UU Km < aa if? ? 1 %»• t \\r 1 t 1 w-v ______ m Women's Gowns, values t# sl. Parasols. Sale price. •J3 Women s and Misses Washable Dresses ffgEftff l\\W I|\ w 1f - nA w ; TTT TT-n n ( Sal ° priLC 69^ 1 | Pretty Street Dresses made of linon, flowered A«■ I I \l \u! I «pl3»vU W OHien S ftRQ mISSeS ullK UreSSeS # Women's Gowns, values to M LI r jrl I crepes, reps and rice cloth. A big variety of IL | I \ l\] W " i|? Materials of chiffon taffeta, fine poplins, high- /jtn Af I sl ' s °' Shl ° PriCe *93^ matchless oate or I styles in most any color and all sizes for t|J I ______ I \ JIV / M/ll S rade messalines and crepes. All desirable MS C ———————— W/niiAVKI 9 C Women, Misses and Juniors A L - jfiSj/L ' shades and black - Elegantly trimmed with if £ * | Princess Slips and W UiVltjly *j \ ——————————■ -te&tKrcfjifl J Stu w! Pretty laces. All sizes for Women and Misses, • J r«««klnoiiAn Q..Ue it f\ Is 4 Women's and Misses' Washable Dresses T M|fclip ||i . , 0 ... Pr n } cllil..MW /\ 1 (|.95 I "TH, fIT" '"^""^1 rale and pinpham fast colors' f plain colors and stripe effects, m all Sizes for ' £-4 it "I // l "" ,M,plln«. in the prettiest colorings of the season. WII 1* 1 Ladles' Princess Slips, $2.00 «,L g I Women, Misses and Juniors rki il '' Klabomteiy trimmed. AH sl Z es In this gn.up T£ If value. Sale price $1.45 SI.OO value. f ° r on,t * n an Misses . I liadies' Combination Suits, $1.25 Sale price Jrf»r l d>/» \\j y j an. • O .———————— value. Sale price <);{<-. ——— t , CJS and $6 Women s and Misses Dresses * • y m , n ci • A Dress, made of gingham and m ra t m es, flowered crepes and rice cloths; com- fl* £IL X . .... ci • . A a/l .\T 11 ' i vMIfITCII S fllUSllll percales; all sizes, $1.50 79c C bination and plain styles; tunic and tiered ef' * »vw * JUSt When uKirtS Are MOSt [Needed \ I muslin GOWNS, 75C value I value. Sale price .... f fects . A ll sizes for Women, Misses and % J =Z Women's and Misses' PRICES LOWEST i 4 ?^ * 1 Ti „ \ Tuniors .__ r mWV btf I 1 MUSLIN DRAWERS, 39c value, Women s House Dresses, J J AUTO COATS $1.50 and $2.00 1 $3.00 22f AND ,n qTr I $7.50 & $8.50 Women's and Misses' Dresses AT MONEY SAVING PRICE, WASH SKIRTS ; J \ WASHI SKIRTS L™. ™..-. Sale price a Elaborately embroidered white voiles, floral $2.00 Women s and 1 95C 1 $1«05 i MUSLIN SKIRTS, 75C value, , ... ~ . „ J crepes, striped voiles, ratines and plain white £ J QC MisSCS ' C ° atS 1 Pique, Linen, Rep and W n ™Z I f ° r • 42 < J '• 1 Cre P es - Several distinct styles and combin J)/} .jQ r PKI C . ESS . . SL ! PS .'. $ . , .° 0 70^ SL L nl | ations in pretty colors. Sizes for Women, yHr «2« s, ' c - " M '—' «» « Regular and extra sUe J, JV"alTf," C "l , perfZ SaTe pr"ce $ 1 -39 I J" $3.00 Women's and *1 QC f I | ' Wnmrn'- T nH MITTRI' Hrr R «•«> |l ill I WASH SKIRTS Womens Corset Coven \ # ij>iu.uu ttomen s ana iviisses uresses ienK«h. convertible eon«r. paxi. WASH SKIRTS RLi .Jl cto on • i » T r Trilfltc X" f QCAC I Beautiful dresses of French linen, embroidered IMH „ , 5Z '® 5 V l( ALL SIZES I rUIIKb tt JUlt Wises | white voile. Fancy crepes, ratines, charming £/• QC $4.00 Women's and tf» 9 Q $1.45 TO RatC and'Tn- 1 G ° VCr8 ' Yrtf >, II , 11 n • f figured voiles; several styles, including the new Misses' Coats Pretty styles in heavy ported Crepe materials; 'LOfp At MnrrnSPCC rrir»C % A\u , , Made «f beMt nnulitr Hum cut welted llque. R*'p and I \7 new lonp Russian tunic, 1 Women's Corset Covers, values i\ I 171d.L11i.c59 1 lICeS J Russian tunic tiered and three-piece model. All Iff— very Mtvamrr. lum (he new Hieeve nuai Ratine materiuls: all reg- and tiered styles. Regu- to 35c. Sale price oWgf* , _ r . % sizes convertible collar. Sl/.e* for women ular and extra slase waist lar and extra size waist ' ... , Matting Handbags, 75c A_l„ I ami mi>..> INUW UF 1U S2O, NOW UP TO S3O, NOW AT $7 AND SB, NOW AT $lO, NOW AT sl2 AND sls, NOW Ladles' Drawers, value to 25c. I J $4.75 $6.75 $9.75 $3.75 $4.75 $7.50 '' SB.OO. tr Sale priw"^ B '' " $*4.98 J U,ll n —; In the Matchless June Economy Event ill ▼ ▼ wIIIUII 5 DIUHSV)!! $ Girls Dresses "I r* Girls' Dresses (f 8 O OA a " d #M^ r ? m ®, n ' s a " ( 1 women's »»c women,, suu women's SI.OO children's is c ii Am . A .. I For 15c For «pZ.Z9 SEX* Seam" Fast Black a'S hlak and a°ll new "t MATCHLESS PRICES 250 girls' washable They can not be beat any- N ,lose * & lf ° 8 °- »" Z"a tXF.Cn ' j| Women's BIoUSeS Wameil't RllfeUlM i = dresses. Made of fast col- where. Made of white voile S ? Sale Qr Sale 9f t Sale \(\f Sale Sale f(\/f VI » ui mf' i ! or percales. All sizes, 2to ] awn rep and K i ng ham Pnce Price Price fc'C Price JOC Price Price ® ii Values to $3.50. Sale Price Values t« $3.00. Sal« Price 6 years old; value 25c. every one a new style. Value 1 ' P rirl«' n M »Mt j to $3.50. All sizes 6to 14. : ii <£pl..V/0 (])ltOO WOMEN'S SILK and KID GLOVES i: .. value to IOC, tor *VV. /J* I_> A n S%f\ 1 WITIIjII U kJALiiY aliu I\lL/ vJLU fLJ MATCHLESS PRICES : bPOldered in all colors, (ilad- every new style; (Gladstone and ♦♦ !>» j . , , v»*i» o isi casta l| ■ M IB : stone coUars and organdie cuffs; roll collars, all slates 30 to 44. H h f 1 u a ndgl fi n f" For tbj.o9 Women's Kid Women's Silk Women's Silk Women's Women's Lisle Women's Lisle ;; "» s —— ; I 14. "a big assortment 2 of pat° These dresses are the best G,oves G,oves G,oves Washable Gloves Thread Gloves Thread Gloves ill Women's BIoUSeS, y omei J S BIoUSeS, | terns to choose from. workmanship in white and Jllied "'To hu°t°ton l "clasp, , 35c va , ,uo ta i6?but°ton S l&m* | Values to SI.OO. Sale Price Val «*« *o Sale Pnce | §n'i ir> _ colors, made of rep, P. K., ; wear. All colors R'' r t'p l" black double flneer tip white and colors. 11 *1 c thread thread gloves In i w Vl * J yll U Girts Dresses, OA Dolly Varden A bie- assort- 1 an«er jnllus Kay- : made of orgaiuUes, voiles and Handsome Blouse made of : 8 colors, made of ginghams, voiles Newest morlelc All cir*c fi nibbed Ribbed Vestn (iauie nibbed Union Suiim Union smt.. tJau«e nibbed nn r Cause <*epe, in the new sleeves, lace best crepe de thine silk, in every : 2 and linens; values to *3.00. All INe^est models. All sizes 6 VeH(w| with Or.wing Ve.t.i all ."' °ualoa Sulta, or embr.»idery trimme.l; Wad- new shade; in every size; white g sizes »to 14. . to 14. Value to $7.50. nil .|-..«. V ? {.'"J" ?" k trimmed! laee trlmmrdt „|| «i,esi knee stone and r«»ll collar; all -sizes and colors; copies from the :: H * vnl.leiol- VB, " e ' »r " 'J,, 1 n f !i *l«e*. Value allies. OOc and n nk | e Nnll., all «Ue«. to 14; in white and colors. Imported bionscH. , *trlnK. HOe \al. I ,Wr. vnlue. length. Vnl.7sc $1.50 value. ************* \ immmmtmmmmmttmmtimwmmummmwtotmtmmmmmmmtttt: l Ii Women's Messa- Women's Pet- I t I i I' ehainbray petticoats. Hlaek Colored line Silk Pettieoa ♦ ... . v. - " -*■ .r-- ./ . _ ; '•> ■■ .V •• vV • .-T. "-.V., • -- J " • • ■.• • ~ \ « »: • ■ • • - I ■ ' FRIDAY EVENING, ' HARHISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 5, 1914. 5