4 Mow to Get Rid Of Skin Trouble A Handsome Skin Book Free That Will Guide You. Ro many people fuss In despair over stub born skin afflictions that soma rules laid town In connection with the use of S. S. S. for the blood will be of great value. These ara outlined In a hand book, finely Illus trated, of the manj variations In skin troubles. It tells how to overcome them. If you have been fighting some blood trouble, some skin disease, call It eczema, Inpns, psoriasis, malaria, or what you will, ask at any drug store for a bottle of S. S. S. and you are then on the road to health. Fhe action of thla remarkable remedy Is Inst as direct, Just as positive, Just as cer tain In Its Influence as that the sun rises la the East. It Is one of those rare med ical forces which act in the blood with the same degree of certainty that Is found In all natural tendencies. The manner In which It domlnatea and controls the mys terious transference of rich, red, pure ar terial blood for the diseased venous blood la marvelous. There la scarcely a community anywhere but what has its living example of the wonderful curative effects of 8. S. S. Oct a bottle of this famous remedy today, and If your case la stubborn or peculiar, write to Medical Dept. The Swift Specific Co., KBS Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Do not permit anyone to talk you Into a substitute for S. S. S. Business Locals MENDING, OUR BUSINESS Trunks, valises, handbags or other leather articles, as well as umbrellas and parasols, are repaired and put In the best possible shape again by our skilled force of workmen. Our own factory facilities enables us to guaran tee satisfactory service without send ing the Job to anyone else. Regal Umbrella Co., Second and Walnut streets. ACID ON YOUR HEAD ? If acids are used to clean your Itraw hat or Panama, then when you perspire the moisture within the crown of- the hat extracts the acid and your hair and scalp absorbs it, thus pro moting brittle hair and baldness. We use no acids in the cleaning of straw bats and Panamas. Compton's, the old reliable cleaning establishment, 1006 Market street and 121 Market street. GLASSES OR WRINKLES? Did you ever watch a person trying to read or look at some other small object without glasses and note the wrinkles and frown and crowsfeet that appeared and increased in depth as he increased his efforts to see? How about yourself? Which would you rather have, good glasses and good eyesight or unsightly wrinkles? Ralph D. Pratt, eyesight specialist, 807 North Third street. ENGINEERING GENIUS Is embodied in the making of Abbott- Detroit motor cars. The man who created Abbott cars and who stands responsible for their mechanical con struction has designed engines and heavy duty machinery for use in every civilized country. Recognized and hon ored by associations of manufacturers and the American Society of Mechan ical Engineers and university degrees conferred upon him. See the result of his skill at factory branch, 106-108 South Second street. "JUST RIGHT" That is the way the hostess wants the dessert to be when she is enter taining. Hershey's Ice cream is of uniform excellence because we go back to the country, the source of supply, where we have our own suburban creameries for the receiving, testing and pasteurizing of cream. This is assurance of uniform excellence in every dish of Hershey's all-cream ice cream. ONE-THIRD LESS ELECTRIC That is what we claim for our elec tric fans. Made of extra thin, line quality steel blades and exceptionally rapid motors, you can have cool breezes all summer for one-third less than the average fan. Fans, 8 to 16 Inches, including oscillating models $9 up to s2l. Keystone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. NEWEST FOOT FAD Pumps in colonial and other pat terns are the newest fad for ladies' wear and the Twentieth Century Bhoe Company have them in stock. All leathers and a great variety of styles at $1.98, $2.48 and $2.98. Sample pairs are on display In our windows. Shoes that wear, 7 South Market Square. COTTAGE OR SKY-SCRAPER We will cover either one with a soat of paint, Inside or outside; the rmallest tenement or the finest resi lience will receive our attention. Es tablished in 1881, we've weilded the brushes ever since, and the Mechanics Bank and the Telegraph buildings bear tesUmony to our ability and facility. Gohl & Bruaw, 310 Straw berry street. LADIES' HATS CUT IN TWO That is, the price on all Spring and lumraer hats have been reduced one half. Regular sls hats, $8; $lO hats for $5 and $5 hats for $3. Untrim tned shapes in fine Milan Hemp and Hemps, $4 and $5 hats, choice, $1.60. Children's hats at remarkable reduc tions. Mary C. Glass, 1306 Market street. To Drive Away Ugly Pimples Take Lax Links It is easy for a woman to have a llear, bright, rosy complexion. If you will keep yojur blood pure, the pimples will disappear and stay away. If you ire subject to constipation, your blood tbsorbs the poison from the waste mat ter contained in the body. Therefore, rou should see that your bowels are tept open naturally. Lax Links, the de licious candy laxatives, exquisitely fla vored with tho oil of spearmint, and rhich do not contain any hablt-form n* or dangerous drugs, will keep your 'lood pure and keep you well. Ideal for ihildren. Recommended by physicians lold by all druggists. 10c. and 25c. ww c^PhiM e t ! V amp,e - Bor ° v ■■"' ' ,w '■*. ■&£ ' FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 5, 1914. MURMURS OF WAR ! FORESHADOW PEACE i Greatest News of the Day Is That Kingdom of God Is Com ing, Says Ellis THE DAY'S GREATEST NEWS The International Sunday School Les son For June 7 Is "The Coming of the Kingdom."—Luke 17: 20-27 (By William T. Ellis.) If a far-sighted man could sit on the earthward side of the Planet Mars and view current events here, he surely would perceive that the big- i gest news In sight, and the news | worthiest to be cried through all the j worlds of the universe, is that the kingdom of God is coming. For that statemen is the only ] adequate explanation of the new or der that is now coming to pass in this old world. The present clamor j and weeping in Mexico; the groan ings and turnings in ancient China; the harsh shoutings and debates in Great Britain; the moans that re sound over the Balkans and Turkey and Russia—all these sights and sounds which beheld too near, appear to be portraits of war. are foreshad owings of the era of fundamental peace which is coming. They are her alds of the dawn of social Justice, brotherhood and neighborliness. The really significant phenoma of our gen eration are but the outworkings and conquests of that kingdom which Jesus inaugurated, and whose ulti mate triumph he declared. The Kingdom Idea Ideas about why Jesus came and what He said are commonly very vague. There are current almost as many misconceptions on this subject as in the days of His fl«sh. Then everybody who cherished the Mes sianic hope expected a temporal kingdom. Their Idea of the glorious reign was patterned upon Rome, the Maceabean kingdom and the glories of David; for they could not think of a kingdom apart from offices and emoluments and pomp of State. Even intimate disciples ol' Jesus held this conception until the resurrection. Certainly Jesus proclaimed a kingdom as coming. That was the message oftenest on His lips. The basic laws of the kingdom were laid down in the sermon on the Mount. His kingdom was spiritual. In this lesson He makes clear that it is a kingdom of character, of ideals, of spirituality. Whether the broad phrase in this lesson, "The kingdom of God is within you," means that it is "in your midst" or "in your hearts," the truth is clear that Jesus proclaims the sovereignty of soul. In the old lines of Milton "The mind is in its own place, and In itself Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven." One commentator puts it tersely, i "Evermore the kingdom of God must j be within —within, for within is the moral evil; within, for within is the ' power of love; within, for within I is the will and the hope which must reach forth to the higher idtal of • character." The Blindness of Critics Sneering, spying, suspicious, the Pharisees watched Jesus with a cen- I sorious attitude. They thought to confound Him in His favorite message of the kingdom by saying, "When !s it coming?" Disbelief was implied in the question. They could not see any kingdom coming. Theirs was the | familiar type of mind which seeks, only to find fault. With the snob bishness of arrogance it assumes that hostile criticism is a token of men tal superiority. We all know the type. It is incapable of enthusiasm. It talks about the spots on the sun, rather than the glory of the sun It self. The retort of Jesus was, "The king- | dom of God cometh not with observa tion." That is to say, espionage does not reveal this wonder. Heresy-hunt ers do not find truth. Criticism is cur iously blind. These learned doctors of the law, who should best have been able to appreciate the significance of Jesus and His kingdom-message, were most ignorant of that which was di rectly before them. Tho Dowies and Russe.ls So fond are men of predicting the hour of the kingdom's coming that in every generation for centuries' past there seem to have been one or j more self-deluded leaders to rise and cry himself the prophet of the last j days. Poor, misguided Dowie was j one such. "Elijah Sanford," of Maine, now In the clutches of the law, Is another. "Pastor" Russell, who predicts the end of things next October, is still another. The Mil lers of a generation ago we notable examples of this ability of men to distort the Scriptures to find a fol- ] lowing among the credulous. Some | of them have been sincere and pious and self-sacrificing; others have sim ply exploited their followers for their . own benefit If there is one thing clear about, Jesus' teaching of the consummation j of His kingdom, it is that "Of that i dav and hour knoweth no man." In this lesson He expressly warns against the cry, "Lo here, or, Lo there." The kingdom that is within is the first and fundamental concern of all who care for the kingdom that is conquering the world by its domin ion over individual lives. The King of the Kingdom Of course, it is easy to see now, as we read of the hostile and incredible blindness of the religious teachers o. r Ills own day, that In their very midst stood tlm King whose rule makes the kingdom. The sway of Christ and ot His ideats means the triumph of the kingdom. The only sort of observation of the kingdom's coming that is permitted to us, is to discern the growth of the Christ life and the Christ love In our own times. Let us not make the mis take of the Pharisees, who were blind to present spiritual forces. As He spoke this present lesson, Jesus was on the way to His supreme act of sovereignty, the hour of which was drawing near. His throne was to be a pagan cross; and yet to the last He talked royally of His kingdom's triumph. His palace was to be a tomb, but there He was to wield world sovereignty. Thus He was to practice and tSach the law of redemption, of unselfishness, of sac rifice, which is the law or the cin quering kingdom. Never for an instant was Jesus self-deceived on this basic truth of His mission. As He said in this dis course, "First must he Buffet." That is the price which Jesus paid for His throne. He has won a kingdom by way of sacrificial death. That Is a kingdom law. The Kingdom-Bearer An eternal truth was laid down by Jesus when He said, in this con nection, "Whosover shall seek to gain his life shall lose It; but whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it." The selfish miss the goal they seek; the unselfish find it without seeking. Wherever there is a man--or woman practicing sacrifice and self-denial for WZJm MEN'S fig'' Men's Raincoats Genuine Qfl HATS, E sf ,ißh r Am'eQUAL "TO STRAWS SOLD xf//ill ' V\^\^§sS~==:Values to $7.50 AT HAT STORES FOR $2.00 //¥ //// 'Jli Vi\\. \V.X UIN Made of Double Texture Clolh i— *■ Starts Tomorrow, Men! Read About the Greatest Clothing Sale Ever Inaugurated in the City of Harrisburg Men's, Young Men's and Boys' SUITS and PANTS at ONE-HALF and LESS You Will Pay Elsewhere Men's and Young Men's Suits, C 1 T Cf) 100 Genuine Sun-Proof Navy Blue Serge <T 7 C/l Values to $22.50 Suits, For Men and Young Men t" Take Your Choice of the Best Fancy Cassimere Suit at This Price REAL $13.50 VALUE. Every Suit Sold With Our Guarantee 400 Men's Suits d»1-T«il ' "■"«■"»««» A, 4Q 3>11.= Business and Dress Pan,s 3)1.= some Cassimeres—Hand Tailored ■ 500 Pair, Values to $3.50, Plain and With Cuffs, I . % A SATURDAY SPECIAL A SATURDAY SPECIAL A SATURDAY SPECIAL A SATURDAY SPECIAL A SATURDAY SPECIAL Sweet Orr, the g\ 200 Pair of r\j\ 75 YOUNG d»j 7C Linon Auto- £ A A Genuine Palm £A Best Make of fjflst MEN'S $1.50 V|Jsi MEN'S SUITS, |D mobile Dusters $ I UU Beach SUITS «P / «)U Khaki PANTS •/IIL CASSIMERE 01/1 Values to $lO Hf. For Men, $1.75 X # = For Men, $lO 0 t For Men.... PANTS For.. For ~ Value : 7 lvalue For . . —- Vou'li Save Money in This JUNE ECONOMY\ W * fJT'I SALE of MEN'S and BOYS' FURNISHINGS Hen's and Boys' Men's Hose Boys' Cloth °"J® ' - *-* ' »d ,4^l'S NEW A»««csriwssrJiaJs r- -vi wlc •* fV% ? « i?S Boys' Oliver Twi s , 1 WaSD OUItS 41 OC. Men's Summer Under- C |~j jJ< A* 11-. Men's mercerized and Wash Suits, (I* 1 p[\ AI ODC W ear, Balbrlggan WJ. J.JLJLV JL Lisle Finish Hose; ail «1 71 value U/ X f v> • mesh, sldrts and drawers; all new Spring shades; 15c value. * aUC .... nn/j |<f\vj* sizes, all colors. Sale price.. 3«o , Sale price 11c V. •' OIIU L*\9JO Ati7c&kH.s,s£i3?. VMiriflTD D ANTC At69cJJsJf x mSS* S3SS prtce Sc nn triri,llNlvdLK . FAn 1 5 Sale price 69c Af 4C r Men's Soft Shirts, soft _ _ _ At 23c Jniou Suits'f^M*"stoen; I cream, and all color 'stripes; I V 911 C BiR { j Mothers Should Shop Early and ase value. Sa.epr.ee Me currs; values to 75e. Sale YOil II saVe MOIICy SeCUM the CAoiCC Bargains Men's and Boys' At 29c %S?JJX££ m !SK on These Boys , WMh Sults; i B„ ys -wash suits ; SUSPENDERS BatVnffSuits sl - 25 valu<; - at i^cpsc vaiu., a , jjc «. n J JD • At 33c Perca,e „ Dl 7 !s3 ® Boys' Wash Suits; QA . Boys' Norfolk Suits ; Reduced Prices patterns; all sizes, 50c to 75c I Men's and Boys' Jersey! I sl-75 value, at 5/' JCis3.so value OA Af 1 ?//«<• Men's Police and values; laundered and French . a— "**** at iDl.Ot/ At ICI/ZC Firemen Susnend- cuffs. Sale mice S.lc Bathing: bUItSI A£- ~ 7T, . 1 V ers: leather ends; 19c value. . VJcVahie fnr Bo y s Blouse Waists; 1 7 == Sale price •••••.. At 87c « e !J' s P c£' a . ,c '' ' 39c value, at 1«C Boys' Norfolk Suits; MOi- Men's Tilsle Wn)b Madras Shirts, coat Made well fast colors o. n i fH , o aaaßHlMMßaMiaaaßlHHaßHaHMlliailßaMaaaHaaßliaH A. __ 1 . Suspenders; leather styles; all sizes; launderiyl and ' $4.00 value, O Q A ends; all colors; 50c value. Sale French cuffs; $1.25 value. Sale Bl,it i bluo trimmed in white; all Boys' Straw Hats; O A at ib^edi/ Price 24c Mice 87e sizes. Sale price 15c, ?5c at Oi) C EXTRA IN ' g ,f ° ys N 1 " chiefs/oc Sale price. ffjjjS jk k l Pants, 75c A Q Af 7 !/#.<« v,on ' 9 Brighton gar- IB AHy T" value *I/C rtl • '/2*- ers; all colors; 15c W value. Sale price . . ...... 7 '/^c lE£sy^l!l3m3| the sake of others there you have a servant of the kingdom. Never were there so many men and women unselfishly serving humanity as now. Each day's newspaper brings us some intimation of this glorious company of klngdom-brlngers. We used to talk of them in terms of mis sionaries and ministers alone; now the world's conception of the klngdom brlngers has been enlarged. Not all are expressing their life In professional religious service; some are In public office; some are in business; legions are occupying teachers' chairs. All, however, share In the kingdom's tri umph, for they are bringing In the i day for which Jesus lived and died. Amid Tottering Thrones The present lesson tempts one. to consider the present, imperial sway, of Christ. Most of the thrones of earth are tottering. Great Britain I was recently startled by a denuncia- tion of the king in the House of Com mons, at which tho majority cheered. The German Reichstag has witnessed the same thing within a month. The old monarchial sanctities and privi leges are rapidly being curtailed every where. Royal absolutism, which ruled the majority of mankind up until within a decade, is dead. One after another of earth's autocracies have been overthrown. What Is this, ex cept the very coming of that spirit of democracy and brotherhood and hu man welfare which is the law of the kingdom of Christ? Spiritual ideals are to-day the most potent force in political life. Even our severely chastised statesmen are beginning to see this. A new social order, which may freely be inter preted as the pway of the kingdom of heaven, is ruling the world to-day. In all this we see Jesus coming to His own. Dairy Jobs and Others Offered by Uncle Sam The United Staes Civil Service Com mission announces the following open competitive examinations to be held In Harrisburg, Pa. Persons who meet the requirements and desire any of the examinations should at once apply for the necessary papers to the secretary, Third Slvil Service District, Philadel phia, Pa., or local secretary, Harris burg, Pa. Dairy husbandmen, male, SI,BOO - June 29; market specialist (co-operative dairying), male, $2,760, June 29; market milk specialist, male, SI,BOO-$2,500, June 29; assistant bio chemist, male, $2,000, July 6; assist ant epidemiologist, male, $2,000- 1 $2,500. July 6; assistant market milk j specialist, male, $1,600-$1,740, July 8; assistant dairy husbandman, male, i $1,500-$1,740, July 8; bacteriologist, I male, $1,200-$2,000, July 8; landscape architectural draftsman, male, S9OO, July 8; assistant mining engineer, male, sl,Boo-$2,400, July 13. Fear Expressed For Safety of Roosevelt Special to Tht Telegraph Madrid, June 6. The police are anxious for the safety of Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, who Is expected here in a few days to attend the wed ding of his son Kermit and Miss Wil lard. They have received information that a Spanish-American anarchist who had followed the Colonel before the latter's trip to Brazil had got on his trail again when the ex-.Presldent returned to New York a short time ago. DR. ZIMMERMAN TO GRADUATE Invitations have been received in this city for the thirty-fourth annual commencement of Medico-Chirugl cal College, Philadelphia, to be held 'in the Academy of Music at 12 o'clock Friday, June 5. Degrees will be con ferred in medicine, dentistry, phar macy and pharmaceutic chemistry. The doctrate oration will be delivered by Dr. John Grier Hlbben, president of Princeton University. Among the members of the 1914 graduating class of Medico-Chi Is Dr. Charles Leroy Zimmerman, a former member of the Telegraph staff. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In list For Ov«r 30 Years i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers