j SATURDAY—Last Day of the 43rd Anniversary Sale ► activity in every department has marked each dav of our Anniversary Week. To-morrow we ru , , A7T , ► MSgl U r^McßTi rrcjMfiD t <l- —■ lr — T- i r : CALL 1991 "ANY PHONE. W WW ma a CLEAN-UP or everything bought for this sa!e. Most extraordinary values. Ume FOUNDED 13 71 p g y Saturday and purchase your Summer needs at savings. The "Clock" surprises afford entertainment wjk \ throughout the store. Special attractions for Saturday. Add fewwwuiia^M •Our ANNIVERSARY SALE'S Last Day Offers a Very Sensational Opportunity to Women pi n c i £ Choose From Our Entire Stock of 01 f) /I Q "W7l • ° 1 Misses' and Women's Spring Suits For / VvllltG vjOOCtS : ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY SUITS ARE INCLUDED **= u™** Table CM* round «*. sue 68x68 36 Suits That Were .... $20.00 26 Suits That Were .... $25.00 inches. Limit, one to each customer. Saturday ,each 43# * !29 Suits That Were .... $22.50 15 Suits That Were .... $27.50 J Jsp» Saturday, 5 yards for . ?. 43< * 14 Suits That Were .... $28.50 Imported Checked Dimities, 28 inches wide. Launders \ T , ,* •. ,• , , £ , * T * . . tUtr y \ just like linen. Regular 19c quality. Saturday, 4 yards for 43£ There are several suits that were still higher—not enough of tliem to list—but they will be included in the clearance price. jM C| U Main PIOOF-bowman-S. Equal values in suits have probably never been offered in Harrisburg—and especially when the suits are all up-to-the-minute Jj styles—the most wanted materials —and the best colors. . WVowf\ ~~ NONE WILL BE SENT ON APPROVAL—NOR C. O. D.—OWING TO THE EXTREME PRICE LOWNESS II NONE WILL BE CHARGED. \x /VW IJVJIVIIIiO 1 l^Ju An Attractive List of Desirable Articles For Our 43d Anniversary Sale 2 Bolstcrs ' 42x72 vall,e 600 for 43 * SI.OO Long Crepe Kimonos, at 43c 39c Lawn Dressing Sacques, Two For ... 43c for 10yards Apron Gingham ' fast color > g° od st y les » value^ SI.OO Voile and Lawn Waists, at 43c $2.00 White Pique and Ratine Skirts, at $1.43 /J 1 y ar ds Dress Gingham, value 56c, for 43f, '< SI.OO Mercerized Halcyon Petticoats, at . . 43c $3.50 Embroidered Black Silk Petticoats, at $1.43 $1.50 Wagon Umbrella, rain and sunproof, for r\ U JJ C ' X C'lL n r> C 1 U T ' * dH \ 2 pair hemstitched Pillow Cases, value 75c, for 43* Uver a Hundred smart bilk Dresses u o on oale Here lomorrow v \ Feather Piiiows, blue and white ticking, value SI.OO, for 43* Crepe de Chine. Crepe Meteor, Canton Crepe. Silk Poplin, Foulard, Printed Crepes, Messalines and Jap Silks. None M * ln Floor—BOWMA^a of them more than four or five weeks old —the snappiest of theseason's styles. \ Therefore too many prices to enumerate fully—but they range from $lO to $35. To-morrow the prices will ranee from \ L iittat * rvr-ir^ Ss.OO to $17.50 WALL PAPER _JL_ _L ; BOWMAN'S. | 7%c and 10c Wall Papers, 4* Roll. Anniversary IWf'll* Hats---Hun- j Women's Hosiery and Underwear s»^ droo " ,andha "' Sale of .. . A v 1111111C1 J dreds of Them „ osie^ 0 ™"' B d™ b "° h S,7 a 7d tolscWaHPapers ' ,0 Rott ••^s v Extra purchases for this Anniversary Sale—such an as- Women's 39c and 50c Hosiery - medium and light weight Exceptional values in bedroom papers, satin stripes and < Jxf semblage of extra values have seldom been seen. cotton and plain and silk lisle; plain black and colors; double rc^[ a papers W1 a,n y cu " out 501 cr * to matci. aturday, / J WHITE CHIP SAILORS—Very newest shapes, some soles high spliced heels and wide garter tops. Saturday, two „ /jf Lf have black underbrims. Extra special' ... .950 P a,rs * sr WHITE HEMP HATS—AII the newest shapes; also . W° mcn s $1.50 Hosiery thread silk hose, black only; • Oatmeal papers in green, brown and tan. Extra fine values, v • - hemp, milan hemp and moire hemp; all at, each $1.49 soles ; h ' gh ®P h . ccd hcels ; wide garter tops. Pair, $1.43 Saturday, roll 90 V PANAMAS —All shapes and all the best values. Special, . t ° men ! c os^ er y plain black silk lisle, double heels Fourth FIoor— BOWMAN'S. V t f $2 49 and $3 49 f garter tops. Extra sizes. Saturday, three pairs j) ; j CHIP HATS—A very special purchase for this sale of d.„.- IQ . p o+4 .«„ c ',V jj u" S / OAA c. l 1:* 1 1 • 1 * • 1 1 J ooys 19c Cotton Hose fine ribbed, double knees, hcels - . « / 300 finest quality close sewn chip hats in good shapes and and toes . All sizes Saturday, three pairs for 43* A tiniTTArCil TTT Plnrlr A sailors. Regular $1.50 value. Special 430 Women's 25c Vests plain and fancy yokes, silk tape neck AIIIIIV CrodLy VIOCK J\ jf\ y Second FIoor.—BOWMAN'S. and sleeves. Saturday, three for • —■ Women's 50c Union Suits low neck, no sleeves, lace JJiAOCO div • • • . Infants C'liilrlrpn s \X7 * " c .7 wtß ~. b !? c !! e . d v! aw . n^ ck :. s .^ e ! eß . B :. snoS^ ceiebration ~ A* CAaaL'O J. xXXVatU. V/ll Children's Union Suits low neck, sleeveless, lace knees. / 1 Saturday, two suits for TO-MORROW Great clean-up of all kinds of children's wear at Anniver- Boys' 25c Balbriggan Drawers, knee and ankle length; four ipf sary prices pa ' fS *° r 43 0 28 Great "CLOCK" Surprises at 43 cents each. Rang va ' Ma,n Floor - BOWMAN ' a ing in values from $1.50 to $15.00. /swk Children's gingham and percale dresses; sizes 6to 14 years' watch thp n nnc t n A n? m? ttttm t?™? Regular 75c and 98c values. Saturday 430 p..., A - , r \ r WATCH THE CLOCK-LOADS OF FUN FOR Children's lawn and all-over embroidery caps, lace and rib- L,teat Anniversary Clean-Up of EVERYBODY r\ bon trimmed. Regular 69c to 98c values. Saturday 430 \* 0 I\ _ R aby Sacques, white with pink and blue trimmings. V>cl]fpot l\omri3.ritS £lllO l\ll2S - \L\ . //) Regular SI.OO value. Saturday 430 ® JIR , J ~ rrom one-third to one-quarter less than regular price. / IA) {llW& Children s gowns with yokes of fine tucks and insertion ; Carpet Remnants A great clean-up after a busy season of AwZ' I 1 VP Sizes 1,2 and 3 years. Regular 50c value. Each 430 Velvet, Tapestry, Axminster, Ingrain and Rag Carpets—many /My 11 XJWK | Infants'long white skirts of nainsook with tucks and em- tlie P' ec es are large enough to cover a small room. Saturday //fly /* 77/ broidery trimmings. Regular 59c value. Each 430 only one-third and one-quarter below the regular prices. l/iffsfL 1 J rkXX \ U Rompers of gingham percale; long sleeves and /ff 2%\ t? nigh neck. Regulai 50c value. Each 430 Regular $16.98 and $17.98 values. Saturday $13.43 ft In U^|\ A ' Large Balloons Free Saturday with each purchase in this B °dy Brussels Rugs Size 8.3x10.6 ft. Extra fine value. | I \\\ Department. Regular $22.50 value. Saturday only $16.43 U I ' rl [ Hll Second FIoor— BOWMAN'S. Tapestry Brussels Rugs Size 8.3x10.6 ft. Regular $12.98 I 1 ' tj j| || — value. Saturday $$ 43 1 1 [J ll II Curtains, Draperies, Couch Covers Art - h ii Great Anniversary Clean-up. Every Item Splendid Savings. Hi 69c Roman Striped Couch Covers with fringe 43f \ T 11 1 W I | i 25c Scrim, remnants, plain and colored borders, \ 2 / l to 5 yards |\PpH lpWnY*lr . IHAAC *7 jy/1 for curtains, windows and doors, 4 yards for VV UIIV LKJVsO 38c white figured Net for curtains, windows and doors or A ; *»_■ v O transoms, 45 inches wide, yards for $7.50 to $12.00 panel and net curtains, white and beize, Ito Stamped for embroidering Men's, women's and children's rubber "\ ClT^ 3 pair lots, per pair $3.43 to $7.43 assorted natterns 1 for sole oxfords, pair W $3.00 novehy net and lace curtains white and beize, and ' Men's and boys' Slippers, pair I AOs* Persons who secured yesterday's $114.16 worth of mer -3 yards long, with Battenberg corner, hem and braid edge; per 400 Women's heavy lace Shoes, pair f HB pa,r $1.43 75c Linen Library Table Children's white Sandals, pair ■ %/V chandise for $10.75. 98c white Swiss Curtains with colored border; yellow, pink Scarf for cross stitch Sit Values, 75c to $1 50 Mr*, w. Free, iri4 carnation MIHS M. D. D«V<I, IW# STONEN and preen* fancv edfe and insertion *>l/. varrlc lr>nrr «atreet, HarrlnliurKt Prlno«as Slip, atreet, Harrlnbnrci Coat, worth dnu green, xducy cuj,c ana lnsernon, _/ 2 yards long urday 4-3tf» M .„ .• f: . , worth for 48c. fia.no, for 43.-. 4 30c ecru barred Scrim, 40 inches wide, for curtains, 5 yards * and women s tine sample shoes, > MM. H. HI. Miner, penbrook, Mn. J. H. Le«her» 222 SOUTH for Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. P air • f'oV4?" > "' Ualncoat » worth * 3OB, °* COT ~ $1.25 sample curtain strips, 2 strips for ... 4M* Buster Brown Shoes for children, pair.. Mr«. Roy Mrera, MiiirrabnrK, „ ?C'* Ic ' c »™ p J!!!> Fourth FIoor— BOWMAN'S. Boys' Shoes, men's black glazed kid w ° rth $ -- 50, ro" '4 3^. 001 Bln " ke ' worlh * 3 ; 00, i - 1 111 | A < s Mr " I , Ed "* ? m S, ut Z' k 4 " N^ rth I\/i * c«. •L* Laces and m !,"' s , ta " patent coit f g?&sßa "sisTrSStfAM < Men s rurmshines g v.,d oxtords, P um P s wgh «... T . «,» p "" r < 55 _ SUOeS, pair atreet, HarrlMburKl Olrdle, worth A. M. BurKniimater, 321) S. lflth j Men's 69c Dress Shirts - made of neat patterned percales, F Vah,C8 ' s2 " s ° to 50 ' J Korth m coat style, with attached cuffs. Each 43? LLilllUlOlQcnCS . . , H Mre" New VmnWA-nd," 1 Boys' 50c Shirts—made of percale and madras, coat style Shn« n n "r f" S g 1 tit >1 D J.' m. nor v«r, h B '" ,d worth with Each 2 9c and 39c 18-inch I S, w„snk 1 Mens SI.OO Union Suits white or ecru, short sleeves Swiss Flouncing" 2 yards ' - aruraa y- pair J Mra. Annie Meokiey, 2-m m u l- h«w, worth $3.00. for 4Se. 1 three-quarter and ankle length drawers. Saturday, two suits for 430, beautiful* nat- BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. aery^Refrigerator, worth ' $4.08, ProM^treet^arrtahunij 1 Tra"?l- ] fnr <B-fl -iO i l Jal for 43c. Ins; Set, worth $2.30, for 43c. J terns. A. _ „ - MUI J. Mickey, 1437 Lnae Mra. Sprucehank, 411 Walnnt 1 J Me ? au ? *? c r back - an^ colors - ,louble soles and iB-inch shadow 1,,. Clean-up Sale of ks-scars. high Spliced heels. Saturday, 3 pairs for 43«k incn snaaow lace mm _ __ * _ Mra. n. E. Stead, SIT North lSth Mra. Mary Wyoi, 221 State J Men's 12J4C Half Hose black and colors, double heels and ounc ' n B'> P er yard . .430 Mlisllll UltdefWear ail(l CofSCtS I ins, for 430. * [ w»rlh •i'.Cf.r'Ssp. W *" fc ' Slllt ' I J toes. Saturday, 6 pairs (or .. Venise Collars, every " h who L ? J Mo«'q SOf* Nprkwpar —— 4-in lianric irn«4- ««i *. *n c . ii * ,« . r*/-\ osc who nave seen uie unusual values in this department f6.50 ( for 43<*. piume, worth i3.(K)i fop 43c. ] Men s sue week wear 4-in-hands, knit and cut silk. Sat- collar is worth at least 50c. all week will attend this last dav sale «»<*""«. "i North 17th Mr..' IcSoi, 7 North 13th J urday, two for . ZT ™ inib iasi aa y saic# «treet f HnrrUlmrn, Go-cart, Ntreet, Table, worth ] j /■%£ j T J j Saturday 29c Corset Covers lace and embroidery trimmed worth 94.00, for 48c. 95.00, for 43c. J Pair "1. . ear ..7 aWerS ° n ' y ' C °' orS ' Embroidered organdie 2 • ••? |£* 9 JXSKSSgi, JX-HS. J Men's SI.OO Underwear broken lines of plain' and ribbed C °l lars > beautiful new pat- . ? 2 -. 25 White Skirts, wide flounce of embroidery with inser- ' . 1 cotton and silk lisle Saturday, each 'm and rihbed ter|)s 25f and 50e «.« Equally attract.ve items .n each department to-morrow- J Muin Floor—bow MAN'S. Main Floor bowmavs 3r " er ets * medu,m bust > lon & hips. Special, 43<f I come in, look them over. Get your check on file. J * 1 1001 BUWMAiX a. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. I ] » . / • - • •• • • . ;■ - ' - ? - ' .* • ■ r'; .' ; • • .■* . " , , . . • •• • . \ . ■ >•? ; i v- - rr nmpup r ™ Jlpn ÜBp FRIDAY EVENING, HARRIS2URG l£s£i& TELEGRAPH JUNE 5, 1914 3
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