20 SATURDAY—Last Day of the 43rd Anniversary Sale ; ► A general clean-up of Anniversary Sale items all over the store—the most extraordinary CALL 1991 -ANY *PHONE.S ' Rvalues of the week. Watch for the Clock Surprises. Special attractions for Saturday. ; l ; Attend all dav ~ : ~ ; ! ► /-VliCllU all Uay. HARRIS BURG'S POPULAR DEWUITMENT STORE J : " Men's Clothing Boys' Clothing : Special Clean-up of Lots Bought For This Sale / . . _. W COME IN A«D A,KH, ONE Baby Loaches; ► " All-wool Cassimere Suits for young men; sizes 32 to 37 that were $7.90. $9.90, SpGClrll ATlTli VeFSaTV rflCftS $ 2 -°° Braided Hack < ► $10.50 and $12.50 are repriced to $(>.43 * 1 Porch Rocker $1.43 < «» All-wool Blue Seree Suits. „_.. .. . 50c and 69c Knickerbockers of cassimere, khaki and . • $30.00 round reed Pull-< All-wool Gray Worsted 1 ■ F °" a , day of the A " mvtt - crash. Special 43* IVftfl/YnC ">»" chaise baby coach < Suits. »ary Sale they are repriced to Boys' 50c \\ash Suits, striped and plain blue. Sat- w WvllW (soiled), corduroy lined, < ,All-wool Striped Worsted jk, unlay, suit 250 bicycle wheels. Special, i Suits. fl* Jk $5.00 all-wool cassimere and homespun Norfolk 1-c and -.ic rano $12,415 < 03% All-wool Homespun Suits. itfl H /I V suits for boys 6to 17 years of age. Some have 2 pairs of S ' 3 $25.00 Gray wood body < p All-wool Tropical Worsted Mm m M pants. Special $3.43 10c, 25c, 3)c and 50c baby coach, fully upliol- < Suits. • | ■ Boys' $5.00 and $6.00 and $7.00 Blue Serge, double Fancy and White Belting, fctered, artillery wheels," All-wool tan and brown Cas- ■ breasted suits, all-wool ;sizes 12 to 17 years. Special at )ard 50 auto hood, slightly soiled. " simere Suits. * J $3.43 50c H. &R. Garters, pre-. Special $12,43 \ These suits for men, young W 7sc Boys' Ojjver Twist Suits in tan, brown, blue and vents ravels or runners, 50c game of R00k..430 men, stouts and shorts were * white combination, all sizes. Special 430 pair 430 50c game of Pit ...430^ $9.90. $10.50 and $12.50, J- Third FIoor— BOWMAN S. Mam FIoor— BOWMAN S. 69c game of Parchesi. 1 v SI.OO striped Trousers at I SI.OO and $1.50" odd vests s 7c, < u, 1 1 - . 30 1 - 1 /5c kiddette body dolls, . 4»m trom suits, sizes up to 3b only, ffT" mm g IMBWB 1o R\ ; $5.00 white striped Serge | «<- ' MM 130 Dll)ing ChailS U1 the AllM- and iSgs Sa e t S :: y 1 rousers ip 0.43 .ioc Matting 1 raveling Bags, | |s| I 1 O 1 „ i • t ~i i !► 52.00 Straw Hats at ..»1.43 j ; n0,,. ' 43* I W I VerSaty bale at tLi"oI-bowman-8 ' Great Anniversary Clean-up Sale of 'ii I 1 <>. ' I: HOUSEFURNISHINGS LsJ • i Saturday Clean-up of j ■ ! j | 1 - ii*' 0 Yard\..4B^^j r rm-Kr aw a "dt? e cntire factory surplus stock or Howe, Spaulding& Co., 59c Pnnte d Silk Crepes, < r . .. . . Gardner, Mass., manufacturers of dining-room chairs. j l .!' desi&ns ► l >Bc, b1.20 and Decorated (ierman Llnna in a large T ,. l • 1 J L • l • T""" . , urday, yard 4.50 ► variety of exceptional choice articles. Saturday, choice, 430 ' nIS stock includes arm CnaifS and Side chairs in genuine yard-wide Satin < i ' . s * mA f c 9 and 10 " inch Crockery jardinieres-assorted leather and imitation leather and cane seats. ? tri,,e v?ash Silks , in i'» ,k -" ► tints. Saturday 430 AII L L • 1* J I • \ brown, green and gray, < ► <x)c Blown Glass Table se c " alrs are ~ n ch . all Sllk 4 \ ► to'each' cus'toi\'ie'r. ne San™ Arm chairs worth from $5.00 to $ 10.00, in the Anniversary wanted shad'eT Yard, »8«> 1 i; aISrSH'Sf "S salifiTl 43 haiK WOrth f '° m $l5O '° $5 the Anniversar y ( AU Mail and Phone O. | ► Bowls and six Custard Any one needing dining chairs or an armchair to fill out a set of chairs should carefully by expert shop- ' C ups. Saturday, the set, not fail to visit our Furniture Department, Saturday. Fifth FIoor— BOWMAN S. pers i I Basement BOWMAN'S. j } * ' BOWMAN * COMPANY. W ADDITIONAL ANNIVERSARY SALE ITEMS ON PAGE THREE - i—l. « , RUNS AND FALLS DEAD Williamsport. Pa., June 5. Mrs. Matilda Quiggle, N2, an inmate of a charitable home, dropped dead when she attempted to heat another aged inmate in a friendly race to the break fast table to-day. *?' Don't Forget the Girl or Boy ! Who Graduates Have you selected your gifts? If not, the time is very short — onlv a Jew more days and the commencement exercises will take place. j Those who have studied for years to complete their educa tion are deserving of some token from relatives and friends. If you have a son or daughter—a brother or sister—a niece or nephew or a friend who is about to complete school-life —don't let the opportunity pass without showing your good will and in terest on this important occasion by sending a present. This Store Is Headquarters for Graduation (lifts Our goods are new and desir able and our reputation for low prices is established beyond question. If you are undecided come here and you will have no trou ble in making your selection ami we know that you will be well pleased it' decide to innke a purchase. ' "(Taster" on a package Is tlic stamp of quality. H. C. CLASTER 'ictus, .Jewels and Silverware ;M>2 MAItKI'.T ST. y —^ V, ' ' v • *• ' ' ' ' '' FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG I&2fj£& TELEGRAPH JUNE 5, 1014. FATE DECIDES WHERE! j PEOPLE FELL 901 > Goddess of Chance Helps County Commissioners Learn Who Is Who \ What the voice of the people started |at the Spring primaries the goddess : of chance finished this morning in the! j County Commissioners' office, when 1 ■ County Commissioners Hoffman. Miller ; and Ebv drew lots to decide a nurn-j j her of ties for the Republican, Demo- i j cratlc and Washington committee ! nominations. I Of the half dozen or more decisions I made, in only one instance did the ! drawees (urn up In person. These j Business Locals AMUSE THE CHII>D We have no end of wonderful toys j I to amuse babyhood/ The Mystery Ball, j \ tilled with twelve different toys, and! , the Rainy Day Box, to help amuse j them on rainy days and keep their | little minds busy, contented ond hap- j py. Beautiful handmade baby clothes j is our specialty. The Marianne Kinder ' Markt. 218 Locust street. A CUP OF "B. B. D." i Nation-wide is the demand for a . "good cup of coffee," whether it be iin the home, restaurant or club. The | . "B. B. D." Coffee is a delightful blend ) put up according to our own formula after being tested to suit the most ex-! pert taste. It has since attained years i |of popularity. Try a package by phoning to B. B. Drum, 1801 North! ■ Sixth street. WE DON'T FAIL TO PLEASE ;In men's tailoring. We strive toward perfection in every garment. Perfec j tion is reached when material, (It, : stylo and workmanship are satisfac tory. All must be right, otherwise 1 Iwe have failed to please your The i choice of material rests with you, but i the execution of vour order rests with j us. C.eorge F. Shope, the Mill Tailor, 112-11 Market street. I SULPHUR BATHS j Arc usually given in combination with \ I hot. dry air: this helps to make the j person sweat, and the sulphur which ' comes Into the cabinet In the form, of j fumes goes -ight through the po'res' ■ of i!te skin into the system and drives i out the impurities that are in the! !blood. Health Studio, John H. Peters, H. D., 207 Walnut street. I were W. H. Kell, William Taylor and J Harry Poindexter, Second Precinct of; ithe Third Ward, Steelton, Washington j I committee candidates. Poindexter! | himself didn't appear, but his name! | was drawn anyway. The winners of I the trio, however, were Kell and Wil-j j liain Taylor. The other decisions were made by j .the modest method of cutting slips l of paper—long and short lengths—| ; and placing them in a city directory, ends just showing. The commission- j I ers and Chief Clerk D. Frank Lebo took turns in pulling the papers. Fol-j lowing were the results; | Republican—Rush township, John! Hossler. winner, tied with Charles! Mintiich: Derry township. Second Pre-! |cinct, Harry Donaldson, won, tied with, | John Balsliaugh. Democratic —First 'Precinct, Third' ! Ward. Middletown. A. B. Croll, win ner: M. H: Sheaffer ineigible because i he enrolled as Republican; First Pre jeinct, Wiconisco township, Ed. Mln nich, winner, lied with Adam Palmer. Washington—Second Precinct, Sev ienth Ward, city (two committeemen), I Samuel Fish man and T. 11. Waltz, ! winners, tied with James Robinson: I First Precinct, First Ward, city, W. |Crutehley won out, tied with E. White; Fourth Precinct, Tenth Ward, city, Ed. Saul won, tied with A. W. Zuek; Cone -1 wago, J. M. Brandt and J. Ezra Foltz iwon, tied with A. D. Brandt; High-1 spire, N. D. Bingaman and Harry I I Whitman won. tied with Dr. H. Mc- Daniel and William Reeves; London-! J derry, H. F. Gingerich won, tied with i jW. A. Lingle; First Precinct, Second j Ward, Middletown, Ross E. Seltzer won, tied with Peck Gardner, C. D. Conrad and James Welcomer; Pen brook, John Walters won, tied with George Klingen and John Seidcrs. To Report on Polling Places in Ninth Ward New polling places for the Ninth | ward selected in accordance with the new precinct lines recommended by : a board of viewers some months ago, i will be submitted Monday to the June quarter sesstons grand Jury for ap proval. The new precinct lines pro vide changes for the fourth and fifth precincts so as to create four more i districts. The viewers who are William D. Block, Thomas F. Beldleman and Ed. F. Doehne, went over the ground yes terday to decide upon proper polling places. WOMEN DENY CHARGE ' By Associated Press London. June fi. —Officials of the Womens Social and Political Union, !the militant organization, deny respon sibility for the incident at Buckingham j Palace last night, when a woman in terrupted the presentations by throw ing herself at the King's feet. REBEL'S IFFIFII \ \ WILL NOT BE KNOWN ! ' i j [Continued from First Page.] I conference. He did not expect, how lever, to receive an answer from his I chief before late Saturday or Sun- I day. Study Situation j Officials of the State and Navy De~ ! partment are occupied with plans forj i meeting any trying situation tltaL | might arise at Tampico through el'-1 I forts of ,lluerta to establish ti block ade to halt shipment of arms for Car ta nza. It had been reported that t'edpral gunboats had been ordered to Tampico. A report reached the State Depart ment that another steamer loaded with ammunition had cleared from New York to-day for Galveston. In asmuch as the recent order was to re fuse clearances only to ammunition ships for Mexkan ports, it was stated there could be. no denying clearances to ships billed to an American port. At Galveston, reports reaching here j declared, ammunition on the ship sail i ing to-day would be trans-shipped to Tampico. Bishop Darlington Ordains Two Men to the Priesthoodj With clergymen from a number ofj nearby towns present as well as. the I Rev. Dr. D. E. S. Perry, archdeacon of! Newcastle, who preached the sermon, ! Bishop Darlington to-day In the chapel at his home ordained two to ! the priesthood: the Rev. David Pugh ; Griffith, St. Mary's, Williamsport and I the Rev. Henry Draper Speakman, >f I the Mt. Alto Tuberculosis Sanatorium. He also ordained us deacon the Rev. I Burnett Le Roy Paugh of Marietta, j who has just been graduated from the University of the South at Sewanee, Tenn. The Rev. Floyd Appleton. of St. Paul's this city, conducted "quiet hour" this morning preceding the ceremony. SCHOOL IN FACTORY By Associated Press New York, June s.—Forty young immigrant girls employed In a muslin I garment factory, who a year ago were unable to express their thoughts In! English or write their names legibly, j were last night awarded certificates of literacy at the first graduation exer-| cises ever held in this city in an indtts (rial plant,as an extension of the pub lic school system. | Brazilian Minister Gets Yankee's Release Mexico City, June s.—Charles A. Ridley, an ' American, was released from prison yesterday by order of President Huerta at the request of the | Brazilian minister. Ridley was ar- | rested with other Americans on April , 22 at Saltillo. He was liberated May 7!' and. rearrested an San Luis Pitosl i three days later and brought to Mexico I 1 ■City. Ridley says he was well treated in | prison here. He was charged with I j being a Constitutionalist spy. but a ! military court-martial established his j innocence. He will leave for Vera ; Cruz to-day and intends to return to j his home at Los Angeles, Cal. Only four Americans are now lm- ! prisoned in the republic on political charges, according to the information | of the Brazilian minister. They are Max Blum, George Duval, Gregori Al- ] carez, the Filipino from the United States battleship Florida, who are held at Mexico City, and James A. White, 1 at Orizaba. The Japanese, Mineichiri Adachl, i left yesterday for Colima to confer with Commander Moriyama, of the i cruiser Idzumo. The members of the : Japanese legation said that the min- < condition of the Japanese residents I ister's trip was connected with the Satisfied Patients Are My Best p \t>W l Thouaanda of iinllrnln who have been trented at my office hack an l*ii m fIBWMBMBfc _ ' /■ my atntement that I fulfill evey port of my advertisement* That I <lo *4 !i<) H V all nork without tlie Irnst l>lt of pnln and thnt the work la of the high- *4 I++ It 'f /a Call anil have your teeth examined before they are decayed HO badly *4 I*ll. H IjHKKI • jJM that they have to be extracted, and avoid wearlns u plate. 4* ;wM I (am I am malting a Npeelalty of teeth without platen, which are cemented •* | ♦<► M Y jjfm on, an that It IN ImpoMxlhle for them to get loone. 44 MM EASY TKItMS OF PAYMENT TO SUIT AO I'll COXVEMKX(E. !*> w Suction Teeth Jtk^s3, $4, $5 ♦<« jß&sjffiM.. m gB15B""WHiB!Bi3» FINING* M SILVER, I IIMBMBI AET "WTSUP" 1 ' | j Xo' 111 I Olilcr llourw: Open dnlly Ha. in. to CI p. in. Monday, WedneMday and ,44 :44 IL Saturday evening* until op. in. for the neeomiaodatlon of tlioae ulio #4 I f cannot eome durlnic the day. Sunday liournt 10 a. in. to Ip. in. | DR. PHILLIPS, 320 Market Street a iii m Orer Hub Clothlna: Store. Branch Office. I'll 11.Al>ICI.I'll IA and II MAD tt w.fl fl IXG. I.arnent and Moat Thoroughly Equipped Dental I'urlorii In liar- *7 rlabur*. GERMAJS SI'OKKV LADY ASSISTANT. <*♦ mttuixttummnutuxttmmiitnt ► lhese Fine Natural d* 1 QC ' I: Wavy SWITCHES, I I ► During Anniversary Sale Only < ! ► A Up to the time of this' Anniversary Sale, these 30-inch < ! ► km switches were onr best sellers at $5.00. < ► /fSja -\t .05 these switches are indeed, rare values. < ► MM They arc all mounted on three short stems and are < ► fevSln J ust l ' K> right length to be arranged into any of the new < ► jwwS hair styles. < ►WI Ihe natural appearance < »f tlie switches will enable < ► fLym yon to match your hair so perfectly that the keenest eye 4 ► UUS cannot the difference. ► Prompt and courteous attention from experts who < ► CTW w '" assist in perfect matching. y ifr \ Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. . w 1 ea along the Pacific coast. Secretary of State Bryan sent a sec ond cablegram last night to the Bra zilian minister stating that merchan dise may be removed from the Vera Cruz custom house for shipment to other ports or to the interior if the duties are deposited as a guarantee for the Interest on the 5 per cent, bonds. Gilberto Trujillo was appointed yes terday subsecertary of finances to suc ceed Pascual I.,una y Parra, who is making preparations for a trip to Europe.
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