18 Nothing's Safe With "Dead Eye Dick" in the Offing >» By "Bud" Fisher r ' I ~~~————— —— ——————__________ ___________________ ' tve cot a hat\ J 1 *ou» 1 ' - . & • • r - _ BuiT. Thu tj Tng I __ ■DAY REST FOR TRI-STATE TEAMS Harrisburg Has Two Important Battles With Reading Leaders; Games Next Week Rain grave every team in the Tri- State League a rest yesterday. As all clubs make a switch to-day, double headers will not be in order until the next trip to the towns where yester day's games were scheduled. Harrisburg to-day meets the one team necessary to defeat in order to pet a stronger hold on first place. Reading- leads by a small margin. The Meyers-Wei tzel-Mack-Huff in an aggre gation is some team. Seasoned play ers who were with big leagues in the South are doing good work for Reading and it is no easy task to win against the leaders on their home grounds. McCarthy hoped to get into the game to-day. This will help some. It is also probable that Heist, who will be borrowed from Trenton, will play third for Harrisburg. If the Cockill pitchers are working, the chances are that a senatorial victory will come in at least one of the games. On Monday and Tuesday Harrisburg will meet "Johny" Jackson and his 4 Chicks. Two games are scheduled for York, Wednesday and Thursday. Man ager George Washington Heckert is opposed to the one-day jumps that were so popular last season. The Teu tons will close the week at Island Park next Friday and Saturday. As the Tri-State teams are closely bunched, unusual inerest is manifested in the games by the fans. H THE SEASON S FAVORITE GP j & (dollar P \|f-\ . fisiLK HOSE ||| 1 may wear lisle T\ or cotton socks \\ with low-cut shore, hut YOU \\ mm should not q> _/\ />nH| You may pay 25 to 35 cents iW«J O/ VMH for these, BUT YOU SHOULD \\ nHK NOT, when you can buy famous F \\ Iml MANHATTAN, PURE JAPA- Japanese Mfgb NESESILKHOSE, attractively \\ boxed FOUR PAIRS FOR ONE U tf DOLLAR, \ Vassl Tbey are ultra stylish, lustrous, . /Sd i ?V wear splendidly, and are sold exclusively at THE NEWARK SHOE STORES. The greatest Silk Hese value in America. NEWARK SHOE STORE (IX HAHRISBUKG) 315 MARKET STREET (NKAII DF.WRBRRV) Other .Vmarli Store* York, Reading, Altunnn, llnHlmorc, Lanrnttrr. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 5, 1914. New Shamrock Shows Her Heels in Trial Spin Special to The Telegraph Portsmouth, Eng., June 5. —Sham- rock IV, Sir Thomas Lipton's new challenger for America's cup, went out yesterday for her first sail stretching pin in the vicinity of Spit head. She was accompanied by the Shamrock 111. The wind was light and fluky and inadequate to test the capabilities of the challenger. Under her huge main sail and her sloop foresail, she maneu vered handily, however, and picked up way quickly after tacking. The towering mast of the new yacht dwarfed that of the old Sham rock. Sir Thomas Lipton was on board thj challenger, together with Charles E. Nicholson, her designer, and Wil liam P. Burton, the amateur yachts man, who is to command the Sham rock IV during the cup races in Am erican waters. Although Shamrock IV made no attemp'. at racing, she showed some fine turns of speed in a fitful breeze. The mainsail of the challenger is enormous, with a tremendous hoist and a boom projecting some fifteen feet over the taffrail. The great fore sail had the boom laced along the foot. The jackyarder was correspond ingly big, with the yard projecting about eighteen feet above the truck. When moving at her fastest, the challenger drew hardly and quarter wave, while there was just a feather of foam at her bows. SPOKTIXG BITS The Forney boys were last season's champions of the grammar school meet. An error gave the Maclay school the honors. Rain was a big factor in the na tional game yesterday. Three games were played, one in the American League and two in the Federal League. L. A. Whitney, a star in weight events, is the new track captain for the Dartmouth team, The big meet of the year started at 2 o'clock in Municipal Field to-day. Pitcher Blanding has been cited into court by the Kansas City Federal team to show cause why he is playing with Cleveland Americans. The first of a series of three games between Halifax and Elizabethville will be played at Halifax Saturday. The Enola Pennsylvania Railroad Young Men's Christian Association is working hard for the game to-morrow with the Harrisburg Telegraph team. A parade will follow the meeting of the Keystone Motorcycle Club to-night. Henny Basom, well known in Har risburg, will meet Bob Givler, of Al lentown, in a ten-round wind-up at Rossmere Park. Lancaster, Tuesdav night. The Canvasbacks won from the Mal lards last night in the Casino Leogue duckpin series; margin, 86 pins. The Planing Mill blanked the Clerks in a railway game at Lucknow yester day: score, 11 to 0. GAMF AT MECHANICSBVRG Mechanicsburg, Pa., June s.—The Mechanicsburg Athletic Association has succeeded in getting the Salad Birds, of Carlisle, to come to our town on Saturday for a game. Play will start at 3.15 o'clock. Baseball Today; Scores of Yesterday WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY Trl-State League Harrisburg at Heading. Wilmington at Allentown. York at Trenton. National League Pittsburgh ni Philadelphia. Cincinnati at Ronton. St. Louis at New York. Chicago at Brooklyn. American l.eague St. I.mil* at Detroit. Cleveland at Chicago. Federal League Baltimore at Pittsburgh. Buffalo at Brooklyn. St. Louis at Kansas CMy. Chicago at Indianapolis. WHERE THEY PLAY TOMORROW Trl-State I.eague Harrisburg at Reading. Wilmington at ARen'town. York at Trenton. National I.eague Pittsburgh nt Philadelphia. Cincinnati at Ronton. Chicago nt Rrooklyn. St. Louis at New York. American League Philadelphia nt Detroit. New York nt Chicago. Boston nt Cleveland. Washington nt St. Louis. Federal I.eague St. Louis at Kansas Cltv. Chicago at Indianapolis. Raltlmore at Pittsburgh. Buffalo at Rrooklyn. SCORES OF Y'ESTERDAY Trl-State League All games postponed, rain. National I.eague All games postponed, rain American League Chicago, 2j Cleveland, O. O'Jlier games postponed, rain. Federal League Indianapolis, 7t St. Louis, H. Kansas City, 5; Chicago. 4. Other games postponed, rain. STANDING OF THE TEAMS Trl-State I.eague \V, L. p f Reading IB 0 04( : Harrisburg ~ Wilmington la 10 nX* Allentown 14 ll' ££ ' 10 15 .400 * ork 017 .201 Notional League New York 13 'J,'.,,'. Cincinnati [. IT £"! Pittsburgh 21 17 'v-'J Chicago 21 22 22 Brooklyn is 111 4^ St. Louis 21 24 407 Philadelphia 17 20 4-.0 Boston 11 20 : 2 »7 American League Philadelphia 2*5 IS Washington 20 10 «Io Detroit 2.1 18 Si, *«• >'»««» 21 11, Boston 11) 22 403 Chicago 1» 25 .432 New York 17 23 4-»1 Cleveland 14 28 :333 Federal League W. L. p.c. Baltimore 22 14 en Chicago 21 18 '538 Rrooklyn 17 10 3,5 HulYnlo 17 18 4HO Indianapolis 18 10 480 Pittsburgh 18 20 .474 St. l.ouls 10 23 .4,->2 Kansas City 10 23 .4.*,2 Big Teams Switch For June Battles Major league battles change to-day. The American League teams move to Ihe east for a thirty-day stay and the National League chasers will meet the eastern teams in the first series of the season. With New York at home it is expected the Giants will show some class and get a strong hold on first place. Manager Connie Mack will have his hardest battles of the season because of Detroit's good showing in recent games as well as the improvement on the part of other western teams. The Mackmen start West with only half a game lead over the Senators, who found the going good in New York, while the champions were win ning three of the four games played at Fenway Park. Mack says that the Athletics, who took two of the threb games from the Tigers in Philadel phia, will have to keep going to hold their lead, as the Senators will be up against the Browns, who, while they managed to take one game in Wash ington, dropped two to the "at-the time" leaders. Correct for Summer 1914 Button-less back %/ion Collars —O/c/est Brand in America UNITED SHIRT & COLLAR OO TROY.KY. BACKERS OF INVADING POLO TEAM LORD WIMBORNE LUKE OF PENARANDA New Olympic Rules Meet With Favor; Help Americans Lyons, France, June 5. —The rules, regulations and records committee of the International Amateur Athletic Federation discussed yesterday and adopted with modifications a set of rules submitted by James E. Sullivan, secretary of the American Olympic committee, who presided over the meeting'. Most of the rules were adopted unanimously, but in one or two cases, notably rule 6, relating to timekeepers, the French and English delegates offered some opposition. Rule 6 states "that each of the three timekeepers shall time every event; in case two watches agree and the third disagrees, the time marked by the two shall be official time; and if all the watches disagree, the time marked by the watch giving the middle time shall be the official time." Roth France and England argued in favor of counting the best time, in stead of the middle time. As modified the rule relating to the judges at the finish now reads: "There shall be three or more judges, who shall decide the order in which the competitors finish." The previous rule designated one judge fo take the winner, another the second man and another the third. Rule 7 now gives the judges of walking or their assistants the power to warn or disqualify immediately at their discretion. Previously flic judges cautioned any competitor, the third caution disqualifying them. The committee has not yet com pletely finished with the rules, which are again to be discussed to-morrow. The first session of the congress proper has been fixed for Saturdav. On that day the delegates will be en tertained by the municipality of Lyons. New Shooting Rule For Reedbird Season; Governs Three States Washington, D. C., June s.—Notices have been issued by the United States Department of Agriculture calling at tention to a proposed amendment in the federal regulations for the protec tion of migratory, insectivorous birds. Under the new rule reed or rice birds can be shot in September and October in the States of New Jersey, Pennsyl vania, Delaware, Maryland, the Dis trict of Columbia, Virginia and South Carolina. The law requires three months' notice of this change. If it is decided to adopt it, the rule will be officially promulgated at the end of that time and will go into effect on September 1, 1914. The effect of this change will be to extend to sportsmen in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware the privi lege of shooting the birds during a period of two months, This they can now do in Maryland, the District of Columbia, Virginia and South Caro lina. As the season is so short it is believed that the birds will suffer ap preciably in numbers. In the late summer and early Fall, they migrate to the far South, where they are known as reed or rice birds. They are regarded in the State where they can now be shot as offering goud sport. GOLFTMHT ON RESERVOIR LINKS Qualification Rounds Will Open Monday June 15, Unusual Interest Is Manifested Plans for the annual city golf cham-1 pionship tournament were completed by the Harrisburg Park Golf Club last night. The season will start Monday, June 15. Efforts are being made to have the next game with the Harris burg Country Club team played on Saturday, June 13. Reservoir Park team was defeated by the Country Club golfers last Sat urday. Heretofore Harrisburg Park team have had their contests in the Fall, but want to begin earlier this year. The series between the Coun try Club and Park club teams is for the Boyd-Payne cup. Reservoir has won three contests and Country Club two. In the city tournament at Reser voir Park, the qualificaticn rounds will he played, starting June 15. Qualification play will be at thirty six holes, medal play, payable as the respective pair may elect, either all on one day, or in two blocks of eighteen holes each. When the cards for the thirty-six holes are turned in on J' ne 30 the contestants will be arranged in "flights" of sixteen players each for match play, the management, how ever, reserving to itself, as last year, the right to correct unwarranted re sults in special cases as the situation may require. Immediately on th© drawing being made, notice will be given in the newspapers. Beaten eights will be played as heretofore. A trophy will be awarded to the winner of the qualification roads and to the winners of each of the re spective three slxteens and the beaten eights in each. The runner-up in the tirst or championship sixteen will also be awarded a trophy. All the match play contests will be at eighteen holes except the finals in the first sixteen, which will be at thirty-six. Matches this tourney must be played as rapidly as possible. Both the return engagements be tween the Park Golf Club and the Country Club will be referred by pro fessionals MacEwan and Dinan, while the city championship tournament will at all times be under the direction of MacEwan, to whom all entries can be made at the locker house up to the hour of play. QUALIFYING EVENTS TO-DAY Chicago, 111., June s.—Preliminary trials in the 440 and 880 yard runs to day were scheduled to qualify the men who contend to-morrow in the four teenth meet of the Intercollegiate Con ference Athletic Association. The fields of 3ii and 43, respectively, en tered in the two middle distance events would have to be cut down by qualifying, it was decided some time i ago by the conference committee, mm ARBfRf R New grays and true blues with white hair lines, checks, Scotch mixtures, new Tartan plaids. Bright patterns galore and smart models Snug fitting coats long rolling ' lapels, patch pockets, high notched vest. Every point brought up to the high point of the newest style. Prices no higher than you'll pay anywhere. THEIHUB 320 Market Street » | NEW MAST FOR DEFIANCE; Third Defender s Race WOOD REPLACES STEED What Happened in *£ was being made here to get the cup Course 4y 2 miles to windward defender candidate Defiance In shape and return—9 miles. Wind 25 f or the first trial race off Sandy Hook knots at start. Tide flood. Pre- T .,«« m _ .. iriratorv sifrrril 12 • 4£> Startinir Jun© 10. The yacht was still on tho signal 1 oVlook Starting ways, and yesterday it was decided signal l . Fiaosed to step her hollow wooden mast in- Yacht Start Finish' Time stead of the steel one > which waa ReJlute 1.01.57 1.55.38" 53.41 "f cl flS* hTt? Va Time at windward^nmr W Reso the'topmast will still be 127' fort from !„♦» i windward mark. Reso- deck tQ truck- The sails for the De , ViJfrtivi'rrt 4il mllM inirintM r? liance have been recut in Boston and " i.f will be back on Saturday. In addi , q ..illlllL j 4 I®®" tion to swapping masts, the underbody ward 4 k miles 19 minutes 44 sec- of the p e n ance w M be repainted and L on(1s - Resolute wins. hpr Htan ding rigging overhauled. j t j s p Xpe( .ted that the Defiance vill Grammar school athletes had their have a SHII trial Tuesday before loav-i inning to-day. ing for the Sandy Hook anchorage. I Cigarettes | Camels unite in a marvelous blend all the goodness K and flavor of choice quality Turkish and domes- vl The man who has a jaded cigarette jfll taste will delight in Camels, be- cause they're so good in flavor, so smooth and even, that we tell you that money can't buy a more 1/ Do not lode for premium* or coupon! In Camel packages. The cost of Um a tobaccos prohibits their use. If your dtalmr can't tupplyyoa, mmj A HiOc for one package or SI,OO for m carton of ton package* (200 ciga* retiee), pottage prepaid. Aftmr fmoA- ("f onm package, if you don't find fri"t j ffWIl CAMELS am reproeonted, return tho Jf other nine packagee and wo will r«- Hp J|€ t■ 1 fund your money . K\TT 7PIT rq BgTICJI «. J. FFTNOLDS TOBACCO CO.
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