10 Exceptional Savings Are Promised For To-morrow's Five-Hour Sale 0A notable list of special attractions has been gathered from every section of the store in the interest of to-morrow's five-hour sale. Items that cannot be purchased at any other time—items representing the store's most seasonable merchandise—will be offered between the hours of Ba. m. and Ip.m. at a lower margin of w jf J| cost than the same items can be bought for at any other period during the week. i 9 A perusal of the list given here will show clearly the wisdom of shopping to-morrow morning. Clocks and Silverware in $18.50 to $25.00 Suits Children's 17c Parasols, 10c $6.95 and $7 50 Straw Shapes White Dress Weaves Re the 5-Hour Sale Tomorrow In Sizes for Misses and Women 25c Windsor Ties, 17c Saturday from Bto 1 O'clock (J ucec j m 5-Hour Sale $2.25 and $2.95 clocks with frames of china To-morrow Choo#e at $Q CQ 5c Handkerchiefs, 3c CO Cf) 25c flaxon suitings in fancy and plain or mission wood. In the 5-hour sale to-mor- Ba. m. o p. m. •. Children's 17c parasols, in a range of as- weaves. In the 5-hour sale to-morrow yard F ° Rogers" silver plated Dessert Spoons. *ln By far the greatest suit offering SOrted Colors; m the 5 hour sa,c These are our best dress.shapes in finest ' the 5-hour sale to-morrow, dozen ... 790 that has been announced in Har- 25c silk Windsor ties in a good color range; q<l 1 y .° , 1 lc "* p a " ise "; or acqU^ /L c lte v u nlc lawns - 1,1 the 5-hour sale, Silver plated butter knives and sugar shells. ris k ur£r thi „ vpar *io rn in the 5 hour sale to-morrow 170 straw 111 thc latest st y les * Shades include yard . .... m In the 5-hour sale to-morrow, each 100 ' IVegUiar 50c sleeveless guimpes in ecru shadow laces; green, bronze, brown, navy and purple. Reg- 25 £ stripe white crepes, 32 inches wide. In 50c ring mesh bags. In the 5-hour sale tpZD.UU SUItS lor WO me T1 and in thc 5 hour sale to-morrow 29c ular $6.95 and $7.50 values; special Saturday ie 101,1 sa ' e to-morrow, yard 150 tio-morrow 19 < ! misses, representing Spring's best , Women's 5c one corner embroidered hand- from Bto 1 o'clock $2.50 DheS ' Pomeroy & street Floor. One-piece King collar buttons. In the 5- and most recently develoDed modes chiefs> •" the hour sale to-morrow, 30 ~ ~ ~ hour sale to-morrow, one dozen »0 • 11 i "i i i 11 14-inch camesoles, worth to 29c; in thc 5 65c Covered StewinS" l J an of ard To-morrow JMorning Salt and pepper shakers, in cut glass and all Colors and large and small hour sale to-morrow, yard 15c °* C . OVereQ sewing lan Ol „ fc other assortments. In thc 5-hour sale to- Sl7.eS Will be entered in the 5-hour - p ,nch white cotton net, ;>oc value; in the Aluminum Bto 1 To-morrow, 39c o () . t - n , . y . ° sl*so oiuci 4.W111 , 5 hour sale to-morrow, vard 35r* . 8A - to colored ratine, 36 to 45 inches morrow, each . •••••" —;• s ' t ; c V t * F io'o'r.'' ' * to-morrow at sß.oo. 25c Swiss corset cover embroidery;'in the . G?C COvered aluminum stewing P a " s ; in thc wide, in plaids and checks. In the 5 hour sale d s. Pomer y " ' A few illustrations of the values— 5 hour sale, yard 19c 5 hour sale to-morrow 390 to-morrow, yard s ' & street Floor.' 75c lipped aluminum saucepans; in the 5 . sl-°° c ?lored ratine, 40 inches wide; in the 50 Faultless Shirts nav T. Copenhagen and tan, finished with silk 110u j' sale to-morrow 390 3 hour sale to-morrow 59* ivioxx co j lar ?nd cuffs . jn the s_| lour sale to-morrow T in Pumnc 69c aluminum frying pans; in the 5 hour sale . - 5c colored ratine raye, a new wash weave * 5 Hniir Sale SI 00 $8.50 IlUbUcll V diues in rumps to-morrow 39? 111 every one of thc wanted shades; specially in me O-l lUUI V - $ 25.00 suits in navy, tan and black, collar fnr Wnmpn Doyer cold handle irons, regularly 98c a set; P™ed ni the 5 hour sale, yard 1">0 Men's $1.50 Faultless pajamas, in silk fin- and cuffs of figured eponge, skirt made in a Ullieil dilU IVIISSeS specially priced 69f . - >c colored crepes, with self raised stripes, tshed solid colors. In the 5-hour sale to- two-tier style; in the 5-hour sale to-morrow Women's $1.25 white canvas pump's with . ?2.2.i Raj'o reading lamps, with green shade; 111 , a very desirable range of shades; specially morrow SI.OO ' $8.50 silk ribbon bows; stitched heels and high-cut ' n t l ie hour sale $1.49 priced in the 5 hour sale, yard 200 Men's $1 50 silk and mercerized cotton $25.00 olive and reseda suits, in one button heels. In the 5-hour sale to-morrow ... 89f ,c white braided straw shopping baskets; nt ' s 1 °" ier oy & Stewart, street Floor. sorted, li. ,h, 5-hour mode, Ce, K ,. SU, JSltd L aad Misses' Dresses s Me f an .J om^ n T s Underwe " R^ y T f l^\ 5 -" our flip's hour sale to-morrow sale to-morrow ........ sß.oo fords, with Goodyear welt soles; not.all sizes. Specially. Priced To-morrow ... . morrow . $2.25 tne .l-nour saic lO llionow «.'V Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. r .1 : i i " 1 J Women's <R2 08 • , Children's one-piece nainsook pajamas; sizes I" the 5-hour sale to-morrow 970 Mc ns SI.OO white cotton union suits, with blurchambrav maX 3fi? l' 111 P " lk 3n( J 2to 12 years. In the 5-hour sale to-morrow | \\\ £) a y Candy Special Women's 50c Silk Hose, 350 short sleeves and knee length; in the 5 hour white liahd embroidery cuffsThe °OOI I -jo u- i cu i • Seamless silk hose, of first quality, 50c grade to-morrow (,90 sale from Bto 1 o'clock to-mnrrnw '«•> *>- Children's 50c pajamas. In the 5-hour Regular .9c whipped cream filled with cher- j n white and tan; in the 5 hour sale to-morrow' Women's \2 l / 2 c white cotton ribbed vests, Women's $298 pink and blue crpnp Vlfl •ale to-morrow ' 3 #I.OO sizes ' - the 5 hour sale to-morrow, with white colia? aTd cuffs in the Sou D,v„. Pomeroy « « F.o.r, -P s 3,, • »»♦ D,v„. P„„o y . S«.w„,. S ,„„ Floor; J ss( l»f to-morrow A^nts « Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Special Purchase of 100 Trimmed Hats On Sale To-morrow at $1.95 and $2.95 A Maker's Overstock With Prices Just a Third of What They Should jjv Have Sold Women interested in real mil- ff linery bargains will inspect these ftjM liats to-morrow. The maker (f took the loss, and sold tis the lot J&SWJt at such a figure that we can keep fyS the prices down and make a We are sure that you will agree with us that this is one of % ■" S the best special lots of millinery we have ever bought. There is not a style in the group that was made to sell for less than $4.95, and there are models of finest materials and trimmings that were designed to bring up to SIO.OO. Girls' Hats for Children's Day Many dainty styles in fine straws and lacy lingerie ef fects, all gay with pretty flowers and bright ribbons. Many new styles have joingd the showing $1.05 to $5.95. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Silk Gloves in White and Colors for Travelling or Home Occasions Women's 12-button silk gloves, pair ;. 75^ Women's 16-button silk gloves, pair SI.OO 16-button silks with trimming of black embroidery or black with white embroidery, $1.50 quality; special $1.25 2-clasp silk gloves from the most important silk makers in the world at ,10? to SI.OO Gilbert Parker's New Story Out To-morrow You never know your luck promises to reach as high a waive of popularity as was attained some fifteen years ago by "The Right of Way"; out to-morrow for the first $1.25 Fiction that will bring you up to the moment — The Fortunate Youth, Penrod. Overland Reo, What will People Say? Diane of the Green Van. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Ribbons for Children's Day Frocks All silk moire ribbon; values to 29c; special, yard 19? 25c all silk taffeta ribbons, 5 inches wide; special, yard. .19? 59c all silk ribbons; special, yard * 25c all silk satin taffeta ribbons; special, yard 19^ , . Dives, Pomeroy Steivart, Street Floor. ' r - - , V -■- • ;; Z'~ k \ ■ *■ * • • ' ' FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBUHG TELEGRAPH ' JUNE 5, 1914. Inexpensive Garments of Good Style, Materials and Workmanship In tJi e June Lingerie Sale We will feature many undmuuslins and negligees at popular prices whose duplicates can not be found elsewhere at these prices. Nainsook, cambric and crepe gowns, high and V- LONG AXI) SHOUT SKIRTS necks and long: sleeves or low neck and kimono sleeves JUL Long white skirts, embroidery or lace Nainsook,, cambric and crepe corset covers, trim- trimmed . . Ov/C med with lace insertion, medallions and lace rf\,% , . °rt white skirts, lawn ruffle or em- Kfin edge or embroidery JUL broidery trimmed , Nainsook, cambric and crepe drawers, laoe \„ pi'TTif'natc or embroidery trimmed . . ; «JUC tmntuAih Marcella skirt-drawers of nainsook lace « ... «TiSf 1 petticoats with pleated dj>o CTA or embroidery trimmed -WC * 2 \ 95 "" ll • ■ <po.DU \V hite tub silk petticoats with tailored iio ncr DRESSING SACQUES AND APRONS • flounce tpi.yO White lawn dressing sacques. square neck or col- - KIMONOS si'eeves Wn Co " ar ' three - f ' uarter 50C , Crepo de . ollino kimonos, front neck and sleeves , 1 ''** *' ' * •• . . trimmpd with butter coloi'erl Ihop inpludf* Large white aprons, with or without bib, rose, light blue and ' nn «"«■ apricot SO.OO Another Important Grocery Sale Tomorrow IndicatingExceptionalSavingsonStapleltems 10 pounds granulated sugar 15c, with the follow- , ing combination: - | Pillsbury XXXX Flour. Special, 24</i lb. has, 10 pounds granulated sugar $.45 ™; 1 pound Banquet coffee 30 I ' c 1 can Alaska Salmon 10 1 can White Star Corn ..; 10 California Santa Clara prunes, large size, "0 to a 1 can Black Pepper 05 lb 17 t . S) 0)) Snnta Claj-a prunes, medium sizes; 2 lbs 25c CANNED VEGETABLES ' ' California peaches; tender and meaty, 3 lbs., 25c 752 cans fancy Shoe peg corn, per dozen, 98c: 3 Lolled ham, per lb 38c cans 25c Lebanon bologna, per lb 26c 900 cans select Early June peas, per dozen, 98c; Minced ham, per lb 19c 625 glass jars whole tomatoes; regular 12c value, Luncheon loaf, per lb 28c 3 jars 25c Imported Swiss cheese, per lb 35c 450 cans Moss Rose baked beans, per can, sc: 0 Longhorn cheese, per lb 25c cans ' 28c Cream cheese, per lb 23c CANNED FISH AND FRUITS S !U '" n 'PPr? r , lb 24c -EST 8*4 aelMo "" 'Z ,£ ! b -.::Jg Sardines in oil; 3 cans for 25c ~ ~ ~ Kippered herring In cans, a delicious bite, per can, Grape Juice, tlie ideal Summer drink. 10c: 3 cans for 25c Regularly 50c bottle • 42c Potted beef in cans, for sandwiches, per can... 10c Regularly 25c bottle 23c Alaska pink salmon, per can 10c ODhfnfbla, 6 River°Salmon steak.' per" can'!!!!!!! £ .!" . 10 , C * FRESH FRUITS Dill pickles in bottles. Bottle ioc. Special, 3 for* 25 cases California oranges, very juicy, eaclj . . .Ic 25c 10 cases larger variety Valencia oranges, dozen,34c Ritter's tomato catsup 9,. Choice Indian River pineapples, 2 for . .25c* Tutnler jars mustard, sc; 6 jars ...!!!!!!!!," 28c Delicious wine sap Oregon apples, 2 for 5c Spanish olives, in jars, special 4 jars 25c Fancy Japan rice, lb. 6c; 5 lbs 25c Peanut butter in jars, 9c; 3 Jars !. . i 25c Fancy head rice, lb. 10c; 3 lbs 25c Post Toasties, 3 packages "5c Soup beans, lb. 6c; 5 lbs 28c Shredded wheat, package illlc DELICIOUS BANQUET COFFEE, 30c Kellogg Corn Flakes, 3 packages . 25c Banquet coffee, per lb 3ftc Mothers Oats, 3 packages 25c Record coffee, per lb 25c Excelsion coffee; an excellent selection of the fine.'it For strawberries and fresli fruit. Franklin I C °Cocoa,"per 'lb. 15c; 2 lbs." ) \\\ \\ \ 28c powdered sugar in neat cartons, per carton, ... 7c | Girls Who Need Shoes for Children's Day Will Find the Styles They Want Here Special preparations for a busy day in the Children's Shoe Section to-morrow, assures all sizes in the popular styles of shoes and pumps. weUe h d te so?e U s^ Ck bUU ° n Sh ° eß, toe8 ' l6ather , W £ Ue V*, one and two-stray pumps with rib- Sizes 2 4t07 $3.50 Sizes 11 %to 2... . $3.00 *° n boWa ' C ° mfort tOC laStS Wlth Btltched "leß- Sizes 8% to 11 ...,$2.50 Sizes sto 8 $2.00 Sizes to Sizes 8y» to 11, White Nubuck button shoes, footform lasts, oak ii u. *° SI.OO and $1.25 leather stitched soles — % Sizes 11 V4to 2 $2.50 Sizes BV4i. 011 ....$2.00 $1.20 to $1.50 Size sto S 90c ' vtri i, a t i ' I 2*?* '? 1 Patent colt Mary Jane pumps, ankle straps and W bite Sea Island duck button shoes, full toes with stitched soles— oak leather welted soles Sizes 2% to G $2.50 to 2 $2.00 Sizes to 6 $2.50 Sizes 11% to 2... $1.50 Sizes 8% to 11 $1.50 Sizes sto 8 $1.25 Sizes 8% to 11 ...$1.25 Sizes 5 to 8 .'sl.oo White canvas button shoes, Comfort toe lasts with .. j * , oak leather stitched soles— ratent colt and gun metal calf two-strap pumps. 2',i to 6, $1.50 to $2.50 IH4 to 2, $1.25 to 51.50 toes w,th soles— -8 WMt ll ' s'' oo « "'f s '° B,MI $,- °° Sizes 11V4 to 2 ... .$1.50 Sizes 8* to 11 ...$1.25 White canvas Mary Jane ankle strap pumps with Sizes 5 to 8 SI 00 stitched soles— Sizes -'a to S $2.00 Sizes 1114 to 2. . .$1.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor, Rear. Ten Styles Colored Blouses and Thirty Styles White Blouses at SI.OO Fresh arrivals showing the latest style touches of the lead ing blouse designers. Materials are striped madras, figured dimity, figured and plain silk muslin and crepe; embroidery, lace trimmed and hemstitched lawn collar SI.OO 1 he white blouses arc in voile, all-over embroidery, or gandy, striped dimity, striped Flaxon, crcpc and madras ; drop shoulder and raglan sleeves; trimmed with shadow lace, or gandy panels, embroidered fronts, lace insertion, lace or em broidery collar $1 00 Voile, crepe, batiste, organdy pd embroidered voile blouses, trimmed with shadow, filet, Valenciennes or Irish cro chet loce insertion, hand-embroidered and embroidered organdy panels, organdy net or lace trimmed collars, $1.95, $2.50, 92.95 to $.">.00 Dives, Pomeioy & Stewart, Second Floor, New Dress Cottons inCharm ing Styles for Misses' and Women's Summer Frocks Costume crepe In solid shades 40-incli printed voiles in light with self color silk figures. Yard, nn< ' <lark floral grounds. Yard 25c «9c SUk ratlne > 88 'nches wide. Yard. %jsr..rr& Boys' Blouse Waists for Children's Day jn&jsfznss »«•' 0 to 16, at ...50c Plaids and plain and fancy Boys' plaited white cambric and colorings 25c negligee white inadras blouse BOYS' SII,K AXI) NKGLIUEK waists: band style, at 75e shihth* Boys white blouse waists; size 0 „ . to 16, at Ho . vs and youths' pure silk Boys' 91.00 natural coior soisette shirts in white with self and col- COl,ar a " ach «'' 75t ' ored separate collar and BO * b and F r h rr s ,3 - 25 in white linen collars 12 French suits . . . $2.00 Silk Shirts of Fine Quality Heavy tub silks in patterns that are distinctly new; liberally proportioned and made with silk button holes. $4.00 garments are gg., $5.00 garments arc $3.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Mens Store. See Additional News on Page 6 11 J
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