Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 03, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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1871 Third Day of JSjffithM&hZ 43rd Anraversary Sale 1914
iVlost Extraordinary Values m Every Department
The spirit of enthusiasm which pervades DOMESTICS
the entire store, the interest evinced in every Every item specially priced
department, the expressions of appreciation cham
by thousands who have attended this sale bray £ in s ham > valuc
are only made possible by your continued 6 yards brown duck, suitable
patronage. It has enabled us to place before <xk ; Svfrsary jSe.\ V 43?
you extraordinary values which we give as
our appreciation of the large business into _ 43^
1 • 1 1 ji I 65c sheet 76x90, branded Ar-
WulCn We have developed. cadia; Anniversary price.. 43ft
Attend this sale every day, it will pay you.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
A Very Important Event of the
Anniversary Sale
About 50 New Suits, Mostly Serges, Conservative, But in
the Very Last Styles Well Tailored in Values £7 no
Ranging Up to $16.50 Will Be Sold at tPI.JO
Most of these were bought from manufacturers cleaning stock—balance from
our own stock. They will serve the purpose of finishing out a season—and for
women going to the mountains or the country or the shore they are just right. Mostly
navy and black.
Another Important Event in the Anniversary Sale:
Any Spring Coat in the Store at ONE-HALF PRICE
This means Children's coats that sold at $5.00, $7.50, SIO.OO and $12.50, will be
sold at $2.50, $3.75, $5.00 and $6.25.
Women's and Misses' Coats that were $7.50, SIO.OO, $15.00, $20.00 and up to
$37.50, will be sold at $3.75, $5.00, $7.50, SIO.OO and up to $18.75.
1 here are fine shepherd check coats —silk poplin coats —silk moire coats and all
the fine cords and fancy weaves. It is a splendid opportunity to get a beautiful coat
for a very small price.
Women's pure wool skirts—the late fashionable models in navy and black; regu
larly $5.00, at $2.4.3
Shepherd check pure worsted skirts—the new tier effects: regularlv $5 00 at
Five hundred beautiful new waists—in a dozen models
—all sizes; real $1.00,51.25 and $1.50 waists; two for $1.43
$3.50 to $5.00 Silk Waists, at $1.43
SI.OO Voile Waists, at 43^
$3.50 and $5.00 Black Silk Petticoats, at $1.43
And To-morrow We Are Going to Sell
SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50 House Dresses
and Wrappers at 89c Cents
You'll be surprised at the goodness of the material —
the ginghams and percales. And the house dresses are so
neat and pretty that no woman need hesitate about wearing
them on the street. The wrappers are the sturdy kind we
have sold for twenty years.
AVomcn's Suit Section, Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
Anniversary Specials in LACES AND
™ ~ ™ ™ has brought thousands of yards
$3.50 cotton top mattresses #2.43 of these P°P ular dress materials
$6.00 le, t fibre mattresses *4.43 I shadow
$9.00 felt mattresses s<>.43 lace flouncing, per yard, ,19ft
$4.00 woven wire bed springs $2.43 59c to SI.OO 18 and 27-inch
98c bamboo stands, matting covered lops 43ft Oriental flouncings, per yard
69c bamboo tabourettes 33ft 43ft BOWMAN s— Main Floor.
Men's Underwear
Dress Goods Exceptional values in sea- I
. , . sonable merchandise at Anni-
A larger quantity and greater variety of styles than ever at versary prices.
Anniversary Sale. Men's and boys' 50c dress
59c yard wide, plain color silk and cotton crepe de chine, all Cached cufff
the leading shades, per yard 43ft Men's colored "balbriggan
79c 33-inch China pongee, all silk, natural color, per yard. .43ft drawers, each lSi^ft
90c worth, 6 yards 15c, linen finish suiting, good shades.. .43ft ' Men's 75c night shirts, light
80c worth, 10 yards Bc. black lawn, white dot, for weight, silk trimmed, pearl but
sl.oo worth, 4 yards 25c, cotton ratine suiting, for 43ft J-° r <ci' -n 'i t'-' '
* •, • . , .„ v Men s Sl.oO dress shirts, fine
39c yard wide, satin stripe, wash silk, hnc shades in white, quality of madras, neat pat-
P er y ard 43ft terns, coat style, attached
On the Main Floor, Rear—BOWMAN'S. Cliffs, each 98^
RUGS Housefurnishings
Special Anniversary Prices on Summer
Floor Coverings. Those who attended our Anniversary Sale
Japanese matting rugs, size 9x12, patterns last June will be sure to come for these Spe
woven through; not printed on one side; small cials.
allover figures and medallions, use either side; , 10 , _ ,
our regular price is $3.25; sale price Thursday . SeatS ' ° ak or wh,te cnamel fin
s 2.43 is' l - or| e to a customer 43^
Japanese grass rugs, size 9x12, band border l^Bc curtain stretcher, made of thoroughly
with plain center, also walls of Troy border, seasoned basswood, size 6x12 feet stationary
green or brown ; regular price $6.98; sale price pins, heavily nickeled 43ft
Matting rugs, size 27x54, pattern j ardinere vvith ball f »ot, one to
through, use either side, small figures and eac ' l CUBtonier 43ft
medallions, our regular price 29c; sale price, 51.75 nickel plated Rayo lamp, complete
~ f° r 43ft with white cased green dome $1.43
fifth Mnor BOWMAN'S. In th( . Raßement —BOWMAN'S.
| Anniversary Clock/O* ii
jj Surprises at... . jj
For the Third Day (Thursday) of the Celebration— j |
jj $109.27 worth of merchandise for $12.04. , !
28 Great "CLOCK" Surprises at 43 cents each. Rang- jj
! j $109.27 worth of merchandise for $12.04.
j; Persons who secured yesterday's $112.44 worth of mer- i»
;! chandise for $10.75: ||
!> ™\ ,r "' rljthtMtone. sin Went I Mm. C. K. Forman. 1117 North !|
~ Main ntreet, >lechmiicMl>ur(&. Pa., Third ntreet. llurrlnhurK; Mesh J,
ii « yardn l»lack all wool Poplin, Han. worth 93.50, for 411 c. >
, north »4.50, for 43, M „ s , etnlM . r(4 , m;{ statr |!
(l 'lr*. Mian. Fry, 00 North tWh ntreet, lltirrlnhurg; Rlhlion Tunic, (|
( > ntreet, llarrlnhurK; I Petticoat, 1 worth 93.50, for 43c.
i ► worth 984)8. for 43c. i «
' Minn \<li! lionxoi 1 Mm. C, A. Lnngdon, 1312 Rltta-
I "treet. Steeltou. Pa" 5 yard. I "iT' 4, t "' rT J^ UrKi
J b louncitiK, north 910.00, for 43c. i 94.00, for 43c. j,
j i r. Wltnaan, llottman lloimc, Alice Prltchard. 3 !Morth Mnth i'
(' llarrlnhurjp: Halncoat, worth street, llarrlnhurg: Baby Cap, <!
II 97.50, for 43c. worth 93.75, for 43c.
,i Mr». Janicn Sertui, INH Derrj Mm. ntonte Milliard. Knola, '[
!i * Harrlnhurg:; I pnlr Lace Pa.j Heed Porch Settee, worth <>
C urtalnn, worth 90.00, for 43c. 93.0N, for 43c. <|
, j >lrn. Herbert, 120 Chcntnut !
ii SE: rra: /oW" 00 •--'rv.rte. sx i.
'' atreet' *YlnrrlVhurl'- Mm. Edith Huber. 1010 Xorth j|
nickel* olntt-<i ii 1 Third ntreet, Wall j>
• niKh „ i';L ' :L. ™"J ,rr 1 hafl "F Paper, north 93.50. for 48e. !>
I ! ns.so for 4'lr »poon, north >lr(l . v . H. Berghaua, 208 Har- \\
! Mr». Janiea Mcriellan. Savoy .Vo W !»
J Hotel, HarrlNburK; Headed Hand. «Js r £ I»' f?uvtr 41 W
! Mr: V °K h ..K; "S.„ . <»"<Mreet?' Pa" ii
|[ -twt! >l*e cbll n I CM bur it, Pa. 1 "30 " otker - "" rth *».©o, for J>
l! for rU 4. I ," <> " F * " or,h >'"• Kautr. 1955 Berryhlll ! !
I I %i __ .. ntreet. Harrlxmirgi pair 16-hut- '!
II Fourth
' «» .t noih nn / A" ■*' 1 I "» r,b »«•". for 43c. i|
'I Mr'' H sin,;(!" r .. I Mrs - "otter. 550 llaee ntreet, «|
; , Ntreet* ' 11 nr 1 M h!»r« •* ■ ahler I llarrlnhuric; Ladlcn' Suit, worth i>
» ?, tr.' llnrrlnhura: .Papancne ! 910.00. for 43c. < 1
~ "»«">•« " or#h 'or | l|r». J. S. Uncle, 235 Kmcrn 1,1 ]|
l» tin liver iq-jc ~. . street, llarrlahurK; 100-pieec i|
I ' Hn Uhi ll, '!:'' ? " Irr, ; f .: I ''oreelaln Ulnner Set. north «
I «- nt, ri j.. ' S,,U - worth | flt.r.o, for 43c. I
II "Sir. s sn'tellc i-»o , h I "• Harbnuhe, 22." Mherty (!
'' ... ". J 1-0 theatnut | street, llarrlsbiir K | three palm '
I north •.IM fir rt. l C.oract, | Women'M Thread Silk Hone. i
|! C f " r „: « ..... north 93.00, for 43c.
'! fonn ' I'n .M • ,, ' no i r, i , "'r r ?" Ocelln JohiiMon, 214 X. 15th I
l> north *1 Vn rluli Mall, nlreet, UnrrlNliiirKt Kmbroldered i 1
i, north *1..,0. for 43c. I \ olle llol.e, north »5.00. for 43e. J|
j! Equally attractive items in each department to-morrow— |!
j; come in, look them over. Get your check on file.
at small prices only made possible by the large quantities pur
chased at prices for this sale.
Mens $lO and $12.50 stout suits of all wool materials up to
46 breast measures; special SB.4.'J
512.50 and $13.50 men s and youths' suits of serge, cassiniere
and worsted in conservative Norfolk and English models, all
sizes; special #!).4U
Men's $2.00 straw hats at Sj?l.4:j
Yachts, Porto Ricans and Manila straws $1.4:5
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
Gloves and Leather Goods
2-elasp Milanese silk gloves, black, white, light and dark tans,
pongee and champagne, regular price 75c ; Anniversary price 4Ji^
Leather Goods
Ladies' white kid handbags, regular price $1.00; Anniversary
P rice 430
On the Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
Summer Draperies
At a Saving of One-third to One-half For Anniversary Week.
25c white scrim, with fancy colored borders, 40 inches wide for
curtains or door drapery, 8 yards for $1.43
25c white lace for curtains, width 36 and 45 inches, 10 yards
for $1.43
$3.50 white novelty net curtains with hem and Battenberg
braid design. 2 J / yards long, a dainty summer curtain from bed
room to parlor, per pair $2.43
BOWMAN'S —Fourth Floor.
JT\POUNDED 1871 91
Otu £
It has been our effort to merit your confidence
through integrity, uprightness and courtesy.
To adopt the best methods year by year for the bet
terment of our service.
To be of the greatest benefit to those who do their
buying here.
To assist, by our splendid system of profit sharing
the men, women, boys and girls, who make up our or
To take advantage of every market condition.
1 o make this your Tdeal store, the Store of Depend
able values.
Extraordinary values, trimmed and untrimmed hats go in this
sale at midsummer prices.
Large assortment of white hats in sailors and all new shapes
75 f.
A few more trimmed hats at $2.43 and $4.43
Millinery Section, Second Floor—Bowman's
Boys' Clothing
Specially interesting items of seasonable character.
$4.00 and $5.00 boys' all wool double breasted suits, with full
cut knickerbockers in sizes 12 to 17; special $2.43
$2.50 and $3.00 Spring reefers for boys in tan covert cloth for
cool evenings; special $1.43
BOWMAN'S third Floor.
Anniversary Wall Paper
60c to 75c wall paper, the roll, 43?.. Metallic papers in gold
and green, burlap effects in brown and green, border in stencil
design to match.
Beautiful wall papers, in two tone Tiffany blended paper, liv
ing rooms, dining rooms and parlors; regular price $5.10; sale
price ; $3.43
10 rolls of side wall 1 Anniversary price
20 yards of border O A
6 rolls of ceiling j
Satin stripe and cretonne stripe and floral combination for bed
rooms and parlors. This lot of paper consisting of
10 rolls of side wall 1 0 ,
, n j r u jr. • i • , Regular price $2.8.i
20 yards of border, 9 inches wide I
6 rolls of ceiling J Sale price $1.43
Other specials—Regular price. 7/ 2 cto 10c, at 4f a roll.
Kitchen paper and bed room designs.
BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor.
Special demonstration Omo Ventilated Dress Shields.
50c Zouave ventilated dress shields, all styles and sizes. Thurs
day only, per pair 4;^
65c and /5c white washable crochet buttons, per dozen...43#
50c sanitary napkins, per dozen 43^
On Sale on the Main Floor —BOWMAN'S.
Special Purchases For Anniversary Sale
Bring You Best Values of the Season
$2.25 white petticoats, with wide flounce of embroidery and
wide inserted band; special $1.43
75c corset covers, dainty trimmings of lace, embroidery and
ribbon; special 4;^
75c to 98c girls dresses, sizes 12 to 14 years, percales and ging
hams; special 43^
98c boys' panama hats with white and blue bands 43« ft
65c to 75c assorted D. M. C. package goods containing chil
dren's dresses, kimonos, brassieres, drawers, etc .43#
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor.
White Goods—Linens
The handsomest lots we have had this season, at Anniversary
German homespun, 54 inches wide, stripe, check and broken
plaids, regular 59c; Anniversary price 43#
Satin damask, 72 inches wide, a good assortment of patterns,
regularly 59c; Anniversary price 43,.
Ratine fillette, 38 inches wide, handsome and new, worth $2;
Anniversary price $1.43
120 dozen huck towels, limit 1 dozen to customer, 6 for. .43#
SI.OO ratine, all linen, 2}/j yards to a customer, yard ... 43#
On Sale on the Main Floor, BOWMAN'S.
Automobile Accessories and
Baby Coaches ■
SI.OO Rex, Redhead or Panther spark plugs 43c*
65c rubber horn bulbs 43«. i
SI.OO acid patching kit i
$30.00 wood body, baby coach $16.43
On the Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
Hair Goods 1
Beautiful Wavy Hair Switches. Light, dark and J
medium shades. Special Anniversary price $1.43 J
Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S.