Ifourmdfa} 2d Day of Our 43d Anniversary Sale Tomorrow ** i/ nwnn mm gIUR ANNIVERSARY SALE is the method we take each year tc express our appreciation of your ™® patronage. We have made larger preparations for this event than ever before. The extraordinary consessions obtained from manufacturers has enabled us to give you bigger values and better merchandise. Your dollars will buy more here this week than ever before. We are specially featuring 43c, items. It is wonderful what you can buy for 43c. Each item on this page is of extraordinary value. Read each one. You can't afford to miss any. We are making it well worth your while, from a money standpoint to attend this sale each day. i : —— ——— NOTIONS Colored pearl buttons for wash materials, all shades, doz., 50 5c and 10c dress clamps, 2 dozen 50 10c shoe trees, 3 pairs ...... 250 10c and 15c nickel plated shears, pair Special demonstration Omo m k Dress Shields. All this week, i 1R Miss Gasquoine will demon- J[ Ik strate the superior qualities of the Omo washable dress Hr Ask to see the Omo Sanitary Belts and Skirt Protectors, in » fants' pants, bibs and sanitary BOWMAN'S MaJn Floor. sheeting. Gloves, Parasols, Handbags Special Anniversary Sale Prices on dress accessories for the well-dressed woman. 2-clasp embroidered wrist double-tipped silk gloves; regular prices 85c and $1.25; Anniversary price 430 Ladies' pin Persian leather handbags ,moire silk lining —with purse and mirror, assorted styles and shapes; regular price $2; Anniversary price $1.43 Ladies' parasols, assorted styles and colors; regular $1.75 and $2.00 value, for » .. $1.43 Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Anniversary FURNITURE SALE $4.00 woven wire bed springs $2.43 $2.50 solid oak dining chair, leather seats $1.43 $6.00 felt fibre mattresses $3.43 $9.00 roll edge felt mattresses $6.43 $12.00 brass beds $8.43 $16.00 brass beds $12.43 BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor. Anniversary Sale Domestics $1.50 wagon umbrella, made of green and white duck, eight stays; Anniversary price 43$ 10 yards plain blue chambray gingham, cut from full piece SI.OO value; Anniversary price 430 3-54x36 Salem pillow cases, made of genuine Salem muslin, 90c value; Anniversary price 430 5 yards 42-inch bleached pillow casing, 80c value; Anniversary price 430 Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Anniversary Sale in White Goods 4 yards ripplette, splendid value 430 2<A yards all linen sheeting, makes good skirts; limit one to a customer; Anniversary price $1.43 Satin damask and lunch cloths, 36 inches wide; limit 2 to a customer; 2 for 430 1 dozen Turkish washcloths, light blue 43tf» Fine satin damask table covers, size 72x72, regularly $3.50; special $2.43 1 dozen buck towels 430 Hemstitched linen pillow cases, 36x45; price 430 Handsome English breakfast cloths, mustard, old blue and re seda; Anniversary price $1.43 On Sale on the Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Special Anniversary Bargains in FOOTWEAR This Is Your Opportunity to Secure Real Values Men's. Women's and Children's rubber sole oxfords. ~) Men's and Women's Slippers—short lots Baby shoes In black, tan and gray M A _ Children's shoes and strap sandals , 'VI J Children's white shoes and sandals U 1 fl Women's velvet shoes and pumps j V Women's odds and ends. High and low j Values 75c to $2.50. j Women's white buck and canvas pumps Women's button and lace shoes "j Women's black satin button dress boots Women's cloth top button boots Women's viei kid shoes and oxfords Women's tan Russia calf shoes and oxfords . Women's dull mat kid strap sandals nl 4 M A Women's high grade sample shoes I VI J Women's satin slippers. All colors r all I f 1 Men's glaze kid lace shoes f " Men's patent colt oxfords Men's and Boys' sample shoes Boys' tan and gun metal shoes; all sizes Buster Brown shoes for children Values $2.00 to $3.50. Men's fine patent colt, gun metal and tan calf button and blucher shoes Men's Storm King rubber boots Women's fine dress shoes in patent colt, gun metal and tan calfskin Am m Women's tan Russia calf low shoes with red rubber I IL W A 3 soles and heels [ r % Women's patent colt and black satin colonials; smart Values $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Anniversary Sale of House Furnishings 98c imported willow clothes basket, strong and durable kind, one to a customer 43^' 89c metallic bottom Wash boiler, wood handle. No. 8 size, 430 $1.98 Perfection oven for gas or oil stove $1.43 $1.75 and $1.98 crockery umbrella jars, assorted colors.\sl!43 $1.69 and $1.98 crockery footed fern dishes, ivory finish, $1.43 98c, $1.2.-> and sl.4decoi ated (jernian China importers' sam ples, consisting of sugar and cream sets, cracker jars, fern dishes, salad bowls, cake plates, combination cheese and cracker plates, celery, crumb and brush trays BOWMAN'S— Bh semen t. TUESDAY EVENING, . im. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JTJWK 2, 1914. Anniversary "Clock" Surprises at 43c Wednesday, Second Day of the Celebration $112.44 Worth of Merchandise For $10.75 25 Great Clock Surprises at 43c each. Ranging in value from $1.75 to $lO For years our "Clock"' Surprises have afforded loads of fun for everybody. This year we hope to surpass all previous records. READ THE RULE OF THE "CLOCK" SURPRISES The person whose salescheck is on "file' last before the Alarm Clock Strikes in the department where the purchase is made will be given the opportunity to purchase the Surprise, worth from $1.75 to SIO.OO, for the Anniversary sale price of 430 If the person entitled to the surprise does not want it (and who wouldn't want it?) the same oppor tunity of purchase will be offered to the person Avhose salescheck is the next to the last on the file be fore the alarm clock strikes.. You can't afford to miss a day. 2 men's union suits, j jr of sh dther regular price $1 50 ea.; mens or women's, your 2 suits worth choice, worth $4, for Hammock, green ML, 1 cuff and collart'ef. ' scroll pattern with pi - /AOS II W 1 worth $3.00, for.. 43<S lOW and tl fl °" n "' ///!/ 1 1 ladies' summer hat, size, worth $3.00, 430 //Iff I WV worth for> 4;^ dozen fancy em- H 1 La Camille corset, broidered linen hand- jMU IV/ j/ V W\\ worth $5.00, for. .430 eln/w m X ' o' 1 /III] Brass costumer, worth $2 00, for ... ... 430 W /ftf Ui \s3 9 g for 1 pair Beize lace cur-B I .1 U Bluc scrgc Sprin „ tains, hillette weaveU I ' SJ .EM .11 (I coat, new model, worth with beautiful open! lr \J I I 1155.00, for 43c work border, dainty I\l VI J] 1 s jik waist, "worth edge, worth $6, for IWA fj 1111 $5.00, for 430 430 % A\X A n 1111 6 pairs women's 50c 1 pair Embroidered HI # hoot silk hose, double Pillow Cases, worth soles, high spliced heel, $3.50, for 430 //Jf f 6 pairs, worth $3.00. for Embroidered shee% / A fl f 430 or 430 O nainsook gown, Batiste flouncing, 4 1 / 2 trimmed with fine lace vard patterns, worth and ribbon, wort h $4.50, for 430 *2 $2.98, for 43e Boys' white linen wash suit, worth $5, for 430 1 cushion, linen stencil cover, worth $1.50. for White satin bed quilt, worth $3.00, for... .43p 43^« Portable gas lamp, art glass square shade, com- 1 aluminum coffee pot. 2 quart T?A"D plete with hose and burner, worth $5.90, for 43<* size, worth SI.BO. * VrJK, 5 yards navy blue satin charmeuse, worth 1 aluminum rice boiler, 2 quart $5.95, for 43<* size, worth $1.70. Jk Babv dress, made of fine nainsook, hand em- 1 aluminum tea kettle, 5 quart broidered yoke, worth $2.00, for 43f size, worth $3.20. 1 porch chair, worth $1.98, for 43<» The three items worth $6.70, for 430 \ I Anniversary Bargains in Women's Outergarment Section i; 100 pique and ratine skirts with the long Anniversary sale price 430 j! tunics, regularly $2.00; Anniversary sale pike Voi i c waistS) neW est models, low necks, low ii „ ~. , ~ , sl-43 shoulders, lace trimmed, regularly SI.OO and <! Pure Ramie linen dresses, with the new long $1.25; Anniversary sale price 430 «! | tunics, in the best colors and white, all sizes t„ Cr Dresden'fioraleffeets, ii ;; start with, regularly »„•«; Anniversary sale trimmcd regu i ar f y 7Sc Annivcrsarv sa]e ;! !l pnee V W- 4 '" price ' i| j; A wonderful assortment of new white Taffeta silk petticoats, staple colors only 'i • dresses —voiles, lawns, ratine, rice cloth and r #.m.lari w eioo. \ • . ! ~ „ , , regularly and sj.y« Anniversary sale Ji cotton Mummee cloth, daintily or elaborately price -L. trimmed with embroideries, lace and ribbons; r.vil.' J '•! ui f <; - x * 1 u.- ~. uirls serge sailor blouses, navy with silk I; values up to $10: Anmversary sale price $.,.4.t ties colors to match tie's, regulariy i I Lawn dressing sacques, white with neat $1.50; Anniversary sale price black figures and white with tloral printing. Black taffeta silk petticoats embroidered ii jj regularly 39c each; Anmversary sale price, 2 slightly wider than prevailing styles, regularly S <> for 430 $3.50 to $5.00; only one to each customer; ji «[ Crepe kimonos, light blue, pink and laven- Anniversary sale price ... $1 4*{ 11 der. full length and generous width; only one Black and colored silk waists, taffeta mes- ii j; to each customer, regularly SI.OO ; Anniversary saline, habutai, in all sizes, but not in all styles j| sale price 4.30, regularly $3.00 to $5.98; Anniversary sale ii !| Galatea middy blouses, white with blue or price 43 ;[ j; red emblems, sizes 8 to 16 years, regularly $1; SePond Floor—bowman's ; Anniversary WALL PAPER 60c to 75c metallic paper in gold and green; borders in stencil design to match; Anniversary price, the roll 430 Beautiful wall paper in two tone tiffany blended paper, living room dining room and parlor; regular price $5.10. 10 rolls of side wall ] Anniversary price 20 yards of border f A 6 rolls of ceiling J SO.T\3 Satin stripe, cretonne stripe and floral combination for bed room and parlor. This lot of specials consist of 10 rolls of side wall Regular price $2.85 20 yards of border, 9 inches wide Anniversary price 6 rolls of ceiling $1.43 Other special regular 7 1 />c to 10c roll wall paper, kitchen paper and bed room designs, at, 6 rolls 43p BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. Anniversary Sale CURTAINS $1.59 white and ecru lace curtains, 3 yards long, plain centers and pretty neat binders and edge for, per pair $1.43 $2.85 white Nottingham lace curtains, 3 yards long with fig ured centers and pretty lace binders and edge for, per pr., $2.43 $2.75 white and ecru novelty net panel curtains, 2y 2 yards long, per pair #2.43 BOWMAN'S—Fourth Flour. Anniversary Sale Embroideries and Flouncings /5c and 89c 27-inch Swiss flouncing, yard 43^ 7."? c and SI.OO 45-inch Swiss flouncing, yard 430 50c venise collars; two collars for 430 2Qc moire ribbon, 5 inches wide, all shades; 2 yards for 430 FLY SWATTERS FREE. ASK FOR ONE. AH mail and phone orders promptly filled by competent shoppers. Anniversary Sale Men's and Youths' Suits $12.50 and $13.50 men s and youths' suits of all wool worsteds, cassimeres, homespuns and blue serge; special at $9.43 $1.50 and $2.00 odd vests taken from SIO.OO and $12.50 suits; special at • 43^ $1 working trousers in dark stripes and mixtures; special 430 Men s and youths dark worsted suits iq 2 and 3-button mod els, worth $7.50; special at $4.43 Boys' Washable and Serge Suits SOME SPLENDID VALUES Boys 75c washable suits in Russian sailors and blouses, white and stripes; special at 430 boys 75c knickerbockers in mixtures and dark blue; special at r, . - 43c Boys $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 blue serge double breasted suits, sizes 9 to 17 years; special . $3.43 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Anniversary Sale Trimmed and ITntrimmed Millinery • Panamas, worth $3.50; Anniversary price $2.41) Black banded sailors, the celebrated Know braid White hemp hats, patent leather facings $1.98 Millinery Section, Second Floor—Bowman's Anniversary Sale Corsets and Underwear SI.OO W. B. corset, low and medium bust, long hips .... 430 ('Owns, slightly soiled, made of nainsook, trimmings of lacc and fine embroidery, regularly 98c to $1.25; Anniversary price 430 BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Anniversary Sale Art Needlework 75c Linen Scarfs for cross-stitch 430 25c ready-made corset covers for embroidering, assorted pat terns, sizes 36 to 40; Anniversary price, 3 for 430 Infants' Caps 98c bahv caps, allover embroidery, ribbon trimmed; Anniver sary price ...." 430 BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Anniversary Sale Carpets and Rugs Velvet rugs, size 36x72 inches, floral and oriental patterns, all bright and new; regular price $2.8 C >; sale price $2.43 Couch hammock, steel construction, comfortable mattress, wind shield on one side and two ends with chains ready to hang; regular price $5.00; sale price $4.23 Cork carpet, extra thick, regular price $1.25, green color; sale price, per square yard, slightly imperfect 430 BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. Porch Rockers, Velocipedes $2.98 porch rocker for $2.43 $1.98 velocipede $1.43 $2.00 baby walker $1.43 75c teddy bear 43ft $2.00 skin covered horses 430 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Anniversary Sale DRESS GOODS and SILK 59c yard wide, silk and cotton crepe de chine, pink, light blue, ivory, Copenhagen and black, per yard . 430 75c printed crepe de chine, taupe, tango and garnet, yd., 430 SI.OO 46-inch Wash Habutai 430 59c corded silk ratine, yard 430 3,000 yards printed crepes, beautiful colorings in white; verv special, a yard 15^ BOWMAN'S—Mnin Floor, Rear. Anniversary Sale Men's Furnishings Men's 25c half hose, plain black, tan and navy, double soles, high spliced heels; 3 pairs for 43^ Men s SI.OO union suits, long and short sleeves, regular three quarter length, white and ecru; 2 suits for $1.43 Men's 50c suspenders, lisle webbings, cord ends; 2 pairs for 430 Mens SI.OO pajamas, fine quality of percale, neat patterns ? P airs for $1.43 BOWMAN'S Main Floor. , These Fine Natural Wavy Switches, $1.95 During Anniversary f \ i lK u ~JT°. | Up to the time of this Anniversary Sale, these I / iy \>l 30-inch Switches were our sellers at $5.00. if At $1.95 These Switches Are In< * eed Rare Values TMrf''& They are aU moun ted on three short stems M** \t AWlUmMii and are just the right length to be arranged Zfflr ~ n" VanVy Into any of the new hair styles. U J%wr ' WWM ' r,le naturnl appearance of the Switches will fXWjM enable you to match your hair so perfectly that the keenest eye c «nnot detect the differ vMfy prompt and courteous attention from ex mW ' l' erts who '"'"I assist in perfect matching. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 3
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