Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 02, 1914, Page 10, Image 10
Tv , v • *ti * • v-:'4f • "' 4 ' ' ' •' ' 'V*' ' TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 2, 1914. 10 Treasurer's sale of unseated j lands in Dauphin county, 1 for unpaid tax for the years j 1911 and 1912. Agrcetiblv' Si | the Commonwealth of ?f,"™ 8y g e^ 1 directing: the mode of selling: seaiea and unseated lands and the several "up- , plements thereto. I shall commence the nale of the following tractsi of land sit uated in the County of dauphin, by vendue or public outcry, at the Court House. In the City of Harrisburg, on and continue the "sale thereof untlith* whole of said tracts or lots are sold, to discharge the arrearages of due ( thereon, together with all necessary C ° Btß ' ARTHUR H. BAILEY. County Treasurer, Harrisburg. Pa. • NOTICE—AII persons corresponding with the Treasurer in reference to lana advertised for sale In the Ji?; should remit seventy-five centß iidd . tional to the tax for payment thereof. , HAHKISBIBCf Seventh Ward , Bowman, S. S., 1 lot. 11th St., ... *1 35 Fleming, Davra, 1 lot. Broad St., neat: city limits, ••••••• 3 60 Thompson, Wilhelmina, 1 lot, . rear of 1823 N. 7th St., ....... S4 j Diven, James R., 1 lot, Calder St., 90 Johnson, Richard, 1 lot, Ills _ Cumberland St., Cunningham, Will, seated, 1501 N. , , 6th St v i- 1S 95 Daugherty, Edward. 1 lot, unseat- , ed, 1828 N. 11th St 2 oi Foster. Benj., 1 lot, unseated, 11th , and Forster Sts " : Meek, W. G., 1 lot. unseated. 1614 Boas St • • " ■ Yountz, N. H., 1 lot, seated, 608 Muench St •••■• 8 10 Hall. J. P., 1 lot. unseated. 1115 Cumberland St " Musser, F. E. and W. H. Harris, seated, 16th and Forster Sts.,.. 220 McCobs, Emma, unseated, 7th and Delaware Sts., - 1 su ■ ■eighth Ward Cameron, Cora M., 1 lot, State St., . near 18th St ••• 225 Baker, W. H., 1 lot, Juniper, be- , tween 15th and 16th Sts 4 50 Hess, M. W.. 1 lot, Juniper, cor ner 15th St 2 25 ' Heisey, M. L., 1 lot. North and 18th Sts •. • ■ 2 25 . Wlngert, W. A., S lots, E. 15th. on Briggs St., ... 1 70 Foster, John, Est., 7 acres near Harrisburg Pipe Bending Co.. 18 00 ( Foster, John, Est., 9 acres near Harrißburg Pipe Bending Co., 27 00 Foster, John, Est., 2 3-10 acres, from Cameron and Forster, north, 9 00 Foster, John, Est., 2 7-10 acres, j near city cemetery 18 00 Foster, John, Est., . 3 1-10 acres, ' Cameron near 12th St 9 00 , Foster. John, Est., 2 acres. S. E. corner 10th and State Sts., .. 31 50 , Nicholas, Mrs. H. J., 1 acre, State. ' near 18th St • • 2 .5 , Fisher, Marshal, Est., 120 Cowden St., unoccupied 4 50 , Michlovitz, Simon, E. side Han cock St., 2 25 . Rhoads, C. H., Tenth and State, 1 35 ■ Eleventh Ward Beaver, Martha, 1938 N. Third St., 8 10 . Thirteenth Ward Gregory, James, 2 lots, 21% St., 90 Kruber, Mabel, 1 lot. 22 H St.. .. 1 08 Kishpaugh, C. M„ 1 lot. Swatara St.. „ 1 08 , Smith, Lloyd J.. 1M lots, Derry St 1 53 - Kuntzleman, Annie, 2 lots, Derry St 2 34 , Kautz. D. F., 2 lots. Swatara St.. 1 62 Kunkle, George, triangle facing , Rudy St 2 26 , Rlckabaugh, Sr., Samuel, 25th St. and Reading Railroad 45 Rockefeller, T. 8., 1 lot, Swatara St., .. 63 Parthemore, L. H., 2 lots. 22nd St., 90 : Derry Township Ensmlnger. John T., 10 acres tim berland 7 95 i Grubb, E. & C. 8., 75 acres tim berland 57 24 Grubb, E. & C. 8., 24 acres tim- i berland, 23 85 Grubb. E. & C. 8., 7 acres tim berland 4 2# Grubb. E. & C. 8.. 10 acres tlm berland 7 9o Landis, John H„ 6 acres timber- . land 2 65 Shifter, John 8.. 5 acres timber land 2 34 lOast Hanover Township Alexander, Mrs., 1 acre, adjoining land of S. C. Kerper 27 < Care, C. 8., 29 acres, adjoining land of J. B. Lingle 4 05 i Wagner. Daniel. Est., S acres, ad joining land of H. W. Hetrick, 6 75 | South Mountain Lumber Co.. 3 acres timberland, N. side first i mountain, 81 .Adley, Norwood, 26 acres, tract near Rhoads school house. ... 324 Adley, Norwood, 5 acres, adjoin ing above tract 09 Adley, Norwood, 21 acres timber land, near above tract 90 Ellr.nbethvtlle Borough Romberger & Haas. % acre Franklin St.. near railroad, ... 98 Halifax Township Chubb, Hiram, Est., 50 acres. Berry's mountain 2 80 Wilvert, Harry, Est.. 6 acres, ad joining land of James Enter line, ... 6 90 Chrisman, Isabel, 20 acres, on Peter's mountain, 1 96 Halifax Water Co., 1 acre, on Peter's mountain 2 24 Robinson, Wm., Est., 200 acres, on Peter's mountain, 11 20 Hlghnplre Borough Mohn, Kate E., 2 lots, Eshleman St 3 70 Rudy. J. H„ 2 lots. Cumbler Ex tension 3 70 Smith, A. A., 2 lots, Second St., 4 81 Jackson Township Berry, Mrs. Adams, 25 acres mountatnland 7 95 Care, C. B„ 80 acres mountain land, 7 63 Chubb, Hiram, 37 acres mountain land 3 18 1 Care, C. 8., 100 acres mountain land, 2 97 Londonderry Tovnnlilp Grubb, C. 8., Est., 9 acres wood tract, near Conewago station, 3 77 Hoffman, Clayton, 3 lots, adjoin ing lands of J. ShUsler and C. Hoffman 6 51 Levenight, John, 40 acres, ad joining lands of Manor Real Estate Co., 14 50 Beinhauer, 8. F.,*Est„ 1 lot. in Newberry, N. end of township, 3 19 I.ower Paxton Township Ackerman, J. N., 1 lot 72 Aldrich, J. C„ 1 lot, 1 11 Brlghtbill, N. A., 2 lots, 72 Bergstresser, A. W., 1 lot, ...... 48 Brown, Alfred, 2 lots 1 44 Roshella, A. A., 3 lots 3 82 Brandt, A. D., 2 lots, 2 40 Burger, Luther K.. 2 lots 2 40 Butler, James J., 2 lots ■> 40 Black. Ada S., 1 lot 72 Colovaris, Geo., 5 lots $ 24 Dasher, Samuel K„ 1 lot 45 Elshela, John L., 5 lots 2 OS Fox, D. H., 1 lot, | ro Freedman, Abram, 1 lot <tjj Fredrick, Walter J„ 2 lots 2 40 Fetter, Chas., 1 lot 1 44 Fetter, A. S., 1 lot, i 44 Freedman. Abram, 1 lot 1 44 Fure, Peter, 3 lots, Paxtonia Farm I 92 Flickinger, D F„ 10 acres 5 52 Goldsmith. Meyer, 1 lot, 96 Hershey, C„ 1 lot, 72 Hutter, Frank, 2 lots 2 40 Holmes, John, 3 lots 1 44 Holmes, Lloyd, 1 lot, 48 Jones, Margaret, 1 lot , 1 44 Jones, J., 2 lots ' j 92 Kissinger, John E„ 1 lot 48 Liddick, Mrs. W. E., 1 lot 48 Lyme John H., 2 lots 2 00 Miller, Harry, 3 lots 1 44 Mullen, Wm. E.. 1 lot V 44 < Menger, Fred H., 1 lot 1 44 MeCord, K. R., 2 lots 1 20 Menger. Fred H.. 2 lots 2 40 McCartey, Dennis F„ 2 lots 2 40 Pine, Emily H., 1 lot 1 44 Probst. J. H., 2 lots 2 40 Rudy, C. L„ 3 lots 3 35 Reynolds, T. C., 1 lot 1 44 Shnovel, Carl. 10 lots 2 40 Snyder, Marlln, 1 lot 48 Snyder, Grace, 1 acre timberland, 79 Snyder, Martin. 2 lots 1 20 Sure, Laura, 1 lot 96 Shuey, Geo. W„ 2 lot* 2 40 Smith, F. E„ 1 lot 2 40 West, Sophia, 1 lot 96 Walker, J. W., 1 lot 1 44 , Wright. Benj., 1 lot 11 04 Clark, Bertha K„ 2V4 acres 36 00 < Armstrong, Frank, 1 lot 72 Boiighbllle. Mrs. M. A., 2 lots. ... 1 20 1 Rtix, Leah, 7 lots. 10 32 Burger, Luther K., 2 lots 1 o fl Bryan, Wm. Cole ». . . 4 rq Bills. Edith, Llnglestown Add... . "40 Dougherty. Wm. M., 2 lots 1 20 1 DeGrau. Sarah M.. 16 lots, Llhg lestown Add 3 ; Fsunre. Lawrence, 1 lot » it GrJtefT. Earl. 1 lot .• . . 7" ; Gilbert, P. U., 2 lots 1 02 1 Kraft, Harry, 1 lot, 24 Knlsely, Arch, 2 lots 72 Keener, John H., 26 acres tim berland, 1 92 McCauley, Lavlna R., 10 lots, . . 4 56 Minnick, Mrs.. 2 lots 48 Madgeberg, Mrs. Annie, Halnlyn, 1 92 Martz, Harrv E., Halnlyn 1 92 Nelly, Thomas, 2 lots 1 20 Reed. J. 0.. 2 lots 96 Shelly. E., 1 lot 72 Salerno, Vincent, 2 lots, J 20 Salerno, Lewis, 3 lots 1 92 Swelnfoss. Francis, 1 lot "2 Thurtrtn, Robert, 2 lotß 72 Wennell, Wm. J.. 1 lot 72 Warfel, Samuel, 20 acres cleared land 9 60 Lower Swatara Township Blumson, Jas., 2 lots. Eagle Heights 2 15 Brown, H. C.. 3 lots. Eagle Heights 2 15 Core, Jno., 1 lot, Eagle Heights. 63 Glberson, David. 1 lot. Eagle Heights 172 Guyer, John R„ 2 lots, Eagle Heights 2 15 Ober, Christian. 2 lots, Eagle Heights 1 26 Raub, Wm., I lot. Eagle Heights, 1 72 Ruppley, Arthur R„ V 4 acre 15 91 Ruppley, Arthur R„ 43 acres 129 00 Zimmerman, C. A., 2 lots, Oak Lane 1 57 Garinan, E. C„ 1 lot, Eagle Heights 66 Hoover, John, 1 lot. Eagle i Heights. 66 McNeal, Willard, 2 lots 1 10 McGarra, W., 1 lot. Oak Lane, .1 76 Schafter, Chas., 1 acre. Eagle Heights 66 I.ykens Township Coleman. Barbara. 26 acres N. side Short mountain 3 38 Nagle, Cook Lumber Co.. unseat ed 27 ; Zartman, W. P.. unseated 1 08 I Midland P. R. R. Co.. Right of Way, 36 Midland P. R. R. Co., Right of AVay 32 Midland P. R. R. Co.. Right of Way 45 Midland P. R. R. Co.. Right of Way 90 Midland P. R. R. Co.. Right of Way 54 Midland P. R. R. Co., Right of Way, 56 Midland P. R. R. Co., Right of Way 40 Midland P. R. R. Co., Right of Way 68 Midland P. R, R. Co., Right of I Way 36 Middletown Borough Schultz, Annie, Est., 1 lot, 60x100 ft., on Catharine St., adjoining Cameron Young 2 25 Middle Paxton Township Criswell, John, 117 acres, Peter's mountain „ 16 74 Criswell, John, 140 acres, Peter's I mountain 11 39 Fehr, Win. and Harry Carl, 1 lot, j Stoney Creek Valley 725 ' Koons, Samuel, 25 acres 2 86 McKissick, Cora. 7 acres, Clark's Valley, near John Brook 5 70 Shepler, Sherman 8., 149 acres, Fishing Creek Valley 8 72 Smith, Benj. 8., 10 acres, near Speecevllle, 4 43 Turner, A. G„ 126 acres, Fishing Creek Valley, 4 93 Turner, A. G., 74 acres, Fishing Creek Valley 36 20 Walk, Wilson J., 25 acres, 1 14 Weaver, Albert, 2 acres, near Speecevllle 6 27 William. J. E., 3-5 acres 2 19 Reily, John W., 129 acres timber land 1 17 Reily, John W., 140 acres timber land, 1 26 Reily, John W., 90 acres timber land 1 71 Reily, John W„ 90 acres cleared land 9 45 Reily, Helen Boas, 107 acres, ... 12 33 Boas, D. D., Est., 120 acres 17 28 |Ott, L. M„ Est.. 44 acres 1 98 Miller, Lewis 0.. 315 acres 1 06 Simons. A. R„ 112 acres, Island, 36 Taylor, Andrew, 7 acres 90 W'ynn. Daniel D„ 1 acre 27 Arnold, Geo. E., 3 acres, 4 20 Bay, James, 5 acres timberland, 36 Bell, James M., 37 acres timber land and 3 acres S 2 80 Bell, Mary. Est., 2'/i acres. ....... 2 80 Douglas, C. E., 120 acres timber land 56i Douglas, C. E., 60 acres timber land 28 00 Enplnger, Geo. W.. 10 acres tim berland, 5 98 Ensinger, Geo. W„ 21 acres tim berland 84 Ensinger, Geo. W., 4 acres tim berland 28 Ensinger, Geo. W„ 5 acres tim berland 28 Feldt, Abram. Est., 3V4 acres tim berland 36 Conrad Bros., 60 acres timber land 1 50 Etzweiler, Samuel, 98 acres tim berland 3 50 Heister, Gabriel, 150 acres tim berland 2 30 lyee. Mrs. E. M.. l'i acre timber land 1 30 Lee, Mrs. E. M.. 40 acres timber land. 60 acres S 2 10 I Mrs. E. M., 110 acres tim berland, 8 10 Lee, Mrs. E. M., 70 acres timber land . 1 200 Zinn, John, 6 acres timberland,.. 20 Mifflin Township Midland P. R. R. Co., 3 acres, purchased from S. B. Clark... 1 35 Midland P. R. R. Co.. 3 acres, purchased from I. M. Henning er 1 50 Midland P. R. R. Co., 4 acres, purchased from J. H. llartman, 1 50 Midland P. R. R. Co., 3 acres, purchased from Grant Hart man, 1 35 Midland P. R. R. Co., 1 acre, purchased from Wm. Hoover... 45' Midland P. R. R. Co., 3 acres, purchased from A. Minnick, . . 1 35 Midland P. R. R. Col, 2 acres. Purchased from H. A. Rom berger 2 70 Midland P. R. R. Co., 3 acres, purchased from W. C. Reigle... 1 35 Midland P. R. R. Co., 3 acres. purchased from Mrs. C. Reigle, 1 20 Midland P. R. If. Co., 1 acre, purchased from Chas. Lenker, 45 Midland P. R. R. Co., 1 acre, purcha.">d from J. Weaver, ... 75 Midland P. R. R. Co., 1 acre, purchaS'd from F. P. Romberg er 60 Mlllersburg Borough Lykens Valley Construction Co., 1 acre, N. Market St., 6 75 Lykens Valley Construction Co., 1 acre, N. Market St 2 52 Heed Township Crisswell. John, 398 acres moun tatnland 26 25 Ryan, Isaac, 18 acres mountain land 2 20 Bair, Benjamin, Est., % acre, Ben venue 27 Crisswell, John, 100 acres moun tatnland 6 75 llojnlton Borough Baker, Jolin H„ Est., 1 lot, Burd St., First Ward, 1 75 McCreary Co., >4 lot. Canal St.. First Ward 35 00 McCrears', John, Est., 8 lots. Burd St 14 00 Young. Harry, V 6 lot, Canal St.. 3 50 Hush Township Blumenstein. Conrad, 75 acres mountainland, 11 90 Warlo, Annie, 44 acres, and 21 acres S.. adjoining land of Daniel Eckles 34 40 Young, W. S., 20 acres mountain- I land 4 30! Eckles. Daniel, 50 acres, 36 acres mountainland, 14 acres cleared, 6 45 Steelton Borough Ewing, .1. B„ Est., 3 lots, Main St., Fifth Ward 41 40 Ewing. J. B„ Est., 1 lot. Christian St.. Fifth Ward 13 80; Ewing, J. 8., Est.. 3 lots, between Railroad and Canal St 7 36 ; Ewing, .). 8.. Est., 2 lots, Main St., Fifth Ward . . 23 00 ' Ewing, ,1. 8., Est., 9 lots, Fred erick and "Franklin Sts 82 80 Ewing, J. B„ Est., 2 lots, 282 and 284 Meyers St., . 23 00 ' Campbell, Spencer. 1 lot, E. side Adams St., 5 87 1 Weber, Edward. 2 lots, Bessemer St 6 90 Susquehanna Township Arnold, Margaret, 1 lot, So. Pre cinct 2 32 Adams. Eliza, 2 lots. Edgemont, 1 44 Bowersox, Wm.. 2 lots, Edgemont, 4 64 Dice, C. A„ 1 lot, Glenwood. ... 116 Eshelman, Emanuel, 2 lots, Hain ton 3 77i Emerlck, Geo. W„ 2 lots, Glen- • I wood 2 90 Enk, C. H„ 2 lots, Horner plot, 87 Frank, Mary C., 3 lots, Edge mont 87 Gerhart, Mrs. E. A., 2 lots, Edge mont 1 16 Glosser, Mrs. America, 4 lots, Edgemont 2 90 Harris. Mrs. .1. R„ 2 lots. New Ad dition * 2 73 Hurst. VV. 1.. 5 lots. Edgemont, .. 2 32 Heckert, J. H.. 2 lots, Edgemont, 1 16 Kell, l.ydia, 3 lots, Glenwood. . . 2 10 Langletz, Chas. 8., 1 acre, Edgft mont 2 32 Mailev. Elizabeth, 2 lots, Edge mont 1 1« Mullen. Jacob. 2 lots. Edgemont., 1 16 John and Annie, 2 lota, 4 Edgemont 68 Beam, E. D„ 3 lots, Edgemont, 5 80 Smith, E. E„ 1 lot, Edgemont. . . 87 Stephen, Mary, 2 lots, Edge mont 1 74 Bt * Peter, Amelia, 2 iots. New Addition 1 74 St. Peter, Amelia, 2 lots, New Addition 4 35 Strunk, Emma L, 1 lot. Glen wood 1 05 Strunk, Emma L, 1 lot, Glenwood, 84 Snurnan, John, 1 lot, Kdg:emont, Snoake, Mrs,, 2 lots 87 Stickle, Mrs. Lou D., acre, cleared land 1 16 Washington Township Espey Joslah, 10 acres mountain land 1 44 Espoy Josiah, 27 acres mountain land, 1 44 Susquehanna Township Etter, John, Est., 14 acres, N. Precinct 4 06 Haehnlen, Fredrick, 8 acres, N. Precint 2 90 Hildrup, W. T., 11 acres, N. Pre cinct 3 48 McGlaughlin, Chas., 1 lot, N. Pre lnct 2 90 Miller, S. E„ 1 iot, N. Precinct, 4 64 M'l'er, Mrs. Maggie. 2 lots, N. Precinct, 11 02 Miller, H., 4 lots. Riverside 18 56 Ralier, John, 10 acres, N. Precinct, 2 90 i Rogers. 11. E„ 1 lot. Feldheim, ... 203 Richards, W. H.. 1 lot, N. Pre cinct 4 64 Schrelner, Aaron, 1 lot. Sixth St., 2 61 Snyder, J. H„ 2 lots, Feldheim. . . 7 97 Wagner, Jane. 10 lots, Feldheim, 22 04 Bowman, M. S.. 2 lots. 42 and 43 Pierce St 4 64 Bless, J. G„ 2 lots, Feldheim,.. 4 64 Kime. S. S„ 1 lot 2 32 Moeslein & Vallerchamp, 1 lot, . . 21 75 Miller, Isaac. acres 2 32 , Swartz, J. W.. 12 acres and 4 lots, | cleared land 14 50 Wlldman, Augustus. 3 lots. Feld heim 6 67 Wlldman, Augustus. 2 lots, Feld heim ' 4 64 Albert, Wm. J„ 1 lot, Edgemont, ns ■ Baum. E. E„ 1 lot. New Addition, 87 Beam, John 0., 1 acre, Edge mont 2 32 Carpenter. Thos. 8., 2 lots, Glen wood, 2 90 Coover, Mrs.. 1 lot, Edgemont,.. 87 Relchert, Elmer E.. 1 lot, S. Pre cinct 3 48 Rupp, David C„ 1 lot, Edgemont, 1 45 Smith, Chas. H., 4 lots, Edge mont 2 06 Btarliper, Geo. A., 2 lots, Glen wood, 2 61 Sl.ively, Mrs. Harry H, 1 lot, Glenwood 1 45 Schaftmelster. John, 5 lots, Glen wood 6 22 Sollenberger, Harry 8., 1 lot, Edgemont, • 2 90 Snook, H. L., 2 lots, Edgemont, 2 32 Stroh, Mrs. Mary, 1 lot, Edge mont 87 Stum, John I„ 4 lots, Edgemont, 5 22 Trullinger, John E., 3 lots, S. Precinct 3 15 Wetterhoff, Harry. 1 lot, S. Pre cinct 2 32 Wehler, John, 1 lot. Edgemont,' 87 Wagenheim, Henry, 1 lot, Edge | jnont 1 45 Weiser, 4 lots, Progress Exten sion 11 60 Zellers, James P.. 1 lot , Glen wood 2 32 Bender, Henry, acre, on 6th St 5 22 8011. Chas. S„ 1 lot. Green Hill. 2 32 Ducel, J. L.. 2 lots. Riverside, . . 928 Beck, Barbara, 2 lots, Edgemont, 2 32 Craft, E. L.. 1 lot, Edgemont, . . 87 Dlvel, Joseph, 1 lot, Glenwood, 2 32 Grantcrio, Pasquale, 2 lots, Edge mont 2 32 Eppleman. M. H.. 1 lot, Glen wood, 1 45 Edmunds. Wm., 1 lot. Glenwood, 58 Feeser, Wm., 1 lot. Glenwood,.. 1 74 Gilbert, Harry C„ 1 lot. Glenwood, 87 Hoerner, Frank. 7 lots. Hainton. 5 80 Kuntz, Alfred M.. 2 lots, Edge mont 2 32 Lehman, Wm. J., 1 lot. Glenwood. 2 32 Lentil Harry W,. 2 lots, Glen wood 2 03 McOlure, W. M.. 2 lots, Glen wood 2 61 Miller, Aaron M., 2 lots, Glenwood, 4 .06 Miller, Donald. 1 lot. Edgemont, 1 45 Meals. Rose, 1 lot, S. Precinct, 4 64 Mover, Annie M„ 1 lot. New Addl i tlon 145 Orr, William, 1 lot. Glenwood... 1 16 Pietzsch, Wm. D„ 1 lot, Glen wood 2 32 Passmore, F.arl, 2 lots. Glenwood, 5 22 Page. H. E.. 2 lots, Edgemont, . . 2 33 Quirk. Nellie F., 2 lots, Edgemont, 2 61 Renan, Charles. 1 lot. Edgemont, 58 Rodimaker. Mrs. P. M.. 2 lots, Edgemont, 2 32 Ruch, Mrs. Sallie, 3 lots, Glen wood 5 22 Ream, John. 1 lot, New Addition, 1 45 Moore, G. T., 1 lot, Edgemont... 58 1 pper l'ax4nn Tonnnlilp Smith. W. W., 1 lot, old house in Paxton 9j, Midland P. R. R. Co., 2 acres 1 13 Midland P. R. R. Co., 1 acre i 11 Midland P. R. R. Co., 3 acres, ... 2 13 Midland P. R. R. Co., 3 acres, ... 1 45 Midland P. R. R. Co., 1 acre. .... 68 |Midland P. R. R. Co., 2 acres, ... 1 13 | Midland P. R. R. Co., 1 acre Si Midland P. R. R. Co., 1 acre 91 I Midland P. R. R. Co., % acre 69 i Midland P. R. R. Co., H acre, ... I 16 ! Midland P. R. R. Co., 2j acres. ~ 277 ! Midland P. R. R. Co., 3 acres, ... 1 37 i Midland P. R. R. Co., 3 acres, .... 1 63 Midland P. R. R. Co., 2 acres 1 37 Midland P. R. R. Co., acres, .. 1 75 Midland P. R. R. Co.. 3 acres 1 51 ' Midland P. R. R. Co., 3V, acres, .. 87 I WaNhlngton Township SJerby, Jonathan, 3 acres moun tainland 72 |" i Stroup, J. C., 14 acres mountain land 2 16 i West Hanover Township Allen, Wm. F., 2 acres mountain land i on : Hartman Co.. 21 acres mountain- " " land 3 84' Zimmerman. P. A., 10 acres 80. Wlcodlnco Towunhlp Amanda Burd, 1 lot. West Ly- ■ 1 kens :j 3 i ( Fisher & Jones, 1 acre. West Ly- , kens . l 42 Keiser, Daniel, Est., 6 lots, Coal- 1 dale, 2 1 4 i ! Kuch, Thomas. Est.. 1 lot, Wal- i nut 1 05 | Pinkerton, Geo. A., V« lot, R. R., 71 11 Romberger, Peter, Est., 3 lots, !, Shoops Junction 1 40 I Stewart, M. G., 1 lot. West Ly kens \ ' 1 40 1 Savage. E. G.. Est., 10 lots, West "|i Lykens ~, 5 63 1 Bateman, George and Jane, 3 lots, South St. 73 Williams Township Wainwright, John J., 2 lots Broad St 36 ji Kramer, Theodore, 17 acres, north of Broad St 90 Williams Valley Water Co., 1 lot, north of Broad St 451 E. Sterling Light Co., 1 lot. East ! Precinct 45 Resorts MONTICELLini ■▼D riOTED PDRirS OXELIfNT TABLE^J? ATLAVIIr CITY'S FIXKST HOTEL AT MOPKR ATK KATKB: mo<»t desirably located Kontucky Ar#». and Beach. Choice rnoniH, private bfithfl. Intert Improvement*. Hmrs bed*. Attractive lobby and garlorn. Capacity 500. Cool veranda*. Good mnnlc. oclal feature*. 10th year ownership manafrem* nt. I Frenh vegetable* and poultry, prime meat*, nearby , ejfjj*. All food fttippllen of finest quality. Special rates ; |2.00 up dally. $lO. up weekly. Am. plan Auto nin ta | trains. Descriptive folder mailed. A.Conrad Kkholm Charles B. Cluck Carpenter and Builder I Jobbing promptly attended to; screen I doors and windows a specialty; also ; fine cabinet work. Call Bell Phone 1317-J. 2200 Logan Street I P. A. LUTZ, M. D. gff B Practicing Physician UL Medicine and Electricity T Practice Confined to Office Only Try Telegraph Want Ads. STIRT WORK MONDAY I UPON JUi WINDOWS Ensign Company Contractor Ready , to Go Ahead; Metal Is on the Way ty iMiginuer c. M. 'Hershey yesterdqy that the ironwork was ready for ship ment here and that the equipment would be in such shape as to make it possible to BO ahead with the Job. Twenty-six windows on each side of the older part of the prison will be changed by enlarging them to four by two foot openings. Now they are nar row slits twenty inches long by a couple of inches wide. To put in the new windows it will be necessary to cut through three feet of solid ma sonry. According to Air. Hershey's design, the windows will afford ample ■light and air and will bg so con structed with movable transoms that the occupant may regulate his own supply of fresh air from the inside. The bars will be on the outer sill. Two windows, one on the upper and one on the lower floor, will be changed at a time on each side of the jail so that the walls supporting the upper brickwork of the third floor mav not be weakened. \\ ants Detective License.—Applica tion by John Diehl for a detective's license will be made to-morrow to the Dauphin County Court by B. F. Nead hip counsel. Davies Appointed Trustee. Frank H. Davies was appointed as trustee in bankruptcy for L. Kamsky at a meet ing of the creditors yesterdav in the office of Referee John T. Olmsted At the Register's Oflice. —Letters on the estates of the following were granted to-day: IJaniel Sweigard, Mid , dletown. to Annie R.: Emma Sheesley, to Mary Rrenneman, city; Amelia Rrenneman. to Herbert W.. city; the wills of David H. Kuhns, Upper Pax ton. probated and letters islued to Ed ward E. Kuhns. Omnibus Anti-trust Bill Again Taken Up M.v Associated Press Washington, June 2.—The Clayton omnibus'anti-trust bill was again lie fore the House to-day with prospects that the detailed consideration of the | measure would be completed before adjournment. Rapid progress has been made by the House, only five of the twenty-two sections of the bill re maining to be disposed of. Adoption of the amended labor provision that no labor or farmers' organizations snail be held to be a combination or conspiracy in restraint of trade fea tured yesterday's consideration of the measure. When the House convened to-day the section of the bill limiting the use of the injunction in labor dis putes was taken up. CABINET APPEARS BEFORE POIXCARE AM) RESIGNS Paris, June 2.—Premie Gaston Doumergus and his colleagues of the French cabinet went to the Palace of the Elysee to-day and resigned col lectively to President Poincare. POT SULPHUR 08 i IBS SKIN 10 END ECZEMA Says this old-time Eczema rem edy is applied like cold cream. Any irritation or breaking out on the face, arms, legs or body when ac companied by itching, or when the skin is dry and feverish, can be read ily overcome by applying a little bold sulphur cream, says a noted derma tologist. He states that bold-sulphur instant ly allays the angry itching and irrita tion and soothes and heals the Eczema right up leaving the skin clear and smooth. Bold-sulphur has occupied a I secure position for many years in the I treatment of cutaneous disorders be ! cause of its parasite-destroying prop erty. Nothing has ever been found to | take its place in treating the irritable I and inflammatory skin affections. While not always establishing a per ! manent cure it never fails to subdue I the itching irritation and drive the ! Eczema away and it is often years I later before any eruption again ap- I pears on the skin. Those troubled should obtain at [any pharmacy an ounce of bold-sul- Iphur cream which is applied to the affected parts in the same manner as lan ordinary cold cream. This is published for Walter Luther Dod&3 Co., Cincinnati, O." Superfluous Hair Disappears Like Magic New Woriilfr Mnkrx It UnnrrrNNary to I Mr Ilonxrrouii, Disfiguring Klec trlc Needle or HuruiuK I'nnten, renders or Mquoda Every woman in this vicinity who suffers the deep humiliation and em barrassment of superfluous hair and who has used any or all of the worth less advertised depilatories in a frantic search for lasting relief, will rejoice to learn that an entirely new method has been found which quickly and painless ly eradicates all signs or ugly repulsive hair growths and produces positive, complete and certain results in every Instance. This remarkable master stroke of modern chemistry can now be obtained by sufferers through the en terprise of a well-known woman who succeeded in permanently removing every trace of her own hairy growths after all else had failed. In her honor it is called Mrs. Osgood's Wonder. Ii is the only effective eradlcator that never falls to remove all signs of nuper fluous hair smoothly and painlessly and without injury to the skin or com plexion. In a surprisingly large num ber of cases It has succeeded In killing the hair roots, source of all growth, so that It has never returned. Kennedy's Medicine Store has been fortunate In securing a supply of Mrs. Osgood's Wonder which you can se cure on the guarantee of money-back if It fails: or any other up-to-date Drug or Department Store can supply you or get it for yox Ask for It by name. Mrs. Osgood s Wonder. A signed guar antee comes with every package, but do not forget that while there Is no danger of applying this amazing dis covery to even the most sensitive skin it should not he used except where totai destruction of the hair wherever ap plied is Ucaired. —Advertisement. 4 f HINDUS START RIOT i ON BOARD STEAMER ! Officers Hustled Down Gangway: and Rushed Into Guard Launch Vancouver, B. C„ June 2.—Restive I at being kept on board the Japanese i steamer Komagata Maru, at anchor j i a half mile from the shore of the j land they desired to enter, 100 Hin-, | dus last night started a riot. They | i.tacked two guards who had been j placed on board by the immigration officials. Although the officers were armed, they submitted to the angry East Indians, and allowed themselves to be rushed along the deck and down the gangway into a guard I launch alongside. Within twenty minutes a squad of' city police had hurried in automobiles to« the wharf and Chief Immigration Inspector Reid and thirty armed con stables went aboard. Ta them the leader of the Hindu party explained that his men had mutinied because their landing had been delayed ten days. The inspector and his men came ashore but ten armed with rifles ■ were assigned to maintain patrol aboard a launch around the ship all night. The adn.ission of 600 Chinese who arrived by the Empress of Russia on Saturday it was thought angered the Hindus who considered that as Brit ish subjects they had rights of entry ahead of the Chinese. PERSONAL [Other Personals on Page ■!.] WALKING CLUB PICNIC AT PAXTANG YESTERDAY The closing outdoor meeting of the Harrisburg Walking Club was held at Paxtang Park yesterday with a 6 o'clock supper served after a walk through the woods and surrounding country. Among the members and friends in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Dowdell, Miss Ruth Dowdell. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Z. Shope, Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Walter, Mr. and Mrs. William 13d mondaon, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Her man Marsh, Mrs. Henry Henderson, of Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunt Lyon and children. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Drumheller, Mr. and Mrs. Scott and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. William Nelson, Mrs. Leedy, Mrs. Fettis and children, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Orr, Mrs. J. L. Keane. Mrs. Charles P. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Ferre and Miss Dorothy Ferree. J MEMORIAL DAY PARTY AT OAK KNOB. MT. GRETNA Among the enjoyable events of Me morial Day was a house party at Oak Knob. Mount Gretna, chaperoned by Mrs. David Marks. The young people spending the time in picturesque walks, boating and sports were the' Misses Anna Stotz, Martha Miller, Bernice Marshall. Edna Erl). Nora Lerew and Stella Saltsman. Eli Miller, Harry Mark. Charles Stotz, Charles Grow, George Stotz and Wil liam Nunemakcr. AWAY FOR THE SUMMER Mrs. George Douglas Ramsay, of 101 Locust stret. with Miss Mary K. Bent, of Philadelphia, will leave the latter part of the month for Montrose, Pa., near Binghamton, N. Y., where they will spend the summer season. Later Mrs. Ramsay will go to New port, R. 1., where she will be the guest of Airs. Dußarry. LYRE CLUB ENTERTAINS Thirty-five members and friends of the Lyre Club spent Memorial Day at the club's remodeled cottage along the Conodoguinet. Outdoor sports were followed by a real country din ner at 6 o'clock, with speeches and music. The club will give a June dance at Summerdale, for which invi tations will soon be issued. Miss Opal McCans has returned to her home. 36 North Eighteenth street, after spending the week in Shippens burg, where she attended the high school commencement. Woman Badly Burned When Clothing Ignites * MRS. ANNA OR 10 Elf Burned, when her clothing c«ught fire while she was cooking, this morn ing. Mrs. Anna Green, 605 Herr street, was saved from death by neighbors, who rushed in when they heard her screams and smothered the (lames. She is In a serious condition In the Harris burg Hospital. York County Farmer Loses SIO,OOO on Fake Race in Philadelphia Philadelphia, June 2. —J. Ellison Hess a farmer, living near York, Pa., reported to the police last night that he had been fleeced out of SIO,OOO by two young men by means of the old time fake poolroom scheme. According to Hess, the men got his money by making a fake bet on a horse race. Hess was unable to tell the police the poolroom he visited, but gave them a good description of the men. ' Hess is 60 years old. His son, who accompanied him to police headquar ters. is a teacher in the Atlantic City high school. INSPECT TROOP Inspection of the headquarters of Major Fred M. Ott, commander of the Second Squadron of Cavatry, and of Captain George C. Jack's Governor's Troop was made last night by Major! Matthew H. Taggert, Inspectoral the Fourth Brigade, National Guard. In 1 the afternoon the quartermaster! stores and camp equipment were in spected. In 'the evening the troop inspection was held. An Inspection i drill was a feature. I BIG PRESBYTERIAN RH JULY 30 ! Hundreds of Harrisburgers Ex pected to Be Among Big Crowd at Pen-Mar hhbhmmmm July 30, it Is an nounced by the com mittee in charge of arrangements, will be the date of the an nual Presbyterian re- union at Pen-Mar this * iH.. Presbyterians from • ..'t/jHI all over Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Vir hfcjjfllfHklT Klnia will be among those who will help BULljni swell the crowds at the annual event. Har- R» . rlsburg usually sends h i Hi.IuUV several hundred peo ple to Pen-Mar and doubtless will do the same this year. The Rev. Harry B. King, p;yrtor of Paxton Presby terian Church, Paxtang, is chairman of-the local arrangement committee. Special trains will leave Harrisburg for the reunion grounds. To Sp«>ak at Commencement. ln the absence of the pastor of Messiah l.utheran Church next Sunday the pul pit will be occupied by the Rev. C. P. Wiles, editor of the Augsburg Lu -1 theran, a church publication, and re garded as one of the strongest living preachers in the Lutheran Church. The Rev. Mr. Hanson will be at Get tysburg, where he will preach at the commencement exercises of the theo logical seminary. Is Caesar Dead? No He's in County Jail Caesar the Great is in the Dauphin i county jail awaiting papers which will I send him back to Frederick, Md., to answer a charge of larceny. Caesar, i who differs from the great Julius in color, was arrested by Patrolmen Par- I 1 sons and Murphy last night. A warrant from Frederick charged I Caesar with stealing S9O last Feb'ru ' ary from F. Mcßell, an employer. At 1 the police station Caesar said his right , name was David, but because of his ; stature he was known at home as "Caesar the Great." Mrs. Caesar was : arrested with her husband. [ Later in the night, Jsabelle Temple, I a sister of Caesar, with Robert Jones, colored, and Katie Wise, a white woman, were arrested in Christy Court for lighting. Cornplanter Tribe to Go After Prizes Cornplanter Tribe, No. 60, Im proved Order of Red Men, will leave - Harrisburg Monday, June 11, for ' Philadelphia, with thirty-five members • and a band This tribe is after the I I prize for having the finest costumes •j in the State. They will attend the an ■ nual meeting of the Grand Council and participate in the parade. Harrisburg will made a bid for the convention next year. A Hint for Coming Maternity In a little book designed for expectant mothers more complete instruction is given In the use of "Mother's Friend." This Is an external embrocation applied to the abdominal muscles for the purpose of reducing the strain on ligaments, cords and tendons. In thus bringing relief and avoiding I i pain great good is accomplished. It j serves to ease the mind, indirectly has a I most beneficial effect upon the nervous system and thousands of women have delightedly told how they were free of nausea, had no morning sickness and went through the ordeal with most re markable success. "Mother's Friend" has been growing in popular favor for more than forty years. In almost every com munity are grandmothers who used it themselves, their daughters have used it and they certainly must know what a blessing it is when they recommend It so *vurtnl\ Strictly an external application It has no other effect than to ease the muscles, cords, tendons and ligaments Involved hence Is perfectly safe to use by all women. It is used very successfully to prevent caking of breasts. "Mother's Friend" is prepared in the laboratory of Bradfleld Regulator Co., 404 Lamar Bldg.. Atlanta, Ga. Business Locals DO YOU KNOW OSCAR? It is sufficient to say that he is the famous chef at Waldorf Astoria Hotel. "Oscar's Sauce" became so popular among the guests of this exclusive hos telry, as a relish for hot or cold meats and game, that ho consented to place it on the market so his friends might have it on their home tables. This and other appetizing relishes at S. S. j Pomeroy's, the Market Square Grocer. SLICES OF GOODNESS : Cut from the golden loaves of Butter- j . niit or Holsum bread. There is genuine; goodness in every mouthful. Delight- | ful in flavor and taste and uniform in I quality. A bread that is different and | it is the difference that makes it BU-L perlor to the other kind. Ask your grocer for Butternut or Holsum. A NEW COAT ON YOUR WAGON; It Is just as necessary to put a new coat of paint on your wagon or auto- I mobile as it is to put a new coat on 1 yourself. It not only prolongs the ■ life of the vehicle by protecting the material, hut the improved appearance is a social or business advantage. We i are vehicle brush artists. Shaffer . Wagon Works, 80 South Cameron street. SPEED BY SAVING In using a Stewart Piston Gas Saver on your automobile you gain from 16 to 25 per cent, in speed and save from 20 to 40 per cent, in gasoline. Cost little to install and money back if not satisfactory. Have one installed now by E. Mother Co., 204 Walnut street. REGRETS The world Is full of folk wailing "I , wish I had, I wish I had." If you're! in that chorus pull away and perk up. 1 This advice has special reference to ! Automobile Insurance. If you argue I that It's unnecessary you are non com- 1 pos mentis. If you say you can't af i ford it—sell the auto. If you're wise Unsure with Essick in the Aetna ' ilk, . WOMEN FROM 45 to 55 TESTIFY To the Merit of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com pound during Change of Life. , Westbrook, Me. •• I was passing through the Change of Life and had y"W>VVM!;yv,!''||J pains in my back f'! an( ' s 'de and was so '■['•jj|l weak I could hardly Ml jifit do my housework, ife* I have taken Lydia §II A W,. E. Pinkham's Vege- II J table Compound and I'm jF '' k BB done me a lot V- * j of good. I will re commend your med \tYtZ/7// i/ ' c ' ne t° my friends \//]///( and give you permis ''—*■ sion to publish my testimonial." Mrs. LAWRENCE MAR TIN, 12 King St, Westbrook, Maine. Manston, Wis. "At the Change of Life I suffered with pains in my back and loins until I could not stand. I also had night-sweats so that the sheets would be wet I tried other medicine but got no relief. After taking one bot tle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I began to improve and I continued its use for six months. The pains left me, the night-sweats and hot flashes grew less, and in one year I was a different woman. I know I have to thank you for my continued good health ever since." Mrs. M. J. BROWNELL, Manston, Wis. The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's i Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, is unparalleled in such cases. If yon want special adyice write to ! lydia E. Pinkliam Medicine Co. (confl t dential) Lynu, Mass. Tour letter Trill [ be opened, read and answered by a , woman, and held lu strict confidence. To Clear the Complexion Take Lax Links Many w«mcn have a blotchy, sallow, j pimply complexion because they are ; subject to constipation. Purgative medi ! cines do not bring about the desir ed relief, but Lax Links, those delicious | tandy laxatives, exquisitely flavored i with the oil of spearmint, will quickly j stop constipation and thus stop poison [ ing the blood. They contain no habit . forming or poisonous druirs, and for . that reason are highly praised by phy . I sicians. They act properly upon the I liver, causing the bile, which is Nature's i own laxative, to flow freely. As they are a dainty confection in themselves, they are ideal and safe to give to chil dren and invalids. Sold by all druggists ■ 10c and 25c boxes. Write for ~ freel sample. Boro Salicine Co., Philadelphia n j a EVERY of Kelley's Broken. Egg, I Stove and Nut Coal bought in June will still cost you 50c less. 1 It's the last month to buy j Coal at the year's lowest arices. H. M. KELLEY & CO. , 1 N. Third St.—loth & State Sts. Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In Effect May 24, 1914 , TRAINS leave Harrisburg— For Winchester and Martinsburg at 5:30, *7:50 a. m.. *8:10 p. m. ; For Hagerstown, Chamber, bnrg, Car lisle. Mechanicsburg and intermediate I stations at 5:03, *7:50, *11:53 a. m.. j*3:4o, 5:32, *7:40. *11:00 p. m. i Additional trains for Carlisle and I Mechanicsburg at 0:48 a. m., 2:18, 3:27. ! U:3O. 0:30 a. m. For Dlllsburg at 5:03, *7:50 and | *11:53 a. m„ 2:18, *3:40, 5:32 and G:3O p. m. •Daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE, J H. TONGIC, G. P. A. | Supt. I EDUCATIONAL Speed in Stenography DURING JUNE AND JULY. ENROLL ANY MONDAY. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 15 S. MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA. Harrisburg Business College Day anu Night Business, Shorthand and Civil Service. In dividual Instruction. 28th year. 329 Market St Harrisburg. Pa. I UJVDKHTAKKK9 RUDOLPH K. SPICER | Funeral Director and Embahner ■l3 Walnut St. Sail PhoM Try Telegraph Want Ads. >