Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 01, 1914, Page 8, Image 8
8 WBpjS 1 ' „ / * • •' * <t • * ? MONDAY EVENING. HAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 1, 1914. fECH TUCK IBM WINS IHQTHER MEET Give Gettysburg a Big Surprise; Bring Home Silver Trophy Winning the dual track meet from 'Gettysburg College fresfcmen on Sat urday, Technical high school added another silver cup to the many tro phies won this season. Tech's score Hvas 65. Gettysburg had 61 points. (The result was a great surprise to Get tysburg athletesi Tech had several Bccond team men hi their events who helped in landing the honors. The fcuj) was presented by the Harrlsburg alumni of Gettysburg College. Tech's team has not lost a meet this year. The point winners on Saturday were Captain Garland, Heffelflnger, Beck, E'scheid, Anderson, Emanuel, Moltss, Davles, Miller and Stansfleld. Tech has won out in tbe following meets: Championship of Pennsylvania in state high school meet held in Harris burg; Penn State interscholastic. at State College dual; meet with Mer jersburg Academy second team at Mercersbnrg; relay race at Franklin Field. Philadelphia, April 25. and dual meet with Central high school team Dne week ago. The. summaries: 100-Yard Dash—Woo by H. Bos took. Gettysburg; second, Weirman. Gettysburg; third, HerfleKinger, Tech. JSrime, 10 2-5 seconds. 120-Yard High Hardies—-Won by ps'lgtvtingale. Gettysburg; second. An- Wlerson, Tech; third. Beck. Tech. Time, |b7 1-6 seconds. i One-Mile —Matz, Gettysburg; sec {ond, Garland, Tech; third, G. Miller, ETeolk Time. 4 minutes 33 2-5 seconds [ 440-Yard Dash —Won by Boetock, IQeitysburg; second, Heffelflnger, Tech; (third, Stanstieid, Tech. Time, 52 1-5 peecoods. . Two-Mile —Won by Garland, Tech; second. Cannen, Gettysburg; third, feloltz, Tech. Time, 10 minutes 25 1-5 ■seconds. 220-Yard Low Hurdles Won by Bightingaie, Gettysburg; second, Beck, ech; third. Lloyd, Tech. Time, 27 3-5 Seconds. Half-Mlle—Won by Matz. Gettys burg; second, Britsch, Tech; third, [DemmJng. Time, 2 minutes 7 seconds. 220-Yard Dash—Won by Bostock, (Gettysburg; second, Weirman, Gettys burg; third. Daviea, Tech. Time, 23 3-5 Seconds. Shot Pirb—'Won by Beck, Tech; sec jond, Zollinger, Gettysburg; third, LEmanuel, Tech. Distance, 45 feet 2 Undies. High Jump—Won by Fitzpatrick, KTech; second, Bostock, Gettysburg; (third, Welshaar, Gettysburg. Height, 16 feet 7 inches. Hammer Throw —Won by Elscheid, |Tech: second, J. Miller, Tech; third, tßoyer, Gettysburg. Distance, 128 feet (6 inches. Broad Jump—Won by Bostock, Get tysburg; second, Eyster, Tech: third, [Beck, Tech. Distance, 20 feet 11 Inches. Discus Throw Won by Elscheid, fTech; second, Royer, Gettysburg; •third, Emanuel, Tech. Distance, 106 (feet fi inches. Pole Vault—Won by Yoder, Tech; |second Anderson, Tech; third, Wei ls ha ar, Gettysburg. " SATURDAY COLLEGE SCORES Cornell, 3; Penn, 1. » Princeton, 3; Yale, 1. Army, 8; Navy, 2. Georgetown, 9; Fordham, 6. Holy Cross, 5; Dartmouth, 4. Williams, 6; Amherst, 4. Lafayette, 2; Ursinus, 1. Delaware, 12; West Maryland, 2. Penn Fresh, 3; Cornell Fresh, 1. Michigan A. C„ 8; Michigan, 1. Chinese University, 4; Columbia, 2. FIRST BASEBALL DEATH By Associated Press Fort Worth. Texas, June I.—Roy Mimms, 30, died yesterday a few min 'utes after he had been struck over the head by a ball while at hat. in a baseball game between two amateur teams. Correct for Summer 1914 Button -less back %/jon (p/Tars Brand 11 in America tJM l fcl) SHIRT & COLLAR, CO. TROY.N.Y. "Tl^ess' Lowest Prices, Greatest Mileage on Extra Heavy Tires Double Cured Wrapped Thrend FIRSTS: Price* Subject to Change Without Notice 28x3 Plain Tread, $7.(17 Tubes, $1.85 30x3 » 7.8(1 » J. 95 30x3 Ms " 10.—K •> a .48 31x3% " 10. HO » 2.50 32x3V4 ' " 11.18 " 2.55 33x8% ." H.«O » 2.65 34x3% " lU.7S 2.75 30x4 " 14.10 » a.«o 31x4 » 14.58 >• 3.05 32x4 •• 15.12 » 3.15 33x4 " 15.73 » 3.25 34x4 " 16.33 » 3.35 35x4 » 18.57 » 3.45 38x4 » 10.45 " 3.55 Will ahlp C. O. I). auhjeet to exam ination. Give me your orders Ahead If possible. J. A PLANK 1017 MARKET ST. Harrisburg Pa. Bell Phone 3358 Next to Keystone Motor Co. Ask for Quotations on Firestone Seconds—All Sices. Jeff Really Ought to Get a Secretary By "Bud" Fisher ; . - : ■ r— \ r 6UNWT 1 Yetl 1 KA * ou/ < \ f r -nrt VITM . MAOMua I* I J 6u*r X fA6 AN THe I POYDOHWW . v J \ T«e DAY or I MAY i f I pardon <v\6 Bvr r \ could VOU "HELL 1O A / roee*uߣ, HOu; STUPID I THI% IS? I, \ op : 1 I ~ Newport Takes Two From Methodist Boys Special to The Telegraph Newport, Pa., June I.—Two victor ies marked the opening of the base ball season here Saturday. Newport defeated the Methodist Club in the morning, score 9 to 1; and in the aft ernoon, 12 to 7. A home run, one of the longest hits ever made on Marshall field, by N. Ford featured the afternoon game. The score by innings: Morning Game — Methodist *... 00000001 0 1 7 3 Newport ..... 10010250 x 912 1 Batteries —N. Ford, Light; Horner, WaltZ. nHt , Afternoon Game — _ ; Methodist ... 00040030 0— 7 12 4 Newport .... 02045000 x—■-11 11 2 Batteries —Hefflefinger and Light; Regester and R. Wagner. V Baseball Today; Scores of Yesterday Tri-Slnte League Allentown at llarrlsburg. Wilmington at t ork. Trenton at Reading Rational League IVcw York at Philadelphia- Boston at Brooklyn I- games). Cincinnati at St. Louis. Pittsburgh at Chicago. American League Philadelphia at New York (1! names) Washington at Boston. S-i. Louis at Cleveland. Chicago at Detroit. Federal League Baltimore at Brooklyn. Indianapolis at St. Louis. Chicago at Kansas « ity. Buffalo at Pittsburgh. WHERE THEY PLAY" TOMORROW Trl-S'tate League Allentown at llnrrisliiirg. Trenton at Heading. Wilmington nt York. National l.eiieiie New York al Philadelphia. Boston nt Brooklyn 12 tames). Pittsburgh at Chicago. Cincinnati at St. Louis. American League Philadelphia at New York (3 somes) WaslilnKton at Boston. St. Louis nt Cleveland. Chicago at Detroit. Federal l.eaicur Chicago at Kansas City. Buffalo ni Pittsburgh. Baltimore at Brooklyn. Indlnnnpolls at St. Louis. SCORES OF YESTERDAY National League Cincinnati. 2; Pittsburgh, 1. Cincinnati. St Pittsburgh, 5 (sec ond games I) Inningsi darkness). Chicago, 11; St. Louis, 1. American League Chicago, 0; Cleveland, 1. St. i.onis, 4) Detroit, 1. Federal League Chicago, 1; Indianapolis, O. Kansas City, 5s St. Louis, 3. STANDING OF THE TEAMS Tri-Stute League W. 1,. P.C. Ilarrlshurg 14 8 . 03(1 Reading 14 S .<>3(l Wlllilinirlon 10 II .520 Allentown 11 11 .not) Trenton I) 12 .421) York 5 13 .250 National League W. L. P.C. New York 21 11 .(Is(i Cincinnati 25 15 .1125 Pittsburgh 21 14 ,«oo Philadelphia 15 IS .455 St. Louis Ift 23 . 452 Chicago IS 22 .450 Brooklyn 14 IS .43S Boston 10 22 .313 American League W. L. P.C. Philadelphia 21 13 <1 IS Washington 23 15 .1105 Detroit 23 IT .575 St. Louis 18 111 .4811 Boston IT 1» .472 New York 10 II) .4K7 Chicago IS 22 .450 Cleveland 13 25 .342 Federal League W. L. P.C. Baltimore 22 II .0117 Chicago 18 17 .514 Buffalo 15 10 .484 St. Louis 18 20 .474 Kansas City 18 20 .474 Pittsburgh 11l 18 .471 Brooklyn 14 10 .407 Indlnnnpolls 15 18 .455 Intercollegiate Meet Brings New Champs; Two Records Broken Special to The Telegraph Cambridge, Mass., June I.—ln the intercollegiate championship athletic meet Saturday new records and new stars were made. Cornell won the meet with 40% points. Penn was second with 31 points; Michigan third with 29%. Two records were broken for the meet, both by Cornell athletes. J. 1. Hoffmire won the two-mile event in 9 minutes 23 4-5 seconds, while "Dave" Caldwell won the half-mile race in 1 minute 53 2-5 seconds. The weather was fine for the great Kaines and the track was in good con dition. The star event of the meet was the half-mile race. It was the most-talked-of event for weeks before the great games and the running of it was up to expectations. "Dave" Cald well, of Cornell, won the event arvl displaced the record set up by John Paul Jones by (wo-fifts of a second when he covered the distance in 1 min ute 53 2-3 seconds. The new champions are: 100-Yard Dash Bond, Michigan. Time, 10 seconds. 220-Yard Dash—Seward, Michigan. Time, 22 seconds. 440-Yard Dash Meredith, Penn. Time, 48 2-5 seconds. 880-Yard Run Caldwell, Cornell. Time, 1 minute 53 2-5 seconds (new intercollegiate record). One-Mile Run Speiden, Cornell. Time, 4 minutes 20 1-5 seconds. Two-Mile Run —Hoffmeire, Cornell. Time, 9 minutes 23 4-5 seconds (new intercollegiate record). 120-Yard Hurdles Braun, Dart mouth. Time. 15% seconds. 220-Yard Hurdles—Ferguson, Penn. Time, 2 5 1-5 seconds. High Jump—Oler, Yale, and Nich ols, California, tied. Height, 6 feet 2 inches. . Broad Jump—Nordell, Dartmouth. Distance, 22 feet 8% inches. Pole Vault—Milton, Cornell; Buck, Dartmouth, and ("amp, Harvard, tied. Height, 12 feet 3 inches. Hammer Throw—Kohler, Atichigan. Distance, 157 feet V> inch. Shot Put—Beatty, Columbia. Dis tance, 48 feet 4 inches. Millersburg Wins in Opening Game Special to The Telegraph Millersburg, Pa.. June I.—Before a crowd of more than one thousand baseball fans Millersburg easily de feated Halifax on the local grounds Saturday. An error in the fourth in ning prave Halifax their only run. Bow man's home run drive in the third inning, which brought in three other runs, couple with Franke's pitching, were the features. The score: MILLERSBURG R. H. O. A. E. Hawley, l.f 1 j 3 1 0 Seal, 2b 2 0 3 0 1 Frye. r.f 1 0 0 0 0 Kowraan, c.f 2 2 4 0 0 Kahler, lb 0 0 5 0 3 R. Miller. 3b 0 0 0 2 1 Wagner, 3b 0 2 0 1 0 Spong, c 0 0 11 0 0 S. Miller, ss 0 0 0 2 1 Franke, p 0 1 1 1 0 Totals 6 6 27 7 ~6 HALIFAX R. H. O. A. E. Butter. 3b 0 0 1 2 0 P. Bowman, lb 0 0 10 1 1 Poffenberger, 2b 0 1 2 0 0 Ryan, ss 0 1 0 2 0 G. Schroyer, c.f. 0 0 3 0 0 H. Bowman, l.f 1 0 1 0 0 Straw, r.f 0 0 1 0 0 J. Schroyer, c 0 0 6 3 0 Prenzel, p 0 0 0 3. 0 S. Bowman, p 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 1 2 24 12 1 Millersburg .. 0 0 402000 x—6 Halifax 00010000 o—l Two Cup Defenders Will Have Dual Race By Associated Press New York. June I.—Two of the three cup class yachts, Resolute and Vanitie. were ready to-day for the first trial contest to-morrow in the long series of races which will termi nate in August in the selection of a, defender of the America's cup. The third yacht. Defiance, will not be pre pared to meet her rivals until the last of the week, perhaps not until Juno 12, owini* to radical alterations which an* ' being made in her top hamper. Excitiag Games Are Promised by Majer and Minor League Harrisburg Will Have Their First Double-header at Island Park With the Teutons Tomorrow By "Umi>" Things happened in the baseball world Saturday. Results put new teams In the lead in many of the league races and brought others closer up in the chase. Harrisburg broke even on the day. Heading took two victories and tied up with Harrisburg for first place. Three Tri-State teams loom uf> as big factors in the chase. Harrisburg will play Allentown to day, and the first double-header with the Teutons to-morrow. Byers Is out of the game with a' torn ligament and will be in the hos pital for two weeks. Rote will play with Harrisburg and hold down third base, if he can arrange to get away with the team. lis WIN MEET ON ACHY FIELD New Records Hung Up in Eight of the Events; Competi tion Close In the annual duel meet at Har risburg Academy, Saturday afternoon, the Romans won. New records were hung up in a number of the events. The meet was not decided until the final event was finished. The upper and lower ,gchools had close contests. The final score was: Romans, fiO; Greeks, 37. Mclaughlin starred for the Romans with nineteen points. Shotwell lead for the Greeks with fifteen points. One second was cut from the eight hundred and eighty yard dash record by Shotwell two-fifths of a second was chopped off the one hundred yard hurdle record, by Mclaughlin; Mc- Laughlin in the two hundred and twenty yard dash dropped several sec onds. Krall in the high jump, Grove in the shotput and McLaughlin in the one hundred yard dash each made better school records. The summar ies: 100 yard dash, first head —First, Mc- Laughlin, R.; second, Seitz, G. Time. 11 seconds. Second heat, first, Krall, R.; second, Stackpole, R. Time, 11 3-5. 880 yard run—First, Shotwell, G.; second, Bennett, R. Time, 2.18. Low ering school record by one second. Orange race (lower school)— First, McCaleb, R. Tug of war (lower school) —First, Greeks. 100 yard hurdles—McLaughlin, R., and Krall, R., tied. Time, 13 2-5 sec onds, breaking the school record by 2-5 of a second. 440 yard dash —First, Krall, R.; second, Kunkel, G. Time, 59 1-5. This stands as the school record. Sack race (lower school)— First, England, R.; second, McCaleb, R. Mile run—First, Shotwell, G.; sec ond, Muckj G. Time, 5,10. Football relay (lower school) — Greeks. * 220 yard dash —First, McLaughlin, It.; second, Krall, R. Time, 25 1-5, es tablishing a new record. Pass back (lower school)— Romans. Tug of war (lower school) Ro mans. Two mile run—First, Shotwell, G.; second, Buck, G. Time, 11-35, estab lishing a new record. High jump—First, Krall, R.; sec ond, Stewart, G. Height, 5 feet 1 inch, establishing a new record. Shot put—First, Grove; second, Krall. Distance, 37 feet 7 inches, breaking Grove's own record. 100 yard dash, finals—First, Mc- Laughlin; second, Krall. Time, 11 seconds; new record. Carrying the colors—Romans. Broad jump—First, McLaughlin, H.; second, Seitz, G. Distance, 17 feet 2 U inches. In the big leagues the Athletics and New York hold the lead in their re spective organiations. Connie Mack's boys have been working like Trojans to get to the top. in the Central Pennsylvania League the New Cumberland team is going hot foot after the pennant. With the additon of the State College stars who played Saturday it looks as if the other teams will have to get more speed in order to beat the cross river team out. New Cumberland took two games on Saturday. The second was an easy proposition, Highspire showing miser able work in the field and being un able to hit at the right time. Middle town and Steelton had two close bat tles and it looks as if these teams will be hated rivals again this season. Second Honors For Steelton High Team In the annual invitation lnterschol astic meet at Reading Saturday, Steel ton High came in second for honors. Reading was first .capturing every thing but the weight events. G. Wilson, of Radnor High, 'jroke the record in the discus event it 108 feet 7 inches. The record was 103 feet. Summaries: 100-yard dash—First, Albert, Read ing, and Krout Steelton, tie for first; third, Dambly, Norristown; fourth Strasmic, Steelton. Time—lo 3-5 seconds. 220-yard dash Won by Krout, Steelton; second, Albert, Reading; third, Pierce, Reading; fourth, liock er, Steelton. Tjme—24 1-5 seconds. 880-yard run Won by Sellers, Steelton; second, Hendricks, Reading; third, Cornog, Radnor; fourth, Red cay,Reading. Time—2.o7. One-mile run—Won by Hendricks, Reading; second, Kleinspehn, Read ing; third. Redcay, Reading; fourth, Jeffries, Steelton. Time—4.s4 1-5. 150-yard high hurdles AVon by Lereh, Reading; second, Shipp, Steel ton; third, Miles, Reading. Time— -18 2-5 seconds. 220-yard low hurdles Won by Charlton, Reading; second, DayhofC, Steelton; third,, Kremp, Reading. Time—29 2-5 seconds. One-mile reday—Won by Reading; second, Norristown; third, Wilming ton; fourth, Radnor. Time—3.4o 1-5 High jump—Won by Lerch, Read ing; second, Perot, Norristown; third, Finn, Norristown; fourth, Yearsley. Wilmington. Height—s feet 6 inches. Broad jump—Won by Shelly, Steel ton: second, Downing, Radnor; third, Newstetter, Reading; fourth, Albert, Reading. Distance—2o feet 4% inches Pole vault—Tie for first, Shoffner, Norristown, and Schmael, Reading; tie for third, Shelly, Steelton, and Phillips, Norristown, and Newstetter, Reading. Height— 10 feet 3 inches. Shotput—Won by Wilson, Radnor; second. Crump, Steelton; third. Cor nog, Radnor; fourth, Dambly, Norris town. Ristance—42 feet inches Discus throw—Won by Wilson, Rad nor; second, Dambly, Norristown; third, Crump, Steelton; fourth, Troup, Reading. Distance—loß feet 7 inches. Country Club Team Wins Fifth Match Harrisburg Country Club golf play ers won the fifth match in the series with the Reservoir Park club on Sat urday by a score of 12 to 4. These contests are for the Boyd-Payne cup and the club winning four matches is entitled to the trophy. The series now stands 3 to 2 in favor of Reservoir. It Is probable the next match will be played on the Reservoir links two weeks hence. The winners on Sat urday were: Country Club—Payne, captain, Rob ert McCreath, Fownes, L. McCreath, Sidas, Gross, Bent, Maguire, Todd, Dull. Mackenzie, Gaither. Reservoir Park—Corl, Kelly, Fager, I^oHKnecker. The matches were refereed by Stew art McEwnn, the Reservoir Park pro fessional, and T. J, Dinan, the Country Club professional. Princeton Manager Wins Many Honors; Is Harrisburg Boy Special to The Telegraph Princeton, N. J., June I.—Princeton's hockey team, intercollegiate champions of the past season, was managed by Jackson H. Boyd, of Harrisburg, a member of the senior class of the uni versity. Boyd served as assistant man ager last year. Greater responsibility fell upon the manager and captain this year, due to the fact that a pro fessional coach for the team was aban doned. The only defeat which the team suffered at the hands of college play ers was administered by Harvard in the first of a three-game series. Princeton won the other two. The annual statistics of the present graduating class ward Boyd the dis tinction of being the "best dressed" among his cla.ssmates. Aside from this he has been a member of the Right Wing Club, a senior organ ization, taking an active part in the interests of the club. He is a member of the American Whig Society and belongs to the Ivy Club. [Jackson H. Boyd is a son of the late John Y. Boyd and has been ac tively identified with sports at Prince ton for the past three years.] Saturday Scores by . Big and Little Teams Central League New Cumberland, 4; Highspire, 2. New Cumberland!, 1; Highspire, 1. Steelton, 3; Middletown, 2. Middletown, 3; Steelton, 0. Amateur Games Dinglestown, 10; Bressler, 2. Millersburg, 6; Halifax, 1. Englnehouse No. 1, 3; Mercers burg, 1. Harrisburg Post Office, 2; Elizabeth town, 2. Harrisburg Post Office, 3; Elizabeth town, 6. Lemoyne, 11; East. End A. C., 10. Lemoyne, 7; East End A. C., 3. Garnett A. C., 4; Enola A. C., 1. Duncannon A. C., 16; Agoga, 0. Duncannon A. C., 23; Agoga 3. Lebanon A. C., 12; Airncliffe, 0. Lebanon A. C., 0; Airncliffe, 1. St. Peter's Jrs., 5; Heinmel A. C., 4. Progress, 7; Hamilton, 4. N. C. Federals, 12; Enola Y. M. C. A.. 8. Hemlock Sluggers, 8; Eleventh Street, 7. Frog and Switch Stars, 8; West Side, 6. Enola R. 8., 15; Camp Curtin, 0. Enola R. 8., 18; Camp Curtin, 14. Marysville, 11; West End A. C., 5. Marysville Jrs., 14; Lucknow Jrs., 8. Keener A. C., 8; Dauphin A. C., 2 (12 innings). Lebanon Valley, 5; Hershey, 0. Oberlin, 5; Hick-a-Thrifts, 4. Saturday Winners in Speedway Races Winners in the automobile speedway races at Indianapolis on Saturday made new track records. The summary follows: First —Thomas, French entrant, in Lelage car. Time, 6 hours, 3 minutes, 45 99-100 seconds. This breaks all track records. Average time 82.47 miles an hour. Second —Duray, French entrant, In Peugeot car. Time. t> hours, 10 I minutes, 24 29-100 seconds. Third—Guot, French entrant, in a Delage car. Time 6 hours, 14 minutes, 1 75-100 seconds. Thomas's pace was more than one and a third miles a minute. It was nearly four miles an hour better than Dawson's time in the 1912 race. Thomas covered on the average one miles in less than three-quarters of a minute. ELECTRIC and MOTORS REPAIRED TELEGRAPH TO PI/AY ACADEMY The Telegraph baseball team will play the Harrisburg Academy on the Academy grounds to-morrow after noon. The team will leave Market Square in uniform at 3.50 o'clock. If you're going to be in the swim better dive into our stock no danger of touching bottom. The full tide of fashion is shown in our suits for men Swimming suits SI.OO. Vacation suits sls to S3O. Business suits S3O to sls. The practical, exacting man will find here exactly his particular suit. Pencil stripes on blues, grays and browns; checks and indistinct plaids distinct and distinguished. Tartans everything as you like it. TBE#aUB 320 Market Street EDUCATIONAL ~~ Speed in Stenography DURING JUNK AND JULY. ENROLL ANY MONDAY. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 15 S. MARKET SQUARE. HARRISBURG, PA. Harrisburg Business College Day and Night. Business, Shorthand and Civil Service. In. dividual Instruction. 28th year. 329 Market St Harrisburg, Pa, Merchant* Jt Miner* Ttana. Co. VACATION TRIPS Baltimore and Philadelphia "BV SEA" TO BOSTON. PROVIDENCE, SAVAN. IVAH, JACKSONVILLE Through tickets on sale from and t« All principal points including meals and stateroom accommodations on steamers Fine steamers. Best service. (ares. Staterooms de Luxe. Batha Marconi wireless. Automobiles carried Bend for booklet. City Ticket Office, 105 Sooth NlnU St.. Phlla.. Pa. W. P. Turner, P. T. H. Baltimore, Mdi OTIS Elevator Comp'y 28S. 3rd St