i iß7i Forty-Third Anniversary 1914 1 Tsowm£%t Tuesday, June Second to Saturday, June Sixth \ } To-morrow, Tuesday, June Second, BOWMAN & COMPANY make their Forty-Third Annual Commercial Bow to the < ['people of Harrisburg and vicinity and will celebrate this event with a Forty-Third Anniversary Sale. < ► Those who have attended these events in the past will know what this meansEXTRAORDINARY VALUE GIVING. < 5 Our Buyers have spent months of preparation searching the great markets of the world and have secured reliable, seasonable merchandise for every depart- < ► ment that will SET A NEW PACE IN VALUE-GIVING. < ) The result will be placed before you TO-MORROW in material appreciation of your patronage of the store. < < Attend every day. Opportunities you cannot afford to miss. * < j NECKWEAR Anniversarv "Clnrk" a f White Goods, Linens and' J You will need for vacation and outing trips. fvi w(4l J V/lv vIV W liX UliOvW d v ITV Cfiypo A q i \ 75c and SI.OO Venise collar and cuff sets. An- Sample neckwear consiting of fichus, Gladstone For Tuesday, First Day of the Celebration $1 28.66 Worth of regular price 69c. Anniversary price 430 i ► colars and guimpes, values from 75c to $2.50. IV/I 1 1* I" 1 d? If\ "7 C • ,nen table damask, $1.50 and $1.75 values, 72 ►'Anniversary price, each 43* Merchandise VOY vblU./ J ,nches w,de ' all hnen - beautiful designs. Anni- < J. BOWMAN'S Main Floor. , _ . versary price $1.43 i J —Glnvps Handkerchiefs 25 Great Clock Sur P rises at 43c each. Ranging in value from $1.75 to $lO Heavy P a.ter„ s ,; I UIUVCO, uaiLUA&LVi For years our "Clock" Surprises have afforded loads of fun for everybody. This year we hope to surpass all previous records. cxtl ' a lar S e Slze . $!-75 value, at $1.43 I ann T AatnAi* GnnnQ WHITE CHECKED DIMITY 5 Sal.Price. READ THE RULE OF THE "CLOCK" SURPRISES A^S^t. w : d ::!^S: L 16-button lenarth Milanese silk gloves, The person whose salescheck is on "file" last before the Alarm Clock Strikes in the department where the ourchase is made, will BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. ► double tipped, black only; regular price be given the opportunity to purchase the Surprise, worth from $1.75 to SIO.OO, for the Anniversary sale price of 43* -- I ~__ ~ ~ i $1.00; Anniversary price 43* .If the person entitled to the surprise does not wajnt it (and who wouldn't want it?) the same opportunity of purchase will be Men S & lOUtuS' SuitS ' For Tuesday Selling offered to the person whose salescheck is the next to the last on the file before the alarm clock strikes. You caii't afford to miss a day. -i? v> ' Ladies linen handkerchiefs, all white, 3 pairs women's thread silk hose, __ Baby bonnet, worth $3.75, for 43* suits'of all wool " worsted if ► wide hem; regular price 25c each; Anm- p i ain black, double high spliced heel, - wllitp _ kirt ' h L r 4 *l AI. worbteds ' cas s™eres, ►, versary price, 3 for 43* worth $3.00, for 43* f w °? h s3 ' 9B ' , f " Jf* homespuns and blue serge; special at < ► Children's handkerchiefs, fancy embroi- 3 men's dress shirts coat stvle at- pan lace curtains, woith $6,00, for $9.43 < ► dered corner; regular price 5c each; An- tached cuffs worth for 43<?! + % $1.50 and $2.00 odd vests taken from < 1 niversary price, a dozen 43* ' L) . ' ' f 1 1 1 One 9x12 Japanese matting rug, pat- $lO and $12.50 suits; special 43^5 1 Leather Gooods . oc lester nic epa ec copper cia //ML/ J | Jryv tern woven through, use either side, SI.OO working trousers in dark stripes A leather, leather lined handbag, tango for 43» /h -si worth ? 3 ~ 3 > f ° r 43f alKl mixtures; special at 43e • strap handle; regular pnee 75c; Anniver- * f /* o%\ Yellow ribbon tunic, made of two . Men's and youths'dark worsteds, suits " • Main 430 de^Sworih £sof or. ..43 * i worth s3 ' 9s ' *? $7 So'-Vedal'a,'"M43 ■ : : Laces & Embroideries J°l Ml . , How is this for Anniversary opportunity? 5 yards 45-inch flouncing, worth $lO, yII ' Jl I D >t•i nr -i a»4 -n ««*>*« .. . . L -. I Embroidered strips of allovers, flounc- for 'the patted 43* I IIH & » OB] Bo >' S Insh Mai1 ' WOrth $4 - 3 °' %. WALL PAPER ings, edges, galloons and insertions; each Wall Paper. Lot of wall paper, I\l\\ ///// „ , . ' F SPECIAL FOR BEDROOMS striD rontains five vxrds * values from 7ic A i r-/\ r i«| > ■ \l\\ rj II if Alen s wool csssimcrc rsincost, ! \ " 1 - worth $3.50, for 43* t\\U U <R7 =SO for 4U- 10 single rolls of sidewall, 20 yards of to $2.50 a strip; Anniversary special n Trimmed hat, worth $lO. f0r...43* \M R Aff B *°_ rth u'*V "" ' ' 4 i' i-'nn < border - 9 inches wide; 6 single rolls of ' yai An "i'V"', -V.; 4 Beaded handbag, worth $5. for 43* Jfli y * Norfolk hUIt > worth $5.00 for ceiling, all borders cut out; regular value 4 ► Allover shadow laces white, cream and 6 yards black all wool poplin, worth _ 0 flj . , , ecru; values SI.OO to per yard. These $4.50, for 43* \vCnK V /// One pair of men sor women's shoes; Oatmeal wall papers, parlor papers and laces are nationally advertised; Anniver- 1 pair 16-button length embroidered O your choice; worth $4.00, for... .43* dining room papers; 10 single rolls of < ► sarv price, per yard... ...4 .le, white silk gloves, worth $1.75, for 43* O Kaltex rocker, finished Baronial sidewall, 20 yards of border; 6 single rolls 1 flouncincs-^'valued per varcL Handsome embroidered voile robe, brown, worth $4.00. for 43* of ceiling This lot of paper will covera , 1 Anniversarv nrir'e ner vard 5 yards in piece, 45 inches wide, worth v" One ladies suit, worth $lO, for 43* room 1_ ft.x 15 ft., regular value $4.25 ; Main KSLgJBEck' $5,00, for.. 43* V One waist, worth $5, for 43* Anniversary price $2.43 ' Fourth FIoor— BOWMAN'S. Boys' Washable and Serge Suits J|£mV Some Splendid Values w Boys' 75c knickerbockers in mix- . vyv\ sian sailors and blouses, white and stripes; special at 430 Boys' 75c knickerbockers in mix tures and dark blue; special at 430 / Boys' $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 blue J@/ /fi —I 1 X serge double breasted suits, sizes 9 to 17 years; special $3.43 I J). Third Floor—-BOWMAN'S. I Special Anniversary Bargains in Footwear This Is Your Opportunity to Secure Real Values Men's, Women's and Children's rubber sole oxfords. Men's and Women's Slippers—short lots Baby shoes in black, tan and gray...- M A _ Children's shoes and strap sandals >Jm J Children's white shoes and sandals U | I I m Women's velvet shoes and pumps • V Women's odds and ends. High and low Values 75c to $2.50. Women's white buck and canvas pumps Women's button and lace shoes Women's black satin button dress boots Women's cloth top button boots Women's vici kid shoes and oxfords Women's tan Russia calf shoes and oxfords Women's dull mat kid strap sandals A 4 M Women's high grade sample shoes I I /] Women's satin slippers. All colors r «n I Men's glaze kid lace shoes f Men's patent colt oxfords Men's and Boys' sample shoes Boys' tan and gun metal shoes; all sizes Buster Brown shoes l'or children Values $2.00 to $3.50. Men's fine patent colt, gun metal and tan calf button " and blucher shoes Men's Storm King rubber boots Women's fine dress shoes in patent colt, gun metal and tan calfskin #K M {X Women's tan Rllssia calf low shoes with red rubber I |L W /% J soles and heels [ -11 |i 1 Women's patent colt and black satin colonials; smart Values $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Anniversary Specials in Housefurnishings 98c fire-proof baking set consisting of casserole and cover, two bowls, six custard cups. Only one to a customer. Anniver sary price 43<! 98c artificial table ferns; Anniversary price 430 $2.98 fifteen-piece Japanese tea sets, decorated—tea pot, sugar and creamer; six saucers, six tea cups; Anniversary price, per set $1.43 $2.98 nickel plated coaster sets,, consisting of one round tray and six small coasters; Anniversary price, per set $1.43 $4.50 ten-piece toilet sets, floral and gold decorated; Anniver sary price $3.43 98c Climax food chopper, household size with four inter changeable cutters; one to each customer; Anniversary price 430 69c American Girl cedar oil mop, for cleaning, dusting and pol ishing hardwood floors; Anniversary price 430 75c galvanized tubs, wirch wringer attachment; Anniversary price 43<k $2.98 nursery refrigerator, galvanized lined with nickel plated lever faucet; Anniversary price $2.43 20 rolls Eagle brand crepe toilet paper; Anniversary price 430 BOWMAN'S—Basement. MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 1, 1914. ji (j?1 nA Q The Choice of Any Spring A Q Suit in Our Store «piU.<*D jj This price includes all our fine Poplin, Crepe Poplin, Gabardine, Matlasse and Serge Suits j[ ; !' that were j! $25.00, $28.50, $30.00 and $35.00 It means a clean sweep of our entire assortment of suits for misses and women. None are jj ' !| reserved—all are included in the sale. None will be sent on approval—none will be charged ow- j| j| ing to the ridiculously low price—none will be held on part payment. Each suit must be paid for !> ;! in full when purchased, !; COATS ! $7.50 Unlined Eponge Spring Coats, at $3.43 ;! Brown or taupe. Flared effects. Pure wool. ]! SI.OO Serpentine Crepe Kimonos, at 43c each Pink, light blue, lavender, cardinal, navy. Piped in contrasting colors. Cut in full length and j| 3 |! generous widths. One only to cacli customer 430 j| < SI.OO Voile Waist, 43c Fine white voile with neat trimming of lace. In the newest models. Real SI.OO waists. j| SI.OO Middy Blouses, 43c j| White galatea with red or blue emblems and tan drill with collars of contrasting colors. j| i! $3.50 and $4.50 Black and Colored Silk Waists, at $1.43 ji j; Black taffeta, navy taffeta, black messaline, colored messaline. Mostly staple styles. || BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. j> Women's H«se & Knit Underwear That's Cool, at Anniversary Sale Prices. Women's $1.50 thread silk stockings, double soles high spliced heels, wide garter tops. Anniversary Sale price, per pair 98c Women's 75c hose, thread silk boots, double soles, high spliced heels, wide garter top. Anniversary price, per pair 43c Women's 10c hose, plain black and plain tan, double heels and toes. Anniversary price, 6 pairs for ...,43c Women's 25c vest, tape neck and sleeves, lace yokes. | Anniversary price, 3 for 43c Women's 25c knit pants, knee length, lace knees. An niversary price, 3 pairs for 43c Boys' and Girls' union suits, short sleeves, knee length for boys; low neck,'no sleeves, lace knees for girls. Anniversary price, 2 suits for 43c Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Carpets and Draperies Anniversary Sale Prices That Save You Money 25c scrim, ecru, 39 Inches wide, for cash or sill cur tains. Price, 4 yards for 43c 25c white swiss with pink dot and stripe forming bar for curtains. Price, 4 yards for 43c 59c ecru lace curtains, 2% yards long. Price, per pair 43c 30c ecru barred scrim for curtains, long or short, 38 inches wide. Price, 3% yards for 43c Tapestry Brussels Rugs 8.3x10.6 and 9x12. Regular price $12.98. Sale price $0.43 Body Brussels Rugs, size 8.3x10.6. Regular price $22.50. Sale price 917.43 Body Brussels Rugs, size 9x12. Regular price $25.00. Sale price $19.43 BOWMAN'S —Fourth Floor. Linen and Wash Suitings Prices Make it an Object to Pur chase For Your Summer Sewing SI.OO 46-inch all-wool whipcord, plain all-wool Pana ma, self color striped suiting. All best shades. Price, per yard 43c SI.OO 40-inch ratine suiting, rose, brown, tan, navy, pink and Copenhagen. Price, per yard 43c 75c 46-inch ramie linen, natural shade. Price, per yard -13 c 79c 33-inch natural color China pongee. Price, per yard 43c SI.OO yard wide black satin raessaliqe. Price, per yard 23c WORTH SI.OO FOR 43c 4 yards 25c ratine suiting, all shades, for 4Sc Men's Furnishings Anniversary Bargains For Tuesday Men's white H. S. handkerchiefs, at, per dozen . . .43c Men's 29c Underwear, short sleeved shirt, knee drawers, white. Price, per suit 43c Men's 75c night shirt, silk finish, pearl buttons, at, each 13c Men's and Boys' 50c dress shirts, coat style, attached cuffs, neat patterns of percale. Some are counter I soiled. Price, each 25c Men's SI.OO union suits, plain black tine rib, long and § short sleeves. Price, each 43c ( Men's 50c muslin night shirt, with or without collar; , good quality of muslin: full cut. Price, each 35c Men's suspenders, 50c lisle webbings, cord ends, j Price, 2 pairs for 43c Men's 50c neckwear, four-in-hands, plain and cut silk. Price, 2 for 43c Men's 25c half hose, mercerized lisle, double soles, high spliced heels, black and colors. Price, 3 pairs for 43c £ Men's SI.OO union suits, long and short sleeves, white or ecru. Price, 2 suits for $1.43 Men's 25c underwear, plain and colored balbrlggan, < long and short sleeves, ankle drawers. Price, each, 12% c Men's SI.OO shirt, coat style, attached cuffs, neat pat terns of madras and percales. Price, each ....... ,59c ] Men's working shirts, blue chambray, two separate collars. Price, each 43c Muslin Underwear, Corsets and Children's Wear at Anni versary Sale Prices 1 79c gowns made of nainsook, yoke of embroidery, lace t trimmed. Price "... 43c 98c white skirts cambric and nainsook, 12-inch flounce of embroidery and insertion, lace trimmed. i Price 43c ' Corsets SI.OO R. &G. Corsets, low bust, long hips. Price, 43c f Children's Dresses f 75c chambray and percale dresses, 6 to 14 years. 2 Chambray in pink, blue and Copenhagen and barred and striped percale. Price 43c Art Needlework J 69c Maderia hand embroidered doilies. Price.. 43c Second Floor —BOWMAN'S. 1 NOTIONS ANNIVERSARY TRICES 50c and 75c fancy tango braid pins 43 C Two 2Be 6-yard pieces embroidered edge, all colors !.!!!!! '. r . 43c SOc feather fans, light blue, pink and white !.!!"! 18c Full line fancy glass buttons, all 10c and 15c value, per dozen .!!!!! ,5c 25c and 35c cameo buttons, per dozen Js t . Ocean pearl buttons, all sizes, per dozen " " joc On the Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Extraordinary Anniversary Sale Price in Summer Millinery 25 trimmed hats that sold up to $20.00, trimmed with fancy ostrich, beautiful flowers and ribbons at $4.43 About 200 untrimmed hats that sold up to $3.00, at 43$ Beautiful French plumes, 20 inches long, wide and full, in all the new bright colors; a chance to get a wonderful value; ]54.43 Anniversary Sale Domestics 3 Salem 54x36 pillow cases; value 90c. Anniversary sale price 43c 10 yards 7c apron gingham, all patterns. Anniversary sale price 43c 10 yards Trouville challies, 63c value. Anniversary sale price 430 65c Arcadia sheets, double bed size. Anniversary price .....43c 4 yards 20c awning stripes, value SOc. Anniversary sale price 43c Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. FURNITURE Supply your needs at these Anniversary Sale Prices $6 felt fibre mattresses, heavy ticking, two parts; price $3.43 $4.50 woven wire bed springs; price $2.43 $12.00 brass beds; price $8.43 $5.00 white enamel beds; price $3.43 Special Bar Harbor willow chair, finished natural; regular price $4.00"; Anniversary price $2.43 $15.00 quartered oak chiffonier; price $10.43 $13.50 quartered oak dresser; price $10.43 BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor. Free—Fly Swatters—Free THE FLY MUST GO "Swat the Fly, For He Must Die," is the slogan. In line with the Fly Crusade being waged by the Civic Club of this city, Bowman & Company for public welfare, will give FREE thousands of Fly Swatters. All you have to do is to come in and ASK FOR ONE. Some facts about the fly— THEY ARE A SOURCE OF CONTAGION They light in all sorts of filth to feed, carry all kinds of filth and disease-breeding germs on their feet and mouth. 250 Americans soldiers were killed by bullets during the Spanish-American war. 5,000 were killed by infectious diseases, germs conveyed by flies. There are 8,000 known species in North America. Appropriately called "Musca Domestica." , i 4 j Has complete circulatory system. Lays 150 eggs at a time. Is musical, wings vibrate 330 times in a second; the buzz of the house fly is in Key of "F." One fly from Tuberculous Sputum or Typhoid Ejecta will start a culture of 582,000 Bacteria of one species. If one fly lays 150' eggs and 75 are fertile there would be i 11,250, multiplied by 75 there would be 843,750 would be 63,281,- i 250 would be 4,736,093,750 would be 355,207,071,250 would be 26,640,507,343,750 would be 2,008,048,050,881,250 would be 150,- 4 603,604,716,093,750 would be 11,295,273,353,711,031,250 would be 4 857,145,501,528.327,343,750 would be 64,385,912,614,624,200,781,- J 250 would be 4,838,946,446.097,815,058,593,750. ■ Suppose we have the 8,000 species in Harrisburg by June 10 1 there would be 38,711,571.586,797,520,468,750,000,000, enough to j turn Pharaoh green with envy. Help exterminate the fly. Get busy! Get your swatter! Swat! 3
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