Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 01, 1914, Page 10, Image 10
10 H »ni ii ir- man thet wears a sour i f ace Will find th' world a lookin'-glass; ' While he thet fights : with smilin'face |LSJjSgw Will find his trou bles lightly pass. " J VELVET, The Smoothest Smoking- Tobacco, for blue- L T days or joyous-ways. Full weight 2 oz. tins, 10c. »j ini ii icL Impressive Service at Ohev Sholom as Six Children Are Confirmed A class of six was confirfed yester day at Ohev Sholom Temple in the pres ence of a large congregation, which in cluded visitors from Philadelphia, New York and Baltimore. The address of welcome was delivered by Rabbi Freund. Julius Kamsky delivered the opening prayer. A floral offering was presented by Miss Marion Strouse; Miss Sylvia Claster spoke on the significance of the day; the class recited the Ten Commandments: Miss Rita Buxbaum c arried out the ceremony, crowning of the scroll; an address to parents was Miss Jeanette Nachman's port. After an address by Rabbi Freund the clos ing prayer was delivered by Miss Lenore Rosenthal. All these were the six who were confirmed. The musical part of the program was carried out by Mrs. William K. Bum baugh, who sang "Oh, Heavenly Father." Sherman Allen sang "For the Mountains Shall Depart." Miss Mary Worley sang "Hold Thou My Hand," while George Sutton's vocal selection was "The Lord Is My Light." The ser vices closed with a blessing, closing song and benediction. Business Locals NOTHING BIT RUST The only logical place for your sav ings is in a b-.nk, which pays you a fair rate of interest. Wealth hoarded in jars, old furniture, under carpets, and in the bricks of a fireplace, ac cumulates nothing but rust. Deposit your savings in a safe ajv". reliable bank where it will earn you an in come. We will be pleased to accom modate you. Begin to-day. East End Bank, Thirteenth and Howard streets. RENEWAL OF LIFE to an old painted surface means re moving of all dirt and grime that covers the paint so the original color may be seen. Bruaw's Rotary Cleanser is splendid for white painted surfaces, enamels or metal and glassware. It also makes a light foam suds without soap that is harmless to the most deli cate fabric. Gohl & Bruaw, 310 Strawberry street YOU WANT MONEY If you are in financial distress and without bank credit and in need of money without paying the sharks' rates of interest, we should like to ac commodate you. We loan money in large 'or small amounts to honest working people who have no other means of relief at the lowest rates of interest In this city. First and second mortgages a specialty, 132 Walnut St. LOOK HERE We have in the neighborhood of fifty Peerless refrigerators which we are going to sell at one-fourth less than the regular list prices, because we are going to stop carrying this line and we need the floor space. This is a genuine Discount Sale. Come and get a bar gain while the picking is good. Joseph Goldsmith, 206 Walnut street and 209 Locust street. LjET US SHOW YOU the finest line of wall paper you have ever seen at the price. Peerless pa pers cannot be beat at the price. You cannot afford to leave your walls barren or with faded and torn paper, when such excellent values are here at prices that cannot be duplicated elsewhere. Peerless Wall Paper Store 418 North Third street. IT'S A BEAUTY If you are looking for the best built bicycle money can buy, let us show you our line of Flying Merkels that range In price from twenty-five to the Scout at forty dollars. They are a perfect wheel in every respect and beauties. Let us show you the sev eral styles. Keystone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. ALWAYS INVITING That noon-hour luncheon that Is specially prepared for the busy men of Harrisburg at the Columbus Cafe is surely a delicious luncheon for 40 cents. The food is nicely cooked and faultlessly served. Try one of these luncheons to-morrow noon. Hotel Co lumbus, Third and Walnut streets. Resorts X IDEAL PLACE FOR / YOUR SUMMER VACATION WILDWOOD-sar Homelike hotels. Boardwalk attrac tions. Best bathing and fishing. Write immediately for full Informa tion and handsome booklet to J. Will I cell, City Clerk, Wlldnood, N. J. THE LATEST FIREPROOF HOTEL American plan. Alwaya open. Capacity 600. On P?* ch directly between the two <reat Ocean Pier*. Muiic and dancinf. Garage. Il| ut trated literature. Ownership management. Private P. O. Bos 855. si Scientifically fitted by the latent method* and without use or drug*. W. FORREY 1308 MARKET ST. Three door* wert of Hill Market. MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 1, 1914. EFFICIENT BABIES IS NOWTHE PLAN Mothers Can Bring Infants to Physician to Be Examined Baby should grow round and pink and fat and smiling and good-humor ed and most anything else that makes for the best baby. If the suggestions of the Pure Milk Society of Harris burg are carried out by fond and care jful mamma. | These tips as to how to make the youngest lady and the youngest man of the family a better girl and a bet ter young fellow all around are em bodied in a circular issued by the so ciety in connection with the Instruc tions as to bringing baby to the so ciety's station. The milk station is located at 1109 Green street and the physician is on duty there to examine and weigh the baby and to see to Its wants and needs every Tuesday and Friday mornings at 10 o'clock. A formula is prepared by the phy sician which the nurse takes to the home and in the presence of the mother modifies the milk. The moth er is given instruction at the same time. On the next visit the milk is modified by the mother under the nurse's eye. From time to time the nurse drops in to see how baby is get ting along, although if the mother persists in not taking the youngster to the milk station for the society's help, the name is stricken from the records. Here are the "tips" as to the care and comfort of the baby as issued by Ihe society: Tlie Baby Nine months before birth and the first year after are from a health standpoint the most im portant. More than 1.000 babies die annually in Pennsylvania dur ing the first year of life. Twenty-two hours of sleep out of each twenty-four is the rule for the first month, with abundant rest and freedom from excitement all through infancy. A wakeful and peevish child is a sick child. Put your baby to bed at 7 o'clock. Keep the windows in the bedroom open all night. If the baby's hands and feet are colJ, use hot water bottles. The baby must breathe fresh air day and night. The baby should sleep in a crib and without a pillow. A baby needs from 16 to 20 hours sleep in each 24 hours, in a quiet room, in his own crib, with plenty | of fresh air and no flies, and plac ed upon a soft felt mattress. Screen the windows and the baby's crib (to keep out the flies). Do not spit on the floor. A clean house, a clean floor and a clean baby help to keep the baby well. Keep the floor clean so that the baby will not eat dirt. The baby's room should be the best ventilated in the house, and kept free from dust, smoke, fumes and gases. Baby's outings should be ample, with avoidance of sud den changes and glaring sunshine in its eyes. I'AXTVNC; PARK Manager Davis has one of those head line attractions for his Paxtang Park Theater, this week, that never fall,to please a Harrisburg audience. The park feature for the week will be Flossie LeVere and her Seminary Girls in a snappy tabloid musical comedy. Four sets of special scenery are required to stage the act, while a chorus of pretty girls add the one essential feature nec essary to every sucessful musical com edy. Miss LeVere is a charming little singing commedlenne, who Is sure to be a hit with her audience, even though she were not supported by an excellent company. Considering everything, this promises to be one of the best girl acts that will be seen at the park this sea son. Cowan's Posing Dogs is another act that will probably attract more than passing attention. Mr. Cowan has taught his four beautiful Gordon Set ters to pose for living pictures that are real works of art. This act is entirely different from any dog act ever seen at the park theater before. Ed. Estus, equilibrist; Flossie Gay lor, ecentric commedlenne, and Fisk and McDonough, in a comedy sketch en titled. "The Ladles' Interference So ciety, ' will make up what promises to be a most pleasing show. Matineess free to all children under 12 years old, will be given on Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. Ladies will be admitted free to-night. Advertise ment. PALACE THEATER At the Palace, Monday and Tuesdav Ethel Grandon, Jane Gail, Matt Moore and William Walsh Is being featured In "Traffic In Souls," a six-reel fea ture, which Is a powerful, dramatic full-blooded sermon, in which human emotions and adventures blend stir ringly. Based on the actual reports of the Rockefeller Investigating commit tee and District Attorney Whitman's re port for the suppression of White Slavery. This Is the first time this photo drama has ever been shown at 10 cents. The regular Universal pro gram will also be shown. To-morrow "Lucille Love," series No. 5, will be shown along with "Traffic In Souls" Advertisement. FOREMAN SAILS FOR EUROPE Special to The Telegraph Sunbury. Pa.. June I.—Arnold Yen sen. a foreman at the Susquehanna silk mills, Sunbury, sails to-day for his old home In Europe. The German Club presented him with a fine scarf pln. set with a diamond, and fellow employes gave him a gold-headed cane before he went. He will be gone for three mouths. Physicians to Hear Talk on Blindness and Its Prevention The Dauphin County Medical So-1 clety and the Harrisburg Academy of Medicine have issued the June number of the Dauphin Medical Academician. The calendar for the present month shows that to-morrow evening at 8.30 o'clock a meeting will be held by the Dauphin County Medical Society when an address will be dellevered by Wal ter W. Stamm, executive secretary of the Pennsylvania Association for the Blind, on "The Prevention.. Measures Against Blindness." The lecture will be Illustrated with lantern slides and moving pictures. At the close of the lecture refreshments will be served. Next Friday'evening, June 5, at 8.31 o'clock, a meeting will be held by the Council of the Harrisburg Acad emy of Medicine at its headquarters, 319 North Second street. Friday evening, June 26, at 8.30 o'clock, a meeting of the Harrisburg Academy of Medicine will be held. Papers will be read by Dr. David J. Hetriek, on "The Opium Habit." The last meet ing of the month will be on Tuesday, June 30, at 8.30 o'clock by the Board of Governors of the Dauphin County Medical Society. The following local committee for Red Cross medical work has been ap pointed announces the Academicia: Drs. J. F. Culp, F. D. Kilgore, J. H. Fager, Jr., E. R. Whipple, G. Li. Dav ie ry. The object of this committee is | to select reputable and capable physi cians to give assistance in times of I distress occurring in this vicinity. LEGAL NOTICES SEALED PBOPOSAI.S COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA XI A, State Highway Department, Harrisburg, Penn'a. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the office of the State Highway Department in the Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, until 10 o'clock on 'the niornlriß of June 11, 11)14, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, for furnishing the State Highway Department with indetermi nate quantities of Truck, Automobile and Motorcycle Tires complete, accord ing to Specifications on file at the office of the State Highway Department, Har risburg, copies of which Specifications, and Bidding Blanks can be secured up on application to this Department. EDWARD M. BIGELOW. State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OK PENNSYL VANIA. State Highway Department Harrisburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the State High way Department in the Capitol Build ing, Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the morning of June 111. 11114, when bids will be publicly openfd and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the re construction of 1.354 lineal feet of Brick Block Paving, 16 feet wide, situated in Fayette City Borough, Fayette County: From bridge over Lamb Lick Run near the property of Ed Stevens to the Fay ette City Borough-Washington Town ship line, near the tipple of the River Coal Co., under the Act of Assembly approved May 31, 1911, P. L. 468. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the State Highway Depart ment. Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia; 2117 Farmers' Bank Building. Pittsburgh, and office of Dis trict Engineer A. B. Gray, Washington, Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished by the State Highway Department, accompanied by a certified check Id the sum of SSOO, and inclosed in a separate sealed envelope, which blank and envelope will be furnished upon request marked: "PROPOSAL FOR THE R ECON STRUCTION OF ROAD IN FAYETTE CITY BOROUGH, FAYETTE COUNTY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW. State Highway Commissioner. 1 SEALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OP PENNSYL VANIA. State Highway Department Harrisburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the State High way Department in the Capitol Build ing, Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the morning of June 10, 1014, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the re construction of 6,242 lineal feet of Brick Block Paving, 16 feet wide, situ ated In Barnesboro Borough, Cambria County: From the north borough line of Barnesboro, via Chestnut Street, to the interesection of Chestnut and Car oline Streets, under the Act of As sembly approved May 31, 1911, P. L. 468. Plan? and specifications may be seen at the office of the State High way Department, Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia: 2117 Farmers' Bank Building. Pittsburgh, and office of District Engineer C. S. Lemon, Hollidaysburg, Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished by the State Highway Department, ac companied by a certified check in the sum of $2,000, and inclosed in a sepa rate sealed envelope, which blank and envelope will be furnished upon re quest, marked: "PROPOSAL FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ROAD IN BARNESRORO ROROUGH, CAMBRIA COUNTY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL VANIA. State Highway Department Harrisburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the State High way Department In the Capitol Build ing, Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the morning of June 10, 1014, when bids will he publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the re construction of 6,272 lineal feet of Brick Block Paving, 16 feet wide, situ ated In Port Allegany Borough. Mc- Kean County: From the intersection of Barrett Alley and Mill Street, via Mill Street, to the bridge over Alle gheny River at the west borough line: also from Arnold Avenue and Main Street, via Main Street, to the north borough line, under the Act of As sembly approved May 31, 1911, P. L. 468. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the State High way Department, Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia; 2117 Farmers' Bank Building, Pittsburgh, and office of District Engineer T. C. Frame, Warren, Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished by the State Highway Department, accom panied by a certified check In the sum of S3OOO, and Inclosed In a separate sealed envelope, which blank and en velope will be furnished upon request, marked: "PROPOSAL FOR THE RE CONSTRUCTION OF ROAD IN PORT ALLEGANY BOROUGH, McKEAN COUNTY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW. State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL VANIA. State Highway Department Harrisburg, Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the State High way Department In the Capitol Build ing, Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the morning of June 10, 1014, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the re construction of 7,464 lineal feet of Brick Block Paving, 16 feet wide, situ ated In Mansfield Borough, Tioga County: From the Improved road at Richmond Township-Mansfield Bor ough line northerly via Main Street to the intersection of Main and Prospect Streets, under the Act of Assembly ap proved May 31, 1911, P. L. 468. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the State Highway Depart ment, Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia; 2117 Farmers Bank Building, Pittsburgh, and office of District Engineer S. W. Jackson, Wellsboro, Pa. Each bid must be made upon a hlsnk furnished by the State Highway Department, accompanied by a certified check In the sum of $3,500 and inclosed In a separate sealed envelope, Buy on Credit AT LEADING DEPARTMENT AND BEST CASH STORES With Our Store Order Checks They Are Accepted As Cash For Any and All Merchandise Purchased, Giving You the Advantage of CREDIT TIME Together With CASH PRICES. THEN PAY US IN EASY WEEKLY PAYMENTS OR If Paid Within 30 Days No Charge For Our Service OUR PLAN IS THIS The largest and best stores allow us to send you to them with our Order Checks. You select the goods you want, our check pays for them. You pay us back in small weekly payments to run not longer than 10 weeks. If your account is settled within 30 days there will be no charge of any kind. CALL, WRITE OR PHONE <3tore order sys™> You CREDIT Where You Vfcnt MARKET STREET BELL PHONE 2749R which blank and envelope will be fur- ' nished upon request, marked: "PRO POSAL FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION ; OF ROAD IN MANSFIELD BOROUGH, | TIOGA COUNTY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OK PENNSYL VANIA. State Highway Department Harrisburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the State High way Department in the Capitol Build ing, Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the morning of June 10. 11)14, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the re construction of 10,354 lineal feet of Asphaltic Bituminous Macadam (Pene tration Method), 16 feet wide, situated in Abington and Cheltenham Town ships, Montgomery County: Extending from the old York Road to the Church Road and known as the Township Line Road, under the Act of Assembly ap proved May 31, 1911, P. L. 4GS. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the State Highway Depart ment, Harrisburg; 2117 Farmers Bank Building. Pittsburgh, and 1001 Chest nut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished by the State Highway Department, ac companied by a certified check in the sum of $2,500, and Inclosed in a sepa rate sealed envelope, which blank and envelope will be furnished upon re quest, marked: "PROPOSAL FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ROAD IN ABINGTON AND CHELTENHAM TOWNSHIPS, MONTGOMERY COUN TY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OK PENNSYL VANIA. Stute Highway Department Harrisburg, Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the State High way Department in the Capitol Build ing Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the morning of June 10. 1014, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the re construction of 5,787 lineal feet of Brick Block Paving 16 feet wide, situ ated In Montgomery Borough, Lycoming County: From the Clinton Township line, near the property of Edgar Green, via Montgomery and Main Streets, to the Clinton Township line near the propertv of J. R. Steib. under the Act of Assembly approved May 31, 1911, P. L 468. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the State High way Department, Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia; 2117 Farmers' Bank Building, Pittsburgh, and office of District Engineer S. W. Jackson, Wellsboro, Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished by the State Highway Department, accom panied by a certified check In the sum of $2500, and Inclosed In a separate scaled envelope, which blank and en velope will be furnished upon request, marked: 'PROPOSAL FOR THE RE CONSTRUCTION OF ROAD IN MONT GOMERY BOROUGH, LYCOMING COUNTY" EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OK PENNSYL VANIA. State Highway Department, Harrisburg, Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the office of the State Highway Department in the Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the morning; of June 10, 1014, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon there after as possible, for the reconstruc tion of 9,185 lineal feet of road, 16 feet wide, situated In East Taylor Township and East Conemaugh Borough, Cam bria County: From the Ebensburg and Johnstown road In East Taylor Town ship, near the property of Mrs. Louise Good, to the north borough line of East Conemaugh; also, from the north bor ough line of East Conemaugh via Jack son and Oak Streets, to Fourth Street; also, from Oak and Second Streets via Second and Locust Streets, to the inter section of Locust and Gre«v« Streets; alternate bids will be received on One course Concrete roadway and Brick Block Paving on a concrete foundation for portion in East Taylor Township, length 6,734 feet; the portion In East Conemaugh Borough, length 2,451 feet. ; will be Brick Block on a concrete foundation, under the Act of Assemblv approved May 31, 1911, P. L, 468. Plan's and specifications may be seen at the ! ultice of the Stattt Highway Depart- ' ment, Harrisburg; 2117 Farmers Bank Building. Pittsburgh; 1001 Chestnut [Street. Philadelphia, and office of Dis | trict Engineer C. S. Lemon, Hoilidays i burg, Pa. Each bid must be made upon ja blank' furnished by the State High way Department, accompanied by a cer- I tlfied check in the sum of $3,500, and inclosed in a separate sealed envelope, which blank and envelope will be fur nished upon request, marked: "PRO POSAL FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ROAD IN EAST TAYLOR TOWN SHIP AND EAST CONEMAUGH BOR OUGH, CAMBRIA COUNTY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMON WEALTH OK PENNSYL VANIA. State Highway Department Harrisburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the State High way Department in the Capitol Build ing, Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the morning of June 10. 1014, when 'bids will be publicly opened and , scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the re construction of 15,261 lineal feet of As phaltic Bituminous Macadam (Penetra tion Method), 14 feet wide, situated In Hopewell Township, York County: From the north borough line of Stewartstown to the North Hopewell . Township line, under the Act of As sembly approved May 31, 1911, P. L. 468. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the State Highway Department, Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia; 2117 Farmers' Bank Building, Pittsburgh, and 53 Hartman Building, York, Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished by the State Highway Department, ac companied by a certified check In the sum of $4,000, and inclosed In a sepa rate scaled envelope, which blank and . enveloped will be furnished upon re quest. marked: "PROPOSAL FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ROAD IN HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP, YORK COUNTY.' EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL VANIA. State Highway Department Harrisburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the State High way Department in the Capitol Build ing, Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the morning of June 10, 1014, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the ro constructon of 5,270 lineal feet of As phaltic Concrete on a concrete founda tion. 16 feet wide, situated in Stewarts town Borough, York County: From the north borough line of Stewartstown, via Main Street, to the south borough line of Stewartstown, under the Act of Assembly approved May 31, 1911, P. L. 468. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the State High way Department, Harrisburg; tool Chestnut Street, Philadelphia; 2117 Farmers' Bank Building, Pittsburgh, and 53 Hartman Building, York, Pa. [ Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished by the State Highway De partment, accompanied by a certified check in the sum of S2OOO, and Inclosed In a separate sealed envelope, which blank and envelope will be furnished . upon request, marked: "PROPOSAL FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ROAD IN STEWARTSTOWN BOR OUGH, YORK COUNTY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OK PENNSYL VANIA. State Hlgrhway Department Harrisburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the State High way Department in the Capitol Build ing, Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the morning of June 10, 1014. when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the re construction of 17,103 lineal feet of road. 16 feet wide, situated In East Bradford Township, Chester County: Extending from a point opposite line between properties of Robert M. Mil ler and John M. James to the East Hradford-Pocopson Township line: 16,- 388 feet to be Asphaltic Bltuininouri Macadam (Penetration Method), and 715 feet to be One-course Concrete roadway, under the Act of Assembly approved May 31, 1911, P. L. 468. Plans and specifications mav be seen at the office of the State Highway Depart ment, Harrisburg; 2117 Farmers' Bank Building, Pittsburgh, and 1001 Chest- nut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Each hid must be made upon a blank furnished by the State Highway Department, ac companied by a certified check In the sum of $4500, and inclosed in a separate sealed envelope, which blank and envelape will be furnished upon request, marked: "PROPOSAL FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OK ROAD IN KAST BRADFORD TOWNSHIP, CHES TER COUNT Y.- EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL VANIA. State Highway Department S Harrisburg, Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the State High way Department in the Capitol Build ing, Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 o'cloek ' on the niornliiK of June 10, 1014, when 1 bids will be publicly opened and ' scheduled, and the contract awarded as 1 soon thereafter as possible, for the re- ' construction of 15,272 lineal feet of As- '• phaltic Bituminous Macadam (Penetra- ( tion Method), 16 feet wide, situated in 1 Kennett Township, Chester County: Extending from the southeast borough line of Kennett Square to the Delaware State line, under the Act of Assembly approved May 31, 1911, PL. 468. Plans " and specifications may be seen at the office of the State Highway Depart ment, Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut Street, i Philadelphia: 2117 Farmers' Bank ! Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Each bid ' must be made upon a blank furnished i . by the State Highway Department, ac- , companied by a certified check in the sum of S4OOO, and inclosed in a sepa- . rate sealed envelope, which blank and x envelope will be furnished upon re quest, marked: "PROPOSAL FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ROAD IN KENNETT TOWNSHIP, CHESTER COUNTY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL VANIA. State Highway Department Harrisburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the State High way Department in the Capitol Build ing, Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 oVlock on the iimrnlnK of June 10, 1014. when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the re construction of 3,107 lineal feet of As phaltic Concrete on a telford founda tion, 16 feet wide, situated in Upper Dublin Township, Montgomery County: Extending from the White Marsh Township line In a northwesterly di rection to the Butler Pike, and known as the Morris Road, under the Act of Assembly approved May 31, 1911, P. L. 468. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the State Highway Department, Harrisburg; 1001 Chest nut Street, Philadelphia; 2117 Farmers' Bank Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank fur nished by the State Highway Depart ment, accompanied by a certified check in the sum of SBOO, and Inclosed in a 1 separate sealed envelope, which blank , and envelope will be furnished upon request, marked: "PROPOSAL FOR ; THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ROAD IN UPPER DUBLIN TOWNSHIP, MONT -1 GOMERY COUNTY." ' EDWARD M. BIGELOW, ' State Highway Commissioner. NOTICE I-ietters Testamentary on ' the Estate of Kate Cunkle, late of Har risburg, Pa.. Dauphin county. Pa., de ceased, having been granted to the un dersigned residing in Harrisburg Pa., all persons Indebted to said Estate are reauested to make Immediate payment, ■ and those having will present them for settlement. 1 JAMES R. DOWNIE, 617 Calder Street, Executor. Court Proclamation I WHEREAS, the Hon. George Kunkel, I President Judare, and Hon. Samuel j. i M McCarroll, Additional Law Judge, of ■ Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Se*- r sions of the Peace of the Twelfth Ju t dlcial District, composed of the County • of Dauphin, having issued their pre > cept, bearing date the 2d day of May, ■ A D 1914, to me directed foi holding a t Court of Oyer and Terminer and Qen ■ eral Jail Delivery and Quarter Ses t sions of the Peace of . .arrisburg foi I the County of Dauphin, and to cora ■ mencc the second Monday of June, 1914. being the Bth day of June, 1914, and i to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Al dermen and Constables of said County :jof Dauphin that they may be then and there in their proper persons at 1 o'clock In the forenoon of said day with their records, inquisitions, exami nations and their own remembrances to do those things which to their ot flee appertain to be done, and thosi who are bound in recognizances t< prosecuto against the prisoners tha are or shall be in the jail of Dauphn County be then and there to prose cute against them as shall be just. Given under my hand at Harrisburg the 2d day of May, A. D. 1914, bein the one hundred and thirty-eight year of Independence of the Unite( States. HARRY C. WELLS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Harrisburg, Pa.. May 9, 1914. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letter Testamentary having been granted t the undersigned upon the estate o Herman Astrich, late of the City o Harrisburg, deceased; all persons hav ing claims against said estate will pre sent the same, and all persons indehte< to said estate will make immedlat payment to me. EMMA ASTRICH, Executrix, 500 Market Street, Harrisburg, pa. NOTICE ' NOTICE is hereby given to the Pub lie, generally, that my wife Pear Stuckey. having left my bed and board without any just and reasonable cause I will no longer be responsible for an debts contracted by her in my name ' J. H. STUCKEY." EQUITABLE Will Lend You Money To Housekeeper* Work, ingmen and Salaried Em ployes. No red tape, bother or worry. You may have it to-day if you wish. LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY 0 N. MARKET SQUARE! Room 21 4th Fl eor MONEY to loan In amounts of $5 to S2OO to honest working peo ple without bank credit at cheaper rates than the law of 1913 allows. Comparison of our rate*, terms and methods of doing business with other loan offices will convince the most skeptical borrower that thla Is the place to come la tlm* of need. CO-OPERATIVE Lean & Investment Ce 204 Chestnut St. OFFICE HOURS: .4 a. in. to I p. m. Wednesday an Saturday 8 a. m. to 9 p. m.